![]() |
![]() |
Classes | |
class | Alignment |
class | BetterConfigParser |
--- Classes ---############################ More... | |
class | GenericValidation |
class | GeometryComparision |
class | MonteCarloValidation |
class | OfflineValidation |
class | OfflineValidationDQM |
class | TrackSplittingValidation |
Functions | |
def | castorDirExists |
def | createExtendedValidationScript |
def | createMergeScript |
def | getCommandOutput2 |
def | loadTemplates |
def | main |
--- Main ---############################ | |
def | readAlignments |
def | readCompare |
def | readGeneral |
def | replaceByMap |
--- Helpers ---############################ replaces .oO[id]Oo. | |
def | runJob |
def validateAlignments::castorDirExists | ( | path | ) |
Definition at line 43 of file validateAlignments.py.
00044 : 00045 if path[-1] == "/": 00046 path = path[:-1] 00047 containingPath = os.path.join( *path.split("/")[:-1] ) 00048 dirInQuestion = path.split("/")[-1] 00049 try: 00050 rawLines =getCommandOutput2("rfdir /"+containingPath).splitlines() 00051 except RuntimeError: 00052 return False 00053 for line in rawLines: 00054 if line.split()[0][0] == "d": 00055 if line.split()[8] == dirInQuestion: 00056 return True 00057 return False
def validateAlignments::createExtendedValidationScript | ( | offlineValidationList, | |
outFilePath | |||
) |
Definition at line 582 of file validateAlignments.py.
00583 : 00584 repMap = offlineValidationList[0].getRepMap() # bit ugly since some special features are filled 00585 repMap[ "extendedInstantiation" ] = "" #give it a "" at first in order to get the initialisation back 00586 00587 for validation in offlineValidationList: 00588 repMap[ "extendedInstantiation" ] = validation.appendToExtendedValidation( repMap[ "extendedInstantiation" ] ) 00589 00590 theFile = open( outFilePath, "w" ) 00591 theFile.write( replaceByMap( configTemplates.extendedVaidationTemplate ,repMap ) ) 00592 theFile.close()
def validateAlignments::createMergeScript | ( | path, | |
validations | |||
) |
Definition at line 593 of file validateAlignments.py.
00594 : 00595 if( len(validations) == 0 ): 00596 raise StandardError, "cowardly refusing to merge nothing!" 00597 00598 repMap = validations[0].getRepMap() #FIXME - not nice this way 00599 repMap.update({ 00600 "DownloadData":"", 00601 "CompareAllignments":"", 00602 "RunExtendedOfflineValidation":"" 00603 }) 00604 00605 comparisonLists = {} # directory of lists containing the validations that are comparable 00606 for validation in validations: 00607 for referenceName in validation.filesToCompare: 00608 validationName = "%s.%s"%(validation.__class__.__name__, referenceName) 00609 validationName = validationName.split(".%s"%GenericValidation.defaultReferenceName )[0] 00610 if validationName in comparisonLists: 00611 comparisonLists[ validationName ].append( validation ) 00612 else: 00613 comparisonLists[ validationName ] = [ validation ] 00614 00615 if "OfflineValidation" in comparisonLists: 00616 repMap["extendeValScriptPath"] = os.path.join(path, "TkAlExtendedOfflineValidation.C") 00617 createExtendedValidationScript( comparisonLists["OfflineValidation"], repMap["extendeValScriptPath"] ) 00618 repMap["RunExtendedOfflineValidation"] = replaceByMap(configTemplates.extendedVaidationExecution, repMap) 00619 00620 repMap["CompareAllignments"] = "#run comparisons" 00621 for validationId in comparisonLists: 00622 compareStrings = [ val.getCompareStrings(validationId) for val in comparisonLists[validationId] ] 00623 00624 repMap.update({"validationId": validationId, 00625 "compareStrings": " , ".join(compareStrings) }) 00626 00627 repMap["CompareAllignments"] += replaceByMap( configTemplates.compareAlignmentsExecution, repMap ) 00628 00629 filePath = os.path.join(path, "TkAlMerge.sh") 00630 theFile = open( filePath, "w" ) 00631 theFile.write( replaceByMap( configTemplates.mergeTemplate, repMap ) ) 00632 theFile.close() 00633 os.chmod(filePath,0755) 00634 00635 return filePath
def validateAlignments::getCommandOutput2 | ( | command | ) |
Definition at line 34 of file validateAlignments.py.
def validateAlignments::loadTemplates | ( | config | ) |
Definition at line 636 of file validateAlignments.py.
00637 : 00638 if config.has_section("alternateTemplates"): 00639 for templateName in config.options("alternateTemplates"): 00640 newTemplateName = config.get("alternateTemplates", templateName ) 00641 #print "replacing default %s template by %s"%( templateName, newTemplateName) 00642 configTemplates.alternateTemplate(templateName, newTemplateName)
def validateAlignments::main | ( | argv = None | ) |
--- Main ---############################
Definition at line 644 of file validateAlignments.py.
Referenced by FWTableView::addTo(), FWTableView::setFrom(), and FWTriggerTableView::setFrom().
00645 : 00646 if argv == None: 00647 argv = sys.argv[1:] 00648 optParser = optparse.OptionParser() 00649 optParser.description = """ all-in-one alignment Validation 00650 This will run various validation procedures either on batch queues or interactviely. 00651 00652 If no name is given (-N parameter) a name containing time and date is created automatically 00653 00654 To merge the outcome of all validation procedures run TkAlMerge.sh in your validation's directory. 00655 """ 00656 optParser.add_option("-n", "--dryRun", dest="dryRun", action="store_true", default=False, 00657 help="create all scripts and cfg File but do not start jobs (default=False)") 00658 optParser.add_option( "--getImages", dest="getImages", action="store_true", default=False, 00659 help="get all Images created during the process (default= False)") 00660 optParser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", 00661 help="configuration to use (default compareConfig.ini) this can be a comma-seperated list of all .ini file you want to merge", metavar="CONFIG") 00662 optParser.add_option("-N", "--Name", dest="Name", 00663 help="Name of this validation (default: alignmentValidation_DATE_TIME)", metavar="NAME") 00664 optParser.add_option("-r", "--restrictTo", dest="restrictTo", 00665 help="restrict validations to given modes (comma seperated) (default: no restriction)", metavar="RESTRICTTO") 00666 00667 (options, args) = optParser.parse_args(argv) 00668 00669 if not options.restrictTo == None: 00670 options.restrictTo = options.restrictTo.split(",") 00671 if options.config == None: 00672 options.config = "compareConfig.ini" 00673 else: 00674 options.config = options.config.split(",") 00675 result = [] 00676 for iniFile in options.config: 00677 result.append( os.path.abspath(iniFile) ) 00678 options.config = result 00679 config = BetterConfigParser() 00680 config.read( options.config ) 00681 00682 if options.Name == None: 00683 options.Name = "alignmentValidation_%s"%(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S")) 00684 00685 outPath = os.path.abspath( options.Name ) 00686 general = readGeneral( config ) 00687 config.set("general","workdir",os.path.join(general["workdir"],options.Name) ) 00688 config.set("general","datadir",os.path.join(general["datadir"],options.Name) ) 00689 config.set("general","logdir",os.path.join(general["logdir"],options.Name) ) 00690 if not os.path.exists( outPath ): 00691 os.makedirs( outPath ) 00692 elif not os.path.isdir( outPath ): 00693 raise StandardError,"the file %s is in the way rename the Job or move it away"%outPath 00694 00695 #replace default templates by the once specified in the "alternateTemplates" section 00696 loadTemplates( config ) 00697 00698 log = "" 00699 alignments = readAlignments( config ) 00700 validations = [] 00701 for alignment in alignments: 00702 alignment.restrictTo( options.restrictTo ) 00703 validations.extend( alignment.createValidations( config, options, alignments ) ) 00704 00705 scripts = [] 00706 for validation in validations: 00707 validation.createConfiguration( outPath ) 00708 scripts.extend( validation.createScript( outPath ) ) 00709 00710 createMergeScript( outPath, validations ) 00711 00712 #save backup configuration file 00713 backupConfigFile = open( os.path.join( outPath, "usedConfiguration.ini" ) , "w" ) 00714 config.write( backupConfigFile ) 00715 00716 for script in scripts: 00717 name = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( script ) )[0] 00718 if options.dryRun: 00719 print "%s would run: %s"%( name, script) 00720 else: 00721 runJob( name, script, config)
def validateAlignments::readAlignments | ( | config | ) |
Definition at line 524 of file validateAlignments.py.
def validateAlignments::readCompare | ( | config | ) |
Definition at line 531 of file validateAlignments.py.
def validateAlignments::readGeneral | ( | config | ) |
Definition at line 540 of file validateAlignments.py.
00541 : 00542 result = { 00543 "jobmode":"interactive", 00544 "superPointingDataset":"",# see remark about rethroughung missing entries in general. this is needed to be backward compatible 00545 "workdir":os.getcwd(), 00546 "datadir":os.getcwd(), 00547 "logdir":os.getcwd(), 00548 "offlineModuleLevelHistsTransient":"False", 00549 "OfflineTreeBaseDir":"TrackHitFilter", 00550 "DMRMethod":"medianX", 00551 "DMRMinimum":"30" 00552 } 00553 try: 00554 for option in config.options("general"): 00555 result[option] = config.get("general",option) 00556 00557 if "localGeneral" in config.sections(): 00558 for option in result: 00559 if option in [item[0] for item in config.items("localGeneral")]: 00560 result[ option ] = config.get("localGeneral", option) 00561 except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, section: 00562 raise StandardError, "missing section '%s' in configuration files. This section is mandatory."%section 00563 return result
def validateAlignments::replaceByMap | ( | target, | |
map | |||
) |
--- Helpers ---############################ replaces .oO[id]Oo.
by map[id] in target
Definition at line 14 of file validateAlignments.py.
00015 : 00016 result = target 00017 for id in map: 00018 #print " "+id+": "+map[id] 00019 lifeSaver = 10e3 00020 iteration = 0 00021 while ".oO[" in result and "]Oo." in result: 00022 for id in map: 00023 result = result.replace(".oO["+id+"]Oo.",map[id]) 00024 iteration += 1 00025 if iteration > lifeSaver: 00026 problematicLines = "" 00027 print map.keys() 00028 for line in result.splitlines(): 00029 if ".oO[" in result and "]Oo." in line: 00030 problematicLines += "%s\n"%line 00031 raise StandardError, "Oh Dear, there seems to be an endless loop in replaceByMap!!\n%s\nrepMap"%problematicLines 00032 return result 00033 #excute [command] and return output
def validateAlignments::runJob | ( | jobName, | |
script, | |||
config | |||
) |
Definition at line 564 of file validateAlignments.py.
00565 : 00566 general = readGeneral( config ) 00567 log = "> Validating "+jobName 00568 print "> Validating "+jobName 00569 if general["jobmode"] == "interactive": 00570 log += getCommandOutput2( script ) 00571 if general["jobmode"].split(",")[0] == "lxBatch": 00572 repMap = { 00573 "commands": general["jobmode"].split(",")[1], 00574 "logDir": general["logdir"], 00575 "jobName": jobName, 00576 "script": script, 00577 "bsub": "/afs/cern.ch/cms/caf/scripts/cmsbsub" 00578 } 00579 00580 log+=getCommandOutput2("%(bsub)s %(commands)s -J %(jobName)s -o %(logDir)s/%(jobName)s.stdout -e %(logDir)s/%(jobName)s.stderr %(script)s"%repMap) 00581 return log