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MuonPostProcessor_cff Namespace Reference


tuple hltMuonEfficiencies
tuple hltMuonPostVal
tuple zClient
tuple ZPars

Variable Documentation

tuple MuonPostProcessor_cff.hltMuonEfficiencies
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericClient",
3  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/Muon/Distributions.*"),
4  verbose = cms.untracked.uint32(0), # Set to 2 for all messages
5  outputFileName = cms.untracked.string(''),
6  commands = cms.vstring(),
7  resolution = cms.vstring(),
8  efficiency = cms.vstring(
9  "efficiencyPhiVsEta 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; #eta^{reco}; #phi^{reco}' efficiencyPhiVsEta_numer efficiencyPhiVsEta_denom",
10  ),
12  efficiencyProfile = cms.untracked.vstring(
13  "efficiencyEta 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; #eta^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyEta_numer efficiencyEta_denom",
14  "efficiencyPhi 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; #phi^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyPhi_numer efficiencyPhi_denom",
15  "efficiencyTurnOn 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; p_{T}^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyTurnOn_numer efficiencyTurnOn_denom",
16  "efficiencyD0 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; d0^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyD0_numer efficiencyD0_denom",
17  "efficiencyZ0 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; z0^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyZ0_numer efficiencyZ0_denom",
18  "efficiencyCharge 'Efficiency to Match Reco Muons to Trigger Objects; q^{reco}; N(#mu matched to trigger object) / N(#mu)' efficiencyCharge_numer efficiencyCharge_denom",
19  "fakerateEta 'Trigger Fake Rate; #eta^{trigger}; N(unmatched trigger objects) / N(trigger objects)' fakerateEta_numer fakerateEta_denom",
20  "fakeratePhi 'Trigger Fake Rate; #phi^{trigger}; N(unmatched trigger objects) / N(trigger objects)' fakeratePhi_numer fakeratePhi_denom",
21  "fakerateTurnOn 'Trigger Fake Rate; p_{T}^{trigger}; N(unmatched trigger objects) / N(trigger objects)' fakerateTurnOn_numer fakerateTurnOn_denom",
22  ),
24 )

Definition at line 3 of file

tuple MuonPostProcessor_cff.hltMuonPostVal
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(
2  hltMuonEfficiencies *
3  zClient
4 )

Definition at line 56 of file

tuple MuonPostProcessor_cff.zClient
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer("DQMGenericTnPClient",
2  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/Muon/Distributions*"),
3  #MyDQMrootFolder = cms.untracked.string("HLT/Muon/DistributionsVbtf/HLT_Mu5"),
4  # Set this if you want to save info about each fit
5  # SavePlotsInRootFileName = cms.untracked.string("fittingPlots.root"),
6  Verbose = cms.untracked.bool(False),
7  Efficiencies = cms.untracked.VPSet(
8  ZPars.clone(
9  NumeratorMEname = cms.untracked.string("massVsEta_numer"),
10  DenominatorMEname = cms.untracked.string("massVsEta_denom"),
11  EfficiencyMEname = cms.untracked.string("massVsEta_efficiency"),
12  ),
13  )
14 )

Definition at line 40 of file

tuple MuonPostProcessor_cff.ZPars
Initial value:
1 = cms.untracked.PSet(
2  MassDimension = cms.untracked.int32(2),
3  FitFunction = cms.untracked.string("VoigtianPlusExponential"),
4  ExpectedMean = cms.untracked.double(91.),
5  ExpectedSigma = cms.untracked.double(1.),
6  FixedWidth = cms.untracked.double(2.5),
7  FitRangeLow = cms.untracked.double(65),
8  FitRangeHigh = cms.untracked.double(115),
9  SignalRangeLow = cms.untracked.double(81),
10  SignalRangeHigh = cms.untracked.double(101),
11 )

Definition at line 28 of file