
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Package:    EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules
00004 // Class:      EcnaAnalyzer
00005 // // class EcnaAnalyzer
00006 //
00007 // CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/src/
00009 // Description: <one line class summary>
00011 // Implementation:
00012 //     <Notes on implementation>
00014 //
00015 // Original Author:  Bernard Fabbro
00016 //         Created:  Fri Jun  2 10:27:01 CEST 2006
00017 // $Id:,v 1.1 2010/04/09 08:57:35 fabbro Exp $
00018 //
00019 //          Update: 01/04/2010  
00021 // CMSSW include files
00023 #include <signal.h>
00025 #include "CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/interface/EcnaAnalyzer.h"
00026 #include "CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisAlgos/interface/TEcnaParEcal.h"
00027 #include <DataFormats/Provenance/interface/Timestamp.h>
00029 //
00030 // constants, enums and typedefs
00031 //
00033 //
00034 // static data member definitions
00035 //
00037 //
00038 // constructors and destructor
00039 //
00040 EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& pSet) : 
00041   verbosity_(pSet.getUntrackedParameter("verbosity", 1U)),
00042   nChannels_(0), iEvent_(0)
00043 {
00044   //now do what ever initialization is needed
00046   using namespace edm;
00047   using namespace std;
00049   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> Parameter initialization." << endl;
00051   fgMaxCar = (Int_t)512;
00052   fTTBELL = '\007';
00053   fOutcomeError = kFALSE;
00055   fMyEBEcal      = new TEcnaParEcal("EB");
00056   fMyEBNumbering = new TEcnaNumbering("EB", fMyEBEcal);
00058   fMyEEEcal      = new TEcnaParEcal("EE");
00059   fMyEENumbering = new TEcnaNumbering("EE", fMyEEEcal);
00061   //========================================================================================== 
00062   //.................................. Get parameter values from python file
00063   eventHeaderProducer_   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("eventHeaderProducer");
00064   digiProducer_          = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("digiProducer");
00066   eventHeaderCollection_ = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("eventHeaderCollection");
00067   EBdigiCollection_      = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("EBdigiCollection");
00068   EEdigiCollection_      = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("EEdigiCollection");
00070   sAnalysisName_  = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sAnalysisName");
00071   sNbOfSamples_   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sNbOfSamples");
00072   sFirstReqEvent_ = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sFirstReqEvent");
00073   sLastReqEvent_  = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sLastReqEvent");
00074   sReqNbOfEvts_   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sReqNbOfEvts");
00075   sStexName_      = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sStexName");
00076   sStexNumber_    = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("sStexNumber");
00078   fAnalysisName  = sAnalysisName_.Data();
00079   fNbOfSamples   = atoi(sNbOfSamples_.Data());
00080   fFirstReqEvent = atoi(sFirstReqEvent_.Data());
00081   fLastReqEvent  = atoi(sLastReqEvent_.Data());
00082   fReqNbOfEvts   = atoi(sReqNbOfEvts_.Data());
00083   fStexName      = sStexName_.Data();
00084   fStexNumber    = atoi(sStexNumber_.Data());
00086   //------------------------------- ERRORS in requested evts numbers
00087   if( fFirstReqEvent < 1 )
00088     {fOutcomeError = AnalysisOutcome("ERR_FNEG");}
00090   if( (fLastReqEvent >= fFirstReqEvent) && (fReqNbOfEvts > fLastReqEvent - fFirstReqEvent + 1 ) )
00091     {fOutcomeError = AnalysisOutcome("ERR_LREQ");}
00093   if( fOutcomeError == kTRUE )return;
00094   //===========================================================================================
00096   fRunTypeCounter = 0;
00097   fMaxRunTypeCounter = 25;
00098   fRunTypeCounter = new Int_t[fMaxRunTypeCounter];
00099   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxRunTypeCounter; i++){fRunTypeCounter[i] = 0;}
00101   fMgpaGainCounter = 0;
00102   fMaxMgpaGainCounter = 4;  // Because chozen gain = 0,1,2,3
00103   fMgpaGainCounter = new Int_t[fMaxMgpaGainCounter];
00104   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxMgpaGainCounter; i++){fMgpaGainCounter[i] = 0;}
00106   fFedIdCounter = 0;
00107   fMaxFedIdCounter = 54;
00108   fFedIdCounter = new Int_t[fMaxFedIdCounter];
00109   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedIdCounter; i++){fFedIdCounter[i] = 0;}
00111   fEvtNumber = 0;
00112   fEvtNumberMemo = -1;
00113   fRecNumber = 0;
00114   fBadBuildCnaRun = 0;
00116   fDeeDS5Memo1 = 0;
00117   fDeeDS5Memo2 = 0;
00119   fCurrentEventNumber = 0;
00120   fNbOfSelectedEvents = 0;
00122   fMemoCutOK = 0;
00123   fTreatedFedOrder = 0;
00124   fNbOfTreatedStexs = 0;
00126   //-------------- Fed
00127   if( fStexName == "SM"  ){fMaxFedUnitCounter = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB();}  // EB: FED Unit = SM
00128   if( fStexName == "Dee" ){fMaxFedUnitCounter = fMyEEEcal->MaxDSInEE();}  // EE: FED Unit = Data Sector
00130   fFedDigiOK = new Int_t[fMaxFedUnitCounter];
00131   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i++){fFedDigiOK[i] = 0;}
00133   fFedNbOfTreatedEvents = new Int_t[fMaxFedUnitCounter];
00134   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i++){fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i] = 0;}
00136   fFedStatus = new Int_t[fMaxFedUnitCounter];
00137   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i++){fFedStatus[i] = 0;}
00139   fFedStatusOrder = new Int_t[fMaxFedUnitCounter];
00140   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i++){fFedStatusOrder[i] = 0;}
00142   fDeeNumberString = new TString[fMaxFedUnitCounter];
00143   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i++){fDeeNumberString[i] = "SM";}
00145   if( fStexName == "Dee" )
00146     { 
00147       fDeeNumberString[ 0] = "Sector1 Dee4";
00148       fDeeNumberString[ 1] = "Sector2 Dee4";
00149       fDeeNumberString[ 2] = "Sector3 Dee4";
00150       fDeeNumberString[ 3] = "Sector4 Dee4";
00151       fDeeNumberString[ 4] = "Sector5 Dee4-Dee3";
00152       fDeeNumberString[ 5] = "Sector6 Dee3";
00153       fDeeNumberString[ 6] = "Sector7 Dee3";
00154       fDeeNumberString[ 7] = "Sector8 Dee3";
00155       fDeeNumberString[ 8] = "Sector9 Dee3";
00156       fDeeNumberString[ 9] = "Sector1 Dee1";
00157       fDeeNumberString[10] = "Sector2 Dee1";
00158       fDeeNumberString[11] = "Sector3 Dee1";
00159       fDeeNumberString[12] = "Sector4 Dee1";
00160       fDeeNumberString[13] = "Sector5 Dee1-Dee2";
00161       fDeeNumberString[14] = "Sector6 Dee2";
00162       fDeeNumberString[15] = "Sector7 Dee2";
00163       fDeeNumberString[16] = "Sector8 Dee2";
00164       fDeeNumberString[17] = "Sector9 Dee2";
00165     }
00166   //............................... arrays fSMFromFedDcc and fESFromFedTcc
00167   //
00168   //  FED-TCC:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
00169   //      Dee:   3   3   3   4   4   4   4  4-3  3
00170   //       DS:   7   8   9   1   2   3   4   5   6
00171   //       ES:   7   8   9   1   2   3   4   5   6  (ES = DS)
00172   //
00173   //  FED-TCC:  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27
00174   //       SM:  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36
00175   //       SM:  -1  -2  -3  -4  -5  -6  -7  -8  -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18
00176   //
00177   //  FED-TCC:  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
00178   //       SM:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18
00179   //
00180   //  FED-TCC:  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54
00181   //      Dee:   2   2   2   1   1   1   1  1-2  2
00182   //       DS:   7   8   9   1   2   3   4   5   6
00183   //       ES:  16  17  18  10  11  12  13  14  15  (ES = DS + 9)
00185   Int_t MaxSMAndDS = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB()+fMyEEEcal->MaxDSInEE();
00187   fSMFromFedTcc = new Int_t[MaxSMAndDS];
00188   fESFromFedTcc = new Int_t[MaxSMAndDS];
00189   for(Int_t nFedTcc= 1; nFedTcc<=MaxSMAndDS; nFedTcc++){fESFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1] = -1;}
00191   for(Int_t nFedTcc= 1;nFedTcc<= 3;nFedTcc++){fESFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc+ 6;} // Dee3, ES 7,8,9
00192   for(Int_t nFedTcc= 4;nFedTcc<= 9;nFedTcc++){fESFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc- 3;} // Dee4, ES 1,2,3,4,5; Dee3, DS 5,6
00194   for(Int_t nFedTcc=10;nFedTcc<=27;nFedTcc++){fSMFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc+ 9;} // EB-  SM 19 to 36
00195   for(Int_t nFedTcc=28;nFedTcc<=45;nFedTcc++){fSMFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc-27;} // EB+  SM  1 to 18
00197   for(Int_t nFedTcc=46;nFedTcc<=48;nFedTcc++){fESFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc-30;} // Dee2, ES 16,17,18
00198   for(Int_t nFedTcc=49;nFedTcc<=54;nFedTcc++){fESFromFedTcc[nFedTcc-1]=nFedTcc-39;} // Dee1, ES 10,11,12,13,14; Dee2, ES 14,15
00200   //............................... Nb of treated events for "AdcPeg12" and "AdcSPeg12" analysis
00201   //-------------- Stex
00202   if( fStexName == "SM"  ){fMaxTreatedStexCounter = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB();}  // EB: Stex = SM
00203   if( fStexName == "Dee" ){fMaxTreatedStexCounter = fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE();} // EE: Stex = Dee
00205   fStexNbOfTreatedEvents = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00206   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i] = 0;}
00208   fTimeFirst = new time_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00209   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fTimeFirst[i] = 0;}
00210   fTimeLast = new time_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00211   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fTimeLast[i] = 0;}
00213   fMemoDateFirstEvent = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];;
00214   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fMemoDateFirstEvent[i] = 0;}
00216   Int_t MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 
00217   fDateFirst = new TString[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00218   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++)
00219     {
00220       fDateFirst[i].Resize(MaxCar);
00221       fDateFirst[i] = "*1st event date not found*";
00222     }
00224   MaxCar = fgMaxCar; 
00225   fDateLast = new TString[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00226   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++)
00227     {
00228       fDateLast[i].Resize(MaxCar);
00229       fDateLast[i] = "*last event date not found*";
00230     }
00232   fStexStatus = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00233   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fStexStatus[i] = 0;}
00235   fStexDigiOK = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00236   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fStexDigiOK[i] = 0;}
00238   fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00239   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[i] = 0;}
00241   fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex = new Int_t[fMaxTreatedStexCounter];
00242   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i++){fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex[i] = 0;}
00244   //----------------------------------- Analysis name codes ------------------------------------------
00245   //   
00246   //                  AnalysisName  RunType         Gain    DBLS (Dynamic BaseLine Substraction)
00247   //
00248   //                  AdcPed1       fPEDESTAL_STD      3    No
00249   //                  AdcPed6       fPEDESTAL_STD      2    No
00250   //                  AdcPed12      fPEDESTAL_STD      1    No
00251   //
00252   //                  AdcPeg12      fPEDESTAL_GAP      1    No
00253   //
00254   //                  AdcLaser      fLASER_STD         0    No
00255   //                  AdcPes12      fPEDSIM            0    No
00256   //
00257   //
00258   //                  AdcSPed1      fPEDESTAL_STD      3    Yes
00259   //                  AdcSPed6      fPEDESTAL_STD      2    Yes
00260   //                  AdcSPed12     fPEDESTAL_STD      1    Yes
00261   //
00262   //                  AdcSPeg12     fPEDESTAL_GAP      1    Yes
00263   //
00264   //                  AdcSLaser     fLASER_STD         0    Yes
00265   //                  AdcSPes12     fPEDSIM            0    Yes
00266   //
00267   //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00269   //................ Run type list
00270   fLASER_STD    =  4;
00271   fPEDESTAL_STD =  9;
00272   fPEDESTAL_GAP = 18;
00273   fPEDSIM       = 24;
00275   //................ Chozen run type from analysis name
00276   fChozenRunTypeNumber = fPEDESTAL_STD;   // default
00277   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPed1"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcPed6"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcPed12" ||
00278       fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed1" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed6" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed12" )
00279     {fChozenRunTypeNumber = fPEDESTAL_STD;}
00280   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
00281     {fChozenRunTypeNumber = fPEDESTAL_GAP;}
00282   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcLaser"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSLaser"  ){fChozenRunTypeNumber = fLASER_STD;}
00283   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPes12 " || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPes12 " ){fChozenRunTypeNumber = fPEDSIM;}
00285   //................ Gains from analysis name
00286   fChozenGainNumber = 0;   // default => event always accepted if fChozenGainNumber = 0 ( see USER's Analysis cut in ::analyze(...) )
00287   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPed1"   || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed1"  ){fChozenGainNumber = 3;}
00288   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPed6"   || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed6"  ){fChozenGainNumber = 2;}
00289   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPed12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed12" ){fChozenGainNumber = 1;}
00290   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" ){fChozenGainNumber = 0;}
00291   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcLaser"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSLaser" ){fChozenGainNumber = 0;}
00292   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPes12 " || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPes12 "){fChozenGainNumber = 0;}
00294   //............... Flag for Dynamic BaseLine Substraction from analysis name
00295   fDynBaseLineSub = "no";   // default
00296   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPed1"   || fAnalysisName == "AdcPed6"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcPed12" ||
00297       fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcLaser" || fAnalysisName == "AdcPes12 " )
00298     {fDynBaseLineSub = "no";}
00299   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed1"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed6"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPed12" ||
00300       fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSLaser" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPes12 " )
00301     {fDynBaseLineSub = "yes";}
00303   //....................... Index range for ECNA init and for loop on BuildEventDistribution calls
00304   if( fStexNumber == 0 )
00305     {
00306       if( fStexName == "SM"  )
00307         {
00308           fSMIndexBegin   = 0;             fSMIndexStop   = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB();
00309           fStexIndexBegin = fSMIndexBegin; fStexIndexStop = fSMIndexStop;
00310           fDeeIndexBegin  = 0;             fDeeIndexStop  = 0;
00311         }
00312       if( fStexName == "Dee"  )
00313         {
00314           fSMIndexBegin   = 0;              fSMIndexStop   = 0;
00315           fDeeIndexBegin  = 0;              fDeeIndexStop  = fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE();
00316           fStexIndexBegin = fDeeIndexBegin; fStexIndexStop = fDeeIndexStop;
00317         }
00318     }
00319   else
00320     {
00321       if( fStexName == "SM"  )
00322         {
00323           fSMIndexBegin   = fStexNumber-1; fSMIndexStop   = fStexNumber;
00324           fStexIndexBegin = fSMIndexBegin; fStexIndexStop = fSMIndexStop;
00325           fDeeIndexBegin  = 0;             fDeeIndexStop  = 0;
00326         }
00327       if( fStexName == "Dee" )
00328         {
00329           fSMIndexBegin   = 0;              fSMIndexStop   = 0;
00330           fDeeIndexBegin  = fStexNumber-1;  fDeeIndexStop  = fStexNumber;
00331           fStexIndexBegin = fDeeIndexBegin; fStexIndexStop = fDeeIndexStop;
00332         }
00333     }
00336   fRunNumber  = 0;
00338   fMyCnaEBSM  = 0;
00339   fMyCnaEEDee = 0;
00341   fRunTypeNumber  = -1;
00342   fMgpaGainNumber = -1;
00344   fFedId  = -1;
00345   fFedTcc = -1;
00347   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fAnalysisName        = " << fAnalysisName << endl;
00348   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fNbOfSamples         = " << fNbOfSamples << endl;
00349   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fFirstReqEvent       = " << fFirstReqEvent << endl;
00350   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fLastReqEvent        = " << fLastReqEvent << endl;
00351   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fReqNbOfEvts         = " << fReqNbOfEvts << endl;
00352   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fStexName            = " << fStexName << endl;
00353   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fStexNumber          = " << fStexNumber << endl;
00354   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fChozenRunTypeNumber = " << fChozenRunTypeNumber << endl;
00355   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> fChozenGainNumber    = " << fChozenGainNumber  << endl << endl;
00357   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer-constructor> Init done. " << endl;
00358 }
00359 // end of constructor
00361 EcnaAnalyzer::~EcnaAnalyzer()
00362 {
00363   // do anything here that needs to be done at destruction time
00364   // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
00366   using namespace std;
00367   //..................................... format numerical values
00368   cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::uppercase);
00369   cout << setprecision(3) << setw(6);
00370   cout.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield);
00371   cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
00372   cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
00373   cout.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
00375   std::cout << "EcnaAnalyzer::~EcnaAnalyzer()> destructor is going to be executed." << endl;
00377   if( fOutcomeError == kTRUE )return;
00379   //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00381   //....................................................... EB (SM)
00382   if( fMyCnaEBSM == 0 && fStexName == "SM" )
00383     {
00384       std::cout << endl << "!EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> **** ERROR **** fMyCnaEBSM = " << fMyCnaEBSM
00385                 << ". !===> ECNA HAS NOT BEEN INITIALIZED. Last event run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber)
00386                 << ", last event fFedId(+601) = " << fFedId+601 << endl 
00387                 << ", last event Mgpa gain = " << gainvalue(fMgpaGainNumber) << endl << endl;
00388     }
00389   else
00390     {
00391       for(Int_t iSM = fSMIndexBegin; iSM < fSMIndexStop; iSM++)
00392         {
00393           if( fMyCnaEBSM[iSM] != 0 )
00394             {
00395               //........................................ register dates 1 and 2
00396               fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->StartStopDate(fDateFirst[iSM], fDateLast[iSM]);
00397               fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->StartStopTime(fTimeFirst[iSM], fTimeLast[iSM]);
00399               //........................................ get the sample values in array
00400               fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->GetReadyToCompute();
00401               fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->SampleValues();
00403               //........................................ write the sample values in .root file
00404               if( fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->WriteRootFile() == kFALSE )
00405                 {
00406                   std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> PROBLEM with write ROOT file for SM" << iSM+1
00407                             << fTTBELL << endl;
00408                 }
00409             }
00410           else
00411             {
00412               std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Calculations and writing on file already done for SM "
00413                         << iSM+1 << endl;
00414             }
00415         }
00416       delete fMyCnaEBSM;
00417     }
00418   //....................................................... EE (Dee)
00420   if( fMyCnaEEDee == 0 && fStexName == "Dee" )
00421     {
00422       std::cout << endl << "!EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> **** ERROR **** fMyCnaEEDee = " << fMyCnaEEDee
00423                 << ". !===> ECNA HAS NOT BEEN INITIALIZED. Last event run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber)
00424                 << ", last event fFedId(+601) = " << fFedId+601 << endl 
00425                 << ", last event Mgpa gain = " << gainvalue(fMgpaGainNumber) << endl << endl;
00426     }
00427   else
00428     {
00429       for(Int_t iDee = fDeeIndexBegin; iDee < fDeeIndexStop; iDee++)
00430         {
00431           if( fMyCnaEEDee[iDee] != 0 )
00432             {
00433               //........................................ register dates 1 and 2
00434               fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->StartStopDate(fDateFirst[iDee], fDateLast[iDee]);
00435               fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->StartStopTime(fTimeFirst[iDee], fTimeLast[iDee]);
00437               //........................................ get the sample values in array
00438               fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->GetReadyToCompute();
00439               fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->SampleValues();
00441               //........................................ write the sample values in .root file
00442               if(fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->WriteRootFile() == kFALSE )
00443                 {
00444                   std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> PROBLEM with write ROOT file for Dee" << iDee+1
00445                             << fTTBELL << endl;
00446                 }
00447             }
00448           else
00449             {
00450               std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Calculations and writing on file already done for Dee "
00451                         << iDee+1 << endl;
00452             }
00453         }
00454       delete fMyCnaEEDee;
00455     }
00456   std::cout <<endl;
00458   //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00459   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Numbers of events with ERROR(S) returned by BuildEventDistributions(): "
00460        << fBadBuildCnaRun << endl;
00462   std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00464   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Run types seen in event headers before selection:" << endl;
00466   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxRunTypeCounter; i++)
00467     {
00468       std::cout << " => " << setw(10) << fRunTypeCounter[i]
00469                 << " event header(s) with run type " << runtype(i) << endl; 
00470     }
00472   std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00474   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Mgpa gains seen in event headers before selection:" << endl;
00476   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxMgpaGainCounter; i++)
00477     {
00478       std::cout << " => " << setw(10) << fMgpaGainCounter[i]
00479                 << " event header(s) with gain " << gainvalue(i) << endl; 
00480     }
00482   std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00484   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> Numbers of selected events for each FED:" << endl;
00486   for(Int_t i=0; i<fMaxFedIdCounter; i++)
00487     {
00488           std::cout << " => FedId " << i+601 << ": "
00489                     << setw(10) << fFedIdCounter[i] << " events" << endl;
00490     }
00492   std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00494   if( fStexNumber == 0 )
00495     {
00496       std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> fDateFirst = " << fDateFirst[0] << endl
00497                 << "                          fDateLast  = " << fDateLast[fMaxTreatedStexCounter-1] << endl << endl;
00498     }
00499   if( fStexNumber > 0 )
00500     {
00501       std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> fDateFirst = " << fDateFirst[fStexNumber-1] << endl
00502                 << "                          fDateLast  = " << fDateLast[fStexNumber-1] << endl << endl;
00503     }
00505   std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00507   //std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> fTimeFirst = " << fTimeFirst[0] << endl
00508   //     << "                          fTimeLast  = " << fTimeLast[fMaxTreatedStexCounter-1] << endl << endl;
00509   //
00510   //std::cout << endl<< "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " <<  endl;
00512   Int_t n0 =0; CheckMsg(n0);
00514   delete fMyEENumbering;
00515   delete fMyEEEcal;
00517   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer-destructor> End of execution." << endl;
00518 }
00519 // end of destructor
00522 //
00523 // member functions
00524 //
00526 // ------------ method called to produce the data  ------------
00527 void EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
00528 {
00529   using namespace std;
00530   //..................................... format numerical values
00531   cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint | ios::uppercase);
00532   cout << setprecision(3) << setw(6);
00533   cout.setf(ios::dec, ios::basefield);
00534   cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
00535   cout.setf(ios::left, ios::adjustfield);
00536   cout.setf(ios::right, ios::adjustfield);
00538   using namespace edm;
00540   fRecNumber++; 
00542   Int_t iFreq = (fLastReqEvent - fFirstReqEvent + 1)/5;
00543   if( iFreq <= 0 ){iFreq = 10000;}
00545   Int_t MaxSMAndDS = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB()+fMyEEEcal->MaxDSInEE();
00547   //********************************************* EVENT TREATMENT ********************************
00548   Handle<EcalRawDataCollection> pEventHeader;
00549   const EcalRawDataCollection* myEventHeader = 0;
00550   try{
00551     iEvent.getByLabel(eventHeaderProducer_, eventHeaderCollection_, pEventHeader);
00552     myEventHeader = pEventHeader.product();
00553   }catch (std::exception& ex ){
00554     std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product " << eventHeaderCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;
00555   }
00556   //........... Decode myEventHeader infos
00557   for(EcalRawDataCollection::const_iterator headerItr=myEventHeader->begin();
00558       headerItr != myEventHeader->end();++headerItr)
00559     {
00560       //===> fRunNumber, fRunTypeNumber, fMgpaGainNumber, fFedId, fEvtNumber
00561       //     will be used in AnalysisOutcome(...) below
00562       fRunNumber = (Int_t)headerItr->getRunNumber();
00563       if( fRunNumber <= 0 ){fRunNumber = (Int_t);}
00564       fRunTypeNumber  = (Int_t)headerItr->getRunType();
00565       fMgpaGainNumber = (Int_t)headerItr->getMgpaGain();
00566       fFedId = (Int_t)headerItr->fedId() - 601;   // 1st Fed = 601, FedId = Fed number - 1 
00567       fEvtNumber = (Int_t)headerItr->getLV1(); 
00568       if( fEvtNumber <= 0 ){fEvtNumber = (Int_t);}
00570       if( fEvtNumber != fEvtNumberMemo )
00571         {
00572           fEvtNumberMemo = fEvtNumber;
00574           //============================================
00575           //  cmsRun INTERRUPTION if analysis complete
00576           //  or if fCurrentEventNumber >= LastReqEvent
00577           //============================================
00578           if( AnalysisOutcome("EVT") == kTRUE ){return;}
00580           // no interruption => event has to be analyzed
00582           fCurrentEventNumber++;
00584           if( fRecNumber ==   1 || fRecNumber ==   50 || fRecNumber == 100 ||
00585               fRecNumber == 500 || fRecNumber == 1000 || fRecNumber%iFreq == 0 ){Int_t n1 =1; CheckMsg(n1);}
00587           if( fCurrentEventNumber < fFirstReqEvent )return; // skip events before fFirstReqEvent
00588         }
00590       //.................. Increment Run type and MgpaGain counters
00591       if( fRunTypeNumber  >= 0 && fRunTypeNumber  < fMaxRunTypeCounter  ){fRunTypeCounter[fRunTypeNumber]++;}
00592       if( fMgpaGainNumber >= 0 && fMgpaGainNumber < fMaxMgpaGainCounter ){fMgpaGainCounter[fMgpaGainNumber]++;}
00594       //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User's analysis cut %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00596       if( !(
00597             fRunNumber > 0 &&
00598             fRunTypeNumber == fChozenRunTypeNumber &&
00599             ( fMgpaGainNumber == fChozenGainNumber || fChozenGainNumber == 0 )
00600             )
00601           ) return;
00603       //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
00605       if( fMemoCutOK == 0 ){fMemoCutOK = 1;}
00607       //---- Accelerating selection with "FED-TCC" number [ from headerItr->getDccInTCCCommand() ]
00608       //     Arrays fSMFromFedTcc[] and fESFromFedTcc[] are initialised in Init()
00610       if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
00611         {
00612           fFedTcc = (Int_t)headerItr->getDccInTCCCommand();
00614           if( fFedTcc >= 1 && fFedTcc <= MaxSMAndDS )
00615             {
00616               if( fStexName == "SM" )
00617                 {
00618                   if( fFedTcc < 10 || fFedTcc > 45 )return;
00620                   if( fSMFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] >= 1 && fSMFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] <= fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB() &&
00621                       fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[fSMFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] >= fReqNbOfEvts )return;
00622                 }
00624               if( fStexName == "Dee" )
00625                 {
00626                   if( fFedTcc >= 10 && fFedTcc <= 45 )return;
00628                   if( fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] >= 1 && fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] <= fMyEEEcal->MaxDSInEE() &&
00629                       fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] >= fReqNbOfEvts )return;
00630                 }
00631             } // end of if( fFedTcc >= 1 && fFedTcc <= MaxSMAndDS )
00632         } // end of if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
00634       //.................. Increment FedId counters     
00635       if( fFedId >= 0 && fFedId < fMaxFedIdCounter ){fFedIdCounter[fFedId]++;}
00637     } // end of for(EcalRawDataCollection::const_iterator headerItr=myEventHeader->begin();
00638       // headerItr != myEventHeader->end();++headerItr)
00640   if( fMemoCutOK == 0 )return;   // return if no event passed the user's analysis cut
00642   //========================== SELECTED EVENTS ================================
00644   fNbOfSelectedEvents++;
00645   if( fNbOfSelectedEvents == 1 ){Int_t n2 = 2; CheckMsg(n2);}
00647   //============================ Ecna init for the pointers array =================================
00648   //.................................................................. EB (SM)
00649   if( fMyCnaEBSM == 0 && fStexName == "SM" )
00650     {
00651       fMyCnaEBSM = new TEcnaRun*[fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB()];
00653       for(Int_t i0SM = 0; i0SM < fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB(); i0SM++)
00654         {fMyCnaEBSM[i0SM] = 0;}
00656       //for(Int_t iSM = 0; iSM < fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB(); iSM++)
00657       //{
00658       // if( (fStexNumber > 0 && iSM == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
00659       //  {
00660       //   fMyCnaEBSM[iSM] = new TEcnaRun("EB", fNbOfSamples);
00661       //   fMyCnaEBSM[iSM]->GetReadyToReadData(fAnalysisName,  fRunNumber,
00662       //                                          fFirstReqEvent, fLastReqEvent, fReqNbOfEvts,
00663       //                                          iSM+1,          fRunTypeNumber);
00664       //   std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> ********* INIT ECNA EB ********* " << endl
00665       //           << "                                   fAnalysisName = " << fAnalysisName << endl
00666       //           << "                                      fRunNumber = " << fRunNumber << endl
00667       //           << "                                  fFirstReqEvent = " << fFirstReqEvent << endl
00668       //           << "                                   fLastReqEvent = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
00669       //           << "                                    fReqNbOfEvts = " << fReqNbOfEvts << endl
00670       //           << "                                              SM = " << iSM+1 << endl
00671       //           << "                                        run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber) << endl;
00672       // }
00673       //  if( fStexNumber > 0 && iSM != fStexNumber-1 ){fMyCnaEBSM[iSM] = new TEcnaRun();}
00674       //}
00676     }
00677   //.................................................................. EE (Dee)
00678   if( fMyCnaEEDee == 0 && fStexName == "Dee" )
00679     {
00680       fMyCnaEEDee = new TEcnaRun*[fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE()];
00681       for(Int_t iDee = 0; iDee < fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE(); iDee++)
00682         {fMyCnaEEDee[iDee] = 0;}
00685       //for(Int_t iDee = 0; iDee < fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE(); iDee++)
00686       //{ 
00687       // if( (fStexNumber > 0 && iDee == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
00688       //   {
00689       //      fMyCnaEEDee[iDee] = new TEcnaRun("EE", fNbOfSamples);
00690       //      fMyCnaEEDee[iDee]->GetReadyToReadData(fAnalysisName,  fRunNumber,
00691       //                                            fFirstReqEvent, fLastReqEvent, fReqNbOfEvts,
00692       //                                            iDee+1,         fRunTypeNumber);
00693       //      
00694       //     std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> ********* INIT ECNA EE ********* " << endl
00695       //           << "                                   fAnalysisName = " << fAnalysisName << endl
00696       //           << "                                      fRunNumber = " << fRunNumber << endl
00697       //           << "                                  fFirstReqEvent = " << fFirstReqEvent << endl
00698       //           << "                                   fLastReqEvent = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
00699       //           << "                                    fReqNbOfEvts = " << fReqNbOfEvts << endl
00700       //           << "                                             Dee = " << iDee+1 << endl
00701       //           << "                                        run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber) << endl;
00702       //     }
00703       //   if( fStexNumber > 0 && iDee != fStexNumber-1 ){fMyCnaEEDee[iDee] = new TEcnaRun();}
00704       //        }
00705     }
00707   //============================ EVENT TREATMENT ==============================
00709   Int_t MaxNbOfStex = 0;
00710   if( fStexName == "SM"  ){MaxNbOfStex = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB();}
00711   if( fStexName == "Dee" ){MaxNbOfStex = fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE();}
00713   if( (fStexNumber > 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == 0) || (fStexNumber == 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs < MaxNbOfStex) )
00714     {
00715       //================================================================= Record type EB (SM)
00716       if( fStexName == "SM" && fSMIndexBegin < fSMIndexStop )
00717         {
00718           //......................................... Get digisEB
00719           Handle<EBDigiCollection> pdigisEB;
00720           const EBDigiCollection* digisEB = 0;
00721           try{
00722             iEvent.getByLabel(digiProducer_, EBdigiCollection_, pdigisEB); 
00723             digisEB = pdigisEB.product();
00724           }catch (std::exception& ex ){
00725             std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product " << EBdigiCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;
00726           }
00728           // Initialize vectors if not already done
00729           if ( int(digisEB->size()) > nChannels_ ){nChannels_ = digisEB->size();}
00731           //Int_t print_count = 0;
00732           if( Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) >= 0 &&
00733               Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) <=  Int_t(digisEB->size()) )
00734             {
00735               //..........................................EB
00736               //===============================================================================
00737               //
00738               //                    Loop over Ecal barrel digisEB (Xtals)
00739               //
00740               //===============================================================================
00742               for(EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = digisEB->begin(); digiItr != digisEB->end(); ++digiItr)
00743                 {
00744                   EBDetId id_crystal(digiItr->id());
00745                   // Int_t HashedIndex = id_crystal.hashedIndex();
00747                   Int_t i0SM = id_crystal.ism() - 1;    //   <============== GET the SM number - 1 here
00749                   //=============================== Init Ecna EB ===============================
00750                   if( fMyCnaEBSM[i0SM] == 0 )
00751                     {
00752                       fMyCnaEBSM[i0SM] = new TEcnaRun("EB", fNbOfSamples);
00753                       fMyCnaEBSM[i0SM]->GetReadyToReadData(fAnalysisName,  fRunNumber,
00754                                                            fFirstReqEvent, fLastReqEvent, fReqNbOfEvts,
00755                                                            i0SM+1,         fRunTypeNumber);
00757                       std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> ********* INIT ECNA EB ********* " << endl
00758                                 << "                                   fAnalysisName = " << fAnalysisName << endl
00759                                 << "                                      fRunNumber = " << fRunNumber << endl
00760                                 << "                                  fFirstReqEvent = " << fFirstReqEvent << endl
00761                                 << "                                   fLastReqEvent = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
00762                                 << "                                    fReqNbOfEvts = " << fReqNbOfEvts << endl
00763                                 << "                                              SM = " << i0SM+1 << endl
00764                                 << "                                        run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber) << endl;
00765                     }
00766                   //============================================================================
00768                   if( i0SM >= 0 && i0SM<fMaxTreatedStexCounter )
00769                     {
00770                       fStexDigiOK[i0SM]++;
00771                       if( fStexDigiOK[i0SM] == 1 ){fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM]++;}
00773                       if( fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM] >= 1 && fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
00774                       {
00775                         //......................................... date of first event
00776                         if( fStexDigiOK[i0SM] == 1 && fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM] == 1 &&
00777                             ( fStexNumber == 0 || i0SM+1 == fStexNumber )
00778                             )
00779                           {
00780                             edm::Timestamp Time = iEvent.time();
00781                             edm::TimeValue_t t_current_ev_time = (cond::Time_t)Time.value();
00782                             time_t         i_current_ev_time = (time_t)(t_current_ev_time>>32);
00783                             const time_t*  p_current_ev_time = &i_current_ev_time;
00784                             char*          astime            = ctime(p_current_ev_time);
00785                             fTimeFirst[i0SM] = i_current_ev_time;
00786                             fDateFirst[i0SM] = astime;
00787                             std::cout << "*----> beginning of analysis for " << fStexName << i0SM+1
00788                                       << ". First event date : " << astime << endl;
00789                               //      << " t_current_ev_time = " << t_current_ev_time  << endl
00790                               //      << " i_current_ev_time = " << i_current_ev_time  << endl
00791                               //      << " p_current_ev_time = " << p_current_ev_time  << endl
00792                           }
00794                           //=============================================> CUT on i0SM value
00795                           if( (fStexNumber > 0 && i0SM == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
00796                             { 
00797                               Int_t iEta = id_crystal.ietaSM(); // ietaSM() : range = [1,85]
00798                               Int_t iPhi = id_crystal.iphiSM(); // iphiSM() : range = [1,20]
00800                               Int_t n1SMCrys  =
00801                                 (iEta-1)*(fMyEBEcal->MaxTowPhiInSM()*fMyEBEcal->MaxCrysPhiInTow())+iPhi; // range = [1,1700]
00802                               Int_t n1SMTow   = fMyEBNumbering->Get1SMTowFrom1SMCrys(n1SMCrys);          // range = [1,68]
00803                               Int_t i0TowEcha = fMyEBNumbering->Get0TowEchaFrom1SMCrys(n1SMCrys);        // range = [0,24]
00805                               Int_t NbOfSamplesFromDigis = digiItr->size();
00807                               EBDataFrame df( *digiItr );
00809                               if( NbOfSamplesFromDigis > 0 && NbOfSamplesFromDigis <= fMyEBEcal->MaxSampADC() )
00810                                 {
00811                                   Double_t adcDBLS = (Double_t)0;
00812                                   // Three 1st samples mean value for Dynamic Base Line Substraction (DBLS)
00813                                   if( fDynBaseLineSub == "yes" )
00814                                     {
00815                                       for (Int_t i0Sample=0; i0Sample<3; i0Sample++)  
00816                                         {adcDBLS += (Double_t)(df.sample(i0Sample).adc());}
00817                                       adcDBLS /= (Double_t)3;
00818                                     }
00819                                   // Loop over the samples
00820                                   for (Int_t i0Sample=0; i0Sample<fNbOfSamples; i0Sample++)  
00821                                     {
00822                                       Double_t adc = (Double_t)(df.sample(i0Sample).adc()) - adcDBLS;
00823                                       //................................................. Calls to BuildEventDistributions
00824                                       if( fMyCnaEBSM[i0SM]->BuildEventDistributions
00825                                           (fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM],n1SMTow,i0TowEcha,i0Sample,adc) == kFALSE )
00826                                         {fBadBuildCnaRun++;}
00827                                     }
00828                                 }
00829                               else
00830                                 {
00831                                   std::cout << "EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> NbOfSamplesFromDigis out of bounds = "
00832                                             << NbOfSamplesFromDigis << endl;
00833                                 }
00834                             } // end of if( (fStexNumber > 0 && i0SM == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
00835                       } // end of if( fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM] >= 1 && fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0SM] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
00836                     } // end of if( i0SM >= 0 && i0SM<fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB() )
00837                 } // end of for (EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = digisEB->begin();
00838                   //             digiItr != digisEB->end(); ++digiItr)
00840               for(Int_t i0SM=0; i0SM<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i0SM++)
00841                 {
00842                   fStexDigiOK[i0SM] = 0;  // reset fStexDigiOK[i0SM] after loop on digis
00843                 }
00845             } // end of if( Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) >= 0 &&
00846               // Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) <=  Int_t(digisEB->size()) )
00847         } // end of if( fStexName == "SM" && fSMIndexBegin < fSMIndexStop )
00850       //=============================================================== Record type EE (Dee)
00851       if( fStexName == "Dee" && fDeeIndexBegin < fDeeIndexStop )
00852         {
00853           //......................................... Get digisEE
00854           Handle<EEDigiCollection> pdigisEE;
00855           const EEDigiCollection* digisEE = 0;
00856           try{
00857             iEvent.getByLabel(digiProducer_, EEdigiCollection_, pdigisEE); 
00858             digisEE = pdigisEE.product();
00859           }catch (std::exception& ex ){
00860             std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product " << EEdigiCollection_.c_str() << std::endl;
00861           }
00863           // Initialize vectors if not already done
00864           if( int(digisEE->size()) > nChannels_ ){nChannels_ = digisEE->size();}
00866           //Int_t print_count = 0;
00867           if( Int_t(digisEE->end()-digisEE->begin()) >= 0 &&
00868               Int_t(digisEE->end()-digisEE->begin()) <= Int_t(digisEE->size()) )
00869             {
00870               //======================================================================================
00871               //
00872               //                           Loop over Ecal endcap digisEE (Xtals)
00873               //
00874               //======================================================================================
00876               for (EEDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = digisEE->begin(); digiItr != digisEE->end(); ++digiItr) 
00877                 {         
00878                   EEDetId id_crystal(digiItr->id());
00880                   Int_t iX_data = id_crystal.ix();        // iX_data : range = [1,100]
00881                   Int_t iY_data = id_crystal.iy();        // iY_data : range = [1,100] 
00882                   Int_t i_quad  = id_crystal.iquadrant(); // iquadrant() : range = [1,4]
00883                   Int_t i_sgnZ  = id_crystal.zside();     //     zside() : values = -1,+1    
00885                   Int_t iX = iX_data;
00886                   Int_t iY = iY_data; // iY : range = [1,100]
00888                   //.......... See CMSSW/DataFormats/EcalDetId/src/  [ in which ix() = iX_data ]
00889                   if( i_quad == 1 || i_quad == 4 ){iX = iX_data - 50;} // iX_data : range = [51,100], iX : range = [1,50]
00890                   if( i_quad == 3 || i_quad == 2 ){iX = 51 - iX_data;} // iX_data : range = [50,1],   iX : range = [1,50]
00892                   Int_t n1DeeCrys =
00893                     (iX-1)*(fMyEEEcal->MaxSCIYInDee()*fMyEEEcal->MaxCrysIYInSC()) + iY; // n1DeeCrys: range = [1,5000]
00895                   Int_t n1DeeNumber = 0;
00896                   if( i_quad == 1 && i_sgnZ ==  1 ){n1DeeNumber = 2;}
00897                   if( i_quad == 1 && i_sgnZ == -1 ){n1DeeNumber = 3;}
00898                   if( i_quad == 2 && i_sgnZ ==  1 ){n1DeeNumber = 1;}
00899                   if( i_quad == 2 && i_sgnZ == -1 ){n1DeeNumber = 4;}
00900                   if( i_quad == 3 && i_sgnZ ==  1 ){n1DeeNumber = 1;}
00901                   if( i_quad == 3 && i_sgnZ == -1 ){n1DeeNumber = 4;}
00902                   if( i_quad == 4 && i_sgnZ ==  1 ){n1DeeNumber = 2;}
00903                   if( i_quad == 4 && i_sgnZ == -1 ){n1DeeNumber = 3;}
00905                   Int_t i0Dee = n1DeeNumber-1;   //   <============== GET the Dee number - 1 here
00907                   //=============================== Init Ecna EE ===============================
00908                   if( fMyCnaEEDee[i0Dee] == 0 )
00909                     {
00910                       fMyCnaEEDee[i0Dee] = new TEcnaRun("EE", fNbOfSamples);
00911                       fMyCnaEEDee[i0Dee]->GetReadyToReadData(fAnalysisName,  fRunNumber,
00912                                                              fFirstReqEvent, fLastReqEvent, fReqNbOfEvts,
00913                                                              i0Dee+1,         fRunTypeNumber);
00915                       std::cout << "*EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> ********* INIT ECNA EE ********* " << endl
00916                                 << "                                   fAnalysisName = " << fAnalysisName << endl
00917                                 << "                                      fRunNumber = " << fRunNumber << endl
00918                                 << "                                  fFirstReqEvent = " << fFirstReqEvent << endl
00919                                 << "                                   fLastReqEvent = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
00920                                 << "                                    fReqNbOfEvts = " << fReqNbOfEvts << endl
00921                                 << "                                             Dee = " << i0Dee+1 << endl
00922                                 << "                                        run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber) << endl;
00923                     }
00924                   //============================================================================
00926                   if( i0Dee >= 0 && i0Dee<fMaxTreatedStexCounter )
00927                     {
00928                       Bool_t cOKForTreatment = kFALSE;
00930                       if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
00931                         {
00932                           if( fFedTcc >= 1 && fFedTcc <= MaxSMAndDS )
00933                             {
00934                               fFedDigiOK[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1]++;
00936                               if( !(fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] == 5 || fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] == 14) )
00937                                 {  
00938                                   if( fFedDigiOK[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] == 1 )
00939                                     {
00940                                       fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1]++;
00941                                     }
00942                                   if( fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] >= 1 &&
00943                                       fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
00944                                     {
00945                                       fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] = fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1];
00946                                       cOKForTreatment = kTRUE;
00947                                     }
00948                                 }
00949                               if( fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] == 5 || fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1] == 14 )
00950                                 {
00951                                   if( fFedDigiOK[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] == 1 )
00952                                     {
00953                                       fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1]++;
00954                                       fDeeDS5Memo1 = n1DeeNumber;
00955                                       fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] = fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1];
00956                                     }
00957                                   else
00958                                     {
00959                                       if( fDeeDS5Memo2 == 0 )
00960                                         {
00961                                           if( n1DeeNumber != fDeeDS5Memo1 )
00962                                             {
00963                                               // change of Dee in Data sector 5
00964                                               fDeeDS5Memo2 = n1DeeNumber;
00965                                               fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] =
00966                                                 fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1];
00967                                             }
00968                                         }
00969                                     }
00970                                   if( fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] >= 1 &&
00971                                       fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
00972                                     {
00973                                       cOKForTreatment = kTRUE;
00974                                     }
00975                                 }
00976                             } // end of if( fFedTcc >= 1 && fFedTcc <= MaxSMAndDS )
00977                         } // end of if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
00978                       else
00979                         {
00980                           fStexDigiOK[i0Dee]++;
00981                           if( fStexDigiOK[i0Dee] == 1 ){fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee]++;}
00982                           if( fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] >= 1 &&
00983                               fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
00984                             {cOKForTreatment = kTRUE;}
00985                         }
00987                       if( cOKForTreatment== kTRUE )
00988                         {
00989                           //......................................... date of first event
00990                           if( ( !(fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12") &&
00991                                 fStexDigiOK[i0Dee] == 1 &&
00992                                 fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] == 1 ) ||
00993                               (  (fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12") && 
00994                                  fFedDigiOK[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] == 1 &&
00995                                  fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee] == 1 &&
00996                                  fMemoDateFirstEvent[i0Dee] == 0 ) )
00997                             {
00998                               edm::Timestamp Time = iEvent.time();
00999                               edm::TimeValue_t t_current_ev_time = (cond::Time_t)Time.value();
01000                               time_t         i_current_ev_time = (time_t)(t_current_ev_time>>32);
01001                               const time_t*  p_current_ev_time = &i_current_ev_time;
01002                               char*          astime            = ctime(p_current_ev_time);
01003                               fTimeFirst[i0Dee] = i_current_ev_time;
01004                               fDateFirst[i0Dee] = astime;
01005                               std::cout << "----- beginning of analysis for " << fStexName << i0Dee+1 << "-------"  << endl
01006                                 //<< " t_current_ev_time = " << t_current_ev_time  << endl
01007                                 //<< " i_current_ev_time = " << i_current_ev_time  << endl
01008                                 //<< " p_current_ev_time = " << p_current_ev_time  << endl
01009                                         << " First event date  = " << astime << endl
01010                                         << " Nb of selected evts = " << fNbOfSelectedEvents << endl
01011                                         << "---------------------------------------------------------------"  << endl;
01012                               fMemoDateFirstEvent[i0Dee]++;
01013                             }
01015                           //=============================================> cut on i0Dee value
01016                           if( (fStexNumber > 0 && i0Dee == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
01017                             {
01018                               TString sDir = fMyEENumbering->GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(n1DeeNumber);
01019                               Int_t n1DeeSCEcna = fMyEENumbering->Get1DeeSCEcnaFrom1DeeCrys(n1DeeCrys, sDir);
01020                               Int_t i0SCEcha = fMyEENumbering->Get1SCEchaFrom1DeeCrys(n1DeeCrys, sDir) - 1;
01022                               Int_t NbOfSamplesFromDigis = digiItr->size();
01024                               EEDataFrame df( *digiItr );
01026                               if( NbOfSamplesFromDigis > 0 && NbOfSamplesFromDigis <= fMyEEEcal->MaxSampADC() )
01027                                 {
01028                                   Double_t adcDBLS = (Double_t)0;
01029                                   // Three 1st samples mean value for Dynamic Base Line Substraction (DBLS)
01030                                   if( fDynBaseLineSub == "yes" )
01031                                     {
01032                                       for (Int_t i0Sample=0; i0Sample<3; i0Sample++)  
01033                                         {adcDBLS += (Double_t)(df.sample(i0Sample).adc());}
01034                                       adcDBLS /= (Double_t)3;
01035                                     }
01036                                   // Loop over the samples
01037                                   for (Int_t i0Sample = 0; i0Sample < fNbOfSamples; i0Sample++)  
01038                                     {
01039                                       Double_t adc = (Double_t)(df.sample(i0Sample).adc()) - adcDBLS;
01040                                       //................................................. Calls to BuildEventDistributions
01041                                       if( fMyCnaEEDee[i0Dee]->BuildEventDistributions
01042                                           (fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Dee],n1DeeSCEcna,i0SCEcha,i0Sample,adc) == kFALSE )
01043                                         {fBadBuildCnaRun++;}
01044                                     }
01045                                 }
01046                               else
01047                                 {
01048                                   std::cout << "EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> NbOfSamplesFromDigis out of bounds = "
01049                                             << NbOfSamplesFromDigis << endl;
01050                                 }
01051                             } // end of if( (fStexNumber > 0 && i0Dee == fStexNumber-1) || (fStexNumber == 0) )
01052                         } // end of if( fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] >= 1 &&
01053                           // fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[fESFromFedTcc[fFedTcc-1]-1] <= fReqNbOfEvts )
01054                     } // end of if( i0Dee >= 0 && i0Dee<fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )
01055                 } // end of for (EBDigiCollection::const_iterator digiItr = digisEB->begin();
01056                   //             digiItr != digisEB->end(); ++digiItr)
01058               // reset fStexDigiOK[i0Dee] or fFedDigiOK[i0Dee] to zero after loop on digis
01059               if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
01060                 {
01061                   for(Int_t i0FedES=0; i0FedES<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i0FedES++)
01062                     {fFedDigiOK[i0FedES] = 0;}
01064                   // reset fDeeDS5Memo1 and fDeeDS5Memo2 (for Data sector 5 versus Dee number  management)
01065                   fDeeDS5Memo1 = 0;
01066                   fDeeDS5Memo2 = 0;
01067                 }
01068               else
01069                 {
01070                   for(Int_t i0Dee=0; i0Dee<fMaxTreatedStexCounter; i0Dee++)
01071                     {fStexDigiOK[i0Dee] = 0;}
01072                 }
01074             } // end of if( Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) >= 0 &&
01075               // Int_t(digisEB->end()-digisEB->begin()) <=  Int_t(digisEB->size()) )
01077         } // end of if( fStexName == "Dee" && fDeeIndexBegin < fDeeIndexStop )
01078     }  // end of if( (fStexNumber > 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == 0) || (fStexNumber == 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs < MaxNbOfStex) )
01080   //=============================================================================================
01081   //
01082   //                    Number of treated events. Setting Stex and Fed status.
01083   //
01084   //=============================================================================================
01086   // (take into account the "Accelerating selection with FED number" section - see above -)
01087   if( fStexName == "SM" ||
01088       ( fStexName == "Dee" && !( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" ) )
01089       )  // one FED = one SM = one Stex
01090     {
01091       for(Int_t i0Stex=fStexIndexBegin; i0Stex<fStexIndexStop; i0Stex++)
01092         {
01093           if( fStexStatus[i0Stex] != 2 )  // do not change fStexStatus[i0Stex] if already set to 2
01094             // even if fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Stex] == fReqNbOfEvts 
01095             {
01096               if( fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Stex] == fReqNbOfEvts ){fStexStatus[i0Stex] = 1;}
01097               if( fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[i0Stex] >  fReqNbOfEvts ){fStexStatus[i0Stex] = 2;}
01098             }
01099         }
01100     }
01102   // one FED = one Data Sector (DS or ES)
01103   if( fStexName == "Dee" &&
01104       ( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12" || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" ) )
01105     {
01106       for(Int_t i0FedES=0; i0FedES<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i0FedES++)
01107         {
01108           if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] != 2 )  // do not change fFedStatus[i0FedES] if already set to 2
01109             // even if fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES] == fReqNbOfEvts 
01110             {
01111               if( fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES] == fReqNbOfEvts )
01112                 {
01113                   fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 1;
01114                   fTreatedFedOrder++; fFedStatusOrder[i0FedES] = fTreatedFedOrder;
01115                 }
01116               if( fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES] >  fReqNbOfEvts ){fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 2;}
01117             }
01118         }
01120       Int_t j0Fed = 4;
01121       //..................................................... Dee 4 (DS 1,2,3,4 ; ES 1,2,3,4)
01122       for( Int_t i0FedES= 0; i0FedES<= 3; i0FedES++ )
01123         {if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 1 ){fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[3]++; fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 2;}}
01125       //..................................................... Dee 3, Dee 4 (DS 5 ; ES 5)
01126       j0Fed = 4;
01127       if( fFedStatus[j0Fed] == 1 )
01128         {fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[3]++; fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[2]++; fFedStatus[j0Fed] = 2;}
01130        //.................................................... Dee 3 (DS 6,7,8,9 ; ES 6,7,8,9)
01131       for( Int_t i0FedES= 5; i0FedES<= 8; i0FedES++ )
01132         {if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 1 ){fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[2]++; fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 2;}}
01134       //..................................................... Dee 1 (DS 1,2,3,4 ; ES 10,11,12,13)
01135       for( Int_t i0FedES= 9; i0FedES<=12; i0FedES++ )
01136         {if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 1 ){fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[0]++; fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 2;}}
01138       //..................................................... Dee 1, Dee 2 (DS 5 ; ES 5)
01139       j0Fed = 13;
01140       if( fFedStatus[j0Fed] == 1 )
01141         {fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[0]++; fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[1]++; fFedStatus[j0Fed] = 2;}
01143       //..................................................... Dee 2 (DS 6,7,8,9 ; ES 15,16,17,18)
01144       for( Int_t i0FedES=14; i0FedES<=17; i0FedES++ )
01145         {if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 1 ){fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[1]++; fFedStatus[i0FedES] = 2;}}
01147       //-----------------------------------------------------
01148       for( Int_t i0Dee=0; i0Dee<4; i0Dee++ )
01149         {
01150           if( fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex[i0Dee] >= 0 && fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex[i0Dee] < 5 )
01151             {fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex[i0Dee] = fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[i0Dee];}
01152           if( fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[i0Dee] == 5 )
01153             {fStexStatus[i0Dee] = 1; fNbOfTreatedFedsInDee[i0Dee] = 0;}
01154         }
01156     } // end of if( fStexName == "Dee" &&
01157       // ( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" ) )
01159   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01160   for(Int_t i0Stex=fStexIndexBegin; i0Stex<fStexIndexStop; i0Stex++)
01161     {
01162       if( fStexStatus[i0Stex] == 1 )
01163         {
01164           fNbOfTreatedStexs++; // increase nb of treated Stex's only if fStexStatus[i0Stex] == 1
01165           //....................................................... date of last event
01166           edm::Timestamp Time = iEvent.time();
01167           edm::TimeValue_t t_current_ev_time = (cond::Time_t)Time.value();
01168           time_t         i_current_ev_time = (time_t)(t_current_ev_time>>32);
01169           const time_t*  p_current_ev_time = &i_current_ev_time;
01170           char*          astime            = ctime(p_current_ev_time);
01171           fTimeLast[i0Stex] = i_current_ev_time;
01172           fDateLast[i0Stex] = astime;
01174           std::cout << "---------- End of analysis for " << fStexName << i0Stex+1 << " -----------" << endl;
01175           Int_t n3 = 3; CheckMsg(n3, i0Stex);
01176           // std::cout     << " t_current_ev_time = " << t_current_ev_time  << endl
01177           //<< " i_current_ev_time = " << i_current_ev_time  << endl
01178           //<< " p_current_ev_time = " << p_current_ev_time  << endl
01179           std::cout         << " Last event date           = " << astime << endl
01180                             << " Number of selected events = " << fNbOfSelectedEvents << endl;
01181           std::cout << endl << fNbOfTreatedStexs << " " << fStexName
01182                     << "'s with " << fReqNbOfEvts << " events analyzed." << endl
01183                     << "---------------------------------------------------------"  << endl;
01185           //================================= WRITE RESULTS FILE
01186           if( fStexName == "SM" )
01187             {
01188               if( fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex] != 0 )
01189                 {
01190                   //........................................ register dates 1 and 2
01191                   fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex]->StartStopDate(fDateFirst[i0Stex], fDateLast[i0Stex]);
01192                   fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex]->StartStopTime(fTimeFirst[i0Stex], fTimeLast[i0Stex]);
01194                   //........................................ get the sample values in array
01195                   fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex]->GetReadyToCompute();
01196                   fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex]->SampleValues();
01198                   //........................................ write the sample values in .root file
01199                   if( fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex]->WriteRootFile() == kFALSE )
01200                     {
01201                       std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer::analyze> PROBLEM with write ROOT file for SM" << i0Stex+1
01202                                 << fTTBELL << endl;
01203                     }
01204                 }
01205               // set pointer to zero in order to avoid recalculation and rewriting at the destructor level
01206               delete fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex];  fMyCnaEBSM[i0Stex] = 0;
01207               std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer::analyze> Set memory free: delete done for SM " << i0Stex+1 << endl;
01208             }
01210           if( fStexName == "Dee" )
01211             {
01212               if( fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex] != 0 )
01213                 {
01214                   //........................................ register dates 1 and 2
01215                   fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]->StartStopDate(fDateFirst[i0Stex], fDateLast[i0Stex]);
01216                   fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]->StartStopTime(fTimeFirst[i0Stex], fTimeLast[i0Stex]);
01218                   //........................................ get the sample values in array
01219                   fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]->GetReadyToCompute();
01220                   fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]->SampleValues();
01222                   //........................................ write the sample values in .root file
01223                   if(fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]->WriteRootFile() == kFALSE )
01224                     {
01225                       std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer::analyze> PROBLEM with write ROOT file for Dee" << i0Stex+1
01226                                 << fTTBELL << endl;
01227                     }
01228                 }
01229               // set pointer to zero in order to avoid recalculation and rewriting at the destructor level
01230               delete fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex]; fMyCnaEEDee[i0Stex] = 0;
01231               std::cout << "!EcnaAnalyzer::analyze> Set memory free: delete done for Dee " << i0Stex+1 << endl;
01232             }
01234           fStexStatus[i0Stex] = 2;        // set fStexStatus[i0Stex] to 2 definitively
01235           std::cout << "*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl;
01237         } // end of if( fStexStatus[i0Stex] == 1 )
01238     } // end of for(Int_t i0Stex=fStexIndexBegin; i0Stex<fStexIndexStop; i0Stex++)
01239 }
01240 // end of EcnaAnalyzer::analyse(...)
01242 Bool_t EcnaAnalyzer::AnalysisOutcome(const TString s_opt)
01243 {
01244   //---- STOP if end of analysis
01246   Bool_t result = kFALSE;
01248   if( s_opt == "EVT" )
01249     {
01250       Int_t MaxNbOfStex = 0;
01251       if( fStexName == "SM"  ){MaxNbOfStex = fMyEBEcal->MaxSMInEB();}
01252       if( fStexName == "Dee" ){MaxNbOfStex = fMyEEEcal->MaxDeeInEE();}
01254       if( ( (fStexNumber > 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == 1) ||
01255             (fStexNumber == 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == MaxNbOfStex) ) &&
01256           ( (fLastReqEvent < fFirstReqEvent) ||
01257             (fLastReqEvent >= fFirstReqEvent && fCurrentEventNumber <= fLastReqEvent) )
01258           )
01259         {
01260           std::cout << endl
01261                     << "**************************** ANALYSIS REPORT > OK **************************************" << endl
01262                     << "*EcnaAnalyzer::AnalysisOutcome(...)> The maximum requested number of events and the maximum" << endl
01263                     << "                                     number of treated " << fStexName
01264                     << "'s have been reached." << endl
01265                     << "                                     Analysis successfully ended from EcnaAnalyzer " << endl
01266                     << "                                     by SIGNAL: kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2)." << endl
01267                     << "                                     Number of selected events   = " << fNbOfSelectedEvents << endl
01268                     << "                                     Last requested event number = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
01269                     << "                                     Current event number        = " << fCurrentEventNumber << endl;
01271           Int_t n0 = 0; CheckMsg(n0);
01273           std::cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl
01274                     << endl;
01276           result = kTRUE;
01277           kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2);
01278         }
01280       if( fLastReqEvent >= fFirstReqEvent && fCurrentEventNumber > fLastReqEvent &&
01281           ! ( (fStexNumber > 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == 1) ||
01282               (fStexNumber == 0 && fNbOfTreatedStexs == MaxNbOfStex) ) )
01283         {
01284           std::cout << endl
01285                     << "**************************** ANALYSIS REPORT >>> *** WARNING *** WARNING *** WARNING ***" << endl
01286                     << "*EcnaAnalyzer::AnalysisOutcome(...)> Last event reached before completion of analysis." << endl
01287                     << "                                     Analysis ended from EcnaAnalyzer " << endl
01288                     << "                                     by SIGNAL: kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2)." << endl
01289                     << "                                     Number of selected events   = " << fNbOfSelectedEvents << endl
01290                     << "                                     Last requested event number = " << fLastReqEvent << endl
01291                     << "                                     Current event number        = " << fCurrentEventNumber << endl;
01293           Int_t n0 = 0; CheckMsg(n0);
01295           std::cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl
01296                     << endl;
01298           result = kTRUE;
01299           kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2);
01300         }
01301     }
01302   else
01303     {
01304       if( s_opt == "ERR_FNEG" )
01305         {
01306           std::cout << endl
01307                     << "**************************** ANALYSIS REPORT >>> **** ERROR **** ERROR **** ERROR ******" << endl
01308                     << "*EcnaAnalyzer::AnalysisOutcome(...)> First event number = " << fFirstReqEvent
01309                     << ". Should be strictly potitive." << endl
01310                     << "                             Analysis ended from EcnaAnalyzer " << endl
01311                     << "                             by SIGNAL: kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2)." << endl;
01313           std::cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl
01314                     << endl;
01316           result = kTRUE;
01317           kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2);
01318         }
01319       if( s_opt == "ERR_LREQ" )
01320         {
01321           std::cout << endl
01322                     << "**************************** ANALYSIS REPORT >>> **** ERROR **** ERROR **** ERROR ******" << endl
01323                     << "*EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(...)> Requested number of events = " << fReqNbOfEvts << "." << endl
01324                     << "                             Too large compared to the event range: "
01325                     << fFirstReqEvent << " - " << fLastReqEvent << endl
01326                     << "                             Analysis ended from EcnaAnalyzer " << endl
01327                     << "                             by SIGNAL: kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2)." << endl;
01329           std::cout << "****************************************************************************************" << endl
01330                     << endl;
01332           result = kTRUE;
01333           kill(getpid(),SIGUSR2);
01334         }
01335     }
01336   return result;
01337 } // end of EcnaAnalyzer::AnalysisOutcome(const Int_t& n_option)
01339 void EcnaAnalyzer::CheckMsg(const Int_t& MsgNum)
01340 {Int_t nm1 = -1; CheckMsg(MsgNum, nm1);}
01342 void EcnaAnalyzer::CheckMsg(const Int_t& MsgNum, const Int_t& i0Stex)
01343 {
01344   //------ Cross-check messages
01346   if( MsgNum == 1 )
01347     {std::cout << "---------------- CROSS-CHECK A ------------------ " << endl
01348                << "**************** CURRENT EVENT ****************** " << endl;}
01349   if( MsgNum == 2 )
01350     {std::cout << "---------------- CROSS-CHECK B ------------------ " << endl
01351                << "**** FIRST EVENT PASSING USER'S ANALYSIS CUT **** " << endl;}
01352   if( MsgNum == 3 )
01353     {std::cout << "---------------- CROSS-CHECK C ------------------ " << endl
01354                << "*** CURRENT VALUES BEFORE RESULT FILE WRITING *** " << endl;}
01355   if( MsgNum == 3 || MsgNum == 4 )
01356     {std::cout << "          fRecNumber = " << fRecNumber << endl
01357                << "          fEvtNumber = " << fEvtNumber << endl;}
01359   std::cout << " fCurrentEventNumber = " << fCurrentEventNumber << endl
01360             << " fNbOfSelectedEvents = " << fNbOfSelectedEvents << endl
01361             << "          fRunNumber = " << fRunNumber << endl
01362             << "     Chozen run type = " << runtype(fChozenRunTypeNumber) << endl
01363             << "            Run type = " << runtype(fRunTypeNumber) << endl
01364             << "             fFedTcc = " << fFedTcc << endl
01365             << "        fFedId(+601) = " << fFedId+601 << endl
01366             << "           fStexName = " << fStexName << endl
01367             << "         Chozen gain = " << gainvalue(fChozenGainNumber) << endl 
01368             << "           Mgpa Gain = " << gainvalue(fMgpaGainNumber) << endl << endl;
01370   if( fAnalysisName == "AdcPeg12"  || fAnalysisName == "AdcSPeg12" )
01371     {
01372       if( fStexName == "SM" )
01373         {
01374           for(Int_t j0Stex=fStexIndexBegin; j0Stex<fStexIndexStop; j0Stex++)
01375             {
01376               Int_t nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];
01377               if( fStexStatus[j0Stex] == 1 ){nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];}
01378               if( fStexStatus[j0Stex] == 2 ){nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];}
01380               std::cout << fStexName << setw(3) << j0Stex+1 << ": "
01381                         << setw(5) << nStexNbOfTreatedEvents << " events. "
01382                         << fStexName << " status: " << fStexStatus[j0Stex];
01383               if( j0Stex == i0Stex ){std::cout << " (going to write file for this " << fStexName << ").";}
01384               std::cout << endl; 
01385             }
01386         }
01388       if( fStexName == "Dee" )
01389         {
01390           for(Int_t i0FedES=0; i0FedES<fMaxFedUnitCounter; i0FedES++)
01391             {
01392               Int_t nFedNbOfTreatedEvents = fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES];
01393               if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 1 ){nFedNbOfTreatedEvents = fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES];}
01394               if( fFedStatus[i0FedES] == 2 ){nFedNbOfTreatedEvents = fFedNbOfTreatedEvents[i0FedES];}
01396               std::cout << "Fed (ES) " << setw(3) << i0FedES+1 << ": "
01397                         << setw(5) << nFedNbOfTreatedEvents << " events."
01398                         << " Fed status: " << fFedStatus[i0FedES]
01399                         << ", order: " << setw(3) << fFedStatusOrder[i0FedES]
01400                         << " (" << fDeeNumberString[i0FedES] << ")" << endl;
01401             }
01403           for(Int_t j0Stex=fStexIndexBegin; j0Stex<fStexIndexStop; j0Stex++)
01404             {
01405               Int_t nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];
01406               if( fStexStatus[j0Stex] == 1 ){nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];}
01407               if( fStexStatus[j0Stex] == 2 ){nStexNbOfTreatedEvents = fStexNbOfTreatedEvents[j0Stex];}
01409               std::cout << fStexName << setw(3) << j0Stex+1 << ": "
01410                         << setw(5) << fNbOfTreatedFedsInStex[j0Stex] << " analyzed Fed(s). "
01411                         << fStexName << " status: " << fStexStatus[j0Stex];
01412               if( j0Stex == i0Stex ){std::cout << " (going to write file for this " << fStexName << ").";}
01413               std::cout << endl; 
01414             }
01415         }
01417       std::cout << "Number of " << fStexName << "'s with "
01418                 << fReqNbOfEvts << " events analyzed: " << fNbOfTreatedStexs << endl;
01419     }
01421   if( MsgNum == 1 || MsgNum == 2 )
01422     {std::cout << "*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- " << endl;}
01423   if( MsgNum == 3 )
01424     {std::cout << "*............................................................................ " << endl;}
01426 } // end of EcnaAnalyzer::CheckMsg(const Int_t& MsgNum, const Int_t& i0Stex)
01428 TString EcnaAnalyzer::runtype(const Int_t& numtype)
01429 {
01430   TString cType = "?";
01432   if( numtype ==  0 ){cType = "COSMICS";}
01433   if( numtype ==  1 ){cType = "BEAMH4";}
01434   if( numtype ==  2 ){cType = "BEAMH2";}
01435   if( numtype ==  3 ){cType = "MTCC";}
01436   if( numtype ==  4 ){cType = "LASER_STD";}
01437   if( numtype ==  5 ){cType = "LASER_POWER_SCAN";}
01438   if( numtype ==  6 ){cType = "LASER_DELAY_SCAN";}
01439   if( numtype ==  7 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_SCAN_MEM";}
01440   if( numtype ==  8 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_MGPA";}
01441   if( numtype ==  9 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_STD";}
01442   if( numtype == 10 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_OFFSET_SCAN";}
01443   if( numtype == 11 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_25NS_SCAN";}
01444   if( numtype == 12 ){cType = "LED_STD";}
01446   if( numtype == 13 ){cType = "PHYSICS_GLOBAL";}
01447   if( numtype == 14 ){cType = "COSMICS_GLOBAL";}
01448   if( numtype == 15 ){cType = "HALO_GLOBAL";}
01450   if( numtype == 16 ){cType = "LASER_GAP";}
01451   if( numtype == 17 ){cType = "TESTPULSE_GAP";}
01452   if( numtype == 18 ){cType = "PEDESTAL_GAP";}
01453   if( numtype == 19 ){cType = "LED_GAP";}
01455   if( numtype == 20 ){cType = "PHYSICS_LOCAL";}
01456   if( numtype == 21 ){cType = "COSMICS_LOCAL";}
01457   if( numtype == 22 ){cType = "HALO_LOCAL";}
01458   if( numtype == 23 ){cType = "CALIB_LOCAL";}
01460   if( numtype == 24 ){cType = "PEDSIM";}
01462   return cType;
01463 }
01465 Int_t EcnaAnalyzer::gainvalue(const Int_t& numgain)
01466 {
01467   Int_t value = 0;
01469   if( numgain == 1 ){value = 12;}
01470   if( numgain == 2 ){value =  6;}
01471   if( numgain == 3 ){value =  1;}
01473   return value;
01474 }