121 produces<std::vector<Muon> >();
170 bool beamSpotIsValid =
171 bool primaryVertexIsValid =
181 if( beamSpotHandle.
isValid() ){
182 beamSpot = *beamSpotHandle;
183 beamSpotIsValid =
186 <<
"No beam spot available from EventSetup, not adding high level selection \n";
190 primaryVertex = pvHandle->at(0);
191 primaryVertexIsValid =
194 <<
"No primary vertex available from EventSetup, not adding high level selection \n";
201 std::vector<Muon> *
patMuons =
new std::vector<Muon>();
216 Muon aMuon(muonBaseRef);
229 unsigned int nhits = innerTrack->numberOfValidHits();
237 primaryVertexIsValid,
243 double corr_d0 = -1.0 * innerTrack->dxy( beamPoint );
244 aMuon.
setDB( corr_d0, -1.0 );
247 double d0_corr = result.second.value();
248 double d0_err = result.second.error();
249 aMuon.
setDB( d0_corr, d0_err );
254 double norm_chi2 = globalTrack->chi2() / globalTrack->ndof();
265 fillMuon( aMuon, muonBaseRef, pfBaseRef, genMatches,
deposits, isolationValues );
266 patMuons->push_back(aMuon);
296 unsigned int idx = itMuon - muons->begin();
301 fillMuon( aMuon, muonRef, muonBaseRef, genMatches,
deposits, isolationValues);
312 it = pickyMap->find(globalTrack);
318 it = tpfmsMap->find(globalTrack);
353 unsigned int nhits = innerTrack->numberOfValidHits();
361 primaryVertexIsValid,
367 double corr_d0 = -1.0 * innerTrack->dxy( beamPoint );
368 aMuon.
setDB( corr_d0, -1.0 );
371 double d0_corr = result.second.value();
372 double d0_err = result.second.error();
373 aMuon.
setDB( d0_corr, d0_err );
378 double norm_chi2 = globalTrack->chi2() / globalTrack->ndof();
387 patMuons->push_back(aMuon);
395 std::auto_ptr<std::vector<Muon> > ptr(patMuons);
418 for(
size_t i = 0,
n = genMatches.size();
i <
n; ++
i) {
429 for (
size_t j = 0, nd = deposits.size();
j < nd; ++
j) {
443 for (
size_t j = 0;
j<isolationValues.size(); ++
j) {
472 iDesc.
"embed external track");
473 iDesc.
"embed external stand-alone muon");
474 iDesc.
"embed external combined muon");
475 iDesc.
"embed external picky muon");
476 iDesc.
"embed external tpfms muon");
479 iDesc.
"whether to add MET muon correction for caloMET or not");
480 iDesc.
"muonMETValueMapProducer" ,
"source of MET muon corrections for caloMET");
481 iDesc.
"whether to add MET muon correction for tcMET or not");
482 iDesc.
"muonTCMETValueMapProducer" ,
"source of MET muon corrections for tcMET");
486 iDesc.
"whether to use particle flow or not");
487 iDesc.
"embed external particle flow object");
493 )->
"If TeV refits are added, their sources need to be specified");
496 iDesc.
"add MC matching");
497 iDesc.
"embed MC matched MC information");
498 std::vector<edm::InputTag> emptySourceVector;
501 )->
"input with MC match information");
514 isoDepositsPSet.
addOptional<std::vector<edm::InputTag> >(
526 iDesc.
"isolationValues", isolationValuesPSet);
531 iDesc.
"efficiencies", efficienciesPSet);
532 iDesc.
541 iDesc.
"userIsolation", isolationPSet);
543 iDesc.
"embed high level selection");
547 )->
"input with high level selection");
549 )->
"input with high level selection");
551 )->
"input with high level selection, use primary vertex (true) or beam line (false)");
561 if (iConfig.
exists( psetName )) {
567 if (depconf.
"pfAllParticles")) {
570 if (depconf.
"pfChargedHadrons")) {
573 if (depconf.
"pfNeutralHadrons")) {
576 if (depconf.
"pfPhotons")) {
579 if (depconf.
"user")) {
580 std::vector<edm::InputTag> userdeps = depconf.
getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag> >(
581 std::vector<edm::InputTag>::const_iterator it = userdeps.begin(), ed = userdeps.end();
583 for ( ; it != ed; ++it, ++
key) {
598 bool primaryVertexIsValid,
606 std::pair<bool,Measurement1D>
result =
612 double d0_corr = result.second.value();
613 double d0_err = primaryVertexIsValid ? result.second.error() : -1.0;
624 d0_corr = result.second.value();
625 d0_err = primaryVertexIsValid ? result.second.error() : -1.0;
640 d0_corr = result.second.value();
641 d0_err = beamspotIsValid ? result.second.error() : -1.0;
651 d0_corr = result.second.value();
652 d0_err = beamspotIsValid ? result.second.error() : -1.0;
bool embedTpfmsMuon_
embed track from tpfms muon fit into the muon
bool enabled() const
'true' if this there is at least one efficiency configured
bool useUserData_
add user data to the muon (this will be data members of th muon even w/o embedding) ...
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void setComment(std::string const &value)
double z0() const
z coordinate
Assists in assimilating all pat::UserData into pat objects.
bool usePV_
use the primary vertex or the beamspot
void embedStandAloneMuon()
set reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
boost::indirect_iterator< typename seq_t::const_iterator > const_iterator
ParameterDescriptionBase * addOptional(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
edm::InputTag pickySrc_
input tag for picky muon refit
void setIsolation(IsolationKeys key, float value)
bool embedTcMETMuonCorrs_
embed muon MET correction info for tcMET into the muon
bool existsAs(std::string const ¶meterName, bool trackiness=true) const
checks if a parameter exists as a given type
bool contains(EventRange const &lh, EventID const &rh)
Covariance3DMatrix covariance3D() const
return only 3D position covariance matrix
void embedPFCandidate()
embed the IsolatedPFCandidate pointed to by pfCandidateRef_
bool addEfficiencies_
add efficiencies to the muon (this will be data members of th muon even w/o embedding) ...
void setAllowAnything()
allow any parameter label/value pairs
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
edm::InputTag tpfmsSrc_
input tag for tpfms muon refit
bool embedCaloMETMuonCorrs_
embed muon MET correction info for caloMET into the muon
edm::InputTag pvSrc_
input source of the primary vertex
bool exists(std::string const ¶meterName) const
checks if a parameter exists
ParameterDescriptionNode * addNode(ParameterDescriptionNode const &node)
virtual void setP4(const LorentzVector &p4)
set 4-momentum
edm::InputTag tcMETMuonCorrs_
source of tcMET muon corrections
edm::InputTag pfMuonSrc_
input source pfCandidates that will be to be transformed into pat::Muons, when using PF2PAT ...
bool addResolutions_
add resolutions to the muon (this will be data members of th muon even w/o embedding) ...
Enum defining isolation keys.
PFCandidateCollection::const_iterator PFCandidateConstIterator
void setResolutions(pat::PATObject< T > &obj) const
Sets the efficiencies for this object, using the reference to the original objects.
void setPFCandidateRef(const reco::PFCandidateRef &ref)
add a reference to the source IsolatedPFCandidate
void embedPickyMuon()
embed reference to the above picky Track
PATMuonProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
default constructir
pat::helper::MultiIsolator isolator_
helper class to add userdefined isolation values to the muon
bool enabled() const
'true' if this there is at least one efficiency configured
void setIsoDeposit(IsolationKeys key, const IsoDeposit &dep)
Sets the IsoDeposit associated with some key; if it is already existent, it is overwritten.
void embedCombinedMuon()
set reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon...
static void fillDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription &iDesc)
std::vector< IsolationLabel > IsolationLabels
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
void embedCaloMETMuonCorrs(const reco::MuonMETCorrectionData &t)
embed the MuonMETCorrectionData for muon corrected caloMET
bool useParticleFlow_
switch to use particle flow (PF2PAT) or not
pat::PATUserDataHelper< pat::Muon > userDataHelper_
helper class to add userData to the muon
bool enabled() const
True if it has a non null configuration.
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
bool embedStandAloneMuon_
embed track from muon system into the muon
void setComment(std::string const &value)
default destructur
reco::PFCandidateRef pfCandidateRef() const
reference to the source IsolatedPFCandidates
void beginEvent(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup)
GreaterByPt< Muon > pTComparator_
bool embedTrack_
embed the track from inner tracker into the muon
bool addGenMatch_
add generator match information
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
description of config file parameters
edm::InputTag beamLineSrc_
input source of the primary vertex/beamspot
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::auto_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
void embedTrack()
set reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) ...
void embedTcMETMuonCorrs(const reco::MuonMETCorrectionData &t)
embed the MuonMETCorrectionData for tcMET
void embedHighLevel(pat::Muon &aMuon, reco::TrackRef innerTrack, reco::TransientTrack &tt, reco::Vertex &primaryVertex, bool primaryVertexIsValid, reco::BeamSpot &beamspot, bool beamspotIsValid)
virtual void produce(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
everything that needs to be done during the event loop
void setTpfmsMuon(const reco::TrackRef &t)
math::XYZPoint Point
point in the space
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
std::vector< edm::InputTag > genMatchSrc_
input tags for generator match information
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
void embedTpfmsMuon()
embed reference to the above tpfms Track
void addGenParticleRef(const reco::GenParticleRef &ref)
ParameterDescriptionNode * ifValue(ParameterDescription< T > const &switchParameter, std::auto_ptr< ParameterDescriptionCases< T > > cases)
edm::InputTag muonSrc_
input source
void readIsolationLabels(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig, const char *psetName, IsolationLabels &labels)
static void fillDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription &iDesc)
Method for documentation and validation of PSet.
bool addTeVRefits_
add TeV track refits for the muon
void setEfficiencies(pat::PATObject< T > &obj, const R &originalRef) const
Sets the efficiencies for this object, using the reference to the original objects.
edm::InputTag caloMETMuonCorrs_
source of caloMET muon corrections
std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::Association< reco::GenParticleCollection > > > GenAssociations
void fillMuon(Muon &aMuon, const MuonBaseRef &muonRef, const reco::CandidateBaseRef &baseRef, const GenAssociations &genMatches, const IsoDepositMaps &deposits, const IsolationValueMaps &isolationValues) const
common muon filling, for both the standard and PF2PAT case
std::vector< std::pair< pat::IsolationKeys, float > > IsolationValuePairs
Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm.
pat::helper::EfficiencyLoader efficiencyLoader_
helper class to add efficiencies to the muon
bool embedPickyMuon_
embed track from picky muon fit into the muon
void setNormChi2(double normChi2)
double y0() const
y coordinate
std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< IsoDeposit > > > IsoDepositMaps
pat::helper::MultiIsolator::IsolationValuePairs isolatorTmpStorage_
isolation value pair for temporary storage before being folded into the muon
bool embedGenMatch_
embed the gen match information into the muon
const Point & position() const
IsolationLabels isoDepositLabels_
input source for isoDeposits
IsolationLabels isolationValueLabels_
input source isolation value maps
std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< double > > > IsolationValueMaps
bool embedPFCandidate_
embed pfCandidates into the muon
void newEvent(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) const
To be called for each new event, reads in the EventSetup object.
void setNumberOfValidHits(unsigned int numberOfValidHits)
bool embedCombinedMuon_
embed track of the combined fit into the muon
Analysis-level muon class.
pat::helper::KinResolutionsLoader resolutionLoader_
helper class to add resolutions to the muon
reco::MuonRef muonRef() const
void setPickyMuon(const reco::TrackRef &t)
void newEvent(const edm::Event &event) const
To be called for each new event, reads in the ValueMaps for efficiencies.
void setDB(double dB, double edB, IpType type=None)
Global3DVector GlobalVector
void fill(const edm::View< T > &coll, int idx, IsolationValuePairs &isolations) const
double x0() const
x coordinate
bool embedHighLevelSelection_
embed high level selection variables