Public Member Functions

GeometryAligner Class Reference

Class to update a given geometry with a set of alignments. More...

#include <GeometryAligner.h>

Inheritance diagram for GeometryAligner:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

template<class C >
void applyAlignments (C *geometry, const Alignments *alignments, const AlignmentErrors *alignmentErrors, const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates)
template<class C >
void attachSurfaceDeformations (C *geometry, const AlignmentSurfaceDeformations *surfaceDeformations)
void removeGlobalTransform (const Alignments *alignments, const AlignmentErrors *alignmentErrors, const AlignTransform &globalCoordinates, Alignments *newAlignments, AlignmentErrors *newAlignmentErrors)

Detailed Description

Class to update a given geometry with a set of alignments.

Definition at line 32 of file GeometryAligner.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class C >
void GeometryAligner::applyAlignments ( C *  geometry,
const Alignments alignments,
const AlignmentErrors alignmentErrors,
const AlignTransform globalCoordinates 

Definition at line 54 of file GeometryAligner.h.

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy, error, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, position, AlignTransform::rotation(), DetPositioner::setAlignmentPositionError(), DetPositioner::setGeomDetPosition(), and AlignTransform::translation().

Referenced by AlignmentMonitorAsAnalyzer::analyze(), TrackerSystematicMisalignments::analyze(), CreateSurveyRcds::analyze(), TrackerGeometryIntoNtuples::analyze(), AlignmentProducer::applyDB(), TrackerGeometryCompare::createROOTGeometry(), MuonAlignmentInputDB::newAlignableMuon(), TrackerDigiGeometryESModule::produce(), CSCGeometryESModule::produce(), DTGeometryESModule::produce(), MisalignedTrackerESProducer::produce(), MisalignedMuonESProducer::produce(), and AlignmentProducer::startingNewLoop().


  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::applyAlignments" 
                            << "Starting to apply alignments.";

  // Preliminary checks (or we can't loop!)
  if ( alignments->m_align.size() != geometry->theMap.size() )
        throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
          << "Size mismatch between geometry (size=" << geometry->theMap.size() 
          << ") and alignments (size=" << alignments->m_align.size() << ")";
  if ( alignments->m_align.size() != alignmentErrors->m_alignError.size() )
        throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
          << "Size mismatch between geometry (size=" << geometry->theMap.size() 
          << ") and alignment errors (size=" << alignmentErrors->m_alignError.size() << ")";

  const AlignTransform::Translation &globalShift = globalCoordinates.translation();
  const AlignTransform::Rotation globalRotation = globalCoordinates.rotation(); // by value!
  const AlignTransform::Rotation inverseGlobalRotation = globalRotation.inverse();

  // Parallel loop on alignments, alignment errors and geomdets
  std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator iAlign = alignments->m_align.begin();
        iAlignError = alignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin();
  //copy  geometry->theMap to a real map to order it....
  std::map<unsigned int, GeomDet*> theMap;
  std::copy(geometry->theMap.begin(), geometry->theMap.end(), std::inserter(theMap,theMap.begin()));
  unsigned int nAPE = 0;
  for ( std::map<unsigned int, GeomDet*>::const_iterator iPair = theMap.begin(); 
        iPair != theMap.end(); ++iPair, ++iAlign, ++iAlignError )
          // Check DetIds
          if ( (*iPair).first != (*iAlign).rawId() )
            throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
              << "DetId mismatch between geometry (rawId=" << (*iPair).first
              << ") and alignments (rawId=" << (*iAlign).rawId();
          if ( (*iPair).first != (*iAlignError).rawId() )
            throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
              << "DetId mismatch between geometry (rawId=" << (*iPair).first
              << ") and alignment errors (rawId=" << (*iAlignError).rawId();

          // Apply global correction
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector positionHep = globalRotation * CLHEP::Hep3Vector( (*iAlign).translation() ) + globalShift;
          CLHEP::HepRotation rotationHep = CLHEP::HepRotation( (*iAlign).rotation() )  * inverseGlobalRotation;

          // Define new position/rotation objects and apply
          Surface::PositionType position( positionHep.x(), positionHep.y(), positionHep.z() );
          Surface::RotationType rotation( rotationHep.xx(), rotationHep.xy(), rotationHep.xz(), 
                                          rotationHep.yx(), rotationHep.yy(), rotationHep.yz(), 
                                          rotationHep.zx(), rotationHep.zy(), rotationHep.zz() );
          GeomDet* iGeomDet = (*iPair).second;
          this->setGeomDetPosition( *iGeomDet, position, rotation );

          // Alignment Position Error only if non-zero to save memory
          GlobalError error( (*iAlignError).matrix() );
          if ( error.cxx() || error.cyy() || error.czz() ||
               error.cyx() || error.czx() || error.czy() ||
               iGeomDet->alignmentPositionError() ) {

            // FIXME (AM): The check on the existence of a pointer to an AlignmentPositionError
            // in iGoemDet is needed to make sure that a previously set APE is reset to all zeros
            // in case the new APE is all zero. Ideally the checking of an all zero value APE
            // should go into GeomDet::setAlignmentPositionError.
            // Apply transformation to APE
            //AlgebraicSymMatrix as(3,0);
            //as[0][0] = error.cxx();
            //as[1][0] = error.cyx(); as[1][1] = error.cyy();
            //as[2][0] = error.czx(); as[2][1] = error.czy(); as[2][2] = error.czz();
            //AlgebraicMatrix am(3,3);
            //am[0][0] = globalRotation.xx(); am[0][1] = globalRotation.xy(); am[0][2] = globalRotation.xz();
            //am[1][0] = globalRotation.yx(); am[1][1] = globalRotation.yy(); am[1][2] = globalRotation.yz();
            //am[2][0] = globalRotation.zx(); am[2][1] = globalRotation.zy(); am[2][2] = globalRotation.zz();
            //as = as.similarityT( am );
            //GlobalError newError( as );
            //AlignmentPositionError ape( newError );

            AlignmentPositionError ape( error );
            this->setAlignmentPositionError( *iGeomDet, ape );

  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::applyAlignments" 
                            << "Finished to apply " << theMap.size() << " alignments with "
                            << nAPE << " non-zero APE.";
template<class C >
void GeometryAligner::attachSurfaceDeformations ( C *  geometry,
const AlignmentSurfaceDeformations surfaceDeformations 

Definition at line 151 of file GeometryAligner.h.

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy, SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), AlignmentSurfaceDeformations::items(), AlignmentSurfaceDeformations::parameters(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::parameters, and DetPositioner::setSurfaceDeformation().

Referenced by AlignmentProducer::applyDB(), TrackerDigiGeometryESModule::produce(), and AlignmentProducer::startingNewLoop().

  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::attachSurfaceDeformations" 
                            << "Starting to attach surface deformations.";

  //copy geometry->theMapUnit to a real map to order it....
  std::map<unsigned int, GeomDetUnit*> theMap;
  std::copy(geometry->theMapUnit.begin(), geometry->theMapUnit.end(), std::inserter(theMap, theMap.begin()));
  unsigned int nSurfDef = 0;
  unsigned int itemIndex = 0;
  std::map<unsigned int, GeomDetUnit*>::const_iterator iPair = theMap.begin();
  for ( std::vector<AlignmentSurfaceDeformations::Item>::const_iterator iItem = surfaceDeformations->items().begin();
        iItem != surfaceDeformations->items().end();
        ++iItem, ++iPair) {
    // Check DetIds
    // go forward in map of GeomDetUnits until DetId is found
    while ( (*iPair).first != (*iItem).m_rawId ) {

      // remove SurfaceDeformation from GeomDetUnit (i.e. set NULL pointer)
      GeomDetUnit* geomDetUnit = (*iPair).second;
      this->setSurfaceDeformation( *geomDetUnit, 0 );

      if ( iPair==theMap.end() )
        throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
          << "GeomDetUnit with rawId=" << (*iItem).m_rawId
          << " not found in geometry";
    // get the parameters and put them into a vector
    AlignmentSurfaceDeformations::ParametersConstIteratorPair iteratorPair = surfaceDeformations->parameters(itemIndex);
    std::vector<double> parameters;
    std::copy(iteratorPair.first, iteratorPair.second, std::back_inserter(parameters));
    // create SurfaceDeformation via factory
    SurfaceDeformation * surfDef = SurfaceDeformationFactory::create( (*iItem).m_parametrizationType, parameters);
    GeomDetUnit* geomDetUnit = (*iPair).second;
    this->setSurfaceDeformation( *geomDetUnit, surfDef );
    // delete is not needed since SurfaceDeformation is passed as a
    // DeepCopyPointerByClone which takes over ownership. Needs to be
    // cleaned up and checked once SurfaceDeformation are moved to
    // proxy topology classes
    //delete surfDef; 

  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::attachSurfaceDeformations" 
                            << "Finished to attach " << nSurfDef << " surface deformations.";
void GeometryAligner::removeGlobalTransform ( const Alignments alignments,
const AlignmentErrors alignmentErrors,
const AlignTransform globalCoordinates,
Alignments newAlignments,
AlignmentErrors newAlignmentErrors 
) [inline]

Definition at line 207 of file GeometryAligner.h.

References error, Alignments::m_align, AlignmentErrors::m_alignError, AlignTransform::rotation(), and AlignTransform::translation().

Referenced by AlignmentProducer::writeDB().

  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::removeGlobalTransform" 
                            << "Starting to remove global position from alignments and errors";
  if ( alignments->m_align.size() != alignmentErrors->m_alignError.size() )
    throw cms::Exception("GeometryMismatch") 
      << "Size mismatch between alignments (size=" << alignments->m_align.size()
      << ") and alignment errors (size=" << alignmentErrors->m_alignError.size() << ")";
  const AlignTransform::Translation &globalShift = globalCoordinates.translation();
  const AlignTransform::Rotation globalRotation = globalCoordinates.rotation(); // by value!
  const AlignTransform::Rotation inverseGlobalRotation = globalRotation.inverse();
  AlignTransform::Translation newPosition;
  AlignTransform::Rotation newRotation;
  std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator iAlign = alignments->m_align.begin();
  std::vector<AlignTransformError>::const_iterator iAlignError = alignmentErrors->m_alignError.begin();
  unsigned int nAPE = 0;
  for ( iAlign = alignments->m_align.begin();
        iAlign != alignments->m_align.end();
        ++iAlign, ++iAlignError ) {
    // Remove global position transformation from alignment
    newPosition = inverseGlobalRotation * ( (*iAlign).translation() - globalShift );
    newRotation = (*iAlign).rotation() * globalRotation;
    newAlignments->m_align.push_back( AlignTransform(newPosition,
                                                     (*iAlign).rawId()) );
    // Don't remove global position transformation from APE
    // as it wasn't applied. Just fill vector with original
    // values
    GlobalError error( (*iAlignError).matrix() );
    newAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.push_back( AlignTransformError( error.matrix(),
                                                                     (*iAlignError).rawId() ) );
    if ( error.cxx() || error.cyy() || error.czz() ||
         error.cyx() || error.czx() || error.czy() ) {

    // Code that removes the global postion transformation
    // from the APE.
    //AlgebraicSymMatrix as(3,0);
    //as[0][0] = error.cxx();
    //as[1][0] = error.cyx(); as[1][1] = error.cyy();
    //as[2][0] = error.czx(); as[2][1] = error.czy(); as[2][2] = error.czz();
    //AlgebraicMatrix am(3,3);
    //am[0][0] = inverseGlobalRotation.xx(); am[0][1] = inverseGlobalRotation.xy(); am[0][2] = inverseGlobalRotation.xz();
    //am[1][0] = inverseGlobalRotation.yx(); am[1][1] = inverseGlobalRotation.yy(); am[1][2] = inverseGlobalRotation.yz();
    //am[2][0] = inverseGlobalRotation.zx(); am[2][1] = inverseGlobalRotation.zy(); am[2][2] = inverseGlobalRotation.zz();
    //as = as.similarityT( am );
    //GlobalError newError( as );
    //newAlignmentErrors->m_alignError.push_back( AlignTransformError( newError.matrix(),
    //                                                                 (*iAlignError).rawId() ) );

  edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=GeometryAligner::removeGlobalTransform" 
                            << "Finished to remove global transformation from " 
                            << alignments->m_align.size() << " alignments with "
                            << nAPE << " non-zero APE.";