15 #ifndef DT_TRIG_GEOM_H
16 #define DT_TRIG_GEOM_H
92 inline int nCell(
int sl)
const {
93 return (sl>0&&sl<=3)*
111 int posFE(
int sl)
198 void IEEE32toDSP(
float f,
short int & DSPmantissa,
short int & DSPexp);
DTTrigGeom(DTChamber *stat, bool debug)
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
int sector() const
Return sector number.
int mapTubeInFEch(int nsl, int nlay, int ntube) const
Staggering of first wire of layer respect to default: obsolete 19/6/06.
float phiCh() const
Rotation angle of chamber (deg)
LocalVector toLocal(const GlobalVector v) const
Go to Local coordinate system for a vector.
float cellPitch() const
Width of a cell (cm) i.e. distance between ywo wires.
int wheel() const
Return wheel number.
void setGeom(const DTChamber *stat)
Set/Update Geometry.
void dumpLUT(short int btic)
Dump the LUT for this chamber.
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const LocalPoint p) const
Go to CMS coordinate system for a point.
void dumpGeom() const
Dump the geometry.
GlobalPoint CMSPosition(const DTTracoId obj) const
CMS position of a TRACO.
tuple obj
Example code starts here #.
float distSL() const
Distance between the phi view superlayers (cms)
float cellH() const
Height of a cell (cm)
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
DTChamberId id() const
Return the DTChamberId of this chamber.
float ZcenterSL() const
Coordinate of center of the 2 Phi SL.
int posFE(int sl) const
Front End position : 1=toward negative y, 0=toward positive y.
int station() const
Return station number.
LocalPoint tubePosInCh(int nsl, int nlay, int ntube) const
Wire position in chamber frame.
float phiSLOffset()
Superlayer offset in chamber front-end frame, in cm.
DTChamberId statId() const
Identifier of the associated chamber.
void getGeom()
Get the geometry from the station.
LocalPoint localPosition(const DTBtiId) const
Local position in chamber of a BTI.
const DTChamber * stat() const
Associated chamber.
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint p) const
Go to Local coordinate system for a point.
GlobalVector toGlobal(const LocalVector v) const
Go to CMS coordinate system for a vector.
int station() const
Return the station number.
void IEEE32toDSP(float f, short int &DSPmantissa, short int &DSPexp)
int wheel() const
Return the wheel number.
GlobalPoint CMSPosition(const DTBtiId obj) const
CMS position of a BTI.
int nCell(int sl) const
Number of BTIs in a required superlayer (i.e. nCells in lay 1)
virtual const BoundPlane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
float ZSL(int) const
Radial coordinate in chamber frame of center of a superlayer.