Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Friends

ODLaserConfig Class Reference

#include <ODLaserConfig.h>

Inheritance diagram for ODLaserConfig:
IODConfig IDBObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int fetchNextId () throw (std::runtime_error)
int getBlueLaserLogAttenuator () const
int getBlueLedMonAmpl () const
int getChannelMask () const
int getDebug () const
int getDummy () const
int getEMTCNone () const
int getEMTCSlotId () const
int getEMTCTTCIn () const
int getFilter () const
int getFPMode () const
int getGreenLaserLogAttenuator () const
int getGreenLaserPower () const
std::string getHalAddressTableFile () const
std::string getHalModuleFile () const
std::string getHalStaticTableFile () const
int getId () const
int getIRLaserLogAttenuator () const
int getIRLaserPower () const
unsigned char * getLaserClob () const
std::string getLaserConfigFile () const
std::string getLaserControlHost () const
int getLaserControlOn () const
int getLaserControlPort () const
int getLaserPhase () const
std::string getLaserTag () const
int getLed1ON () const
int getLed2ON () const
int getLed3ON () const
int getLed4ON () const
std::string getLedControlHost () const
int getLedControlON () const
int getLedControlPort () const
std::string getLocalOutputFile () const
std::string getMatacqAcquisitionMode () const
int getMatacqBaseAddress () const
int getMatacqFedId () const
std::string getMatacqMode () const
int getMatacqNone () const
std::string getMatacqSerialNumber () const
int getMatacqVernierMax ()
int getMatacqVernierMin ()
std::string getMaxSamplesForDaq () const
int getOpticalSwitch () const
int getOrangeLedMonAmpl () const
std::string getPedestalFile () const
int getPedestalRunEventCount () const
int getPostTrig () const
int getPower () const
int getRawDataMode () const
int getRedLaserLogAttenuator () const
int getRedLaserPower () const
unsigned int getSize () const
std::string getTable ()
std::string getTrigLogFile () const
int getUseBuffer () const
int getVinj () const
int getWaveLength () const
int getWTE2LaserDelay () const
int getWTE2LedDelay () const
 ODLaserConfig ()
void setBlueLaserLogAttenuator (int x)
void setBlueLedMonAmpl (int x)
void setChannelMask (int x)
void setDebug (int x)
void setDummy (int x)
void setEMTCNone (int x)
void setEMTCSlotId (int x)
void setEMTCTTCIn (int x)
void setFilter (int x)
void setFPMode (int x)
void setGreenLaserLogAttenuator (int x)
void setGreenLaserPower (int x)
void setHalAddressTableFile (std::string x)
void setHalModuleFile (std::string x)
void setHalStaticTableFile (std::string x)
void setId (int id)
void setIRLaserLogAttenuator (int x)
void setIRLaserPower (int x)
void setLaserClob (unsigned char *x)
void setLaserConfigFile (std::string x)
void setLaserControlHost (std::string x)
void setLaserControlOn (int x)
void setLaserControlPort (int x)
void setLaserPhase (int x)
void setLaserTag (std::string x)
void setLed1ON (int x)
void setLed2ON (int x)
void setLed3ON (int x)
void setLed4ON (int x)
void setLedControlHost (std::string x)
void setLedControlON (int x)
void setLedControlPort (int x)
void setLocalOutputFile (std::string x)
void setMatacqAcquisitionMode (std::string x)
void setMatacqBaseAddress (int x)
void setMatacqFedId (int x)
void setMatacqMode (std::string x)
void setMatacqNone (int x)
void setMatacqSerialNumber (std::string x)
void setMatacqVernierMax (int x)
void setMatacqVernierMin (int x)
void setMaxSamplesForDaq (std::string x)
void setOpticalSwitch (int x)
void setOrangeLedMonAmpl (int x)
void setParameters (std::map< std::string, std::string > my_keys_map)
void setPedestalFile (std::string x)
void setPedestalRunEventCount (int x)
void setPostTrig (int x)
void setPower (int x)
void setRawDataMode (int x)
void setRedLaserLogAttenuator (int x)
void setRedLaserPower (int x)
void setSize (unsigned int id)
void setTrigLogFile (std::string x)
void setUseBuffer (int x)
void setVinj (int x)
void setWaveLength (int x)
void setWTE2LaserDelay (int x)
void setWTE2LedDelay (int x)
 ~ODLaserConfig ()

Private Member Functions

void clear ()
void fetchData (ODLaserConfig *result) throw (std::runtime_error)
int fetchID () throw (std::runtime_error)
void prepareWrite () throw (std::runtime_error)
void writeDB () throw (std::runtime_error)

Private Attributes

std::string m_aqmode
int m_blue_laser_log_attenuator
int m_blue_led_mon_ampl
int m_chan_mask
int m_debug
int m_dummy
int m_emtc_1
int m_emtc_2
int m_emtc_3
int m_emtc_4
int m_emtc_5
int m_filter
int m_fp_mode
int m_green_laser_log_attenuator
int m_green_laser_power
std::string m_hal_add_file
std::string m_hal_mod_file
std::string m_hal_tab_file
int m_ID
int m_ir_laser_log_attenuator
int m_ir_laser_power
unsigned char * m_laser_clob
std::string m_laser_config_file
std::string m_laser_tag
std::string m_laserhost
int m_laserport
int m_led1_on
int m_led2_on
int m_led3_on
int m_led4_on
std::string m_led_control_host
int m_led_control_on
int m_led_control_port
int m_matacq_vernier_max
int m_matacq_vernier_min
std::string m_mode
int m_mq_base
int m_mq_fed
std::string m_mq_file
int m_mq_none
int m_on
int m_orange_led_mon_ampl
int m_ped_count
std::string m_ped_file
int m_post_trig
int m_power
int m_raw_mode
int m_red_laser_log_attenuator
int m_red_laser_power
std::string m_samples
std::string m_serial
unsigned int m_size
int m_switch
std::string m_trig_log_file
int m_use_buffer
int m_vinj
int m_wave
int m_wte_2_led_delay


class EcalCondDBInterface

Detailed Description

Definition at line 15 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ODLaserConfig::ODLaserConfig ( )

Definition at line 15 of file

References NULL.

ODLaserConfig::~ODLaserConfig ( )

Definition at line 95 of file


Member Function Documentation

void ODLaserConfig::clear ( void  ) [private]
void ODLaserConfig::fetchData ( ODLaserConfig result) throw (std::runtime_error) [private]

Definition at line 408 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, i, and query::result.

  if(result->getId()==0 && (result->getConfigTag()=="") ){
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::fetchData(): no Id defined for this ODLaserConfig "));

  try {

    m_readStmt->setSQL("SELECT * "
                       "FROM "+getTable()+
                       " where ( laser_configuration_id = :1  or laser_tag=:2 )" );
    m_readStmt->setInt(1, result->getId());
    m_readStmt->setString(2, result->getConfigTag());
   ResultSet* rset = m_readStmt->executeQuery();


    // start from 3 because of select * 


    result->setDebug(rset->getInt(  3  ));
    result->setDummy(rset->getInt(  4  ));
    result->setMatacqBaseAddress(rset->getInt( 5   ));
    result->setMatacqNone(rset->getInt(  6  ));
    result->setMatacqMode(rset->getString(7    ));
    result->setChannelMask(rset->getInt(  8  ));
    result->setMaxSamplesForDaq(rset->getString( 9   ));
    result->setMatacqFedId(rset->getInt( 10   ));
    result->setPedestalFile(rset->getString( 11   ));
    result->setUseBuffer(rset->getInt(   12 ));
    result->setPostTrig(rset->getInt(   13 ));
    result->setFPMode(rset->getInt(   14 ));
    result->setHalModuleFile(rset->getString( 15   ));
    result->setHalAddressTableFile(rset->getString( 16   ));
    result->setHalStaticTableFile(rset->getString(  17  ));
    result->setMatacqSerialNumber(rset->getString(  18  ));
    result->setPedestalRunEventCount(rset->getInt(  19  ));
    result->setRawDataMode(rset->getInt( 20   ));
    result->setMatacqAcquisitionMode(rset->getString( 21   ));
    result->setLocalOutputFile(rset->getString(  22  ));
    result->setEMTCNone(rset->getInt(  23  ));
    result->setWTE2LaserDelay(rset->getInt( 24   ));
    result->setLaserPhase(rset->getInt(  25  ));
    result->setEMTCTTCIn(rset->getInt(  26  ));
    result->setEMTCSlotId(rset->getInt( 27   ));
    // laser
    result->setWaveLength(rset->getInt( 28   ));
    result->setPower(rset->getInt(  29  ));
    result->setOpticalSwitch(rset->getInt( 30   ));
    result->setFilter(rset->getInt(  31  ));
    result->setLaserControlOn(rset->getInt( 32   ));
    result->setLaserControlHost(rset->getString( 33   ));
    result->setLaserControlPort(rset->getInt( 34   ));
    result->setLaserTag(rset->getString( 35   ));
    result->setMatacqVernierMin(rset->getInt( 36   ));
    result->setMatacqVernierMax(rset->getInt( 37   ));

    result->setWTE2LedDelay(rset->getInt( 38   ));
    result->setLed1ON(rset->getInt( 39   ));
    result->setLed2ON(rset->getInt( 40   ));
    result->setLed3ON(rset->getInt( 41   ));
    result->setLed4ON(rset->getInt( 42   ));
    result->setVinj(rset->getInt( 43   ));
    result->setOrangeLedMonAmpl(rset->getInt( 44   ));
    result->setBlueLedMonAmpl(rset->getInt( 45   ));
    result->setTrigLogFile(rset->getString( 46   ));
    result->setLedControlON(rset->getInt( 47   ));
    result->setLedControlHost(rset->getString( 48   ));
    result->setLedControlPort(rset->getInt( 49   ));
    result->setIRLaserPower(rset->getInt( 50   ));
    result->setGreenLaserPower(rset->getInt( 51   ));
    result->setRedLaserPower(rset->getInt( 52   ));
    result->setBlueLaserLogAttenuator(rset->getInt( 53   ));
    result->setIRLaserLogAttenuator(rset->getInt( 54   ));
    result->setGreenLaserLogAttenuator(rset->getInt( 55   ));
    result->setRedLaserLogAttenuator(rset->getInt( 56   ));
    result->setLaserConfigFile(rset->getString( 57   ));

    Clob clob = rset->getClob (58);
    cout << "Opening the clob in Read only mode" << endl; (OCCI_LOB_READONLY);
    int clobLength=clob.length ();
    cout << "Length of the clob is: " << clobLength << endl;
    unsigned char* buffer = readClob (clob, m_size);
    clob.close ();
    cout<< "the clob buffer is:"<<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < clobLength; ++i)
      cout << (char) buffer[i];
    cout << endl;


  } catch (SQLException &e) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::fetchData():  "+e.getMessage()));
int ODLaserConfig::fetchID ( ) throw (std::runtime_error) [private]

Definition at line 514 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e.

  // Return from memory if available
  if (m_ID!=0) {
    return m_ID;


  try {
    Statement* stmt = m_conn->createStatement();
    stmt->setSQL("SELECT laser_configuration_id FROM ecal_laser_configuration "
                 "WHERE laser_tag=:laser_tag ");
    stmt->setString(1, getLaserTag());

    ResultSet* rset = stmt->executeQuery();

    if (rset->next()) {
      m_ID = rset->getInt(1);
    } else {
      m_ID = 0;
  } catch (SQLException &e) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::fetchID:  "+e.getMessage()));


  return m_ID;
int ODLaserConfig::fetchNextId ( ) throw (std::runtime_error)

Definition at line 195 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, and query::result.


  int result=0;
  try {

    m_readStmt = m_conn->createStatement(); 
    m_readStmt->setSQL("select ecal_laser_config_sq.NextVal from dual");
    ResultSet* rset = m_readStmt->executeQuery();
    while (rset->next ()){
      result= rset->getInt(1);
    return result; 

  } catch (SQLException &e) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::fetchNextId():  "+e.getMessage()));

int ODLaserConfig::getBlueLaserLogAttenuator ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 175 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_blue_laser_log_attenuator.

int ODLaserConfig::getBlueLedMonAmpl ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_blue_led_mon_ampl.

{ return m_blue_led_mon_ampl; }
int ODLaserConfig::getChannelMask ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 42 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_chan_mask.

{ return m_chan_mask; }
int ODLaserConfig::getDebug ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 31 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_debug.

{ return m_debug; }
int ODLaserConfig::getDummy ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_dummy.

{ return m_dummy; }
int ODLaserConfig::getEMTCNone ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_1.

{ return m_emtc_1; }
int ODLaserConfig::getEMTCSlotId ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 93 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_5.

{ return m_emtc_5; }
int ODLaserConfig::getEMTCTTCIn ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 91 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_4.

{ return m_emtc_4; }
int ODLaserConfig::getFilter ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_filter.

{ return m_filter; }
int ODLaserConfig::getFPMode ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 54 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_fp_mode.

{ return m_fp_mode; }
int ODLaserConfig::getGreenLaserLogAttenuator ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 181 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_green_laser_log_attenuator.

int ODLaserConfig::getGreenLaserPower ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 169 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_green_laser_power.

{ return m_green_laser_power; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getHalAddressTableFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_add_file.

{ return m_hal_add_file; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getHalModuleFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 56 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_mod_file.

{ return m_hal_mod_file; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getHalStaticTableFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 66 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_tab_file.

{ return m_hal_tab_file; }
int ODLaserConfig::getId ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 25 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ID.

{ return m_ID; }
int ODLaserConfig::getIRLaserLogAttenuator ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ir_laser_log_attenuator.

int ODLaserConfig::getIRLaserPower ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ir_laser_power.

{ return m_ir_laser_power; }
unsigned char* ODLaserConfig::getLaserClob ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 190 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laser_clob.

{ return m_laser_clob; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getLaserConfigFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laser_config_file.

{ return m_laser_config_file ; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getLaserControlHost ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laserhost.

{ return m_laserhost; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLaserControlOn ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_on.

{ return m_on; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLaserControlPort ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 118 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laserport.

{ return m_laserport; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLaserPhase ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 89 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_3.

{ return m_emtc_3; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getLaserTag ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laser_tag.

{ return m_laser_tag ; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLed1ON ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 133 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led1_on.

{ return m_led1_on; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLed2ON ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led2_on.

{ return m_led2_on; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLed3ON ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 139 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led3_on.

{ return m_led3_on; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLed4ON ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 142 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led4_on.

{ return m_led4_on; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getLedControlHost ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led_control_host.

{ return m_led_control_host; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLedControlON ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led_control_on.

{ return m_led_control_on; }
int ODLaserConfig::getLedControlPort ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 163 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led_control_port.

{ return m_led_control_port; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getLocalOutputFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 81 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_file.

{ return m_mq_file; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getMatacqAcquisitionMode ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_aqmode.

{ return m_aqmode; }
int ODLaserConfig::getMatacqBaseAddress ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 36 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_base.

{ return m_mq_base; }
int ODLaserConfig::getMatacqFedId ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 46 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_fed.

{ return m_mq_fed; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getMatacqMode ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mode.

{ return m_mode; }
int ODLaserConfig::getMatacqNone ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 38 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_none.

{ return m_mq_none; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getMatacqSerialNumber ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_serial.

{ return m_serial; }
int ODLaserConfig::getMatacqVernierMax ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 58 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_matacq_vernier_max.

int ODLaserConfig::getMatacqVernierMin ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 60 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_matacq_vernier_min.

std::string ODLaserConfig::getMaxSamplesForDaq ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_samples.

{ return m_samples; }
int ODLaserConfig::getOpticalSwitch ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 106 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_switch.

{ return m_switch; }
int ODLaserConfig::getOrangeLedMonAmpl ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 148 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_orange_led_mon_ampl.

std::string ODLaserConfig::getPedestalFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 48 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ped_file.

{ return m_ped_file; }
int ODLaserConfig::getPedestalRunEventCount ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 72 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ped_count.

{ return m_ped_count; }
int ODLaserConfig::getPostTrig ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_post_trig.

{ return m_post_trig; }
int ODLaserConfig::getPower ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 103 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_power.

{ return m_power; }
int ODLaserConfig::getRawDataMode ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 75 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_raw_mode.

{ return m_raw_mode; }
int ODLaserConfig::getRedLaserLogAttenuator ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_red_laser_log_attenuator.

int ODLaserConfig::getRedLaserPower ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_red_laser_power.

{ return m_red_laser_power; }
unsigned int ODLaserConfig::getSize ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_size.

{ return m_size; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getTable ( ) [inline, virtual]

Implements IODConfig.

Definition at line 22 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

{ return "ECAL_Laser_CONFIGURATION"; }
std::string ODLaserConfig::getTrigLogFile ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_trig_log_file.

{ return m_trig_log_file; }
int ODLaserConfig::getUseBuffer ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 50 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_use_buffer.

{ return m_use_buffer; }
int ODLaserConfig::getVinj ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 145 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_vinj.

{ return m_vinj; }
int ODLaserConfig::getWaveLength ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_wave.

{ return m_wave; }
int ODLaserConfig::getWTE2LaserDelay ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_2.

{ return m_emtc_2; }
int ODLaserConfig::getWTE2LedDelay ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 130 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_wte_2_led_delay.

{ return m_wte_2_led_delay; }
void ODLaserConfig::prepareWrite ( ) throw (std::runtime_error) [private, virtual]

Implements IODConfig.

Definition at line 217 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e.

  int next_id=fetchNextId();

  try {
    m_writeStmt = m_conn->createStatement();
    m_writeStmt->setSQL("INSERT INTO ECAL_Laser_CONFIGURATION ( laser_configuration_id, laser_tag "
                        ", laser_DEBUG "
                        ", DUMMY "
                        ", MATACQ_BASE_ADDRESS " 
                        ", MATACQ_NONE "
                        ", matacq_mode "
                        ", channel_Mask "
                        ", max_Samples_For_Daq "
                        ", maTACQ_FED_ID "
                        ", pedestal_File "
                        ", use_Buffer "
                        ", postTrig "
                        ", fp_Mode "
                        ", hal_Module_File " 
                        ", hal_Address_Table_File "
                        ", hal_Static_Table_File "
                        ", matacq_Serial_Number "
                        ", pedestal_Run_Event_Count " 
                        ", raw_Data_Mode "
                        ", ACQUISITION_MODE " 
                        ", LOCAL_OUTPUT_FILE " 
                        ", emtc_none "
                        ", wte2_laser_delay " 
                        ", laser_phase "
                        ", emtc_ttc_in "
                        ", emtc_slot_id " 
                        ", WAVELENGTH "
                        ", POWER_SETTING "
                        ", OPTICAL_SWITCH "
                        ", FILTER "
                        ", LASER_CONTROL_ON " 
                        ", LASER_CONTROL_HOST " 
                        ", LASER_CONTROL_PORT "
                        ", LASER_TAG2 "
                        ", MATACQ_VERNIER_MIN "
                        ", MATACQ_VERNIER_MAX "
                        " , wte_2_led_delay " 
                        " , led1_on "
                        " , led2_on "
                        " , led3_on "
                        " , led4_on "
                        " , VINJ "
                        " , orange_led_mon_ampl" 
                        " , blue_led_mon_ampl "
                        " , trig_log_file "
                        " , led_control_on "
                        " , led_control_host "
                        " , led_control_port "
                        " , ir_laser_power "
                        " , green_laser_power" 
                        " , red_laser_power "
                        " , blue_laser_log_attenuator "
                        " , IR_LASER_LOG_ATTENUATOR "
                        " , GREEN_LASER_LOG_ATTENUATOR"  
                        " , RED_LASER_LOG_ATTENUATOR "
                        " , LASER_CONFIG_FILE "
                        " , laser_configuration ) "
                        " VALUES (  :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10, "
                        ":11, :12, :13, :14, :15, :16, :17, :18, :19, :20,  "
                        ":21, :22, :23, :24, :25, :26, :27, :28, :29, :30,  "
                        ":31, :32, :33, :34, :35, :36, :37, "
                        " :38, :39, :40, :41, :42, :43, :44, :45, :46, :47, :48, :49, :50, :51, :52, :53, :54, :55, :56, :57, :58  )");
    m_writeStmt->setInt(1, next_id);
  } catch (SQLException &e) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::prepareWrite():  "+e.getMessage()));
void ODLaserConfig::setBlueLaserLogAttenuator ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setBlueLedMonAmpl ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setChannelMask ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 41 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_chan_mask, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_chan_mask = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setDebug ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_debug, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_debug = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setDummy ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_dummy, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_dummy = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setEMTCNone ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_1, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_emtc_1 = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setEMTCSlotId ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_5, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_emtc_5 = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setEMTCTTCIn ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 90 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_4, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_emtc_4 = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setFilter ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 108 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_filter, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_filter = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setFPMode ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_fp_mode, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_fp_mode = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setGreenLaserLogAttenuator ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setGreenLaserPower ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setHalAddressTableFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 62 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_add_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setHalModuleFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 55 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_mod_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setHalStaticTableFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_hal_tab_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setId ( int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 24 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::id, and m_ID.

{ m_ID = id; }
void ODLaserConfig::setIRLaserLogAttenuator ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setIRLaserPower ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ir_laser_power, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setLaserClob ( unsigned char *  x) [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laser_clob, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_laser_clob = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserConfigFile ( std::string  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserControlHost ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laserhost, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_laserhost = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserControlOn ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 111 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_on = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserControlPort ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laserport, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_laserport = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserPhase ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 88 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_3, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_emtc_3 = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLaserTag ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 122 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_laser_tag, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_laser_tag = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLed1ON ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led1_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_led1_on = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLed2ON ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led2_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_led2_on = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLed3ON ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 138 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led3_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_led3_on = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLed4ON ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 141 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led4_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_led4_on = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setLedControlHost ( std::string  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setLedControlON ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_led_control_on, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setLedControlPort ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setLocalOutputFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_mq_file = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqAcquisitionMode ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_aqmode, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_aqmode = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqBaseAddress ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_base, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_mq_base = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqFedId ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 45 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_fed, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_mq_fed = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqMode ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mode, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_mode = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqNone ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_mq_none, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_mq_none = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqSerialNumber ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_serial, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_serial = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqVernierMax ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setMatacqVernierMin ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setMaxSamplesForDaq ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_samples, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_samples = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setOpticalSwitch ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 105 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_switch, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_switch = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setOrangeLedMonAmpl ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setParameters ( std::map< std::string, std::string >  my_keys_map)
void ODLaserConfig::setPedestalFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 47 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ped_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_ped_file = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setPedestalRunEventCount ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 71 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_ped_count, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_ped_count = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setPostTrig ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_post_trig, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_post_trig = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setPower ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 102 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_power, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_power = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setRawDataMode ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 74 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_raw_mode, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_raw_mode = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setRedLaserLogAttenuator ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setRedLaserPower ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::setSize ( unsigned int  id) [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::id, and m_size.

{ m_size = id; }
void ODLaserConfig::setTrigLogFile ( std::string  x) [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_trig_log_file, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

void ODLaserConfig::setUseBuffer ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_use_buffer, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_use_buffer = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setVinj ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 144 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_vinj, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_vinj = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setWaveLength ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 99 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_wave, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_wave = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setWTE2LaserDelay ( int  x) [inline]

Definition at line 86 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

References m_emtc_2, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x.

{ m_emtc_2 = x; }
void ODLaserConfig::setWTE2LedDelay ( int  x) [inline]
void ODLaserConfig::writeDB ( ) throw (std::runtime_error) [private]

Definition at line 297 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e.


  try {
    // 1 is the id 2 is the tag
    m_writeStmt->setString(2, this->getConfigTag());

    m_writeStmt->setInt(   3, this->getDebug());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   4, this->getDummy());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   5, this->getMatacqBaseAddress());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   6, this->getMatacqNone());
    m_writeStmt->setString(7, this->getMatacqMode());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   8, this->getChannelMask());
    m_writeStmt->setString(9, this->getMaxSamplesForDaq());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(  10, this->getMatacqFedId());
    m_writeStmt->setString(11, this->getPedestalFile());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(  12, this->getUseBuffer());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(  13, this->getPostTrig());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(  14, this->getFPMode());
    m_writeStmt->setString(15,  this->getHalModuleFile() );
    m_writeStmt->setString(16, this->getHalAddressTableFile() );
    m_writeStmt->setString(17, this->getHalStaticTableFile() );
    m_writeStmt->setString(18, this->getMatacqSerialNumber() );
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   19, this->getPedestalRunEventCount() );
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   20, this->getRawDataMode());
    m_writeStmt->setString(21, this->getMatacqAcquisitionMode());
    m_writeStmt->setString(22, this->getLocalOutputFile());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   23, this->getEMTCNone());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   24, this->getWTE2LaserDelay());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   25, this->getLaserPhase());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   26, this->getEMTCTTCIn());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   27, this->getEMTCSlotId());
    // laser
    m_writeStmt->setInt(28, this->getWaveLength());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(29, this->getPower());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(30, this->getOpticalSwitch());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(31, this->getFilter());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(32, this->getLaserControlOn());
    m_writeStmt->setString(33, this->getLaserControlHost() );
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   34, this->getLaserControlPort());
    m_writeStmt->setString(   35, this->getLaserTag());

    m_writeStmt->setInt(   36, this->getMatacqVernierMin());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   37, this->getMatacqVernierMax());

    // here goes the led and the new parameters 
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   38, this->getWTE2LedDelay());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   39, this->getLed1ON());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   40, this->getLed2ON());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   41, this->getLed3ON());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   42, this->getLed4ON());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   43, this->getVinj());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   44, this->getOrangeLedMonAmpl());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   45, this->getBlueLedMonAmpl());
    m_writeStmt->setString(   46, this->getTrigLogFile());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   47, this->getLedControlON());
    m_writeStmt->setString(   48, this->getLedControlHost());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   49, this->getLedControlPort());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   50, this->getIRLaserPower());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   51, this->getGreenLaserPower());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   52, this->getRedLaserPower());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   53, this->getBlueLaserLogAttenuator());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   54, this->getIRLaserLogAttenuator());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   55, this->getGreenLaserLogAttenuator());
    m_writeStmt->setInt(   56, this->getRedLaserLogAttenuator());
    m_writeStmt->setString(   57, this->getLaserConfigFile());

    // and now the clob
    oracle::occi::Clob clob(m_conn);
    m_writeStmt->executeUpdate ();

    // now we read and update it
    m_writeStmt = m_conn->createStatement();
    m_writeStmt->setSQL ("SELECT laser_configuration FROM "+getTable()+" WHERE"
                         " laser_configuration_id=:1 FOR UPDATE");
    std::cout<<"updating the laser clob "<<std::endl;

    m_writeStmt->setInt(1, m_ID);
    ResultSet* rset = m_writeStmt->executeQuery();
    rset->next ();
    oracle::occi::Clob clob_to_write = rset->getClob (1);
    cout << "Opening the clob in read write mode" << endl;

    populateClob (clob_to_write, getLaserConfigFile(), m_size);
    int clobLength=clob_to_write.length ();
    cout << "Length of the clob is: " << clobLength << endl;
    m_writeStmt->closeResultSet (rset);

  } catch (SQLException &e) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::writeDB():  "+e.getMessage()));
  // Now get the ID
  if (!this->fetchID()) {
    throw(std::runtime_error("ODLaserConfig::writeDB:  Failed to write"));


Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class EcalCondDBInterface [friend]

Reimplemented from IDBObject.

Definition at line 17 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Member Data Documentation

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_aqmode [private]

Definition at line 226 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqAcquisitionMode(), and setMatacqAcquisitionMode().

Definition at line 266 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getBlueLaserLogAttenuator(), and setBlueLaserLogAttenuator().

Definition at line 258 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getBlueLedMonAmpl(), and setBlueLedMonAmpl().

Definition at line 213 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getChannelMask(), and setChannelMask().

int ODLaserConfig::m_debug [private]

Definition at line 209 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getDebug(), and setDebug().

int ODLaserConfig::m_dummy [private]

Definition at line 208 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getDummy(), and setDummy().

int ODLaserConfig::m_emtc_1 [private]

Definition at line 232 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getEMTCNone(), and setEMTCNone().

int ODLaserConfig::m_emtc_2 [private]

Definition at line 233 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getWTE2LaserDelay(), and setWTE2LaserDelay().

int ODLaserConfig::m_emtc_3 [private]

Definition at line 234 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserPhase(), and setLaserPhase().

int ODLaserConfig::m_emtc_4 [private]

Definition at line 235 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getEMTCTTCIn(), and setEMTCTTCIn().

int ODLaserConfig::m_emtc_5 [private]

Definition at line 236 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getEMTCSlotId(), and setEMTCSlotId().

int ODLaserConfig::m_filter [private]

Definition at line 242 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getFilter(), and setFilter().

int ODLaserConfig::m_fp_mode [private]

Definition at line 219 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getFPMode(), and setFPMode().

Definition at line 268 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getGreenLaserLogAttenuator(), and setGreenLaserLogAttenuator().

Definition at line 264 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getGreenLaserPower(), and setGreenLaserPower().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_hal_add_file [private]

Definition at line 221 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getHalAddressTableFile(), and setHalAddressTableFile().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_hal_mod_file [private]

Definition at line 220 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getHalModuleFile(), and setHalModuleFile().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_hal_tab_file [private]

Definition at line 222 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getHalStaticTableFile(), and setHalStaticTableFile().

int ODLaserConfig::m_ID [private]

Definition at line 205 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getId(), and setId().

Definition at line 267 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getIRLaserLogAttenuator(), and setIRLaserLogAttenuator().

Definition at line 263 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getIRLaserPower(), and setIRLaserPower().

unsigned char* ODLaserConfig::m_laser_clob [private]

Definition at line 271 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserClob(), and setLaserClob().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_laser_config_file [private]

Definition at line 270 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserConfigFile(), and setLaserConfigFile().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_laser_tag [private]

Definition at line 247 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserTag(), and setLaserTag().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_laserhost [private]

Definition at line 244 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserControlHost(), and setLaserControlHost().

Definition at line 245 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserControlPort(), and setLaserControlPort().

int ODLaserConfig::m_led1_on [private]

Definition at line 252 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLed1ON(), and setLed1ON().

int ODLaserConfig::m_led2_on [private]

Definition at line 253 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLed2ON(), and setLed2ON().

int ODLaserConfig::m_led3_on [private]

Definition at line 254 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLed3ON(), and setLed3ON().

int ODLaserConfig::m_led4_on [private]

Definition at line 255 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLed4ON(), and setLed4ON().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_led_control_host [private]

Definition at line 261 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLedControlHost(), and setLedControlHost().

Definition at line 260 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLedControlON(), and setLedControlON().

Definition at line 262 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLedControlPort(), and setLedControlPort().

Definition at line 229 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqVernierMax(), and setMatacqVernierMax().

Definition at line 228 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqVernierMin(), and setMatacqVernierMin().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_mode [private]

Definition at line 212 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqMode(), and setMatacqMode().

int ODLaserConfig::m_mq_base [private]

Definition at line 210 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqBaseAddress(), and setMatacqBaseAddress().

int ODLaserConfig::m_mq_fed [private]

Definition at line 215 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqFedId(), and setMatacqFedId().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_mq_file [private]

Definition at line 227 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLocalOutputFile(), and setLocalOutputFile().

int ODLaserConfig::m_mq_none [private]

Definition at line 211 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqNone(), and setMatacqNone().

int ODLaserConfig::m_on [private]

Definition at line 243 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getLaserControlOn(), and setLaserControlOn().

Definition at line 257 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getOrangeLedMonAmpl(), and setOrangeLedMonAmpl().

Definition at line 224 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getPedestalRunEventCount(), and setPedestalRunEventCount().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_ped_file [private]

Definition at line 216 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getPedestalFile(), and setPedestalFile().

Definition at line 218 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getPostTrig(), and setPostTrig().

int ODLaserConfig::m_power [private]

Definition at line 240 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getPower(), and setPower().

Definition at line 225 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getRawDataMode(), and setRawDataMode().

Definition at line 269 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getRedLaserLogAttenuator(), and setRedLaserLogAttenuator().

Definition at line 265 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getRedLaserPower(), and setRedLaserPower().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_samples [private]

Definition at line 214 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMaxSamplesForDaq(), and setMaxSamplesForDaq().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_serial [private]

Definition at line 223 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getMatacqSerialNumber(), and setMatacqSerialNumber().

unsigned int ODLaserConfig::m_size [private]

Definition at line 272 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getSize(), and setSize().

int ODLaserConfig::m_switch [private]

Definition at line 241 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getOpticalSwitch(), and setOpticalSwitch().

std::string ODLaserConfig::m_trig_log_file [private]

Definition at line 259 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getTrigLogFile(), and setTrigLogFile().

Definition at line 217 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getUseBuffer(), and setUseBuffer().

int ODLaserConfig::m_vinj [private]

Definition at line 256 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getVinj(), and setVinj().

int ODLaserConfig::m_wave [private]

Definition at line 239 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getWaveLength(), and setWaveLength().

Definition at line 251 of file ODLaserConfig.h.

Referenced by getWTE2LedDelay(), and setWTE2LedDelay().