64 std::cout <<
"Parameters read from config file \n"
66 <<
"\t myverbose_ " << myverbose_
67 <<
"\t minTrackP_ " << minTrackP_
68 <<
"\t maxTrackEta_ " << maxTrackEta_
69 <<
"\t tMinE_ " << tMinE_
72 <<
"\t tMaxH_ " <<
tMaxH_ <<
101 iEvent.
"generalTracks", trkCollection);
102 reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator trkItr;
104 std::cout <<
"Track Collection: " << std::endl;
105 std::cout <<
"Number of Tracks " << trkCollection->size() << std::endl;
107 std::string theTrackQuality =
117 std::cout <<
"\nL1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord with \n \nnot found"
118 "\n --> returning false by default!\n" << std::endl;
126 unsigned int numberTriggerBits= dWord.size();
158 for (
CItAlgo algo = (*gtOMRec.
product()).gtAlgorithmMap().begin(); algo!=(*gtOMRec.
product()).gtAlgorithmMap().end(); ++algo, itrig++) {
164 for (
unsigned int iBit = 0; iBit < numberTriggerBits; ++iBit) {
165 bool accept = dWord[iBit];
179 for (
unsigned int iBit = 0; iBit < numberTriggerBits; ++iBit) {
181 bool accept = dWord[iBit];
193 iEvent.
195 std::vector<reco::Track> svTracks;
197 double sumPtMax = -1.0;
198 for(
unsigned int ind=0; ind < recVtxs->size(); ind++) {
199 if (!((*recVtxs)[ind].isFake())) {
201 double vtxTrkSumPt=0.0, vtxTrkSumPtWt=0.0;
203 double vtxTrkSumPtHP=0.0, vtxTrkSumPtHPWt=0.0;
204 int vtxTrkNHP =0, vtxTrkNHPWt =0;
207 for (vtxTrack = (*recVtxs)[ind].tracks_begin(); vtxTrack!=(*recVtxs)[ind].tracks_end(); vtxTrack++) {
209 bool trkQuality = (*vtxTrack)->quality(trackQuality_);
213 vtxTrkSumPt += (*vtxTrack)->pt();
215 vtxTrkSumPtHP += (*vtxTrack)->pt();
219 double weight = (*recVtxs)[ind].trackWeight(*vtxTrack);
222 vtxTrkSumPtWt += (*vtxTrack)->pt();
225 vtxTrkSumPtHPWt += (*vtxTrack)->pt();
231 if(vtxTrkSumPt>sumPtMax) {
232 sumPtMax = vtxTrkSumPt;
233 leadPV =
math::XYZPoint( (*recVtxs)[ind].
y(), (*recVtxs)[ind].
z() );
236 t_PVx ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].
x() );
237 t_PVy ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].
y() );
238 t_PVz ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].
z() );
239 t_PVisValid ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].isValid() );
240 t_PVNTracks ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].tracksSize() );
241 t_PVndof ->push_back( (*recVtxs)[ind].ndof() );
251 std::cout<<
"PV "<<ind<<
" isValid "<<(*recVtxs)[ind].isValid()<<
" isFake "<<(*recVtxs)[ind].isFake()
252 <<
" hasRefittedTracks() "<<ind<<
" "<<(*recVtxs)[ind].hasRefittedTracks()
253 <<
" refittedTrksSize "<<(*recVtxs)[ind].refittedTracks().size()
254 <<
" tracksSize() "<<(*recVtxs)[ind].tracksSize()<<
" sumPt "<<vtxTrkSumPt
262 iEvent.
"offlineBeamSpot", beamSpotH);
271 l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection::const_iterator itr;
272 for(itr = l1TauHandle->begin(); itr != l1TauHandle->end(); ++itr ) {
277 std::cout <<
"tauJ p/pt " << itr->momentum() <<
" " << itr->pt()
278 <<
" eta/phi " << itr->eta() <<
" " << itr->phi()
286 for( itr = l1CenJetHandle->begin(); itr != l1CenJetHandle->end(); ++itr ) {
291 std::cout <<
"cenJ p/pt " << itr->momentum() <<
" " << itr->pt()
292 <<
" eta/phi " << itr->eta() <<
" " << itr->phi()
300 for( itr = l1FwdJetHandle->begin(); itr != l1FwdJetHandle->end(); ++itr ) {
305 std::cout <<
"fwdJ p/pt " << itr->momentum() <<
" " << itr->pt()
306 <<
" eta/phi " << itr->eta() <<
" " << itr->phi()
312 l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection::const_iterator itrEm;
315 for( itrEm = l1IsoEmHandle->begin(); itrEm != l1IsoEmHandle->end(); ++itrEm ) {
320 std::cout <<
"isoEm p/pt " << itrEm->momentum() <<
" " << itrEm->pt()
321 <<
" eta/phi " << itrEm->eta() <<
" " << itrEm->phi()
329 for( itrEm = l1NonIsoEmHandle->begin(); itrEm != l1NonIsoEmHandle->end(); ++itrEm ) {
334 std::cout <<
"nonIsoEm p/pt " << itrEm->momentum() <<
" " << itrEm->pt()
335 <<
" eta/phi " << itrEm->eta() <<
" " << itrEm->phi()
341 l1extra::L1MuonParticleCollection::const_iterator itrMu;
344 for( itrMu = l1MuHandle->begin(); itrMu != l1MuHandle->end(); ++itrMu ) {
349 std::cout <<
"l1muon p/pt " << itrMu->momentum() <<
" " << itrMu->pt()
350 <<
" eta/phi " << itrMu->eta() <<
" " << itrMu->phi()
361 for(
unsigned int ijet=0;ijet<(*jets).size();ijet++) {
362 t_jetPt ->push_back( (*jets)[ijet].pt() );
388 iEvent.
389 iEvent.
409 edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator simTrkItr;
413 edm::SimVertexContainer::const_iterator vtxItr = SimVtx->begin();
429 std::vector<int> ifGood(trkCollection->size(), 1);
439 for( trkItr = trkCollection->begin(),nTracks=0; trkItr != trkCollection->end(); ++trkItr, nTracks++){
441 bool trkQuality = pTrack->
442 if( !trkQuality ) ifGood[nTracks]=0;
446 std::vector<spr::propagatedTrackID> trkCaloDets;
448 std::vector<spr::propagatedTrackID>::const_iterator trkDetItr;
451 for(trkDetItr = trkCaloDets.begin(); trkDetItr != trkCaloDets.end(); trkDetItr++){
452 std::cout<<trkDetItr->trkItr->p()<<
" "<<trkDetItr->trkItr->eta()<<
" "<<trkDetItr->okECAL<<
" ";
461 for(trkDetItr = trkCaloDets.begin(),nTracks=0; trkDetItr != trkCaloDets.end(); trkDetItr++,nTracks++){
462 const reco::Track* pTrack = &(*(trkDetItr->trkItr));
470 double eta1 = pTrack->
471 double phi1 = pTrack->
472 double etaEcal1 = trkDetItr->etaECAL;
473 double phiEcal1 = trkDetItr->phiECAL;
474 double etaHcal1 = trkDetItr->etaHCAL;
475 double phiHcal1 = trkDetItr->phiHCAL;
476 double pt1 = pTrack->
477 double p1 = pTrack->
478 double dxy1 = pTrack->
479 double dz1 = pTrack->
480 double dxybs1 = beamSpotH.
isValid() ? pTrack->
dxy(bspot) : pTrack->
481 double dzbs1 = beamSpotH.
isValid() ? pTrack->
dz(bspot) : pTrack->
482 double dxypv1 = (recVtxs->size()>0 && !((*recVtxs)[0].isFake())) ? pTrack->
dxy(leadPV) : pTrack->
483 double dzpv1 = (recVtxs->size()>0 && !((*recVtxs)[0].isFake())) ? pTrack->
dz(leadPV) : pTrack->
493 if(ifGood[nTracks] && nLayersCrossed>7 ) {
504 if( ! ifGood[nTracks] )
505 if( pt1>2.0 && nLayersCrossed>7) {
517 edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator matchedSimTrkAll =
spr::matchedSimTrack(iEvent, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate,
518 if( matchedSimTrkAll != SimTk->end())
t_trackPdgIdAll->push_back( matchedSimTrkAll->type() );
523 double maxNearP31x31=999.0, maxNearP25x25=999.0, maxNearP21x21=999.0, maxNearP15x15=999.0;
535 int iTrkEtaBin=-1, iTrkMomBin=-1;
536 for(
unsigned int ieta=0; ieta<
NEtaBins; ieta++) {
539 for(
unsigned int ipt=0; ipt<
NPBins; ipt++) {
542 if( iTrkMomBin>=0 && iTrkEtaBin>=0 ) {
548 if( maxNearP31x31<0.0 && nLayersCrossed>7 && nOuterHits>4) {
559 if( maxNearP31x31<0.0) {
562 double simTrackP = -1;
564 edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator matchedSimTrk =
spr::matchedSimTrack(iEvent, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate,
565 if( matchedSimTrk != SimTk->end() )simTrackP = matchedSimTrk->momentum().P();
575 std::pair<double, bool> e3x3P, e5x5P, e7x7P, e9x9P, e11x11P, e13x13P, e15x15P, e21x21P, e25x25P, e31x31P;
576 std::pair<double, bool> e7x7_10SigP, e9x9_10SigP, e11x11_10SigP, e15x15_10SigP;
577 std::pair<double, bool> e7x7_15SigP, e9x9_15SigP, e11x11_15SigP, e15x15_15SigP;
578 std::pair<double, bool> e7x7_20SigP, e9x9_20SigP, e11x11_20SigP, e15x15_20SigP;
579 std::pair<double, bool> e7x7_25SigP, e9x9_25SigP, e11x11_25SigP, e15x15_25SigP;
580 std::pair<double, bool> e7x7_30SigP, e9x9_30SigP, e11x11_30SigP, e15x15_30SigP;
583 spr::caloSimInfo simInfo11x11, simInfo13x13, simInfo15x15, simInfo21x21, simInfo25x25, simInfo31x31;
586 const DetId isoCell = trkDetItr->detIdECAL;
637 e7x7P =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),3,3, -100.0, -100.0,
638 e9x9P =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),4,4, -100.0, -100.0,
639 e11x11P =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),5,5, -100.0, -100.0,
641 e15x15P =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),7,7, -100.0, -100.0,
646 e7x7_10SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),3,3, 0.030, 0.150,
647 e9x9_10SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),4,4, 0.030, 0.150,
648 e11x11_10SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),5,5, 0.030, 0.150,
649 e15x15_10SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),7,7, 0.030, 0.150,
657 e7x7_15SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology, sevlv.
product(),ttMap, 3,3, 0.20,0.45,
658 e9x9_15SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology, sevlv.
product(),ttMap, 4,4, 0.20,0.45,
659 e11x11_15SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(), ttMap, 5,5, 0.20,0.45,
660 e15x15_15SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology, sevlv.
product(),ttMap, 7,7, 0.20,0.45,
662 e7x7_20SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),3,3, 0.060, 0.300,
663 e9x9_20SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),4,4, 0.060, 0.300,
664 e11x11_20SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),5,5, 0.060, 0.300,
665 e15x15_20SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),7,7, 0.060, 0.300,
667 e7x7_25SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),3,3, 0.075, 0.375,
668 e9x9_25SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),4,4, 0.075, 0.375,
669 e11x11_25SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),5,5, 0.075, 0.375,
670 e15x15_25SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),7,7, 0.075, 0.375,
672 e7x7_30SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),3,3, 0.090, 0.450,
673 e9x9_30SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),4,4, 0.090, 0.450,
674 e11x11_30SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),5,5, 0.090, 0.450,
675 e15x15_30SigP =
spr::eECALmatrix(isoCell,barrelRecHitsHandle,endcapRecHitsHandle, *theEcalChStatus, geo, caloTopology,sevlv.
product(),7,7, 0.090, 0.450,
677 std::cout <<
"clean ecal rechit " << std::endl;
678 std::cout<<
"e3x3 "<<e3x3P.first<<
" e9x9 "<<e9x9P.first<<
" e15x15 " << e15x15P.first <<
" e31x31 "<<e31x31P.first<<std::endl;
679 std::cout<<
"e7x7_10Sig "<<e7x7_10SigP.first<<
" e11x11_10Sig "<<e11x11_10SigP.first<<
" e15x15_10Sig "<<e15x15_10SigP.first<<std::endl;
684 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 1,1, simInfo3x3);
685 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 2,2, simInfo5x5);
686 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 3,3, simInfo7x7);
687 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 4,4, simInfo9x9);
688 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 5,5, simInfo11x11);
689 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 6,6, simInfo13x13);
690 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 7,7, simInfo15x15, 150.0,
691 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 10,10, simInfo21x21);
692 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 12,12, simInfo25x25);
693 spr::eECALSimInfo(iEvent,isoCell,geo,caloTopology,pcaloeb,pcaloee,SimTk,SimVtx,pTrack, *associate, 15,15, simInfo31x31);
695 trkEcalEne =
spr::eCaloSimInfo(iEvent, geo, pcaloeb,pcaloee, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate, 150.0,
697 std::cout <<
"Track momentum " << pt1 << std::endl;
699 std::cout <<
"ecal siminfo " << std::endl;
704 std::cout <<
"simInfo11x11: " <<
"eTotal " << simInfo11x11.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << simInfo11x11.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << simInfo11x11.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<simInfo11x11.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << simInfo11x11.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << simInfo11x11.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
705 std::cout <<
"simInfo15x15: " <<
"eTotal " << simInfo15x15.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << simInfo15x15.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << simInfo15x15.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<simInfo15x15.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << simInfo15x15.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << simInfo15x15.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
706 std::cout <<
"simInfo31x31: " <<
"eTotal " << simInfo31x31.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << simInfo31x31.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << simInfo31x31.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<simInfo31x31.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << simInfo31x31.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << simInfo31x31.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
707 std::cout <<
"trkEcalEne" << trkEcalEne << std::endl;
713 double hcalScale=1.0;
720 double maxNearHcalP3x3=-1, maxNearHcalP5x5=-1, maxNearHcalP7x7=-1;
725 double h3x3=0, h5x5=0, h7x7=0;
726 double h3x3Sig=0, h5x5Sig=0, h7x7Sig=0;
727 double trkHcalEne = 0;
730 if(trkDetItr->okHCAL) {
731 const DetId ClosestCell(trkDetItr->detIdHCAL);
733 h3x3 =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,1,1,
true, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0,
734 h5x5 =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,2,2,
true, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0,
735 h7x7 =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,3,3,
true, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0,
736 h3x3Sig =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,1,1,
true, 0.7, 0.8, -100.0, -100.0,
737 h5x5Sig =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,2,2,
true, 0.7, 0.8, -100.0, -100.0,
738 h7x7Sig =
spr::eHCALmatrix(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,3,3,
true, 0.7, 0.8, -100.0, -100.0,
740 std::cout <<
"HCAL 3x3 " << h3x3 <<
" " << h3x3Sig <<
" 5x5 " << h5x5 <<
" " << h5x5Sig <<
" 7x7 " << h7x7 <<
" " << h7x7Sig << std::endl;
744 spr::eHCALSimInfo(iEvent, theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, geo,pcalohh, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate, 1,1, hsimInfo3x3);
745 spr::eHCALSimInfo(iEvent, theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, geo,pcalohh, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate, 2,2, hsimInfo5x5);
746 spr::eHCALSimInfo(iEvent, theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, geo,pcalohh, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate, 3,3, hsimInfo7x7, 150.0,
747 trkHcalEne =
spr::eCaloSimInfo(iEvent, geo,pcalohh, SimTk, SimVtx, pTrack, *associate);
749 std::cout <<
"Hcal siminfo " << std::endl;
750 std::cout <<
"hsimInfo3x3: " <<
"eTotal " << hsimInfo3x3.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << hsimInfo3x3.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << hsimInfo3x3.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<hsimInfo3x3.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << hsimInfo3x3.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << hsimInfo3x3.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
751 std::cout <<
"hsimInfo5x5: " <<
"eTotal " << hsimInfo5x5.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << hsimInfo5x5.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << hsimInfo5x5.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<hsimInfo5x5.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << hsimInfo5x5.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << hsimInfo5x5.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
752 std::cout <<
"hsimInfo7x7: " <<
"eTotal " << hsimInfo7x7.
eTotal <<
" eMatched " << hsimInfo7x7.
eMatched <<
" eRest " << hsimInfo7x7.
eRest <<
" eGamma "<<hsimInfo7x7.
eGamma <<
" eNeutralHad " << hsimInfo7x7.
eNeutralHad <<
" eChargedHad " << hsimInfo7x7.
eChargedHad << std::endl;
753 std::cout <<
"trkHcalEne " << trkHcalEne << std::endl;
760 std::vector<std::pair<DetId,double> > v7x7 =
spr::eHCALmatrixCell(theHBHETopology, ClosestCell, hbhe,3,3,
763 for(
unsigned int iv=0; iv<v7x7.size(); iv++) {
764 sumv += v7x7[iv].second;
766 std::cout<<
"h7x7 "<<h7x7<<
" v7x7 "<<sumv <<
" in " << v7x7.size() <<std::endl;
767 for(
unsigned int iv=0; iv<v7x7.size(); iv++) {
769 std::cout <<
" Cell " << iv <<
" 0x" << std::hex << v7x7[iv].first() << std::dec <<
" " <<
id <<
" Energy " << v7x7[iv].second << std::endl;
783 double trackOutPosOutHitDr =
784 double trackL = point2_TK0.second;
789 for(
unsigned int ind=0;ind<recVtxs->size();ind++) {
790 if (!((*recVtxs)[ind].isFake())) {
792 if(
DeltaR(eta1,phi1, (*vtxTrack)->eta(),(*vtxTrack)->phi()) < 0.01 )
t_trackPVIdx ->push_back( ind );
853 t_e7x7 ->push_back( e7x7P.first );
854 t_e9x9 ->push_back( e9x9P.first );
855 t_e11x11 ->push_back( e11x11P.first );
857 t_e15x15 ->push_back( e15x15P.first );
959 t_h3x3 ->push_back( h3x3 );
960 t_h5x5 ->push_back( h5x5 );
961 t_h7x7 ->push_back( h7x7 );
1033 double tempgen_TH[16] = { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
1034 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0,
1035 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0};
1039 double tempgen_Eta[4] = {0.0, 1.131, 1.653, 2.172};
1052 for (
int ibin=0; ibin<
nbins; ++ibin){
1056 const char* trigName =
1058 std::cout<<
"===============> "<<ibin+1<<
" "<<trigName<<
" "<<(int)cont<< std::endl;
1325 char hname[100], htit[100];
1329 for(
unsigned int ieta=0; ieta<
NEtaBins; ieta++) {
1330 double lowEta=-5.0, highEta= 5.0;
1334 for(
unsigned int ipt=0; ipt<
NPBins; ipt++) {
1335 double lowP=0.0, highP=300.0;
1338 sprintf(hname,
"h_maxNearP31x31_ptBin%i_etaBin%i",ipt, ieta);
1339 sprintf(htit,
"maxNearP in 31x31 (%3.2f<|#eta|<%3.2f), (%2.0f<trkP<%3.0f)", lowEta, highEta, lowP, highP );
1342 sprintf(hname,
"h_maxNearP25x25_ptBin%i_etaBin%i",ipt, ieta);
1343 sprintf(htit,
"maxNearP in 25x25 (%3.2f<|#eta|<%3.2f), (%2.0f<trkP<%3.0f)", lowEta, highEta, lowP, highP );
1346 sprintf(hname,
"h_maxNearP21x21_ptBin%i_etaBin%i",ipt, ieta);
1347 sprintf(htit,
"maxNearP in 21x21 (%3.2f<|#eta|<%3.2f), (%2.0f<trkP<%3.0f)", lowEta, highEta, lowP, highP );
1350 sprintf(hname,
"h_maxNearP15x15_ptBin%i_etaBin%i",ipt, ieta);
1351 sprintf(htit,
"maxNearP in 15x15 (%3.2f<|#eta|<%3.2f), (%2.0f<trkP<%3.0f)", lowEta, highEta, lowP, highP );
1357 h_L1AlgoNames =
"h_L1AlgoNames:Bin Labels", 128, -0.5, 127.5);
1363 h_nTracks =
"h_nTracks", 1000, -0.5, 999.5);
1365 sprintf(hname,
1366 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaPt (all tracks Eta vs pT)");
1369 sprintf(hname,
1370 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaP (all tracks Eta vs pT)");
1375 h_recEta_0 =
"Eta (all tracks)", 60, -3.0, 3.0);
1376 h_recPhi_0 =
"Phi (all tracks)", 100, -3.2, 3.2);
1378 sprintf(hname,
1379 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaPt (all good tracks Eta vs pT)");
1382 sprintf(hname,
1383 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaP (all good tracks Eta vs pT)");
1388 h_recEta_1 =
"Eta (all good tracks)", 60, -3.0, 3.0);
1389 h_recPhi_1 =
"Phi (all good tracks)", 100, -3.2, 3.2);
1391 sprintf(hname,
1392 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaPt (charge isolation Eta vs pT)");
1395 sprintf(hname,
1396 sprintf(htit,
"h_recEtaP (charge isolation Eta vs pT)");
1401 h_recEta_2 =
"Eta (charge isolation)", 60, -3.0, 3.0);
1402 h_recPhi_2 =
"Phi (charge isolation)", 100, -3.2, 3.2);
1406 tree->SetAutoSave(10000);
1415 t_PVx =
new std::vector<double>();
1416 t_PVy =
new std::vector<double>();
1417 t_PVz =
new std::vector<double>();
1419 t_PVndof =
new std::vector<double>();
1429 tree->Branch(
"PVx" ,
"vector<double>" ,&
1430 tree->Branch(
"PVy" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVy);
1431 tree->Branch(
"PVz" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVz);
1432 tree->Branch(
"PVisValid" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVisValid);
1433 tree->Branch(
"PVndof" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVndof);
1434 tree->Branch(
"PVNTracks" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVNTracks);
1435 tree->Branch(
"PVNTracksWt" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVNTracksWt);
1436 tree->Branch(
"t_PVTracksSumPt" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVTracksSumPt);
1437 tree->Branch(
"t_PVTracksSumPtWt" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVTracksSumPtWt);
1438 tree->Branch(
"PVNTracksHP" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVNTracksHP);
1439 tree->Branch(
"PVNTracksHPWt" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVNTracksHPWt);
1440 tree->Branch(
"t_PVTracksSumPtHP" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVTracksSumPtHP);
1441 tree->Branch(
"t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt" ,
"vector<double>" ,&t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt);
1468 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1CenJetPt);
1469 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1CenJetEta);
1470 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1CenJetPhi);
1471 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1FwdJetPt);
1472 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1FwdJetEta);
1473 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1FwdJetPhi);
1474 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1TauJetPt);
1475 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1TauJetEta);
1476 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1TauJetPhi);
1477 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1MuonPt);
1478 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1MuonEta);
1479 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1MuonPhi);
1480 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1IsoEMPt);
1481 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1IsoEMEta);
1482 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1IsoEMPhi);
1483 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1NonIsoEMPt);
1484 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1NonIsoEMEta);
1485 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1NonIsoEMPhi);
1486 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1METPt);
1487 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1METEta);
1488 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_L1METPhi);
1490 t_jetPt =
new std::vector<double>();
1491 t_jetEta =
new std::vector<double>();
1492 t_jetPhi =
new std::vector<double>();
1495 tree->Branch(
1496 tree->Branch(
1497 tree->Branch(
1498 tree->Branch(
1499 tree->Branch(
1512 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackPhiAll );
1513 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackEtaAll );
1514 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackPtAll );
1515 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDxyAll );
1516 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDzAll );
1517 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDxyPVAll );
1518 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDzPVAll );
1519 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackChiSqAll );
1522 t_trackP =
new std::vector<double>();
1562 t_trackL =
new std::vector<double>();
1564 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &
t_trackP );
1565 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackPt );
1566 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackEta );
1567 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackPhi );
1568 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackEcalEta );
1569 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackEcalPhi );
1570 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackHcalEta );
1571 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackHcalPhi );
1573 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackNOuterHits );
1574 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_NLayersCrossed );
1575 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitsTOB );
1576 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitsTEC );
1577 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMissTOB );
1578 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMissTEC );
1579 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMissTIB );
1580 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMissTID );
1581 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMissTIBTID );
1582 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMissTOB);
1583 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMissTEC);
1584 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMissTIB);
1585 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMissTID);
1586 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC);
1587 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMeasTOB );
1588 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMeasTEC );
1589 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMeasTIB );
1590 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitInMeasTID );
1591 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMeasTOB);
1592 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMeasTEC);
1593 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMeasTIB);
1594 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackHitOutMeasTID);
1595 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackOutPosOutHitDr);
1596 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackL);
1598 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDxy );
1599 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDxyBS );
1600 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDz );
1601 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDzBS );
1602 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDxyPV );
1603 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackDzPV );
1604 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trackChiSq );
1605 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_trackPVIdx );
1618 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_maxNearP21x21);
1626 t_e3x3 =
new std::vector<double>();
1627 t_e5x5 =
new std::vector<double>();
1628 t_e7x7 =
new std::vector<double>();
1629 t_e9x9 =
new std::vector<double>();
1630 t_e11x11 =
new std::vector<double>();
1631 t_e13x13 =
new std::vector<double>();
1632 t_e15x15 =
new std::vector<double>();
1633 t_e21x21 =
new std::vector<double>();
1634 t_e25x25 =
new std::vector<double>();
1635 t_e31x31 =
new std::vector<double>();
1641 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_e7x7);
1642 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9);
1643 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11);
1645 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15);
1673 tree->Branch(
"t_e9x9_10Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9_10Sig);
1674 tree->Branch(
"t_e11x11_10Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11_10Sig);
1675 tree->Branch(
"t_e15x15_10Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15_10Sig);
1676 tree->Branch(
"t_e7x7_15Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e7x7_15Sig);
1677 tree->Branch(
"t_e9x9_15Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9_15Sig);
1678 tree->Branch(
"t_e11x11_15Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11_15Sig);
1679 tree->Branch(
"t_e15x15_15Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15_15Sig);
1680 tree->Branch(
"t_e7x7_20Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e7x7_20Sig);
1681 tree->Branch(
"t_e9x9_20Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9_20Sig);
1682 tree->Branch(
"t_e11x11_20Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11_20Sig);
1683 tree->Branch(
"t_e15x15_20Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15_20Sig);
1684 tree->Branch(
"t_e7x7_25Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e7x7_25Sig);
1685 tree->Branch(
"t_e9x9_25Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9_25Sig);
1686 tree->Branch(
"t_e11x11_25Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11_25Sig);
1687 tree->Branch(
"t_e15x15_25Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15_25Sig);
1688 tree->Branch(
"t_e7x7_30Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e7x7_30Sig);
1689 tree->Branch(
"t_e9x9_30Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e9x9_30Sig);
1690 tree->Branch(
"t_e11x11_30Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e11x11_30Sig);
1691 tree->Branch(
"t_e15x15_30Sig" ,
"vector<double>", &t_e15x15_30Sig);
1766 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7);
1767 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9);
1768 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11);
1770 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15);
1777 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7Matched);
1778 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9Matched);
1779 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11Matched);
1781 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15Matched);
1788 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7Rest);
1789 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9Rest);
1790 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11Rest);
1792 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15Rest);
1799 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7Photon);
1800 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9Photon);
1801 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11Photon);
1803 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15Photon);
1810 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7NeutHad);
1811 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9NeutHad);
1812 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11NeutHad);
1814 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15NeutHad);
1821 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim7x7CharHad);
1822 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim9x9CharHad);
1823 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim11x11CharHad);
1825 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esim15x15CharHad);
1830 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_trkEcalEne);
1831 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_simTrackP);
1832 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_esimPdgId);
1838 t_h3x3 =
new std::vector<double>();
1839 t_h5x5 =
new std::vector<double>();
1840 t_h7x7 =
new std::vector<double>();
1869 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_maxNearHcalP5x5);
1870 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_maxNearHcalP7x7);
1871 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h3x3);
1872 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h5x5);
1873 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h7x7);
1874 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h3x3Sig);
1875 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h5x5Sig);
1876 tree->Branch(
"vector<double>", &t_h7x7Sig);
1877 tree->Branch(
"vector<int>", &t_infoHcal);
1909 double pi = 3.141592654;
1910 double twopi = 6.283185307;
1914 if (diff < pi){
return diff;}
else {
return corr;}
1918 double deta = eta1 - eta2;
1919 double dphi =
DeltaPhi(phi1, phi2);
1920 return std::sqrt(deta*deta + dphi*dphi);
1925 std::string theTrackQuality =
1929 <<
" TrackMmentum " << pTrack->
1930 <<
" (pt,eta,phi)(" << pTrack->
1931 <<
" p " << pTrack->
p() <<
1934 <<
" d0 " << pTrack->
d0() <<
1936 <<
" TrackQuality " << pTrack->
qualityName(trackQuality_) <<
" " << pTrack->
1948 std::cout<<
"trackerExpectedHitsInner() " << std::endl;
1952 std::cout<<
"trackerExpectedHitsOuter() " << std::endl;
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_PVTracksSumPtWt
double qoverp() const
double DeltaPhi(double v1, double v2)
double p() const
momentum vector magnitude
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3Matched
int stripTOBLayersWithMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25Photon
std::vector< double > * t_nTrksJetCalo
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31NeutHad
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
EventNumber_t event() const
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearHcalP7x7
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21Matched
std::vector< double > * t_trackPt
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_trackPAll
std::vector< double > * t_trackHcalPhi
std::vector< double > * t_trackDxyPVAll
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5Photon
static std::string qualityName(TrackQuality)
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMeasTEC
std::vector< double > * t_trackPdgIdAll
edm::InputTag JetExtender_
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7NeutHad
std::vector< spr::propagatedTrackID > propagateCALO(edm::Handle< reco::TrackCollection > &trkCollection, const CaloGeometry *geo, const MagneticField *bField, std::string &theTrackQuality, bool debug=false)
void eCaloSimInfo(std::vector< DetId > vdets, const CaloGeometry *geo, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEB, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEE, edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &SimTk, edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > &SimVtx, edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator trkInfo, caloSimInfo &info, double timeCut=150, bool debug=false)
std::map< std::string, bool > l1TriggerMap
edm::InputTag L1extraCenJetSource_
std::vector< double > * t_trackOutPosOutHitDr
const Vector & momentum() const
track momentum vector
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearHcalP5x5
std::vector< double > * t_L1NonIsoEMPt
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMeasTIB
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMissTOB
std::vector< double > * t_trackDz
double d0() const
dxy parameter in perigee convention (d0 = - dxy)
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP11x11
std::map< std::string, double > eHCALSimInfo(const edm::Event &, const HcalTopology *topology, const DetId &det, const CaloGeometry *geo, edm::Handle< T > &hits, edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &SimTk, edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > &SimVtx, const reco::Track *pTrack, TrackerHitAssociator &associate, int ieta, int iphi, double timeCut=150, bool includeHO=false, bool debug=false)
std::vector< double > * t_trackEcalEta
int stripTIBLayersWithMeasurement() const
double normalizedChi2() const
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. (or chi-squared * 1e6 if n.d.o.f. is zero)
std::vector< double > * t_trackEtaAll
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31Photon
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11Matched
std::vector< double > * t_L1IsoEMEta
std::vector< double > * t_PVTracksSumPt
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9_10Sig
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31Rest
TH1F * h_maxNearP25x25[NPBins][NEtaBins]
track quality
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21Photon
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3CharHad
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP7x7
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7Rest
std::vector< double > * t_L1TauJetPhi
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25Rest
std::vector< int > * t_infoHcal
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11_15Sig
static const size_t NEtaBins
std::vector< double > * t_L1TauJetPt
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25
std::vector< double > * t_trackEcalPhi
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_L1TauJetEta
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15_15Sig
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5Matched
std::vector< double > * t_L1MuonEta
std::vector< double > * t_L1MuonPt
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3Rest
int bunchCrossing() const
std::vector< double > * t_h3x3
edm::LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
std::vector< double > * t_L1MuonPhi
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of momentum vector
unsigned short numberOfLostHits() const
number of cases where track crossed a layer without getting a hit.
int stripTIDLayersWithoutMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3Matched
std::vector< double > * t_trackDxyAll
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP13x13
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearHcalP3x3
edm::InputTag L1extraIsoEmSource_
IsolatedTracksNxN(const edm::ParameterSet &)
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3Photon
int pixelLayersWithMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31
std::vector< double > * t_PVTracksSumPtHP
std::vector< double > * t_e25x25
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5
const math::XYZPoint & outerPosition() const
position of the outermost hit
const Point & referencePoint() const
Reference point on the track.
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11Rest
int trackerLayersWithMeasurement() const
int pixelEndcapLayersWithMeasurement() const
edm::InputTag L1GTReadoutRcdSource_
std::vector< int > * t_trackNOuterHits
std::vector< double > * t_h7x7Sig
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15_30Sig
std::vector< double > * t_trackPhiAll
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7_25Sig
std::vector< double > * t_trkHcalEne
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7Rest
edm::InputTag L1extraFwdJetSource_
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7_20Sig
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11_10Sig
std::vector< double > * t_trackPtAll
std::vector< double > * t_h3x3Sig
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13
edm::Service< TFileService > fs
std::vector< double > * t_e13x13
double eHCALmatrix(const HcalTopology *topology, const DetId &det, edm::Handle< T > &hits, int ieta, int iphi, bool includeHO=false, bool algoNew=true, double hbThr=-100, double heThr=-100, double hfThr=-100, double hoThr=-100, double tMin=-500, double tMax=500, bool debug=false)
std::vector< double > * t_esimPdgId
std::map< std::string, bool >::iterator trig_iter
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP9x9
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11_20Sig
std::vector< double > * t_jetEta
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP31x31
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7CharHad
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMissTEC
double chargeIsolationEcal(unsigned int trkIndex, std::vector< spr::propagatedTrackID > &vdetIds, const CaloGeometry *geo, const CaloTopology *caloTopology, int ieta, int iphi, bool debug=false)
std::vector< double > * t_trackEta
const HitPattern & trackerExpectedHitsOuter() const
Access the hit pattern counting (in the Tracker) the number of expected crossed layers after the last...
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21Rest
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9Photon
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMeasTID
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of momentum vector
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5Rest
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5Rest
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_L1CenJetPt
std::vector< double > * t_trackChiSqAll
std::vector< int > * t_L1Decision
edm::InputTag L1extraTauJetSource_
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15_25Sig
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMissTIB
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15Rest
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7
std::vector< bool > DecisionWord
int stripTIDLayersWithMeasurement() const
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMissTID
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31CharHad
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC
double pt() const
track transverse momentum
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitsTEC
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9_30Sig
const MagneticField * bField
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP25x25
std::vector< double > * t_L1CenJetPhi
std::vector< double > * t_L1FwdJetEta
std::vector< double > * t_h7x7
std::vector< int > * t_ecalSpike11x11
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15NeutHad
int stripTIBLayersWithoutMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9_20Sig
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMeasTOB
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMeasTIB
const HitPattern & trackerExpectedHitsInner() const
Access the hit pattern counting (in the Tracker) the number of expected crossed layers before the fir...
edm::SimTrackContainer::const_iterator matchedSimTrack(const edm::Event &iEvent, edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &SimTk, edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > &SimVtx, const reco::Track *pTrack, TrackerHitAssociator &associate, bool debug=false)
unsigned short numberOfValidHits() const
number of valid hits found
std::vector< double > * t_trackDzPV
std::vector< double > * t_L1FwdJetPhi
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13NeutHad
const HitPattern & hitPattern() const
Access the hit pattern, indicating in which Tracker layers the track has hits.
std::vector< double > * t_nTrksJetVtx
Container::value_type value_type
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7Photon
std::vector< double > * t_e5x5
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3NeutHad
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
std::vector< double > * t_L1NonIsoEMPhi
std::vector< double > * t_trackDzBS
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMissTOB
std::vector< double > * t_L1CenJetEta
std::vector< double > * t_trackDzPVAll
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5
std::vector< double > * t_h5x5
double qoverpError() const
error on signed transverse curvature
std::vector< double > * t_trackDxyPV
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_trackChiSq
double dz() const
dz parameter (= dsz/cos(lambda)). This is the track z0 w.r.t (0,0,0) only if the refPoint is close to...
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP15x15
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5Photon
std::vector< double > * t_PVy
std::vector< double > * t_PVNTracksHP
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3Rest
edm::InputTag L1extraNonIsoEmSource_
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13Photon
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7
static TrackQuality qualityByName(const std::string &name)
std::vector< double > * t_L1METPhi
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9Rest
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMissTIB
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9_15Sig
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7_15Sig
std::vector< double > * t_trackPhi
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7_10Sig
TFileDirectory mkdir(const std::string &dir, const std::string &descr="")
create a new subdirectory
std::vector< double > * t_PVisValid
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
std::vector< double > * t_trkEcalEne
std::vector< double > * t_trackDzAll
TH1F * h_maxNearP31x31[NPBins][NEtaBins]
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11CharHad
int pixelBarrelLayersWithMeasurement() const
T const * product() const
std::vector< double > * t_esim31x31Matched
TH1F * h_maxNearP15x15[NPBins][NEtaBins]
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9_25Sig
void eECALSimInfo(const edm::Event &, const DetId &det, const CaloGeometry *geo, const CaloTopology *caloTopology, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEB, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEE, edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > &SimTk, edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > &SimVtx, const reco::Track *pTrack, TrackerHitAssociator &associate, int ieta, int iphi, caloSimInfo &info, double timeCut=150, bool debug=false)
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13Rest
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_L1FwdJetPt
std::vector< double > * t_simTrackP
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7Matched
T const * product() const
std::vector< int > * t_trackPVIdx
bool quality(const TrackQuality) const
Track quality.
std::vector< double > * t_PVNTracks
int stripLayersWithMeasurement() const
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitsTOB
std::vector< double > * t_PVndof
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9Matched
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_L1IsoEMPhi
std::vector< double > * t_esim13x13Matched
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3Photon
std::vector< double > * t_maxNearP21x21
std::vector< double > * t_PVNTracksWt
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_L1NonIsoEMEta
std::vector< double > * t_e31x31
std::vector< double > * t_PVNTracksHPWt
std::vector< double > * t_PVz
std::vector< double > * t_e3x3
std::pair< math::XYZPoint, double > propagateTrackerEnd(const reco::Track *, const MagneticField *, bool debug=false)
void printTrack(const reco::Track *pTrack)
int stripTECLayersWithoutMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15_20Sig
std::vector< double > * t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt
std::vector< double > * t_trackDxy
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_e15x15_10Sig
int stripTECLayersWithMeasurement() const
std::vector< TrackBaseRef >::const_iterator trackRef_iterator
The iteratator for the vector<TrackRef>
TH1F * h_maxNearP21x21[NPBins][NEtaBins]
T * make() const
make new ROOT object
int stripTOBLayersWithoutMeasurement() const
std::vector< double > * t_jetPhi
std::vector< double > * t_trackL
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3
std::vector< double > * t_trackDxyBS
double eECALmatrix(const DetId &detId, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEB, edm::Handle< T > &hitsEE, const CaloGeometry *geo, const CaloTopology *caloTopology, const EcalSeverityLevelAlgo *sevlv, int ieta, int iphi, double ebThr=-100, double eeThr=-100, double tMin=-500, double tMax=500, bool debug=false)
int charge() const
track electric charge
std::vector< double > * t_trackHcalEta
std::vector< double > * t_L1METPt
void printHitPattern(int position, std::ostream &stream) const
edm::InputTag L1extraMuonSource_
std::vector< double > * t_esim3x3NeutHad
std::vector< int > * t_NLayersCrossed
double DeltaR(double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2)
std::vector< std::pair< DetId, double > > eHCALmatrixCell(const HcalTopology *topology, const DetId &det, edm::Handle< T > &hits, int ieta, int iphi, bool includeHO=false, double hbThr=-100, double heThr=-100, double hfThr=-100, double hoThr=-100, bool debug=false)
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMeasTOB
std::vector< double > * t_PVx
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMeasTEC
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15Photon
std::vector< double > * t_e9x9
std::vector< double > * t_hsim5x5Matched
std::vector< double > * t_esim7x7Matched
double dxy() const
dxy parameter. (This is the transverse impact parameter w.r.t. to (0,0,0) ONLY if refPoint is close t...
std::string algoBitToName[nL1BitsMax]
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15Matched
double chargeIsolationHcal(unsigned int trkIndex, std::vector< spr::propagatedTrackID > &vdetIds, const HcalTopology *topology, int ieta, int iphi, bool debug=false)
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMeasTID
std::vector< double > * t_L1METEta
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21NeutHad
std::vector< double > * t_e7x7_30Sig
std::vector< double > * t_esim25x25Matched
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitOutMissTEC
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11_25Sig
std::vector< double > * t_hsim3x3
std::vector< double > * t_trackP
static const size_t NPBins
std::vector< double > * t_hsim7x7Photon
std::vector< double > * t_jetPt
std::vector< double > * t_L1IsoEMPt
std::vector< double > * t_e21x21
std::vector< double > * t_esim11x11Photon
edm::InputTag L1GTObjectMapRcdSource_
std::vector< double > * t_h5x5Sig
std::vector< double > * t_esim21x21
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMissTID
std::vector< double > * t_e11x11_30Sig
std::vector< int > * t_trackHitInMissTIBTID
std::vector< double > * t_esim9x9CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_esim5x5CharHad
std::vector< double > * t_esim15x15CharHad