1 #ifndef Fireworks_Core_FWEventItem_h
2 #define Fireworks_Core_FWEventItem_h
25 #include "Reflex/Type.h"
26 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
27 #include <sigc++/connection.h>
45 class TVirtualCollectionProxy;
77 boost::shared_ptr<FWItemAccessorBase> iAccessor,
82 #if !defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__MAKECINT__)
84 void get(
const T*& oData)
const {
85 oData=
reinterpret_cast<const T*
88 const void*
const std::type_info&)
101 unsigned int id()
102 const std::string&
103 const TClass*
105 const std::string&
166 void setLabels(
const std::string& iModule,
167 const std::string& iProductInstance,
168 const std::string& iProcess);
169 void setName(
const std::string& iName);
186 void select(
int iIndex)
216 void setData(
const Reflex::Object& )
FWItemChangeSignal preItemChanged_
const FWDisplayProperties & defaultDisplayProperties() const
FWModelChangeManager * changeManager() const
const FWDisplayProperties & displayProperties() const
void setData(const Reflex::Object &) const
void moveToLayer(int layer)
std::string modelName(int iIndex) const
void setEvent(const edm::EventBase *iEvent)
const std::string & name() const
FWColorManager * colorManager() const
FWItemValueGetter m_interestingValueGetter
FWEventItem(fireworks::Context *iContext, unsigned int iItemId, boost::shared_ptr< FWItemAccessorBase > iAccessor, const FWPhysicsObjectDesc &iDesc)
FWColorManager * colorManager() const
void setDisplayProperties(int iIndex, const FWDisplayProperties &) const
const std::string & filterExpression() const
FWItemChangeSignal defaultDisplayPropertiesChanged_
bool haveInterestingValue() const
one value from the model which is normally used for the popup
void getPrimaryData() const
void unselect(int iIndex) const
FWItemChangeSignal goingToBeDestroyed_
boost::shared_ptr< FWItemAccessorBase > m_accessor
const fireworks::Context * m_context
bool itemIsSelected() const
const std::string & processName() const
void setLabels(const std::string &iModule, const std::string &iProductInstance, const std::string &iProcess)
std::string m_moduleLabel
static int maxLayerValue()
const void * data(const std::type_info &) const
void setDefaultDisplayProperties(const FWDisplayProperties &)
const std::string & productInstanceLabel() const
std::string m_processName
const TClass * type() const
const fireworks::Context & context() const
FWItemChangeSignal itemChanged_
double modelInterestingValue(int iIndex) const
FWSelectionManager * selectionManager() const
FWModelChangeManager * modelChangeManager() const
const std::string & modelInterestingValueAsString(int iIndex) const
FWDisplayProperties m_displayProperties
static int minLayerValue()
bool m_printedErrorThisEvent
bool hasError() const
returns true if failed to get data for this event
FWSelectionManager * selectionManager() const
const edm::EventBase * getEvent() const
void toggleSelect(int iIndex) const
bool isInBack() const
returns true if item is behind all other items
FWDisplayProperties m_displayProperties
bool isInFront() const
returns true if item is in front of all other items
void setFilterExpression(const std::string &)
const edm::EventBase * m_event
FWModelChangeSignal changed_
std::string m_errorMessage
bool isCollection() const
const TClass * modelType() const
const std::string & errorMessage() const
returns error string if there was a problem this event
std::vector< ModelInfo > m_itemInfos
ModelInfo(const FWDisplayProperties &iProps, bool iIsSelected)
void select(int iIndex) const
const void * modelData(int iIndex) const
ModelInfo modelInfo(int iIndex) const
const std::string & purpose() const
void setName(const std::string &iName)
ROOT::Reflex::Type m_wrapperType
std::string m_productInstanceLabel
const FWGeometry * getGeom() const
const std::string & moduleLabel() const
FWItemChangeSignal filterChanged_