
ThStep_cff Namespace Reference


tuple MaterialPropagatorPtMin01
tuple OppositeMaterialPropagatorPtMin01
tuple secfilter
 Large impact parameter Tracking using mixed-pair seeding #.
tuple thCkfTrajectoryBuilder
tuple thCkfTrajectoryFilter
tuple thClusters
tuple thirdStep
tuple thlayertripletsa
tuple thlayertripletsb
tuple thMeasurementTracker
tuple thPixelRecHits
tuple thStep
tuple thStepTrk
tuple thStepTrkLoose
tuple thStepTrkTight
tuple thStepVtx
tuple thStepVtxLoose
tuple thStepVtxTight
tuple thStripRecHits
tuple thTrackCandidates
tuple thTriplets = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalCombinedSeeds_cfi.globalCombinedSeeds.clone()
tuple thTripletsA = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()
tuple thTripletsB = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()
tuple thWithMaterialTracks

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
00001 TrackingTools.MaterialEffects.MaterialPropagator_cfi.MaterialPropagator.clone(
00002     ComponentName = 'PropagatorWithMaterialPtMin01',
00003     ptMin = 0.1
00004     )

Definition at line 45 of file

Initial value:
00001 TrackingTools.MaterialEffects.OppositeMaterialPropagator_cfi.OppositeMaterialPropagator.clone(
00002     ComponentName = 'PropagatorWithMaterialOppositePtMin01',
00003     ptMin = 0.1
00004     )

Definition at line 51 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer("QualityFilter",
00002     TrackQuality = cms.string('highPurity'),
00003     recTracks = cms.InputTag("secStep")
00004 )

Large impact parameter Tracking using mixed-pair seeding #.

Definition at line 8 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.CkfPattern.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilderESProducer_cfi.GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilder.clone(
00002     ComponentName = 'thCkfTrajectoryBuilder',
00003     MeasurementTrackerName = 'thMeasurementTracker',
00004     trajectoryFilterName = 'thCkfTrajectoryFilter',
00005     propagatorAlong = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialPtMin01'),
00006     propagatorOpposite = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterialOppositePtMin01')
00007     )

Definition at line 174 of file

Initial value:
00001 TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.clone(
00002     ComponentName = 'thCkfTrajectoryFilter',
00003     filterPset = TrackingTools.TrajectoryFiltering.TrajectoryFilterESProducer_cfi.trajectoryFilterESProducer.filterPset.clone(
00004     maxLostHits = 0,
00005     minimumNumberOfHits = 3,
00006     minPt = 0.1
00007     )
00008     )

Definition at line 163 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.EDProducer("TrackClusterRemover",
00002     oldClusterRemovalInfo = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
00003     trajectories = cms.InputTag("secfilter"),
00004     pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
00005     stripClusters = cms.InputTag("secClusters"),
00006     Common = cms.PSet(
00007         maxChi2 = cms.double(30.0)
00008     )
00010 # For debug purposes, you can run this iteration not eliminating any hits from previous ones by
00011 # instead using
00012 #    trajectories = cms.InputTag("zeroStepFilter"),
00013 #    pixelClusters = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters"),
00014 #    stripClusters = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters"),
00015 #     Common = cms.PSet(
00016 #       maxChi2 = cms.double(0.0)
00017 #    )
00018 )

Definition at line 13 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.Sequence(secfilter*
00002                          thClusters*
00003                          thPixelRecHits*thStripRecHits*
00004                          thTripletsA*thTripletsB*thTriplets*
00005                          thTrackCandidates*
00006                          thWithMaterialTracks*
00007                          thStepVtxLoose*thStepTrkLoose*
00008                          thStepVtxTight*thStepTrkTight*
00009                          thStepVtx*thStepTrk*thStep)

Definition at line 308 of file

Definition at line 57 of file

Initial value:
00001 cms.ESProducer("SeedingLayersESProducer",
00002     ComponentName = cms.string('ThLayerTripletsB'),
00003     layerList = cms.vstring('BPix2+BPix3+TIB1', 
00004         'BPix2+BPix3+TIB2','BPix3+TIB1+TIB2'),
00005     BPix = cms.PSet(
00006         useErrorsFromParam = cms.bool(True),
00007         hitErrorRPhi = cms.double(0.0027),
00008         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('TTRHBuilderWithoutAngle4MixedTriplets'),
00009         HitProducer = cms.string('thPixelRecHits'),
00010         hitErrorRZ = cms.double(0.006)
00011     ),
00012     TIB = cms.PSet(
00013         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("thStripRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
00014         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle')
00015     )
00016 )

Definition at line 112 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.MeasurementDet.MeasurementTrackerESProducer_cfi.MeasurementTracker.clone(
00002     ComponentName = 'thMeasurementTracker',
00003     pixelClusterProducer = 'thClusters',
00004     stripClusterProducer = 'thClusters'
00005     )

Definition at line 155 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoLocalTracker.SiPixelRecHits.SiPixelRecHits_cfi.SiPixelRecHits.clone(
00002     src = 'thClusters'
00003     )

Definition at line 34 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.simpleTrackListMerger_cfi.simpleTrackListMerger.clone(
00002     TrackProducer1 = 'thStepVtx',
00003     TrackProducer2 = 'thStepTrk',
00004     promoteTrackQuality = True
00005     )

Definition at line 302 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectHighPurity_cfi.selectHighPurity.clone(
00002     src = 'thStepTrkTight',
00003     keepAllTracks = True,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 0.3,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 5,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 0,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 4,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 0.9, 4.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 0.9, 4.0 )
00015     )

Definition at line 286 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectLoose_cfi.selectLoose.clone(
00002     src = 'thWithMaterialTracks',
00003     keepAllTracks = False,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 0.6,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 4,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 3,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 4.0 )
00015     )

Definition at line 220 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectTight_cfi.selectTight.clone(
00002     src = 'thStepTrkLoose',
00003     keepAllTracks = True,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 0.4,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 5,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 4,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 1.1, 4.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 1.1, 4.0 )
00015 )

Definition at line 253 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectHighPurity_cfi.selectHighPurity.clone(
00002     src = 'thStepVtxTight',
00003     keepAllTracks = True,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 0.4,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 3,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 3,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 )
00015 )

Definition at line 270 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectLoose_cfi.selectLoose.clone(
00002     src = 'thWithMaterialTracks',
00003     keepAllTracks = False,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 1.2,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 3,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 2,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 1.3, 3.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 1.3, 3.0 )
00015     )

Definition at line 204 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.selectTight_cfi.selectTight.clone(
00002     src = 'thStepVtxLoose',
00003     keepAllTracks = True,
00004     copyExtras = False,
00005     copyTrajectories = True,
00006     chi2n_par = 0.6,
00007     res_par = ( 0.003, 0.001 ),
00008     minNumberLayers = 3,
00009     maxNumberLostLayers = 1,
00010     minNumber3DLayers = 3,
00011     d0_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
00012     dz_par1 = ( 1.1, 3.0 ),
00013     d0_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 ),
00014     dz_par2 = ( 1.2, 3.0 )
00015     )

Definition at line 237 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoLocalTracker.SiStripRecHitConverter.SiStripRecHitConverter_cfi.siStripMatchedRecHits.clone(
00002     ClusterProducer = 'thClusters'
00003     )

Definition at line 38 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.CkfPattern.CkfTrackCandidates_cfi.ckfTrackCandidates.clone(
00002     src = cms.InputTag('thTriplets'),
00003     TrajectoryBuilder = 'thCkfTrajectoryBuilder',
00004     doSeedingRegionRebuilding = True,
00005     useHitsSplitting = True
00006 )

Definition at line 184 of file

tuple ThStep_cff::thTriplets = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalCombinedSeeds_cfi.globalCombinedSeeds.clone()

Definition at line 146 of file

tuple ThStep_cff::thTripletsA = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()

Definition at line 101 of file

tuple ThStep_cff::thTripletsB = RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.GlobalSeedsFromTriplets_cff.globalSeedsFromTriplets.clone()

Definition at line 135 of file

Initial value:
00001 RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackProducer_cfi.TrackProducer.clone(
00002     AlgorithmName = cms.string('iter3'),
00003     src = 'thTrackCandidates',
00004     clusterRemovalInfo = 'thClusters',
00005 )

Definition at line 192 of file