40 std::string verbosityString = ps.
61 double barrelSeedThreshold = ps.
62 double endcapSeedThreshold = ps.
64 std::vector<int> v_chstatus = ps.
getParameter<std::vector<int> >(
102 const std::string& hitProducer_,
103 const std::string& hitCollection_)
108 evt.
getByLabel(hitProducer_, hitCollection_, rhcHandle);
111 std::cout <<
"could not get a handle on the EcalRecHitCollection!" << std::endl;
117 edm::LogError(
"Multi5x5ClusterProducerError") <<
"Error! can't get the product " << hitCollection_.c_str() ;
127 const std::string& clusterCollection,
156 clusters =
makeClusters(hitCollection_p, geometry_p, topology_p, geometryES_p, detector);
160 clusters_p->assign(clusters.begin(), clusters.end());
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Multi5x5ClusterProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
void clusterizeECALPart(edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &es, const std::string &hitProducer, const std::string &hitCollection, const std::string &clusterCollection, const reco::CaloID::Detectors detector)
std::vector< reco::BasicCluster > makeClusters(const EcalRecHitCollection *hits, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geometry, const CaloSubdetectorTopology *topology_p, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geometryES_p, reco::CaloID::Detectors detector, bool regional=false, const std::vector< EcalEtaPhiRegion > ®ions=std::vector< EcalEtaPhiRegion >())
std::string endcapHitProducer_
const EcalRecHitCollection * getCollection(edm::Event &evt, const std::string &hitProducer_, const std::string &hitCollection_)
PositionCalc posCalculator_
std::string barrelClusterCollection_
OrphanHandle< PROD > put(std::auto_ptr< PROD > product)
Put a new product.
virtual void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
std::string barrelHitProducer_
std::string barrelHitCollection_
Multi5x5ClusterAlgo * island_p
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
std::string endcapClusterCollection_
std::string endcapHitCollection_
std::vector< BasicCluster > BasicClusterCollection
collection of BasicCluster objects
T const * product() const
Multi5x5ClusterAlgo::VerbosityLevel verbosity