Classes | Functions

/data/refman/pasoursint/CMSSW_4_1_8_patch13/src/CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/genlkupmap.h File Reference

#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  RecoFCcorFactorAlgo< S >


template<class T_algo >
void genlkupmap (double smin, double smax, double max_fracerror, double min_sstep, T_algo &algoObject, std::map< double, double > &m_ylookup)

Function Documentation

template<class T_algo >
void genlkupmap ( double  smin,
double  smax,
double  max_fracerror,
double  min_sstep,
T_algo &  algoObject,
std::map< double, double > &  m_ylookup 

Definition at line 15 of file genlkupmap.h.

References gather_cfg::cout, if(), max(), asciidump::s, and slope.

  std::pair<double,double> thisxy, lastxy, laststoredxy;
  std::pair<double,double> minxy = algoObject.calcpair(smin);
  std::pair<double,double> maxxy = algoObject.calcpair(smax);
  double slope = maxxy.second - minxy.second;
  slope = (slope >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;

  double sstep = min_sstep;

  for (double s=smin; lastxy.first<smax; s += sstep) {

    thisxy = algoObject.calcpair(s);

    double fracerror  = slope*(thisxy.second - laststoredxy.second)/ thisxy.second;
    double fracchange = slope*(thisxy.second - lastxy.second)/ thisxy.second;

    bool store_cur_pair  = false;
    bool store_prev_pair = false;

#if 0
    char str[80];
    sprintf(str, "%7.1f %7.1f (%8.3f %8.4f) %8.5f %8.5f",
            s, sstep, thisxy.first, thisxy.second, fracerror, fracchange);
    cout << str;

    if (s == smin) {
      store_cur_pair = true;
    else if ((fracerror > 2*max_fracerror) ||
             (thisxy.first > smax) ) {
      if (sstep > min_sstep) {
        // possibly overstepped the next entry, back up and reduce the step size
        s -= sstep;
        sstep = std::max(0.5*sstep, min_sstep);
#if 0
        cout << endl;
      else if (lastxy.second == laststoredxy.second) {
        store_cur_pair = true;

        // current step size is too big for the max allowed fractional error,
        // store current value and issue a warning.
        edm::LogWarning("HcalPulseContainmentCorrection::genlkupmap") << " fractional error max exceeded";
      else {
        store_prev_pair = true;

        // re-evaluate current yval with prev yval.
        fracerror = slope*(thisxy.second - lastxy.second)/ thisxy.second;

        if (fracerror > 2*max_fracerror) {
          store_cur_pair = true;

          // current step size is too big for the max allowed fractional error,
          // store current value and issue a warning.
          edm::LogWarning("HcalPulseContainmentCorrection::genlkupmap") << " fractional error max exceeded";
    else if ((fracerror  < 1.9*max_fracerror) &&
             (fracchange < 0.1*max_fracerror) &&
             (thisxy.first < 0.99 * smax) ) {
      // adapt step size to reduce iterations
      sstep *= 2.0;

    if (thisxy.first > smax)
      store_cur_pair = true;
    if (store_prev_pair) {
      m_ylookup[lastxy.first] = lastxy.second;
      laststoredxy            = lastxy;
    if (store_cur_pair) {
      m_ylookup[thisxy.first] = thisxy.second;
      laststoredxy            = thisxy;

    lastxy = thisxy;
#if 0
    sprintf(str, " %c %c",
            store_cur_pair ? 'C' : ' ',
            store_prev_pair ? 'P' : ' ');
    cout << str << endl;

