Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

PFElectronAlgo Class Reference

#include <PFElectronAlgo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const std::vector
< reco::PFCandidate > & 
getAllElectronCandidates ()
const std::vector
< reco::PFCandidate > & 
getElectronCandidates ()
const std::vector
< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra > & 
getElectronExtra ()
bool isElectronValidCandidate (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, std::vector< bool > &active)
 PFElectronAlgo (const double mvaEleCut, std::string mvaWeightFileEleID, const boost::shared_ptr< PFSCEnergyCalibration > &thePFSCEnergyCalibration, bool applyCrackCorrections, bool usePFSCEleCalib, bool useEGElectrons, bool useEGammaSupercluster, double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel, double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap, double coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC, double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel, double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap, unsigned int nTrackIsoForEgammaSC, double coneTrackIsoForEgammaSC)
void setEGElectronCollection (const reco::GsfElectronCollection &egelectrons)
 ~PFElectronAlgo ()

Private Types

typedef std::map< unsigned int,
std::vector< unsigned int > > 

Private Member Functions

unsigned int FindClosestElement (const unsigned int iele, std::multimap< double, unsigned int > &Elems, float &chi2cut, std::vector< bool > &active, const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef)
bool isPrimaryTrack (const reco::PFBlockElementTrack &KfEl, const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack &GsfEl)
void RunPFElectron (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, std::vector< bool > &active)
void SetActive (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, AssMap &associatedToGsf_, AssMap &associatedToBrems_, AssMap &associatedToEcal_, std::vector< bool > &active)
void SetCandidates (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, AssMap &associatedToGsf_, AssMap &associatedToBrems_, AssMap &associatedToEcal_)
void SetIDOutputs (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, AssMap &associatedToGsf_, AssMap &associatedToBrems_, AssMap &associatedToEcal_)
bool SetLinks (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockRef, AssMap &associatedToGsf_, AssMap &associatedToBrems_, AssMap &associatedToEcal_, std::vector< bool > &active)
unsigned int whichTrackAlgo (const reco::TrackRef &trackRef)

Private Attributes

std::vector< reco::PFCandidateallElCandidate_
bool applyCrackCorrections_
std::vector< double > BDToutput_
float chi2_gsf
float chi2_kf
double coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC_
double coneTrackIsoForEgammaSC_
std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, unsigned int > > 
float DEtaGsfEcalClust
float dPtOverPt_gsf
float DPtOverPt_gsf
float DPtOverPt_kf
float earlyBrem
float EGsfPoutMode
std::vector< reco::PFCandidateelCandidate_
std::map< unsigned int,
std::vector< reco::PFCandidate > > 
< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra
float Eta_gsf
float EtotBremPinPoutMode
float EtotPinMode
std::vector< std::pair
< unsigned int, unsigned int > > 
float firstBrem
std::vector< bool > GsfTrackSingleEcal_
float HOverHE
float HOverPin
bool isvalid_
float lateBrem
float lnPt_gsf
std::vector< bool > lockExtraKf_
double mvaEleCut_
const char * mvaWeightFile_
float nhit_gsf
float nhit_kf
unsigned int nTrackIsoForEgammaSC_
float SigmaEtaEta
double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_
double sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_
double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_
double sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_
const std::vector
< reco::GsfElectron > * 
< PFSCEnergyCalibration
TMVA::Reader * tmvaReader_
bool useEGammaSupercluster_
bool useEGElectrons_
bool usePFSCEleCalib_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map< unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int> > PFElectronAlgo::AssMap [private]

Definition at line 67 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFElectronAlgo::PFElectronAlgo ( const double  mvaEleCut,
std::string  mvaWeightFileEleID,
const boost::shared_ptr< PFSCEnergyCalibration > &  thePFSCEnergyCalibration,
bool  applyCrackCorrections,
bool  usePFSCEleCalib,
bool  useEGElectrons,
bool  useEGammaSupercluster,
double  sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel,
double  sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap,
double  coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC,
double  sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel,
double  sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap,
unsigned int  nTrackIsoForEgammaSC,
double  coneTrackIsoForEgammaSC 

Definition at line 29 of file

References chi2_gsf, chi2_kf, DEtaGsfEcalClust, DPtOverPt_gsf, dPtOverPt_gsf, EGsfPoutMode, Eta_gsf, EtotBremPinPoutMode, EtotPinMode, firstBrem, HOverHE, lateBrem, lnPt_gsf, nhit_kf, SigmaEtaEta, and tmvaReader_.

  // Set the tmva reader
  tmvaReader_ = new TMVA::Reader("!Color:Silent");
//   tmvaReader_->AddVariable("HOverPin",&HOverPin);
PFElectronAlgo::~PFElectronAlgo ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

References tmvaReader_.

{delete tmvaReader_;};

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int PFElectronAlgo::FindClosestElement ( const unsigned int  iele,
std::multimap< double, unsigned int > &  Elems,
float &  chi2cut,
std::vector< bool > &  active,
const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef 
) [private]
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidate>& PFElectronAlgo::getAllElectronCandidates ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 58 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

References allElCandidate_.

Referenced by PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock().

{return allElCandidate_;};
const std::vector<reco::PFCandidate>& PFElectronAlgo::getElectronCandidates ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 55 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

References elCandidate_.

Referenced by PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock().

{return elCandidate_;};
const std::vector< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra>& PFElectronAlgo::getElectronExtra ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 61 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

References electronExtra_.

Referenced by PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock().

{return electronExtra_;};
bool PFElectronAlgo::isElectronValidCandidate ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
std::vector< bool > &  active 
) [inline]

Definition at line 47 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

References isvalid_, and RunPFElectron().

Referenced by PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons::processBlock().

    return isvalid_;};
bool PFElectronAlgo::isPrimaryTrack ( const reco::PFBlockElementTrack KfEl,
const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack GsfEl 
) [private]

Definition at line 2574 of file

References reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::GsftrackRefPF(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), and reco::PFBlockElementTrack::trackRefPF().

Referenced by SetCandidates(), SetIDOutputs(), and SetLinks().

  bool isPrimary = false;
  GsfPFRecTrackRef gsfPfRef = GsfEl.GsftrackRefPF();
  if(gsfPfRef.isNonnull()) {
    PFRecTrackRef  kfPfRef = KfEl.trackRefPF();
    PFRecTrackRef  kfPfRef_fromGsf = (*gsfPfRef).kfPFRecTrackRef();
    if(kfPfRef.isNonnull() && kfPfRef_fromGsf.isNonnull()) {
      reco::TrackRef kfref= (*kfPfRef).trackRef();
      reco::TrackRef kfref_fromGsf = (*kfPfRef_fromGsf).trackRef();
      if(kfref.isNonnull() && kfref_fromGsf.isNonnull()) {
        if(kfref ==  kfref_fromGsf)
          isPrimary = true;

  return isPrimary;
void PFElectronAlgo::RunPFElectron ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
std::vector< bool > &  active 
) [private]

Definition at line 79 of file

References allElCandidate_, BDToutput_, convGsfTrack_, elCandidate_, electronConstituents_, electronExtra_, fifthStepKfTrack_, isvalid_, lockExtraKf_, SetActive(), SetCandidates(), SetIDOutputs(), and SetLinks().

Referenced by isElectronValidCandidate().


  // the maps are initialized 
  AssMap associatedToGsf;
  AssMap associatedToBrems;
  AssMap associatedToEcal;

  // should be cleaned as often as often as possible
  // SetLinks finds all the elements (kf,ecal,ps,hcal,brems) 
  // associated to each gsf track
  bool blockHasGSF = SetLinks(blockRef,associatedToGsf,
  // check if there is at least a gsf track in the block. 
  if (blockHasGSF) {

    // For each GSF track is initialized a BDT value = -1

    // The FinalID is run and BDToutput values is assigned 

    // For each GSF track that pass the BDT configurable cut a pf candidate electron is created. 
    // This function finds also the best estimation of the initial electron 4-momentum.

    if (elCandidate_.size() > 0 ){
      isvalid_ = true;
      // when a pfelectron candidate is created all the elements associated to the
      // electron are locked. 
  } // endif blockHasGSF
void PFElectronAlgo::SetActive ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
AssMap associatedToGsf_,
AssMap associatedToBrems_,
AssMap associatedToEcal_,
std::vector< bool > &  active 
) [private]

Definition at line 2441 of file

References reco::PFBlock::associatedElements(), BDToutput_, Association::block, reco::PFBlockElement::BREM, convGsfTrack_, ECAL, reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, reco::PFBlock::elements(), asciidump::elements, fifthStepKfTrack_, first, reco::PFBlock::linkData(), reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL, lockExtraKf_, mvaEleCut_, reco::PFBlockElement::PS1, reco::PFBlockElement::PS2, edm::second(), and reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK.

Referenced by RunPFElectron().

  const reco::PFBlock& block = *blockRef;
  PFBlock::LinkData linkData =  block.linkData();  
  const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >&  elements = block.elements();
  unsigned int cgsf=0;
  for (map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator igsf = associatedToGsf_.begin();
       igsf != associatedToGsf_.end(); igsf++,cgsf++) {

    // lock only the elements that pass the BDT cut
    if(BDToutput_[cgsf] < mvaEleCut_) continue;

    unsigned int gsf_index =  igsf->first;
    active[gsf_index] = false;  // lock the gsf
    vector<unsigned int> assogsf_index = igsf->second;
    for  (unsigned int ielegsf=0;ielegsf<assogsf_index.size();ielegsf++) {
      PFBlockElement::Type assoele_type = elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])].type();
      // lock the elements associated to the gsf: ECAL, Brems
      active[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])] = false;  
      if (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
        unsigned int keyecalgsf = assogsf_index[ielegsf];

        // added protection against fifth step
        if(fifthStepKfTrack_.size() > 0) {
          for(unsigned int itr = 0; itr < fifthStepKfTrack_.size(); itr++) {
            if(fifthStepKfTrack_[itr].first == keyecalgsf) {
              active[(fifthStepKfTrack_[itr].second)] = false;

        // added locking for conv gsf tracks and kf tracks
        if(convGsfTrack_.size() > 0) {
          for(unsigned int iconv = 0; iconv < convGsfTrack_.size(); iconv++) {
            if(convGsfTrack_[iconv].first == keyecalgsf) {
              // lock the GSF track
              active[(convGsfTrack_[iconv].second)] = false;
              // lock also the KF track associated
              std::multimap<double, unsigned> convKf;
              block.associatedElements( convGsfTrack_[iconv].second,
                                        reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
              if(convKf.size() > 0) {
                active[convKf.begin()->second] = false;

        vector<unsigned int> assoecalgsf_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalgsf)->second;
        for(unsigned int ips =0; ips<assoecalgsf_index.size();ips++) {
          // lock the elements associated to ECAL: PS1,PS2, for the moment not HCAL
          if  (elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) 
            active[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])] = false;
          if  (elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) 
            active[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])] = false;
          if  (elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK) {
            if(lockExtraKf_[cgsf] == true) {          
              active[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])] = false;
      } // End if ECAL
      if (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::BREM) {
        unsigned int brem_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
        vector<unsigned int> assobrem_index = associatedToBrems_.find(brem_index)->second;
        for (unsigned int ibrem = 0; ibrem < assobrem_index.size(); ibrem++){
          if (elements[(assobrem_index[ibrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
            unsigned int keyecalbrem = assobrem_index[ibrem];
            // lock the ecal cluster associated to the brem
            active[(assobrem_index[ibrem])] = false;

            // add protection against fifth step
            if(fifthStepKfTrack_.size() > 0) {
              for(unsigned int itr = 0; itr < fifthStepKfTrack_.size(); itr++) {
                if(fifthStepKfTrack_[itr].first == keyecalbrem) {
                  active[(fifthStepKfTrack_[itr].second)] = false;

            vector<unsigned int> assoelebrem_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalbrem)->second;
            // lock the elements associated to ECAL: PS1,PS2, for the moment not HCAL
            for (unsigned int ielebrem=0; ielebrem<assoelebrem_index.size();ielebrem++) {
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) 
                active[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])] = false;
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) 
                active[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])] = false;
      } // End if BREM    
    } // End loop on elements from gsf track
  }  // End loop on gsf track  
void PFElectronAlgo::SetCandidates ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
AssMap associatedToGsf_,
AssMap associatedToBrems_,
AssMap associatedToEcal_ 
) [private]

Definition at line 1864 of file

References reco::CompositeCandidate::addDaughter(), reco::PFCandidate::addElementInBlock(), allElCandidate_, applyCrackCorrections_, reco::PFBlock::associatedElements(), BDToutput_, Association::block, reco::PFBlockElement::BREM, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), reco::PFBlockElementCluster::clusterRef(), gather_cfg::cout, reco::PFCandidate::e, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, ECAL, reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, elCandidate_, electronConstituents_, electronExtra_, reco::PFBlock::elements(), asciidump::elements, PFEnergyCalibration::energyEm(), reco::PFCandidate::gamma, PFEnergyResolution::getEnergyResolutionEm(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::GsftrackRef(), reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL, patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff::hcal, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), isPrimaryTrack(), reco::PFBlock::linkData(), reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL, M_PI, mvaEleCut_, nhit_gsf, nhit_kf, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::particleType, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::PFCandidate, reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::positionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFBlockElementBrem::positionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFBlockElement::PS1, reco::PFBlockElement::PS2, reco::PFCandidate::set_mva_e_pi(), reco::PFCandidate::setEcalEnergy(), reco::PFCandidate::setGsfTrackRef(), reco::PFCandidate::setHcalEnergy(), reco::PFCandidate::setPositionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFCandidate::setPs1Energy(), reco::PFCandidate::setPs2Energy(), reco::PFCandidate::setRawEcalEnergy(), reco::PFCandidate::setTrackRef(), reco::LeafCandidate::setVertex(), funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), thePFSCEnergyCalibration_, reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK, reco::PFBlockElementTrack::trackRef(), and usePFSCEleCalib_.

Referenced by RunPFElectron().

  const reco::PFBlock& block = *blockRef;
  PFBlock::LinkData linkData =  block.linkData();     
  const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >&  elements = block.elements();
  PFEnergyResolution pfresol_;
  PFEnergyCalibration pfcalib_;

  bool DebugIDCandidates = false;
//   vector<reco::PFCluster> pfClust_vec(0);
//   pfClust_vec.clear();

  unsigned int cgsf=0;
  for (map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator igsf = associatedToGsf_.begin();
       igsf != associatedToGsf_.end(); igsf++,cgsf++) {
    unsigned int gsf_index =  igsf->first;

    // They should be reset for each gsf track
    int eecal=0;
    int hcal=0;
    int charge =0; 
    bool goodphi=true;
    math::XYZTLorentzVector momentum_kf,momentum_gsf,momentum,momentum_mean;
    float dpt=0; float dpt_kf=0; float dpt_gsf=0; float dpt_mean=0;
    float Eene=0; float dene=0; float Hene=0.;
    float RawEene = 0.;
    double posX=0.;
    double posY=0.;
    double posZ=0.;
    std::vector<float> bremEnergyVec;

    float de_gs = 0., de_me = 0., de_kf = 0.; 
    float m_el=0.00051;
    int nhit_kf=0; int nhit_gsf=0;
    bool has_gsf=false;
    bool has_kf=false;
    math::XYZTLorentzVector newmomentum;
    float ps1TotEne = 0;
    float ps2TotEne = 0;
    vector<unsigned int> elementsToAdd(0);
    reco::TrackRef RefKF;  

    const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * GsfEl  =  
      dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[gsf_index]));
    const math::XYZPointF& posGsfEcalEntrance = GsfEl->positionAtECALEntrance();
    reco::GsfTrackRef RefGSF = GsfEl->GsftrackRef();
    if (RefGSF.isNonnull()) {
      charge= RefGSF->chargeMode();
      nhit_gsf= RefGSF->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement();
      float ENE=sqrt(RefGSF->pMode()*
      if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
        cout << "SetCandidates:: GsfTrackRef: Ene " << ENE 
             << " charge " << charge << " nhits " << nhit_gsf <<endl;
      float ENEm=sqrt(RefGSF->p()*
    else {
      if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
        cout <<  "SetCandidates:: !!!!  NULL GSF Track Ref " << endl;   

    //    vector<unsigned int> assogsf_index =  associatedToGsf_[igsf].second;
    vector<unsigned int> assogsf_index = igsf->second;
    unsigned int ecalGsf_index = 100000;
    bool FirstEcalGsf = true;
    for  (unsigned int ielegsf=0;ielegsf<assogsf_index.size();ielegsf++) {
      PFBlockElement::Type assoele_type = elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])].type();
      if  (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK) {
        elementsToAdd.push_back((assogsf_index[ielegsf])); // Daniele
        const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * KfTk =  
          dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])]));
        // 19 Mar 2010 do not consider here track from gamam conv
        bool isPrim = isPrimaryTrack(*KfTk,*GsfEl);
        if(!isPrim) continue;
        RefKF = KfTk->trackRef();
        if (RefKF.isNonnull()) {
          has_kf = true;
          float ENE=sqrt(RefKF->p()*RefKF->p()+m_el*m_el);
          if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
            cout << "SetCandidates:: KFTrackRef: Ene " << ENE << " nhits " << nhit_kf << endl;
        else {
          if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
            cout <<  "SetCandidates:: !!!! NULL KF Track Ref " << endl;

      if  (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
        unsigned int keyecalgsf = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
        vector<unsigned int> assoecalgsf_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalgsf)->second;
        vector<double> ps1Ene(0);
        vector<double> ps2Ene(0);
        // Important is the PS clusters are not saved before the ecal one, these
        // energy are not correctly assigned 
        // For the moment I get only the closest PS clusters: this has to be changed
        for(unsigned int ips =0; ips<assoecalgsf_index.size();ips++) {
          PFBlockElement::Type typeassoecal = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].type();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) {  
            PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].clusterRef();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) {  
            PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].clusterRef();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL) {
            const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clust =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])])); 

        const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clust =  
          dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])]));
        const reco::PFCluster& cl(*clust->clusterRef());

        // The electron RAW energy is the energy of the corrected GSF cluster   
        double ps1,ps2;
        //      float EE=pfcalib_.energyEm(cl,ps1Ene,ps2Ene);
        float EE = pfcalib_.energyEm(cl,ps1Ene,ps2Ene,ps1,ps2,applyCrackCorrections_);    
        //      float RawEE =;

        float ceta=cl.position().eta();
        float cphi=cl.position().phi();
        float mphi=-2.97025;
        if (ceta<0) mphi+=0.00638;
        for (int ip=1; ip<19; ip++){
          float df= cphi - (mphi+(ip*6.283185/18));
          if (fabs(df)<0.01) goodphi=false;
        float dE=pfresol_.getEnergyResolutionEm(EE,cl.position().eta());
        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "SetCandidates:: EcalCluster: EneNoCalib " << clust->clusterRef()->energy()  
               << " eta,phi " << ceta << "," << cphi << " Calib " <<  EE << " dE " <<  dE <<endl;

        bool elecCluster=false;
        if (FirstEcalGsf) {
          FirstEcalGsf = false;
          ecalGsf_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
          //      std::cout << " PFElectronAlgo / Seed " << EE << std::endl;
          RawEene += EE;
        // create a photon/electron candidate
        math::XYZTLorentzVector clusterMomentum;
        math::XYZPoint direction=cl.position()/cl.position().R();
        reco::PFCandidate cluster_Candidate((elecCluster)?charge:0,
                                            (elecCluster)? reco::PFCandidate::e : reco::PFCandidate::gamma);
        //            std::cout << " PFElectronAlgo, adding Brem (1) " << EE << std::endl;
        // The Raw Ecal energy will be the energy of the basic cluster. 
        // It will be the corrected energy without the preshower
        // store the photon candidate
        std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> >::iterator itcheck=
            // beurk
            std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> tmpVec;
            electronConstituents_.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> >
        posX +=  EE * cl.position().X();
        posY +=  EE * cl.position().Y();
        posZ +=  EE * cl.position().Z();          

      // Important: Add energy from the brems
      if  (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::BREM) {
        unsigned int brem_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
        vector<unsigned int> assobrem_index = associatedToBrems_.find(brem_index)->second;
        for (unsigned int ibrem = 0; ibrem < assobrem_index.size(); ibrem++){
          if (elements[(assobrem_index[ibrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
            // brem emission is from the considered gsf track
            unsigned int keyecalbrem = assobrem_index[ibrem];
            const vector<unsigned int>& assoelebrem_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalbrem)->second;
            vector<double> ps1EneFromBrem(0);
            vector<double> ps2EneFromBrem(0);
            float ps1EneFromBremTot=0.;
            float ps2EneFromBremTot=0.;
            for (unsigned int ielebrem=0; ielebrem<assoelebrem_index.size();ielebrem++) {
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) {
                PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].clusterRef();
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) {
                PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].clusterRef();

            if( assobrem_index[ibrem] !=  ecalGsf_index) {
              reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(assobrem_index[ibrem])].clusterRef();
              // to get a calibrated PS energy 
              double ps1=0;
              double ps2=0;
              float EE = pfcalib_.energyEm(*clusterRef,ps1EneFromBrem,ps2EneFromBrem,ps1,ps2,applyCrackCorrections_);
              // float RawEE  = clusterRef->energy();
              float ceta = clusterRef->position().eta();
              // float cphi = clusterRef->position().phi();
              float dE=pfresol_.getEnergyResolutionEm(EE,ceta);
              if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
                cout << "SetCandidates:: BremCluster: Ene " << EE << " dE " <<  dE <<endl;        

              posX +=  EE * clusterRef->position().X();
              posY +=  EE * clusterRef->position().Y();
              posZ +=  EE * clusterRef->position().Z();   
              // Removed 4 March 2009. Florian. The Raw energy is the (corrected) one of the GSF cluster only
              //              RawEene += RawEE;

              // create a PFCandidate out of it. Watch out, it is for the e/gamma and tau only
              // not to be used by the PFAlgo
              math::XYZTLorentzVector photonMomentum;
              math::XYZPoint direction=clusterRef->position()/clusterRef->position().R();
              reco::PFCandidate photon_Candidate(0,photonMomentum, reco::PFCandidate::gamma);
              //              std::cout << " PFElectronAlgo, adding Brem " << EE << std::endl;
              // yes, EE, we want the raw ecal energy of the daugther to have the same definition
              // as the GSF cluster

              // store the photon candidate
              std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> >::iterator itcheck=
                  // beurk
                  std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> tmpVec;
                  electronConstituents_.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> >
    } // End Loop On element associated to the GSF tracks
    if (has_gsf) {
      // SuperCluster energy corrections
      double unCorrEene = Eene;
      double absEta = fabs(momentum_gsf.Eta());
      double emTheta = momentum_gsf.Theta();
      if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
        cout << "PFEelectronAlgo:: absEta " << absEta  << " theta " << emTheta 
             << " EneRaw " << Eene << " Err " << dene;
      // The calibrations are provided till ET = 200 GeV
      if(usePFSCEleCalib_ && (unCorrEene*sin(emTheta)) < 200 && unCorrEene > 0.) {
        if( absEta < 1.5) {
          double Etene = Eene*sin(emTheta);
          double emCorrFull_et = thePFSCEnergyCalibration_->SCCorrEtEtaBarrel(Etene, absEta);
          Eene = emCorrFull_et/sin(emTheta);
        else {
          double Etene = Eene*sin(emTheta);
          double emCorrFull_et = thePFSCEnergyCalibration_->SCCorrEtEtaEndcap(Etene, absEta);
          Eene = emCorrFull_et/sin(emTheta);
        dene = sqrt(dene)*(Eene/unCorrEene);
        dene = dene*dene;
      if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
        cout << " EneCorrected " << Eene << " Err " << dene  << endl;

      // charge determination with the majority method
      // if the kf track exists: 2 among 3 of supercluster barycenter position
      // gsf track and kf track
      if(has_kf && unCorrEene > 0.) {
        posX /=unCorrEene;
        posY /=unCorrEene;
        posZ /=unCorrEene;
        math::XYZPoint sc_pflow(posX,posY,posZ);

        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> bremElems;
        block.associatedElements( gsf_index,linkData,
                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );

        double phiTrack = RefGSF->phiMode();
        if(bremElems.size()>0) {
          unsigned int brem_index =  bremElems.begin()->second;
          const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl  =  
            dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>((&elements[brem_index]));
          phiTrack = BremEl->positionAtECALEntrance().phi();

        double dphi_normalsc = sc_pflow.Phi() - phiTrack;
        if ( dphi_normalsc < -M_PI ) 
          dphi_normalsc = dphi_normalsc + 2.*M_PI;
        else if ( dphi_normalsc > M_PI ) 
          dphi_normalsc = dphi_normalsc - 2.*M_PI;
        int chargeGsf = RefGSF->chargeMode();
        int chargeKf = RefKF->charge();

        int chargeSC = 0;
        if(dphi_normalsc < 0.) 
          chargeSC = 1;
          chargeSC = -1;
        if(chargeKf == chargeGsf) 
          charge = chargeGsf;
        else if(chargeGsf == chargeSC)
          charge = chargeGsf;
          charge = chargeKf;

        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "PFElectronAlgo:: charge determination " 
               << " charge GSF " << chargeGsf 
               << " charge KF " << chargeKf 
               << " charge SC " << chargeSC
               << " Final Charge " << charge << endl;
      // Think about this... 
      if ((nhit_gsf<8) && (has_kf)){
        // Use Hene if some condition.... 
        float Fe=Eene;
        float scale= Fe/momentum.E();
        // Daniele Changed
        if (Eene < 0.0001) {
          Fe = momentum.E();
          scale = 1.;

        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "SetCandidates:: (nhit_gsf<8) && (has_kf):: pt " << << " Ene " <<  Fe <<endl;

      if ((nhit_gsf>7) || (has_kf==false)){
        if(Eene > 0.0001) {

        if(dene > 0.)
          dene= 1./dene;
        float Fe = 0.;
        if(Eene > 0.0001) {
          Fe =((dene*Eene) +(dpt*momentum.E()))/(dene+dpt);
        else {
        if ((de_gs>0.05)&&(de_kf>0.05)){
        if ((de_gs<-0.1)&&(de_me<-0.1) &&(de_kf<0.) && 
            (momentum.E()/dpt_gsf) > 5. && < 30.){
        float scale= Fe/momentum.E();
        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "SetCandidates::(nhit_gsf>7) || (has_kf==false)  " << << " Ene " <<  Fe <<endl;
      if (>0.5){
        // the pf candidate are created: we need to set something more? 
        // IMPORTANT -> We need the gsftrackRef, not only the TrackRef??

        if( DebugIDCandidates )
          cout << "SetCandidates:: I am before doing candidate " <<endl;
        //vector with the cluster energies (for the extra)
        std::vector<float> clusterEnergyVec;

        // add the information in the extra
        std::vector<reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra>::iterator itextra;
        PFElectronExtraEqual myExtraEqual(RefGSF);
        if(itextra!=electronExtra_.end()) {
        else {
            std::cout << " There is a big problem with the electron extra, PFElectronAlgo should crash soon " << RawEene << std::endl;

        reco::PFCandidate::ParticleType particleType 
          = reco::PFCandidate::e;
        reco::PFCandidate temp_Candidate;
        temp_Candidate = PFCandidate(charge,newmomentum,particleType);
        // Note the Hcal energy is set but the element is never locked 
        // This reference could be NULL it is needed a protection? 
        // Add Vertex

        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "SetCandidates:: I am after doing candidate " <<endl;
        for (unsigned int elad=0; elad<elementsToAdd.size();elad++){

        if(BDToutput_[cgsf] >=  mvaEleCut_) 

        // now the special candidate for e/gamma & taus 
        reco::PFCandidate extendedElCandidate(temp_Candidate);
        // now add the photons to this candidate
        std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> >::const_iterator itcluster=
            const std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> & theClusters=itcluster->second;
            unsigned nclus=theClusters.size();
            //      std::cout << " PFElectronAlgo " << nclus << " daugthers to add" << std::endl;
            for(unsigned iclus=0;iclus<nclus;++iclus)
//      else
//        {
//          std::cout << " Did not find any photon connected to " <<cgsf << std::endl;
//        }
      else {
        BDToutput_[cgsf] = -1.;   // if the momentum is < 0.5 ID = false, but not sure
        // it could be misleading. 
        if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
          cout << "SetCandidates:: No Candidate Produced because of Pt cut: 0.5 " <<endl;
    else {
      BDToutput_[cgsf] = -1.;  // if gsf ref does not exist
      if( DebugIDCandidates ) 
        cout << "SetCandidates:: No Candidate Produced because of No GSF Track Ref " <<endl;
  } // End Loop On GSF tracks
void PFElectronAlgo::setEGElectronCollection ( const reco::GsfElectronCollection egelectrons)

Definition at line 2545 of file

References theGsfElectrons_.

Referenced by PFAlgo::setEGElectronCollection().

  theGsfElectrons_ = & egelectrons;
void PFElectronAlgo::SetIDOutputs ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
AssMap associatedToGsf_,
AssMap associatedToBrems_,
AssMap associatedToEcal_ 
) [private]

Definition at line 1401 of file

References applyCrackCorrections_, reco::PFBlock::associatedElements(), BDToutput_, Association::block, reco::PFBlockElement::BREM, chi2_gsf, chi2_kf, reco::PFBlockElementCluster::clusterRef(), gather_cfg::cout, DEtaGsfEcalClust, DPtOverPt_gsf, dPtOverPt_gsf, DPtOverPt_kf, earlyBrem, ECAL, reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, EGsfPoutMode, electronExtra_, reco::PFBlock::elements(), asciidump::elements, PFEnergyCalibration::energyEm(), Eta_gsf, EtotBremPinPoutMode, EtotPinMode, firstBrem, reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::GsftrackRef(), reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL, HOverHE, HOverPin, reco::PFBlockElementBrem::indTrajPoint(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), isPrimaryTrack(), lateBrem, reco::PFBlock::linkData(), reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL, lnPt_gsf, lockExtraKf_, funct::log(), M_PI, mvaEleCut_, nhit_gsf, nhit_kf, PFClusterWidthAlgo::pflowSigmaEtaEta(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::positionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::Pout(), reco::PFBlockElement::PS1, reco::PFBlockElement::PS2, reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setDeltaEta(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setEarlyBrem(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setGsfTrackPout(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setHadEnergy(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setKfTrackRef(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setLateBrem(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setMVA(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::setSigmaEtaEta(), SigmaEtaEta, funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), tmvaReader_, reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK, reco::PFBlockElementTrack::trackRef(), and whichTrackAlgo().

Referenced by RunPFElectron().

  PFEnergyCalibration pfcalib_;  
  const reco::PFBlock& block = *blockRef;
  PFBlock::LinkData linkData =  block.linkData();     
  const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >&  elements = block.elements();
  bool DebugIDOutputs = false;
  if(DebugIDOutputs) cout << " ######## Enter in SetIDOutputs #########" << endl;
  unsigned int cgsf=0;
  for (map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator igsf = associatedToGsf_.begin();
       igsf != associatedToGsf_.end(); igsf++,cgsf++) {

    float Ene_ecalgsf = 0.;
    float Ene_hcalgsf = 0.;
    double sigmaEtaEta = 0.;
    float deta_gsfecal = 0.;
    float Ene_ecalbrem = 0.;
    float Ene_extraecalgsf = 0.;
    bool LateBrem = false;
    bool EarlyBrem = false;
    int FirstBrem = 1000;
    unsigned int ecalGsf_index = 100000;
    unsigned int kf_index = 100000;
    unsigned int nhits_gsf = 0;
    int NumBrem = 0;
    reco::TrackRef RefKF;  
    double posX=0.;
    double posY=0.;
    double posZ=0.;

    unsigned int gsf_index =  igsf->first;
    const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * GsfEl  =  
      dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[gsf_index]));
    reco::GsfTrackRef RefGSF = GsfEl->GsftrackRef();
    float Ein_gsf   = 0.;
    if (RefGSF.isNonnull()) {
      float m_el=0.00051;
      Ein_gsf =sqrt(RefGSF->pMode()*
      nhits_gsf = RefGSF->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement();
    float Eout_gsf = GsfEl->Pout().t();
    float Etaout_gsf = GsfEl->positionAtECALEntrance().eta();

    if (DebugIDOutputs)  
      cout << " setIdOutput! GSF Track: Ein " <<  Ein_gsf 
           << " eta,phi " <<  Etaout_gsf
           <<", " << GsfEl->positionAtECALEntrance().phi() << endl;

    vector<unsigned int> assogsf_index = igsf->second;
    bool FirstEcalGsf = true;
    for  (unsigned int ielegsf=0;ielegsf<assogsf_index.size();ielegsf++) {
      PFBlockElement::Type assoele_type = elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])].type();
      // The RefKf is needed to build pure tracking observables
      if(assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK) {
        const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * KfTk =  
          dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])]));
        // 19 Mar 2010 do not consider here track from gamma conv
        bool isPrim = isPrimaryTrack(*KfTk,*GsfEl);
        if(!isPrim) continue;
        RefKF = KfTk->trackRef();
        kf_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
      if  (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
        unsigned int keyecalgsf = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
        vector<unsigned int> assoecalgsf_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalgsf)->second;
        vector<double> ps1Ene(0);
        vector<double> ps2Ene(0);
        for(unsigned int ips =0; ips<assoecalgsf_index.size();ips++) {
          PFBlockElement::Type typeassoecal = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].type();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) {  
            PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].clusterRef();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) {  
            PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])].clusterRef();
          if  (typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL) {
            const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clust =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(assoecalgsf_index[ips])])); 
        if (FirstEcalGsf) {
          FirstEcalGsf = false;
          ecalGsf_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
          reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])].clusterRef();        
          double ps1,ps2;
          //      Ene_ecalgsf = pfcalib_.energyEm(*clusterRef,ps1Ene,ps2Ene);     
          Ene_ecalgsf = pfcalib_.energyEm(*clusterRef,ps1Ene,ps2Ene,ps1,ps2,applyCrackCorrections_);      
          //      std::cout << "Test " << Ene_ecalgsf <<  " PS1 / PS2 " << ps1 << " " << ps2 << std::endl;
          posX += Ene_ecalgsf * clusterRef->position().X();
          posY += Ene_ecalgsf * clusterRef->position().Y();
          posZ += Ene_ecalgsf * clusterRef->position().Z();

          if (DebugIDOutputs)  
            cout << " setIdOutput! GSF ECAL Cluster E " << Ene_ecalgsf
                 << " eta,phi " << clusterRef->position().eta()
                 <<", " <<  clusterRef->position().phi() << endl;
          deta_gsfecal = clusterRef->position().eta() - Etaout_gsf;
          vector< const reco::PFCluster * > pfClust_vec(0);
          PFClusterWidthAlgo pfwidth(pfClust_vec);
          sigmaEtaEta = pfwidth.pflowSigmaEtaEta();

        else {
          reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(assogsf_index[ielegsf])].clusterRef();                
          float TempClus_energy = pfcalib_.energyEm(*clusterRef,ps1Ene,ps2Ene,applyCrackCorrections_);   
          Ene_extraecalgsf += TempClus_energy;
          posX += TempClus_energy * clusterRef->position().X();
          posY += TempClus_energy * clusterRef->position().Y();
          posZ += TempClus_energy * clusterRef->position().Z();   

          if (DebugIDOutputs)
            cout << " setIdOutput! Extra ECAL Cluster E " 
                 << TempClus_energy << " Tot " <<  Ene_extraecalgsf << endl;
      } // end type Ecal

      if  (assoele_type == reco::PFBlockElement::BREM) {
        unsigned int brem_index = assogsf_index[ielegsf];
        const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl  =  
          dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>((&elements[brem_index]));
        int TrajPos = (BremEl->indTrajPoint())-2;
        if (TrajPos <= 3) EarlyBrem = true;
        if (TrajPos < FirstBrem) FirstBrem = TrajPos;

        vector<unsigned int> assobrem_index = associatedToBrems_.find(brem_index)->second;
        for (unsigned int ibrem = 0; ibrem < assobrem_index.size(); ibrem++){
          if (elements[(assobrem_index[ibrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
            unsigned int keyecalbrem = assobrem_index[ibrem];
            vector<unsigned int> assoelebrem_index = associatedToEcal_.find(keyecalbrem)->second;
            vector<double> ps1EneFromBrem(0);
            vector<double> ps2EneFromBrem(0);
            for (unsigned int ielebrem=0; ielebrem<assoelebrem_index.size();ielebrem++) {
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) {
                PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].clusterRef();
              if (elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].type() == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) {
                PFClusterRef  psref = elements[(assoelebrem_index[ielebrem])].clusterRef();
            // check if it is a compatible cluster also with the gsf track
            if( assobrem_index[ibrem] !=  ecalGsf_index) {
              reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = 
              float BremClus_energy = pfcalib_.energyEm(*clusterRef,ps1EneFromBrem,ps2EneFromBrem,applyCrackCorrections_);
              Ene_ecalbrem += BremClus_energy;
              posX +=  BremClus_energy * clusterRef->position().X();
              posY +=  BremClus_energy * clusterRef->position().Y();
              posZ +=  BremClus_energy * clusterRef->position().Z();      
              if (DebugIDOutputs) cout << " setIdOutput::BREM Cluster " 
                                       <<  BremClus_energy << " eta,phi " 
                                       <<  clusterRef->position().eta()  <<", " 
                                       << clusterRef->position().phi() << endl;
            else {
              LateBrem = true;
    if (Ene_ecalgsf > 0.) {
      // here build the new BDT observables
      //  ***** Normalization observables ****
      if(RefGSF.isNonnull()) {
        PFCandidateElectronExtra myExtra(RefGSF) ;
        float Pt_gsf = RefGSF->ptMode();
        lnPt_gsf = log(Pt_gsf);
        Eta_gsf = RefGSF->etaMode();
        // **** Pure tracking observables. 
        if(RefGSF->ptModeError() > 0.)
          dPtOverPt_gsf = RefGSF->ptModeError()/Pt_gsf;
        nhit_gsf= RefGSF->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement();
        chi2_gsf = RefGSF->normalizedChi2();
        // change GsfEl->Pout().pt() as soon the PoutMode is on the GsfTrack DataFormat
        DPtOverPt_gsf =  (RefGSF->ptMode() - GsfEl->Pout().pt())/RefGSF->ptMode();
        nhit_kf = 0;
        chi2_kf = -0.01;
        DPtOverPt_kf = -0.01;
        if (RefKF.isNonnull()) {
          nhit_kf= RefKF->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement();
          chi2_kf = RefKF->normalizedChi2();
          // Not used, strange behaviour to be checked. And Kf->OuterPt is 
          // in track extra. 
          //DPtOverPt_kf = 
          //  (RefKF->pt() - RefKF->outerPt())/RefKF->pt();
        // **** Tracker-Ecal-Hcal observables 
        EtotPinMode        =  (Ene_ecalgsf + Ene_ecalbrem + Ene_extraecalgsf) / Ein_gsf; 
        EGsfPoutMode       =  Ene_ecalgsf/Eout_gsf;
        EtotBremPinPoutMode = Ene_ecalbrem /(Ein_gsf - Eout_gsf);
        DEtaGsfEcalClust  = fabs(deta_gsfecal);
        SigmaEtaEta = log(sigmaEtaEta);
        lateBrem = -1;
        firstBrem = -1;
        earlyBrem = -1;
        if(NumBrem > 0) {
          if (LateBrem) lateBrem = 1;
          else lateBrem = 0;
          firstBrem = FirstBrem;
          if(FirstBrem < 4) earlyBrem = 1;
          else earlyBrem = 0;
        HOverHE = Ene_hcalgsf/(Ene_hcalgsf + Ene_ecalgsf);
        HOverPin = Ene_hcalgsf / Ein_gsf;
        //      std::cout<< " Inserting in extra " << electronExtra_.size() << std::endl;

        // Put cuts and access the BDT output
        if(DPtOverPt_gsf < -0.2) DPtOverPt_gsf = -0.2;
        if(DPtOverPt_gsf > 1.) DPtOverPt_gsf = 1.;
        if(dPtOverPt_gsf > 0.3) dPtOverPt_gsf = 0.3;
        if(chi2_gsf > 10.) chi2_gsf = 10.;
        if(DPtOverPt_kf < -0.2) DPtOverPt_kf = -0.2;
        if(DPtOverPt_kf > 1.) DPtOverPt_kf = 1.;
        if(chi2_kf > 10.) chi2_kf = 10.;
        if(EtotPinMode < 0.) EtotPinMode = 0.;
        if(EtotPinMode > 5.) EtotPinMode = 5.;
        if(EGsfPoutMode < 0.) EGsfPoutMode = 0.;
        if(EGsfPoutMode > 5.) EGsfPoutMode = 5.;
        if(EtotBremPinPoutMode < 0.) EtotBremPinPoutMode = 0.01;
        if(EtotBremPinPoutMode > 5.) EtotBremPinPoutMode = 5.;
        if(DEtaGsfEcalClust > 0.1) DEtaGsfEcalClust = 0.1;
        if(SigmaEtaEta < -14) SigmaEtaEta = -14;
        if(HOverPin < 0.) HOverPin = 0.;
        if(HOverPin > 5.) HOverPin = 5.;
        double mvaValue = tmvaReader_->EvaluateMVA("BDT");
        // add output observables 
        BDToutput_[cgsf] = mvaValue;

        // IMPORTANT Additional conditions
        if(mvaValue > mvaEleCut_) {
          // Check if the ecal cluster is isolated. 
          // If there is at least one extra track and H/H+E > 0.05 or SumP(ExtraKf)/EGsf or  
          // #Tracks > 3 I leave this job to PFAlgo, otherwise I lock those extra tracks. 
          // Note:
          // The tracks coming from the 4 step of the iterative tracking are not considered, 
          // because they can come from secondary converted brems. 
          // They are locked to avoid double counting.
          // The lock is done in SetActivate function. 
          // All this can improved but it is already a good step. 
          // Find if the cluster is isolated. 
          unsigned int iextratrack = 0;
          unsigned int itrackHcalLinked = 0;
          float SumExtraKfP = 0.;

          double Etotal = Ene_ecalgsf + Ene_ecalbrem + Ene_extraecalgsf;
          posX /=Etotal;
          posY /=Etotal;
          posZ /=Etotal;
          math::XYZPoint sc_pflow(posX,posY,posZ);
          double ETtotal = Etotal*sin(sc_pflow.Theta());
          double phiTrack = RefGSF->phiMode();
          double dphi_normalsc = sc_pflow.Phi() - phiTrack;
          if ( dphi_normalsc < -M_PI ) 
            dphi_normalsc = dphi_normalsc + 2.*M_PI;
          else if ( dphi_normalsc > M_PI ) 
            dphi_normalsc = dphi_normalsc - 2.*M_PI;
          dphi_normalsc = fabs(dphi_normalsc);
          if(ecalGsf_index < 100000) {
            vector<unsigned int> assoecalgsf_index = associatedToEcal_.find(ecalGsf_index)->second;
            for(unsigned int itrk =0; itrk<assoecalgsf_index.size();itrk++) {
              PFBlockElement::Type typeassoecal = elements[(assoecalgsf_index[itrk])].type();
              if(typeassoecal == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK) {
                const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * kfTk =  
                  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[(assoecalgsf_index[itrk])]));
                // 19 Mar 2010 do not consider here tracks from gamma conv
                // This should be not needed because the seleted extra tracks from GammaConv
                // will be locked and can not be associated to the ecal elements 
                //if(kfTk->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV)) continue;

                reco::TrackRef trackref =  kfTk->trackRef();
                unsigned int Algo = whichTrackAlgo(trackref);
                // iter0, iter1, iter2, iter3 = Algo < 3
                // algo 4,5,6,7
                if(Algo < 3) {
                    cout << " The ecalGsf cluster is not isolated: >0 KF extra with algo < 3" << endl;

                  float p_trk = trackref->p();
                  SumExtraKfP += p_trk;
                  // Check if these extra tracks are HCAL linked
                  std::multimap<double, unsigned int> hcalKfElems;
                  block.associatedElements( assoecalgsf_index[itrk],linkData,
                                            reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
                  if(hcalKfElems.size() > 0) {
          if( iextratrack > 0) {
            if(iextratrack > 3 || HOverHE > 0.05 || (SumExtraKfP/Ene_ecalgsf) > 1. 
               || (ETtotal > 50. && iextratrack > 1 && (Ene_hcalgsf/Ene_ecalgsf) > 0.1) ) {

                cout << " *****This electron candidate is discarded: Non isolated  # tracks "           
                     << iextratrack << " HOverHE " << HOverHE 
                     << " SumExtraKfP/Ene_ecalgsf " << SumExtraKfP/Ene_ecalgsf 
                     << " ETtotal " << ETtotal
                     << " Ene_hcalgsf/Ene_ecalgsf " << Ene_hcalgsf/Ene_ecalgsf
                     << endl;

              BDToutput_[cgsf] = mvaValue-2.;
              lockExtraKf_[cgsf] = false;
            // if the Ecluster ~ Ptrack and the extra tracks are HCAL linked 
            // the electron is retained and the kf tracks are not locked
            if( (fabs(1.-EtotPinMode) < 0.2 && (fabs(Eta_gsf) < 1.0 || fabs(Eta_gsf) > 2.0)) ||
                ((EtotPinMode < 1.1 && EtotPinMode > 0.6) && (fabs(Eta_gsf) >= 1.0 && fabs(Eta_gsf) <= 2.0))) {
              if( fabs(1.-EGsfPoutMode) < 0.5 && 
                  (itrackHcalLinked == iextratrack) && 
                  kf_index < 100000 ) {

                BDToutput_[cgsf] = mvaValue;
                lockExtraKf_[cgsf] = false;
                  cout << " *****This electron is reactivated  # tracks "               
                       << iextratrack << " #tracks hcal linked " << itrackHcalLinked 
                       << " SumExtraKfP/Ene_ecalgsf " << SumExtraKfP/Ene_ecalgsf  
                       << " EtotPinMode " << EtotPinMode << " EGsfPoutMode " << EGsfPoutMode 
                       << " eta gsf " << fabs(Eta_gsf) << " kf index " << kf_index <<endl;
          // This is a pion:
          if (HOverPin > 1. && HOverHE > 0.1 && EtotPinMode < 0.5) {
              cout << " *****This electron candidate is discarded  HCAL ENERGY "        
                   << " HOverPin " << HOverPin << " HOverHE " << HOverHE  << " EtotPinMode" << EtotPinMode << endl;
            BDToutput_[cgsf] = mvaValue-4.;
            lockExtraKf_[cgsf] = false;
          // Reject Crazy E/p values... to be understood in the future how to train a 
          // BDT in order to avoid to select this bad electron candidates. 
          if( EtotPinMode < 0.2 && EGsfPoutMode < 0.2 ) {
              cout << " *****This electron candidate is discarded  Low ETOTPIN "
                   << " EtotPinMode " << EtotPinMode << " EGsfPoutMode " << EGsfPoutMode << endl;
            BDToutput_[cgsf] = mvaValue-6.;
          // For not-preselected Gsf Tracks ET > 50 GeV, apply dphi preselection
          if(ETtotal > 50. && dphi_normalsc > 0.1 ) {
              cout << " *****This electron candidate is discarded  Large ANGLE "
                   << " ETtotal " << ETtotal << " EGsfPoutMode " << dphi_normalsc << endl;
            BDToutput_[cgsf] =  mvaValue-6.;

        if (DebugIDOutputs) {
          cout << " **** BDT observables ****" << endl;
          cout << " < Normalization > " << endl;
          cout << " lnPt_gsf " << lnPt_gsf 
               << " Eta_gsf " << Eta_gsf << endl;
          cout << " < PureTracking > " << endl;
          cout << " dPtOverPt_gsf " << dPtOverPt_gsf 
               << " DPtOverPt_gsf " << DPtOverPt_gsf
               << " chi2_gsf " << chi2_gsf
               << " nhit_gsf " << nhit_gsf
               << " DPtOverPt_kf " << DPtOverPt_kf
               << " chi2_kf " << chi2_kf 
               << " nhit_kf " << nhit_kf <<  endl;
          cout << " < track-ecal-hcal-ps " << endl;
          cout << " EtotPinMode " << EtotPinMode 
               << " EGsfPoutMode " << EGsfPoutMode
               << " EtotBremPinPoutMode " << EtotBremPinPoutMode
               << " DEtaGsfEcalClust " << DEtaGsfEcalClust 
               << " SigmaEtaEta " << SigmaEtaEta
               << " HOverHE " << HOverHE 
               << " HOverPin " << HOverPin
               << " lateBrem " << lateBrem
               << " firstBrem " << firstBrem << endl;
          cout << " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the BDT output !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: direct " << mvaValue 
               << " corrected " << BDToutput_[cgsf] <<  endl; 
      else {
        if (DebugIDOutputs) 
          cout << " Gsf Ref isNULL " << endl;
        BDToutput_[cgsf] = -2.;
    } else {
      if (DebugIDOutputs) 
        cout << " No clusters associated to the gsf " << endl;
      BDToutput_[cgsf] = -2.;      
  } // End Loop on Map1   
bool PFElectronAlgo::SetLinks ( const reco::PFBlockRef blockRef,
AssMap associatedToGsf_,
AssMap associatedToBrems_,
AssMap associatedToEcal_,
std::vector< bool > &  active 
) [private]

Definition at line 125 of file

References applyCrackCorrections_, reco::PFBlock::associatedElements(), Association::block, reco::PFBlockElement::BREM, reco::PFBlockElementCluster::clusterRef(), coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC_, convGsfTrack_, gather_cfg::cout, reco::PFBlock::dist(), ECAL, reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL, reco::PFBlock::elements(), asciidump::elements, PFEnergyCalibration::energyEm(), fifthStepKfTrack_, reco::PFBlockElement::GSF, reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::GsftrackRef(), reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL, i, getHLTprescales::index, reco::PFBlockElementBrem::indTrajPoint(), reco::isMuon(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), isPrimaryTrack(), reco::PFBlock::linkData(), reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL, M_PI, nTrackIsoForEgammaSC_, reco::HitPattern::numberOfValidPixelHits(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::positionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFBlockElementBrem::positionAtECALEntrance(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::Pout(), reco::PFBlockElement::PS1, reco::PFBlockElement::PS2, runTheMatrix::ret, funct::sin(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), mathSSE::sqrt(), sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_, sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_, sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_, sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_, reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV, reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK, reco::PFBlockElementTrack::trackRef(), reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack::trackType(), useEGammaSupercluster_, and whichTrackAlgo().

Referenced by RunPFElectron().

  unsigned int CutIndex = 100000;
  double CutGSFECAL = 10000. ;  
  // no other cut are not used anymore. We use the default of PFBlockAlgo
  PFEnergyCalibration pfcalib_;  
  bool DebugSetLinksSummary = false;
  bool DebugSetLinksDetailed = false;

  const reco::PFBlock& block = *blockRef;
  const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >&  elements = block.elements();
  PFBlock::LinkData linkData =  block.linkData();  
  bool IsThereAGSFTrack = false;
  bool IsThereAGoodGSFTrack = false;

  vector<unsigned int> trackIs(0);
  vector<unsigned int> gsfIs(0);
  vector<unsigned int> ecalIs(0);

  std::vector<bool> localactive(elements.size(),true);

  // Save the elements in shorter vectors like in PFAlgo.
  std::multimap<double, unsigned int> kfElems;
  for(unsigned int iEle=0; iEle<elements.size(); iEle++) {
    localactive[iEle] = active[iEle];
    bool thisIsAMuon = false;
    PFBlockElement::Type type = elements[iEle].type();
    switch( type ) {
    case PFBlockElement::TRACK:
      // Check if the track is already identified as a muon
      thisIsAMuon =  PFMuonAlgo::isMuon(elements[iEle]);
      // Otherwise store index
      if ( !thisIsAMuon && active[iEle] ) { 
        trackIs.push_back( iEle );
        if (DebugSetLinksDetailed) 
          cout<<"TRACK, stored index, continue "<< iEle << endl;
    case PFBlockElement::GSF:
      // Check if the track has a KF partner identified as a muon
      block.associatedElements( iEle,linkData,
                                reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
      thisIsAMuon = kfElems.size() ? 
      PFMuonAlgo::isMuon(elements[kfElems.begin()->second]) : false;
      // Otherwise store index
      if ( !thisIsAMuon && active[iEle] ) { 
        IsThereAGSFTrack = true;    
        gsfIs.push_back( iEle );
        if (DebugSetLinksDetailed) 
          cout<<"GSF, stored index, continue "<< iEle << endl;
    case PFBlockElement::ECAL: 
      if ( active[iEle]  ) { 
        ecalIs.push_back( iEle );
        if (DebugSetLinksDetailed) 
          cout<<"ECAL, stored index, continue "<< iEle << endl;
  // ******************* Start Link *****************************
  // Do something only if a gsf track is found in the block
  if(IsThereAGSFTrack) {

    // LocalLock the Elements associated to a Kf tracks and not to a Gsf
    // The clusters associated both to a kf track and to a brem tangend 
    // are then assigned only to the kf track
    // Could be improved doing this after. 

    // 19 Mar 2010 adding the KF track from Gamma Conv. 
    // They are linked to the GSF tracks they are not considered
    // anymore in the following ecal cluster locking 

    //     cout<<"#########################################################"<<endl;
    //     cout<<"#####           Process Block:                      #####"<<endl;
    //     cout<<"#########################################################"<<endl;
    //     cout<<block<<endl;
    for(unsigned int iEle=0; iEle<trackIs.size(); iEle++) {
      std::multimap<double, unsigned int> gsfElems;
      block.associatedElements( trackIs[iEle],  linkData,
                                gsfElems ,
                                reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
      if(gsfElems.size() == 0){
        // This means that the considered kf is *not* associated
        // to any gsf track
        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalKfElems;
        block.associatedElements( trackIs[iEle],linkData,
                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
        if(ecalKfElems.size() > 0) { 
          unsigned int ecalKf_index = ecalKfElems.begin()->second;
          if(localactive[ecalKf_index]==true) {
            // Check if this clusters is however well linked to a primary gsf track
            // if this the case the cluster is not locked.
            bool isGsfLinked = false;
            for(unsigned int iGsf=0; iGsf<gsfIs.size(); iGsf++) {  
              // if the ecal cluster is associated contemporary to a KF track
              // and to a GSF track from conv, it is assigned to the KF track 
              // In this way we can loose some cluster but it is safer for double counting. 
              const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * GsfEl  =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[gsfIs[iGsf]]));
              if(GsfEl->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV)) continue;

              std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalGsfElems;
              block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iGsf],linkData,
                                        reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
              if(ecalGsfElems.size() > 0) {
                if (ecalGsfElems.begin()->second == ecalKf_index) {
                  isGsfLinked = true;
            if(isGsfLinked == false) {
              // add protection against energy loss because
              // of the tracking fifth step
              const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * kfEle =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[(trackIs[iEle])]));   
              reco::TrackRef refKf = kfEle->trackRef();
              unsigned int Algo = 0;
              if (refKf.isNonnull()) 
                Algo = refKf->algo(); 
              if(Algo < 9) {
                localactive[ecalKf_index] = false;
              else {
      } // gsfElems.size()
    } // loop on kf tracks

    // start loop on gsf tracks
    for(unsigned int iEle=0; iEle<gsfIs.size(); iEle++) {  

      if (!localactive[(gsfIs[iEle])]) continue;  

      localactive[gsfIs[iEle]] = false;
      bool ClosestEcalWithKf = false;

      if (DebugSetLinksDetailed) cout << " Gsf Index " << gsfIs[iEle] << endl;

      const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * GsfEl  =  
        dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[(gsfIs[iEle])]));

      // if GsfTrack fron converted bremsstralung continue
      if(GsfEl->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV)) continue;
      IsThereAGoodGSFTrack = true;
      float eta_gsf = GsfEl->positionAtECALEntrance().eta();
      float etaOut_gsf = GsfEl->Pout().eta();
      float diffOutEcalEta =  fabs(eta_gsf-etaOut_gsf);
      reco::GsfTrackRef RefGSF = GsfEl->GsftrackRef();
      float Pin_gsf   = 0.01;
      if (RefGSF.isNonnull() ) 
        Pin_gsf = RefGSF->pMode();

      // Find Associated Kf Track elements and Ecal to KF elements
      unsigned int KfGsf_index = CutIndex;
      unsigned int KfGsf_secondIndex = CutIndex; 
      std::multimap<double, unsigned int> kfElems;
      block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iEle],linkData,
                                reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
      std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalKfElems;
      if (kfElems.size() > 0) {
        // 19 Mar 2010 now a loop is needed because > 1 KF track could
        // be associated to the same GSF track

        for(std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator itkf = kfElems.begin();
            itkf != kfElems.end(); ++itkf) {
          const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * TrkEl  =  
            dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[itkf->second]));
          bool isPrim = isPrimaryTrack(*TrkEl,*GsfEl);
          if(localactive[itkf->second] == true) {

            KfGsf_index = itkf->second;
            localactive[KfGsf_index] = false;
            // Find clusters associated to kftrack using linkbyrechit
            block.associatedElements( KfGsf_index,  linkData,
                                      ecalKfElems ,
                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );  
          else {          
            KfGsf_secondIndex = itkf->second;
      // Find the closest Ecal clusters associated to this Gsf
      std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalGsfElems;
      block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iEle],linkData,
                                reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );    
      double ecalGsf_dist = CutGSFECAL;
      unsigned int ClosestEcalGsf_index = CutIndex;
      if (ecalGsfElems.size() > 0) {    
        if(localactive[(ecalGsfElems.begin()->second)] == true) {
          // check energy compatibility for outer eta != ecal entrance, looping tracks
          bool compatibleEPout = true;
          if(diffOutEcalEta > 0.3) {
            reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(ecalGsfElems.begin()->second)].clusterRef();      
            float EoPout = (clusterRef->energy())/(GsfEl->Pout().t());
            if(EoPout > 5) 
              compatibleEPout = false;
          if(compatibleEPout) {
            ClosestEcalGsf_index = ecalGsfElems.begin()->second;
            ecalGsf_dist = block.dist(gsfIs[iEle],ClosestEcalGsf_index,
            // Check that this cluster is not closer to another primary Gsf track
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfElems;
            block.associatedElements( ClosestEcalGsf_index,linkData,
            if(ecalOtherGsfElems.size()>0) {
              // get if it is closed to a conv brem gsf tracks
              const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfCheck  =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second]));
              if(ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second != gsfIs[iEle]&&
                 gsfCheck->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV) == false) {             
                ecalGsf_dist = CutGSFECAL;
                ClosestEcalGsf_index = CutIndex;
          // do not lock at the moment we need this for the late brem
      // if any cluster is found with the gsf-ecal link, try with kf-ecal
      else if(ecalKfElems.size() > 0) {
        if(localactive[(ecalKfElems.begin()->second)] == true) {
          ClosestEcalGsf_index = ecalKfElems.begin()->second;     
          ecalGsf_dist = block.dist(gsfIs[iEle],ClosestEcalGsf_index,
          ClosestEcalWithKf = true;
          // Check if this cluster is not closer to another Gsf track
          std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfElems;
          block.associatedElements( ClosestEcalGsf_index,linkData,
          if(ecalOtherGsfElems.size() > 0) {
            const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfCheck  =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second]));

            if(ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second != gsfIs[iEle] &&
               gsfCheck->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV) == false) {
              ecalGsf_dist = CutGSFECAL;
              ClosestEcalGsf_index = CutIndex;
              ClosestEcalWithKf = false;

      if (DebugSetLinksDetailed) 
        cout << " Closest Ecal to the Gsf/Kf: index " << ClosestEcalGsf_index 
             << " dist " << ecalGsf_dist << endl;
      //  Find the brems associated to this Gsf
      std::multimap<double, unsigned int> bremElems;
      block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iEle],linkData,
                                reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
      multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int> cleanedEcalBremElems;
      vector<unsigned int> keyBremIndex(0);
      unsigned int latestBrem_trajP = 0;     
      unsigned int latestBrem_index = CutIndex;
      for(std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator ieb = bremElems.begin(); 
          ieb != bremElems.end(); ++ieb ) {
        unsigned int brem_index = ieb->second;
        if(localactive[brem_index] == false) continue;

        // Find the ecal clusters associated to the brems
        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalBremsElems;

        block.associatedElements( brem_index,  linkData,
                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );

        for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator ie = ecalBremsElems.begin();
             ie != ecalBremsElems.end();ie++) {
          unsigned int ecalBrem_index = ie->second;
          if(localactive[ecalBrem_index] == false) continue;

          //to be changed, using the distance
          float ecalBrem_dist = block.dist(brem_index,ecalBrem_index,
          if (ecalBrem_index == ClosestEcalGsf_index && (ecalBrem_dist + 0.0012) > ecalGsf_dist) continue;

          // Find the closest brem
          std::multimap<double, unsigned int> sortedBremElems;
          block.associatedElements( ecalBrem_index,linkData,
          // check that this brem is that one coming from the same *primary* gsf
          bool isGoodBrem = false;
          unsigned int sortedBrem_index =  CutIndex;
          for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator ibs = sortedBremElems.begin();
               ibs != sortedBremElems.end();ibs++) {
            unsigned int temp_sortedBrem_index = ibs->second;
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> sortedGsfElems;
            block.associatedElements( temp_sortedBrem_index,linkData,
            bool enteredInPrimaryGsf = false;
            for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator igs = sortedGsfElems.begin();
                 igs != sortedGsfElems.end();igs++) {
              const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfCheck  =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[igs->second]));

              if(gsfCheck->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV) == false) {
                if(igs->second ==  gsfIs[iEle]) {
                  isGoodBrem = true;
                  sortedBrem_index = temp_sortedBrem_index;
                enteredInPrimaryGsf = true;

          if(isGoodBrem) { 

            //  Check that this cluster is not closer to another Gsf Track
            // The check is not performed on KF track because the ecal clusters are aready locked.
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfElems;
            block.associatedElements( ecalBrem_index,linkData,
            if (ecalOtherGsfElems.size() > 0) {
              const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfCheck  =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second]));
              if(ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second != gsfIs[iEle] &&
                 gsfCheck->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV) == false) {

            const reco::PFBlockElementBrem * BremEl  =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementBrem*>((&elements[sortedBrem_index]));

            reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = 

            float sortedBremEcal_deta = fabs(clusterRef->position().eta() - BremEl->positionAtECALEntrance().eta());
            // Triangular cut on plan chi2:deta -> OLD
            //if((0.0075*sortedBremEcal_chi2 + 100.*sortedBremEcal_deta -1.5) < 0.) {
            if(sortedBremEcal_deta < 0.015) {
              cleanedEcalBremElems.insert(pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(sortedBrem_index,ecalBrem_index));
              unsigned int BremTrajP = BremEl->indTrajPoint();
              if (BremTrajP > latestBrem_trajP) {
                latestBrem_trajP = BremTrajP;
                latestBrem_index = sortedBrem_index;
              if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                cout << " brem Index " <<  sortedBrem_index 
                     << " associated cluster " << ecalBrem_index << " BremTrajP " << BremTrajP <<endl;
              // > 1 ecal clusters could be associated to the same brem twice: allowed N-1 link. 
              // But the brem need to be stored once. 
              // locallock the brem and the ecal clusters
              localactive[ecalBrem_index] = false;  // the cluster
              bool  alreadyfound = false;
              for(unsigned int ii=0;ii<keyBremIndex.size();ii++) {
                if (sortedBrem_index == keyBremIndex[ii]) alreadyfound = true;
              if (alreadyfound == false) {
                localactive[sortedBrem_index] = false;   // the brem

      // Find Possible Extra Cluster associated to the gsf/kf
      vector<unsigned int> GsfElemIndex(0);
      vector<unsigned int> EcalIndex(0);

      // locallock the ecal cluster associated to the gsf
      if (ClosestEcalGsf_index < CutIndex) {
        localactive[ClosestEcalGsf_index] = false;
        for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator ii = ecalGsfElems.begin();
             ii != ecalGsfElems.end();ii++) {   
          if(localactive[ii->second]) {
            // Check that this cluster is not closer to another Gsf Track
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfElems;
            block.associatedElements( ii->second,linkData,
            if(ecalOtherGsfElems.size()) {
              if(ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second != gsfIs[iEle]) continue;
            // get the cluster only if the deta (ecal-gsf) < 0.05
            reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(ii->second)].clusterRef();
            float etacl =  clusterRef->eta();
            if( fabs(eta_gsf-etacl) < 0.05) {       
              localactive[ii->second] = false;
              if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                cout << " ExtraCluster From Gsf " << ii->second << endl;

      //Add the possibility to link other ecal clusters from kf. 
//       for (std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator ii = ecalKfElems.begin();
//         ii != ecalKfElems.end();ii++) {
//      if(localactive[ii->second]) {
//         // Check that this cluster is not closer to another Gsf Track    
//        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfElems;
//        block.associatedElements( ii->second,linkData,
//                                  ecalOtherGsfElems,
//                                  reco::PFBlockElement::GSF,
//                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_CHI2);
//        if(ecalOtherGsfElems.size()) {
//          if(ecalOtherGsfElems.begin()->second != gsfIs[iEle]) continue;
//        } 
//        GsfElemIndex.push_back(ii->second);
//        reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[(ii->second)].clusterRef();
//        float etacl =  clusterRef->eta();
//        if( fabs(eta_gsf-etacl) < 0.05) {         
//          localactive[ii->second] = false;
//          if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
//            cout << " ExtraCluster From KF " << ii->second << endl;
//        }
//      }
//       }
      //****************** Fill Maps *************************

      // The GsfMap    

      // if any clusters have been associated to the gsf track    
      // use the Ecal clusters associated to the latest brem and associate it to the gsf
       if(GsfElemIndex.size() == 0){
        if(latestBrem_index < CutIndex) {
          unsigned int ckey = cleanedEcalBremElems.count(latestBrem_index);
          if(ckey == 1) {
            unsigned int temp_cal = 
            if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
              cout << "******************** Gsf Cluster From Brem " << temp_cal 
                   << " Latest Brem index " << latestBrem_index 
                   << " ************************* " << endl;
            pair<multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator,multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator> ret;
            ret = cleanedEcalBremElems.equal_range(latestBrem_index);
            multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator it;
            for(it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
              if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                cout << "******************** Gsf Cluster From Brem " << (*it).second 
                     << " Latest Brem index " << latestBrem_index 
                     << " ************************* " << endl;
          // erase the brem. 
          unsigned int elToErase = 0;
          for(unsigned int i = 0; i<keyBremIndex.size();i++) {
            if(latestBrem_index == keyBremIndex[i]) {
              elToErase = i;

      // Get Extra Clusters from converted brem gsf tracks. The locallock method
      // tells me if the ecal cluster has been already assigned to the primary
      // gsf track or to a brem

      for(unsigned int iConv=0; iConv<gsfIs.size(); iConv++) {  
        if(iConv != iEle) {

          const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfConv  =  
            dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[(gsfIs[iConv])]));
          // look at only to secondary gsf tracks
            if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
              cout << "  PFElectronAlgo:: I'm running on convGsfBrem " << endl;
            // check if they are linked to the primary
            float conv_dist = block.dist(gsfIs[iConv],gsfIs[iEle],
            if(conv_dist > 0.) {
              // find the closest ecal cluster associated to conversions

              std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalConvElems;
              block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iConv],linkData,
                                        reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );    
              if(ecalConvElems.size() > 0) {
                // the ecal cluster is still active?
                if(localactive[(ecalConvElems.begin()->second)] == true) {
                  if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                    cout << "  PFElectronAlgo:: convGsfBrem has a ECAL cluster linked and free" << endl;
                  // Check that this cluster is not closer to another primary Gsf track
                  std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherGsfPrimElems;
                  block.associatedElements( ecalConvElems.begin()->second,linkData,
                  if(ecalOtherGsfPrimElems.size()>0) {
                    unsigned int gsfprimcheck_index = ecalOtherGsfPrimElems.begin()->second;
                    const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack * gsfCheck  =  
                      dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack*>((&elements[gsfprimcheck_index]));
                    if(gsfCheck->trackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV) == false) continue;
                    reco::PFClusterRef clusterRef = elements[ecalConvElems.begin()->second].clusterRef();
                    if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                      cout << " PFElectronAlgo: !!!!!!! convGsfBrem ECAL cluster has been stored !!!!!!! "
                           << " Energy " << clusterRef->energy() << " eta,phi "  << clusterRef->position().eta()
                           <<", " <<  clusterRef->position().phi() << endl;
                    localactive[ecalConvElems.begin()->second] = false;


      // The BremMap
      for(unsigned int i =0;i<keyBremIndex.size();i++) {
        unsigned int ikey = keyBremIndex[i];
        unsigned int ckey = cleanedEcalBremElems.count(ikey);
        vector<unsigned int> BremElemIndex(0);
        if(ckey == 1) {
          unsigned int temp_cal = 
          pair<multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator,multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator> ret;
          ret = cleanedEcalBremElems.equal_range(ikey);
          multimap<unsigned int,unsigned int>::iterator it;
          for(it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
        associatedToBrems_.insert(pair<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >(ikey,BremElemIndex));

      // 19 Mar 2010: add KF and ECAL elements from converted brem photons
      vector<unsigned int> convBremKFTrack;
      if (kfElems.size() > 0) {
        for(std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator itkf = kfElems.begin();
            itkf != kfElems.end(); ++itkf) {
          const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * TrkEl  =  
            dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[itkf->second]));
          bool isPrim = isPrimaryTrack(*TrkEl,*GsfEl);

          if(!isPrim) {

            // search for linked ECAL clusters
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalConvElems;
            block.associatedElements( itkf->second,linkData,
                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
            if(ecalConvElems.size() > 0) {
              // Further Cleaning: DANIELE This could be improved!
              TrackRef trkRef =   TrkEl->trackRef();
              // iter0, iter1, iter2, iter3 = Algo < 3
              unsigned int Algo = whichTrackAlgo(trkRef);

              float secpin = trkRef->p();       
              const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clust =  
                dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(ecalConvElems.begin()->second)])); 
              float eneclust  =clust->clusterRef()->energy();

              //1)  ******* Reject secondary KF tracks linked to also an HCAL cluster with H/(E+H) > 0.1
              //            This is applied also to KF linked to locked ECAL cluster
              //            NOTE: trusting the H/(E+H) and not the conv brem selection increse the number
              //                  of charged hadrons around the electron. DANIELE? re-think about this. 
              std::multimap<double, unsigned int> hcalConvElems;
              block.associatedElements( itkf->second,linkData,
                                        reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );

              bool isHoHE = false;
              bool isHoE = false;
              bool isPoHE = false;

              float enehcalclust = -1;
              if(hcalConvElems.size() > 0) {
                const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clusthcal =  
                  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(hcalConvElems.begin()->second)])); 
                enehcalclust  =clusthcal->clusterRef()->energy();
                // NOTE: DANIELE? Are you sure you want to use the Algo type here? 
                if( (enehcalclust / (enehcalclust+eneclust) ) > 0.1 && Algo < 3) {
                  isHoHE = true;
                  if(enehcalclust > eneclust) 
                    isHoE = true;
                  if(secpin > (enehcalclust+eneclust) )
                    isPoHE = true;

              if(localactive[(ecalConvElems.begin()->second)] == false) {
                if(isHoE || isPoHE) {
                  if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                    cout << "PFElectronAlgo:: LOCKED ECAL REJECTED TRACK FOR H/E or P/(H+E) "
                         << " H/H+E " << enehcalclust/(enehcalclust+eneclust)                 
                         << " H/E " <<  enehcalclust/eneclust
                         << " P/(H+E) " << secpin/(enehcalclust+eneclust) 
                         << " HCAL ENE " << enehcalclust 
                         << " ECAL ENE " << eneclust 
                         << " secPIN " << secpin 
                         << " Algo Track " << Algo << endl;

                // check if this track has been alread assigned to an ECAL cluster
                for(unsigned int iecal =0; iecal < EcalIndex.size(); iecal++) {
                  // in case this track is already assigned to a locked ECAL cluster
                  // the secondary kf track is also saved for further lock
                  if(EcalIndex[iecal] == ecalConvElems.begin()->second) {
                    if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                      cout << " PFElectronAlgo:: Conv Brem Recovery locked cluster and I will lock also the KF track " << endl; 
                // ECAL cluster free
                  if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                    cout << "PFElectronAlgo:: FREE ECAL REJECTED TRACK FOR H/H+E " 
                         << " H/H+E " <<  (enehcalclust / (enehcalclust+eneclust) ) 
                         << " H/E " <<  enehcalclust/eneclust
                         << " P/(H+E) " << secpin/(enehcalclust+eneclust) 
                         << " HCAL ENE " << enehcalclust 
                         << " ECAL ENE " << eneclust 
                         << " secPIN " << secpin 
                         << " Algo Track " << Algo << endl;

                // check that this cluster is not cluser to another KF track (primary)
                std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherKFPrimElems;
                block.associatedElements( ecalConvElems.begin()->second,linkData,
                if(ecalOtherKFPrimElems.size() > 0) {
                  // check that this ECAL clusters is the best associated to at least one of the  KF tracks
                  // linked to the considered GSF track
                  bool isFromGSF = false;
                  for(std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator itclos = kfElems.begin();
                      itclos != kfElems.end(); ++itclos) {
                    if(ecalOtherKFPrimElems.begin()->second == itclos->second) {
                      isFromGSF = true;

                    // Further Cleaning: DANIELE This could be improved!                                    
                    float Epin = eneclust/secpin;
                    // compute the pfsupercluster energy till now
                    float totenergy = 0.;
                    for(unsigned int ikeyecal = 0; 
                        ikeyecal<EcalIndex.size(); ikeyecal++){
                      // EcalIndex can have the same cluster save twice (because of the late brem cluster).
                      bool foundcluster = false;
                      if(ikeyecal > 0) {
                        for(unsigned int i2 = 0; i2<ikeyecal-1; i2++) {
                          if(EcalIndex[ikeyecal] == EcalIndex[i2]) 
                            foundcluster = true;
                      if(foundcluster) continue;
                      const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clusasso =  
                        dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(EcalIndex[ikeyecal])])); 
                      totenergy += clusasso->clusterRef()->energy();
                    // Further Cleaning: DANIELE This could be improved! 
                    //2) *****  Do not consider secondary tracks if the GSF and brems have failed in finding ECAL clusters
                    if(totenergy == 0.) {
                      if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                        cout << "PFElectronAlgo:: REJECTED_NULLTOT totenergy " << totenergy << endl;
                    //3) ****** Reject secondary KF tracks that have an high E/secPin and that make worse the Etot/pin 
                    if(Epin > 3) {
                      double res_before = fabs((totenergy-Pin_gsf)/Pin_gsf);
                      double res_after = fabs(((totenergy+eneclust)-Pin_gsf)/Pin_gsf);
                      if(res_before < res_after) {
                        if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                          cout << "PFElectronAlgo::REJECTED_RES totenergy " << totenergy << " Pin_gsf " << Pin_gsf << " cluster to secondary " <<  eneclust 
                               << " Res before " <<  res_before << " res_after " << res_after << endl;
                    if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                      cout << "PFElectronAlgo:: conv brem found asso to ECAL linked to a secondary KF " << endl;
                    localactive[(ecalConvElems.begin()->second)] = false;
                    localactive[(itkf->second)] = false;
      // 4May import EG supercluster
      if(EcalIndex.size() > 0 && useEGammaSupercluster_) {
        double sumEtEcalInTheCone  = 0.;
        // Position of the first cluster
        const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clust =  
          dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[EcalIndex[0]])); 
        double PhiFC  = clust->clusterRef()->position().Phi();
        double EtaFC =  clust->clusterRef()->position().Eta();

        // Compute ECAL isolation ->
        for(unsigned int iEcal=0; iEcal<ecalIs.size(); iEcal++) {
          bool foundcluster = false;
          for(unsigned int ikeyecal = 0; 
              ikeyecal<EcalIndex.size(); ikeyecal++){
            if(ecalIs[iEcal] == EcalIndex[ikeyecal])
              foundcluster = true;
          // -> only for clusters not already in the PFSCCluster
          if(foundcluster == false) {
            const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clustExt =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[ecalIs[iEcal]])); 
            double eta_clust =  clustExt->clusterRef()->position().Eta();
            double phi_clust =  clustExt->clusterRef()->position().Phi();
            double theta_clust =  clustExt->clusterRef()->position().Theta();
            double deta_clust = eta_clust - EtaFC;
            double dphi_clust = phi_clust - PhiFC;
            if ( dphi_clust < -M_PI ) 
              dphi_clust = dphi_clust + 2.*M_PI;
            else if ( dphi_clust > M_PI ) 
              dphi_clust = dphi_clust - 2.*M_PI;
            double  DR = sqrt(deta_clust*deta_clust+
            //Jurassic veto in deta
            if(fabs(deta_clust) > 0.05 && DR < coneEcalIsoForEgammaSC_) {
              vector<double> ps1Ene(0);
              vector<double> ps2Ene(0);
              double ps1,ps2;
              double EE_calib = pfcalib_.energyEm(*(clustExt->clusterRef()),ps1Ene,ps2Ene,ps1,ps2,applyCrackCorrections_);
              double ET_calib = EE_calib*sin(theta_clust);
              sumEtEcalInTheCone += ET_calib;
        } //EndLoop Additional ECAL clusters in the block
        // Compute track isolation: number of tracks && sumPt
        unsigned int sumNTracksInTheCone = 0;
        double sumPtTracksInTheCone = 0.;
        for(unsigned int iTrack=0; iTrack<trackIs.size(); iTrack++) {
          // the track from the electron are already locked at this stage
          if(localactive[(trackIs[iTrack])]==true) {
            const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * kfEle =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[(trackIs[iTrack])]));   
            reco::TrackRef trkref = kfEle->trackRef();
            if (trkref.isNonnull()) {
              double deta_trk =  trkref->eta() - RefGSF->etaMode();
              double dphi_trk =  trkref->phi() - RefGSF->phiMode();
              if ( dphi_trk < -M_PI ) 
                dphi_trk = dphi_trk + 2.*M_PI;
              else if ( dphi_trk > M_PI ) 
                dphi_trk = dphi_trk - 2.*M_PI;
              double  DR = sqrt(deta_trk*deta_trk+
              reco::HitPattern kfHitPattern = trkref->hitPattern();
              int NValPixelHit = kfHitPattern.numberOfValidPixelHits();
              if(DR < coneTrackIsoForEgammaSC_ && NValPixelHit >=3) {

        bool isBarrelIsolated = false;
        if( fabs(EtaFC < 1.478) && 
            (sumEtEcalInTheCone < sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_ && 
             (sumNTracksInTheCone < nTrackIsoForEgammaSC_  || sumPtTracksInTheCone < sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_barrel_)))
          isBarrelIsolated = true;
        bool isEndcapIsolated = false;
        if( fabs(EtaFC >= 1.478) && 
            (sumEtEcalInTheCone < sumEtEcalIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_ &&  
             (sumNTracksInTheCone < nTrackIsoForEgammaSC_  || sumPtTracksInTheCone < sumPtTrackIsoForEgammaSC_endcap_)))
          isEndcapIsolated = true;

        // only print out
        if(DebugSetLinksDetailed) {
          if(fabs(EtaFC < 1.478) && isBarrelIsolated == false) {
            cout << "**** PFElectronAlgo:: SUPERCLUSTER FOUND BUT FAILS ISOLATION:BARREL *** " 
                 << " sumEtEcalInTheCone " <<sumEtEcalInTheCone 
                 << " sumNTracksInTheCone " << sumNTracksInTheCone 
                 << " sumPtTracksInTheCone " << sumPtTracksInTheCone << endl;
          if(fabs(EtaFC >= 1.478) && isEndcapIsolated == false) {
            cout << "**** PFElectronAlgo:: SUPERCLUSTER FOUND BUT FAILS ISOLATION:ENDCAP *** " 
                 << " sumEtEcalInTheCone " <<sumEtEcalInTheCone 
                 << " sumNTracksInTheCone " << sumNTracksInTheCone 
                 << " sumPtTracksInTheCone " << sumPtTracksInTheCone << endl;

        if(isBarrelIsolated || isEndcapIsolated ) {
          // Compute TotEnergy
          double totenergy = 0.;
          for(unsigned int ikeyecal = 0; 
              ikeyecal<EcalIndex.size(); ikeyecal++){
            // EcalIndex can have the same cluster save twice (because of the late brem cluster).
            bool foundcluster = false;
            if(ikeyecal > 0) {
              for(unsigned int i2 = 0; i2<ikeyecal-1; i2++) {
                if(EcalIndex[ikeyecal] == EcalIndex[i2]) 
                  foundcluster = true;;
            if(foundcluster) continue;
            const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clusasso =  
              dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[(EcalIndex[ikeyecal])])); 
            totenergy += clusasso->clusterRef()->energy();
          // End copute TotEnergy

          // Find extra cluster from e/g importing
          for(unsigned int ikeyecal = 0; 
              ikeyecal<EcalIndex.size(); ikeyecal++){
            // EcalIndex can have the same cluster save twice (because of the late brem cluster).
            bool foundcluster = false;
            if(ikeyecal > 0) {
              for(unsigned int i2 = 0; i2<ikeyecal-1; i2++) {
                if(EcalIndex[ikeyecal] == EcalIndex[i2]) 
                  foundcluster = true;
            if(foundcluster) continue;
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalFromSuperClusterElems;
            block.associatedElements( EcalIndex[ikeyecal],linkData,
            if(ecalFromSuperClusterElems.size() > 0) {
              for(std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator itsc = ecalFromSuperClusterElems.begin();
                  itsc != ecalFromSuperClusterElems.end(); ++itsc) {
                if(localactive[itsc->second] == false) {
                std::multimap<double, unsigned int> ecalOtherKFPrimElems;
                block.associatedElements( itsc->second,linkData,
                if(ecalOtherKFPrimElems.size() > 0) {
                  if(localactive[ecalOtherKFPrimElems.begin()->second] == true) {
                    if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                      cout << "**** PFElectronAlgo:: SUPERCLUSTER FOUND BUT FAILS KF VETO *** " << endl;
                bool isInTheEtaRange = false;
                const reco::PFBlockElementCluster * clustToAdd =  
                  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>((&elements[itsc->second])); 
                double deta_clustToAdd = clustToAdd->clusterRef()->position().Eta() - EtaFC;
                double ene_clustToAdd = clustToAdd->clusterRef()->energy();
                if(fabs(deta_clustToAdd) < 0.05)
                  isInTheEtaRange = true;
                // check for both KF and GSF
                bool isBetterEpin = false;
                if(isInTheEtaRange == false ) {
                  if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                    cout << "**** PFElectronAlgo:: SUPERCLUSTER FOUND BUT FAILS GAMMA DETA RANGE  *** " 
                         << fabs(deta_clustToAdd) << endl;
                  if(KfGsf_index < CutIndex) {              
                    double res_before_gsf = fabs((totenergy-Pin_gsf)/Pin_gsf);
                    double res_after_gsf = fabs(((totenergy+ene_clustToAdd)-Pin_gsf)/Pin_gsf);

                    const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * trackEl =  
                      dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[KfGsf_index])); 
                    double Pin_kf = trackEl->trackRef()->p();
                    double res_before_kf = fabs((totenergy-Pin_kf)/Pin_kf);
                    double res_after_kf = fabs(((totenergy+ene_clustToAdd)-Pin_kf)/Pin_kf);                           
                    // The new cluster improve both the E/pin?
                    if(res_after_gsf < res_before_gsf && res_after_kf < res_before_kf ) {
                      isBetterEpin = true;
                    else {
                      if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                        cout << "**** PFElectronAlgo:: SUPERCLUSTER FOUND AND FAILS ALSO RES_EPIN" 
                             << " tot energy " << totenergy 
                             << " Pin_gsf " << Pin_gsf 
                             << " Pin_kf " << Pin_kf 
                             << " cluster from SC to ADD " <<  ene_clustToAdd 
                             << " Res before GSF " <<  res_before_gsf << " res_after_gsf " << res_after_gsf 
                             << " Res before KF " <<  res_before_kf << " res_after_kf " << res_after_kf  << endl;
                if(isInTheEtaRange || isBetterEpin) {           
                  if (DebugSetLinksDetailed)
                    cout << "!!!! PFElectronAlgo:: ECAL from SUPERCLUSTER FOUND !!!!! " << endl;
                  localactive[(itsc->second)] = false;
        } // END ISOLATION IF

      if(KfGsf_index < CutIndex) 
      else if(KfGsf_secondIndex < CutIndex) 
      // insert the secondary KF tracks
      associatedToGsf_.insert(pair<unsigned int, vector<unsigned int> >(gsfIs[iEle],GsfElemIndex));

      // The EcalMap
      for(unsigned int ikeyecal = 0; 
          ikeyecal<EcalIndex.size(); ikeyecal++){

        vector<unsigned int> EcalElemsIndex(0);

        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> PS1Elems;
        block.associatedElements( EcalIndex[ikeyecal],linkData,
                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
        for( std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = PS1Elems.begin();
             it != PS1Elems.end();it++) {
          unsigned int index = it->second;
          if(localactive[index] == true) {
            // Check that this cluster is not closer to another ECAL cluster
            std::multimap<double, unsigned> sortedECAL;
            block.associatedElements( index,  linkData,
                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
            unsigned jEcal = sortedECAL.begin()->second;
            if ( jEcal != EcalIndex[ikeyecal]) continue; 

            localactive[index] = false;
        std::multimap<double, unsigned int> PS2Elems;
        block.associatedElements( EcalIndex[ikeyecal],linkData,
                                  reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
        for( std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = PS2Elems.begin();
             it != PS2Elems.end();it++) {
          unsigned int index = it->second;
          if(localactive[index] == true) {
            // Check that this cluster is not closer to another ECAL cluster
            std::multimap<double, unsigned> sortedECAL;
            block.associatedElements( index,  linkData,
                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
            unsigned jEcal = sortedECAL.begin()->second;
            if ( jEcal != EcalIndex[ikeyecal]) continue; 
            localactive[index] = false;
        if(ikeyecal == 0) {
          // The first cluster is that one coming from the Gsf. 
          // Only for this one is found the HCAL cluster using the Track-HCAL link
          // and not the Ecal-Hcal not well tested yet.
          std::multimap<double, unsigned int> hcalGsfElems;
          block.associatedElements( gsfIs[iEle],linkData,
                                    reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );      
          for( std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = hcalGsfElems.begin();
               it != hcalGsfElems.end();it++) {
            unsigned int index = it->second;
            //  if(localactive[index] == true) {

              // Check that this cluster is not closer to another GSF
              // remove in high energetic jets this is dangerous. 
//            std::multimap<double, unsigned> sortedGsf;
//            block.associatedElements( index,  linkData,
//                                      sortedGsf,
//                                      reco::PFBlockElement::GSF,
//                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
//            unsigned jGsf = sortedGsf.begin()->second;
//            if ( jGsf != gsfIs[iEle]) continue; 

              localactive[index] = false;
              // }
          // if the closest ecal cluster has been link with the KF, check KF - HCAL link
          if(hcalGsfElems.size() == 0 && ClosestEcalWithKf == true) {
            std::multimap<double, unsigned int> hcalKfElems;
            block.associatedElements( KfGsf_index,linkData,
                                      reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );    
            for( std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = hcalKfElems.begin();
                 it != hcalKfElems.end();it++) {
              unsigned int index = it->second;
              if(localactive[index] == true) {
                // Check that this cluster is not closer to another KF
                std::multimap<double, unsigned> sortedKf;
                block.associatedElements( index,  linkData,
                                          reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
                unsigned jKf = sortedKf.begin()->second;
                if ( jKf != KfGsf_index) continue; 
                localactive[index] = false;
          // Find Other Primary Tracks Associated to the same Gsf Clusters
          std::multimap<double, unsigned int> kfEtraElems;
          block.associatedElements( EcalIndex[ikeyecal],linkData,
                                    reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
          if(kfEtraElems.size() > 0) {
            for( std::multimap<double, unsigned int>::iterator it = kfEtraElems.begin();
                 it != kfEtraElems.end();it++) {
              unsigned int index = it->second;

              // 19 Mar 2010 do not consider here tracks from gamma conv
             //  const reco::PFBlockElementTrack * kfTk =  
             //  dynamic_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementTrack*>((&elements[index]));         
              // DANIELE ?  It is not need because of the local locking 
              //   if(kfTk->isLinkedToDisplacedVertex()) continue;

              bool thisIsAMuon = false;
              thisIsAMuon =  PFMuonAlgo::isMuon(elements[index]);
              if (DebugSetLinksDetailed && thisIsAMuon)
                cout << " This is a Muon: index " << index << endl;
              if(localactive[index] == true && !thisIsAMuon) {
                if(index != KfGsf_index) {
                  // Check that this track is not closer to another ECAL cluster
                  // Not Sure here I need this step
                  std::multimap<double, unsigned> sortedECAL;
                  block.associatedElements( index,  linkData,
                                            reco::PFBlock::LINKTEST_ALL );
                  unsigned jEcal = sortedECAL.begin()->second;
                  if ( jEcal != EcalIndex[ikeyecal]) continue; 
                  localactive[index] = false;

        associatedToEcal_.insert(pair<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >(EcalIndex[ikeyecal],EcalElemsIndex));
    }// end type GSF
  } // endis there a gsf track
  // ******************* End Link *****************************

  // Below is only for debugging printout 
  if (DebugSetLinksSummary) {
    if(IsThereAGoodGSFTrack) {
      if (DebugSetLinksSummary) cout << " -- The Link Summary --" << endl;
      for(map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator it = associatedToGsf_.begin();
          it != associatedToGsf_.end(); it++) {
        if (DebugSetLinksSummary) cout << " AssoGsf " << it->first << endl;
        vector<unsigned int> eleasso = it->second;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<eleasso.size();i++) {
          PFBlockElement::Type type = elements[eleasso[i]].type();
          if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::BREM) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoGsfElements BREM " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoGsfElements ECAL " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::TRACK) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoGsfElements KF " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoGsfElements ????? " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
      for(map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator it = associatedToBrems_.begin();
          it != associatedToBrems_.end(); it++) {
        if (DebugSetLinksSummary) cout << " AssoBrem " << it->first << endl;
        vector<unsigned int> eleasso = it->second;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<eleasso.size();i++) {
          PFBlockElement::Type type = elements[eleasso[i]].type();
          if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoBremElements ECAL " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoBremElements ????? " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
      for(map<unsigned int,vector<unsigned int> >::iterator it = associatedToEcal_.begin();
          it != associatedToEcal_.end(); it++) {
        if (DebugSetLinksSummary) cout << " AssoECAL " << it->first << endl;
        vector<unsigned int> eleasso = it->second;
        for(unsigned int i=0;i<eleasso.size();i++) {
          PFBlockElement::Type type = elements[eleasso[i]].type();
          if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::PS1) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoECALElements PS1  " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::PS2) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoECALElements PS2  " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else if(type == reco::PFBlockElement::HCAL) {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoECALElements HCAL  " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
          else {
            if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
              cout << " AssoHCALElements ????? " <<  eleasso[i] <<  endl;
      if (DebugSetLinksSummary) 
        cout << "-- End Summary --" <<  endl;
  // EndPrintOut
  return IsThereAGoodGSFTrack;
unsigned int PFElectronAlgo::whichTrackAlgo ( const reco::TrackRef trackRef) [private]

Definition at line 2548 of file

Referenced by SetIDOutputs(), and SetLinks().

  unsigned int Algo = 0; 
  switch (trackRef->algo()) {
  case TrackBase::ctf:
  case TrackBase::iter0:
  case TrackBase::iter1:
    Algo = 0;
  case TrackBase::iter2:
    Algo = 1;
  case TrackBase::iter3:
    Algo = 2;
  case TrackBase::iter4:
    Algo = 3;
  case TrackBase::iter5:
    Algo = 4;
    Algo = 5;
  return Algo;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 106 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by getAllElectronCandidates(), RunPFElectron(), and SetCandidates().

Definition at line 119 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetCandidates(), SetIDOutputs(), and SetLinks().

std::vector<double> PFElectronAlgo::BDToutput_ [private]

Definition at line 108 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by RunPFElectron(), SetActive(), SetCandidates(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::chi2_gsf [private]

Definition at line 138 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::chi2_kf [private]

Definition at line 138 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 125 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

Definition at line 129 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

std::vector< std::pair <unsigned int, unsigned int> > PFElectronAlgo::convGsfTrack_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by RunPFElectron(), SetActive(), and SetLinks().

Definition at line 145 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 138 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 138 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 138 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::earlyBrem [private]

Definition at line 148 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 144 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 105 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by getElectronCandidates(), RunPFElectron(), and SetCandidates().

std::map<unsigned int,std::vector<reco::PFCandidate> > PFElectronAlgo::electronConstituents_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by RunPFElectron(), and SetCandidates().

Definition at line 109 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by getElectronExtra(), RunPFElectron(), SetCandidates(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::Eta_gsf [private]

Definition at line 135 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 144 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::EtotPinMode [private]

Definition at line 144 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

std::vector< std::pair <unsigned int, unsigned int> > PFElectronAlgo::fifthStepKfTrack_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by RunPFElectron(), SetActive(), and SetLinks().

float PFElectronAlgo::firstBrem [private]

Definition at line 148 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

std::vector<bool> PFElectronAlgo::GsfTrackSingleEcal_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

float PFElectronAlgo::HOverHE [private]

Definition at line 149 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::HOverPin [private]

Definition at line 149 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetIDOutputs().

bool PFElectronAlgo::isvalid_ [private]

Definition at line 151 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by isElectronValidCandidate(), and RunPFElectron().

float PFElectronAlgo::lateBrem [private]

Definition at line 148 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::lnPt_gsf [private]

Definition at line 135 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

std::vector<bool> PFElectronAlgo::lockExtraKf_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by RunPFElectron(), SetActive(), and SetIDOutputs().

double PFElectronAlgo::mvaEleCut_ [private]

Definition at line 117 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetActive(), SetCandidates(), and SetIDOutputs().

const char* PFElectronAlgo::mvaWeightFile_ [private]

Definition at line 131 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

float PFElectronAlgo::nhit_gsf [private]

Definition at line 141 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetCandidates(), and SetIDOutputs().

float PFElectronAlgo::nhit_kf [private]

Definition at line 141 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), SetCandidates(), and SetIDOutputs().

unsigned int PFElectronAlgo::nTrackIsoForEgammaSC_ [private]

Definition at line 128 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

float PFElectronAlgo::SigmaEtaEta [private]

Definition at line 146 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), and SetIDOutputs().

Definition at line 123 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

Definition at line 124 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

Definition at line 126 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

Definition at line 127 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

const std::vector<reco::GsfElectron>* PFElectronAlgo::theGsfElectrons_ [private]

Definition at line 153 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by setEGElectronCollection().

Definition at line 118 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetCandidates().

TMVA::Reader* PFElectronAlgo::tmvaReader_ [private]

Definition at line 116 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by PFElectronAlgo(), SetIDOutputs(), and ~PFElectronAlgo().

Definition at line 122 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetLinks().

Definition at line 121 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Definition at line 120 of file PFElectronAlgo.h.

Referenced by SetCandidates().