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HLT_HIon_data_cff Namespace Reference


tuple AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
tuple caloDetIdAssociator
tuple CaloTopologyBuilder
tuple CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
tuple datasets
tuple DTDataIntegrityTask
tuple ecalDetIdAssociator
tuple EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer
tuple hcalDetIdAssociator
tuple hcalRecAlgos
tuple HLT_EcalCalibration = cms.Path( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis + hltPreEcalCalibration + hltEcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HcalCalibration_HI = cms.Path( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis + hltPreHIHcalCalibration + hltHcalCalibTypeFilter + hltHcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIActivityHF_Coincidence3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIGlobalDecision + hltPreHIActivityHFCoincidence3 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilterCoincidence + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIGlobalDecision + hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIBptxXOR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIBptxXOR + hltPreHIBptxXOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HICentralityVeto = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHICentralityVeto + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + hltPixelActivityFilterCentralityVeto + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIClusterVertexCompatibility = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIGlobalDecision + hltPreHIClusterVertexCompatibility + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + hltHIPixelClusterShapeFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIDoublePhoton5_CEP_L1R = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleEG5 + hltPreHIDoublePhoton5CEPL1R + HLTHIDoublePhotonEt5Sequence + hltTowerMakerForHcal + hltHcalTowerFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet35U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet35U + hltPreHIJet35U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet35U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet35U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet35U + hltPreHIJet35UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet35U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet50U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet50U + hltPreHIJet50U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet50U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet50U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet50U + hltPreHIJet50UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet50U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet75U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet75U + hltPreHIJet75U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet75U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet75U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet75U + hltPreHIJet75UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet75U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet90U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet90U + hltPreHIJet90U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet90U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIJet90U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet90U + hltPreHIJet90UCopy + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet90U + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIBptxXORBSCOR + hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen + hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpen + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen + hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpenCore + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1SingleMu3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu3 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1SingleMu5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu5 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu5 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL1SingleMu7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu7 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu7 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0 + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3 + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF + hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3Core + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu20 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF + hltPreHIL2Mu20 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu20L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu20_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF + hltPreHIL2Mu20Core + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu20L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF + hltPreHIL2Mu3 + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu5Tight = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF + hltPreHIL2Mu5Tight + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu5TightL2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIL2Mu5Tight_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF + hltPreHIL2Mu5TightCore + hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered + HLTL2muonrecoSequence + hltHIL2Mu5TightL2Filtered + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasBSC = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasBSC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR + hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHF = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHF + hltPreHIMinBiasHF + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHF_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHF + hltPreHIMinBiasHF_Core + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOr + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasPixel_SingleTrack = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter1 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC + hltPreHIMinBiasZDC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Scint = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCScint + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCScint + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIMinBiasZDCPixel_SingleTrack = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilterZDC + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton15 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton15 + hltPreHIPhoton15 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence + hltHIPhoton15 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton15_Cleaned_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton15 + hltPreHIPhoton15Core + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHICleanPhoton15 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton20 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton20 + hltPreHIPhoton20 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence + hltHIPhoton20 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton20_Cleaned_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton20 + hltPreHIPhoton20Core + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHICleanPhoton20 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton30 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton30 + hltPreHIPhoton30 + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence + hltHIPhoton30 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIPhoton30_Cleaned_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIPhoton30 + hltPreHIPhoton30Core + HLTDoCaloSequence + HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence + hltHICleanPhoton30 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIRandom = cms.Path( hltRandomEventsFilter + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltPreHIRandom + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIStoppedHSCP35 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleJet20 + hltPreHIStoppedHSCP35 + hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltStoppedHSCPHpdFilter + hltStoppedHSCPTowerMakerForAll + hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets + hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy35 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUpcEcal = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcEcal + hltPreHIUpcEcal + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUpcEcal_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcEcal + hltPreHIUpcEcalCore + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUpcMu = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcMu + hltPreHIUpcMu + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIUpcMu_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcMu + hltPreHIUpcMuCore + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBias = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBias + hltPreHIZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBiasXOR + hltPreHIZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack + HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence + HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger + hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter1 + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBiasXORonly + hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLT_LogMonitor = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltPreLogMonitor + hltLogMonitorFilter + HLTEndSequence )
tuple HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )
tuple HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot + hltOfflineBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXAntiCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple HLTBeginSequenceBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )
tuple hltBoolEnd
tuple hltBoolFalse
tuple hltBoolTrue
tuple hltBPTXAntiCoincidence
tuple hltBPTXCoincidence
tuple hltCalibrationEventsFilter
tuple hltCleanedCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
tuple HLTConfigVersion
tuple hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated
tuple hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated
tuple hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolatedTemp
tuple hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
tuple hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI
tuple hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated
tuple hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated
tuple hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolatedTemp
tuple hltCsc2DRecHits
tuple hltCscSegments
tuple HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )
tuple HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence = cms.Sequence( hltIslandBasicClustersHI + hltIslandSuperClustersHI + hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI + hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI + hltRecoHIEcalCandidate )
tuple HLTDoHIEcalClusWithCleaningSequence = cms.Sequence( hltIslandBasicClustersHI + hltIslandSuperClustersHI + hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI + hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI + hltCleanedCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI + hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate )
tuple HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets )
tuple HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltHISiPixelClusters + hltHISiPixelRecHits )
tuple HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )
tuple HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs + hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit + hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit )
tuple hltDt1DRecHits
tuple hltDt4DSegments
tuple hltEcalCalibrationRaw
tuple hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility
tuple hltEcalRecHitAll
tuple hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs
tuple hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit
tuple hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs
tuple HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )
tuple hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit
tuple hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
tuple hltESPEcalRegionCablingESProducer
tuple hltESPESUnpackerWorker
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPFittingSmootherRK
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmoother
tuple hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
tuple hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
tuple hltESPKFUpdator
tuple hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
tuple hltESPMeasurementTracker
tuple hltESPMixedLayerPairs
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
tuple hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
tuple hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
tuple hltESPPixelLayerPairs
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTriplets
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB
tuple hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE
tuple hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
tuple hltESPSiStripRegionConnectivity
tuple hltESPSmartPropagator
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
tuple hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
tuple hltESPSoftLeptonByPt
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
tuple hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
tuple hltESPStraightLinePropagator
tuple hltESPTrackCounting3D2nd
tuple hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3
tuple hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
tuple hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
tuple hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
tuple hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
tuple hltESRawToRecHitFacility
tuple hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit
tuple hltESSBTagRecord
tuple hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
tuple hltESSMCJetCorrectorIcone5HF07
tuple hltESSMCJetCorrectorIcone5Unit
tuple hltFEDSelector
tuple hltGctDigis
tuple hltGetRaw
tuple hltGtDigis
tuple hltHbhereco
tuple hltHcalCalibrationRaw
tuple hltHcalCalibTypeFilter
tuple hltHcalDigis
tuple hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter
tuple hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilterCoincidence
tuple hltHcalTowerFilter
tuple hltHfreco
tuple hltHI1jet35U
tuple hltHI1jet50U
tuple hltHI1jet75U
tuple hltHI1jet90U
tuple hltHICleanPhoton15
tuple hltHICleanPhoton20
tuple hltHICleanPhoton30
tuple hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered
tuple hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered
tuple hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EcalIsolFilter
tuple hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EtPhiFilter
tuple hltHIDoublePhotonEt5HEFilter
tuple hltHIDoublePhotonEt5L1MatchFilterRegional
tuple HLTHIDoublePhotonEt5Sequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence + HLTL1IsolatedEcalClustersSequence + HLTL1NonIsolatedEcalClustersSequence + hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate + hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate + hltHIDoublePhotonEt5L1MatchFilterRegional + hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EtPhiFilter + hltL1IsolatedPhotonEcalIsol + hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonEcalIsol + hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EcalIsolFilter + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalForHE + hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalForHE + hltHIDoublePhotonEt5HEFilter )
tuple hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered
tuple hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu20L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered
tuple hltHIL2Mu5TightL2Filtered
tuple hltHIPhoton15
tuple hltHIPhoton20
tuple hltHIPhoton30
tuple hltHIPixelClusterShapeFilter
tuple hltHIPixelClusterVertices
tuple hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter1
tuple hltHISinglePixelTrackFilterZDC
tuple hltHISiPixelClusters
tuple hltHISiPixelRecHits
tuple hltHoreco
tuple hltHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated
tuple hltHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated
tuple hltIslandBasicClustersHI
tuple hltIslandSuperClustersHI
tuple hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets
tuple hltL1extraParticles
tuple hltL1GtObjectMap
tuple hltL1GtTrigReport
tuple HLTL1IsolatedEcalClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated + HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Isolated )
tuple hltL1IsolatedPhotonEcalIsol
tuple hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalForHE
tuple hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate
tuple HLTL1NonIsolatedEcalClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolatedTemp + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated + HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1NonIsolated )
tuple hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonEcalIsol
tuple hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalForHE
tuple hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate
tuple hltL1sHIBptxXOR
tuple hltL1sHIBptxXORBSCOR
tuple hltL1sHIGlobalDecision
tuple hltL1sHIJet35U
tuple hltL1sHIJet50U
tuple hltL1sHIJet75U
tuple hltL1sHIJet90U
tuple hltL1sHIL1DoubleEG5
tuple hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen
tuple hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF
tuple hltL1sHIL1SingleJet20
tuple hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3
tuple hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF
tuple hltL1sHIL1SingleMu5
tuple hltL1sHIL1SingleMu7
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHF
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCScint
tuple hltL1sHIPhoton15
tuple hltL1sHIPhoton20
tuple hltL1sHIPhoton30
tuple hltL1sHIUpcEcal
tuple hltL1sHIUpcMu
tuple hltL1sHIZeroBias
tuple hltL1sHIZeroBiasXOR
tuple hltL1sHIZeroBiasXORonly
tuple HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )
tuple hltL2MuonCandidates
tuple HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTmuonlocalrecoSequence + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )
tuple HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )
tuple hltL2Muons
tuple hltL2MuonSeeds
tuple hltLogMonitorFilter
tuple hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Isolated
tuple hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1NonIsolated
tuple hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated
tuple hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated
tuple HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Isolated = cms.Sequence( hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Isolated + hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Isolated + hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated + hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated )
tuple HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1NonIsolated = cms.Sequence( hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1NonIsolated + hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1NonIsolated + hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated + hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolatedTemp + hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated )
tuple hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Isolated
tuple hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1NonIsolated
tuple hltMuonCSCDigis
tuple hltMuonDTDigis
tuple HLTmuonlocalrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )
tuple hltMuonRPCDigis
tuple hltOfflineBeamSpot = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotProducer" )
tuple hltOnlineBeamSpot
tuple hltPixelActivityFilterCentralityVeto
tuple hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger
tuple HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger = cms.Sequence( hltHIPixelClusterVertices + hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger + hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger )
tuple hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger
tuple hltPreEcalCalibration
tuple hltPreHIActivityHFCoincidence3
tuple hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3
tuple hltPreHIBptxXOR
tuple hltPreHICentralityVeto
tuple hltPreHIClusterVertexCompatibility
tuple hltPreHIDoublePhoton5CEPL1R
tuple hltPreHIHcalCalibration
tuple hltPreHIJet35U
tuple hltPreHIJet35UCore
tuple hltPreHIJet50U
tuple hltPreHIJet50UCore
tuple hltPreHIJet75U
tuple hltPreHIJet75UCore
tuple hltPreHIJet90U
tuple hltPreHIJet90UCopy
tuple hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR
tuple hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpen
tuple hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpenCore
tuple hltPreHIL1SingleMu3
tuple hltPreHIL1SingleMu5
tuple hltPreHIL1SingleMu7
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3
tuple hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3Core
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu20
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu20Core
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu3
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu5Tight
tuple hltPreHIL2Mu5TightCore
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasBSC
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHF
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHF_Core
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHfOr
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDC
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIMinBiasZDCScint
tuple hltPreHIPhoton15
tuple hltPreHIPhoton15Core
tuple hltPreHIPhoton20
tuple hltPreHIPhoton20Core
tuple hltPreHIPhoton30
tuple hltPreHIPhoton30Core
tuple hltPreHIRandom
tuple hltPreHIStoppedHSCP35
tuple hltPreHIUpcEcal
tuple hltPreHIUpcEcalCore
tuple hltPreHIUpcMu
tuple hltPreHIUpcMuCore
tuple hltPreHIZeroBias
tuple hltPreHIZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack
tuple hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR
tuple hltPreLogMonitor
tuple hltRandomEventsFilter
tuple hltRecoHIEcalCandidate
tuple hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate
tuple HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW + hltBoolTrue )
tuple HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )
tuple hltRpcRecHits
tuple hltScalersRawToDigi
tuple HLTSchedule = cms.Schedule( *(HLTriggerFirstPath, HLT_LogMonitor, HLT_EcalCalibration, HLT_HIZeroBias, HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR, HLT_HIZeroBiasPixel_SingleTrack, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC, HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR, HLT_HIMinBiasHF, HLT_HIMinBiasHF_Core, HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR, HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC, HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core, HLT_HIMinBiasPixel_SingleTrack, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus, HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Scint, HLT_HIMinBiasZDCPixel_SingleTrack, HLT_HIBptxXOR, HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR, HLT_HIL1SingleMu3, HLT_HIL1SingleMu5, HLT_HIL1SingleMu7, HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen, HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_Core, HLT_HIL2Mu3, HLT_HIL2Mu5Tight, HLT_HIL2Mu5Tight_Core, HLT_HIL2Mu20, HLT_HIL2Mu20_Core, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu0, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3, HLT_HIL2DoubleMu3_Core, HLT_HIUpcEcal, HLT_HIUpcEcal_Core, HLT_HIUpcMu, HLT_HIUpcMu_Core, HLT_HIPhoton15, HLT_HIPhoton15_Cleaned_Core, HLT_HIPhoton20, HLT_HIPhoton20_Cleaned_Core, HLT_HIPhoton30, HLT_HIPhoton30_Cleaned_Core, HLT_HIDoublePhoton5_CEP_L1R, HLT_HIJet35U, HLT_HIJet35U_Core, HLT_HIJet50U, HLT_HIJet50U_Core, HLT_HIJet75U, HLT_HIJet75U_Core, HLT_HIJet90U, HLT_HIJet90U_Core, HLT_HIStoppedHSCP35, HLT_HIActivityHF_Coincidence3, HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3, HLT_HIClusterVertexCompatibility, HLT_HICentralityVeto, HLT_HIRandom, HLT_HcalCalibration_HI, HLTriggerFinalPath, HLTAnalyzerEndpath ))
tuple hltSiPixelDigis
tuple hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy35
tuple hltStoppedHSCPHpdFilter
tuple hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets
tuple hltStoppedHSCPTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForAll
tuple hltTowerMakerForHcal
tuple hltTriggerSummaryAOD
tuple hltTriggerSummaryRAW
tuple hltTriggerType
tuple hltTrigReport
tuple hoDetIdAssociator
tuple MaterialPropagator
tuple muonDetIdAssociator
tuple navigationSchoolESProducer
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagator
tuple preshowerDetIdAssociator
tuple siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer
tuple SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
tuple streams
tuple TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
tuple UpdaterService

Variable Documentation

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "AnyDirectionAnalyticalPropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
4  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 175 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.caloDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "CaloDetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 259 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.CaloTopologyBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTopologyBuilder",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
3 )

Definition at line 181 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder",
2  MapFile = cms.untracked.string( "Geometry/CaloTopology/data/" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 184 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.datasets

Definition at line 26 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.DTDataIntegrityTask
Initial value:
1 = cms.Service( "DTDataIntegrityTask",
2  getSCInfo = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
3  processingMode = cms.untracked.string( "HLT" )
4 )

Definition at line 1131 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.ecalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "EcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.02 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 300 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 360 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 267 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "EcalUnpackerWorkerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  DCCDataUnpacker = cms.PSet(
5  orderedDCCIdList = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 ),
6  tccUnpacking = cms.bool( False ),
7  srpUnpacking = cms.bool( False ),
8  syncCheck = cms.bool( False ),
9  feIdCheck = cms.bool( True ),
10  headerUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
11  orderedFedList = cms.vint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 ),
12  feUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
13  forceKeepFRData = cms.bool( False ),
14  memUnpacking = cms.bool( True )
15  ),
16  ElectronicsMapper = cms.PSet(
17  numbXtalTSamples = cms.uint32( 10 ),
18  numbTriggerTSamples = cms.uint32( 1 )
19  ),
20  UncalibRHAlgo = cms.PSet( Type = cms.string( "EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerWeights" ) ),
21  CalibRHAlgo = cms.PSet(
22  flagsMapDBReco = cms.vint32( 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, -1, -1, -1, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8 ),
23  Type = cms.string( "EcalRecHitWorkerSimple" ),
24  killDeadChannels = cms.bool( True ),
25  ChannelStatusToBeExcluded = cms.vint32( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 78, 142 ),
26  laserCorrection = cms.bool( False )
27  )
28 )

Definition at line 188 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hcalDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HcalDetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 70 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 275 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hcalRecAlgos

Definition at line 283 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_EcalCalibration = cms.Path( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis + hltPreEcalCalibration + hltEcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3719 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HcalCalibration_HI = cms.Path( hltCalibrationEventsFilter + hltGtDigis + hltPreHIHcalCalibration + hltHcalCalibTypeFilter + hltHcalCalibrationRaw + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3775 of file

Definition at line 3770 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIActivityHF_Single3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIGlobalDecision + hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3 + hltHcalDigis + hltHfreco + hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3771 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIBptxXOR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIBptxXOR + hltPreHIBptxXOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3735 of file

Definition at line 3773 of file

Definition at line 3772 of file

Definition at line 3760 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet35U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet35U + hltPreHIJet35U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet35U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3761 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet35U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet35U + hltPreHIJet35UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet35U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3762 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet50U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet50U + hltPreHIJet50U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet50U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3763 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet50U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet50U + hltPreHIJet50UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet50U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3764 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet75U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet75U + hltPreHIJet75U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet75U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3765 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet75U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet75U + hltPreHIJet75UCore + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet75U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3766 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet90U = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet90U + hltPreHIJet90U + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet90U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3767 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIJet90U_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIJet90U + hltPreHIJet90UCopy + HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence + hltHI1jet90U + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3768 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIL1Algo_BptxXOR_BSC_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIBptxXORBSCOR + hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3736 of file

Definition at line 3740 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIL1DoubleMuOpen_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen + hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpenCore + hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3741 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIL1SingleMu3 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu3 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3737 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIL1SingleMu5 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu5 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu5 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3738 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIL1SingleMu7 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIL1SingleMu7 + hltPreHIL1SingleMu7 + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3739 of file

Definition at line 3747 of file

Definition at line 3748 of file

Definition at line 3749 of file

Definition at line 3745 of file

Definition at line 3746 of file

Definition at line 3742 of file

Definition at line 3743 of file

Definition at line 3744 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasBSC = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasBSC + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3723 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasBSC_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR + hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3724 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasHF = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHF + hltPreHIMinBiasHF + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3725 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasHF_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHF + hltPreHIMinBiasHF_Core + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3726 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasHf_OR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOr + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3727 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3728 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC + hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3729 of file

Definition at line 3730 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC + hltPreHIMinBiasZDC + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3731 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Calo_PlusOrMinus = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3732 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIMinBiasZDC_Scint = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCScint + hltPreHIMinBiasZDCScint + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3733 of file

Definition at line 3734 of file

Definition at line 3754 of file

Definition at line 3755 of file

Definition at line 3756 of file

Definition at line 3757 of file

Definition at line 3758 of file

Definition at line 3759 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIRandom = cms.Path( hltRandomEventsFilter + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltPreHIRandom + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3774 of file

Definition at line 3769 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIUpcEcal = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcEcal + hltPreHIUpcEcal + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3750 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIUpcEcal_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcEcal + hltPreHIUpcEcalCore + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3751 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIUpcMu = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcMu + hltPreHIUpcMu + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3752 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIUpcMu_Core = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX + hltL1sHIUpcMu + hltPreHIUpcMuCore + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3753 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIZeroBias = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBias + hltPreHIZeroBias + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3720 of file

Definition at line 3722 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_HIZeroBiasXOR = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequence + hltL1sHIZeroBiasXORonly + hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3721 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLT_LogMonitor = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltPreLogMonitor + hltLogMonitorFilter + HLTEndSequence )

Definition at line 3718 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTAnalyzerEndpath = cms.EndPath( hltL1GtTrigReport + hltTrigReport )

Definition at line 3777 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTBeamSpot = cms.Sequence( hltScalersRawToDigi + hltOnlineBeamSpot + hltOfflineBeamSpot )

Definition at line 3696 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTBeginSequence = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 3697 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTBeginSequenceAntiBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXAntiCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 3715 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTBeginSequenceBPTX = cms.Sequence( hltTriggerType + HLTL1UnpackerSequence + hltBPTXCoincidence + HLTBeamSpot )

Definition at line 3700 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltBoolEnd
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( True )
3 )

Definition at line 1160 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltBoolFalse
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( False )
3 )

Definition at line 1141 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltBoolTrue
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTBool",
2  result = cms.bool( True )
3 )

Definition at line 3683 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltBPTXAntiCoincidence
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
4  ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
5  invert = cms.bool( True ),
6  physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
7  physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x40000 ),
8  technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
9  bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, 1, -1 )
10 )

Definition at line 3457 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltBPTXCoincidence
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1Activity",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  daqPartitions = cms.uint32( 1 ),
4  ignoreL1Mask = cms.bool( True ),
5  invert = cms.bool( False ),
6  physicsLoBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
7  physicsHiBits = cms.uint64( 0x40000 ),
8  technicalBits = cms.uint64( 0x1 ),
9  bunchCrossings = cms.vint32( 0, -1, 1 )
10 )

Definition at line 1548 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCalibrationEventsFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 2 )
3 )

Definition at line 1163 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCleanedCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HiSpikeCleaner",
2  recHitProducerBarrel = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
3  recHitProducerEndcap = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
4  originalSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
5  TimingCut = cms.untracked.double( 9999999.0 ),
6  etCut = cms.double( 8.0 ),
7  outputColl = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 2670 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTConfigVersion
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  tableName = cms.string('/dev/CMSSW_3_11_0/HIon/V18')
3 )

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated" ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Hybrid" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.03 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
12  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 1.1 ),
13  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 1.0012, -0.5714, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5549, 12.74, 1.0448, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0, 1.023, -0.00181, 0.0, 0.0 ),
14  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 8.0 ),
15  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.05208, 0.1331, 0.9196, -5.735E-4, 1.343 )
16  ),
17  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
18  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
19  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
20 )

Definition at line 2848 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRemoveDuplicatedSC",
2  L1NonIsoUskimmedSC = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolatedTemp" ),
3  L1IsoSC = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated" ),
4  L1NonIsoSkimmedCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 3017 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolatedTemp
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated" ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Hybrid" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.03 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
12  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 1.1 ),
13  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 1.0012, -0.5714, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5549, 12.74, 1.0448, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.0, 1.023, -0.00181, 0.0, 0.0 ),
14  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 8.0 ),
15  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.05208, 0.1331, 0.9196, -5.735E-4, 1.343 )
16  ),
17  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
18  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
19  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
20 )

Definition at line 2997 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEB' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltIslandSuperClustersHI','islandBarrelSuperClustersHI' ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Island" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 0.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
13  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
14  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
15  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.0 )
17  ),
18  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
19  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
20 )

Definition at line 2615 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRecHitAll','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltIslandSuperClustersHI','islandEndcapSuperClustersHI' ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Island" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 0.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
13  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
14  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( 0.0 ),
15  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 0.0 ),
16  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.0 )
17  ),
18  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
19  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( )
20 )

Definition at line 2635 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated" ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Multi5x5" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
13  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
14  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
15  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.6 ),
16  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.9746, -6.512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02771, 4.983, 0.0, 0.0, -0.007288, -0.9446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
17  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 6.0 ),
18  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.04163, 0.08552, 0.95048, -0.002308, 1.077 )
19  )
20 )

Definition at line 2938 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRemoveDuplicatedSC",
2  L1NonIsoUskimmedSC = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolatedTemp" ),
3  L1IsoSC = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated" ),
4  L1NonIsoSkimmedCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 3112 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolatedTemp
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaSCCorrectionMaker",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  recHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsEE' ),
4  rawSuperClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated" ),
5  superClusterAlgo = cms.string( "Multi5x5" ),
6  applyEnergyCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
7  applyCrackCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
8  sigmaElectronicNoise = cms.double( 0.15 ),
9  etThresh = cms.double( 1.0 ),
10  corectedSuperClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
11  hyb_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
12  isl_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
13  dyn_fCorrPset = cms.PSet( ),
14  fix_fCorrPset = cms.PSet(
15  brLinearLowThr = cms.double( 0.6 ),
16  fEtEtaVec = cms.vdouble( 0.9746, -6.512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02771, 4.983, 0.0, 0.0, -0.007288, -0.9446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ),
17  brLinearHighThr = cms.double( 6.0 ),
18  fBremVec = cms.vdouble( -0.04163, 0.08552, 0.95048, -0.002308, 1.077 )
19  )
20 )

Definition at line 3092 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCsc2DRecHits

Definition at line 1772 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltCscSegments

Definition at line 1817 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTDoCaloSequence = cms.Sequence( hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs + hltEcalRecHitAll + HLTDoLocalHcalSequence + hltTowerMakerForAll )

Definition at line 3705 of file

Definition at line 3706 of file

Definition at line 3707 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTDoHIJetRecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTDoCaloSequence + hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets )

Definition at line 3714 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTDoHILocalPixelSequence = cms.Sequence( hltSiPixelDigis + hltHISiPixelClusters + hltHISiPixelRecHits )

Definition at line 3698 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHcalDigis + hltHbhereco + hltHfreco + hltHoreco )

Definition at line 3704 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence = cms.Sequence( hltESRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility + hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs + hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit + hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit )

Definition at line 3708 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltDt1DRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTRecHitProducer",
2  dtDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonDTDigis" ),
3  recAlgo = cms.string( "DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo" ),
4  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(
5  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
6  minTime = cms.double( -3.0 ),
7  maxTime = cms.double( 420.0 ),
8  tTrigModeConfig = cms.PSet(
9  vPropWire = cms.double( 24.4 ),
10  doTOFCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
11  tofCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
12  wirePropCorrType = cms.int32( 0 ),
13  doWirePropCorrection = cms.bool( True ),
14  doT0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
15  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
16  tTrigLabel = cms.string( "" )
17  ),
18  tTrigMode = cms.string( "DTTTrigSyncFromDB" )
19  )
20 )

Definition at line 1679 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltDt4DSegments

Definition at line 1699 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654 )
4 )

Definition at line 1170 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  workerName = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 2192 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalRecHitAll
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
3  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs" ),
4  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
7  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" )
8 )

Definition at line 2209 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
3  type = cms.string( "egamma" ),
4  doES = cms.bool( True ),
5  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" ),
6  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
7  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
8  ),
9  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
10  cms.PSet( Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
11  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
12  Ptmin = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 )
14  ),
15  cms.PSet( Source = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
16  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
17  Ptmin = cms.double( 5.0 ),
18  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.25 )
19  )
20  ),
21  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
22  )
23 )

Definition at line 2770 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
3  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs" ),
4  splitOutput = cms.bool( True ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
7  rechitCollection = cms.string( "NotNeededsplitOutputTrue" )
8 )

Definition at line 2793 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltEcalRegionalRestFEDs
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitRoI",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRawToRecHitFacility" ),
3  type = cms.string( "all" ),
4  doES = cms.bool( False ),
5  sourceTag_es = cms.InputTag( "NotNeededoESfalse" ),
6  MuJobPSet = cms.PSet( ),
7  JetJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
8  ),
9  EmJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
10  ),
11  CandJobPSet = cms.VPSet(
12  )
13 )

Definition at line 2196 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTEndSequence = cms.Sequence( hltBoolEnd )

Definition at line 3694 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPAnalyticalPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "AnalyticalPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPAnalyticalPropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 338 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryBuilder" ),
3  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
4  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
8  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
9  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" ),
10  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
14  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
15 )

Definition at line 1069 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPbJetRegionalTrajectoryFilter" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  filterPset = cms.PSet(
5  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
8  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
10  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 )
14  )
15 )

Definition at line 1084 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2EstimatorForRefit" ),
3  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 100000.0 ),
4  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 344 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
3  MaxChi2 = cms.double( 30.0 ),
4  nSigma = cms.double( 3.0 ),
5  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
6 )

Definition at line 350 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
3  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
4  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
8  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
9  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
10  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
11  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True ),
14  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
15 )

Definition at line 356 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  filterPset = cms.PSet(
5  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
8  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
10  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 )
14  )
15 )

Definition at line 371 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetLayerGeometryESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 386 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPEcalRegionCablingESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "EcalRegionCablingESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  esMapping = cms.PSet( LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) )
4 )

Definition at line 399 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPESUnpackerWorker
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "ESUnpackerWorkerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPESUnpackerWorker" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  DCCDataUnpacker = cms.PSet( LookupTable = cms.FileInPath( "EventFilter/ESDigiToRaw/data/ES_lookup_table.dat" ) ),
5  RHAlgo = cms.PSet(
6  Type = cms.string( "ESRecHitWorker" ),
7  ESRecoAlgo = cms.int32( 0 )
8  )
9 )

Definition at line 390 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
4  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
5  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
6  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
7  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
8  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.bool( False ),
12  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
13  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
14  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
15  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
16  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
17  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
18  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
21 )

Definition at line 403 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
5  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
6  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
7  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
8  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.bool( False ),
12  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
13  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
14  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
15  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
16  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( True ),
17  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
18  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
21 )

Definition at line 424 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPFittingSmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPFittingSmootherRK" ),
3  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
4  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
5  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
7  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
8  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True ),
9  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
11  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
12 )

Definition at line 445 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPHIPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 457 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHIPixelLayerTriplets" ),
4  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
5  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
6  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
7  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
8  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
9  BPix = cms.PSet(
10  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
11  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
12  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
13  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
14  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
15  ),
16  FPix = cms.PSet(
17  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
18  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
19  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
20  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
21  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
22  ),
23  TEC = cms.PSet( )
24 )

Definition at line 489 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPHITTRHBuilderWithoutRefit" ),
3  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
4  PixelCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
5  Matcher = cms.string( "Fake" ),
6  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 513 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmoother" ),
3  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
4  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
5  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
7  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
8  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True ),
9  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
11  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
12 )

Definition at line 521 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFFittingSmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFFittingSmootherForL2Muon" ),
3  Fitter = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
4  Smoother = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
5  EstimateCut = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  LogPixelProbabilityCut = cms.double( -16.0 ),
7  MinNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
8  RejectTracks = cms.bool( True ),
9  BreakTrajWith2ConsecutiveMissing = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoInvalidHitsBeginEnd = cms.bool( False ),
11  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
12 )

Definition at line 533 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 545 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectoryFitterForL2Muon" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 554 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmoother" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
8  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
10 )

Definition at line 563 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForL2Muon" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPFastSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
8  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
10 )

Definition at line 573 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFTrajectorySmootherForMuonTrackLoader" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  errorRescaling = cms.double( 10.0 ),
8  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
10 )

Definition at line 583 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPKFUpdator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFUpdatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 593 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPL3MuKFTrajectoryFitter" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 597 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMeasurementTracker

Definition at line 606 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMixedLayerPairs

Definition at line 651 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryBuilder" ),
3  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
4  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  propagatorProximity = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
7  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
9  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
10  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
11  useSeedLayer = cms.bool( False ),
12  rescaleErrorIfFail = cms.double( 1.0 ),
13  deltaEta = cms.double( 0.1 ),
14  deltaPhi = cms.double( 0.1 ),
15  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
16  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
17  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
18  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( False ),
19  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( True )
20 )

Definition at line 726 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonCkfTrajectoryFilter" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  filterPset = cms.PSet(
5  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
8  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( -1 ),
10  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
12  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 )
14  )
15 )

Definition at line 746 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 761 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryBuilder" ),
3  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
4  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
8  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
9  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" ),
10  maxCand = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
14  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
15 )

Definition at line 696 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPMuTrackJpsiTrajectoryFilter" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  filterPset = cms.PSet(
5  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
8  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 8 ),
10  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 1.0 )
14  )
15 )

Definition at line 711 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPPixelCPEGeneric
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PixelCPEGenericESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
3  eff_charge_cut_lowX = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  eff_charge_cut_lowY = cms.double( 0.0 ),
5  eff_charge_cut_highX = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  eff_charge_cut_highY = cms.double( 1.0 ),
7  size_cutX = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  size_cutY = cms.double( 3.0 ),
9  EdgeClusterErrorX = cms.double( 50.0 ),
10  EdgeClusterErrorY = cms.double( 85.0 ),
11  inflate_errors = cms.bool( False ),
12  inflate_all_errors_no_trk_angle = cms.bool( False ),
13  UseErrorsFromTemplates = cms.bool( True ),
14  TruncatePixelCharge = cms.bool( True ),
15  IrradiationBiasCorrection = cms.bool( False ),
16  DoCosmics = cms.bool( False ),
17  LoadTemplatesFromDB = cms.bool( True ),
18  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
19  TanLorentzAnglePerTesla = cms.double( 0.106 ),
20  PixelErrorParametrization = cms.string( "NOTcmsim" ),
21  Alpha2Order = cms.bool( True ),
22  ClusterProbComputationFlag = cms.int32( 0 )
23 )

Definition at line 765 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPPixelLayerPairs

Definition at line 788 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTriplets
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTriplets" ),
4  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3',
5  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
6  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
7  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
8  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
9  BPix = cms.PSet(
10  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
11  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
12  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
13  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
14  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
15  ),
16  FPix = cms.PSet(
17  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
18  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
19  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
20  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
21  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
22  ),
23  TEC = cms.PSet( )
24 )

Definition at line 820 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHB" ),
4  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+BPix3' ),
5  BPix = cms.PSet(
6  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
7  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
8  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
9  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
10  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
11  ),
12  FPix = cms.PSet(
13  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
14  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
15  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
16  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
17  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
18  ),
19  TEC = cms.PSet( )
20 )

Definition at line 844 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SeedingLayersESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPPixelLayerTripletsHITHE" ),
4  layerList = cms.vstring( 'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_pos',
5  'BPix1+BPix2+FPix1_neg',
6  'BPix1+FPix1_pos+FPix2_pos',
7  'BPix1+FPix1_neg+FPix2_neg' ),
8  BPix = cms.PSet(
9  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
10  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0027 ),
11  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
12  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
13  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0060 )
14  ),
15  FPix = cms.PSet(
16  useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool( True ),
17  hitErrorRPhi = cms.double( 0.0051 ),
18  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
19  HitProducer = cms.string( "hltSiPixelRecHits" ),
20  hitErrorRZ = cms.double( 0.0036 )
21  ),
22  TEC = cms.PSet( )
23 )

Definition at line 864 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
6  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( True ),
7  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 887 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSiStripRegionConnectivity
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiStripRegionConnectivity",
2  EtaDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
3  PhiDivisions = cms.untracked.uint32( 20 ),
4  EtaMax = cms.untracked.double( 2.5 )
5 )

Definition at line 896 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSmartPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
5  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 901 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAny" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
5  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
6  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 909 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorAnyOpposite" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
5  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 917 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SmartPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSmartPropagatorOpposite" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  Epsilon = cms.double( 5.0 ),
5  TrackerPropagator = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  MuonPropagator = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 925 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSoftLeptonByDistance
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByDistanceESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  distance = cms.double( 0.5 )
4 )

Definition at line 933 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSoftLeptonByPt
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "LeptonTaggerByPtESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  ipSign = cms.string( "any" )
4 )

Definition at line 937 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorAlong" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
5  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
6  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
7  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
8  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.bool( False ),
12  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
13  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
14  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
15  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
16  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
17  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
18  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
21 )

Definition at line 941 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPSteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
5  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
6  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
7  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
8  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.bool( False ),
12  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
13  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
14  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
15  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
16  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
17  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
18  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
21 )

Definition at line 962 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPStraightLinePropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "StraightLinePropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPStraightLinePropagator" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 983 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrackCounting3D2nd
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrackCountingESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  nthTrack = cms.int32( 2 ),
4  impactParameterType = cms.int32( 0 ),
5  deltaR = cms.double( -1.0 ),
6  maximumDecayLength = cms.double( 5.0 ),
7  maximumDistanceToJetAxis = cms.double( 0.07 ),
8  trackQualityClass = cms.string( "any" )
9 )

Definition at line 1004 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "CkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryBuilderL3" ),
3  updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
4  propagatorAlong = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
5  propagatorOpposite = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
6  estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
7  TTRHBuilder = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
8  MeasurementTrackerName = cms.string( "hltESPMeasurementTracker" ),
9  trajectoryFilterName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" ),
10  maxCand = cms.int32( 5 ),
11  lostHitPenalty = cms.double( 30.0 ),
12  intermediateCleaning = cms.bool( True ),
13  alwaysUseInvalidHits = cms.bool( False ),
14  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
15 )

Definition at line 1013 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryCleanerESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
3  ComponentType = cms.string( "TrajectoryCleanerBySharedHits" ),
4  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
5  fractionShared = cms.double( 0.5 ),
6  allowSharedFirstHit = cms.bool( False )
7 )

Definition at line 1028 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TrajectoryFilterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFilterL3" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  filterPset = cms.PSet(
5  minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  minHitsMinPt = cms.int32( 3 ),
7  ComponentType = cms.string( "CkfBaseTrajectoryFilter" ),
8  maxLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  maxNumberOfHits = cms.int32( 7 ),
10  maxConsecLostHits = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  chargeSignificance = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  nSigmaMinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
13  minPt = cms.double( 0.9 )
14  )
15 )

Definition at line 1035 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectoryFitterESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectoryFitterRK" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 1050 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "KFTrajectorySmootherESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTrajectorySmootherRK" ),
3  Propagator = cms.string( "hltESPRungeKuttaTrackerPropagator" ),
4  Updator = cms.string( "hltESPKFUpdator" ),
5  Estimator = cms.string( "hltESPChi2MeasurementEstimator" ),
6  RecoGeometry = cms.string( "hltESPDummyDetLayerGeometry" ),
7  errorRescaling = cms.double( 100.0 ),
8  minHits = cms.int32( 3 ),
9  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
10 )

Definition at line 1059 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBuilderPixelOnly" ),
3  StripCPE = cms.string( "Fake" ),
4  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
5  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
6  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 996 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "hltESPTTRHBWithTrackAngle" ),
3  StripCPE = cms.string( "StripCPEfromTrackAngle" ),
4  PixelCPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" ),
5  Matcher = cms.string( "StandardMatcher" ),
6  ComputeCoarseLocalPositionFromDisk = cms.bool( False ),
7  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 988 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESRawToRecHitFacility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitFacility",
2  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  workerName = cms.string( "hltESPESUnpackerWorker" )
4 )

Definition at line 2766 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EcalRawToRecHitProducer",
2  lazyGetterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltESRawToRecHitFacility" ),
3  sourceTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltEcalRegionalEgammaFEDs','es' ),
4  splitOutput = cms.bool( False ),
5  EBrechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
6  EErechitCollection = cms.string( "" ),
7  rechitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsES" )
8 )

Definition at line 2801 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESSBTagRecord
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string( "JetTagComputerRecord" ),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
4  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
5  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 148 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESSHcalSeverityLevel
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "EmptyESSource",
2  recordName = cms.string( "HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd" ),
3  iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool( True ),
4  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
5  firstValid = cms.vuint32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 154 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESSMCJetCorrectorIcone5HF07
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "LXXXCorrectionService",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  level = cms.string( "L2Relative" ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "" ),
5  section = cms.string( "" ),
6  era = cms.string( "HLT" )
7 )

Definition at line 160 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltESSMCJetCorrectorIcone5Unit
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESSource( "LXXXCorrectionService",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
3  level = cms.string( "L2RelativeFlat" ),
4  algorithm = cms.string( "" ),
5  section = cms.string( "" ),
6  era = cms.string( "HLT" )
7 )

Definition at line 167 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltFEDSelector
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 1023 )
4 )

Definition at line 3673 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltGctDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "GctRawToDigi",
2  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  gctFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 745 ),
4  hltMode = cms.bool( True ),
5  numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
6  numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack = cms.uint32( 1 ),
7  unpackSharedRegions = cms.bool( False ),
8  unpackerVersion = cms.uint32( 0 )
9 )

Definition at line 1177 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltGetRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTGetRaw",
2  RawDataCollection = cms.InputTag( "source" )
3 )

Definition at line 1138 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltGtDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi",
2  DaqGtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  DaqGtFedId = cms.untracked.int32( 813 ),
4  ActiveBoardsMask = cms.uint32( 0xffff ),
5  UnpackBxInEvent = cms.int32( 5 ),
6  Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32( 0 )
7 )

Definition at line 1144 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHbhereco

Definition at line 2225 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalCalibrationRaw
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EvFFEDSelector",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  fedList = cms.vuint32( 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731 )
4 )

Definition at line 3669 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalCalibTypeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalCalibTypeFilter",
2  InputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  CalibTypes = cms.vint32( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 )
4 )

Definition at line 3665 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HcalRawToDigi",
2  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  UnpackCalib = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  UnpackZDC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
5  firstSample = cms.int32( 0 ),
6  lastSample = cms.int32( 9 ),
7  FilterDataQuality = cms.bool( True )
8 )

Definition at line 2217 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter",
2  threshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
3  minNHitsNeg = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  minNHitsPos = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  doCoincidence = cms.bool( False ),
6  HFRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
7  maskedChannels = cms.vint32( )
8 )

Definition at line 3624 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalSimpleRecHitFilterCoincidence
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalSimpleRecHitFilter",
2  threshold = cms.double( 3.0 ),
3  minNHitsNeg = cms.int32( 1 ),
4  minNHitsPos = cms.int32( 1 ),
5  doCoincidence = cms.bool( True ),
6  HFRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltHfreco" ),
7  maskedChannels = cms.vint32( )
8 )

Definition at line 3612 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHcalTowerFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHcalTowerFilter",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltTowerMakerForHcal" ),
3  MinE_HB = cms.double( 1.5 ),
4  MinE_HE = cms.double( 2.5 ),
5  MinE_HF = cms.double( 9.0 ),
6  MaxN_HB = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxN_HE = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  MaxN_HF = cms.int32( 8 )
9 )

Definition at line 3311 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHfreco

Definition at line 2315 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHI1jet35U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets" ),
3  saveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 35.0 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
7 )

Definition at line 3368 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHI1jet50U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets" ),
3  saveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 50.0 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
7 )

Definition at line 3394 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHI1jet75U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets" ),
3  saveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 75.0 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
7 )

Definition at line 3420 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHI1jet90U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJet",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets" ),
3  saveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  MinPt = cms.double( 90.0 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 5.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
7 )

Definition at line 3446 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHICleanPhoton15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2683 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHICleanPhoton20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2714 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHICleanPhoton30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 30.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2745 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenFiltered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
3  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen" ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False ),
8  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
9  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
10  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( )
11 )

Definition at line 1618 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
3  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF" ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False ),
8  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
9  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
10  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( )
11 )

Definition at line 2092 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EcalIsolFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EtPhiFilter" ),
3  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsolatedPhotonEcalIsol" ),
4  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonEcalIsol" ),
5  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
6  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 3.0 ),
9  thrOverEEB = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  thrOverEEE = cms.double( 0.1 ),
11  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
13  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
14  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
15  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
16  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" )
17 )

Definition at line 3186 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EtPhiFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaDoubleEtDeltaPhiFilter",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoublePhotonEt5L1MatchFilterRegional" ),
3  etcut = cms.double( 5.0 ),
4  minDeltaPhi = cms.double( 2.5 ),
5  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
6  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" )
7 )

Definition at line 3141 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoublePhotonEt5HEFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaGenericFilter",
2  candTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoublePhotonEt5EcalIsolFilter" ),
3  isoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalForHE" ),
4  nonIsoTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalForHE" ),
5  lessThan = cms.bool( True ),
6  useEt = cms.bool( False ),
7  thrRegularEB = cms.double( 999999.9 ),
8  thrRegularEE = cms.double( 999999.9 ),
9  thrOverEEB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
10  thrOverEEE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
11  thrOverE2EB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
12  thrOverE2EE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
13  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
14  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
15  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
16  L1IsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
17  L1NonIsoCand = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" )
18 )

Definition at line 3227 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIDoublePhotonEt5L1MatchFilterRegional
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterRegional",
2  candIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  l1IsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
4  candNonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
5  l1NonIsolatedTag = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
6  L1SeedFilterTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sHIL1DoubleEG5" ),
7  ncandcut = cms.int32( 2 ),
8  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
9  region_eta_size = cms.double( 0.522 ),
10  region_eta_size_ecap = cms.double( 1.0 ),
11  region_phi_size = cms.double( 1.044 ),
12  barrel_end = cms.double( 1.4791 ),
13  endcap_end = cms.double( 2.65 )
14 )

Definition at line 3127 of file

Definition at line 3713 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL1Filter",
2  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
3  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF" ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
5  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  ExcludeSingleSegmentCSC = cms.bool( False ),
8  CSCTFtag = cms.InputTag( "unused" ),
9  SelectQualities = cms.vint32( )
10 )

Definition at line 1648 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL2DoubleMu0L2Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOfflineBeamSpot" ),
3  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered" ),
5  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
11  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 2103 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL2DoubleMu3L2Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOfflineBeamSpot" ),
3  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIDoubleMuLevel1PathL1OpenWithBSCHFFiltered" ),
5  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 2 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
11  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 2121 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL2Mu20L2Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOfflineBeamSpot" ),
3  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered" ),
5  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
11  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 2059 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL2Mu3L2Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOfflineBeamSpot" ),
3  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered" ),
5  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  MinNhits = cms.int32( 0 ),
9  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
11  MinPt = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 2019 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIL2Mu5TightL2Filtered
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTMuonL2PreFilter",
2  BeamSpotTag = cms.InputTag( "hltOfflineBeamSpot" ),
3  CandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2MuonCandidates" ),
4  PreviousCandTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHFL1Filtered" ),
5  SeedMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL2Muons" ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 ),
7  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
8  MinNhits = cms.int32( 1 ),
9  MaxDr = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
10  MaxDz = cms.double( 9999.0 ),
11  MinPt = cms.double( 5.0 ),
12  NSigmaPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
13  SaveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True )
14 )

Definition at line 2037 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIPhoton15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 15.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2660 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIPhoton20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 20.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2704 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIPhoton30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1Photon",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltRecoHIEcalCandidate" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 30.0 ),
4  MaxEta = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
6 )

Definition at line 2735 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIPixelClusterShapeFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelClusterShapeFilter",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
3  minZ = cms.double( -20.0 ),
4  maxZ = cms.double( 20.05 ),
5  zStep = cms.double( 0.2 ),
6  nhitsTrunc = cms.int32( 150 ),
7  clusterTrunc = cms.double( 2.0 ),
8  clusterPars = cms.vdouble( )
9 )

Definition at line 3636 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHIPixelClusterVertices
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "HIPixelClusterVtxProducer",
2  pixelRecHits = cms.string( "hltHISiPixelRecHits" ),
3  minZ = cms.double( -20.0 ),
4  maxZ = cms.double( 20.05 ),
5  zStep = cms.double( 0.1 )
6 )

Definition at line 1298 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHISinglePixelTrackFilter1
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 1 ),
5  MinSep = cms.double( 1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 1359 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHISinglePixelTrackFilterZDC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixlMBFilt",
2  pixlTag = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger" ),
3  MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
4  MinTrks = cms.uint32( 1 ),
5  MinSep = cms.double( 1.0 )
6 )

Definition at line 1512 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHISiPixelClusters
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelClusterProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltSiPixelDigis" ),
3  maxNumberOfClusters = cms.int32( -1 ),
4  payloadType = cms.string( "HLT" ),
5  ChannelThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
6  SeedThreshold = cms.int32( 1000 ),
7  ClusterThreshold = cms.double( 4000.0 ),
8  VCaltoElectronGain = cms.int32( 65 ),
9  VCaltoElectronOffset = cms.int32( -414 ),
10  MissCalibrate = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
11  SplitClusters = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 1282 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHISiPixelRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRecHitConverter",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
3  CPE = cms.string( "hltESPPixelCPEGeneric" )
4 )

Definition at line 1294 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHoreco

Definition at line 2420 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated

Definition at line 2809 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated

Definition at line 2958 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltIslandBasicClustersHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "IslandClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  barrelHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
4  endcapHitProducer = cms.string( "hltEcalRecHitAll" ),
5  barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
6  endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
7  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelBasicClustersHI" ),
8  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapBasicClustersHI" ),
9  IslandBarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
10  IslandEndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
11  clustershapecollectionEB = cms.string( "islandBarrelShape" ),
12  clustershapecollectionEE = cms.string( "islandEndcapShape" ),
13  barrelShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandBarrelShapeAssoc" ),
14  endcapShapeAssociation = cms.string( "islandEndcapShapeAssoc" ),
15  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
16  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
17  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
18  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
19  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
20  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
21  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
22  )
23 )

Definition at line 2576 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltIslandSuperClustersHI
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SuperClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltIslandBasicClustersHI" ),
4  barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltIslandBasicClustersHI" ),
5  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapBasicClustersHI" ),
6  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelBasicClustersHI" ),
7  endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "islandEndcapSuperClustersHI" ),
8  barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "islandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
9  doBarrel = cms.bool( True ),
10  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
11  barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.06 ),
12  barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
13  endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
14  endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
15  seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 )
16 )

Definition at line 2599 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltIterativeCone5PileupSubtractionCaloJets

Definition at line 3335 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1extraParticles
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1ExtraParticlesProd",
2  produceMuonParticles = cms.bool( True ),
3  muonSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
4  produceCaloParticles = cms.bool( True ),
5  isolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','isoEm' ),
6  nonIsolatedEmSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','nonIsoEm' ),
7  centralJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','cenJets' ),
8  forwardJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','forJets' ),
9  tauJetSource = cms.InputTag( 'hltGctDigis','tauJets' ),
10  etTotalSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
11  etHadSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
12  etMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
13  htMissSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
14  hfRingEtSumsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
15  hfRingBitCountsSource = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
16  centralBxOnly = cms.bool( True ),
17  ignoreHtMiss = cms.bool( False )
18 )

Definition at line 1202 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1GtObjectMap
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L1GlobalTrigger",
2  GmtInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  GctInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGctDigis" ),
4  CastorInputTag = cms.InputTag( "castorL1Digis" ),
5  ProduceL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
6  ProduceL1GtEvmRecord = cms.bool( False ),
7  ProduceL1GtObjectMapRecord = cms.bool( True ),
8  WritePsbL1GtDaqRecord = cms.bool( False ),
9  ReadTechnicalTriggerRecords = cms.bool( True ),
10  EmulateBxInEvent = cms.int32( 1 ),
11  AlternativeNrBxBoardDaq = cms.uint32( 0 ),
12  AlternativeNrBxBoardEvm = cms.uint32( 0 ),
13  BstLengthBytes = cms.int32( -1 ),
14  TechnicalTriggersInputTags = cms.VInputTag( 'simBscDigis' ),
15  RecordLength = cms.vint32( 3, 0 )
16 )

Definition at line 1186 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1GtTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "L1GtTrigReport",
2  UseL1GlobalTriggerRecord = cms.bool( False ),
3  L1GtRecordInputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" )
4 )

Definition at line 3686 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTL1IsolatedEcalClustersSequence = cms.Sequence( hltHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated + hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated + HLTMulti5x5SuperClusterL1Isolated )

Definition at line 3710 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1IsolatedPhotonEcalIsol
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTEcalRecIsolationProducer",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  ecalBarrelRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
4  ecalBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
5  ecalEndcapRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
6  ecalEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
7  etMinBarrel = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
8  eMinBarrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
9  etMinEndcap = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  eMinEndcap = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
11  intRadiusBarrel = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  intRadiusEndcap = cms.double( 3.0 ),
13  extRadius = cms.double( 0.3 ),
14  jurassicWidth = cms.double( 3.0 ),
15  useIsolEt = cms.bool( True ),
16  tryBoth = cms.bool( True ),
17  subtract = cms.bool( False ),
18  useNumCrystals = cms.bool( True )
19 )

Definition at line 3148 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalForHE
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducersRegional",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  hbheRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
4  eMinHB = cms.double( 0.7 ),
5  eMinHE = cms.double( 0.8 ),
6  etMinHB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  etMinHE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  innerCone = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  outerCone = cms.double( 0.14 ),
10  depth = cms.int32( -1 ),
11  doEtSum = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 3203 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1Isolated" ),
3  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 3117 of file

Definition at line 3712 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonEcalIsol
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTEcalRecIsolationProducer",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  ecalBarrelRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
4  ecalBarrelRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
5  ecalEndcapRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
6  ecalEndcapRecHitCollection = cms.InputTag( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
7  etMinBarrel = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
8  eMinBarrel = cms.double( 0.08 ),
9  etMinEndcap = cms.double( 0.1 ),
10  eMinEndcap = cms.double( -9999.0 ),
11  intRadiusBarrel = cms.double( 3.0 ),
12  intRadiusEndcap = cms.double( 3.0 ),
13  extRadius = cms.double( 0.3 ),
14  jurassicWidth = cms.double( 3.0 ),
15  useIsolEt = cms.bool( True ),
16  tryBoth = cms.bool( True ),
17  subtract = cms.bool( False ),
18  useNumCrystals = cms.bool( True )
19 )

Definition at line 3167 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalForHE
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTHcalIsolationProducersRegional",
2  recoEcalCandidateProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate" ),
3  hbheRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
4  eMinHB = cms.double( 0.7 ),
5  eMinHE = cms.double( 0.8 ),
6  etMinHB = cms.double( -1.0 ),
7  etMinHE = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  innerCone = cms.double( 0.0 ),
9  outerCone = cms.double( 0.14 ),
10  depth = cms.int32( -1 ),
11  doEtSum = cms.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 3215 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedHybridSuperClustersL1NonIsolated" ),
3  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 3122 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIBptxXOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxXOR" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1518 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIBptxXORBSCOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxXOR_BscMinBiasOR" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1533 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIGlobalDecision
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1GlobalDecision" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 3597 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIJet35U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet30U_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 3320 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIJet50U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet30U_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 3379 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIJet75U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet30U_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 3405 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIJet90U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet30U_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 3431 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1DoubleEG5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleEG5_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2751 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpen
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMuOpen_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1603 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1DoubleMuOpenwithBSCHF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_DoubleMuOpen_BptxAND AND (L1_BscMinBiasOR_BptxPlusORMinus OR L1_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm OR L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND)" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2077 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1SingleJet20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleJet20U_NotBptxOR" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
11  saveTags = cms.untracked.bool( False )
12 )

Definition at line 3467 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu3_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1558 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1SingleMu3withBSCHF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu3_BptxAND AND (L1_BscMinBiasOR_BptxPlusORMinus OR L1_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm OR L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND)" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1633 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1SingleMu5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu5" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1573 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIL1SingleMu7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleMu7" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1588 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasBSC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasThreshold1_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1365 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasBSCOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BscMinBiasOR_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1380 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasHF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincidencePm_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1395 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOr
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfMmOrPpOrPm_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1414 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_HcalHfCoincPmORBscMinBiasThresh1_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1429 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasZDC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1452 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_BptxAND OR L1_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1467 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcCaloPlus_ZdcCaloMinus_BptxAND OR L1_ZdcScintTightVertex_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1497 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIMinBiasZDCScint
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_ZdcScintTightVertex_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1482 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIPhoton15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2177 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIPhoton20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2689 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIPhoton30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_SingleEG5_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2720 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIUpcEcal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "NOT L1_ETT60 AND L1_DoubleEG5_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2139 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIUpcMu
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "NOT L1_ETT60 AND L1_SingleMu3_BptxAND" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 2158 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxPlusANDMinus" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1232 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIZeroBiasXOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxPlusANDMinus OR L1_BptxXOR" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1262 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL1sHIZeroBiasXORonly
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLevel1GTSeed",
2  L1UseL1TriggerObjectMaps = cms.bool( True ),
3  L1NrBxInEvent = cms.int32( 3 ),
4  L1TechTriggerSeeding = cms.bool( False ),
5  L1UseAliasesForSeeding = cms.bool( True ),
6  L1SeedsLogicalExpression = cms.string( "L1_BptxXOR" ),
7  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
8  L1GtObjectMapTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1GtObjectMap" ),
9  L1CollectionsTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
10  L1MuonCollectionTag = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" )
11 )

Definition at line 1247 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTL1UnpackerSequence = cms.Sequence( hltGtDigis + hltGctDigis + hltL1GtObjectMap + hltL1extraParticles )

Definition at line 3695 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL2MuonCandidates
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonCandidateProducer",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( 'hltL2Muons','UpdatedAtVtx' )
3 )

Definition at line 2016 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTmuonlocalrecoSequence + hltL2MuonSeeds + hltL2Muons )

Definition at line 3702 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTL2muonrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( HLTL2muonrecoNocandSequence + hltL2MuonCandidates )

Definition at line 3703 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL2Muons

Definition at line 1938 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltL2MuonSeeds
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "L2MuonSeedGenerator",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "hltL1extraParticles" ),
3  GMTReadoutCollection = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
4  Propagator = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
5  L1MinPt = cms.double( 0.0 ),
6  L1MaxEta = cms.double( 2.5 ),
7  L1MinQuality = cms.uint32( 1 ),
8  ServiceParameters = cms.PSet(
9  Propagators = cms.untracked.vstring( 'SteppingHelixPropagatorAny' ),
10  RPCLayers = cms.bool( True ),
11  UseMuonNavigation = cms.untracked.bool( True )
12  )
13 )

Definition at line 1925 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltLogMonitorFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTLogMonitorFilter",
2  default_threshold = cms.uint32( 10 ),
3  categories = cms.VPSet(
4  )
5 )

Definition at line 1155 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Isolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTMulti5x5ClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  doBarrel = cms.bool( False ),
4  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
5  doIsolated = cms.bool( True ),
6  barrelHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
7  endcapHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
8  barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
9  endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
10  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "notused" ),
11  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
12  Multi5x5BarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
13  Multi5x5EndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
14  l1TagIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
15  l1TagNonIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
16  l1LowerThr = cms.double( 5.0 ),
17  l1UpperThr = cms.double( 999.0 ),
18  l1LowerThrIgnoreIsolation = cms.double( 999.0 ),
19  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.3 ),
20  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
21  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vint32( ),
22  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
23  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
24  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
25  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
26  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
27  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
28  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
29  )
30 )

Definition at line 2868 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1NonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTMulti5x5ClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  doBarrel = cms.bool( False ),
4  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
5  doIsolated = cms.bool( False ),
6  barrelHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
7  endcapHitProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltEcalRegionalEgammaRecHit" ),
8  barrelHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEB" ),
9  endcapHitCollection = cms.string( "EcalRecHitsEE" ),
10  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "notused" ),
11  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
12  Multi5x5BarrelSeedThr = cms.double( 0.5 ),
13  Multi5x5EndcapSeedThr = cms.double( 0.18 ),
14  l1TagIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','Isolated' ),
15  l1TagNonIsolated = cms.InputTag( 'hltL1extraParticles','NonIsolated' ),
16  l1LowerThr = cms.double( 5.0 ),
17  l1UpperThr = cms.double( 999.0 ),
18  l1LowerThrIgnoreIsolation = cms.double( 999.0 ),
19  regionEtaMargin = cms.double( 0.3 ),
20  regionPhiMargin = cms.double( 0.4 ),
21  RecHitFlagToBeExcluded = cms.vint32( ),
22  posCalcParameters = cms.PSet(
23  LogWeighted = cms.bool( True ),
24  T0_barl = cms.double( 7.4 ),
25  T0_endc = cms.double( 3.1 ),
26  T0_endcPresh = cms.double( 1.2 ),
27  W0 = cms.double( 4.2 ),
28  X0 = cms.double( 0.89 )
29  )
30 )

Definition at line 3022 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1Isolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PreshowerClusterProducer",
2  preshRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsES' ),
3  endcapSClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Isolated','multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters' ),
4  preshClusterCollectionX = cms.string( "preshowerXClusters" ),
5  preshClusterCollectionY = cms.string( "preshowerYClusters" ),
6  preshNclust = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  etThresh = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  assocSClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
9  preshStripEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
10  preshSeededNstrip = cms.int32( 15 ),
11  preshClusterEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
12  debugLevel = cms.string( "" )
13 )

Definition at line 2925 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5EndcapSuperClustersWithPreshowerL1NonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "PreshowerClusterProducer",
2  preshRecHitProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltESRegionalEgammaRecHit','EcalRecHitsES' ),
3  endcapSClusterProducer = cms.InputTag( 'hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1NonIsolated','multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters' ),
4  preshClusterCollectionX = cms.string( "preshowerXClusters" ),
5  preshClusterCollectionY = cms.string( "preshowerYClusters" ),
6  preshNclust = cms.int32( 4 ),
7  etThresh = cms.double( 5.0 ),
8  assocSClusterCollection = cms.string( "" ),
9  preshStripEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
10  preshSeededNstrip = cms.int32( 15 ),
11  preshClusterEnergyCut = cms.double( 0.0 ),
12  debugLevel = cms.string( "" )
13 )

Definition at line 3079 of file

Definition at line 3709 of file

Definition at line 3711 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1Isolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1Isolated" ),
4  barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "notused" ),
5  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
6  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelBasicClusters" ),
7  endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters" ),
8  barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelSuperClusters" ),
9  doBarrel = cms.bool( False ),
10  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
11  barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.06 ),
12  barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
13  endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
14  endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
15  seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 ),
16  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool( False ),
17  bremRecoveryPset = cms.PSet(
18  barrel = cms.PSet( ),
19  endcap = cms.PSet(
20  a = cms.double( 47.85 ),
21  c = cms.double( 0.1201 ),
22  b = cms.double( 108.8 )
23  ),
24  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
25  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
26  )
27 )

Definition at line 2898 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMulti5x5SuperClustersL1NonIsolated
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "Multi5x5SuperClusterProducer",
2  VerbosityLevel = cms.string( "ERROR" ),
3  endcapClusterProducer = cms.string( "hltMulti5x5BasicClustersL1NonIsolated" ),
4  barrelClusterProducer = cms.string( "notused" ),
5  endcapClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapBasicClusters" ),
6  barrelClusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelBasicClusters" ),
7  endcapSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5EndcapSuperClusters" ),
8  barrelSuperclusterCollection = cms.string( "multi5x5BarrelSuperClusters" ),
9  doBarrel = cms.bool( False ),
10  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
11  barrelEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.06 ),
12  barrelPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.8 ),
13  endcapEtaSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.14 ),
14  endcapPhiSearchRoad = cms.double( 0.6 ),
15  seedTransverseEnergyThreshold = cms.double( 1.0 ),
16  dynamicPhiRoad = cms.bool( False ),
17  bremRecoveryPset = cms.PSet(
18  barrel = cms.PSet( ),
19  endcap = cms.PSet(
20  a = cms.double( 47.85 ),
21  c = cms.double( 0.1201 ),
22  b = cms.double( 108.8 )
23  ),
24  doEndcaps = cms.bool( True ),
25  doBarrel = cms.bool( False )
26  )
27 )

Definition at line 3052 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMuonCSCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "CSCDCCUnpacker",
2  InputObjects = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  UseExaminer = cms.bool( True ),
4  ExaminerMask = cms.uint32( 0x1febf3f6 ),
5  UseSelectiveUnpacking = cms.bool( True ),
6  ErrorMask = cms.uint32( 0x0 ),
7  UnpackStatusDigis = cms.bool( False ),
8  UseFormatStatus = cms.bool( True ),
9  PrintEventNumber = cms.untracked.bool( False )
10 )

Definition at line 1762 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMuonDTDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "DTUnpackingModule",
2  dataType = cms.string( "DDU" ),
3  fedbyType = cms.bool( False ),
4  inputLabel = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
5  useStandardFEDid = cms.bool( True ),
6  dqmOnly = cms.bool( False ),
7  rosParameters = cms.PSet( ),
8  readOutParameters = cms.PSet(
9  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
10  rosParameters = cms.PSet(
11  writeSC = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
12  readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
13  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
14  readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
15  debug = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
16  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
17  ),
18  performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool( False ),
19  localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool( False )
20  )
21 )

Definition at line 1658 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTmuonlocalrecoSequence = cms.Sequence( hltMuonDTDigis + hltDt1DRecHits + hltDt4DSegments + hltMuonCSCDigis + hltCsc2DRecHits + hltCscSegments + hltMuonRPCDigis + hltRpcRecHits )

Definition at line 3701 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltMuonRPCDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCUnpackingModule",
2  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "source" ),
3  doSynchro = cms.bool( False )
4 )

Definition at line 1912 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltOfflineBeamSpot = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotProducer" )

Definition at line 1231 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltOnlineBeamSpot
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "BeamSpotOnlineProducer",
2  label = cms.InputTag( "hltScalersRawToDigi" ),
3  changeToCMSCoordinates = cms.bool( False ),
4  maxRadius = cms.double( 2.0 ),
5  maxZ = cms.double( 40.0 ),
6  setSigmaZ = cms.double( 10.0 ),
7  gtEvmLabel = cms.InputTag( "" )
8 )

Definition at line 1223 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPixelActivityFilterCentralityVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPixelActivityFilter",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHISiPixelClusters" ),
3  minClusters = cms.uint32( 3 ),
4  maxClusters = cms.uint32( 1000 )
5 )

Definition at line 3649 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ConcreteChargedCandidateProducer",
2  src = cms.InputTag( "hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger" ),
3  particleType = cms.string( "pi+" )
4 )

Definition at line 1355 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTPixelTrackingForHITrackTrigger = cms.Sequence( hltHIPixelClusterVertices + hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger + hltPixelCandsForHITrackTrigger )

Definition at line 3699 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPixelTracksForHITrackTrigger

Definition at line 1304 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreEcalCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1166 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIActivityHFCoincidence3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3608 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIActivityHFSingle3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3620 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIBptxXOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1529 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHICentralityVeto
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3645 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIClusterVertexCompatibility
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3632 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIDoublePhoton5CEPL1R
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2762 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIHcalCalibration
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3661 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet35U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3331 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet35UCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3375 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet50U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3390 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet50UCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3401 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet75U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3416 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet75UCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3427 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet90U
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3442 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIJet90UCopy
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3453 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1AlgoBptxXORBSCOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1544 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpen
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1614 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1DoubleMuOpenCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1629 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1SingleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1569 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1SingleMu5
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1584 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL1SingleMu7
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1599 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2DoubleMu0
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2088 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2117 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2DoubleMu3Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2135 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2Mu20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2055 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2Mu20Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2073 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2Mu3
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1644 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2Mu5Tight
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2033 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIL2Mu5TightCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2051 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasBSC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1376 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasBSCOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1391 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasHF
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1406 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasHF_Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1410 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasHfOr
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1425 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1440 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasHfOrBSC_Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1444 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasPixelSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1448 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasZDC
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1463 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasZDCCaloPlusOrMinus
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1478 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasZDCPixelSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1508 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIMinBiasZDCScint
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1493 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton15
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2188 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton15Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2666 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton20
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2700 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton20Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2710 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton30
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2731 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIPhoton30Core
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2741 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIRandom
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3657 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIStoppedHSCP35
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 3479 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIUpcEcal
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2150 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIUpcEcalCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2154 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIUpcMu
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2169 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIUpcMuCore
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 2173 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIZeroBias
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1243 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIZeroBiasPixelSingleTrack
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1273 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreHIZeroBiasXOR
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1258 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltPreLogMonitor
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTPrescaler",
2  L1GtReadoutRecordTag = cms.InputTag( "hltGtDigis" ),
3  offset = cms.uint32( 0 )
4 )

Definition at line 1151 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltRandomEventsFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 3 )
3 )

Definition at line 3654 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltRecoHIEcalCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
3  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 2655 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltRecoHIEcalWithCleaningCandidate
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "EgammaHLTRecoEcalCandidateProducers",
2  scHybridBarrelProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCleanedCorrectedIslandBarrelSuperClustersHI" ),
3  scIslandEndcapProducer = cms.InputTag( "hltCorrectedIslandEndcapSuperClustersHI" ),
4  recoEcalCandidateCollection = cms.string( "" )
5 )

Definition at line 2678 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTriggerFinalPath = cms.Path( hltGtDigis + hltFEDSelector + hltTriggerSummaryAOD + hltTriggerSummaryRAW + hltBoolTrue )

Definition at line 3776 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.HLTriggerFirstPath = cms.Path( hltGetRaw + hltBoolFalse )

Definition at line 3717 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltRpcRecHits
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "RPCRecHitProducer",
2  rpcDigiLabel = cms.InputTag( "hltMuonRPCDigis" ),
3  recAlgo = cms.string( "RPCRecHitStandardAlgo" ),
4  maskSource = cms.string( "File" ),
5  maskvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCMaskVec.dat" ),
6  deadSource = cms.string( "File" ),
7  deadvecfile = cms.FileInPath( "RecoLocalMuon/RPCRecHit/data/RPCDeadVec.dat" ),
8  recAlgoConfig = cms.PSet( )
9 )

Definition at line 1916 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltScalersRawToDigi
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "ScalersRawToDigi",
2  scalersInputTag = cms.InputTag( "source" )
3 )

Definition at line 1220 of file

Definition at line 3780 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltSiPixelDigis
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "SiPixelRawToDigi",
2  IncludeErrors = cms.bool( False ),
3  UseQualityInfo = cms.bool( False ),
4  InputLabel = cms.InputTag( "source" )
5 )

Definition at line 1277 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltStoppedHSCP1CaloJetEnergy35
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLT1CaloJetEnergy",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets" ),
3  saveTag = cms.untracked.bool( True ),
4  MinE = cms.double( 35.0 ),
5  MaxEta = cms.double( 3.0 ),
6  MinN = cms.int32( 1 )
7 )

Definition at line 3590 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltStoppedHSCPHpdFilter
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTHPDFilter",
2  inputTag = cms.InputTag( "hltHbhereco" ),
3  energy = cms.double( -99.0 ),
4  hpdSpikeEnergy = cms.double( 10.0 ),
5  hpdSpikeIsolationEnergy = cms.double( 1.0 ),
6  rbxSpikeEnergy = cms.double( 50.0 ),
7  rbxSpikeUnbalance = cms.double( 0.2 )
8 )

Definition at line 3483 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltStoppedHSCPIterativeCone5CaloJets

Definition at line 3557 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltStoppedHSCPTowerMakerForAll

Definition at line 3491 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTowerMakerForAll

Definition at line 2510 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTowerMakerForHcal

Definition at line 3245 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTriggerSummaryAOD
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerAOD",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 3677 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTriggerSummaryRAW
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer( "TriggerSummaryProducerRAW",
2  processName = cms.string( "@" )
3 )

Definition at line 3680 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTriggerType
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDFilter( "HLTTriggerTypeFilter",
2  SelectedTriggerType = cms.int32( 1 )
3 )

Definition at line 1174 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hltTrigReport
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDAnalyzer( "HLTrigReport",
2  HLTriggerResults = cms.InputTag( 'TriggerResults','','HLT' )
3 )

Definition at line 3690 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.hoDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "HODetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.087 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 30 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 72 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1099 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.MaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterial" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "alongMomentum" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
6  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False ),
7  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 216 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.muonDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "MuonDetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.125 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 48 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 48 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1107 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.navigationSchoolESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "NavigationSchoolESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SimpleNavigationSchool" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 1115 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.OppositeMaterialPropagator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "PropagatorWithMaterialOpposite" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "oppositeToMomentum" ),
4  Mass = cms.double( 0.105 ),
5  MaxDPhi = cms.double( 1.6 ),
6  useRungeKutta = cms.bool( False ),
7  ptMin = cms.double( -1.0 ),
8  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
9 )

Definition at line 225 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.preshowerDetIdAssociator
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "DetIdAssociatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "PreshowerDetIdAssociator" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" ),
4  etaBinSize = cms.double( 0.1 ),
5  nEta = cms.int32( 60 ),
6  nPhi = cms.int32( 30 ),
7  includeBadChambers = cms.bool( False )
8 )

Definition at line 1119 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.siPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SiPixelTemplateDBObjectESProducer",
2  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
3 )

Definition at line 1127 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.SteppingHelixPropagatorAny
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "SteppingHelixPropagatorESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "SteppingHelixPropagatorAny" ),
3  PropagationDirection = cms.string( "anyDirection" ),
4  useInTeslaFromMagField = cms.bool( False ),
5  SetVBFPointer = cms.bool( False ),
6  useMagVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
7  VBFName = cms.string( "VolumeBasedMagneticField" ),
8  ApplyRadX0Correction = cms.bool( True ),
9  AssumeNoMaterial = cms.bool( False ),
10  NoErrorPropagation = cms.bool( False ),
11  debug = cms.bool( False ),
12  useMatVolumes = cms.bool( True ),
13  useIsYokeFlag = cms.bool( True ),
14  returnTangentPlane = cms.bool( True ),
15  sendLogWarning = cms.bool( False ),
16  useTuningForL2Speed = cms.bool( False ),
17  useEndcapShiftsInZ = cms.bool( False ),
18  endcapShiftInZPos = cms.double( 0.0 ),
19  endcapShiftInZNeg = cms.double( 0.0 ),
20  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
21 )

Definition at line 234 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.streams
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  A = cms.vstring( 'HIAllPhysics',
3  'HICorePhysics' ),
4  CalibrationHI = cms.vstring( 'EcalHcalCalibrationHI' ),
5  DQM = cms.vstring( 'OnlineMonitor',
6  'OnlineMonitorHI' ),
7  EcalCalibration = cms.vstring( 'EcalLaser' ),
8  Express = cms.vstring( 'HIExpressPhysics' ),
9  HLTDQM = cms.vstring( 'OnlineHltMonitor',
10  'OnlineHltMonitorHI' ),
11  HLTDQMResults = cms.vstring( 'OnlineHltResults' ),
12  HLTMON = cms.vstring( 'OfflineMonitor',
13  'OfflineMonitorHI' ),
14  NanoDST = cms.vstring( 'L1Accept' ),
15  OnlineErrors = cms.vstring( 'LogMonitor' )
16 )

Definition at line 10 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.TransientTrackBuilderESProducer
Initial value:
1 = cms.ESProducer( "TransientTrackBuilderESProducer",
2  ComponentName = cms.string( "TransientTrackBuilder" ),
3  appendToDataLabel = cms.string( "" )
4 )

Definition at line 255 of file

tuple HLT_HIon_data_cff.UpdaterService
Initial value:
1 = cms.Service( "UpdaterService",
2 )

Definition at line 1135 of file