1 #ifndef GlobalTriggerAnalyzer_L1GtUtils_h
2 #define GlobalTriggerAnalyzer_L1GtUtils_h
100 int& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& bitNumber)
156 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
159 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
166 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
169 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
177 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
180 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
186 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
189 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
195 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
198 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
202 const int triggerMask(
const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
221 const std::string& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
224 const std::string& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode)
242 const std::string& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode);
245 const std::string& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode);
256 const std::string& triggerAlgoTechTrig,
int& errorCode);
284 const std::string& nameAlgoTechTrig,
bool m_retrieveL1GtTriggerMenuLite
const bool decisionAfterMask(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return decision after trigger mask for a given algorithm or technical trigger
const int l1Results(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, bool &decisionBeforeMask, bool &decisionAfterMask, int &prescaleFactor, int &triggerMask) const
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskSet
unsigned long long m_l1GtMenuCacheID
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig
const L1GtTriggerMenuLite * ptrL1GtTriggerMenuLite(int &errorCode)
return a pointer to the L1GtTriggerMenuLite product
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskTechTrig
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmVetoTech
void getInputTag(const edm::Event &iEvent, edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag) const
get the input tags for L1GlobalTriggerRecord and L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord
const bool l1AlgoTechTrigBitNumber(const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, TriggerCategory &trigCategory, int &bitNumber) const
const bool availableL1Configuration(int &errorCode, int &l1ConfCode) const
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrigLite
virtual ~L1GtUtils()
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmAlgo
trigger masks & veto masks
const AlgorithmMap * m_algorithmMap
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_prescaleFactorsTechTrig
const L1GtStableParameters * m_l1GtStablePar
event setup cached stuff
unsigned long long m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID
const std::vector< unsigned int > & triggerMaskSet(const TriggerCategory &trigCategory, int &errorCode)
void getL1GtTriggerMenuLiteInputTag(const edm::Event &iEvent, edm::InputTag &l1GtTriggerMenuLiteInputTag) const
get the input tags for L1GtTriggerMenuLite
const std::string & l1TriggerMenu() const
return the L1 trigger menu name
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig
const bool decisionBeforeMask(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return decision before trigger mask for a given algorithm or technical trigger
const L1GtTriggerMenuLite::L1TriggerMap * m_algorithmAliasMapLite
const L1GtTriggerMenuLite::L1TriggerMap * m_algorithmMapLite
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID
const edm::RunID * m_runIDCache
const bool decision(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
const std::string & l1TriggerMenuImplementation() const
return the L1 trigger menu implementation
const AlgorithmMap * m_algorithmAliasMap
const bool l1AlgTechTrigBitNumber(const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &triggerAlgoTechTrig, int &bitNumber) const
deprecated version - use l1AlgoTechTrigBitNumber
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmTechCacheID
const std::vector< std::vector< int > > * m_prescaleFactorsTechTrigLite
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmVetoAlgo
std::vector< bool > DecisionWord
static const std::string EmptyString
const edm::RunID * m_provRunIDCache
const std::string triggerCategory(const TriggerCategory &) const
public methods
const L1GtPrescaleFactors * m_l1GtPfAlgo
prescale factors
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID
const std::vector< int > & prescaleFactorSet(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const TriggerCategory &trigCategory, int &errorCode)
unsigned int m_numberTechnicalTriggers
number of technical triggers
bool m_retrieveL1EventSetup
flags to check which method was used to retrieve L1 trigger configuration
void retrieveL1EventSetup(const edm::EventSetup &)
retrieve all the relevant L1 trigger event setup records and cache them to improve the speed ...
unsigned int m_physicsDaqPartition
index of physics DAQ partition
unsigned int m_numberAlgorithmTriggers
number of algorithm triggers
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmTech
const L1GtTriggerMenuLite * m_l1GtMenuLite
L1GtTriggerMenuLite cached stuff.
void retrieveL1GtTriggerMenuLite(const edm::Event &, edm::InputTag &)
const L1GtPrescaleFactors * m_l1GtPfTech
const AlgorithmMap * m_technicalTriggerMap
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskTechTrigLite
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskAlgoTrigLite
const int prescaleFactorSetIndex(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const TriggerCategory &trigCategory, int &errorCode) const
const int triggerMask(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return trigger mask for a given algorithm or technical trigger
const bool trigResult(const DecisionWord &decWord, const int bitNumber, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, const TriggerCategory &trigCategory, int &errorCode) const
const L1GtTriggerMenu * m_l1GtMenu
unsigned long long m_l1GtPfTechCacheID
static const int L1GtNotValidError
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID
std::vector< int > m_prescaleFactorSet
const L1GtTriggerMenu * ptrL1TriggerMenuEventSetup(int &errorCode)
return a pointer to the L1 trigger menu from event setup
const int prescaleFactor(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::InputTag &l1GtRecordInputTag, const edm::InputTag &l1GtReadoutRecordInputTag, const std::string &nameAlgoTechTrig, int &errorCode) const
return prescale factor for a given algorithm or technical trigger
unsigned long long m_l1GtStableParCacheID
const L1GtTriggerMenuLite::L1TriggerMap * m_technicalTriggerMapLite
const std::vector< unsigned int > * m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig