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PixelLessStep_cff Namespace Reference


tuple fourthCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple fourthCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple fourthClusters
tuple fourthlayerpairs
tuple fourthMeasurementTracker
tuple fourthPixelRecHits
tuple fourthPLSeeds = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalMixedSeeds_cff.globalMixedSeeds.clone()
tuple fourthStep
tuple fourthStripRecHits
tuple fourthTrackCandidates
tuple fourthWithMaterialTracks
tuple pixellessStep
tuple pixellessStepLoose
tuple pixellessStepTight
tuple thfilter
 Large impact parameter tracking using TIB/TID/TEC stereo layer seeding #. More...

Variable Documentation

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.CkfPattern.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer_cfi.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilder.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'fourthCkfTrajectoryBuilder',
3  MeasurementTrackerName = 'fourthMeasurementTracker',
4  trajectoryFilterName = 'fourthCkfTrajectoryFilter',
5  minNrOfHitsForRebuild = 4
6  )

Definition at line 105 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'fourthCkfTrajectoryFilter',
3  filterPset = TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.filterPset.clone(
4  maxLostHits = 0,
5  minimumNumberOfHits = 6,
6  minPt = 0.1
7  )
8  )

Definition at line 94 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("TrackClusterRemover",
2  oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag("thClusters"),
3  trajectories = cms.InputTag("thfilter"),
4  pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("thClusters"),
5  stripClusters = cms.InputTag("thClusters"),
6  Common = cms.PSet(
7  maxChi2 = cms.double(30.0)
8  )
10 # For debug purposes, you can run this iteration not eliminating any hits from previous ones by
11 # instead using
12 # trajectories = cms.InputTag("zeroStepFilter"),
13 # pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters"),
14 # stripClusters = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters"),
15 # Common = cms.PSet(
16 # maxChi2 = cms.double(0.0)
17 # )
18 )

Definition at line 14 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthlayerpairs
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer("SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string('FourthLayerPairs'),
3  layerList = cms.vstring('TIB1+TIB2',
4  'TIB1+TID1_pos','TIB1+TID1_neg',
5  'TID1_pos+TID2_pos','TID2_pos+TID3_pos','TID3_pos+TEC1_pos',
6  'TEC1_pos+TEC2_pos','TEC2_pos+TEC3_pos','TEC3_pos+TEC4_pos','TEC3_pos+TEC5_pos','TEC4_pos+TEC5_pos',
7  'TID1_neg+TID2_neg','TID2_neg+TID3_neg','TID3_neg+TEC1_neg',
8  'TEC1_neg+TEC2_neg','TEC2_neg+TEC3_neg','TEC3_neg+TEC4_neg','TEC3_neg+TEC5_neg','TEC4_neg+TEC5_neg'),
9  TIB = cms.PSet(
10  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
11  matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("fourthStripRecHits","matchedRecHit")
12  ),
13  TID = cms.PSet(
14  matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("fourthStripRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
15  useRingSlector = cms.bool(True),
16  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
17  minRing = cms.int32(1),
18  maxRing = cms.int32(2)
19  ),
20  TEC = cms.PSet(
21  matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("fourthStripRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
22  useRingSlector = cms.bool(True),
23  TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
24  minRing = cms.int32(1),
25  maxRing = cms.int32(2)
26  )
27 )

Definition at line 46 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthMeasurementTracker
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.MeasurementDet.MeasurementTrackerESProducer_cfi.MeasurementTracker.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'fourthMeasurementTracker',
3  pixelClusterProducer = 'fourthClusters',
4  stripClusterProducer = 'fourthClusters'
5  )

Definition at line 86 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthPixelRecHits
Initial value:
1 = RecoLocalTracker.SiPixelRecHits.SiPixelRecHits_cfi.siPixelRecHits.clone(
2  src = 'fourthClusters'
3  )

Definition at line 37 of file

Definition at line 76 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthStep
Initial value:
1 = cms.Sequence(thfilter*fourthClusters*
2  fourthPixelRecHits*fourthStripRecHits*
3  fourthPLSeeds*
4  fourthTrackCandidates*
5  fourthWithMaterialTracks*
6  pixellessStepLoose*
7  pixellessStepTight*
8  pixellessStep)

Definition at line 180 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthStripRecHits
Initial value:
1 = RecoLocalTracker.SiStripRecHitConverter.SiStripRecHitConverter_cfi.siStripMatchedRecHits.clone(
2  ClusterProducer = 'fourthClusters'
3  )

Definition at line 40 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthTrackCandidates
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.CkfPattern.CkfTrackCandidates_cfi.ckfTrackCandidates.clone(
2  src = cms.InputTag('fourthPLSeeds'),
3  TrajectoryBuilder = 'fourthCkfTrajectoryBuilder'
4  )

Definition at line 114 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.fourthWithMaterialTracks
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackProducer_cfi.TrackProducer.clone(
2  src = 'fourthTrackCandidates',
3  clusterRemovalInfo = 'fourthClusters',
4  AlgorithmName = cms.string('iter4')
5  )

Definition at line 121 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.pixellessStep
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectHighPurity_cfi.selectHighPurity.clone(
2  src = 'pixellessStepTight',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.25,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 5,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 0,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.0, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.0, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.0, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.0, 4.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 164 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.pixellessStepLoose
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectLoose_cfi.selectLoose.clone(
2  src = 'fourthWithMaterialTracks',
3  keepAllTracks = False,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.5,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 5,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.5, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.5, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.5, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.5, 4.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 132 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.pixellessStepTight
Initial value:
1 = RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectTight_cfi.selectTight.clone(
2  src = 'pixellessStepLoose',
3  keepAllTracks = True,
4  copyExtras = False,
5  copyTrajectories = True,
6  chi2n_par = 0.35,
7  res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
8  minNumberLayers = 5,
9  maxNumberLostLayers = 0,
10  minNumber3DLayers = 3,
11  d0_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
12  dz_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
13  d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
14  dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 )
15  )

Definition at line 148 of file

tuple PixelLessStep_cff.thfilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer("QualityFilter",
2  TrackQuality = cms.string('highPurity'),
3  recTracks = cms.InputTag("thStep")
4 )

Large impact parameter tracking using TIB/TID/TEC stereo layer seeding #.

Definition at line 9 of file