1 #ifndef L1GlobalTrigger_L1GtFdlWord_h
2 #define L1GlobalTrigger_L1GtFdlWord_h
21 #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
40 boost::uint16_t boardIdValue,
42 boost::uint16_t bxNrValue,
43 boost::uint32_t eventNrValue,
47 boost::uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexTechValue,
48 boost::uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue,
49 boost::uint16_t noAlgoValue,
50 boost::uint16_t finalORValue,
51 boost::uint32_t orbitNrValue,
52 boost::uint16_t lumiSegmentNrValue,
53 boost::uint16_t localBxNrValue
71 inline const boost::uint16_t
112 inline const boost::uint16_t
117 void setBxNr(
const boost::uint16_t& bxNrValue)
288 inline const boost::uint16_t
407 void print(std::ostream& myCout)
411 void unpack(
const unsigned char* fdlPtr);
static const boost::uint64_t BoardIdMask
void setLocalBxNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setFinalORWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
const boost::uint16_t noAlgo() const
get/set NoAlgo
const TechnicalTriggerWord & gtTechnicalTriggerWord() const
get/set technical trigger bits
const boost::uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo() const
void setEventNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setPhysicsDeclaredWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const boost::uint64_t BxInEventMask
const boost::uint32_t eventNr() const
get/set event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
const boost::uint16_t boardId() const
get/set board ID
static const int EventNrShift
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechShift
boost::uint16_t m_localBxNr
static const int UnitLength
one unit in the word is UnitLength bits
static const int BxInEventShift
static const int GtDecisionWordBShift
boost::uint16_t m_lumiSegmentNr
luminosity segment number
void unpack(const unsigned char *fdlPtr)
static const boost::uint64_t LumiSegmentNrMask
static const int FinalORWord
static const int BxNrShift
static const boost::uint64_t OrbitNrMask
void setBxNr(const boost::uint16_t &bxNrValue)
void setGtDecisionWord(const DecisionWord >DecisionWordValue)
const unsigned int getSize() const
get the size of the FDL block in GT DAQ record (in multiple of 8 bits)
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const int PhysicsDeclaredShift
static const int LocalBxNrShift
void printGtDecisionWord(std::ostream &myCout) const
static const int OrbitNrShift
static const int GtDecisionWordBWord
void setGtDecisionWordA(const boost::uint64_t &word64)
void setLocalBxNr(const boost::uint16_t &localBxNrValue)
static const int GtDecisionWordAShift
std::vector< bool > DecisionWordExtended
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo(const boost::uint16_t >PrescaleFactorIndexAlgoValue)
static const boost::uint64_t BxNrMask
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const boost::uint64_t NoAlgoMask
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoWord
static const int LumiSegmentNrShift
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWord(const TechnicalTriggerWord >TechnicalTriggerWordValue)
static const int BoardIdShift
static const int NoAlgoShift
void setEventNr(const boost::uint32_t &eventNrValue)
std::vector< bool > DecisionWord
const boost::uint16_t localBxNr() const
get/set local bunch cross number of the actual bx
static const boost::uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoMask
static const int BlockSize
boost::uint16_t m_physicsDeclared
set to true when physics declared
virtual ~L1GtFdlWord()
void setPhysicsDeclared(const boost::uint16_t &physicsDeclaredValue)
void setGtDecisionWordBWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const boost::uint64_t GtDecisionWordAMask
const int bxInEvent() const
get/set bunch cross in the GT event record
boost::uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number of the actual bx
void printGtDecisionWordExtended(std::ostream &myCout) const
void reset()
reset the content of a L1GtFdlWord
static const int LumiSegmentNrWord
void setOrbitNr(const boost::uint32_t &orbitNrValue)
std::vector< bool > TechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits (64 bits)
static const int EventNrWord
DecisionWord m_gtDecisionWord
algorithm bits
void setBoardId(const boost::uint16_t &boardIdValue)
set BoardId from a BoardId value
static const int BoardIdWord
static const int BxInEventWord
void setLumiSegmentNr(const boost::uint16_t &lumiSegmentNrValue)
const bool globalDecision() const
const boost::uint32_t orbitNr() const
get/set orbit number
void print(std::ostream &myCout) const
pretty print the content of a L1GtFdlWord
void setGtDecisionWordB(const boost::uint64_t &word64)
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordShift
void setBxInEventWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
const boost::uint16_t gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech() const
get/set index of the set of prescale factors
const boost::uint16_t lumiSegmentNr() const
get/set luminosity segment number of the actual bx
boost::uint16_t m_finalOR
static const boost::uint64_t EventNrMask
static const boost::uint64_t GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechMask
void setGtDecisionWordExtendedWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setBoardIdWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const int GtDecisionWordAWord
bool operator!=(const L1GtFdlWord &) const
unequal operator
unsigned long long uint64_t
void setNoAlgoWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const int FinalORShift
static const int BxNrWord
void setBxNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
boost::uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgo
const DecisionWord & gtDecisionWord() const
get/set/print algorithms bits (decision word)
int m_bxInEvent
bunch cross in the GT event record
static const int PhysicsDeclaredWord
static const boost::uint64_t GtTechnicalTriggerWordMask
static const int OrbitNrWord
static const boost::uint64_t PhysicsDeclaredMask
static const int GtTechnicalTriggerWordWord
const boost::uint16_t bxNr() const
get/set BxNr - bunch cross number of the actual bx
void setOrbitNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const int LocalBxNrWord
const boost::uint16_t physicsDeclared() const
get/set "physics declared" bit
void printGtTechnicalTriggerWord(std::ostream &myCout) const
void setLumiSegmentNrWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedWord
static const boost::uint64_t GtDecisionWordBMask
const boost::uint16_t finalOR() const
get/set "Final OR" bits
void setBxInEvent(const int bxInEventValue)
DecisionWordExtended m_gtDecisionWordExtended
extended algorithm bits, in addition to 128
const DecisionWordExtended & gtDecisionWordExtended() const
get/set extended algorithms bits (extended decision word)
boost::uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexTechWord
void setGtTechnicalTriggerWordWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
boost::uint16_t m_noAlgo
true if no algorithm (from a defined group - default all) triggered
static const boost::uint64_t GtDecisionWordExtendedMask
boost::uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in FDL
bool operator==(const L1GtFdlWord &) const
equal operator
void setNoAlgo(const boost::uint16_t &noAlgoValue)
static const int NoAlgoWord
boost::uint32_t m_orbitNr
orbit number
void setGtDecisionWordExtended(const DecisionWordExtended >DecisionWordExtendedValue)
TechnicalTriggerWord m_gtTechnicalTriggerWord
technical trigger bits
static const boost::uint64_t LocalBxNrMask
void setGtPrescaleFactorIndexTech(const boost::uint16_t >PrescaleFactorIndexTechValue)
static const int GtPrescaleFactorIndexAlgoShift
boost::uint16_t m_gtPrescaleFactorIndexTech
static const int GtDecisionWordExtendedShift
static const boost::uint64_t FinalORMask
void setGtDecisionWordAWord64(boost::uint64_t &word64, const int iWord)
void setFinalOR(const boost::uint16_t &finalORValue)