15 double *fitresults =
new double[3];
18 for (
int i=0;
22 if (adc[0] > 20) status = 14;
23 if (adc[1] < 0 || adc[2] < 0) status = 10;
24 if (adc[0] > adc[1] && adc[0] > adc[2]) status = 8;
25 if (adc[2] > adc[1] && adc[2] > adc[0]) status = 9;
26 double r12 = (adc[1] != 0) ? adc[0]/adc[1] : 99999;
27 double r23 = (adc[2] != 0) ? adc[1]/adc[2] : 99999;
30 if (r23 < ratioCuts_->getR23Low()) status = 7;
32 if (
int(status) == 0) {
41 double aaa =
42 double bbb = w/n*DeltaT;
43 double ccc=
46 double t0 = (2.-ccc)/(1.-ccc) * DeltaT - 5;
51 double A_1 =
pow(w/n*(t1),n) *
53 double AA1 = A1 / A_1;
59 if (adc[1] > 2800 && adc[2] > 2800) status = 11;
60 else if (adc[1] > 2800) status = 12;
61 else if (adc[2] > 2800) status = 13;
86 double energy = results[0];
87 double t0 = results[1];
88 int status = (int) results[2];
91 double mipCalib = (fabs(
cos(*it_ang)) != 0.) ? (*it_mip)/fabs(
cos(*it_ang)) : 0.;
92 energy *= (mipCalib != 0.) ?
MIPGeV_/mipCalib : 0.;
96 LogDebug(
"ESRecHitAnalyticAlgo") <<
"ESRecHitAnalyticAlgo : reconstructed energy "<<energy<<
" T0 "<<t0;
100 if (it_status->getStatusCode() == 1) {
105 else if (status == 5)
107 else if (status == 6)
109 else if (status == 7)
111 else if (status == 8)
113 else if (status == 9)
115 else if (status == 10)
117 else if (status == 11)
119 else if (status == 12)
121 else if (status == 13)
123 else if (status == 14)
int adc(sample_type sample)
get the ADC sample (12 bits)
const ESDetId & id() const
const self & getMap() const
const ESIntercalibConstants * mips_
Exp< T >::type exp(const T &t)
const ESRecHitRatioCuts * ratioCuts_
void setRecoFlag(uint32_t flag)
double * EvalAmplitude(const ESDataFrame &digi, double ped) const
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
EcalRecHit reconstruct(const ESDataFrame &digi) const
const_iterator find(uint32_t rawId) const
const ESSample & sample(int i) const
const ESPedestals * peds_
const ESChannelStatus * channelStatus_
Log< T >::type log(const T &t)
const ESAngleCorrectionFactors * ang_
std::vector< Item >::const_iterator const_iterator
int adc() const
get the ADC sample (singed 16 bits)
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)