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1 // File:
3 // Description: Usage of DDD to get to numbering scheme for hadron calorimeter
16 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h"
17 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
18 #include <iostream>
20 //#define DebugLog
23  const DDCompactView & cpv) {
24  edm::LogInfo("HCalGeom") << "Creating HcalNumberingFromDDD";
25  initialize(name, cpv);
26 }
29  edm::LogInfo("HCalGeom") << "Deleting HcalNumberingFromDDD";
30 }
33  CLHEP::Hep3Vector point,
34  int depth,
35  int lay) const {
38  double hx = point.x();
39  double hy = point.y();
40  double hz = point.z();
41  double hR = sqrt(hx*hx+hy*hy+hz*hz);
42  double htheta = (hR == 0. ? 0. : acos(std::max(std::min(hz/hR,1.0),-1.0)));
43  double hsintheta = sin(htheta);
44  double hphi = (hR*hsintheta == 0. ? 0. :atan2(hy,hx));
45  double heta = (fabs(hsintheta) == 1.? 0. : -log(fabs(tan(htheta/2.))) );
47  int hsubdet=0;
48  double etaR;
50  //First eta index
51  if (det == 5) { // Forward HCal
52  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalForward);
53  hR = sqrt(hx*hx+hy*hy);
54  etaR = (heta >= 0. ? hR : -hR);
55  } else { // Barrel or Endcap
56  etaR = heta;
57  if (det == 3) {
58  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel);
59  } else {
60  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap);
61  }
62  }
64 #ifdef DebugLog
65  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: point = " << point << " det "
66  << hsubdet << " eta/R " << etaR << " phi " << hphi;
67 #endif
68  HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = unitID(hsubdet,etaR,hphi,depth,lay);
69  return tmp;
71 }
74  int depth,
75  int lay) const {
77  int ieta = 0;
78  double heta = fabs(eta);
79  for (int i = 0; i < nEta; i++)
80  if (heta > etaTable[i]) ieta = i + 1;
81  int hsubdet=0;
82  double etaR;
83  if (ieta <= etaMin[1]) {
84  if ((ieta <= etaMin[1] && depth==3) || ieta > etaMax[0]) {
85  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap);
86  } else {
87  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel);
88  }
89  etaR = eta;
90  } else {
91  hsubdet = static_cast<int>(HcalForward);
92  double theta = 2.*atan(exp(-heta));
93  double hR = zVcal*tan(theta);
94  etaR = (eta >= 0. ? hR : -hR);
95  }
97  HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = unitID(hsubdet,etaR,fi,depth,lay);
98  return tmp;
99 }
103  double etaR,
104  double phi,
105  int depth,
106  int lay) const {
108  int ieta=0;
109  double fioff, fibin;
110  double hetaR = fabs(etaR);
112  //First eta index
113  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) { // Forward HCal
114  fioff = phioff[2];
115  ieta = etaMax[2];
116  for (int i = nR-1; i > 0; i--)
117  if (hetaR < rTable[i]) ieta = etaMin[2] + nR - i - 1;
118  fibin = phibin[nEta+ieta-etaMin[2]-1];
119  if (ieta > etaMax[2]-2 ) { // HF double-phi
120  fioff += 0.5*fibin;
121  }
122  } else { // Barrel or Endcap
123  ieta = 1;
124  for (int i = 0; i < nEta-1; i++)
125  if (hetaR > etaTable[i]) ieta = i + 1;
126  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
127  fioff = phioff[0];
128  if (ieta > etaMax[0]) ieta = etaMax[0];
129  if (lay == 18 && nOff.size() > 13) {
130  if (hetaR > etaHO[1] && ieta == nOff[13]) ieta++;
131  }
132  } else {
133  fioff = phioff[1];
134  if (ieta <= etaMin[1]) ieta = etaMin[1];
135  }
136  fibin = phibin[ieta-1];
137  }
139  int nphi = int((CLHEP::twopi+0.1*fibin)/fibin);
140  int zside = etaR>0 ? 1: 0;
141  double hphi = phi+fioff;
142  if (hphi < 0) hphi += CLHEP::twopi;
143  int iphi = int(hphi/fibin) + 1;
144  if (iphi > nphi) iphi = 1;
146 #ifdef DebugLog
147  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: etaR = " << etaR << " : "
148  << zside << "/" << ieta << " phi " << hphi << " : "
149  << iphi;
150 #endif
151  HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = unitID(det,zside,depth,ieta,iphi,lay);
152  return tmp;
154 }
157  int depth, int etaR,
158  int phi,
159  int lay) const {
161  //Modify the depth index
162  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) { // Forward HCal
163  } else {
164  if (lay >= 0) {
165  double fibin = phibin[etaR-1];
166  int depth0 = depth1[etaR-1];
167  int kphi = phi + int((phioff[3]+0.1)/fibin);
168  kphi = (kphi-1)%4 + 1;
169  if (etaR == nOff[0] && (kphi == 2 || kphi == 3)) depth0--;
170  if (lay <= depth2[etaR-1]) {
171  if (lay <= depth0) depth = 1;
172  else depth = 2;
173  } else if (lay <= depth3[etaR-1]) {
174  depth = 3;
175  } else depth = 4;
176  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
177  if (depth==3) depth = 2;
178  }
179  if (det != static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)) {
180  if (etaR <= etaMin[1]) depth = 3;
181  }
182  }
183  if (etaR == nOff[1] && depth > 2 && det == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap))
184  etaR = nOff[1]-1;
185  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel) && depth == 4) {
186  det = static_cast<int>(HcalOuter);
187  }
189  int units = unitPhi(det, etaR);
190  int iphi_skip = phi;
191  if (units==2) iphi_skip = (phi-1)*2+1;
192  else if (units==4) iphi_skip = (phi-1)*4-1;
193  if (iphi_skip < 0) iphi_skip += 72;
195 #ifdef DebugLog
196  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: phi units=" << units
197  << " iphi_skip=" << iphi_skip;
198 #endif
199  HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp(det,zside,depth,etaR,phi,iphi_skip,lay);
201 #ifdef DebugLog
202  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: det = " << det << " "
203  << tmp.subdet << " zside = " << tmp.zside << " depth = "
204  << tmp.depth << " eta/R = " << tmp.etaR << " phi = "
205  << tmp.phi << " layer = " << tmp.lay;
206 #endif
207  return tmp;
208 }
211  int depth, int etaR,
212  int iphi, bool corr) const {
214  int idet = det;
215  double etaMn = etaMin[0];
216  double etaMx = etaMax[0];
217  if (idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
218  etaMn = etaMin[1]; etaMx = etaMax[1];
219  } else if (idet==static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
220  etaMn = etaMin[2]; etaMx = etaMax[2];
221  }
222  if (corr) {
223  if (etaR >= nOff[2] && depth == 3 && idet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel))
224  idet = static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap);
225  }
226  double eta = 0, deta = 0, phi = 0, dphi = 0, rz = 0, drz = 0;
227  bool ok = false, flagrz = true;
228  if ((idet==static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)||idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)||
229  idet==static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)||idet==static_cast<int>(HcalForward))
230  && etaR >=etaMn && etaR <= etaMx)
231  ok = true;
232  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
233  if (depth < 3 && etaR <= etaMin[1]) ok = false;
234  else if (depth > 2 && etaR == nOff[1]) ok = false;
235  }
236  if (ok) {
237  int maxlay = (int)(rHB.size());
238  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) maxlay = (int)(zHE.size());
239  eta = getEta(idet, etaR, zside, depth);
240  deta = deltaEta(idet, etaR, depth);
241  double fibin, fioff;
242  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel)||
243  idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter)) {
244  fioff = phioff[0];
245  fibin = phibin[etaR-1];
246  } else if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
247  fioff = phioff[1];
248  fibin = phibin[etaR-1];
249  } else {
250  fioff = phioff[2];
251  fibin = phibin[nEta+etaR-etaMin[2]-1];
252  if (etaR > etaMax[2]-2 ) fioff += 0.5*fibin;
253  }
254  phi = fioff + (iphi - 0.5)*fibin;
255  dphi = 0.5*fibin;
256  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
257  int ir = nR + etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
258  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
259  rz = 0.5*(rTable[ir]+rTable[ir-1]);
260  drz = 0.5*(rTable[ir]-rTable[ir-1]);
261  } else {
262  ok = false;
263 #ifdef DebugLog
264  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: wrong eta " << etaR
265  << " (" << ir << "/" << nR << ") Detector "
266  << idet;
267 #endif
268  }
269  if (depth != 1 && depth != 2) {
270  ok = false;
271 #ifdef DebugLog
272  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: wrong depth " << depth
273  << " in Detector " << idet;
274 #endif
275  }
276  } else if (etaR <= nEta) {
277  int depth0 = depth1[etaR-1];
278  int kphi = iphi + int((phioff[3]+0.1)/fibin);
279  kphi = (kphi-1)%4 + 1;
280  if (etaR == nOff[0] && (kphi == 2 || kphi == 3)) depth0--;
281  int laymin, laymax;
282  if (depth == 1) {
283  laymin = 1;
284  if (idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) laymin = 2;
285  laymax = depth0;
286  if (nOff.size() > 12) {
287  if (etaR == nOff[6]) {
288  laymin = nOff[7];
289  laymax = nOff[8];
290  } else if (etaR == nOff[9]) {
291  laymin = nOff[10];
292  }
293  }
294  } else if (depth == 2) {
295  laymin = depth0+1;
296  laymax = depth2[etaR-1];
297  if (etaR==etaMax[0] && idet==static_cast<int>(HcalBarrel) &&
298  nOff.size()>3) laymax = nOff[3];
299  if (nOff.size() > 12) {
300  if (etaR == nOff[9]) laymax = nOff[11];
301  if (etaR == nOff[6]) laymax = nOff[12];
302  }
303  } else if (depth == 3) {
304  laymin = depth2[etaR-1]+1;
305  laymax = depth3[etaR-1];
306  if (etaR<=etaMin[1] && idet==static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
307  if (nOff.size() > 4) laymin = nOff[4];
308  if (nOff.size() > 5) laymax = nOff[5];
309  }
310  } else {
311  laymin = depth3[etaR-1]+1;
312  laymax = maxlay;
313  }
314  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter) && nOff.size() > 13) {
315  if (etaR > nOff[13] && laymin <= laymax) laymin = laymax;
316  }
317  double d1=0, d2=0;
318  if (laymin <= maxlay && laymax <= maxlay && laymin <= laymax) {
319  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalEndcap)) {
320  flagrz = false;
321  if (depth == 1 || laymin <= 1) d1 = zHE[laymin-1] - dzHE[laymin-1];
322  else d1 = zHE[laymin-2] + dzHE[laymin-2];
323  d2 = zHE[laymax-1] + dzHE[laymax-1];
324  } else {
325  if (idet == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter) ||
326  depth == 1 || laymin <=1) d1 = rHB[laymin-1] - drHB[laymin-1];
327  else d1 = rHB[laymin-2] + drHB[laymin-1];
328  d2 = rHB[laymax-1] + drHB[laymax-1];
329  }
330  rz = 0.5*(d2+d1);
331  drz = 0.5*(d2-d1);
332  } else {
333  ok = false;
334 #ifdef DebugLog
335  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: wrong depth " << depth
336  << " (Layer minimum " << laymin << " maximum "
337  << laymax << " maxLay " << maxlay << ")";
338 #endif
339  }
340  } else {
341  ok = false;
342 #ifdef DebugLog
343  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: wrong eta " << etaR
344  << "/" << nEta << " Detector " << idet;
345 #endif
346  }
347  } else {
348  ok = false;
349 #ifdef DebugLog
350  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: wrong eta " << etaR
351  << " det " << idet;
352 #endif
353  }
354  HcalCellType::HcalCell tmp(ok,eta,deta,phi,dphi,rz,drz,flagrz);
356 #ifdef DebugLog
357  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: det/side/depth/etaR/phi "
358  << det << "/" << zside << "/" << depth << "/" << etaR
359  << "/" << iphi << " Cell Flag " << tmp.ok << " "
360  << tmp.eta << " " << tmp.deta << " phi " << tmp.phi
361  << " " << tmp.dphi << " r(z) " << tmp.rz << " "
362  << tmp.drz << " " << tmp.flagrz;
363 #endif
364  return tmp;
365 }
367 std::vector<double> HcalNumberingFromDDD::getEtaTable() const {
369  std::vector<double> tmp = etaTable;
370  return tmp;
371 }
375  unsigned int num = 0;
376  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes(subdet);
377  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellTypes.size(); i++) {
378  num += (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiBins());
379  if (cellTypes[i].nHalves() > 1)
380  num += (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiBins());
381  num -= (unsigned int)(cellTypes[i].nPhiMissingBins());
382  }
383 #ifdef DebugLog
384  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD:numberOfCells "
385  << cellTypes.size() << " " << num
386  << " for subdetector " << subdet;
387 #endif
388  return num;
389 }
391 std::vector<HcalCellType> HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalCellTypes() const{
393  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes =HcalCellTypes(HcalBarrel);
394 #ifdef DebugLog
395  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << cellTypes.size()
396  << " cells of type HCal Barrel";
397  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellTypes.size(); i++)
398  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << cellTypes[i];
399 #endif
401  std::vector<HcalCellType> hoCells =HcalCellTypes(HcalOuter);
402 #ifdef DebugLog
403  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << hoCells.size()
404  << " cells of type HCal Outer";
405  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hoCells.size(); i++)
406  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << hoCells[i];
407 #endif
408  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), hoCells.begin(), hoCells.end());
410  std::vector<HcalCellType> heCells =HcalCellTypes(HcalEndcap);
411 #ifdef DebugLog
412  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << heCells.size()
413  << " cells of type HCal Endcap";
414  for (unsigned int i=0; i<heCells.size(); i++)
415  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << heCells[i];
416 #endif
417  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), heCells.begin(), heCells.end());
419  std::vector<HcalCellType> hfCells =HcalCellTypes(HcalForward);
420 #ifdef DebugLog
421  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << hfCells.size()
422  << " cells of type HCal Forward";
423  for (unsigned int i=0; i<hfCells.size(); i++)
424  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << hfCells[i];
425 #endif
426  cellTypes.insert(cellTypes.end(), hfCells.begin(), hfCells.end());
428  return cellTypes;
429 }
431 std::vector<HcalCellType> HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalCellTypes(HcalSubdetector subdet) const {
433  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes;
434  if (subdet == HcalForward) {
435  if (dzVcal < 0) return cellTypes;
436  }
438  int dmin, dmax, indx, nz, nmod;
439  double hsize = 0;
440  switch(subdet) {
441  case HcalEndcap:
442  dmin = 1; dmax = 3; indx = 1; nz = nzHE; nmod = nmodHE;
443  break;
444  case HcalForward:
445  dmin = 1; dmax = 2; indx = 2; nz = 2; nmod = 18;
446  break;
447  case HcalOuter:
448  dmin = 4; dmax = 4; indx = 0; nz = nzHB; nmod = nmodHB;
449  break;
450  default:
451  dmin = 1; dmax = 3; indx = 0; nz = nzHB; nmod = nmodHB;
452  break;
453  }
455  int phi = 1, zside = 1;
456  bool cor = false;
458  // Get the Cells
459  int subdet0 = static_cast<int>(subdet);
460  for (int depth=dmin; depth<=dmax; depth++) {
461  int shift = getShift(subdet, depth);
462  double gain = getGain (subdet, depth);
463  if (subdet == HcalForward) {
464  if (depth == 1) hsize = dzVcal;
465  else hsize = dzVcal-0.5*dlShort;
466  }
467  for (int eta=etaMin[indx]; eta<= etaMax[indx]; eta++) {
468  HcalCellType::HcalCell temp1 = cell(subdet0,zside,depth,eta,phi,cor);
469  if (temp1.ok) {
470  int units = unitPhi (subdet0, eta);
471  HcalCellType temp2(subdet, eta, phi, depth, temp1,
472  shift, gain, nz, nmod, hsize, units);
473  if (subdet == HcalOuter && nOff.size() > 17) {
474  if (eta == nOff[15]) {
475  std::vector<int> missPlus, missMinus;
476  int kk = 18;
477  for (int miss=0; miss<nOff[16]; miss++) {
478  missPlus.push_back(nOff[kk]);
479  kk++;
480  }
481  for (int miss=0; miss<nOff[17]; miss++) {
482  missMinus.push_back(nOff[kk]);
483  kk++;
484  }
485  temp2.setMissingPhi(missPlus, missMinus);
486  }
487  }
488  cellTypes.push_back(temp2);
489  }
490  }
491  }
492  return cellTypes;
493 }
497  std::cout << "Tile Information for HB:\n" << "========================\n\n";
498  for (int eta=etaMin[0]; eta<= etaMax[0]; eta++) {
499  int dmax = 1;
500  if (depth1[eta-1] < 17) dmax = 2;
501  for (int depth=1; depth<=dmax; depth++)
502  tileHB(eta, depth);
503  }
505  std::cout << "\nTile Information for HE:\n" <<"========================\n\n";
506  for (int eta=etaMin[1]; eta<= etaMax[1]; eta++) {
507  int dmin=1, dmax=3;
508  if (eta == etaMin[1]) {
509  dmin = 3;
510  } else if (depth1[eta-1] > 18) {
511  dmax = 1;
512  } else if (depth2[eta-1] > 18) {
513  dmax = 2;
514  }
515  for (int depth=dmin; depth<=dmax; depth++)
516  tileHE(eta, depth);
517  }
518 }
520 double HcalNumberingFromDDD::getEta(int det, int etaR, int zside,
521  int depth) const {
523  double tmp = 0;
524  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
525  int ir = nR + etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
526  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
527  double z = zVcal;
528  if (depth != 1) z += dlShort;
529  tmp = 0.5*(getEta(rTable[ir-1],z)+getEta(rTable[ir],z));
530  }
531  } else {
532  if (etaR > 0 && etaR < nEta) {
533  if (etaR == nOff[1]-1 && depth > 2) {
534  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR+1]+etaTable[etaR-1]);
535  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter) && nOff.size() > 13) {
536  if (etaR == nOff[13]) {
537  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[0]+etaTable[etaR-1]);
538  } else if (etaR == nOff[13]+1) {
539  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]+etaHO[1]);
540  } else if (etaR == nOff[14]) {
541  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[2]+etaTable[etaR-1]);
542  } else if (etaR == nOff[14]+1) {
543  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]+etaHO[3]);
544  } else {
545  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]+etaTable[etaR-1]);
546  }
547  } else {
548  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]+etaTable[etaR-1]);
549  }
550  }
551  }
552  if (zside == 0) tmp = -tmp;
553 #ifdef DebugLog
554  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::getEta " << etaR << " "
555  << zside << " " << depth << " ==> " << tmp;
556 #endif
557  return tmp;
558 }
560 double HcalNumberingFromDDD::getEta(double r, double z) const {
562  double tmp = 0;
563  if (z != 0) tmp = -log(tan(0.5*atan(r/z)));
564 #ifdef DebugLog
565  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::getEta " << r << " " << z
566  << " ==> " << tmp;
567 #endif
568  return tmp;
569 }
571 double HcalNumberingFromDDD::deltaEta(int det, int etaR, int depth) const {
573  double tmp = 0;
574  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward)) {
575  int ir = nR + etaMin[2] - etaR - 1;
576  if (ir > 0 && ir < nR) {
577  double z = zVcal;
578  if (depth != 1) z += dlShort;
579  tmp = 0.5*(getEta(rTable[ir-1],z)-getEta(rTable[ir],z));
580  }
581  } else {
582  if (etaR > 0 && etaR < nEta) {
583  if (etaR == nOff[1]-1 && depth > 2) {
584  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR+1]-etaTable[etaR-1]);
585  } else if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalOuter) && nOff.size() > 13) {
586  if (etaR == nOff[13]) {
587  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[0]-etaTable[etaR-1]);
588  } else if (etaR == nOff[13]+1) {
589  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]-etaHO[1]);
590  } else if (etaR == nOff[14]) {
591  tmp = 0.5*(etaHO[2]-etaTable[etaR-1]);
592  } else if (etaR == nOff[14]+1) {
593  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]-etaHO[3]);
594  } else {
595  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]-etaTable[etaR-1]);
596  }
597  } else {
598  tmp = 0.5*(etaTable[etaR]-etaTable[etaR-1]);
599  }
600  }
601  }
602 #ifdef DebugLog
603  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::deltaEta " << etaR << " "
604  << depth << " ==> " << tmp;
605 #endif
606  return tmp;
607 }
610  const DDCompactView & cpv) {
612  std::string attribute = "ReadOutName";
613  edm::LogInfo("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: Initailise for " << name
614  << " as " << attribute;
617  DDValue ddv(attribute,name,0);
619  DDFilteredView fv(cpv);
620  fv.addFilter(filter);
621  bool ok = fv.firstChild();
623  if (ok) {
624  //Load the SpecPars
625  loadSpecPars(fv);
627  //Load the Geometry parameters
628  loadGeometry(fv);
629  } else {
630  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot get filtered "
631  << " view for " << attribute << " matching "
632  << name;
633  throw DDException("HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot match "+attribute+" to "+name);
634  }
636 #ifdef DebugLog
637  std::vector<HcalCellType> cellTypes = HcalCellTypes();
638  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << cellTypes.size()
639  << " cells of type HCal (All)";
640  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cellTypes.size(); i++)
641  LogDebug ("HCalGeom") << "Cell " << i << " " << cellTypes[i];
642 #endif
643 }
649  // Phi Offset
650  int i, nphi=4;
651  std::vector<double> tmp1 = getDDDArray("phioff",sv,nphi);
652  phioff.resize(tmp1.size());
653  for (i=0; i<nphi; i++) {
654  phioff[i] = tmp1[i];
655 #ifdef DebugLog
656  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: phioff[" << i << "] = "
657  << phioff[i]/CLHEP::deg;
658 #endif
659  }
661  //Eta table
662  nEta = -1;
663  std::vector<double> tmp2 = getDDDArray("etaTable",sv,nEta);
664  etaTable.resize(tmp2.size());
665  for (i=0; i<nEta; i++) {
666  etaTable[i] = tmp2[i];
667 #ifdef DebugLog
668  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: etaTable[" << i << "] = "
669  << etaTable[i];
670 #endif
671  }
673  //R table
674  nR = -1;
675  std::vector<double> tmp3 = getDDDArray("rTable",sv,nR);
676  rTable.resize(tmp3.size());
677  for (i=0; i<nR; i++) {
678  rTable[i] = tmp3[i];
679 #ifdef DebugLog
680  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: rTable[" << i << "] = "
681  << rTable[i]/CLHEP::cm;
682 #endif
683  }
685  //Phi bins
686  nPhi = nEta + nR - 2;
687  std::vector<double> tmp4 = getDDDArray("phibin",sv,nPhi);
688  phibin.resize(tmp4.size());
689  for (i=0; i<nPhi; i++) {
690  phibin[i] = tmp4[i];
691 #ifdef DebugLog
692  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: phibin[" << i << "] = "
693  << phibin[i]/CLHEP::deg;
694 #endif
695  }
697  //Layer boundaries for depths 1, 2, 3, 4
698  nDepth = nEta - 1;
699  std::vector<double> d1 = getDDDArray("depth1",sv,nDepth);
700  nDepth = nEta - 1;
701  std::vector<double> d2 = getDDDArray("depth2",sv,nDepth);
702  nDepth = nEta - 1;
703  std::vector<double> d3 = getDDDArray("depth3",sv,nDepth);
704 #ifdef DebugLog
705  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << nDepth << " Depths";
706 #endif
707  depth1.resize(nDepth);
708  depth2.resize(nDepth);
709  depth3.resize(nDepth);
710  for (i=0; i<nDepth; i++) {
711  depth1[i] = static_cast<int>(d1[i]);
712  depth2[i] = static_cast<int>(d2[i]);
713  depth3[i] = static_cast<int>(d3[i]);
714 #ifdef DebugLog
715  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: depth1[" << i << "] = "
716  << depth1[i] << " depth2[" << i << "] = "<< depth2[i]
717  << " depth3[" << i << "] = " << depth3[i];
718 #endif
719  }
721  // Minimum and maximum eta boundaries
722  int ndx = 3;
723  std::vector<double> tmp5 = getDDDArray("etaMin",sv,ndx);
724  std::vector<double> tmp6 = getDDDArray("etaMax",sv,ndx);
725  etaMin.resize(ndx);
726  etaMax.resize(ndx);
727  for (i=0; i<ndx; i++) {
728  etaMin[i] = static_cast<int>(tmp5[i]);
729  etaMax[i] = static_cast<int>(tmp6[i]);
730  }
731  etaMin[0] = 1;
732  etaMax[1] = nEta-1;
733  etaMax[2] = etaMin[2]+nR-2;
734 #ifdef DebugLog
735  for (i=0; i<ndx; i++)
736  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: etaMin[" << i << "] = "
737  << etaMin[i] << " etaMax[" << i << "] = "<< etaMax[i];
738 #endif
740  // Geometry parameters for HF
741  int ngpar = 7;
742  std::vector<double> gpar = getDDDArray("gparHF",sv,ngpar);
743  dlShort = gpar[0];
744  zVcal = gpar[4];
745 #ifdef DebugLog
746  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: dlShort " << dlShort
747  << " zVcal " << zVcal;
748 #endif
750  // nOff
751  int noff = 3;
752  std::vector<double> nvec = getDDDArray("noff",sv,noff);
753  nOff.resize(noff);
754  for (i=0; i<noff; i++) {
755  nOff[i] = static_cast<int>(nvec[i]);
756 #ifdef DebugLog
757  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: nOff[" << i << "] = "
758  << nOff[i];
759 #endif
760  }
762  //Gains and Shifts for HB depths
763  ndx = 4;
764  gainHB = getDDDArray("HBGains",sv,ndx);
765  std::vector<double> tmp7 = getDDDArray("HBShift",sv,ndx);
766  shiftHB.resize(ndx);
767 #ifdef DebugLog
768  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD:: Gain factor and Shift for "
769  << "HB depth layers:";
770 #endif
771  for (i=0; i<ndx; i++) {
772  shiftHB[i] = static_cast<int>(tmp7[i]);
773 #ifdef DebugLog
774  LogDebug("HCalGeom") <<"HcalNumberingFromDDD:: gainHB[" << i << "] = "
775  << gainHB[i] << " shiftHB[" << i << "] = "
776  << shiftHB[i];
777 #endif
778  }
780  //Gains and Shifts for HB depths
781  ndx = 4;
782  gainHE = getDDDArray("HEGains",sv,ndx);
783  std::vector<double> tmp8 = getDDDArray("HEShift",sv,ndx);
784  shiftHE.resize(ndx);
785 #ifdef DebugLog
786  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD:: Gain factor and Shift for "
787  << "HE depth layers:";
788 #endif
789  for (i=0; i<ndx; i++) {
790  shiftHE[i] = static_cast<int>(tmp8[i]);
791 #ifdef DebugLog
792  LogDebug("HCalGeom") <<"HcalNumberingFromDDD:: gainHE[" << i << "] = "
793  << gainHE[i] << " shiftHE[" << i << "] = "
794  << shiftHE[i];
795 #endif
796  }
798  //Gains and Shifts for HF depths
799  ndx = 4;
800  gainHF = getDDDArray("HFGains",sv,ndx);
801  std::vector<double> tmp9 = getDDDArray("HFShift",sv,ndx);
802  shiftHF.resize(ndx);
803 #ifdef DebugLog
804  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD:: Gain factor and Shift for "
805  << "HF depth layers:";
806 #endif
807  for (i=0; i<ndx; i++) {
808  shiftHF[i] = static_cast<int>(tmp9[i]);
809 #ifdef DebugLog
810  LogDebug("HCalGeom") <<"HcalNumberingFromDDD:: gainHF[" << i << "] = "
811  << gainHF[i] << " shiftHF[" << i << "] = "
812  << shiftHF[i];
813 #endif
814  }
815 }
819  bool dodet=true, hf=false;
820  std::vector<double> rb(20,0.0), ze(20,0.0), thkb(20,-1.0), thke(20,-1.0);
821  std::vector<double> zho;
822  std::vector<int> ib(20,0), ie(20,0);
823  std::vector<int> izb, phib, ize, phie, izf, phif;
824  std::vector<double> rxb;
825  rhoxb.clear(); zxb.clear(); dyxb.clear(); dzxb.clear();
826  layb.clear(); laye.clear();
827  zxe.clear(); rhoxe.clear(); dyxe.clear(); dx1e.clear(); dx2e.clear();
828  double zf = 0;
829  dzVcal = -1.;
831  while (dodet) {
832  DDTranslation t = fv.translation();
833  std::vector<int> copy = fv.copyNumbers();
834  const DDSolid & sol = fv.logicalPart().solid();
835  int idet = 0, lay = -1;
836  int nsiz = (int)(copy.size());
837  if (nsiz>0) lay = copy[nsiz-1]/10;
838  if (nsiz>1) idet = copy[nsiz-2]/1000;
839  double dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, dx1=0, dx2=0;
840  if (sol.shape() == 1) {
841  const DDBox & box = static_cast<DDBox>(fv.logicalPart().solid());
842  dx = box.halfX();
843  dy = box.halfY();
844  dz = box.halfZ();
845  } else if (sol.shape() == 3) {
846  const DDTrap & trp = static_cast<DDTrap>(fv.logicalPart().solid());
847  dx1= trp.x1();
848  dx2= trp.x2();
849  dx = 0.25*(trp.x1()+trp.x2()+trp.x3()+trp.x4());
850  dy = 0.5*(trp.y1()+trp.y2());
851  dz = trp.halfZ();
852  } else if (sol.shape() == 2) {
853  const DDTubs & tub = static_cast<DDTubs>(fv.logicalPart().solid());
854  dx = tub.rIn();
855  dy = tub.rOut();
856  dz = tub.zhalf();
857  }
858  if (idet == 3) {
859  // HB
860 #ifdef DebugLog
861  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HB " << << " Shape " << sol.shape()
862  << " Layer " << lay << " R " << t.Rho();
863 #endif
864  if (lay >=0 && lay < 20) {
865  ib[lay]++;
866  rb[lay] += t.Rho();
867  if (thkb[lay] <= 0) {
868  if (lay < 17) thkb[lay] = dx;
869  else thkb[lay] = std::min(dx,dy);
870  }
871  if (lay < 17) {
872  bool found = false;
873  for (unsigned int k=0; k<rxb.size(); k++) {
874  if (std::abs(rxb[k]-t.Rho()) < 0.01) {
875  found = true;
876  break;
877  }
878  }
879  if (!found) {
880  rxb.push_back(t.Rho());
881  rhoxb.push_back(t.Rho()*std::cos(t.phi()));
882  zxb.push_back(std::abs(t.z()));
883  dyxb.push_back(2.*dy);
884  dzxb.push_back(2.*dz);
885  layb.push_back(lay);
886  }
887  }
888  }
889  if (lay == 2) {
890  int iz = copy[nsiz-5];
891  int fi = copy[nsiz-4];
892  unsigned int it1 = find(iz, izb);
893  if (it1 == izb.size()) izb.push_back(iz);
894  unsigned int it2 = find(fi, phib);
895  if (it2 == phib.size()) phib.push_back(fi);
896  }
897  if (lay == 18) {
898  int ifi=-1, ich=-1;
899  if (nsiz>2) ifi = copy[nsiz-3];
900  if (nsiz>3) ich = copy[nsiz-4];
901  double z1 = std::abs((t.z()) + dz);
902  double z2 = std::abs((t.z()) - dz);
903  if (std::abs(z1-z2) < 0.01) z1 = 0;
904  if (ifi == 1 && ich == 4) {
905  if (z1 > z2) {
906  double tmp = z1;
907  z1 = z2;
908  z2 = tmp;
909  }
910  bool sok = true;
911  for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<zho.size(); kk++) {
912  if (std::abs(z2-zho[kk]) < 0.01) {
913  sok = false;
914  break;
915  } else if (z2 < zho[kk]) {
916  zho.resize(zho.size()+2);
917  for (unsigned int kz=zho.size()-1; kz>kk+1; kz=kz-2) {
918  zho[kz] = zho[kz-2];
919  zho[kz-1] = zho[kz-3];
920  }
921  zho[kk+1] = z2;
922  zho[kk] = z1;
923  sok = false;
924  break;
925  }
926  }
927  if (sok) {
928  zho.push_back(z1);
929  zho.push_back(z2);
930  }
931  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Detector " << idet << " Lay " << lay << " fi " << ifi << " " << ich << " z " << z1 << " " << z2;
932  }
933  }
934  } else if (idet == 4) {
935  // HE
936 #ifdef DebugLog
937  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HE " << << " Shape " << sol.shape()
938  << " Layer " << lay << " Z " << t.z();
939 #endif
940  if (lay >=0 && lay < 20) {
941  ie[lay]++;
942  ze[lay] += std::abs(t.z());
943  if (thke[lay] <= 0) thke[lay] = dz;
944  bool found = false;
945  for (unsigned int k=0; k<zxe.size(); k++) {
946  if (std::abs(zxe[k]-std::abs(t.z())) < 0.01) {
947  found = true;
948  break;
949  }
950  }
951  if (!found) {
952  zxe.push_back(std::abs(t.z()));
953  rhoxe.push_back(t.Rho()*std::cos(t.phi()));
954  dyxe.push_back(dy*std::cos(t.phi()));
955  dx1 -= 0.5*(t.rho()-dy)*std::cos(t.phi())*std::tan(10*CLHEP::deg);
956  dx2 -= 0.5*(t.rho()+dy)*std::cos(t.phi())*std::tan(10*CLHEP::deg);
957  dx1e.push_back(-dx1);
958  dx2e.push_back(-dx2);
959  laye.push_back(lay);
960  }
961  }
962  if (copy[nsiz-1] == 21) {
963  int iz = copy[nsiz-7];
964  int fi = copy[nsiz-5];
965  unsigned int it1 = find(iz, ize);
966  if (it1 == ize.size()) ize.push_back(iz);
967  unsigned int it2 = find(fi, phie);
968  if (it2 == phie.size()) phie.push_back(fi);
969  }
970  } else if (idet == 5) {
971  // HF
972  if (!hf) {
973  const std::vector<double> & paras = sol.parameters();
974 #ifdef DebugLog
975  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HF " << << " Shape " << sol.shape()
976  << " Z " << t.z() << " with " << paras.size()
977  << " Parameters";
978  for (unsigned j=0; j<paras.size(); j++)
979  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HF Parameter[" << j << "] = " << paras[j];
980 #endif
981  zf = fabs(t.z());
982  if (sol.shape() == ddpolycone_rrz) {
983  int nz = (int)(paras.size())-3;
984  zf += paras[3];
985  dzVcal = 0.5*(paras[nz]-paras[3]);
986  hf = true;
987  } else if (sol.shape() == ddtubs || sol.shape() == ddcons) {
988  dzVcal = paras[0];
989  zf -= paras[0];
990  hf = true;
991  }
992  }
993 #ifdef DebugLog
994  } else {
995  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Unknown Detector " << idet << " for "
996  << << " Shape " << sol.shape() << " R "
997  << t.Rho() << " Z " << t.z();
998 #endif
999  }
1000  dodet =;
1001  }
1003  int ibmx = 0, iemx = 0;
1004  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
1005  if (ib[i]>0) {
1006  rb[i] /= (double)(ib[i]);
1007  ibmx = i+1;
1008  }
1009  if (ie[i]>0) {
1010  ze[i] /= (double)(ie[i]);
1011  iemx = i+1;
1012  }
1013 #ifdef DebugLog
1014  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Index " << i << " Barrel " << ib[i] << " "
1015  << rb[i] << " Endcap " << ie[i] << " " << ze[i];
1016 #endif
1017  }
1018  for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) {
1019  if (ib[i] == 0) {rb[i] = rb[i+1]; thkb[i] = thkb[i+1];}
1020  if (ie[i] == 0) {ze[i] = ze[i+1]; thke[i] = thke[i+1];}
1021 #ifdef DebugLog
1022  if (ib[i] == 0 || ie[i] == 0)
1023  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Index " << i << " Barrel " << ib[i] << " "
1024  << rb[i] << " Endcap " << ie[i] << " " << ze[i];
1025 #endif
1026  }
1028 #ifdef DebugLog
1029  for (unsigned int k=0; k<layb.size(); ++k)
1030  std::cout << "HB: " << layb[k] << " R " << rxb[k] << " " << rhoxb[k] << " Z " << zxb[k] << " DY " << dyxb[k] << " DZ " << dzxb[k] << "\n";
1031  for (unsigned int k=0; k<laye.size(); ++k)
1032  std::cout << "HE: " << laye[k] << " R " << rhoxe[k] << " Z " << zxe[k] << " X1|X2 " << dx1e[k] << "|" << dx2e[k] << " DY " << dyxe[k] << "\n";
1034  printTile();
1035  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: Maximum Layer for HB "
1036  << ibmx << " for HE " << iemx << " Z for HF " << zf
1037  << " extent " << dzVcal;
1038 #endif
1040  if (ibmx > 0) {
1041  rHB.resize(ibmx);
1042  drHB.resize(ibmx);
1043  for (int i=0; i<ibmx; i++) {
1044  rHB[i] = rb[i];
1045  drHB[i] = thkb[i];
1046 #ifdef DebugLog
1047  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: rHB[" << i << "] = "
1048  << rHB[i] << " drHB[" << i << "] = " << drHB[i];
1049 #endif
1050  }
1051  }
1052  if (iemx > 0) {
1053  zHE.resize(iemx);
1054  dzHE.resize(iemx);
1055  for (int i=0; i<iemx; i++) {
1056  zHE[i] = ze[i];
1057  dzHE[i] = thke[i];
1058 #ifdef DebugLog
1059  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: zHE[" << i << "] = "
1060  << zHE[i] << " dzHE[" << i << "] = " << dzHE[i];
1061 #endif
1062  }
1063  }
1065  nzHB = (int)(izb.size());
1066  nmodHB = (int)(phib.size());
1067 #ifdef DebugLog
1068  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::loadGeometry: " << nzHB
1069  << " barrel half-sectors";
1070  for (int i=0; i<nzHB; i++)
1071  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Section " << i << " Copy number " << izb[i];
1072  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::loadGeometry: " << nmodHB
1073  << " barrel modules";
1074  for (int i=0; i<nmodHB; i++)
1075  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Module " << i << " Copy number " << phib[i];
1076 #endif
1078  nzHE = (int)(ize.size());
1079  nmodHE = (int)(phie.size());
1080 #ifdef DebugLog
1081  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::loadGeometry: " << nzHE
1082  << " endcap half-sectors";
1083  for (int i=0; i<nzHE; i++)
1084  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Section " << i << " Copy number " << ize[i];
1085  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD::loadGeometry: " << nmodHE
1086  << " endcap modules";
1087  for (int i=0; i<nmodHE; i++)
1088  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "Module " << i << " Copy number " << phie[i];
1089 #endif
1091  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HO has Z of size " << zho.size();
1092  for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<zho.size(); kk++)
1093  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "ZHO[" << kk << "] = " << zho[kk];
1094  if (ibmx > 17 && zho.size() > 2) {
1095  etaHO[0] = getEta(0.5*(rHB[17]+rHB[18]), zho[1]);
1096  etaHO[1] = getEta(rHB[18]+drHB[18], zho[2]);
1097  etaHO[2] = getEta(rHB[18]-drHB[18], zho[3]);
1098  etaHO[3] = getEta(rHB[18]+drHB[18], zho[4]);
1099  } else {
1100  etaHO[0] = etaTable[4];
1101  etaHO[1] = etaTable[4];
1102  etaHO[2] = etaTable[10];
1103  etaHO[3] = etaTable[10];
1104  }
1105  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HO Eta boundaries " << etaHO[0] << " " << etaHO[1]
1106  << " " << etaHO[2] << " " << etaHO[3];
1107 }
1109 std::vector<double> HcalNumberingFromDDD::getDDDArray(const std::string & str,
1110  const DDsvalues_type & sv,
1111  int & nmin) const {
1112 #ifdef DebugLog
1113  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD:getDDDArray called for "
1114  << str << " with nMin " << nmin;
1115 #endif
1116  DDValue value(str);
1117  if (DDfetch(&sv,value)) {
1118 #ifdef DebugLog
1119  LogDebug("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: " << value;
1120 #endif
1121  const std::vector<double> & fvec = value.doubles();
1122  int nval = fvec.size();
1123  if (nmin > 0) {
1124  if (nval < nmin) {
1125  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD : # of " << str
1126  << " bins " << nval << " < " << nmin
1127  << " ==> illegal";
1128  throw DDException("HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot get array "+str);
1129  }
1130  } else {
1131  if (nval < 2) {
1132  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD : # of " << str
1133  << " bins " << nval << " < 2 ==> illegal"
1134  << " (nmin=" << nmin << ")";
1135  throw DDException("HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot get array "+str);
1136  }
1137  }
1138  nmin = nval;
1139  return fvec;
1140  } else {
1141  edm::LogError("HCalGeom") << "HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot get array "
1142  << str;
1143  throw DDException("HcalNumberingFromDDD: cannot get array "+str);
1144  }
1145 }
1147 int HcalNumberingFromDDD::getShift(HcalSubdetector subdet, int depth) const {
1149  int shift;
1150  switch(subdet) {
1151  case HcalEndcap:
1152  shift = shiftHE[depth-1];
1153  break;
1154  case HcalForward:
1155  shift = shiftHF[depth-1];
1156  break;
1157  default:
1158  shift = shiftHB[depth-1];
1159  break;
1160  }
1161  return shift;
1162 }
1164 double HcalNumberingFromDDD::getGain(HcalSubdetector subdet, int depth) const {
1166  double gain;
1167  switch(subdet) {
1168  case HcalEndcap:
1169  gain = gainHE[depth-1];
1170  break;
1171  case HcalForward:
1172  gain = gainHF[depth-1];
1173  break;
1174  default:
1175  gain = gainHB[depth-1];
1176  break;
1177  }
1178  return gain;
1179 }
1181 unsigned int HcalNumberingFromDDD::find(int element,
1182  std::vector<int> array) const {
1184  unsigned int id = array.size();
1185  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
1186  if (element == array[i]) {
1187  id = i;
1188  break;
1189  }
1190  }
1191  return id;
1192 }
1194 int HcalNumberingFromDDD::unitPhi(int det, int etaR) const {
1196  const double fiveDegInRad = 2*M_PI/72;
1197  int units=0;
1198  if (det == static_cast<int>(HcalForward))
1199  units=int(phibin[nEta+etaR-etaMin[2]-1]/fiveDegInRad+0.5);
1200  else
1201  units=int(phibin[etaR-1]/fiveDegInRad+0.5);
1203  return units;
1204 }
1206 void HcalNumberingFromDDD::tileHB(int eta, int depth) {
1208  double etaL = etaTable[eta-1];
1209  double thetaL = 2.*atan(exp(-etaL));
1210  double etaH = etaTable[eta];
1211  double thetaH = 2.*atan(exp(-etaH));
1212  int layL=0, layH=0;
1213  if (depth == 1) {
1214  layH = depth1[eta-1];
1215  } else {
1216  layL = depth1[eta-1];
1217  layH = depth2[eta-1];
1218  }
1219  std::cout << "\ntileHB:: eta|depth " << eta << "|" << depth << " theta " << thetaH/CLHEP::deg << ":" << thetaL/CLHEP::deg << " Layer " << layL << ":" << layH-1 << "\n";
1220  for (int lay=layL; lay<layH; ++lay) {
1221  std::vector<double> area(2,0);
1222  int kk=0;
1223  for (unsigned int k=0; k<layb.size(); ++k) {
1224  if (lay == layb[k]) {
1225  double zmin = rhoxb[k]*std::cos(thetaL)/std::sin(thetaL);
1226  double zmax = rhoxb[k]*std::cos(thetaH)/std::sin(thetaH);
1227  double dz = (std::min(zmax,dzxb[k]) - zmin);
1228  if (dz > 0) {
1229  area[kk] = dz*dyxb[k];
1230  kk++;
1231  }
1232  }
1233  }
1234  if (area[0] > 0) std::cout << std::setw(2) << lay << " Area " << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " " << std::setw(8) << area[1] << "\n";
1235  }
1236 }
1238 void HcalNumberingFromDDD::tileHE(int eta, int depth) {
1240  double etaL = etaTable[eta-1];
1241  double thetaL = 2.*atan(exp(-etaL));
1242  double etaH = etaTable[eta];
1243  double thetaH = 2.*atan(exp(-etaH));
1244  int layL=0, layH=0;
1245  if (eta == 16) {
1246  layH = depth3[eta-1];
1247  } else if (depth == 1) {
1248  layH = depth1[eta-1];
1249  } else if (depth == 2) {
1250  layL = depth1[eta-1];
1251  layH = depth2[eta-1];
1252  } else {
1253  layL = depth2[eta-1];
1254  layH = depth3[eta-1];
1255  }
1256  double phib = phibin[eta-1];
1257  int nphi = 2;
1258  if (phib > 6*CLHEP::deg) nphi = 1;
1259  std::cout << "\ntileHE:: Eta/depth " << eta << "|" << depth << " theta " << thetaH/CLHEP::deg << ":" << thetaL/CLHEP::deg << " Layer " << layL << ":" << layH-1 << " phi " << nphi << "\n";
1260  for (int lay=layL; lay<layH; ++lay) {
1261  std::vector<double> area(4,0);
1262  int kk=0;
1263  for (unsigned int k=0; k<laye.size(); ++k) {
1264  if (lay == laye[k]) {
1265  double rmin = zxe[k]*std::tan(thetaH);
1266  double rmax = zxe[k]*std::tan(thetaL);
1267  if ((lay != 0 || eta == 18) &&
1268  (lay != 1 || (eta == 18 && rhoxe[k]-dyxe[k] > 1000) || (eta != 18 && rhoxe[k]-dyxe[k] < 1000)) &&
1269  rmin+30 < rhoxe[k]+dyxe[k] && rmax > rhoxe[k]-dyxe[k]) {
1270  rmin = std::max(rmin,rhoxe[k]-dyxe[k]);
1271  rmax = std::min(rmax,rhoxe[k]+dyxe[k]);
1272  double dx1 = rmin*std::tan(phib);
1273  double dx2 = rmax*std::tan(phib);
1274  double ar1=0, ar2=0;
1275  if (nphi == 1) {
1276  ar1 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*(dx1+dx2-4.*dx1e[k]);
1277  } else {
1278  ar1 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*(dx1+dx2-2.*dx1e[k]);
1279  ar2 = 0.5*(rmax-rmin)*((rmax+rmin)*tan(10.*CLHEP::deg)-4*dx1e[k])-ar1;
1280  }
1281  area[kk] = ar1;
1282  area[kk+2] = ar2;
1283  kk++;
1284  }
1285  }
1286  }
1287  if (area[0] > 0 && area[1] > 0) {
1288  int lay0 = lay-1;
1289  if (eta == 18) lay0++;
1290  if (nphi == 1) {
1291  std::cout << std::setw(2) << lay0 << " Area " << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " " << std::setw(8) << area[1] << "\n";
1292  } else {
1293  std::cout << std::setw(2) << lay0 << " Area " << std::setw(8) << area[0] << " " << std::setw(8) << area[1] << ":" << std::setw(8) << area[2] << " " << std::setw(8) << area[3] << "\n";
1294  }
1295  }
1296  }
1297 }
#define LogDebug(id)
double halfZ() const
half of the z-Axis
std::vector< int > shiftHE
const std::vector< double > & parameters() const
Don&#39;t use (only meant to be used by DDbox(), DDtub(), ...)
std::vector< int > shiftHB
std::vector< double > dx2e
double halfZ() const
double y2() const
Half-length along y of the face at +pDz.
int i
const DDLogicalPart & logicalPart() const
The logical-part of the current node in the filtered-view.
const std::vector< double > & doubles() const
a reference to the double-valued values stored in the given instance of DDValue
void addFilter(const DDFilter &, log_op op=AND)
const N & name() const
Definition: DDBase.h:88
std::vector< int > depth2
double x2() const
Half-length along x of the side at y=+pDy1 of the face at -pDz.
DDSolidShape shape() const
The type of the solid.
nav_type copyNumbers() const
return the stack of copy numbers
std::vector< double > dyxe
double rOut() const
void tileHB(int eta, int depth)
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
An exception for DDD errors.
Definition: DDException.h:23
void setMissingPhi(std::vector< int >, std::vector< int >)
std::vector< double > zxe
std::vector< double > etaTable
std::vector< int > layb
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int getShift(HcalSubdetector subdet, int depth) const
std::vector< double > zxb
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
#define min(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:161
int unitPhi(int det, int etaR) const
std::vector< double > rHB
Exp< T >::type exp(const T &t)
Definition: Exp.h:22
std::vector< HcalCellType > HcalCellTypes() const
std::vector< double > drHB
double getGain(HcalSubdetector subdet, int depth) const
tuple d1
type of data representation of DDCompactView
Definition: DDCompactView.h:81
std::vector< double > phibin
bool DDfetch(const DDsvalues_type *, DDValue &)
helper for retrieving DDValues from DDsvalues_type *.
T eta() const
std::vector< double > rhoxe
A DDSolid represents the shape of a part.
Definition: DDSolid.h:42
unsigned int numberOfCells(HcalSubdetector) const
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > > DDTranslation
Definition: DDTranslation.h:7
HcalNumberingFromDDD(std::string &name, const DDCompactView &cpv)
std::vector< double > dzxb
std::vector< double > gainHF
std::vector< int > shiftHF
double halfX() const
std::vector< double > dyxb
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
const T & max(const T &a, const T &b)
bool next()
set current node to the next node in the filtered tree
double halfY() const
std::vector< double > phioff
std::vector< double > dx1e
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:28
void initialize(std::string &name, const DDCompactView &cpv)
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
std::vector< int > laye
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, DDValue > > DDsvalues_type
std::maps an index to a DDValue. The index corresponds to the index assigned to the name of the std::...
Definition: DDsvalues.h:19
#define dmin(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:163
Interface to a Trapezoid.
Definition: DDSolid.h:115
Tan< T >::type tan(const T &t)
Definition: Tan.h:22
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:32
int j
std::vector< int > nOff
std::vector< int > depth3
JetCorrectorParameters corr
Definition: classes.h:9
double rIn() const
int k[5][pyjets_maxn]
std::vector< double > rhoxb
unsigned find(int element, std::vector< int > array) const
double y1() const
Half-length along y of the face at -pDz.
std::vector< int > etaMin
std::vector< int > etaMax
double x4() const
Half-length along x of the side at y=+pDy2 of the face at +pDz.
#define M_PI
void loadGeometry(DDFilteredView)
Log< T >::type log(const T &t)
Definition: Log.h:22
double deltaEta(int det, int eta, int depth) const
tuple filter
USE THIS FOR SKIMMED TRACKS process.p = cms.Path(process.hltLevel1GTSeed*process.skimming*process.offlineBeamSpot*process.TrackRefitter2) OTHERWISE USE THIS.
std::vector< double > getDDDArray(const std::string &, const DDsvalues_type &, int &) const
Definition: DDSolid.h:185
double getEta(int det, int etaR, int zside, int depth=1) const
std::vector< double > gainHB
long long int num
std::vector< double > gainHE
std::vector< int > depth1
DDsvalues_type mergedSpecifics() const
std::vector< double > zHE
void tileHE(int eta, int depth)
double zhalf() const
std::vector< double > dzHE
double x3() const
Half-length along x of the side at y=-pDy2 of the face at +pDz.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
const DDSolid & solid() const
Returns a reference object of the solid being the shape of this LogicalPart.
bool firstChild()
set the current node to the first child ...
void loadSpecPars(DDFilteredView)
static unsigned int const shift
void setCriteria(const DDValue &nameVal, comp_op, log_op l=AND, bool asString=true, bool merged=true)
tuple cout
std::vector< double > getEtaTable() const
#define dmax(a, b)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:164
HcalCellType::HcalCell cell(int det, int zside, int depth, int etaR, int iphi, bool corr=true) const
const DDTranslation & translation() const
The absolute translation of the current node.
HcalID unitID(int det, CLHEP::Hep3Vector pos, int depth, int lay=-1) const
double x1() const
Half-length along x of the side at y=-pDy1 of the face at -pDz.
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
std::vector< double > rTable
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
The DDGenericFilter is a runtime-parametrized Filter looking on DDSpecifcs.
Definition: DDFilter.h:37