1 #ifndef RecoTauTag_TauTagTools_PFTauQualityCutWrapper_h
2 #define RecoTauTag_TauTagTools_PFTauQualityCutWrapper_h
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
void isolationGammaObjects(const reco::PFTau &, std::vector< reco::LeafCandidate > &)
retrieve filtered isolation gamma objects from the pfTau
double maxTransverseImpactParameter
void signalChargedObjects(const reco::PFTau &, const reco::Vertex &, std::vector< reco::LeafCandidate > &)
retrieve filtered signal charged objects from the pfTau
void isolationChargedObjects(const reco::PFTau &, const reco::Vertex &, std::vector< reco::LeafCandidate > &)
retrieve filtered isolation charged objects from the pfTau
void fill(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
uint32_t minTrackPixelHits
bool useTracksInsteadOfPF
void signalGammaObjects(const reco::PFTau &, std::vector< reco::LeafCandidate > &)
retrieve filtered signal gamma objects from the pfTau
PFTauQualityCutWrapper(const edm::ParameterSet &pset)
QualityCutSet signalQCuts