10 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
15 logicalFileNames_(fileNames),
16 fileNames_(fileNames),
17 fallbackFileNames_(fileNames.
20 overrideFileLocator_(),
21 fallbackFileLocator_(),
22 overrideFallbackFileLocator_() {
24 init(fileNames,
"", noThrow);
28 logicalFileNames_(fileNames),
29 fileNames_(fileNames),
30 fallbackFileNames_(fileNames.
33 overrideFileLocator_(),
34 fallbackFileLocator_(),
35 overrideFallbackFileLocator_() {
37 init(fileNames,
override, overrideFallback, noThrow);
42 void InputFileCatalog::init(std::vector<std::string>
fileNames, std::string
const& inputOverride, std::string
const& inputOverrideFallback,
bool noThrow) {
45 typedef std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter;
47 it != itEnd; ++it, ++
lt, ++ft) {
51 <<
"An empty string specified in the fileNames parameter for input source.\n";
91 throw cms::Exception(
92 <<
"Logical file name '" << lfn <<
"' was not found in the file catalog.\n"
93 <<
"If you wanted a local file, you forgot the 'file:' prefix\n"
94 <<
"before the file name in your configuration file.\n";
< trclass="colgroup">< tdclass="colgroup"colspan=5 > Muon Digi collections</td >< tr >< td >< ahref="classDTDigi.html"> DTDigi</a ></td >< td >< ahref="DataFormats_DTDigi.html"> MuonDigiCollection & lt
tuple size
Write out results.