void | analyze (const edm::Event &iEvent) |
void | begin () |
void | finish () |
| HLTTopPlotter (const edm::ParameterSet &pset, std::string triggerName, std::vector< std::string > moduleNames, MuonSelectionStruct inputSelection, std::string customName, std::vector< std::string > validTriggers, const edm::Run ¤tRun, const edm::EventSetup ¤tEventSetup) |
| Constructor. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from HLTMuonMatchAndPlot |
virtual MonitorElement * | bookIt (TString name, TString title, std::vector< double >) |
virtual MonitorElement * | bookIt (TString name, TString title, int nbins, float *xBinLowEdges) |
TString | calcHistoSuffix (std::string moduleName) |
virtual void | endRun (const edm::Run &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) |
virtual void | fillPlots (std::vector< MatchStruct > &myRecMatches, std::vector< std::vector< HltFakeStruct > > &myHltFakeCands) |
| HLTMuonMatchAndPlot (const edm::ParameterSet &pset, std::string triggerName, std::vector< std::string > moduleNames, MuonSelectionStruct inputSelection, std::string customName, std::vector< std::string > validTriggers, const edm::Run ¤tRun, const edm::EventSetup ¤tEventSetup) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual bool | selectAndMatchMuons (const edm::Event &iEvent, std::vector< MatchStruct > &myRecMatches, std::vector< std::vector< HltFakeStruct > > &myHltFakeCands) |
bool | selectAndMatchMuons (const edm::Event &iEvent, std::vector< MatchStruct > &myRecMatches, std::vector< std::vector< HltFakeStruct > > &myHltFakeCands, MuonSelectionStruct muonSelection) |
virtual | ~HLTMuonMatchAndPlot () |
Public Attributes inherited from HLTMuonMatchAndPlot |
std::vector< std::vector
< HltFakeStruct > > | hltFakeCands |
std::vector< MatchStruct > | recMatches |
Protected Member Functions inherited from HLTMuonMatchAndPlot |
virtual bool | applyTrackSelection (MuonSelectionStruct mySelection, reco::Muon candMuon) |
virtual bool | applyTriggerSelection (MuonSelectionStruct mySelection, const edm::Event &event) |
int | findGenMatch (double eta, double phi, double maxDeltaR, std::vector< MatchStruct > matches) |
const reco::Candidate * | findMother (const reco::Candidate *) |
int | findRecMatch (double eta, double phi, double maxdeltaR, std::vector< MatchStruct > matches) |
void | getAodTriggerObjectsForModule (edm::InputTag collectionTag, edm::Handle< trigger::TriggerEvent > aodTriggerEvent, trigger::TriggerObjectCollection trigObjs, std::vector< trigger::TriggerObject > &foundObjects, MuonSelectionStruct muonSelection) |
reco::TrackRef | getCandTrackRef (MuonSelectionStruct mySelection, reco::Muon candMuon) |
int | getCharge (int pdgId) |
void | moveOverflow (MonitorElement *myElement) |
Protected Attributes inherited from HLTMuonMatchAndPlot |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | allHltCandEta |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | allHltCandPhi |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | allHltCandPt |
reco::BeamSpot | beamSpot |
edm::InputTag | BeamSpotInputTag |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | booked1DMonitorElements |
bool | createStandAloneHistos |
DQMStore * | dbe_ |
int | eventNumber |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | fakeHltCandEta |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | fakeHltCandPhi |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | fakeHltCandPt |
bool | foundBeamSpot |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hBeamSpotZ0Rec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hChargeFlipMatched |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hDeltaRMatched |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hIsolationRec |
std::string | histoFileName |
edm::InputTag | HltAodInputTag |
edm::InputTag | HltRawInputTag |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hMatchedDeltaPhi |
MonitorElement * | hNumObjects |
MonitorElement * | hNumOrphansRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassCharge |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassD0BeamRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassD0Rec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassEtaRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassExaclyOneMuonMaxPtRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassMatchPtRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassMaxPtRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassPhiRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassPtRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassPtRecExactlyOne |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassZ0BeamRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPassZ0Rec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hPhiVsEtaRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hResoEtaAodRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hResoPhiAodRec |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | hResoPtAodRec |
bool | includeOverflow |
bool | isIsolatedPath |
bool | isL1Path |
bool | isL2Path |
bool | isL3Path |
bool | makeNtuple |
std::string | matchType |
MonitorElement * | meNumberOfEvents |
MuonSelectionStruct | mySelection |
int | numBinsInPtHisto |
unsigned int | numHltLabels |
unsigned int | numL1Cands |
float | ptBins [100] |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | rawMatchHltCandEta |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | rawMatchHltCandPhi |
std::vector< MonitorElement * > | rawMatchHltCandPt |
edm::InputTag | RecoMuonInputTag |
bool | requireL1SeedForHLTPaths |
std::vector< std::string > | selectedValidTriggers |
std::string | theAodL1Label |
std::string | theAodL2Label |
std::vector< double > | theChargeFlipParameters |
std::vector< double > | theChargeParameters |
std::vector< double > | theD0Parameters |
std::vector< double > | theDRParameters |
std::vector< double > | theEtaParameters |
TFile * | theFile |
std::vector< std::string > | theHltCollectionLabels |
std::string | theHltProcessName |
std::vector< double > | theIsolationParameters |
std::string | theL1CollectionLabel |
double | theL1DrCut |
std::string | theL1SeedModuleForHLTPath |
double | theL2DrCut |
double | theL3DrCut |
double | theMaxEtaCut |
std::vector< double > | theMaxPtParameters |
double | theMinPtCut |
int | theMotherParticleId |
std::vector< double > | theNSigmas |
TNtuple * | theNtuple |
std::string | theNtupleFileName |
float | theNtuplePars [100] |
std::string | theNtuplePath |
unsigned int | theNumberOfObjects |
std::vector< double > | thePhiEtaParameters2d |
std::vector< double > | thePhiParameters |
std::vector< double > | thePhiParameters0Pi |
std::vector< double > | thePtParameters |
std::vector< double > | theResParameters |
std::string | theTriggerName |
std::vector< double > | theZ0Parameters |
edm::InputTag | TriggerResultLabel |
bool | useAod |
bool | useFullDebugInformation |
bool | useMuonFromReco |
bool | useOldLabels |
Static Protected Attributes inherited from HLTMuonMatchAndPlot |
static const int | NEG_CHARGE = -1 |
static const int | POS_CHARGE = 1 |
Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots Documentation available on the CMS TWiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MuonHLTOfflinePerformance
- Date:
- 2010/03/16 14:36:39
- Revision:
- 1.5
- Author
- J. Slaunwhite (modified from above
Get L1/HLT efficiency/rate plots Documentation available on the CMS TWiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MuonHLTOfflinePerformance
- Date:
- 2010/03/16 14:36:40
- Revision:
- 1.5
- Author
- J. Slaunwhite (modified from above
Definition at line 57 of file HLTTopPlotter.h.