1 #ifndef HcalDigis_HcalSubdetDigiMonitor_h
2 #define HcalDigis_HcalSubdetDigiMonitor_h
308 if(me) me->
312 if(me) me->
Fill(v1, v2);
316 if(me) me->
Fill(v1, v2, v3);
336 :
max(maxi) {}
void fillmePed0Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeAll10slices1D(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeGain0Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meSignalAmp2
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhit1
void fillmeGainWidth0Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meADC0fC_depth1
void setBinContent_depth2(int i, int j, double v)
void fillmePedWidth2Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeGain2Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meAmplIetaIphi3
void fillmeGain1Depth1(double v1)
void fillmePedWidth1Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePed1Depth1
MonitorElement * meSumAmp
void fillmeGainWidth2Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeAmplIetaIphi4(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmeADC0_depth1(double v1)
void fillmeDigiSimhitProfile3(double v1, double v2)
void setBinContent(int binx, double content)
set content of bin (1-D)
MonitorElement * mePed2Depth1
void fillmeGainWidth0Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth1Depth4
MonitorElement * meSignalTimeSlice
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhit3
MonitorElement * mePedWidth3Depth1
void fillmePed2Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meAmplIetaIphi2
MonitorElement * book1D(const std::string &name, HistLim lim)
void fillmePedWidth1Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeNdigis(double v1)
void fillmeGainWidth2Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain1Depth3
MonitorElement * meADC0_depth1
void fillmenDigis(double v1)
void fillmeGainMap2(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmePwidthMap3(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmeDigiSimhit4(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePed1Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_map_depth3
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhitProfile4
void fillmeOccupancy_map_depth2(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeGainWidth3Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meRatioDigiSimhit4
void fillmeGain2Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meSignalAmp
void fillmeDigiSimhit3(double v1, double v2)
double getBinContent_depth4(int i, int j)
MonitorElement * meBin5Frac
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhit2
MonitorElement * meGain0Depth2
void fillmeADC0fC_depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain2Depth4
void fillmeGainWidth1Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeRatioDigiSimhit4(double v1)
void fillElements(MonitorElement *me, double v1, double v2)
HcalSubdetDigiMonitor(DQMStore *dbe, const std::string &subdet, int noise)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth4
void fillmeDigiSimhit2(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * meGainMap3
void fillmeRatioDigiSimhit(double v1)
void fillmePedWidth1Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhitProfile1
void fillmeGainWidth1Depth4(double v1)
void setBinContent_depth3(int i, int j, double v)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth1Depth1
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth1
void fillmeGain3Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth3Depth1
MonitorElement * meRatioDigiSimhit2
void fillmePed1Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meSignalAmp3
MonitorElement * mePedWidth2Depth4
void fillmeRatioDigiSimhit2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meRatioDigiSimhit3
void fillmeAmplIetaIphi2(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmePwidthMap1(double v1, double v2, double v3)
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhitProfile2
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhit4
void fillmeGainWidth1Depth2(double v1)
double getBinContent_depth2(int i, int j)
void fillmeOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth2(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeGainWidth2Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meBin67Frac
void fillElements(MonitorElement *me, double v1, double v2, double v3)
MonitorElement * meGain0Depth3
MonitorElement * meADC0fC_depth4
void fillmeGainWidth3Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain1Depth2
MonitorElement * meGain3Depth4
MonitorElement * mePwidthMap3
void fillmeBin67Frac(double v1)
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhit
void fillmeSumAmp(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain2Depth3
MonitorElement * mePedWidth1Depth2
void fillmeSignalAmp4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth2Depth2
MonitorElement * mePwidthMap2
MonitorElement * meGain1Depth4
void fillmeDigiSimhitProfile2(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePed0Depth4(double v1)
void fillmeOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth4(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth2Depth1
MonitorElement * meGain3Depth3
void fillmeGain3Depth3(double v1)
void fillmePed0Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeGainMap4(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmePed3Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeDigiSimhit(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeRatioDigiSimhit1(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth0Depth3
void fillmeOccupancy_map_depth1(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeGain1Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth0Depth4
MonitorElement * meGainMap2
MonitorElement * meAll10slices1D
void fillmeGain1Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeGainWidth0Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeGainWidth2Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeSignalAmp1(double v1)
MonitorElement * meADC0fC_depth2
MonitorElement * meGainWidth1Depth3
MonitorElement * mePed3Depth4
MonitorElement * mePedWidth1Depth1
void fillmeGain3Depth4(double v1)
double getBinContent_depth1(int i, int j)
void fillmeADC0_depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth2Depth3
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhitProfile3
void fillElement(MonitorElement *me, double value)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth0Depth4
MonitorElement * meADC0_depth2
MonitorElement * meADC0_depth3
void fillmeGain3Depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain1Depth1
void fillmeDigiSimhitProfile4(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeAmplIetaIphi3(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmeADC0_depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * menDigis
MonitorElement * mePedWidth3Depth3
void fillmePedWidth2Depth2(double v1)
void fillmeGainMap1(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmeGainWidth0Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePed0Depth3
MonitorElement * meADC0_depth4
MonitorElement * mePedWidth2Depth1
MonitorElement * mePedWidth0Depth1
MonitorElement * mePed2Depth3
void fillmeOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth1(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePedWidth2Depth4(double v1)
void fillmePedWidth1Depth2(double v1)
void fillmePedWidth2Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth0Depth2
HistLim(int nbin, float mini, float maxi)
MonitorElement * meGain0Depth4
MonitorElement * meSignalAmp1
void fillmeSignalTimeSlice(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePedWidth0Depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePwidthMap4
MonitorElement * meGainWidth3Depth4
MonitorElement * mePed1Depth2
MonitorElement * mePedWidth2Depth2
MonitorElement * meGainMap1
void fillmePedWidth3Depth2(double v1)
void setBinContent_depth4(int i, int j, double v)
MonitorElement * meAll10slices
void fillmeOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth3(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePedWidth3Depth4(double v1)
void fillmeADC0fC_depth4(double v1)
void setBinContent_depth1(int i, int j, double v)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth3Depth2
double getMeElementBinContent(MonitorElement *me, int i, int j)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth3
void fillmeSignalAmp(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGain3Depth2
void fillmeGainMap3(double v1, double v2, double v3)
void fillmePedWidth3Depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePed0Depth4
void setMeElementBinContent(MonitorElement *me, int i, int j, double v)
void fillmeDigiSimhitProfile(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_map_depth2
double getBinContent_depth3(int i, int j)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth2Depth4
void fillmePed3Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePed1Depth3
MonitorElement * mePed3Depth3
void fillmeGain2Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeOccupancy_map_depth4(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_map_depth4
MonitorElement * meGainWidth0Depth3
void fillmePed2Depth2(double v1)
void fillmePed3Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * meNdigis
MonitorElement * mePed3Depth2
MonitorElement * meRatioDigiSimhit
void fillmePedWidth0Depth4(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePwidthMap1
MonitorElement * meGainWidth3Depth2
MonitorElement * mePed2Depth2
MonitorElement * mePedWidth3Depth4
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
void fillmeSignalAmp3(double v1)
double getBinContent(int binx) const
get content of bin (1-D)
MonitorElement * meDigiSimhitProfile
MonitorElement * meGain3Depth1
void fillmePed0Depth2(double v1)
void fillmePwidthMap4(double v1, double v2, double v3)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(const std::string &name, HistLim lim1, HistLim lim2)
MonitorElement * mePed0Depth2
void fillmeDigiSimhit1(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * meSignalAmp4
void fillmeADC0fC_depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth1Depth3
void fillmeGain0Depth2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth2Depth3
void fillmeADC0_depth3(double v1)
void fillmePed2Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeGainWidth3Depth1(double v1)
void fillmePed2Depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePedWidth1Depth4
void fillmeRatioDigiSimhit3(double v1)
void fillmeGain2Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainMap4
void fillmePedWidth3Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meADC0fC_depth3
MonitorElement * mePedWidth0Depth2
void fillmeGain0Depth1(double v1)
void fillmeDigiSimhitProfile1(double v1, double v2)
MonitorElement * mePed1Depth4
MonitorElement * book2D(const std::string &name, HistLim lim1, HistLim lim2)
MonitorElement * meGain2Depth2
MonitorElement * meGain2Depth1
void fillmeOccupancy_map_depth3(double v1, double v2)
void fillmePed1Depth1(double v1)
MonitorElement * meAmplIetaIphi4
MonitorElement * mePed0Depth1
MonitorElement * mePed3Depth1
void fillmeBin5Frac(double v1)
void fillmePedWidth0Depth2(double v1)
void fillmeSignalAmp2(double v1)
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_map_depth1
void fillmeAll10slices(double v1, double v2)
void fillmeGainWidth1Depth3(double v1)
void fillmePwidthMap2(double v1, double v2, double v3)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth0Depth1
void fillmePedWidth0Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meAmplIetaIphi1
void fillmeADC0fC_depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meGainWidth1Depth2
void fillmeGain1Depth4(double v1)
void fillmeAmplIetaIphi1(double v1, double v2, double v3)
MonitorElement * meGain0Depth1
MonitorElement * meGainWidth3Depth3
MonitorElement * meOccupancy_vs_ieta_depth2
void fillmePed3Depth1(double v1)
void fillmePed1Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * mePed2Depth4
void fillmeGain0Depth3(double v1)
void fillmeGainWidth3Depth3(double v1)
MonitorElement * meRatioDigiSimhit1