![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
tuple | annotation = cms.untracked.string('CRAFT HCALHighEnergy ecalhighenergy and stoppedhSCP skim') |
tuple | dataset |
tuple | fileName = cms.untracked.string('/tmp/jbrooke/StoppedHSCP_filter.root') |
tuple | fileNames |
tuple | input = cms.untracked.int32(1000) |
tuple | name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /cvs/CMSSW/CMSSW/DPGAnalysis/Skims/python/stoppedHSCP_cfg.py,v $') |
tuple | outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('keep *','drop *_MEtoEDMConverter_*_*') |
StoppedHSCP################################. | |
tuple | process = cms.Process("SKIM") |
tuple | secondaryFileNames |
tuple | SelectEvents |
tuple | version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $') |
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::annotation = cms.untracked.string('CRAFT HCALHighEnergy ecalhighenergy and stoppedhSCP skim') |
Definition at line 85 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::dataset |
00001 cms.untracked.PSet( 00002 dataTier = cms.untracked.string('RAW-RECO'), 00003 filterName = cms.untracked.string('StoppedHSCP'))
Definition at line 104 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::fileName = cms.untracked.string('/tmp/jbrooke/StoppedHSCP_filter.root') |
Definition at line 107 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
Definition at line 9 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::input = cms.untracked.int32(1000) |
Definition at line 89 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::name = cms.untracked.string('$Source: /cvs/CMSSW/CMSSW/DPGAnalysis/Skims/python/stoppedHSCP_cfg.py,v $') |
Definition at line 84 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('keep *','drop *_MEtoEDMConverter_*_*') |
Definition at line 100 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::process = cms.Process("SKIM") |
Definition at line 4 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
Definition at line 43 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
00001 cms.untracked.PSet( 00002 SelectEvents = cms.vstring("skim") 00003 )
Definition at line 101 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.
tuple stoppedHSCP_cfg::version = cms.untracked.string('$Revision: 1.1 $') |
Definition at line 83 of file stoppedHSCP_cfg.py.