1 #ifndef L1Trigger_RPCConst_h
2 #define L1Trigger_RPCConst_h
229 static double vxIntegMuRate(
int ptCode,
double etaFrom,
double etaTo);
static const int m_USED_PLANES_COUNT[m_TOWER_COUNT]
m_Number of Logic Planes existing in each m_Tower.
static const int m_LOGPLANE6
static const unsigned int m_GBETA_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Board's eta Ghost Buster
l1RpcConeCrdnts(int m_tower, int logSector, int logSegment)
static const unsigned int m_TCGB_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Crate's Ghost Buster
static const int m_VLPT_PLANES_COUNT[m_TOWER_COUNT]
m_Number of Logic Planes used for Very Low Pt patterns.
static const int m_LOGPLANE2
static const unsigned int m_FINAL_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Final GhostBuster&Sorter
The coordinates of Logic Cone: m_Tower, m_LogSector, m_LogSegment.
static const int m_LAST_PLANE
Use ase a last index in loops.
bool operator<(const l1RpcConeCrdnts &cone) const
static const int m_LOGPLANE1
The Logic Planes are named starting from '1', but in varoius loop indeks are from '0'...
Minimal number of abs(m_tower_number)
static const int m_REF_PLANE[m_TOWER_COUNT]
Definition of Referenece Plane for each m_Tower.
bool operator==(const l1RpcConeCrdnts &cone) const
static double vxMuRate(int ptCode)
static const int m_VLPT_CUT
Max Pt code of Very Low Pt patterns.
static const int m_LOGPLANE4
static const std::string m_LOGPLANE_STR[]
Log Planes names.
static const unsigned int m_SEGMENTS_IN_SECTOR_CNT
m_Number of Logic Segments in one Logic Sector, defines also the number of Logic Cones for one Logic ...
static const unsigned int m_GBPHI_OUT_MUONS_CNT
m_Number of muon candidates return by Trigger Board's phi Ghost Buster
static double phiFromLogSegSec(const int logSegment, const int logSector)
Maximal number of abs(m_tower_number)
std::string intToString(int number)
Converts inteager number to string.
static const int m_LOGPLANE3
static const double m_etas[RPCConst::ITOW_MAX+2]
static const unsigned int m_LOGPLANE_SIZE[m_TOWER_COUNT][m_LOGPLANES_COUNT]
Definition of Logic Cone Sizes - number of Logic m_Strips in each plane.
static const int m_TOWER_COUNT
Only half of the detector.
static const int m_FIRST_PLANE
Use ase a first index in loops.
static const unsigned int m_TOWERS_ON_TB_CNT
Max number of towers covered by one Trugger Board.
static double phiFromSegmentNum(const int iseg)
static double ptFromIpt(const int ipt)
m_Number of Rpc strips in phi direction.
static const int m_PT_CODE_MAX
Pt_code range = 0-m_PT_CODE_MAX.
static const int m_LOGPLANES_COUNT
Max Logic Planes Count in trigger towers.
std::vector< short > TQualityTab
static double etaFromTowerNum(const int atower)
static int segmentNumFromPhi(const double phi)
static double vxIntegMuRate(int ptCode, double etaFrom, double etaTo)
static const double m_pts[RPCConst::IPT_MAX+1]
static int towerNumFromEta(const double eta)
std::vector< TQualityTab > TQualityTabsVec
static int iptFromPt(const double pt)
Offset of the first trigger phi sector [deg].
static const int m_NOT_CONECTED
Denotes Logic m_Strips that is not valid (f.e. in Patterns denotes, that in given plane the pattern i...
static const int m_LOGPLANE5
int stringToInt(std::string str)
Converts string to inteager number. If string contains chars, that are not digits, throws RPCException.