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ThStep_cff Namespace Reference


tuple MaterialPropagatorPtMin01
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagatorPtMin01
tuple secfilter
 Large impact parameter Tracking using mixed-pair seeding #. More...
tuple thCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple thCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple thClusters
tuple thirdStep
tuple thlayertripletsa
tuple thlayertripletsb
tuple thMeasurementTracker
tuple thPixelRecHits
tuple thStep
tuple thStepTrk
tuple thStepTrkLoose
tuple thStepTrkTight
tuple thStepVtx
tuple thStepVtxLoose
tuple thStepVtxTight
tuple thStripRecHits
tuple thTrackCandidates
tuple thTriplets = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalCombinedSeeds_cfi.globalCombinedSeeds.clone()
tuple thTripletsA = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()
tuple thTripletsB = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()
tuple thWithMaterialTracks

Variable Documentation

tuple ThStep_cff.MaterialPropagatorPtMin01
Initial value:
1 = TrackingTools.MaterialEffects.MaterialPropagator_cfi.MaterialPropagator.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'PropagatorWithMaterialPtMin01',
3  ptMin = 0.1
4  )

Definition at line 45 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagatorPtMin01
Initial value:
1 = TrackingTools.MaterialEffects.OppositeMaterialPropagator_cfi.OppositeMaterialPropagator.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'PropagatorWithMaterialOppositePtMin01',
3  ptMin = 0.1
4  )

Definition at line 51 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.secfilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("QualityFilter",
2  TrackQuality = cms.string('highPurity'),
3  recTracks = cms.InputTag("secStep")
4 )

Large impact parameter Tracking using mixed-pair seeding #.

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.CkfPattern.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer_cfi.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilder.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'thCkfTrajectoryBuilder',
3  MeasurementTrackerName = 'thMeasurementTracker',
4  trajectoryFilterName = 'thCkfTrajectoryFilter',
5  propagatorAlong = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialPtMin01'),
6  propagatorOpposite = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialOppositePtMin01')
7  )

Definition at line 174 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'thCkfTrajectoryFilter',
3  filterPset = TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.filterPset.clone(
4  maxLostHits = 0,
5  minimumNumberOfHits = 3,
6  minPt = 0.1
7  )
8  )

Definition at line 163 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("TrackClusterRemover",
2  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag("secfilter"),
4  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
6  Common = cms.PSet(
7  maxChi2 = cms.double(30.0)
8  )
10 # For debug purposes, you can run this iteration not eliminating any hits from previous ones by
11 # instead using
12 # trajectories = cms.InputTag("zeroStepFilter"),
13 # pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters"),
14 # stripClusters = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters"),
15 # Common = cms.PSet(
16 # maxChi2 = cms.double(0.0)
17 # )
18 )

Definition at line 13 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thirdStep
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(secfilter*
2  thClusters*
3  thPixelRecHits*thStripRecHits*
4  thTripletsA*thTripletsB*thTriplets*
5  thTrackCandidates*
6  thWithMaterialTracks*
7  thStepVtxLoose*thStepTrkLoose*
8  thStepVtxTight*thStepTrkTight*
9  thStepVtx*thStepTrk*thStep)

Definition at line 308 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thlayertripletsa

Definition at line 57 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thlayertripletsb
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer("SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string('ThLayerTripletsB'),
3  layerList = cms.vstring('BPix2+BPix3+TIB1',
4  'BPix2+BPix3+TIB2','BPix3+TIB1+TIB2'),
5  BPix = cms.PSet(
6  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool(True),
7  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double(0.0027),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('TTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4MixedTriplets'),
9  HitProducer = cms.string('thPixelRecHits'),
10  hitErrorRZ = cms.double(0.006)
11  ),
12  TIB = cms.PSet(
13  matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("thStripRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
14  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
15  )
16 )

Definition at line 112 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thMeasurementTracker
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.MeasurementDet.MeasurementTrackerESProducer_cfi.MeasurementTracker.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'thMeasurementTracker',
3  pixelClusterProducer = 'thClusters',
4  stripClusterProducer = 'thClusters'
5  )

Definition at line 155 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thPixelRecHits
Initial value:
1 = RecoLocalTracker.SiPixelRecHits.SiPixelRecHits_cfi.siPixelRecHits.clone(
2  src = 'thClusters'
3  )

Definition at line 34 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStep
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.simpleTrackListMerger_cfi.simpleTrackListMerger.clone(
2  TrackProducer1 = 'thStepVtx',
3  TrackProducer2 = 'thStepTrk',
4  promoteTrackQuality = True
5  )

Definition at line 302 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepTrk
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectHighPurity_cfi.selectHighPurity.clone(
2  src = 'thStepTrkTight',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.3,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 5,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 0,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 4,
11  d0_par1 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 0.9, 4.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 286 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepTrkLoose
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectLoose_cfi.selectLoose.clone(
2  src = 'thWithMaterialTracks',
3  keepAllTracks = False,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.6,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 4,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 220 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepTrkTight
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectTight_cfi.selectTight.clone(
2  src = 'thStepTrkLoose',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.4,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 5,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 4,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.1, 4.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 253 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepVtx
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectHighPurity_cfi.selectHighPurity.clone(
2  src = 'thStepVtxTight',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.4,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 3,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 )
15 )

Definition at line 270 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepVtxLoose
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectLoose_cfi.selectLoose.clone(
2  src = 'thWithMaterialTracks',
3  keepAllTracks = False,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 1.2,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 3,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 2,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.3, 3.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.3, 3.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 204 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStepVtxTight
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectTight_cfi.selectTight.clone(
2  src = 'thStepVtxLoose',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.6,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 3,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 237 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thStripRecHits
Initial value:
1 = RecoLocalTracker.SiStripRecHitConverter.SiStripRecHitConverter_cfi.siStripMatchedRecHits.clone(
2  ClusterProducer = 'thClusters'
3  )

Definition at line 38 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.CkfPattern.CkfTrackCandidates_cfi.ckfTrackCandidates.clone(
2  src = cms.InputTag('thTriplets'),
3  TrajectoryBuilder = 'thCkfTrajectoryBuilder',
4  doSeedingRegionRebuilding = True,
5  useHitsSplitting = True
6 )

Definition at line 184 of file

Definition at line 146 of file

Definition at line 101 of file

Definition at line 135 of file

tuple ThStep_cff.thWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackProducer_cfi.TrackProducer.clone(
2  AlgorithmName = cms.string('iter3'),
3  src = 'thTrackCandidates',
4  clusterRemovalInfo = 'thClusters',
5 )

Definition at line 192 of file