![]() |
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#include <Calibration/EcalCalibAlgos/src/ElectronCalibration.cc>
Description: Perform single electron calibration (tested on TB data only).
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 48 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
ElectronCalibration::ElectronCalibration | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iConfig | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 34 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References calibAlgo_, ClusterSize_, gather_cfg::cout, cut1_, cut2_, cut3_, cutCalo1_, cutCalo2_, cutEPCalo1_, cutEPCalo2_, cutEPin1_, cutEPin2_, cutESeed_, elecclass_, electronLabel_, ElePt_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), keventweight_, maxeta_, maxphi_, mineta_, minphi_, miscalibfile_, numevent_, recHitLabel_, rootfile_, and trackLabel_.
{ rootfile_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("rootfile"); recHitLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("ebRecHitsLabel"); electronLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("electronLabel"); trackLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter< edm::InputTag > ("trackLabel"); calibAlgo_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("CALIBRATION_ALGO"); std::cout << " The used Algorithm is " << calibAlgo_ << std::endl; keventweight_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("keventweight"); ClusterSize_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("Clustersize"); ElePt_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("ElePt"); maxeta_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxeta"); mineta_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("mineta"); maxphi_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxphi"); minphi_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("minphi"); cut1_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cut1"); cut2_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cut2"); cut3_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cut3"); elecclass_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("elecclass"); std::cout << " The electronclass is " << elecclass_ <<std::endl; numevent_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("numevent"); miscalibfile_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("miscalibfile"); cutEPCalo1_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutEPCaloMin"); cutEPCalo2_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutEPCaloMax"); cutEPin1_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutEPinMin"); cutEPin2_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutEPinMax"); cutCalo1_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutCaloMin"); cutCalo2_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutCaloMax"); cutESeed_ = iConfig.getParameter<double>("cutESeed"); }
ElectronCalibration::~ElectronCalibration | ( | ) |
Definition at line 69 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
{ }
void ElectronCalibration::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 407 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References calibCluster, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, ClusterSize_, gather_cfg::cout, cut1_, cut2_, cut3_, cutEPin1_, cutEPin2_, cutESeed_, e25, e25NoCuts, E25oP, E25oPNoCuts, e25OverScE, e25OverScENoCuts, e9, e9NoCuts, e9Overe25, e9Overe25NoCuts, elecclass_, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::electronCollection, electronLabel_, ElePt_, relval_parameters_module::energy, EnergyVector, EnergyVectorNoCuts, EoP, EoP_all, EoPNoCuts, Error1, Error1NoCuts, Error2, Error2NoCuts, Error3, Error3NoCuts, eSeedOverPout, eSeedOverPout2, eSeedOverPout2ESeed, eSeedOverPout2NoCuts, eSeedOverPoutNoCuts, eventcrystal, EventMatrix, EventMatrixNoCuts, findMaxHit2(), newFWLiteAna::found, GeneralMap, CalibrationCluster::get5x5Id(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), hadOverEm, hadOverEmESeed, hadOverEmNoCuts, edm::detail::isnan(), Map, MapCor1, MapCor10, MapCor10ESeed, MapCor10NoCuts, MapCor11, MapCor11ESeed, MapCor11NoCuts, MapCor1ESeed, MapCor1NoCuts, MapCor2, MapCor2ESeed, MapCor2NoCuts, MapCor3, MapCor3ESeed, MapCor3NoCuts, MapCor4, MapCor4ESeed, MapCor4NoCuts, MapCor5, MapCor5ESeed, MapCor5NoCuts, MapCor6, MapCor6ESeed, MapCor6NoCuts, MapCor7, MapCor7ESeed, MapCor7NoCuts, MapCor8, MapCor8ESeed, MapCor8NoCuts, MapCor9, MapCor9ESeed, MapCor9NoCuts, MapNoCuts, MaxCCeta, MaxCCetaNoCuts, MaxCCphi, MaxCCphiNoCuts, maxeta_, maxphi_, mineta_, minphi_, numevent_, PinMinPout, PinMinPoutNoCuts, PinOverPout, PinOverPoutNoCuts, funct::pow(), read_events, recHitLabel_, scE, scENoCuts, mathSSE::sqrt(), trP, trPNoCuts, WeightVector, and WeightVectorNoCuts.
{ //================================================================================= using namespace edm; // Get EBRecHits Handle<EBRecHitCollection> phits; iEvent.getByLabel( recHitLabel_, phits); if (!phits.isValid()) { std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product EBRecHitCollection: " << std::endl; } const EBRecHitCollection* hits = phits.product(); // get a ptr to the product // Get pixelElectrons Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> pElectrons; iEvent.getByLabel(electronLabel_, pElectrons); if (!pElectrons.isValid()) { std::cerr << "Error! can't get the product ElectronCollection: " << std::endl; } const reco::GsfElectronCollection* electronCollection = pElectrons.product(); read_events++; if(read_events%1000 ==0)std::cout << "read_events = " << read_events << std::endl; if(!hits)return; if(hits->size() == 0)return; if(!electronCollection)return; if(electronCollection->size() == 0)return; // START HERE.... reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator eleIt = electronCollection->begin(); reco::GsfElectron highPtElectron; float highestElePt=0.; bool found=false; for (eleIt=electronCollection->begin(); eleIt!=electronCollection->end(); eleIt++) { //Comments if(fabs(eleIt->eta())>(maxeta_+3) * 0.0175) continue; if(eleIt->eta()<(mineta_-3) * 0.0175) continue; if(eleIt->pt()>highestElePt) { highestElePt=eleIt->pt(); highPtElectron = *eleIt; found =true; } } if(highestElePt<ElePt_)return; if(!found) return; const reco::SuperCluster & sc = *(highPtElectron.superCluster()) ; if(fabs(sc.eta())>(maxeta_+3) * 0.0175){ std::cout<<"++++ Problem with electron, electron eta is "<< highPtElectron.eta()<<" while SC is "<<sc.eta()<<std::endl;return; } // std::cout << "track eta = " << highPtElectron.eta() << std::endl; // std::cout << "track phi = " << highPtElectron.phi() << std::endl; std::vector<DetId> v1; //Loop to fill the vector of DetIds for (std::vector<std::pair<DetId,float> >::const_iterator idsIt = sc.hitsAndFractions().begin(); idsIt != sc.hitsAndFractions().end ();++idsIt) {v1.push_back(idsIt->first); } //getHitsByDetId(); //Change function name EBDetId maxHitId; maxHitId = findMaxHit2(v1,hits); if(maxHitId.null()){std::cout<<" Null "<<std::endl; return;} int maxCC_Eta = maxHitId.ieta(); int maxCC_Phi = maxHitId.iphi(); if(maxCC_Eta>maxeta_ )return; if(maxCC_Eta<mineta_ )return; if(maxCC_Phi>maxphi_ ) return; if(maxCC_Phi<minphi_ ) return; // number of events per crystal is set if(numevent_>0){ eventcrystal[maxCC_Eta+85][maxCC_Phi-1]+=1; if (eventcrystal[maxCC_Eta+85][maxCC_Phi-1] > numevent_) return; } std::vector<EBDetId> Xtals5x5 = calibCluster.get5x5Id(maxHitId); if((int)Xtals5x5.size()!=ClusterSize_*ClusterSize_)return; // fill cluster energy std::vector<float> energy; float energy3x3=0.; float energy5x5=0.; for (int icry=0;icry<ClusterSize_*ClusterSize_;icry++){ EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator itrechit; if(Xtals5x5[icry].subdetId()!=1) continue; itrechit = hits->find(Xtals5x5[icry]); if(itrechit==hits->end()) { std::cout << "DetId not is e25" << std::endl; continue; } if (std::isnan(itrechit->energy())) return; energy.push_back(itrechit->energy()); energy5x5 += energy[icry]; if ( icry == 6 || icry == 7 || icry == 8 || icry == 11 || icry == 12 || icry ==13 || icry == 16 || icry == 17 || icry ==18 ) { energy3x3+=energy[icry]; } } if((int)energy.size()!=ClusterSize_*ClusterSize_) return; //Once we have the matrix 5x5, we have to correct for gaps/cracks/umbrella and maincontainement GeneralMap->Fill(maxCC_Eta,maxCC_Phi); EoP_all->Fill(highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); if(highPtElectron.classification()==elecclass_ || elecclass_== -1 ){ float Ptrack_in=sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().X(),2) +pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Y(),2) + pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Z(),2) ); float UncorrectedPatCalo = sqrt(pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtCalo().X(),2)+pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtCalo().Y(),2)+pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtCalo().Z(),2)); float Ptrack_out = sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().X(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Y(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Z(),2) ); EventMatrixNoCuts.push_back(energy); EnergyVectorNoCuts.push_back(UncorrectedPatCalo); MaxCCetaNoCuts.push_back(maxCC_Eta); MaxCCphiNoCuts.push_back(maxCC_Phi); WeightVectorNoCuts.push_back(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo); //---------------------------------------------------No Cuts------------------------------------------------------- e9NoCuts->Fill(energy3x3); e25NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5); e9Overe25NoCuts->Fill(energy3x3/energy5x5); scENoCuts->Fill(sc.energy()); trPNoCuts->Fill(UncorrectedPatCalo); EoPNoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); e25OverScENoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/sc.energy()); E25oPNoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo); MapNoCuts->Fill(maxCC_Eta,maxCC_Phi); PinOverPoutNoCuts->Fill( sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().X(),2) +pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Y(),2) + pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Z(),2) )/sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().X(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Y(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Z(),2) ) ); eSeedOverPoutNoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); MapCor1NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor2NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); MapCor3NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor4NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/highPtElectron.p()); MapCor5NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor6NoCuts->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor7NoCuts->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor8NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor9NoCuts->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); MapCor10NoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor11NoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),energy5x5/Ptrack_in); PinMinPoutNoCuts->Fill((Ptrack_in-Ptrack_out)/Ptrack_in); Error1NoCuts-> Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/Ptrack_in); Error2NoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/Ptrack_out); Error3NoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/UncorrectedPatCalo); eSeedOverPout2NoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); hadOverEmNoCuts->Fill(highPtElectron.hadronicOverEm()); //------------------------------------------------Cuts----------------------------------------------------- //Cuts! if((energy3x3/energy5x5)<cut1_)return; if((Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in)< cut2_ || (Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in)> cut3_ )return; if((energy5x5/Ptrack_in)< cutEPin1_ || (energy5x5/Ptrack_in)> cutEPin2_ )return; e9->Fill(energy3x3); e25->Fill(energy5x5); e9Overe25->Fill(energy3x3/energy5x5); scE->Fill(sc.energy()); trP->Fill(UncorrectedPatCalo); EoP->Fill(highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); e25OverScE->Fill(energy5x5/sc.energy()); E25oP->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo); Map->Fill(maxCC_Eta,maxCC_Phi); PinOverPout->Fill( sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().X(),2) +pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Y(),2) + pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumAtVtx().Z(),2) )/sqrt( pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().X(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Y(),2)+ pow(highPtElectron.trackMomentumOut().Z(),2) ) ); eSeedOverPout->Fill(highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); MapCor1->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor2->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); MapCor3->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor4->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/highPtElectron.p()); MapCor5->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor6->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor7->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor8->Fill(energy5x5/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor9->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); MapCor10->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor11->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),energy5x5/Ptrack_in); PinMinPout->Fill((Ptrack_in-Ptrack_out)/Ptrack_in); Error1-> Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/Ptrack_in); Error2->Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/Ptrack_out); Error3->Fill(highPtElectron.trackMomentumError()/UncorrectedPatCalo); eSeedOverPout2->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); hadOverEm->Fill(highPtElectron.hadronicOverEm()); EventMatrix.push_back(energy); EnergyVector.push_back(UncorrectedPatCalo); MaxCCeta.push_back(maxCC_Eta); MaxCCphi.push_back(maxCC_Phi); WeightVector.push_back(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo); //-------------------------------------------------------Extra Cut----------------------------------------------------- if(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()< cutESeed_ ) return; MapCor1ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor2ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSuperClusterOverP()); MapCor3ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor4ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,energy5x5/highPtElectron.p()); MapCor5ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor6ESeed->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,energy5x5/Ptrack_in); MapCor7ESeed->Fill(Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor8ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/Ptrack_in,UncorrectedPatCalo/Ptrack_out); MapCor9ESeed->Fill(energy5x5/UncorrectedPatCalo,highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); MapCor10ESeed->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),Ptrack_out/Ptrack_in); MapCor11ESeed->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout(),energy5x5/Ptrack_in); eSeedOverPout2ESeed->Fill(highPtElectron.eSeedClusterOverPout()); hadOverEmESeed->Fill(highPtElectron.hadronicOverEm()); }else{return;} }
void ElectronCalibration::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 76 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References calibAlgo_, calibCluster, calibClusterSize, calibinter, calibinterNoCuts, calibs, calibsNoCuts, ClusterSize_, gather_cfg::cout, DiffCalibs, DiffCalibsNoCuts, e25, e25NoCuts, E25oP, E25oPNoCuts, e25OverScE, e25OverScENoCuts, e9, e9NoCuts, e9Overe25, e9Overe25NoCuts, elecclass_, EoP, EoP_all, EoPNoCuts, Error1, Error1NoCuts, Error2, Error2NoCuts, Error3, Error3NoCuts, eSeedOverPout, eSeedOverPout2, eSeedOverPout2ESeed, eSeedOverPout2NoCuts, eSeedOverPoutNoCuts, eta(), etaMax, etaMin, eventcrystal, f, GeneralMap, CalibrationCluster::getMap(), hadOverEm, hadOverEmESeed, hadOverEmNoCuts, keventweight_, Map, Map3Dcalib, Map3DcalibNoCuts, MapCor1, MapCor10, MapCor10ESeed, MapCor10NoCuts, MapCor11, MapCor11ESeed, MapCor11NoCuts, MapCor1ESeed, MapCor1NoCuts, MapCor2, MapCor2ESeed, MapCor2NoCuts, MapCor3, MapCor3ESeed, MapCor3NoCuts, MapCor4, MapCor4ESeed, MapCor4NoCuts, MapCor5, MapCor5ESeed, MapCor5NoCuts, MapCor6, MapCor6ESeed, MapCor6NoCuts, MapCor7, MapCor7ESeed, MapCor7NoCuts, MapCor8, MapCor8ESeed, MapCor8NoCuts, MapCor9, MapCor9ESeed, MapCor9NoCuts, MapCorCalib, MapCorCalibNoCuts, MapNoCuts, maxeta_, maxphi_, mineta_, minphi_, MisCalibs, MyHH, MyL3Algo1, oldCalibs, phi, phiMax, phiMin, PinMinPout, PinMinPoutNoCuts, PinOverPout, PinOverPoutNoCuts, RatioCalibs, RatioCalibsNoCuts, read_events, ReducedMap, rootfile_, scE, scENoCuts, trP, and trPNoCuts.
{ //======================================================================== f = new TFile(rootfile_.c_str(),"RECREATE"); // Book histograms e9 = new TH1F("e9","E9 energy", 300, 0., 150.); e25 = new TH1F("e25","E25 energy", 300, 0., 150.); scE = new TH1F("scE","SC energy", 300, 0., 150.); trP = new TH1F("trP","Trk momentum", 300, 0., 150.); EoP = new TH1F("EoP","EoP", 600, 0., 3.); EoP_all = new TH1F("EoP_all","EoP_all",600, 0., 3.); if (elecclass_ ==0 || elecclass_ == -1) { calibs = new TH1F("calib","Calibration constants", 4000, 0.5, 2.); }else{ calibs = new TH1F("calib","Calibration constants", 800, 0.5, 2.); } e25OverScE = new TH1F("e25OverscE","E25 / SC energy", 400, 0., 2.); E25oP = new TH1F("E25oP","E25 / P", 1200, 0., 1.5); Map = new TH2F("Map","Nb Events in Crystal",85,1, 85,70 ,5, 75); e9Overe25 = new TH1F("e9Overe25","E9 / E25", 400, 0., 2.); Map3Dcalib = new TH2F("3Dcalib", "3Dcalib",85 ,1 ,85,70, 5, 75 ); MapCor1 = new TH2F ("MapCor1", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E25/Pin",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor2 = new TH2F ("MapCor2", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E/P",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor3 = new TH2F ("MapCor3", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Pout/Pin",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor4 = new TH2F ("MapCor4", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E25/highestP",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor5 = new TH2F ("MapCor5", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Pcalo/Pout",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor6 = new TH2F ("MapCor6", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus E25/Pin",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor7 = new TH2F ("MapCor7", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor8 = new TH2F ("MapCor8", "Correlation E25/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor9 = new TH2F ("MapCor9", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Eseed/Pout",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor10 = new TH2F ("MapCor10", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus Pout/Pin",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor11 = new TH2F ("MapCor11", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus E25/Pin",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCorCalib = new TH2F ("MapCorCalib", "Correlation Miscalibration versus Calibration constants", 100, 0.5,1.5, 100, 0.5, 1.5); PinMinPout = new TH1F("PinMinPout","(Pin - Pout)/Pin",600,-2.0,2.0); if(elecclass_ == 0 || elecclass_ == -1) { calibinter = new TH1F("calibinter", "internal calibration constants", 2000 , 0.5,2.); PinOverPout= new TH1F("PinOverPout", "pinOverpout", 600,0., 3.); eSeedOverPout= new TH1F("eSeedOverPout", "eSeedOverpout ", 600, 0., 3.); MisCalibs = new TH1F("MisCalibs","Miscalibration constants",4000,0.5,2.); RatioCalibs = new TH1F("RatioCalibs","Ratio in Calibration Constants", 4000, 0.5, 2.0); DiffCalibs = new TH1F("DiffCalibs", "Difference in Calibration constants", 4000, -1.0,1.0); }else { calibinter = new TH1F("calibinter", "internal calibration constants",400 , 0.5,2.); PinOverPout= new TH1F("PinOverPout", "pinOverpout", 600,0., 3.); eSeedOverPout= new TH1F("eSeedOverPout", "eSeedOverpout ", 600, 0., 3.); MisCalibs = new TH1F("MisCalibs","Miscalibration constants",800,0.5,2.); RatioCalibs = new TH1F("RatioCalibs","Ratio in Calibration Constants", 800, 0.5, 2.0); DiffCalibs = new TH1F("DiffCalibs", "Difference in Calibration constants", 800, -1.0,1.0); } Error1 = new TH1F ("Error1","DeltaP/Pin",800 ,-1.0,1.0 ); Error2 = new TH1F ("Error2","DeltaP/Pout",800 ,-1.0,1.0 ); Error3 = new TH1F ("Error3","DeltaP/Pcalo",800 ,-1.0,1.0 ); eSeedOverPout2= new TH1F("eSeedOverPout2", "eSeedOverpout (No Supercluster)", 600, 0., 4.); hadOverEm= new TH1F("hadOverEm", "Had/EM distribution", 600, -2., 2.); // Book histograms Map3DcalibNoCuts = new TH2F("3DcalibNoCuts", "3Dcalib (Before Cuts)",85 ,1 ,85,70, 5, 75 ); e9NoCuts = new TH1F("e9NoCuts","E9 energy (Before Cuts)",300, 0., 150.); e25NoCuts = new TH1F("e25NoCuts","E25 energy (Before Cuts)", 300, 0., 150.); scENoCuts = new TH1F("scENoCuts","SC energy (Before Cuts)", 300, 0., 150.); trPNoCuts = new TH1F("trPNoCuts","Trk momentum (Before Cuts)", 300, 0., 150.); EoPNoCuts = new TH1F("EoPNoCuts","EoP (Before Cuts)", 600, 0., 3.); if (elecclass_ ==0 || elecclass_ == -1){ calibsNoCuts = new TH1F("calibNoCuts","Calibration constants (Before Cuts)", 4000, 0., 2.); }else{ calibsNoCuts = new TH1F("calibNoCuts","Calibration constants (Before Cuts)", 800, 0., 2.); } e25OverScENoCuts = new TH1F("e25OverscENoCuts","E25 / SC energy (Before Cuts)", 400, 0., 2.); E25oPNoCuts = new TH1F("E25oPNoCuts","E25 / P (Before Cuts)", 1200, 0., 1.5); MapNoCuts = new TH2F("MapNoCuts","Nb Events in Crystal (Before Cuts)",85,1, 85,70 ,5, 75); e9Overe25NoCuts = new TH1F("e9Overe25NoCuts","E9 / E25 (Before Cuts)", 400, 0., 2.); PinOverPoutNoCuts = new TH1F("PinOverPoutNoCuts", "pinOverpout (Before Cuts)", 600,0., 3.); eSeedOverPoutNoCuts = new TH1F(" eSeedOverPoutNoCuts", "eSeedOverpout (Before Cuts) ", 600, 0., 4.); PinMinPoutNoCuts = new TH1F("PinMinPoutNoCuts","(Pin - Pout)/Pin (Before Cuts)",600,-2.0,2.0); RatioCalibsNoCuts = new TH1F("RatioCalibsNoCuts","Ratio in Calibration Constants (Before Cuts)", 4000, 0.5, 2.0); DiffCalibsNoCuts = new TH1F("DiffCalibsNoCuts", "Difference in Calibration constants (Before Cuts)", 4000, -1.0,1.0); calibinterNoCuts = new TH1F("calibinterNoCuts", "internal calibration constants", 2000 , 0.5,2.); MapCor1NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor1NoCuts", "Correlation E25/PatCalo versus E25/Pin (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor2NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor2NoCuts", "Correlation E25/PatCalo versus E/P (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor3NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor3NoCuts", "Correlation E25/PatCalo versus Pout/Pin (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor4NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor4NoCuts", "Correlation E25/PatCalo versus E25/highestP (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor5NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor5NoCuts", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Pcalo/Pout (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor6NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor6NoCuts", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus E25/Pin (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor7NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor7NoCuts", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor8NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor8NoCuts", "Correlation E25/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor9NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor9NoCuts", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Eseed/Pout (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor10NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor10NoCuts", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus Pout/Pin (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor11NoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCor11NoCuts", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus E25/Pin (Before Cuts)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCorCalibNoCuts = new TH2F ("MapCorCalibNoCuts", "Correlation Miscalibration versus Calibration constants (Before Cuts)", 100, 0., 3., 100, 0., 3.); Error1NoCuts = new TH1F ("Eror1NoCuts","DeltaP/Pin (Before Cuts)",800 ,-1.0,1.0 ); Error2NoCuts = new TH1F ("Error2NoCuts","DeltaP/Pout (Before Cuts)",800 ,-1.0,1.0 ); Error3NoCuts = new TH1F ("Error3NoCuts","DeltaP/Pcalo (Before Cuts)",800 ,-1.0, 1.0); eSeedOverPout2NoCuts= new TH1F("eSeedOverPout2NoCuts", "eSeedOverpout (No Supercluster, Before Cuts)", 600, 0., 4.); hadOverEmNoCuts= new TH1F("hadOverEmNoCuts", "Had/EM distribution (Before Cuts)", 600, -2., 2.); //Book histograms after ESeed cut MapCor1ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor1ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E25/Pin (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor2ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor2ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E/P (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor3ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor3ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Pout/Pin (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor4ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor4ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus E25/highestP (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor5ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor5ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Pcalo/Pout (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor6ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor6ESeed", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus E25/Pin (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor7ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor7ESeed", "Correlation Pout/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor8ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor8ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pin versus Pcalo/Pout (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor9ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor9ESeed", "Correlation E25/Pcalo versus Eseed/Pout (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor10ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor10ESeed", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus Pout/Pin (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); MapCor11ESeed = new TH2F ("MapCor11ESeed", "Correlation Eseed/Pout versus E25/Pin (after Eseed/Pout cut)",100 ,0. ,5. ,100,0.,5. ); eSeedOverPout2ESeed= new TH1F("eSeedOverPout2ESeed", "eSeedOverpout (No Supercluster, after Eseed/Pout cut)", 600, 0., 4.); hadOverEmESeed= new TH1F("hadOverEmESeed", "Had/EM distribution (after Eseed/Pout cut)", 600, -2., 2.); //Book histograms without any cut GeneralMap = new TH2F("GeneralMap","Map without any cuts",85,1,85,70,5,75); calibClusterSize=ClusterSize_; etaMin = mineta_; etaMax = maxeta_; phiMin = minphi_; phiMax = maxphi_; if(calibAlgo_=="L3") { MyL3Algo1 = new MinL3Algorithm(keventweight_,calibClusterSize, etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax); }else{ if(calibAlgo_=="HH" || calibAlgo_=="HHReg"){ MyHH = new HouseholderDecomposition(calibClusterSize, etaMin,etaMax, phiMin, phiMax); }else{ std::cout<<" Name of Algorithm is not recognize "<<calibAlgo_<<" Should be either L3, HH or HHReg. Abort! "<<std::endl; } } read_events=0; // get Region to be calibrated ReducedMap = calibCluster.getMap(etaMin, etaMax, phiMin, phiMax); oldCalibs.resize(ReducedMap.size(),0.); // table is set to zero for (int phi=0; phi<360; phi++){for (int eta=0; eta<171; eta++){eventcrystal[eta][phi]=0;}} std::cout<<" Begin JOB "<<std::endl; }
void ElectronCalibration::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 232 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References calibAlgo_, calibinter, calibinterNoCuts, calibs, calibsNoCuts, gather_cfg::cout, DiffCalibs, DiffCalibsNoCuts, EnergyVector, EnergyVectorNoCuts, eta(), EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE, EventMatrix, EventMatrixNoCuts, f, MinL3Algorithm::iterate(), HouseholderDecomposition::iterate(), Map3Dcalib, Map3DcalibNoCuts, MapCorCalib, MapCorCalibNoCuts, MaxCCeta, MaxCCetaNoCuts, MaxCCphi, MaxCCphiNoCuts, maxeta_, maxphi_, mineta_, minphi_, miscalibfile_, MisCalibs, MyHH, MyL3Algo1, newCalibs, phi, RatioCalibs, RatioCalibsNoCuts, read_events, ReducedMap, HouseholderDecomposition::runRegional(), solution, solutionNoCuts, and calibXMLwriter::writeLine().
{ //======================================================================== int nIterations =10; if(calibAlgo_=="L3"){ solution = MyL3Algo1->iterate(EventMatrix, MaxCCeta, MaxCCphi, EnergyVector, nIterations); }else{ if(calibAlgo_=="HH"){ solution = MyHH->iterate(EventMatrix, MaxCCeta, MaxCCphi,EnergyVector, 1,false); }else{ if(calibAlgo_=="HHReg"){solution = MyHH->runRegional(EventMatrix, MaxCCeta, MaxCCphi,EnergyVector, 2); }else{ std::cout<<" Calibration not run due to problem in Algo Choice..."<<std::endl;return; } } } for (int ii=0;ii<(int)solution.size();ii++) { std::cout << "solution[" << ii << "] = " << solution[ii] << std::endl; calibs->Fill(solution[ii]); } newCalibs.resize(ReducedMap.size(),0.); calibXMLwriter write_calibrations; FILE* MisCalib; MisCalib = fopen(miscalibfile_.c_str(),"r"); int fileStatus=1; int eta=-1; int phi=-1; float coeff=-1; std::map<EBDetId,float> OldCoeff; while(fileStatus != EOF) { fileStatus = fscanf(MisCalib,"%d %d %f\n", &eta,&phi,&coeff); if(eta!=-1&&phi!=-1&& coeff!=-1){ // std::cout<<" We have read correctly the coefficient " << coeff << " corresponding to eta "<<eta<<" and phi "<<phi<<std::endl; OldCoeff.insert(std::make_pair(EBDetId(eta,phi,EBDetId::ETAPHIMODE),coeff )); } } fclose(MisCalib); int icry=0; CalibrationCluster::CalibMap::iterator itmap; for (itmap=ReducedMap.begin(); itmap != ReducedMap.end();itmap++){ newCalibs[icry] = solution[icry]; write_calibrations.writeLine(itmap->first,newCalibs[icry]); float Compare =1.; std::map<EBDetId,float>::iterator iter = OldCoeff.find(itmap->first); if( iter != OldCoeff.end() )Compare = iter->second; if((itmap->first).ieta()>mineta_ && (itmap->first).ieta()<maxeta_ && (itmap->first).iphi()>minphi_ && (itmap->first).iphi()<maxphi_){ Map3Dcalib->Fill((itmap->first).ieta(),(itmap->first).iphi(),newCalibs[icry]*Compare ) ; MisCalibs->Fill(Compare); } if((itmap->first).ieta()< mineta_+2){icry++; continue;} if((itmap->first).ieta()> maxeta_-2){icry++; continue;} if((itmap->first).iphi()< minphi_+2){icry++; continue;} if((itmap->first).iphi()> maxphi_-2){icry++; continue;} calibinter->Fill(newCalibs[icry]); DiffCalibs->Fill(newCalibs[icry]-1./Compare); RatioCalibs->Fill(newCalibs[icry]*Compare); MapCorCalib->Fill(1./Compare, newCalibs[icry]); icry++; } if(calibAlgo_=="L3"){ solutionNoCuts = MyL3Algo1->iterate(EventMatrixNoCuts, MaxCCetaNoCuts, MaxCCphiNoCuts,EnergyVectorNoCuts,nIterations); }else{ if(calibAlgo_=="HH"){ solutionNoCuts = MyHH->iterate(EventMatrixNoCuts, MaxCCetaNoCuts, MaxCCphiNoCuts, EnergyVectorNoCuts, 1,false); }else{ if(calibAlgo_=="HHReg"){ solutionNoCuts = MyHH->runRegional(EventMatrixNoCuts, MaxCCetaNoCuts, MaxCCphiNoCuts,EnergyVectorNoCuts, 2); }else{ std::cout<<" Calibration not run due to problem in AlgoChoice..."<<std::endl;return; } } } for (int ii=0;ii<(int)solutionNoCuts.size();ii++){ calibsNoCuts->Fill(solutionNoCuts[ii]); } int icryp=0; CalibrationCluster::CalibMap::iterator itmapp; for (itmapp=ReducedMap.begin(); itmapp != ReducedMap.end();itmapp++){ newCalibs[icryp] = solutionNoCuts[icryp]; float Compare2 =1.; std::map<EBDetId,float>::iterator iter2 = OldCoeff.find(itmapp->first); if( iter2 != OldCoeff.end() )Compare2 = iter2->second; if((itmapp->first).ieta()>mineta_ && (itmapp->first).ieta()<maxeta_ && (itmapp->first).iphi()>minphi_ && (itmapp->first).iphi()<maxphi_)Map3DcalibNoCuts->Fill((itmapp->first).ieta(),(itmapp->first).iphi(),newCalibs[icryp]*Compare2) ; if ((itmapp->first).ieta()< mineta_+2){icryp++; continue;} if ((itmapp->first).ieta()> maxeta_-2){icryp++; continue;} if ((itmapp->first).iphi()< minphi_+2){icryp++; continue;} if ((itmapp->first).iphi()> maxphi_-2){icryp++; continue;} calibinterNoCuts->Fill(newCalibs[icryp]); DiffCalibsNoCuts->Fill(newCalibs[icryp]-1./(Compare2)); RatioCalibsNoCuts->Fill(newCalibs[icryp]*Compare2); MapCorCalibNoCuts->Fill(1./Compare2 ,newCalibs[icryp]); icryp++; } std::cout << " " << std::endl; std::cout << "************* STATISTICS **************" << std::endl; std::cout << " Events Studied "<<read_events<< std::endl; f->Write(); f->Close(); }
EBDetId ElectronCalibration::findMaxHit | ( | edm::Handle< EBRecHitCollection > & | phits | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 359 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), prof2calltree::count, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), and L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p.
{ //================================================================================= EcalRecHitCollection ecrh = *phits; EcalRecHitCollection::iterator it; int count=0; EBDetId save; float en_save=0; for (it = ecrh.begin(); it != ecrh.end(); it++) { EBDetId p = EBDetId(it->id().rawId()); if(it->energy()> en_save){ en_save=it->energy(); save=p; } count++; } return save; }
EBDetId ElectronCalibration::findMaxHit2 | ( | const std::vector< DetId > & | v1, |
const EBRecHitCollection * | hits | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 381 of file ElectronCalibration.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::find().
Referenced by analyze().
{ //================================================================================= double currEnergy = 0.; EBDetId maxHit; for( std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator idsIt = v1.begin(); idsIt != v1.end(); ++idsIt) { if(idsIt->subdetId()!=1) continue; EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator itrechit; itrechit = hits->find(*idsIt); if(itrechit == hits->end()){ std::cout << "ElectronCalibration::findMaxHit2: rechit not found! " << std::endl; continue; } if(itrechit->energy() > currEnergy) { currEnergy=itrechit->energy(); maxHit= *idsIt; } } return maxHit; }
std::string ElectronCalibration::calibAlgo_ [private] |
Definition at line 66 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
Definition at line 87 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::calibClusterSize [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::calibinter [private] |
Definition at line 147 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::calibinterNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 148 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::calibs [private] |
Definition at line 121 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::calibsNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 140 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::ClusterSize_ [private] |
Definition at line 85 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cut1_ [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cut2_ [private] |
Definition at line 75 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cut3_ [private] |
Definition at line 76 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutCalo1_ [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutCalo2_ [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutEPCalo1_ [private] |
Definition at line 78 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutEPCalo2_ [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutEPin1_ [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutEPin2_ [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::cutESeed_ [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::DiffCalibs [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::DiffCalibsNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 133 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e25 [private] |
Definition at line 115 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e25NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 135 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::E25oP [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::E25oPNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 144 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e25OverScE [private] |
Definition at line 123 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e25OverScENoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 142 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e9 [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e9NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 136 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e9Overe25 [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::e9Overe25NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 141 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::elecclass_ [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and ElectronCalibration().
Definition at line 64 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
double ElectronCalibration::ElePt_ [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::EnergyVector [private] |
Definition at line 94 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::EnergyVectorNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::EoP [private] |
Definition at line 119 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::EoP_all [private] |
Definition at line 120 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::EoPNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 139 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error1 [private] |
Definition at line 197 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error1NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 200 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error2 [private] |
Definition at line 198 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error2NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 201 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error3 [private] |
Definition at line 199 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::Error3NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 202 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::eSeedOverPout [private] |
Definition at line 128 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::eSeedOverPout2 [private] |
Definition at line 204 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::eSeedOverPout2ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 206 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::eSeedOverPout2NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 205 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::eSeedOverPoutNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 151 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::etaMax [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::etaMin [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::eventcrystal[171][360] [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
std::vector<std::vector<float> > ElectronCalibration::EventMatrix [private] |
Definition at line 96 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
std::vector<std::vector<float> > ElectronCalibration::EventMatrixNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
TFile* ElectronCalibration::f [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::GeneralMap [private] |
Definition at line 153 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::hadOverEm [private] |
Definition at line 208 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::hadOverEmESeed [private] |
Definition at line 210 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::hadOverEmNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 209 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::keventweight [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
int ElectronCalibration::keventweight_ [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and ElectronCalibration().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::Map [private] |
Definition at line 124 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::Map3Dcalib [private] |
Definition at line 145 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::Map3DcalibNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 146 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor1 [private] |
Definition at line 155 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor10 [private] |
Definition at line 164 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor10ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 190 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor10NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 177 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor11 [private] |
Definition at line 165 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor11ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 191 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor11NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 178 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor1ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 181 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor1NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 168 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor2 [private] |
Definition at line 156 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor2ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 182 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor2NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 169 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor3 [private] |
Definition at line 157 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor3ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 183 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor3NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 170 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor4 [private] |
Definition at line 158 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor4ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 184 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor4NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 171 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor5 [private] |
Definition at line 159 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor5ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 185 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor5NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 172 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor6 [private] |
Definition at line 160 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor6ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 186 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor6NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 173 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor7 [private] |
Definition at line 161 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor7ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 187 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor7NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 174 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor8 [private] |
Definition at line 162 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor8ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 188 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor8NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 175 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor9 [private] |
Definition at line 163 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor9ESeed [private] |
Definition at line 189 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCor9NoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 176 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCorCalib [private] |
Definition at line 166 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapCorCalibNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 179 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH2F* ElectronCalibration::MapNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 143 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
std::vector<int> ElectronCalibration::MaxCCeta [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
std::vector<int> ElectronCalibration::MaxCCetaNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 102 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
std::vector<int> ElectronCalibration::MaxCCphi [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
std::vector<int> ElectronCalibration::MaxCCphiNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 103 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
int ElectronCalibration::maxeta_ [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::maxphi_ [private] |
Definition at line 72 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::mineta_ [private] |
Definition at line 71 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::minphi_ [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
std::string ElectronCalibration::miscalibfile_ [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::MisCalibs [private] |
Definition at line 129 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
Definition at line 149 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
MinL3Algorithm* ElectronCalibration::MyL3Algo1 [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::newCalibs [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::numevent_ [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::oldCalibs [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::phiMax [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
int ElectronCalibration::phiMin [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::PinMinPout [private] |
Definition at line 194 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::PinMinPoutNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 195 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::PinOverPout [private] |
Definition at line 127 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::PinOverPoutNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 150 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::RatioCalibs [private] |
Definition at line 130 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::RatioCalibsNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 132 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
int ElectronCalibration::read_events [private] |
Definition at line 90 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().
Definition at line 63 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and ElectronCalibration().
Definition at line 88 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and endJob().
std::string ElectronCalibration::rootfile_ [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by beginJob(), and ElectronCalibration().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::scE [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::scENoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 137 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::solution [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by endJob().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::solutionNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by endJob().
Definition at line 65 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by ElectronCalibration().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::trP [private] |
Definition at line 118 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
TH1F* ElectronCalibration::trPNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 138 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::WeightVector [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze().
std::vector<float> ElectronCalibration::WeightVectorNoCuts [private] |
Definition at line 100 of file ElectronCalibration.h.
Referenced by analyze().