Enumerations | Functions | Variables

/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_4_1_8_patch9/src/SimCalorimetry/EcalElectronicsEmulation/bin/ File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "ecalDccMap.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  roAction_t {
  suppress = 0, sr2, sr1, full,
  fsuppress, fsr2, fsr1, ffull


void abConnect (int iAB, int iABCh, int &iOtherAB, int &iOtherABCh)
int abNum (int iABEta, int iABPhi)
void fillABIOFiles (const char ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], const char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi], const char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins], ofstream files[])
void fillABSRPFiles (const char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi], const char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins], ofstream files[nAB])
void fillABSRPFiles (const char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi], const char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins], ofstream files[])
void fillABTTFFiles (const char ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], ofstream files[])
string getABABInputStream (const char tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], int iABEta, int iABPhi, int iABCh)
string getABABOutputStream (const char tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], int iABEta, int iABPhi, int iABCh)
string getABDCCOutputStream (const char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi], const char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins], int iABEta, int iABPhi, int DCCCh)
string getABTCCInputStream (const char tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], int iABEta, int iABPhi, int iTCCCh)
void getABTTPhiBounds (int iABPhi, int &iTTPhiMin, int &iTTPhiMax)
string getFlagStream (char flags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi], int iEtaMin, int iEtaMax, int iPhiMin, int iPhiMax)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
bool readSRF (FILE *file, char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi], char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins])
bool readTTF (FILE *file, char ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi])
void writeABIOFileHeader (ofstream &f, int abNum)
void writeABSRFFileHeader (ofstream &f, int abNum)
void writeABTTFFileHeader (ofstream &f, int abNum)


const char * abIOFilePostfix = ".txt"
const char * abIOFilePrefix = "IO_AB"
const char * abSRFFilePostfix = ".txt"
const char * abSRFFilePrefix = "AF_AB"
const char * abTTFFilePostfix = ".txt"
const char * abTTFFilePrefix = "TTF_AB"
roAction_t actions [nactions]
vector< pair< int, int > > ecalDccSC [nEndcaps][nDCCEE]
int iEvent = 0
const int iTCCEtaBounds [nTCCInEta+1] = {0,7,11,28,45,49,56}
const int iTTEtaMax [nABInEta] = {10,27,44,55}
const int iTTEtaMin [nABInEta] = {0,11,28,45}
const int iTTEtaSign [nABInEta] = {-1,-1,1,1}
const int nAB = nABInPhi*nABInEta
const int nABABCh = 8
const int nABInEta = 4
const int nABInPhi = 3
const int nABTCCCh = 12
const int nactions = 8
static const int nBarrelEtaBins = 170
static const int nBarrelPhiBins = 360
static const int nBarrelTowerEtaBins = nBarrelEtaBins/5
static const int nBarrelTowerPhiBins = nBarrelPhiBins/5
static const int nBarrelTTInEta = 34
const int nDCCCh = 12
const int nDCCEE = 9
static const int nEndcaps = 2
static const int nEndcapTTInEta = 11
static const int nEndcapXBins = 100
static const int nEndcapYBins = 100
static const int nSupercrystalXBins = nEndcapXBins/supercrystalEdge
static const int nSupercrystalYBins = nEndcapYBins/supercrystalEdge
const int nTCCInEta = 6
const int nTTInABAlongEta = nTTInEta/nABInEta
const int nTTInABAlongPhi = nTTInPhi/nABInPhi
static const int nTTInEta
static const int nTTInPhi = 72
char roFlagMarker []
const char * srfFilename = "SRF.txt"
char srp2roFlags [128]
const char srpFlagMarker [] = {'.', 'S', 'N', 'C', '4','5','6','7'}
static const int supercrystalEdge = 5
const char tccFlagMarker [] = {'.', 'S', '?', 'C', '4', '5', '6', '7'}
int theAB = -1
const char * ttfFilename = "TTF.txt"
const char * xconnectFilename = "xconnect_universal.txt"

Detailed Description

GenABIO is a standalone program to produce individual SRP card trigger tower and selective readout action flags from TTF.txt and SRF.txt global flag files. Run 'GenABIO -h' for usage.

Definition in file

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum roAction_t

Definition at line 193 of file

Function Documentation

void abConnect ( int  iAB,
int  iABCh,
int &  iOtherAB,
int &  iOtherABCh 

Definition at line 851 of file

References trackerHits::c, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, cmsRelvalreport::exit, f, i, nAB, nABABCh, NULL, and xconnectFilename.

Referenced by getABABInputStream().

  static bool firstCall = true;
  static int xconnectMap[nAB][nABABCh][2];
    FILE* f = fopen(xconnectFilename, "r");
      cerr << "Error. Failed to open xconnect definition file,"
           << xconnectFilename << endl;
    //skips two first lines:
    for(int i=0; i<2; ++i){
      int c;
      while((c=getc(f))!='\n' && c >=0);
    int ilink = 0 ;
      int abIn;
      int pinIn;
      int abOut;
      int pinOut;
      if(4==fscanf(f, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", &abIn, &pinIn, &abOut, &pinOut)){
        xconnectMap[abIn][pinIn][0] = abOut;
        xconnectMap[abIn][pinIn][1] = pinOut;
      cerr << "Error cross-connect definition file " << xconnectFilename
           << " contains an unexpected number of link definition."
           << endl;
    firstCall = false;

  iOtherAB = xconnectMap[iAB][iABCh][0];
  iOtherABCh = xconnectMap[iAB][iABCh][1];
int abNum ( int  iABEta,
int  iABPhi 
) [inline]

Definition at line 217 of file

Referenced by fillABIOFiles(), fillABSRPFiles(), fillABTTFFiles(), and getABABInputStream().

{return 3*iABEta+iABPhi;}
void fillABIOFiles ( const char  ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
const char  barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
const char  endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins],
ofstream  files[] 

Definition at line 472 of file

References abNum(), getABABInputStream(), getABABOutputStream(), getABDCCOutputStream(), getABTCCInputStream(), iEvent, nABABCh, nABInEta, nABInPhi, nABTCCCh, and nDCCCh.

Referenced by main().

  for(int iABEta=0; iABEta < nABInEta; ++iABEta){
    for(int iABPhi=0; iABPhi < nABInPhi; ++iABPhi){
      int iAB = abNum(iABEta, iABPhi);
      //      writeABIOFileHeader(files[iAB], iAB);
      files[iAB] << "# Event " << iEvent << "\n"; 
      //TCC inputs:
      for(int iTCC=0; iTCC< nABTCCCh; ++iTCC){
        files[iAB] << "ITCC" << iTCC+1 << ":"
                   << getABTCCInputStream(ttFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, iTCC)
                   << "\n";
      //AB inputs:
      for(int iABCh=0; iABCh<nABABCh; ++iABCh){
        files[iAB] << "IAB" <<  iABCh+1 << ":"
                   << getABABInputStream(ttFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, iABCh)
                   << "\n";
      //AB outputs:
      for(int iABCh=0; iABCh<nABABCh; ++iABCh){
        files[iAB] << "OAB" <<  iABCh+1 << ":"
                   << getABABOutputStream(ttFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, iABCh)
                   << "\n";
      //DCC output:
      for(int iDCCCh=0; iDCCCh<nDCCCh; ++iDCCCh){
        files[iAB] << "ODCC";
        files[iAB]<< (iDCCCh<=8?"0":"") << iDCCCh+1 << ":"
                  << getABDCCOutputStream(barrelSrFlags, endcapSrFlags, iABEta, iABPhi,iDCCCh)
                  << "\n";
      files[iAB] << "#\n";
void fillABSRPFiles ( const char  barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
const char  endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins],
ofstream  files[nAB] 

Definition at line 402 of file

References abNum(), abOfDcc(), dccIndexOfRU(), linker::files, getABTTPhiBounds(), i, iEvent, iTTEtaMax, iTTEtaMin, iTTEtaSign, mod(), nAB, nABInPhi, nEndcaps, nEndcapTTInEta, nSupercrystalXBins, nSupercrystalYBins, nTTInABAlongPhi, and srp2roFlags.

  //event headers:
  for(int iAB=0; iAB < nAB; ++iAB){
    files[iAB] << "# Event " << iEvent << "\n";
  bool lineAppended[nAB];
  for(int i=0; i< nAB; lineAppended[i++]=false)/*empty*/;
  for(int iEE = 0; iEE < nEndcaps; ++iEE){
    for(int iX = 0; iX < nSupercrystalXBins; ++iX){
      for(int iY=0; iY < nSupercrystalYBins; ++iY){
        //        int iDCC = dccIndex(iEE==0?0:2,iX*5,iY*5);
        int iDCC = dccIndexOfRU(iEE==0?0:2,iX,iY);
          int iAB = abOfDcc(iDCC);
            for(int i=0; i< iY; ++i) files[iAB] << ' ';
          files[iAB] << srp2roFlags[(int)endcapSrFlags[iEE][iX][iY]];
          lineAppended[iAB] = true;
      }//next iY
      for(int iFile=0; iFile< nAB; ++iFile){
          files[iFile] << "\n";
          lineAppended[iFile] = false;
    }//next iX
  for(int iABEta=1; iABEta<3; ++iABEta){
    for(int iABPhi=0; iABPhi<nABInPhi; ++iABPhi){
      int iAB = abNum(iABEta,iABPhi);
      int iTTPhiMin;
      int iTTPhiMax;
      getABTTPhiBounds(iABPhi, iTTPhiMin, iTTPhiMax);
      //writeEventHeader(files[iAB], iEvent, nTTInABAlongPhi);
      for(int i = 0 ; i <= iTTEtaMax[iABEta]-iTTEtaMin[iABEta];
        int iTTEta;
          iTTEta = iTTEtaMin[iABEta] + i;
        } else{
          iTTEta = iTTEtaMax[iABEta] - i;
        for(int iTTPhi = iTTPhiMin;
            mod(iTTPhiMax-iTTPhi,nTTInPhi) < nTTInABAlongPhi;
            iTTPhi = mod(++iTTPhi, nTTInPhi)){
          files[iAB] << srp2roFlags[(int)barrelSrFlags[iTTEta-nEndcapTTInEta][iTTPhi]];
        files[iAB] << "\n";
      //      writeEventTrailer(files[iAB], nTTInABAlongPhi);
      files[iAB] << "#\n";

  //file trailers
  for(int iAB=0; iAB < nAB; ++iAB){
    files[iAB] << "#\n";
void fillABSRPFiles ( const char  barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
const char  endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins],
ofstream  files[] 

Referenced by main().

void fillABTTFFiles ( const char  ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
ofstream  files[] 

Produces one file per AB. Each file contains the TT flags the AB receives from its inputs.

Definition at line 370 of file

References abNum(), getABTTPhiBounds(), i, iEvent, iTTEtaMax, iTTEtaMin, iTTEtaSign, mod(), nABInEta, nABInPhi, and nTTInABAlongPhi.

Referenced by main().

  for(int iABEta=0; iABEta<nABInEta; ++iABEta){
    for(int iABPhi=0; iABPhi<nABInPhi; ++iABPhi){
      int iAB = abNum(iABEta,iABPhi);
      int iTTPhiMin;
      int iTTPhiMax;
      getABTTPhiBounds(iABPhi, iTTPhiMin, iTTPhiMax);
      //      writeEventHeader(files[iAB], iEvent, nTTInABAlongPhi);
      files[iAB] << "# Event " << iEvent << "\n";
      for(int i = 0 ; i <= iTTEtaMax[iABEta]-iTTEtaMin[iABEta];
        int iTTEta;
          iTTEta = iTTEtaMin[iABEta] + i;
        } else{
          iTTEta = iTTEtaMax[iABEta] - i;
        for(int iTTPhi = iTTPhiMin;
            mod(iTTPhiMax-iTTPhi,nTTInPhi) < nTTInABAlongPhi;
            iTTPhi = mod(++iTTPhi, nTTInPhi)){
          files[iAB] << ttFlags[iTTEta][iTTPhi];
        files[iAB] << "\n";
      files[iAB] << "#\n";
      //writeEventTrailer(files[iAB], nTTInABAlongPhi);
string getABABInputStream ( const char  tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
int  iABEta,
int  iABPhi,
int  iABCh 

Definition at line 834 of file

References abConnect(), abNum(), and getABABOutputStream().

Referenced by fillABIOFiles().

  int iAB = abNum(iABEta, iABPhi);
  int iOtherAB; //AB which this channel is connected to
  int iOtherABCh; //ch # on the other side of the AB-AB link
  int iOtherABEta = iOtherAB/3;
  int iOtherABPhi = iOtherAB%3;
  return getABABOutputStream(tccFlags, iOtherABEta, iOtherABPhi, iOtherABCh);
string getABABOutputStream ( const char  tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
int  iABEta,
int  iABPhi,
int  iABCh 

Definition at line 766 of file

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, getABTCCInputStream(), and asciidump::s.

Referenced by fillABIOFiles(), and getABABInputStream().

  stringstream buffer;
  bool barrel = (iABEta==1 || iABEta==2); //true for barrel, false for endcap
  case 0:
    //to AB ch #0 are sent the 16 1st TCC flags received on TCC input Ch. 0
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 0).substr(0,16);
  case 1:
    //to AB ch #1 are sent the 16 1st TCC flags received on TCC input Ch. 0 to 5:
    for(int iTCCCh=0; iTCCCh<6; ++iTCCCh){
      buffer <<
        getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, iTCCCh).substr(0,16);
  case 2:
    //to AB ch #2 are sent the 16 1st TCC flags received on TCC input Ch. 5:
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 5).substr(0,16);
  case 3:
    //to AB ch #3 are sent TCC flags received on TCC input Ch. 0 and 6:
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 0);
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 6);
  case 4:
    //to AB ch #4 are sent TCC flags received on TCC input Ch 5 and 11:
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 5);
    buffer << getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 11);
  case 5:
    //for endcaps AB output ch 5 is not used.
    //for barrel, to AB ch #5 are sent the 16 last TCC flags received on TCC
    //input Ch. 0:
    if(barrel){//in barrel
      string s = getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 0);
      buffer << s.substr(s.size()-16,16);
  case 6:
    //for endcaps AB output ch 6 is not used.
    //for barrel, to AB ch #6 are sent the 16 last TCC flags received on TCC
    //input Ch. 0 to 5:
    if(barrel){//in barrel
      for(int iTCCCh=0; iTCCCh<6; ++iTCCCh){
        string s = getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, iTCCCh); 
        buffer << s.substr(s.size()-16,16);
  case 7:
    //for endcaps AB output ch 7 is not used.
    //for barrel, to AB ch #7 are sent the 16 last TCC flags received on TCC
    //input Ch. 5:
    if(barrel){//in barrel
      string s = getABTCCInputStream(tccFlags, iABEta, iABPhi, 5);
      buffer << s.substr(s.size()-16,16);
  return buffer.str();
string getABDCCOutputStream ( const char  barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
const char  endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins],
int  iABEta,
int  iABPhi,
int  DCCCh 

Definition at line 891 of file

References Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, ecalDccSC, getABTCCInputStream(), i, nEndcapTTInEta, and srp2roFlags.

Referenced by fillABIOFiles().

  bool barrel = (iABEta==1||iABEta==2);
    //same as TCC with same ch number but with TCC flags replaced by SRP flags:
    string stream = getABTCCInputStream(barrelSrFlags-nEndcapTTInEta, iABEta, iABPhi, iDCCCh);
    //converts srp flags to readout flags:
    for(size_t i=0; i< stream.size(); ++i){
      stream[i] = srp2roFlags[(int)stream[i]];
    return stream;
  } else{//endcap
    if(iDCCCh<3){//used DCC output channel
      //endcap index:
      int iEE=(iABEta==0)?0:1;
      stringstream buffer("");
      //3 DCC per AB and AB DCC output channel in
      //increasing DCC phi position:
      int iDCCPhi = iABPhi*3+iDCCCh;
      for(size_t iSC=0; iSC < ecalDccSC[iEE][iDCCPhi].size(); ++iSC){
        pair<int,int> sc = ecalDccSC[iEE][iDCCPhi][iSC];
        buffer << srp2roFlags[(int)endcapSrFlags[iEE][sc.first][sc.second]];
      return buffer.str();
    } else{//unused output channel
      return "";
string getABTCCInputStream ( const char  tccFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
int  iABEta,
int  iABPhi,
int  iTCCCh 

Definition at line 736 of file

References getABTTPhiBounds(), getFlagStream(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::iEtaMax, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::iEtaMin, and iTCCEtaBounds.

Referenced by fillABIOFiles(), getABABOutputStream(), and getABDCCOutputStream().

  //gets eta bounds for this tcc channel:
  int iTCCEta;
  if(iABEta==1 || iABEta==2){//barrel
    if(iTCCCh>5) return ""; //only 6 TCCs per AB for barrel
    iTCCEta =  1 + iABEta;
  } else{//endcap
      iTCCEta = (iTCCCh<6)?1:0;
    } else{//EE+
      iTCCEta = (iTCCCh<6)?4:5;
  int iEtaMin = iTCCEtaBounds[iTCCEta];
  int iEtaMax = iTCCEtaBounds[iTCCEta+1]-1;

  //gets phi bounds:
  int iPhiMin;
  int iPhiMax;
  getABTTPhiBounds(iABPhi, iPhiMin, iPhiMax);
  //phi is increasing with TTC channel number
  //a TTC covers a 4TT-wide phi-sector
  //=>iPhiMin(iTTCCh) = iPhiMin(AB) + 4*iTTCCh for iTCCCh<6 
  iPhiMin += 4*(iTCCCh%6);
  iPhiMax = iPhiMin + 4 - 1;
  return getFlagStream(tccFlags, iEtaMin, iEtaMax, iPhiMin, iPhiMax);
void getABTTPhiBounds ( int  iABPhi,
int &  iTTPhiMin,
int &  iTTPhiMax 

Definition at line 846 of file

References mod(), nTTInABAlongPhi, and nTTInPhi.

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), fillABTTFFiles(), and getABTCCInputStream().

  iTTPhiMin = mod(-6+iABPhi*nTTInABAlongPhi,nTTInPhi);
  iTTPhiMax = mod(iTTPhiMin+nTTInABAlongPhi-1, nTTInPhi);
string getFlagStream ( char  flags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
int  iEtaMin,
int  iEtaMax,
int  iPhiMin,
int  iPhiMax 

Definition at line 702 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, cmsRelvalreport::exit, flags, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::iEtaMin, mod(), nTTInEta, and zPos.

Referenced by getABTCCInputStream().

  assert(0<=iEtaMin && iEtaMin<=iEtaMax && iEtaMax<nTTInEta);
  if(iEtaMin<=nTTInEta/2 && iEtaMax>nTTInEta){
    cerr << "Implementation Errror:"
         << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ 
         << ": A flag stream cannot covers parts of both half-ECAL!"
         << endl;

  bool zPos = (iEtaMin>=nTTInEta/2);

  stringstream buffer;
  for(int jEta = 0; jEta <= iEtaMax-iEtaMin; ++jEta){
    //loops on iEta in |eta| increasing order:
    int iEta;
      iEta = iEtaMin + jEta;
    } else{
      iEta = iEtaMax - jEta;

    for(int iPhi = mod(iPhiMin,nTTInPhi);
        mod(iPhiMax+1-iPhi,nTTInPhi) != 0;
        iPhi = mod(++iPhi, nTTInPhi)){
      buffer << flags[iEta][iPhi];
  return buffer.str();
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

------------------ CALO JETS ------------------

------------------ PF JETS ------------------

Definition at line 247 of file

References abIOFilePostfix, abIOFilePrefix, abSRFFilePostfix, abSRFFilePrefix, abTTFFilePostfix, abTTFFilePrefix, actions, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, dccPhiIndexOfRU(), ecalDccSC, cmsRelvalreport::exit, fillABIOFiles(), fillABSRPFiles(), fillABTTFFiles(), i, iEvent, nAB, nactions, nBarrelTTInEta, nEndcaps, nEndcapXBins, nEndcapYBins, nSupercrystalXBins, nSupercrystalYBins, nTTInEta, nTTInPhi, NULL, dbtoconf::out, readSRF(), readTTF(), roFlagMarker, asciidump::s, srfFilename, srp2roFlags, srpFlagMarker, theAB, ttfFilename, writeABIOFileHeader(), writeABSRFFileHeader(), and writeABTTFFileHeader().

  char barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi];
  char endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nEndcapXBins/5][nEndcapYBins/5];
  char ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi];
  ofstream abTTFFiles[nAB];
  ofstream abSRFFiles[nAB];
  ofstream abIOFiles[nAB];

  int iarg = 0;
      cout << "Usage: GenABIO [OPTIONS]\n\n"
        "Produces TT and SR flag files for each SRP board from TTF.txt and "
        "SRF.txt global flag files. Requires the SRP cross-connect description"
        " description file (xconnect_universal.txt). TTF.txt, SRF.txt and "
        "xconnect_universal.txt must be in the directory the command is "
        "  -A, --actions IJKLMNOP. IJKLMNOP I..P integers from 0 to 7.\n"
        "                I: action flag for low interest RUs\n"
        "                J: action flag for single RUs\n"
        "                K: action flag for neighbour RUs\n"
        "                L: action flag for centers RUs\n"
        "                M: action flag for forced low interest RUs\n"
        "                N: action flag for forced single RUs\n"
        "                O: action flag for forced neighbour RUs\n"
        "                P: action flag for forced centers RUs\n\n"
        " -h, --help display this help\n"
        " -a n, --ab n specifies indices of the AB whose file must be "
        "produced. The ab number runs from 1 to 12. Use -1 to produce files "
        "for every AB\n\n"
      return 0;
    if(!strcmp(argv[iarg],"-A") || !strcmp(argv[iarg],"-A")){//actions
      if(++iarg>=argc){ cout << "Option error. Try -h\n"; return 1; }
      for(int i=0; i<8; ++i){
        int act = argv[iarg][i]-'0';
        if(act<0 || act>=nactions){
          cout << "Error. Action argument is invalid.\n";
          return 1;
        } else{
          actions[i] = (roAction_t)act;
      if(++iarg>=argc){ cout << "Option error. Try -h\n"; return 1; }
      theAB = strtoul(argv[iarg], 0, 0);
      if(theAB>=0) --theAB;
      if(theAB<-1 || theAB>11){
        cout << "AB number is incorrect. Try -h option to get help.\n";

  for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(srp2roFlags)/sizeof(srp2roFlags[0]); srp2roFlags[i++]='?');
  for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(actions)/sizeof(actions[0]); ++i){
    srp2roFlags[(int)srpFlagMarker[i]] = roFlagMarker[actions[i]];

  for(int iEE=0; iEE < nEndcaps; ++iEE){
    for(int iY = 0; iY < nSupercrystalXBins; ++iY){
      for(int iX = 0; iX < nSupercrystalYBins; ++iX){
        int iDCCPhi = dccPhiIndexOfRU(iEE==0?0:2,iX,iY);
        if(iDCCPhi>=0){//SC exists
  stringstream s;
  for(int iAB=0; iAB< nAB; ++iAB){
    if(theAB!=-1 && theAB!=iAB) continue;
    s << abTTFFilePrefix << (iAB<9?"0":"") << iAB+1 << abTTFFilePostfix;
    abTTFFiles[iAB].open(s.str().c_str(), ios::out);
    writeABTTFFileHeader(abTTFFiles[iAB], iAB);
    s << abSRFFilePrefix << (iAB<9?"0":"") << iAB+1 << abSRFFilePostfix;
    abSRFFiles[iAB].open(s.str().c_str(), ios::out);
    writeABSRFFileHeader(abSRFFiles[iAB], iAB);
    s << abIOFilePrefix << (iAB<9?"0":"") << iAB+1 << abIOFilePostfix;
    abIOFiles[iAB].open(s.str().c_str(), ios::out);
    writeABIOFileHeader(abIOFiles[iAB], iAB);

  FILE* srfFile = fopen(srfFilename, "r");
    cerr << "Failed to open SRF file, " << srfFilename << endl;

  FILE* ttfFile = fopen(ttfFilename, "r");
    cerr << "Failed to open TTF file, " << ttfFilename << endl;
  iEvent = 0;
        && readTTF(ttfFile,ttFlags)){
      cout << "Event " << iEvent << endl;
    fillABSRPFiles(barrelSrFlags, endcapSrFlags, abSRFFiles);
  return 0;
bool readSRF ( FILE *  file,
char  barrelSrFlags[nBarrelTTInEta][nTTInPhi],
char  endcapSrFlags[nEndcaps][nSupercrystalXBins][nSupercrystalYBins] 

Definition at line 553 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, cmsRelvalreport::exit, geometryCSVtoXML::line, nBarrelTTInEta, nEndcaps, nSupercrystalXBins, nSupercrystalYBins, nTTInPhi, NULL, pos, SiPixelLorentzAngle_cfi::read, and srfFilename.

Referenced by main().

  char* buffer = NULL;
  size_t bufferSize = 0;
  int read;
  if(f==NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  int line=0;
  int iEta = 0;
  int iXm = 0;
  int iXp = 0;
  int iReadLine = 0;//number of read line, comment lines excluded
  //number of non-comment lines to read:
  const int nReadLine = nBarrelTTInEta + nEndcaps*nSupercrystalXBins; 
  while(iReadLine<nReadLine && (read=getline(&buffer, &bufferSize,f))!=-1){
    char* pos = buffer;
    while(*pos==' ' || *pos=='\t') ++pos; //skip spaces
    if(*pos!='#' && *pos!='\n'){//not a comment line nor an empty line
      //go back to beginning of line:
      pos = buffer;
      if(iReadLine<nSupercrystalXBins){//EE- reading
          cerr << "Error: line " << line
               << " of file "<< srfFilename << " has incorrect length"
               << " (" << read-1 << " instead of " << nSupercrystalYBins << ")"
               << endl;
        for(int iY=0; iY<nSupercrystalYBins; ++iY){
          endcapSrFlags[0][iXm][iY] = buffer[iY];
      } else if(iReadLine<nSupercrystalYBins+nBarrelTTInEta){//EB reading
          cerr << "Error: line " << line
               << " of file "<< srfFilename << " has incorrect length"
               << " (" << read-1 << " instead of " << nTTInPhi << ")"
               << endl;
        for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<nTTInPhi; ++iPhi){
          barrelSrFlags[iEta][iPhi] = buffer[iPhi];
      } else if(iReadLine<2*nSupercrystalXBins+nBarrelTTInEta){ //EE+ reading
          cerr << "Error: line " << line
               << " of file "<< srfFilename << " has incorrect length"
               << " (" << read-1 << " instead of " << nSupercrystalYBins << ")"
               << endl;
        for(int iY=0; iY<nSupercrystalYBins; ++iY){
          endcapSrFlags[1][iXp][iY] = buffer[iY];
    }//not a comment or empty line
  //returns 0 if all TT were read:
  return (iReadLine==nReadLine)?true:false;
bool readTTF ( FILE *  file,
char  ttFlags[nTTInEta][nTTInPhi] 

Definition at line 519 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, cmsRelvalreport::exit, geometryCSVtoXML::line, nTTInEta, nTTInPhi, NULL, pos, SiPixelLorentzAngle_cfi::read, and ttfFilename.

Referenced by main().

  char* buffer = NULL;
  size_t bufferSize = 0;
  int read;
  if(f==NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
  int line=0;
  int iEta = 0;
  while(iEta<nTTInEta && (read=getline(&buffer, &bufferSize,f))!=-1){
    char* pos = buffer;
    while(*pos==' ' || *pos=='\t') ++pos; //skip spaces
    if(*pos!='#' && *pos!='\n'){//not a comment line nor an empty line
        cerr << "Error: line " << line
             << " of file "<< ttfFilename << " has incorrect length"
          //             << " (" << read-1 << " instead of " << nTTInPhi << ")"
             << endl;
      for(int iPhi=0; iPhi<nTTInPhi; ++iPhi){
        ttFlags[iEta][iPhi] = buffer[iPhi];
        //         if(ttFlags[iEta][iPhi]!='.'){
        //           cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": "
        //                << iEta << "," << iPhi
        //                << " " << ttFlags[iEta][iPhi] << "\n";
        //         }
  //returns true if all TT were read (not at end of file)
  return (iEta==nTTInEta)?true:false;
void writeABIOFileHeader ( ofstream &  f,
int  abNum 

Definition at line 683 of file

References actions, BuildWebpage::date, roFlagMarker, srpFlagMarker, matplotRender::t, tccFlagMarker, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by main().

  time_t t;
  const char* date = ctime(&t);
  f << "# AB " << abNum+1 <<" I/O \n#\n"
    "# Generated on : " << date << "#\n"
    "# " << srpFlagMarker[0] << ": 000 (low interest)   " << tccFlagMarker[0] << ": 000 (low interest)   " << roFlagMarker[0] << ": 000 (suppress)\n"
    "# " << srpFlagMarker[1] << ": 001 (single)         " << tccFlagMarker[1] << ": 001 (mid interest)   " << roFlagMarker[1] << ": 010 (SR Threshold 2)\n"
    "# " << srpFlagMarker[2] << ": 010 (neighbour)      " << tccFlagMarker[2] << ": 010 (not valid)      " << roFlagMarker[2] << ": 001 (SR Threshold 1)\n"   
    "# " << srpFlagMarker[3] << ": 011 (center)         " << tccFlagMarker[3] << ": 011 (high interest)  " <<   roFlagMarker[3] << ": 011 (Full readout)\n"
    "# action table (when forced):\n"
    "# LI-> " << roFlagMarker[actions[0]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[4]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# S -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[1]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[5]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# N -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[2]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[6]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# C -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[3]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[7]]<< ")" << "\n"
void writeABSRFFileHeader ( ofstream &  f,
int  abNum 

Definition at line 656 of file

References actions, BuildWebpage::date, roFlagMarker, matplotRender::t, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by main().

  time_t t;
  const char* date = ctime(&t);
  const char* xLabel;
  const char* yLabel;
  if(abNum<3 || abNum>8){//endcap
    xLabel = "Y  ";
    yLabel = "X    ";
  } else{//barrel
    xLabel = "Phi";
    yLabel = "|Eta|";
  f << "# SRF flag map covered by AB " << abNum+1 <<"\n#\n"
    "# Generated on : " << date << "#\n"
    "# +---> " << xLabel << "          " << roFlagMarker[0] << ": 000 (suppress)\n"          
    "# |                  "              << roFlagMarker[1] << ": 010 (SR Threshold 2)\n"     
    "# |                  "              << roFlagMarker[2] << ": 001 (SR Threshold 1)\n"     
    "# V " << yLabel << "            "   << roFlagMarker[3] << ": 011 (Full readout)\n"     
    "# action table (when forced):\n"
    "# LI-> " << roFlagMarker[actions[0]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[4]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# S -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[1]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[5]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# N -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[2]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[6]]<< ")" << "\n"
    "# C -> " << roFlagMarker[actions[3]] << " (" << roFlagMarker[actions[7]]<< ")" << "\n";
void writeABTTFFileHeader ( ofstream &  f,
int  abNum 

Definition at line 643 of file

References BuildWebpage::date, srpFlagMarker, matplotRender::t, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by main().

  time_t t;
  const char* date = ctime(&t);
  f << "# TTF flag map covered by AB " << abNum+1 <<"\n#\n"
    "# Generated on : " << date << "#\n"
    "# +---> Phi          " << srpFlagMarker[0] << ": 000 (low interest)\n"
    "# |                  " << srpFlagMarker[1] << ": 001 (single)\n"     
    "# |                  " << srpFlagMarker[2] << ": 010 (neighbour)\n"    
    "# V |Eta|            " << srpFlagMarker[3] << ": 011 (center)\n"     

Variable Documentation

const char* abIOFilePostfix = ".txt"

Definition at line 182 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* abIOFilePrefix = "IO_AB"

Definition at line 181 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* abSRFFilePostfix = ".txt"

Definition at line 180 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* abSRFFilePrefix = "AF_AB"

Definition at line 179 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* abTTFFilePostfix = ".txt"

Definition at line 178 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* abTTFFilePrefix = "TTF_AB"

Definition at line 177 of file

Referenced by main().

Initial value:
 {sr2,full, full,full,

Definition at line 200 of file

Referenced by main(), operator<<(), writeABIOFileHeader(), and writeABSRFFileHeader().

vector<pair<int, int> > ecalDccSC[nEndcaps][nDCCEE]

Definition at line 204 of file

Referenced by getABDCCOutputStream(), and main().

int iEvent = 0

Definition at line 243 of file

Referenced by SiStripGainFromData::algoAnalyze(), HLTMon::analyze(), EcalSimRawData::analyze(), HLTMonElectron::analyze(), HLTMonPhotonSource::analyze(), HcalDigiTester::analyze(), Digi2Raw2Digi::analyze(), RawDataConverter::analyze(), CSCSkim::beginJob(), RPCNoise::beginJob(), pat::LeptonVertexSignificance::calculate(), VarSplitter::eval(), VariablePower::eval(), TCTauAlgorithm::eventSetup(), ConfigurableHisto::fill(), fillABIOFiles(), fillABSRPFiles(), fillABTTFFiles(), MuonTimingFiller::fillTiming(), CSCSkim::filter(), CSCEfficiency::filter(), ConfigurableAnalysis::filter(), RPCNoise::filter(), FWFileEntry::filterEventsWithCustomParser(), MuonDetLayerMeasurements::groupedMeasurements(), main(), FWEventItemsManager::newEvent(), cms::CompoundJetProducer::output(), SubjetFilterJetProducer::output(), VirtualJetProducer::output(), pf2pat::TopProjectorAlgo< Top, Bottom >::processCollection(), TopProjector< Top, Bottom >::processCollection(), PFRootEventManager::processEntry(), TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::produce(), TtDilepEvtSolutionMaker::produce(), TriggerSummaryProducerAOD::produce(), EcalSelectiveReadoutProducer::produce(), TrackProducerBase< reco::GsfTrack >::produce(), TopProjector< Top, Bottom >::produce(), TrackHitFilter::produce(), SiStripFineDelayHit::produce(), SiStripFineDelayHit::produceNoTracking(), PFRootEventManager::readFromSimulation(), MuonDetLayerMeasurements::recHits(), KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm::run(), edm::IndexIntoFile::set_intersection(), PFTauDiscriminants::PFTauDiscriminantManager::setEvent(), and FWEventItem::setEvent().

const int iTCCEtaBounds[nTCCInEta+1] = {0,7,11,28,45,49,56}

Definition at line 175 of file

Referenced by getABTCCInputStream().

const int iTTEtaMax[nABInEta] = {10,27,44,55}

Definition at line 169 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), and fillABTTFFiles().

const int iTTEtaMin[nABInEta] = {0,11,28,45}

Definition at line 168 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), and fillABTTFFiles().

const int iTTEtaSign[nABInEta] = {-1,-1,1,1}

Definition at line 170 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), and fillABTTFFiles().

const int nAB = nABInPhi*nABInEta

Definition at line 165 of file

Referenced by abConnect(), fillABSRPFiles(), and main().

const int nABABCh = 8

Definition at line 161 of file

Referenced by abConnect(), and fillABIOFiles().

const int nABInEta = 4

Number of ABs in a phi-sector

Definition at line 154 of file

Referenced by fillABIOFiles(), and fillABTTFFiles().

const int nABInPhi = 3

Number of ABs in an eta slice

Definition at line 157 of file

Referenced by fillABIOFiles(), fillABSRPFiles(), and fillABTTFFiles().

const int nABTCCCh = 12

Definition at line 162 of file

Referenced by fillABIOFiles().

const int nactions = 8

Definition at line 198 of file

Referenced by main().

const int nBarrelEtaBins = 170 [static]

Number of crystals along eta in barrel

Definition at line 111 of file

const int nBarrelPhiBins = 360 [static]

Number of crystals in a eta ring of the barrel

Definition at line 114 of file

const int nBarrelTowerEtaBins = nBarrelEtaBins/5 [static]

Number of trigger tower along eta in the barrel

Definition at line 132 of file

const int nBarrelTowerPhiBins = nBarrelPhiBins/5 [static]

Number of trigger tower in a eta ring of the barrel

Definition at line 135 of file

const int nBarrelTTInEta = 34 [static]

Number of barrel trigger towers along eta

Definition at line 144 of file

Referenced by main(), and readSRF().

const int nDCCCh = 12

Definition at line 163 of file

Referenced by fillABIOFiles().

const int nDCCEE = 9

Number of DCCs in an endcap

Definition at line 160 of file

const int nEndcaps = 2 [static]
const int nEndcapTTInEta = 11 [static]

Number of trigger towers along eta in one endcap

Definition at line 141 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), and getABDCCOutputStream().

const int nEndcapXBins = 100 [static]

Range of the x-index of endcap crystals (xman-xmin+1).

Definition at line 117 of file

Referenced by main().

const int nEndcapYBins = 100 [static]

Range of the y-index of endcap crystals (yman-ymin+1).

Definition at line 120 of file

Referenced by main().

Range of endcap supercrystal x-index (xmax-xmin+1)

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), main(), and readSRF().

Range of endcap supercrystal y-index (ymay-ymin+1)

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), main(), and readSRF().

const int nTCCInEta = 6

Definition at line 164 of file

Definition at line 166 of file

Definition at line 167 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), fillABTTFFiles(), and getABTTPhiBounds().

const int nTTInEta [static]
Initial value:

Number of trigger towers along eta for the whole ECAL

Definition at line 147 of file

Referenced by getFlagStream(), main(), and readTTF().

const int nTTInPhi = 72 [static]

Number of trigger towers in an eta ring

Definition at line 151 of file

Referenced by getABTTPhiBounds(), main(), readSRF(), and readTTF().

char roFlagMarker[]
Initial value:
 {'.', 'z', 'Z', 'F',
                       '4', '5', '6', '7'

Definition at line 194 of file

Referenced by main(), writeABIOFileHeader(), and writeABSRFFileHeader().

const char* srfFilename = "SRF.txt"

Definition at line 184 of file

Referenced by main(), and readSRF().

char srp2roFlags[128]

Definition at line 191 of file

Referenced by fillABSRPFiles(), getABDCCOutputStream(), and main().

const char srpFlagMarker[] = {'.', 'S', 'N', 'C', '4','5','6','7'}
const int supercrystalEdge = 5 [static]

Edge size of a supercrystal. A supercrystal is a tower of 5x5 crystals.

Definition at line 123 of file

const char tccFlagMarker[] = {'.', 'S', '?', 'C', '4', '5', '6', '7'}

Definition at line 189 of file

Referenced by EcalSelectiveReadoutProducer::printTTFlags(), and writeABIOFileHeader().

int theAB = -1

Definition at line 245 of file

Referenced by main().

const char* ttfFilename = "TTF.txt"

Definition at line 185 of file

Referenced by main(), and readTTF().

const char* xconnectFilename = "xconnect_universal.txt"

Definition at line 186 of file

Referenced by abConnect().