Variables | |
string | action = "store_true" |
string | allOptions = "-l " |
tuple | c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","c1",800,600) |
do drawing More... | |
string | comdir = "common/" |
setup output: More... | |
string | default = '' |
string | dest = "runLabel" |
DO_CSC = False | |
DO_CURVATURE = False | |
DO_DIAGNOSTIC = options.diagnostic | |
DO_DT = False | |
DO_FIT = False | |
DO_MAP = False | |
DO_MEDIAN = False | |
DO_SEGDIFF = False | |
string | fname = options.inputDir+'/' |
main script More... | |
string | help = "[REQUIRED] label to use for a run" |
i1prefix = options.i1prefix | |
iNprefix = options.iNprefix | |
list | iter1_reports = [] |
iter1_tfile = None | |
string | iteration1 = "iter1" |
string | iterationN = "iterN" |
list | iterN_reports = [] |
iterN_tfile = None | |
outdir = options.outputDir | |
tuple | parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) |
int | QUICKTESTN = 10000 |
list | tfiles1_plotting = [] |
list | tfilesN_plotting = [] |
string | type = "string" |
string | usage = '%prog [options]\n' |
To parse commandline args. More... | |
def alignmentValidation.createCanvasesList | ( | fname = "canvases_list.js" | ) |
Use CANVASES_LIST_TEMPLATE as a template to create a canvases list include for the browser. Write out only those canvases which have existing filename.png plots.
Definition at line 731 of file
References isFileUnderDir().
def alignmentValidation.createCanvasToIDList | ( | fname = "canvas2id_list.js" | ) |
Create a canvas-to-ids list include for the browser. Write out only those canvases which have existing filename.png plots.
Definition at line 751 of file
References python.multivaluedict.dict, idsForFile(), and list().
def alignmentValidation.createDirectoryStructure | ( | iteration_name | ) |
Definition at line 293 of file
def alignmentValidation.dirToID | ( | d | ) |
def alignmentValidation.doCurvaturePlotsDT | ( | dt_basedir, | |
tfiles_plotting | |||
) |
write DT curvature plots "wheel%s_sector%s" % (wheel, sector) wheel in "m2", "m1", "z", "p1", "p2" station 1 only! sector in "01", ..., "12" "param" may be one of "deltax" (Delta x position residuals), "deltadxdz" (Delta (dx/dz) angular residuals), "curverr" (Delta x * d(Delta q/pT)/d(Delta x) = Delta q/pT in the absence of misalignment) - not necessary made for all (wheel,station=1,sector) combinations Interface: could be accesses through a general DT chambers map for station=1 chambers.
Definition at line 461 of file
References plotscripts.curvatureplot(), and saveAs().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doFitFunctionsPlotsCSC | ( | csc_basedir, | |
iter_tfile, | |||
iter_reports | |||
) |
write fit functions plots for CSC CSC bellcurves and polynomials set of plots of bellcurves rphi, drphidz, rphi vs. drphidz set of plots of polynomials rphi vs. rphi pos, rphi vs drphidz angle drphidz vs. rphi pos, drphidz vs drphidz angle made for all (endcap,station,ring,chamber) combinations Interface: could be accesses through a general CSC chambers map.
Definition at line 667 of file
References plotscripts.bellcurves(), plotscripts.clearDDT(), plotscripts.polynomials(), and saveAs().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doFitFunctionsPlotsDT | ( | dt_basedir, | |
iter_tfile, | |||
iter_reports | |||
) |
write fit functions plots for DT DT bellcurves and polynomials set of plots of bellcurves x, dxdz, x vs. dxdz (for all 4 stations) y, dydz, x vs. dxdz (only for stations 1-3?) set of plots of polynomials -- for stations 1-3 only?? x vs. xpos, x vs ypos, x vs dxdz angle, x vs dydz angle y vs. xpos, y vs ypos, y vs dxdz angle, y vs dydz angle dxdz vs. xpos, dxdz vs ypos, dxdz vs dxdz angle, dxdz vs dydz angle dydz vs. xpos, dydz vs ypos, dydz vs dxdz angle, dydz vs dydz angle set of plots of polynomials -- for station 4 only?? x vs. xpos, x vs dxdz angle dxdz vs. xpos, dxdz vs dxdz angle made for all (wheel,station,sector) combinations Interface: could be accesses through a general DT chambers map.
Definition at line 623 of file
References plotscripts.bellcurves(), plotscripts.clearDDT(), plotscripts.polynomials(), saveAs(), and plotscripts.wheelLetter().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doIterationPlots | ( | iteration_directory, | |
tfiles_plotting, | |||
iter_tfile, | |||
iter_reports | |||
) |
Definition at line 706 of file
References doCurvaturePlotsDT(), doFitFunctionsPlotsCSC(), doFitFunctionsPlotsDT(), doMapPlotsCSC(), doMapPlotsDT(), doSegDiffPlotsCSC(), and doSegDiffPlotsDT().
def alignmentValidation.doMapPlotsCSC | ( | csc_basedir, | |
tfiles_plotting | |||
) |
write CSC map plots "CSCvsphi_me%s%d%d" % (endcap, station, ring) plots "integrated" over ALL SECTORS: of rphi, drphi/dz vs. phi made for all (endcap,station,ring) combinations Interface: may be arranged into two station(1 .. 4) vs. R(1 .. 4) maps for both endcaps with R range (1 .. 4) for stations 2-4 It could be incorporated into a general CSC chambers map (column1: endcap, column2: station, column3: ring, columns4-40 correspond to chamber #) by making ring numbers in column 3 clickable. "CSCvsr_me%s%dch%02d" % (endcap, station, chamberNumber) plots "integrated" over ALL RINGS: of rphi, drphi/dz vs. z made for all (endcap,station,chamber) combinations Interface: may be arranged into two station(1 .. 4) vs. chamber(1 .. 36) maps for both endcaps It could be incorporated into an EXTENDED general CSC chambers map (extended by adding an identifier "ALL" in column3 for ring number).
Definition at line 403 of file
References plotscripts.mapplot(), and plotscripts.saveTestResultsMap().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doMapPlotsDT | ( | dt_basedir, | |
tfiles_plotting | |||
) |
write DT map plots "DTvsphi_st%dwh%s" % (station, wheelletter): plots "integrated" over ALL SECTORS: of x, y, dxdz, dydz vs. phi (y and dydz only for stations 1-3) made for all (station,wheel) combinations Access interface may be arranged into station(1 .. 4) vs. wheel(-2 .. +2) map. It could be incorporated into a general DT chambers map (column1: wheel, column2: station, columns3-16 correspond to sector #) by making station numbers in column 2 clickable. "DTvsz_st%dsec%02d" % (station, sector) plots "integrated" over ALL WHEELS: of x, y, dxdz, dydz vs. z (y and dydz only for stations 1-3) made for all (station,sector) combinations Interface: may be arranged into station(1 .. 4) vs. sector(1 .. 14) map with sector range (1 .. 12) for stations 1-3. It could be incorporated into an EXTENDED general DT chambers map (extended by adding an identifier "ALL" in column1 for wheel number).
Definition at line 333 of file
References plotscripts.mapplot(), plotscripts.saveTestResultsMap(), and plotscripts.wheelLetter().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doSegDiffPlotsCSC | ( | csc_basedir, | |
tfiles_plotting, | |||
iter_reports | |||
) |
write segment-difference plots for CSC segdiff "csc_resid" and "csc_slope" set of plots of rphi vs qpt, rphi for positive, rphi for negative ("csc_resid") drphidz vs qpt, drphidz for positive, drphidz for negative ("csc_slope") done for ME1-ME2, ME2-ME3, and ME3-ME4 stations combinations with endcap "m" or "p" ring 1 or 2 chamber 1-18 (r1) or 1-36 (r2) note: there's no ME3-ME4 plots for R2 Interface: could be accessed through a general CSC chambers map, but only for chambers in stations 2-4 (e.g., station 2 would provide ME1-ME2 plots).
Definition at line 585 of file
References plotscripts.segdiff().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.doSegDiffPlotsDT | ( | dt_basedir, | |
tfiles_plotting, | |||
iter_reports | |||
) |
write segment-difference plots for DT segdiff "dt13_resid" and "dt13_slope" set of plots of x vs qpt, x for positive, x for negative ("dt13_resid") dxdz vs qpt, dxdz for positive, dxdz for negative ("dt13_slope") done for MB1-MB2, MB2-MB3, and MB3-MB4 stations combinations with all possible (wheel, sector) Interface: could be accessed through a general DT chambers map, but only for chambers in stations 2-4 (e.g., station 2 would provide MB1-MB2 plots). segdiff "dt2_resid" and "dt2_slope" set of plots of y vs q/pt, y for positive, y for negative ("dt2_resid") dydz vs q/pt, dydz for positive, dydz for negative ("dt2_slope") done for MB1-MB2, MB2-MB3 stations combinations with all possible (wheel, sector) Interface: then the interface would still be a general DT map, but the info only available from station 2 & 3 chambers.
Definition at line 500 of file
References plotscripts.segdiff(), and plotscripts.segdiffvsphi().
Referenced by doIterationPlots().
def alignmentValidation.idsForFile | ( | dir_name, | |
file_name | |||
) |
Recursively looks for file named file_name under dir_name directory and fill the list with dir names converted to IDs
Definition at line 775 of file
References dirToID().
Referenced by createCanvasToIDList().
def alignmentValidation.isFileUnderDir | ( | dir_name, | |
file_name | |||
) |
functions definitions
Recursively looks for file named file_name under dir_name directory
Definition at line 265 of file
Referenced by createCanvasesList().
def alignmentValidation.saveAs | ( | nm | ) |
Definition at line 285 of file
Referenced by doCurvaturePlotsDT(), doFitFunctionsPlotsCSC(), and doFitFunctionsPlotsDT().
string alignmentValidation.action = "store_true" |
Definition at line 80 of file
Referenced by,, crabWrap.crabAction(), crabWrap.crabActionCRAB251(), crabWrap.crabStatus(), crabWrap.crabWatch(), CmsShowMainFrame.createNewViewerAction(), edm::EDLooperBase.doDuringLoop(), edm::Worker.doWork(), FWGUIManager.FWGUIManager(), edm::Path.handleWorkerFailure(), edm::Schedule.processOneOccurrence(), and edm::EventProcessor.readAndProcessEvent().
string alignmentValidation.allOptions = "-l " |
Definition at line 198 of file
tuple alignmentValidation.c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","c1",800,600) |
do drawing
Definition at line 888 of file
Referenced by reco::NamedCompositeCandidate.addDaughter(), reco::CompositeCandidate.addDaughter(), DimuonStatistics.analyze(), GlbMuQualityCutsAnalysis.analyze(), reco::NamedCompositeCandidate.applyRoles(), reco::CompositeCandidate.applyRoles(), TwoBodyDecayModel.cartesianSecondaryMomenta(), condbon.cdbon_write(), NamedCandCombinerBase.combine(), CandCombinerBase< OutputCollection, CandPtr >.combine(), HICTrajectoryCorrector.correct(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdm(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdphi(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdpx(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdpy(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdpz(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives.dqsdtheta(), EcalBarrelRecHitsMaker.EcalBarrelRecHitsMaker(), EcalEndcapRecHitsMaker.EcalEndcapRecHitsMaker(), DTNoiseComputation.endJob(), DTCreateSummaryHistos.endJob(), DTAlbertoBenvenutiTask.endJob(), HOCalibAnalyzer.endJob(), SiStripQualityDQM.fillGrandSummaryMEs(), SiStripApvGainsDQM.fillSummaryMEs(), SiStripPedestalsDQM.fillSummaryMEs(), SiStripLorentzAngleDQM.fillSummaryMEs(), SiStripQualityDQM.fillSummaryMEs(), SiStripBaseCondObjDQM.fillSummaryMEs(), DTSegmentUpdator.Fit4Var(), SiStripCablingDQM.getActiveDetIds(), GridInterpolator3DException.GridInterpolator3DException(), MonitorElementsDb.htmlOutput(), PFDisplacedVertexHelper.identifyVertex(), CSCWireGeometry.intersection(), CSCLayerGeometry.intersectionOfTwoLines(), PFDisplacedVertexHelper.lambdaCP(), RadialStripTopology.localError(), main(), GSRecHitMatcher.match(), SiStripRecHitMatcher.match(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.misalignMuon(), GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.misalignMuonL(), SiPixelHistoricInfoReader.plot(), PFAlgo.processBlock(), DimuonMCMatcher.produce(), CSCTFPtMethods.Pt3Stn(), DTConfigDBProducer.readDTCCBConfig(), LinearEquation3< T >.solution(), align.toMatrix(), VVIObj.VVIObj(), CSCWireGeometry.wireEnds(), and GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment.writeGlPosRcd().
list alignmentValidation.CANVASES_LIST_TEMPLATE |
Definition at line 222 of file
string alignmentValidation.comdir = "common/" |
setup output:
Definition at line 873 of file
int alignmentValidation.default = '' |
Definition at line 39 of file
string alignmentValidation.dest = "runLabel" |
Definition at line 40 of file
Referenced by edm::service::ELadministrator.attach(), SimpleNavigableLayer.crossingState(), ora::DatabaseUtilitySession.dumpMapping(), FieldHandler< TOutput, bool, char >.extractValue(), ASCIIBoolFieldHandler< TOutput, FalseCharacter >.extractValue(), edm::service::ELadministrator.finishMsg(), getAnyIMG(), ora::OraContainerHeaderTable.getContainerData(), ora::PoolContainerHeaderTable.getContainerData(), getIMG(), getIMG2(), getIMGTProfile(), WatcherStreamFileReader.getInputFile(), and CosmicMuonUtilities.stepPropagate().
alignmentValidation.DO_CSC = False |
Definition at line 167 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_CURVATURE = False |
Definition at line 182 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_DIAGNOSTIC = options.diagnostic |
Definition at line 196 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_DT = False |
Definition at line 166 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_FIT = False |
Definition at line 183 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_MAP = False |
Definition at line 180 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_MEDIAN = False |
Definition at line 184 of file
alignmentValidation.DO_SEGDIFF = False |
Definition at line 181 of file
string alignmentValidation.fname = options.inputDir+'/' |
main script
Definition at line 822 of file
Referenced by HcalTBWriter.analyze(), EcalSRCondTools.analyze(), dd_to_html(), GeometryInfoDump.dumpInfo(), FMGLfromL3EfficiencyHandler.FMGLfromL3EfficiencyHandler(), FMGLfromL3TKEfficiencyHandler.FMGLfromL3TKEfficiencyHandler(), FMGLfromTKEfficiencyHandler.FMGLfromTKEfficiencyHandler(), FML1EfficiencyHandler.FML1EfficiencyHandler(), FML1PtSmearer.FML1PtSmearer(), FML3EfficiencyHandler.FML3EfficiencyHandler(), generateHtml(), MatacqProducer.getMatacqFile(), SiStripUtility.goToDir(), SiStripWebInterface.handleAnalyserRequest(), edm.loadCap(), stor::SharedResources.localDebug(), HcalLuttoDB.openChecksums(), HcalLuttoDB.openPerCrate(), HcalLuttoDB.openPerLut1(), HcalLuttoDB.openPerLut2(), DDLParser.parseFile(), cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >.plot(), PlotCombiner(), SiStripInformationExtractor.plotHistosFromLayout(), MODCCSHFDat.populateClob(), KFFittingSmootherESProducer.produce(), RPCTriggerConfig.produce(), ODLTCConfig.setParameters(), ODTTCFConfig.setParameters(), ODTTCciConfig.setParameters(), ODDCCConfig.setParameters(), ODSRPConfig.setParameters(), ODLaserConfig.setParameters(), gen::Pythia6Service.setSLHAFromHeader(), CmsShowMain.setupDataHandling(), MODCCSHFDat.writeDB(), and writeMaterials().
Definition at line 37 of file
Referenced by CmsShowMainFrame.CmsShowMainFrame(), and DualKalmanTrajectory.hitErrorWithAPE().
alignmentValidation.i1prefix = options.i1prefix |
Definition at line 155 of file
alignmentValidation.iNprefix = options.iNprefix |
Definition at line 158 of file
alignmentValidation.iter1_reports = [] |
Definition at line 825 of file
tuple alignmentValidation.iter1_tfile = None |
Definition at line 824 of file
string alignmentValidation.iteration1 = "iter1" |
Definition at line 874 of file
string alignmentValidation.iterationN = "iterN" |
Definition at line 875 of file
alignmentValidation.iterN_reports = [] |
Definition at line 846 of file
tuple alignmentValidation.iterN_tfile = None |
Definition at line 845 of file
alignmentValidation.outdir = options.outputDir |
Definition at line 152 of file
tuple alignmentValidation.parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) |
Definition at line 34 of file
int alignmentValidation.QUICKTESTN = 10000 |
Definition at line 215 of file
alignmentValidation.SINGLE_ITERATION = False |
Definition at line 177 of file
list alignmentValidation.tfiles1_plotting = [] |
Definition at line 823 of file
list alignmentValidation.tfilesN_plotting = [] |
Definition at line 844 of file
string alignmentValidation.type = "string" |
Definition at line 38 of file
string alignmentValidation.usage = '%prog [options]\n' |
To parse commandline args.
Definition at line 17 of file