65 vector<MonitorElement*> mEList ;
66 map<string, int> mEHash ;
68 infoExtractor_->selectMEList(bei, mEName, mEList) ;
69 infoExtractor_->getMEList( bei, mEHash) ;
71 int nImages = mEHash.size() ;
73 for(vector<MonitorElement*>::iterator it=mEList.begin(); it!=mEList.end(); it++)
78 trackerMap->print(
true, TKType);
82 innerFrame.open(
ios::out );
87 <<
"[SiPixelTrackerMapCreator::create()] "
89 <<
"Could not open rightEmbedded.html"
95 innerFrame <<
"<html> " <<
97 <<
" Author: D. Menasce " <<
98 <<
" Pixel Tracker Map " <<
101 <<
"<meta http-equiv='pragma' " <<
102 <<
" content ='no-cache'> " <<
105 <<
" <link rel = 'stylesheet' " <<
106 <<
" type = 'text/css' " <<
107 <<
" href = 'css_files/wz_dragdrop.css>' " <<
108 <<
" <link rel = 'stylesheet' " <<
109 <<
" type = 'text/css' " <<
110 <<
" href = 'css_files/magnifier.css'> " <<
111 <<
" <script type = 'text/javascript' " <<
112 <<
" src = 'js_files/magnifier.js'> " <<
113 <<
" </script> " <<
114 <<
" <script type = 'text/javascript' " <<
115 <<
" src = 'js_files/wz_dragdrop.js'> " <<
116 <<
" </script> " <<
117 <<
" <script type = 'text/javascript' " <<
118 <<
" src = 'js_files/DMLibrary.js'> " <<
119 <<
" </script> " <<
121 <<
"</head> " <<
123 <<
"<body bgcolor='#414141'> " <<
125 <<
" <center> " <<
129 stringstream sId, sNm ;
130 sId.str(
""); sId <<
"binding" <<
img ;
131 sNm.str(
""); sNm <<
"baseImage" <<
img ;
132 string sid = sId.str() ;
133 string snm = sNm.str() ;
134 innerFrame <<
" <div id = 'binding' " <<
135 <<
" name = '" << sid <<
"'> " <<
136 <<
" <img id = '" << snm <<
"' " <<
137 <<
" name = '" << snm <<
"' " <<
138 <<
" src = 'images/EmptyPlot.png' " <<
139 <<
" alt = 'picture geometry:800x600' " <<
140 <<
" onload = 'RightEmbedded.innerLoading(\"" << sid <<
"\",\"" << snm <<
"\")'" <<
141 <<
" onclick = 'RightEmbedded.innerTransport(event)' " <<
142 <<
" onmouseover = 'this.T_SHADOWWIDTH=4; " <<
143 <<
" this.T_OPACITY =70; " <<
144 <<
" this.T_FONTCOLOR =\"#000000\"; " <<
145 <<
" this.T_WIDTH =200; " <<
146 <<
" return escape(\"Click to send to pan/zoom area\")' " <<
147 <<
" width = '267' " <<
148 <<
" height = '200' /> " <<
149 <<
" </div> " << endl ;
151 innerFrame <<
" " <<
152 <<
"</center> " <<
154 <<
"<script type = 'text/javascript' " <<
155 <<
" src = 'js_files/rightEmbedded.js'> " <<
156 <<
"</script> " <<
158 <<
"<script type='text/javascript' " <<
159 <<
" src ='js_files/wz_tooltip.js'> " <<
160 <<
"</script> " <<
161 <<
"</html> " << endl ;
182 <<
"[SiPixelTrackerMapCreator::create()] "
184 <<
"List of histograms in"
194 for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = histoList.begin(); it != histoList.end(); it++)
197 <<
"[SiPixelTrackerMapCreator::create()] "
208 for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = subDirs.begin(); it != subDirs.end(); it++)
212 <<
"[SiPixelTrackerMapCreator::create()] "
220 exploreBeiStructure(bei);
223 <<
"[SiPixelTrackerMapCreator::create()] "
std::vector< std::string > getSubdirs(void) const
SiPixelTrackerMapCreator(std::string themEName, std::string theTKType, bool offlineXMLfile)
void cd(void)
go to top directory (ie. root)
bool exploreBeiStructure(DQMStore *bei)
void create(DQMStore *bei)
(Documentation under construction).
void paintTkMap(MonitorElement *mE)
std::vector< std::string > getMEs(void) const
get list of (non-dir) MEs of current directory
void goUp(void)
equivalent to "cd .."
const std::string & pwd(void) const