40 L1GctEmCand(
unsigned rank,
unsigned phi,
unsigned eta,
bool iso, uint16_t block, uint16_t index, int16_t bx);
52 std::string
61 unsigned rank()
94 void construct(
unsigned rank,
unsigned eta,
unsigned phi);
unsigned capIndex() const
what index within capture block
unsigned etaSign() const
get eta sign (1 for -ve Z, 0 for +ve Z)
uint16_t raw() const
get the raw data
unsigned rank() const
get rank bits
int operator==(const L1GctEmCand &c) const
equality operator
Level-1 Region Calorimeter Trigger EM candidate.
unsigned phiIndex() const
get phi index (0-17)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ALILine &li)
Level-1 Trigger EM candidate at output of GCT.
void construct(unsigned rank, unsigned eta, unsigned phi)
L1CaloRegionDetId regionId() const
region associated with the candidate
unsigned etaIndex() const
get eta index -6 to -0, +0 to +6 (bit 3 is sign, 1 for -ve Z, 0 for +ve Z)
Formating index page's pieces.
std::string name() const
name of object
virtual ~L1GctEmCand()
destructor (virtual to prevent compiler warnings)
bool empty() const
was an object really found?
default constructor (for vector initialisation etc.)
bool isolated() const
which stream did this come from
int16_t bx() const
get bunch-crossing index
int operator!=(const L1GctEmCand &c) const
inequality operator
ABC for GCT EM and jet candidates.
unsigned capBlock() const
which capture block did this come from