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DTSegment4DQuality Class Reference

#include <DTSegment4DQuality.h>

Inheritance diagram for DTSegment4DQuality:

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
 Perform the real analysis. More...
 DTSegment4DQuality (const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
 Constructor. More...
void endJob ()
virtual ~DTSegment4DQuality ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
 EDAnalyzer ()
std::string workerType () const
virtual ~EDAnalyzer ()

Private Attributes

bool debug
std::string rootFileName
std::string segment4DLabel
double sigmaResAlpha
double sigmaResBeta
double sigmaResX
double sigmaResY
std::string simHitLabel
TFile * theFile

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
typedef EDAnalyzer ModuleType
typedef WorkerT< EDAnalyzerWorkerType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
static const std::string & baseType ()
static void fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from edm::EDAnalyzer
CurrentProcessingContext const * currentContext () const

Detailed Description

Basic analyzer class which accesses 4D DTSegments and plot resolution comparing reconstructed and simulated quantities

2007/06/08 15:17:24
S. Bolognesi and G. Cerminara - INFN Torino

Definition at line 28 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTSegment4DQuality::DTSegment4DQuality ( const edm::ParameterSet pset)


Definition at line 40 of file

References debug, DTHitQualityUtils::debug, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), dtT0WireCalibration_cfg::rootFileName, and interactiveExample::theFile.

40  {
41  // Get the debug parameter for verbose output
42  debug = pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug");
45  rootFileName = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName");
46  // the name of the simhit collection
47  simHitLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("simHitLabel", "SimG4Object");
48  // the name of the 4D rec hit collection
49  segment4DLabel = pset.getUntrackedParameter<string>("segment4DLabel");
51  //sigma resolution on position
52  sigmaResX = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResX");
53  sigmaResY = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResY");
54  //sigma resolution on angle
55  sigmaResAlpha = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResAlpha");
56  sigmaResBeta = pset.getParameter<double>("sigmaResBeta");
58  // Create the root file
59  theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE");
60  theFile->cd();
62  h4DHit= new HRes4DHit ("All");
63  h4DHit_W0= new HRes4DHit ("W0");
64  h4DHit_W1= new HRes4DHit ("W1");
65  h4DHit_W2= new HRes4DHit ("W2");
67  hEff_All= new HEff4DHit ("All");
68  hEff_W0= new HEff4DHit ("W0");
69  hEff_W1= new HEff4DHit ("W1");
70  hEff_W2= new HEff4DHit ("W2");
71 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
A set of histograms for efficiency 4D RecHits.
Definition: Histograms.h:1076
std::string segment4DLabel
DTSegment4DQuality::~DTSegment4DQuality ( )


Definition at line 74 of file

74  {
76 }

Member Function Documentation

void DTSegment4DQuality::analyze ( const edm::Event event,
const edm::EventSetup eventSetup 

Perform the real analysis.

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 101 of file

References abs, funct::cos(), gather_cfg::cout, debug, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), HRes4DHit::Fill(), HEff4DHit::Fill(), DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegment(), DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(), DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(), edm::EventSetup::get(), trackerHits::histo, DTRecSegment4D::localDirection(), DTRecSegment2D::localDirection(), DTRecSegment4D::localDirectionError(), DTRecSegment2D::localDirectionError(), DTRecSegment4D::localPosition(), DTRecSegment2D::localPosition(), DTRecSegment4D::localPositionError(), DTRecSegment2D::localPositionError(), DTHitQualityUtils::mapMuSimHitsPerWire(), DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), trackerHits::simHits, mathSSE::sqrt(), DTSLRecSegment2D::superLayerId(), interactiveExample::theFile, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::theta(), GeomDet::toGlobal(), GeomDet::toLocal(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), LocalError::xx(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), LocalError::yy(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z(), and DTRecSegment4D::zSegment().

101  {
102  theFile->cd();
104  // Get the DT Geometry
105  ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeom;
106  eventSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom);
108  // Get the SimHit collection from the event
110  event.getByLabel(simHitLabel, "MuonDTHits", simHits); //FIXME: second string to be removed
112  //Map simHits by chamber
113  map<DTChamberId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerCh;
114  for(PSimHitContainer::const_iterator simHit = simHits->begin();
115  simHit != simHits->end(); simHit++){
116  // Create the id of the chamber (the simHits in the DT known their wireId)
117  DTChamberId chamberId = (((DTWireId(simHit->detUnitId())).layerId()).superlayerId()).chamberId();
118  // Fill the map
119  simHitsPerCh[chamberId].push_back(*simHit);
120  }
122  // Get the 4D rechits from the event
124  event.getByLabel(segment4DLabel, segment4Ds);
126  // Loop over all chambers containing a segment
128  for (chamberId = segment4Ds->id_begin();
129  chamberId != segment4Ds->id_end();
130  ++chamberId){
132  if((*chamberId).station() == 4)
133  continue; //use DTSegment2DQuality to analyze MB4 performaces
135  //------------------------- simHits ---------------------------//
136  //Get simHits of each chamber
137  PSimHitContainer simHits = simHitsPerCh[(*chamberId)];
139  // Map simhits per wire
140  map<DTWireId, PSimHitContainer > simHitsPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapSimHitsPerWire(simHits);
141  map<DTWireId, const PSimHit*> muSimHitPerWire = DTHitQualityUtils::mapMuSimHitsPerWire(simHitsPerWire);
142  int nMuSimHit = muSimHitPerWire.size();
143  if(nMuSimHit == 0 || nMuSimHit == 1) {
144  if(debug && nMuSimHit == 1)
145  cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality] Only " << nMuSimHit << " mu SimHit in this chamber, skipping!" << endl;
146  continue; // If no or only one mu SimHit is found skip this chamber
147  }
148  if(debug)
149  cout << "=== Chamber " << (*chamberId) << " has " << nMuSimHit << " SimHits" << endl;
151  //Find outer and inner mu SimHit to build a segment
152  pair<const PSimHit*, const PSimHit*> inAndOutSimHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegment(muSimHitPerWire);
154  //Find direction and position of the sim Segment in Chamber RF
155  pair<LocalVector, LocalPoint> dirAndPosSimSegm = DTHitQualityUtils::findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(inAndOutSimHit,
156  (*chamberId),&(*dtGeom));
158  LocalVector simSegmLocalDir = dirAndPosSimSegm.first;
159  LocalPoint simSegmLocalPos = dirAndPosSimSegm.second;
160  const DTChamber* chamber = dtGeom->chamber(*chamberId);
161  GlobalPoint simSegmGlobalPos = chamber->toGlobal(simSegmLocalPos);
162  GlobalVector simSegmGlobalDir = chamber->toGlobal(simSegmLocalDir);
164  //phi and theta angle of simulated segment in Chamber RF
165  float alphaSimSeg = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegmLocalDir).first;
166  float betaSimSeg = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegmLocalDir).second;
167  //x,y position of simulated segment in Chamber RF
168  float xSimSeg = simSegmLocalPos.x();
169  float ySimSeg = simSegmLocalPos.y();
170  //Position (in eta,phi coordinates) in lobal RF
171  float etaSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.eta();
172  float phiSimSeg = simSegmGlobalPos.phi();
174  if(debug)
175  cout<<" Simulated segment: local direction "<<simSegmLocalDir<<endl
176  <<" local position "<<simSegmLocalPos<<endl
177  <<" alpha "<<alphaSimSeg<<endl
178  <<" beta "<<betaSimSeg<<endl;
180  //---------------------------- recHits --------------------------//
181  // Get the range of rechit for the corresponding chamberId
182  bool recHitFound = false;
183  DTRecSegment4DCollection::range range = segment4Ds->get(*chamberId);
184  int nsegm = distance(range.first, range.second);
185  if(debug)
186  cout << " Chamber: " << *chamberId << " has " << nsegm
187  << " 4D segments" << endl;
189  if (nsegm!=0) {
190  // Find the best RecHit: look for the 4D RecHit with the phi angle closest
191  // to that of segment made of SimHits.
192  // RecHits must have delta alpha and delta position within 5 sigma of
193  // the residual distribution (we are looking for residuals of segments
194  // usefull to the track fit) for efficency purpose
195  const DTRecSegment4D* bestRecHit = 0;
196  bool bestRecHitFound = false;
197  double deltaAlpha = 99999;
199  // Loop over the recHits of this chamberId
200  for (DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segment4D = range.first;
201  segment4D!=range.second;
202  ++segment4D){
203  // Check the dimension
204  if((*segment4D).dimension() != 4) {
205  if(debug)cout << "[DTSegment4DQuality]***Error: This is not 4D segment!!!" << endl;
206  continue;
207  }
208  // Segment Local Direction and position (in Chamber RF)
209  LocalVector recSegDirection = (*segment4D).localDirection();
210  //LocalPoint recSegPosition = (*segment4D).localPosition();
212  float recSegAlpha = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(recSegDirection).first;
213  if(debug)
214  cout << " RecSegment direction: " << recSegDirection << endl
215  << " position : " << (*segment4D).localPosition() << endl
216  << " alpha : " << recSegAlpha << endl
217  << " beta : " << DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(recSegDirection).second << endl;
219  if(fabs(recSegAlpha - alphaSimSeg) < deltaAlpha) {
220  deltaAlpha = fabs(recSegAlpha - alphaSimSeg);
221  bestRecHit = &(*segment4D);
222  bestRecHitFound = true;
223  }
224  } // End of Loop over all 4D RecHits
226  if(bestRecHitFound) {
227  // Best rechit direction and position in Chamber RF
228  LocalPoint bestRecHitLocalPos = bestRecHit->localPosition();
229  LocalVector bestRecHitLocalDir = bestRecHit->localDirection();
230  // Errors on x and y
231  LocalError bestRecHitLocalPosErr = bestRecHit->localPositionError();
232  LocalError bestRecHitLocalDirErr = bestRecHit->localDirectionError();
234  float alphaBestRHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDir).first;
235  float betaBestRHit = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDir).second;
236  // Errors on alpha and beta
238  // Get position and direction using the rx projection (so in SL
239  // reference frame). Note that x (and y) are swapped wrt to Chamber
240  // frame
241  //if (bestRecHit->hasZed() ) {
242  const DTSLRecSegment2D * zedRecSeg = bestRecHit->zSegment();
243  LocalPoint bestRecHitLocalPosRZ = zedRecSeg->localPosition();
244  LocalVector bestRecHitLocalDirRZ = zedRecSeg->localDirection();
245  // Errors on x and y
246  LocalError bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ = zedRecSeg->localPositionError();
247  LocalError bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ = zedRecSeg->localDirectionError();
249  float alphaBestRHitRZ = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(bestRecHitLocalDirRZ).first;
251  // Get SimSeg position and Direction in rZ SL frame
252  const DTSuperLayer* sl = dtGeom->superLayer(zedRecSeg->superLayerId());
253  LocalPoint simSegLocalPosRZTmp = sl->toLocal(simSegmGlobalPos);
254  LocalVector simSegLocalDirRZ = sl->toLocal(simSegmGlobalDir);
255  LocalPoint simSegLocalPosRZ =
256  simSegLocalPosRZTmp + simSegLocalDirRZ*(-simSegLocalPosRZTmp.z()/(cos(simSegLocalDirRZ.theta())));
257  float alphaSimSegRZ = DTHitQualityUtils::findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(simSegLocalDirRZ).first;
259  if (debug) cout <<
260  "RZ SL: recPos " << bestRecHitLocalPosRZ <<
261  "recDir " << bestRecHitLocalDirRZ <<
262  "recAlpha " << alphaBestRHitRZ << endl <<
263  "RZ SL: simPos " << simSegLocalPosRZ <<
264  "simDir " << simSegLocalDirRZ <<
265  "simAlpha " << alphaSimSegRZ << endl ;
266  //}
269  if(fabs(alphaBestRHit - alphaSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResAlpha &&
270  fabs(betaBestRHit - betaSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResBeta &&
271  fabs(bestRecHitLocalPos.x() - xSimSeg) < 5*sigmaResX &&
272  fabs(bestRecHitLocalPos.y() - ySimSeg) < 5*sigmaResY) {
273  recHitFound = true;
274  }
276  // Fill Residual histos
277  HRes4DHit *histo=0;
279  if((*chamberId).wheel() == 0)
280  histo = h4DHit_W0;
281  else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 1)
282  histo = h4DHit_W1;
283  else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 2)
284  histo = h4DHit_W2;
286  histo->Fill(alphaSimSeg,
287  alphaBestRHit,
288  betaSimSeg,
289  betaBestRHit,
290  xSimSeg,
291  bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
292  ySimSeg,
293  bestRecHitLocalPos.y(),
294  etaSimSeg,
295  phiSimSeg,
296  bestRecHitLocalPosRZ.x(),
297  simSegLocalPosRZ.x(),
298  alphaBestRHitRZ,
299  alphaSimSegRZ,
300  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx()),
301  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.yy()),
302  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
303  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.yy()),
304  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ.xx()),
305  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ.xx())
306  );
308  h4DHit->Fill(alphaSimSeg,
309  alphaBestRHit,
310  betaSimSeg,
311  betaBestRHit,
312  xSimSeg,
313  bestRecHitLocalPos.x(),
314  ySimSeg,
315  bestRecHitLocalPos.y(),
316  etaSimSeg,
317  phiSimSeg,
318  bestRecHitLocalPosRZ.x(),
319  simSegLocalPosRZ.x(),
320  alphaBestRHitRZ,
321  alphaSimSegRZ,
322  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.xx()),
323  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErr.yy()),
324  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.xx()),
325  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErr.yy()),
326  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalDirErrRZ.xx()),
327  sqrt(bestRecHitLocalPosErrRZ.xx())
328  );
329  }
330  } //end of if(nsegm!=0)
332  // Fill Efficiency plot
333  HEff4DHit *heff = 0;
335  if((*chamberId).wheel() == 0)
336  heff = hEff_W0;
337  else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 1)
338  heff = hEff_W1;
339  else if(abs((*chamberId).wheel()) == 2)
340  heff = hEff_W2;
341  heff->Fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, xSimSeg, ySimSeg, alphaSimSeg, betaSimSeg, recHitFound);
342  hEff_All->Fill(etaSimSeg, phiSimSeg, xSimSeg, ySimSeg, alphaSimSeg, betaSimSeg, recHitFound);
343  } // End of loop over chambers
344  }
virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
local position error in SL frame
float xx() const
Definition: LocalError.h:19
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > range
iterator range
Definition: RangeMap.h:53
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Local2DPoint &lp) const
Conversion to the global R.F. from the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:49
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:63
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:57
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Conversion to the R.F. of the GeomDet.
Definition: GeomDet.h:64
identifier iterator
Definition: RangeMap.h:139
virtual LocalError localDirectionError() const
the local direction error (xx,xy,yy) in SL frame: only xx is not 0.
tuple histo
static std::map< DTWireId, const PSimHit * > mapMuSimHitsPerWire(const std::map< DTWireId, edm::PSimHitContainer > &simHitWireMap)
Create a map between the Mu SimHits and corresponding MuBarWireId ;.
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:69
virtual LocalError localPositionError() const
Local position error in Chamber frame.
static std::pair< const PSimHit *, const PSimHit * > findMuSimSegment(const std::map< DTWireId, const PSimHit * > &mapWireAndMuSimHit)
Find Innermost and outermost SimHit from Mu in a SL (they identify a simulated segment) ...
virtual LocalVector localDirection() const
Local direction in Chamber frame.
C::const_iterator const_iterator
constant access iterator type
Definition: RangeMap.h:46
float yy() const
Definition: LocalError.h:21
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:28
void Fill(float simDirectionAlpha, float recDirectionAlpha, float simDirectionBeta, float recDirectionBeta, float simX, float recX, float simY, float recY, float simEta, float simPhi, float recYRZ, float simYRZ, float recBetaRZ, float simBetaRZ, float sigmaAlpha, float sigmaBeta, float sigmaX, float sigmaY, float sigmaBetaRZ, float sigmaYRZ)
Definition: Histograms.h:860
T z() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:58
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
A set of histograms for efficiency 4D RecHits.
Definition: Histograms.h:1076
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
Local position in Chamber frame.
static std::pair< double, double > findSegmentAlphaAndBeta(const LocalVector &direction)
Find the angles from a segment direction:
DTSuperLayerId superLayerId() const
The id of the superlayer on which reside the segment.
virtual LocalPoint localPosition() const
local position in SL frame
const DTSLRecSegment2D * zSegment() const
The Z segment: 0 if not zed projection available.
static std::pair< LocalVector, LocalPoint > findMuSimSegmentDirAndPos(const std::pair< const PSimHit *, const PSimHit * > &inAndOutSimHit, const DetId detId, const DTGeometry *muonGeom)
Find direction and position of a segment (in local RF) from outer and inner mu SimHit in the RF of ob...
const T & get() const
Definition: EventSetup.h:55
tuple simHits
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:70
virtual LocalVector localDirection() const
the local direction in SL frame
tuple cout
std::vector< PSimHit > PSimHitContainer
static std::map< DTWireId, edm::PSimHitContainer > mapSimHitsPerWire(const edm::PSimHitContainer &simhits)
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:56
void Fill(float etaSimSegm, float phiSimSegm, float xSimSegm, float ySimSegm, float alphaSimSegm, float betaSimSegm, bool fillRecHit)
Definition: Histograms.h:1170
std::string segment4DLabel
virtual LocalError localDirectionError() const
Local direction error in the Chamber frame.
void DTSegment4DQuality::endJob ( void  )

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 78 of file

References interactiveExample::theFile.

78  {
79  // Write the histos to file
80  theFile->cd();
82  h4DHit->Write();
83  h4DHit_W0->Write();
84  h4DHit_W1->Write();
85  h4DHit_W2->Write();
92  hEff_All->Write();
93  hEff_W0->Write();
94  hEff_W1->Write();
95  hEff_W2->Write();
97  theFile->Close();
98 }
void Write()
Definition: Histograms.h:946
void ComputeEfficiency()
Definition: Histograms.h:1197
void Write()
Definition: Histograms.h:1298

Member Data Documentation

bool DTSegment4DQuality::debug

Definition at line 50 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit

Definition at line 63 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W0

Definition at line 64 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W1

Definition at line 65 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HRes4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::h4DHit_W2

Definition at line 66 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_All

Definition at line 68 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W0

Definition at line 69 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W1

Definition at line 70 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

HEff4DHit* DTSegment4DQuality::hEff_W2

Definition at line 71 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::rootFileName

Definition at line 52 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::segment4DLabel

Definition at line 55 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResAlpha

Definition at line 60 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResBeta

Definition at line 61 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResX

Definition at line 57 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

double DTSegment4DQuality::sigmaResY

Definition at line 58 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

std::string DTSegment4DQuality::simHitLabel

Definition at line 54 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.

TFile* DTSegment4DQuality::theFile

Definition at line 48 of file DTSegment4DQuality.h.