1 #ifndef EgammaCandidates_Conversion_h
2 #define EgammaCandidates_Conversion_h
50 const std::vector<math::XYZPoint> trackPositionAtEcal ,
52 const std::vector<reco::CaloClusterPtr> & matchingBC,
54 const std::vector<math::XYZPoint> & innPoint,
55 const std::vector<math::XYZVector> & trackPin ,
56 const std::vector<math::XYZVector> & trackPout,
65 const std::vector<reco::TrackRef> tr,
66 const std::vector<math::XYZPoint> trackPositionAtEcal ,
68 const std::vector<reco::CaloClusterPtr> & matchingBC,
70 const std::vector<math::XYZPoint> & innPoint,
71 const std::vector<math::XYZVector> & trackPin ,
72 const std::vector<math::XYZVector> & trackPout,
80 const std::vector<reco::TrackRef> tr,
98 std::vector<edm::RefToBase<reco::Track> >
const ;
222 case mixed:
return "mixed";
const reco::Vertex & conversionVertex() const
returns the reco conversion vertex
static const std::string algoNames[]
ConversionAlgorithm algo() const
const std::vector< math::XYZVector > & tracksPout() const
Vector of track momentum measured at the outermost hit.
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< double > > XYZTLorentzVectorD
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
math::XYZVector refittedPairMomentum() const
Conversion tracks momentum from the tracks refitted with vertex constraint.
bool quality(ConversionQuality q) const
void setQuality(ConversionQuality q, bool b)
const std::vector< Measurement1DFloat > & dlClosestHitToVtx() const
Vector of signed decay length with uncertainty from nearest hit on track to the conversion vtx positi...
reco::CaloClusterPtrVector caloCluster_
vector pointer to a/multiple seed CaloCluster(s)
double distOfMinimumApproach() const
std::vector< double > tracksSigned_d0() const
signed transverse impact parameter for each track
static ConversionAlgorithm algoByName(const std::string &name)
double pairCotThetaSeparation() const
Delta cot(Theta) where Theta is the angle in the (y,z) plane between the two tracks. Original tracks are used.
math::XYZTLorentzVectorD refittedPair4Momentum() const
Conversion track pair 4-momentum from the tracks refitted with vertex constraint. ...
void setConversionAlgorithm(const ConversionAlgorithm a, bool set=true)
Conversion Track algorithm/provenance.
double pairInvariantMass() const
if nTracks=2 returns the pair invariant mass. Original tracks are used here
uint8_t nSharedHits_
number of shared hits between tracks
double EoverPrefittedTracks() const
std::vector< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > > tracks() const
vector of track to base references
double zOfPrimaryVertexFromTracks() const
z coordinate of the photon origin calculated from the track-pair direction and the position of the ve...
const std::vector< math::XYZVector > & tracksPin() const
Vector of track momentum measured at the innermost hit.
const std::vector< math::XYZPoint > & ecalImpactPosition() const
double MVAout() const
get the value of the TMVA output
std::vector< math::XYZPoint > theTrackInnerPosition_
P_in of tracks.
virtual ~Conversion()
const std::vector< reco::CaloClusterPtr > & bcMatchingWithTracks() const
std::string algoName() const
std::vector< math::XYZVector > theTrackPin_
P_in of tracks.
unsigned int nTracks() const
Number of tracks= 0,1,2.
Conversion * clone() const
returns a clone of the candidate
std::vector< math::XYZPoint > thePositionAtEcal_
position at the ECAl surface of the track extrapolation
std::vector< math::XYZVector > theTrackPout_
P_out of tracks.
uint8_t algorithm_
conversion algorithm/provenance
uint8_t nSharedHits() const
number of shared hits btw the two track
double dEtaTracksAtEcal() const
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
float theMVAout_
TMVA output.
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterPtr > theMatchingBCs_
Clusters mathing the tracks (these are not the seeds)
void setMVAout(const float &mva)
set the value of the TMVA output
std::vector< reco::TrackRef > tracks_
vector of Track references
float theMinDistOfApproach_
Distance of min approach of the two tracks.
std::vector< edm::RefToBase< reco::Track > > trackToBaseRefs_
vector Track RefToBase
const std::vector< math::XYZPoint > & tracksInnerPosition() const
Vector containing the position of the innermost hit of each track.
const std::vector< uint8_t > & nHitsBeforeVtx() const
Vector of the number of hits before the vertex along each track trajector.
std::vector< Measurement1DFloat > dlClosestHitToVtx_
signed decay length and uncertainty from nearest hit on track to conversion vertex ...
math::XYZVector pairMomentum() const
Conversion tracks momentum from the tracks inner momentum.
double dPhiTracksAtEcal() const
reco::Vertex theConversionVertex_
Fitted Kalman conversion vertex.
bool isConverted() const
Bool flagging objects having track size >0.
std::vector< uint8_t > nHitsBeforeVtx_
number of hits before the vertex on each trackerOnly
reco::CaloClusterPtrVector caloCluster() const
Pointer to CaloCluster (foe Egamma Conversions it points to a SuperCluster)
void setMatchingSuperCluster(const reco::CaloClusterPtrVector &sc)
double dPhiTracksAtVtx() const