32 m_boardId(0), m_recordLength1(0), m_recordLength(0), m_bxNr(0), m_setupVersion(0),
33 m_activeBoards(0), m_altNrBxBoard(0), m_totalTriggerNr(0) {
41 boost::uint16_t boardIdValue, boost::uint16_t recordLength1Value,
42 boost::uint16_t recordLengthValue, boost::uint16_t bxNrValue,
43 boost::uint32_t setupVersionValue, boost::uint16_t activeBoardsValue,
44 boost::uint16_t altNrBxBoardValue, boost::uint32_t totalTriggerNrValue) :
45 m_boardId(boardIdValue), m_recordLength1(recordLength1Value),
46 m_recordLength(recordLengthValue), m_bxNr(bxNrValue),
47 m_setupVersion(setupVersionValue), m_activeBoards(activeBoardsValue), m_altNrBxBoard(
48 altNrBxBoardValue), m_totalTriggerNr(totalTriggerNrValue)
108 return !( result == *
210 int bstFlagValue = 0;
246 boost::int16_t activeBoardsValue)
278 boost::int16_t altNrBxBoardValue)
326 myCout <<
"\n L1GtfeWord::print \n" << std::endl;
328 myCout <<
" BoardId: "
329 << std::hex <<
" hex: " <<
" " << std::setw(2) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
334 myCout <<
" BX for alternative 1: "
339 myCout <<
" BX for alternative 0: "
345 << std::hex <<
" hex: " <<
" " << std::setw(3) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
347 << std::dec <<
" dec: " <<
350 myCout <<
" SetupVersion: "
351 << std::hex <<
" hex: " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
358 myCout <<
" ActiveBoards: "
359 << std::hex <<
" hex: " <<
" " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
364 myCout <<
" AltNrBxBoard: "
365 << std::hex <<
" hex: " <<
" " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
370 myCout <<
" TotalTriggerNr: "
371 << std::hex <<
" hex: " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
385 <<
"\nUnpacking GTFE block.\n"
389 reinterpret_cast<boost::uint64_t*
const_cast<unsigned char*
403 for (
int iWord = 0; iWord <
BlockSize; ++iWord) {
405 << std::setw(4) << iWord <<
" "
406 << std::hex << std::setfill(
407 << std::setw(16) << payload[iWord]
408 << std::dec << std::setfill(
' ')
bool operator==(const L1GtfeWord &) const
equal operator
void setTotalTriggerNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
bool operator!=(const L1GtfeWord &) const
unequal operator
static const boost::uint64_t SetupVersionMask
void setBoardIdWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
virtual void print(std::ostream &myCout) const
pretty print the content of a L1GtfeWord
static const boost::uint64_t AltNrBxBoardMask
static const boost::uint64_t TotalTriggerNrMask
void setAltNrBxBoardWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int RecordLength1Shift
static const int ActiveBoardsWord
boost::uint16_t m_activeBoards
active boards contributing to EVM respectively DAQ record
static const int BlockSize
boost::uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
void setRecordLength1Word64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const boost::uint64_t BxNrMask
void setSetupVersionWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
void setRecordLength1(boost::uint16_t recordLengthValue)
void setActiveBoards(boost::uint16_t activeBoardsValue)
virtual void reset()
reset the content of a L1GtfeWord
static const int TotalTriggerNrWord
static const boost::uint64_t BoardIdMask
static const boost::uint32_t BstFlagMask
static const int SetupVersionWord
static const boost::uint64_t RecordLength1Mask
boost::uint16_t m_altNrBxBoard
static const int SetupVersionShift
void setAltNrBxBoard(boost::uint16_t altNrBxBoardValue)
void setRecordLengthWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
void setBxNr(boost::uint16_t bxNrValue)
static const int RecordLengthShift
void setBxNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
boost::uint32_t m_totalTriggerNr
total number of L1A sent since start of run
static const int TotalTriggerNrShift
static const int RecordLength1Word
void setBoardId(boost::uint16_t boardIdValue)
set BoardId from a BoardId value
static const int ActiveBoardsShift
unsigned long long uint64_t
boost::uint16_t m_recordLength1
record length for alternative 1
const int bstFlag() const
get / set BST flag: 0 or 1 - via setup version (no private member)
static const boost::uint64_t ActiveBoardsMask
void setActiveBoardsWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int RecordLengthWord
static const int BxNrShift
boost::uint32_t m_setupVersion
void setTotalTriggerNr(boost::uint32_t totalTriggerNrValue)
static const int BoardIdWord
boost::uint16_t m_recordLength
record length for alternative 0
static const int AltNrBxBoardShift
void setRecordLength(boost::uint16_t recordLengthValue)
boost::uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number as counted in the GTFE board
static const int BxNrWord
static const int BoardIdShift
void setBstFlag(const int)
static const int AltNrBxBoardWord
virtual void unpack(const unsigned char *gtfePtr)
virtual ~L1GtfeWord()
void setSetupVersion(boost::uint32_t setupVersionValue)
static const boost::uint64_t RecordLengthMask