71 static std::vector< OpticalObject* >&
123 ALIint slash_pos = opto_entry_name.rfind(
124 ALIint length = opto_entry_name.length();
125 ALIstring opto_name = opto_entry_name.substr(0, slash_pos);
126 ALIstring entry_name = opto_entry_name.substr(slash_pos+1, length);
273 for(
ALIuint ii = 0; ii < pfsv_size; ii++) {
void BuildMeasurementsFromOA(OpticalAlignMeasurements &measList)
static ALIbool getComponentOptOs(const ALIstring &opto_name, std::vector< OpticalObject * > &vcomponents)
--— Get from theOptOList the list of pointers to component OptOs
static ALIint CMSLinkIteration
static void saveParamFittedSigma(const ALIstring &opto_name, const ALIstring &entry_name)
static void CMSLinkSaveParamFittedValueDisplacement(ALIint cmslink)
static void setMeasurementsTime(struct tm &tim)
static std::vector< OpticalAlignInfo > theOpticalAlignments
OpticalAlignInfo FindOptAlignInfoByType(const ALIstring &type)
static ALIstring & MeasFName()
the name of the Measurements File
static void deleteOptO(const ALIstring &opto_name)
static cocoaStatus getCocoaStatus()
static void setCocoaStatus(const cocoaStatus cs)
static std::string printCocoaStatus(const cocoaStatus cs)
static void buildMeasurementsLinksToOptOs()
Read Measurements (to be implemented for reading from an external file the DATA of the measurements) ...
static std::map< ALIstring, ALIdouble, std::less< ALIstring > > theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap
static OpticalObject * getOptOByName(const ALIstring &opto_name)
--— Find an OptO name in theOptOList and return a pointer to it
static ALIstring & SDFName()
the name of the System Description File
static OpticalObject * nextOptOToCopy()
static ALIstring & ReportFName()
the name of the report File
static Model * theInstance
Only instance of Model.
static Entry * getEntryByName(const ALIstring &opto_entry_name)
static std::vector< Entry * > & EntryList()
static ALIstring theMatricesFName
the name of the File for storing the matrices
static ALIstring theSDFName
the name of the System Description File
static Entry * getEntryByName(const ALIstring &opto_name, const ALIstring &entry_name)
--— Search an Entry name in the Entry* list and return a pointer to it
static int position[TOTALCHAMBERS][3]
static std::vector< std::vector< ALIstring > > & OptODictionary()
static FittedEntriesReader * getFittedEntriesReader()
static ALIint Ncmslinkrange
*************** FOR RANGE STUDIES
static void setSDFName(const ALIstring &name)
static std::vector< OpticalAlignInfo > getOpticalAlignments()
static void copyMeasurements(const std::vector< ALIstring > &wl)
static ALIdouble getParamFittedSigmaVectorItem(const ALIuint position)
static void addMeasurementToList(Measurement *measadd)
static OpticalObject * getOptOByType(const ALIstring &type)
--— Find the first OptO of type 'opto_type' in theOptOList and return a pointer to it ...
static void readSystemDescription()
-------— Read the different sections of the SDF and act accordingly
static std::vector< OpticalObject * > theOptOsToCopyList
std::pair< std::string, MonitorElement * > entry
static std::vector< OpticalObject * > theOptOList
map of OptO*/type of parent OptO, for navigation down the tree structure
static Model & getInstance()
-------— Gets the only instance of this class
static struct tm & MeasurementsTime()
static void SetValueDisplacementsFromReportOut()
static std::vector< OpticalObject * >::const_iterator theOptOsToCopyListIterator
static struct tm theMeasurementsTime
static std::vector< Measurement * > theMeasurementVector
std::vector of all Measurements
void BuildSystemDescriptionFromOA(OpticalAlignments &optAlig)
static ALIbool createCopyComponentList(const ALIstring &optoname)
**************** FOR COPYING AN OPTO
static ALIbool fillCopyComponentList(const OpticalObject *opto)
static std::vector< OpticalObject * > & OptOList()
static void setMatricesFName(const ALIstring &name)
static ALIstring theMeasFName
the name of the Measurements File
static void cleanParamFittedSigmaVector()
static void setReportFName(const ALIstring &name)
static ALIstring theReportFName
the name of the report File
static ALIbool getComponentOptOTypes(const ALIstring &opto_type, std::vector< ALIstring > &vcomponents)
--— Get from theOptODictionary the list of component OptO types
static int getParameterValue(const ALIstring &sstr, ALIdouble &val)
static std::vector< Entry * > theEntryVector
std::vector of all Entries
static Measurement * getMeasurementByName(const ALIstring &name, ALIbool exists=1)
static void addEntryToList(Entry *entry)
***************** SET DATA MEMBERS
static std::vector< ALIdouble > CMSLinkRangeDetValue
static FittedEntriesReader * theFittedEntriesReader
static void recoverParamFittedSigma(const ALIstring &opto_name, const ALIstring &entry_name, const ALIuint position)
static void CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedValueDisplacement(ALIint cmslink)
static void cleanParamFittedValueDisplacementMap()
static std::vector< ALIdouble > theParamFittedSigmaVector
static cocoaStatus theCocoaStatus
static void saveParamFittedCorrelation(const ALIstring &opto_name1, const ALIstring &entry_name1, const ALIstring &opto_name2, const ALIstring &entry_name2)
static void reorderOptODictionary(const ALIstring &ssearch, std::vector< std::vector< ALIstring > > &OptODictionary2)
********** private METHODS
static ALIbool readMeasurementsFromFile(ALIstring only1Date=ALIstring(""), ALIstring only1Time=ALIstring(""))
static ALIstring & MatricesFName()
the name of the File for storing the matrices
static void CMSLinkDeleteOptOs()
static std::vector< std::vector< ALIstring > > theOptODictionary
void CMSLinkFit(ALIint cmslink)
*************** FOR CMS LINK SYSTEM (to fit it part by part)
static void CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedSigma(ALIint cmslink)
static void CMSLinkSaveParamFittedSigma(ALIint cmslink)
static std::vector< Measurement * > & MeasurementList()