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Comp2RefKolmogorov Class Reference

Comparison to reference using the Kolmogorov algorithm. More...

#include <QTest.h>

Inheritance diagram for Comp2RefKolmogorov:
SimpleTest QCriterion

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Comp2RefKolmogorov (const std::string &name)
float runTest (const MonitorElement *me)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string getAlgoName (void)

Detailed Description

Comparison to reference using the Kolmogorov algorithm.

Definition at line 209 of file QTest.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Comp2RefKolmogorov::Comp2RefKolmogorov ( const std::string &  name) [inline]

Definition at line 212 of file QTest.h.

References getAlgoName(), and QCriterion::setAlgoName().

Member Function Documentation

static std::string Comp2RefKolmogorov::getAlgoName ( void  ) [inline, static]
float Comp2RefKolmogorov::runTest ( const MonitorElement me) [virtual]

Reimplemented from QCriterion.

Definition at line 293 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, gather_cfg::cout, MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1D, MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1F, MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1S, MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TPROFILE, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, first, MonitorElement::getRefRootObject(), MonitorElement::getRefTH1D(), MonitorElement::getRefTH1F(), MonitorElement::getRefTH1S(), MonitorElement::getRefTProfile(), MonitorElement::getRootObject(), MonitorElement::getTH1D(), MonitorElement::getTH1F(), MonitorElement::getTH1S(), MonitorElement::getTProfile(), h, MonitorElement::kind(), prof2calltree::last, siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Max, indexGen::s2, w2, and z.

  const double difprec = 1e-5;
  if (!me) 
    return -1;
  if (!me->getRootObject() || !me->getRefRootObject()) 
    return -1;
  TH1* h=0;
  TH1* ref_=0;

  if (verbose_>1) 
    std::cout << "QTest:" << getAlgoName() << "::runTest called on " 
              << me-> getFullname() << "\n";
  //-- TH1F
  if (me->kind()==MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1F)
    h = me->getTH1F(); // access Test histo
    ref_ = me->getRefTH1F(); //access Ref histo
  //-- TH1S
  else if (me->kind()==MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1S)
    h = me->getTH1S(); // access Test histo
    ref_ = me->getRefTH1S(); //access Ref histo
  //-- TH1D
  else if (me->kind()==MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TH1D)
    h = me->getTH1D(); // access Test histo
    ref_ = me->getRefTH1D(); //access Ref histo
  //-- TProfile
  else if (me->kind()==MonitorElement::DQM_KIND_TPROFILE)
    h = me->getTProfile(); // access Test histo
    ref_ = me->getRefTProfile(); //access Ref histo
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                << " ME does not contain TH1F/TH1S/TH1D/TProfile, exiting\n"; 
    return -1;
  //-- isInvalid ? - Check consistency in number of channels
  int ncx1 = h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); 
  int ncx2 = ref_->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
  if ( ncx1 !=  ncx2)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                << " different number of channels! ("
                << ncx1 << ", " << ncx2 << "), exiting\n";
    return -1;
  //-- isInvalid ? - Check consistency in channel edges
  double diff1 = TMath::Abs(h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() - ref_->GetXaxis()->GetXmin());
  double diff2 = TMath::Abs(h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - ref_->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
  if (diff1 > difprec || diff2 > difprec)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                << " histograms with different binning, exiting\n";
    return -1;

  //--  QUALITY TEST itself 
  Bool_t afunc1 = kFALSE; Bool_t afunc2 = kFALSE;
  double sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;
  double ew1, ew2, w1 = 0, w2 = 0;
  int bin;
  for (bin=1;bin<=ncx1;bin++)
    sum1 += h->GetBinContent(bin);
    sum2 += ref_->GetBinContent(bin);
    ew1   = h->GetBinError(bin);
    ew2   = ref_->GetBinError(bin);
    w1   += ew1*ew1;
    w2   += ew2*ew2;
  if (sum1 == 0)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                << " Test Histogram: " << h->GetName() 
                << ": integral is zero, exiting\n";
    return -1;
  if (sum2 == 0)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                << " Ref Histogram: " << ref_->GetName() 
                << ": integral is zero, exiting\n";
    return -1;

  double tsum1 = sum1; double tsum2 = sum2;
  tsum1 += h->GetBinContent(0);
  tsum2 += ref_->GetBinContent(0);
  tsum1 += h->GetBinContent(ncx1+1);
  tsum2 += ref_->GetBinContent(ncx1+1);

  // Check if histograms are weighted.
  // If number of entries = number of channels, probably histograms were
  // not filled via Fill(), but via SetBinContent()
  double ne1 = h->GetEntries();
  double ne2 = ref_->GetEntries();
  // look at first histogram
  double difsum1 = (ne1-tsum1)/tsum1;
  double esum1 = sum1;
  if (difsum1 > difprec && int(ne1) != ncx1)
    if (h->GetSumw2N() == 0)
      if (verbose_>0) 
        std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                  << " Weighted events and no Sumw2 for "
                  << h->GetName() << "\n";
      esum1 = sum1*sum1/w1;  //number of equivalent entries
  // look at second histogram
  double difsum2 = (ne2-tsum2)/tsum2;
  double esum2   = sum2;
  if (difsum2 > difprec && int(ne2) != ncx1)
    if (ref_->GetSumw2N() == 0)
      if (verbose_>0) 
        std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov"
                  << " Weighted events and no Sumw2 for "
                  << ref_->GetName() << "\n";
      esum2 = sum2*sum2/w2;  //number of equivalent entries

  double s1 = 1/tsum1; double s2 = 1/tsum2;
  // Find largest difference for Kolmogorov Test
  double dfmax =0, rsum1 = 0, rsum2 = 0;
  // use underflow bin
  int first = 0; // 1
  // use overflow bin
  int last  = ncx1+1; // ncx1
  for ( bin=first; bin<=last; bin++)
    rsum1 += s1*h->GetBinContent(bin);
    rsum2 += s2*ref_->GetBinContent(bin);
    dfmax = TMath::Max(dfmax,TMath::Abs(rsum1-rsum2));

  // Get Kolmogorov probability
  double z = 0;
  if (afunc1)      z = dfmax*TMath::Sqrt(esum2);
  else if (afunc2) z = dfmax*TMath::Sqrt(esum1);
  else             z = dfmax*TMath::Sqrt(esum1*esum2/(esum1+esum2));

  // This numerical error condition should never occur:
  if (TMath::Abs(rsum1-1) > 0.002)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov" 
                << " Numerical problems with histogram "
                << h->GetName() << "\n";
  if (TMath::Abs(rsum2-1) > 0.002)
    if (verbose_>0) 
      std::cout << "QTest:Comp2RefKolmogorov" 
                << " Numerical problems with histogram "
                << ref_->GetName() << "\n";

  return TMath::KolmogorovProb(z);