20 vector<const RawParticle*>*
const myPart,
27 thePreshower(myPresh),
29 myGammaGenerator(gamma)
51 for (
unsigned int i=0;
nPart; ++
i ) {
60 double theMeanT = myParam->
61 double theMeanAlpha = myParam->
62 double theMeanLnT = myParam->
64 double theSigmaLnT = myParam->
69 double rhop =
std::sqrt( (1.+theCorrelation)/2. );
70 double rhom =
std::sqrt( (1.-theCorrelation)/2. );
90 aa =
std::exp(theMeanLnAlpha + theSigmaLnAlpha * (z1*rhop-z2*rhom));
94 T.push_back(
std::exp(theMeanLnT + theSigmaLnT * (z1*rhop+z2*rhom)));
95 b.push_back((
98 meanDepth +=
132 int first_Ecal_step=0;
133 int last_Ecal_step=0;
172 stps=(int)((radlen+2.5)/5.);
174 if ( stps == 0 ) stps = 1;
175 dt = radlen/(double)stps;
177 first_Ecal_step=
178 for (
int ist=0; ist<stps; ++ist )
179 steps.push_back(step);
180 last_Ecal_step=
195 steps.push_back(step);
208 for(
unsigned iStep=0;iStep<
212 double realTotalEnergy=0;
213 dt=
215 for (
unsigned int i=0;
nPart; ++
i ) {
223 MeanDepth/=ESliceTot;
228 if(realTotalEnergy<0.001)
235 if(last_Ecal_step+offset>=0)
263 for (
unsigned iStep=0; iStep<
nSteps; ++iStep ) {
266 dt =
274 unsigned detector=
276 bool presh1 = detector==0;
277 bool presh2 = detector==1;
278 bool ecal = detector==2;
279 bool hcal = detector==3;
280 bool vfcal = detector==4;
281 bool gap = detector==5;
287 if ( vfcal )
300 double tt = t-0.5*
302 double realTotalEnergy=0.;
303 for (
unsigned int i=0;
nPart; ++
i ) {
312 bool usePreviousGrid=(realTotalEnergy<0.001);
318 if(iStep>2&&realTotalEnergy<0.000001)
320 if (ecal && !usePreviousGrid)
328 if((ecal ||hcal) && !status)
330 bool detailedShowerTail=
332 if(ecal && !usePreviousGrid)
338 for (
unsigned int i=0;
nPart; ++
i ) {
346 if(dE*
348 if(detailedShowerTail)
366 / tgamma(
aSpot[i]) );
378 if( nSo > 0. && nS/nSo < 10.) dE *= nS/nSo;
398 }
else if ( presh2 ) {
416 double eSpot = (nS>0.) ? dE/nS : 0.;
417 double SpotEnergy=eSpot*
427 int nSpot = (int)(nS+0.5);
434 double taui = tt/
447 if(dSpotsCore<0) dSpotsCore=0;
449 unsigned nSpots_core = (unsigned)(dSpotsCore+0.5);
450 unsigned nSpots_tail = ((unsigned)nSpot>nSpots_core) ? nSpot-nSpots_core : 0;
452 for(
unsigned icomp=0;icomp<2;++icomp)
455 double theR=(icomp==0) ? theRC : theRT ;
456 unsigned ncompspots=(icomp==0) ? nSpots_core : nSpots_tail;
480 for(
unsigned irad=0;irad<nrad;++irad)
486 double umin=radInterval.
487 double umax=radInterval.
489 for (
unsigned ispot=0; ispot<nradspots; ++ispot )
514 if(detailedShowerTail)
624 unsigned nvals=myValues.size()/2;
625 for(
unsigned iv=0;iv<nvals;++iv)
653 if(fabs(b2) < 1.e-9 ) b2 = 1.e-9;
void setSpotEnergy(double e)
Set the spot energy.
double ps2TotalX0() const
total number of X0 in the PS (Layer2).
std::vector< const RawParticle * > *const thePart
std::vector< double > theNumberOfSpots
EMShower(const RandomEngine *engine, GammaFunctionGenerator *gamma, EMECALShowerParametrization *const myParam, std::vector< const RawParticle * > *const myPart, EcalHitMaker *const myGrid=NULL, PreshowerHitMaker *const myPreshower=NULL)
double sigmaLnT(double lny) const
const HCALProperties * hcalProperties() const
double meanLnT(double lny) const
void prepareSteps()
Computes the steps before the real compute.
std::vector< double > maximumOfShower
bool addHit(double r, double phi, unsigned layer=0)
double meanAlphaSpot(double alpha) const
void setSpotEnergy(double e)
std::vector< double > aSpot
unsigned getNumberOfSpots(unsigned i) const
Number of spots in a given interval.
double meanT(double lny) const
bool addHit(double r, double phi, unsigned layer=0)
double deposit(double t, double a, double b, double dt)
double gam(double x, double a) const
const HCALProperties * theHCAL
void setPreshower(PreshowerHitMaker *const myPresh)
set the preshower address
double rC(double tau, double E) const
Exp< T >::type exp(const T &t)
const ECALProperties * theECAL
double ps2eeTotalX0() const
void setIntervals(unsigned icomp, RadialInterval &rad)
const std::vector< double > & getTailIntervals() const
void compute()
Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.
const std::vector< double > & getCoreIntervals() const
double gaussShoot(double mean=0.0, double sigma=1.0) const
std::vector< double > Etot
double spotFraction() const
Spot fraction wrt ECAL.
PreshowerHitMaker * thePreshower
std::vector< std::vector< double > > depositedEnergy
double ecalTotalX0() const
in the ECAL
bool addHitDepth(double r, double phi, double depth=-1)
unsigned int poissonShoot(double mean) const
double getUmin(unsigned i) const
Lower limit of the argument in the radius generator.
HcalHitMaker * theHcalHitMaker
double hcalTotalX0() const
in the HCAL
std::vector< double > meanDepth
double rT(double tau, double E) const
void setParameters(double a, double b, double xm)
The parameters must be set before shooting.
unsigned int offset(bool)
std::vector< double > photos
const PreshowerLayer1Properties * layer1Properties() const
void setSpotEnergy(double e)
double correlationAlphaT(double lny) const
const ECALProperties * ecalProperties() const
unsigned nIntervals() const
Number of intervals.
Log< T >::type log(const T &t)
double mipsPerGeV() const
Number of Mips/GeV [Default : 41.7 Mips/GeV or 24 MeV/Mips].
double mipsPerGeV() const
Number of Mips/GeV [Default : 59.5 Mips/GeV or 0.7*24 MeV/Mips].
double criticalEnergy() const
Critical energy in GeV (2.66E-3*(x0*Z/A)^1.1)
double p(double tau, double E) const
const PreshowerLayer2Properties * layer2Properties() const
const PreshowerLayer2Properties * theLayer2
double flatShoot(double xmin=0.0, double xmax=1.0) const
bool getPads(double depth, bool inCm=false)
double meanLnAlpha(double lny) const
double nSpots(double E) const
virtual double lightCollectionEfficiency() const =0
Light Collection efficiency.
const PreshowerLayer1Properties * theLayer1
double meanTSpot(double T) const
double meanAlpha(double lny) const
virtual double lightCollectionUniformity() const =0
Light Collection uniformity.
EMECALShowerParametrization *const theParam
GammaFunctionGenerator * myGammaGenerator
double sigmaLnAlpha(double lny) const
std::vector< double > TSpot
double getSpotEnergy(unsigned i) const
Spot energy in a given interval.
Genfun::IncompleteGamma myIncompleteGamma
double ps1TotalX0() const
const RandomEngine * random
bool addHit(double r, double phi, unsigned layer=0)
add the hit in the HCAL in local coordinates
double getUmax(unsigned i) const
Upper limit of the argument in the radius generator.
virtual double photoStatistics() const =0
Photostatistics (photons/GeV) in the homegeneous material.
double x0DepthOffset() const
get the offset (e.g the number of X0 after which the shower starts)
std::pair< unsigned int, double > Step
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)
bool setDepth(double, bool inCm=false)
set the depth in X0 or Lambda0 units depending on showerType
void addInterval(double, double)
void setHcal(HcalHitMaker *const myHcal)
set the HCAL address
std::vector< double > bSpot