given a hltpath and its L1SeedExpression, find the L1 bit name
can return None
if hltPath contains the following, skip do not parse seed.
FakeHLTPATH*, HLT_Physics*, HLT_*Calibration*, HLT_HFThreashold,
parse hltpath contains at most 2 logics x OR y, x AND y, and return left val
do not consider path containing operator NOT
Definition at line 2 of file
Referenced by lumiCalcAPI.effectiveLumiForRange(), and lumiSumPlot.getLumiInfoForRuns().
5 given a hltpath and its L1SeedExpression, find the L1 bit name
8 if hltPath contains the following, skip do not parse seed.
10 FakeHLTPATH*, HLT_Physics*, HLT_*Calibration*, HLT_HFThreashold,
11 HLT_MiniBias*,HLT_Random*,HLTTriggerFinalPath,HLT_PixelFED*
13 parse hltpath contains at most 2 logics x OR y, x AND y, and return left val
14 do not consider path containing operator NOT
17 if re.match(
None :
19 if re.match(
None :
21 if re.match(
None :
23 if re.match(
None :
25 if re.match(
None :
27 if re.match(
None :
29 if re.match(
None :
31 if re.match(
None :
33 if ExprStr.find(
'(')!=-1 :
35 sep=re.compile(
36 result=re.split(sep,ExprStr)
40 if r.find(
'NOT ')!=-1 :