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InvRingCalib Class Reference

ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique. More...

#include <InvRingCalib.h>

Inheritance diagram for InvRingCalib:
edm::EDLooper edm::EDLooperBase

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void beginOfJob ()
Status duringLoop (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
void endOfJob ()
Status endOfLoop (const edm::EventSetup &, unsigned int iCounter)
 InvRingCalib (const edm::ParameterSet &)
void startingNewLoop (unsigned int)
 ~InvRingCalib ()

Private Member Functions

int EBRegId (const int)
 Gives back in which region you are:
void EBRegionDef ()
 Defines the regions in the barrel.
int EBRegionNum () const
 Number of regions in EB.
int EERegId (int)
 gives back in which region of the endcap you are.
void EERegionDef ()
 Defines the regions in the endcap.
int EERegionNum () const
 The number of regions in EE.
void EERingDef (const edm::EventSetup &)
 Defines the rins in the endcap.
void RegPrepare ()
 Prepares the EB regions;.

Private Attributes

bool isfirstcall_
edm::InputTag m_barrelAlCa
 EcalBarrel Input Collection name.
std::vector< DetIdm_barrelCells
 geometry things used all over the file
EcalIntercalibConstantMap m_barrelMap
std::map< int, int > m_cellPhi
std::map< int, GlobalPointm_cellPos
 position of the cell, borders, coords etc...
std::string m_EBcoeffFile
 coeffs filenames
std::string m_EEcoeffFile
int m_EEZone
 endcap zone to be calibrated
edm::InputTag m_ElectronLabel
 To take the electrons.
edm::InputTag m_endcapAlCa
 EcalEndcap Input Collection name.
std::vector< DetIdm_endcapCells
EcalIntercalibConstantMap m_endcapMap
int m_endRing
int m_etaEnd
 eta end of the zone of interest
int m_etaStart
 eta start of the zone of interest
int m_etaWidth
 eta size of the regions
std::vector< VEcalCalibBlock * > m_IMACalibBlocks
 single blocks calibrators
unsigned int m_loops
 LP sets the number of loops to do.
 The class that fills the map!
std::string m_mapFillerType
double m_maxCoeff
 maximum coefficient accepted (RAW)
double m_maxEnergyPerCrystal
 maximum energy per crystal cut
int m_maxSelectedNumPerRing
 maximum number of events per Ring
double m_minCoeff
 minimum coefficient accepted (RAW)
double m_minEnergyPerCrystal
 minimum energy per crystal cut
int m_recoWindowSidex
 reconstruction window size
int m_recoWindowSidey
std::map< int, int > m_Reg
 EB regions vs. eta index.
std::map< int, int > m_RinginRegion
 association map between raw detIds and the number of the ring inside the region
std::map< int, int > m_RingNumOfHits
 number of events already read per Ring
int m_startRing
 LP define the EE region to calibrate.
int m_usingBlockSolver
 to exclude the blocksolver
std::map< int, int > m_xtalRegionId
 association map between raw detIds and Region
std::map< int, int > m_xtalRing
 association map between Raw detIds and Rings

Detailed Description

ECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique.

2010/01/18 21:31:47

Definition at line 29 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

InvRingCalib::InvRingCalib ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]


Definition at line 30 of file

References abs, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::algorithm, EBRegionNum(), EERegionNum(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::eventWeight, cmsRelvalreport::exit, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), i, m_EEZone, m_endRing, m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, m_IMACalibBlocks, m_loops, m_mapFillerType, and m_startRing.

  m_barrelAlCa (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("barrelAlca")),
  m_endcapAlCa (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("endcapAlca")) ,
  m_ElectronLabel (iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ElectronLabel")),
  m_recoWindowSidex (iConfig.getParameter<int>("recoWindowSidex")),
  m_recoWindowSidey (iConfig.getParameter<int>("recoWindowSidey")),
  m_minEnergyPerCrystal (iConfig.getParameter<double>("minEnergyPerCrystal")) ,
  m_maxEnergyPerCrystal (iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxEnergyPerCrystal")) ,
  m_etaStart (iConfig.getParameter<int>("etaStart")),
  m_etaEnd (iConfig.getParameter<int>("etaEnd")),
  m_etaWidth (iConfig.getParameter<int>("etaWidth")),
  m_maxSelectedNumPerRing (iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxNumPerRing")),
  m_minCoeff (iConfig.getParameter<double>("minCoeff")),
  m_maxCoeff (iConfig.getParameter<double>("maxCoeff")),
  m_startRing (iConfig.getParameter<int>("startRing")),
  m_endRing (iConfig.getParameter<int>("endRing")),
  m_EBcoeffFile (iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("EBcoeffs")),
  m_EEcoeffFile (iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("EEcoeffs")),
  m_EEZone (iConfig.getParameter<int>("EEZone"))
  //controls if the parameters inputed are correct
  if ((m_etaEnd*m_etaStart)>0)
    assert (!((m_etaEnd - m_etaStart )%m_etaWidth)); 
  if ((m_etaEnd*m_etaStart)<0)
    assert (!((m_etaEnd - m_etaStart-1 )%m_etaWidth)); 

  assert (m_etaStart >=-85 && m_etaStart <= 86);
  assert (m_etaEnd >= m_etaStart && m_etaEnd <= 86);
  assert (m_startRing>-1 && m_startRing<= 40);
  assert (m_endRing>=m_startRing && m_endRing<=40);

  assert (!((m_endRing - m_startRing)%m_etaWidth));
  assert (( abs(m_EEZone)<=1));
  m_loops = (unsigned int) iConfig.getParameter<int>("loops")- 1;
  //LP CalibBlock vector instantiation
  edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvRingCalib][ctor] Calib Block" ;
  std::string algorithm = iConfig.getParameter<std::string> ("algorithm") ;
  m_mapFillerType = iConfig.getParameter<std::string> ("FillType");
  int eventWeight = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int> ("L3EventWeight",1) ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < EBRegionNum () ; ++i)
  if (algorithm == "IMA")
        m_IMACalibBlocks.push_back (
            new IMACalibBlock (m_etaWidth)
          ) ; 
      else if (algorithm == "L3")
        m_IMACalibBlocks.push_back (
            new L3CalibBlock (m_etaWidth, eventWeight)
          ) ; 
          edm::LogError ("building") << algorithm 
                          << " is not a valid calibration algorithm" ;
          exit (1) ;    
  int EEBlocks = 0 ;
  if (m_EEZone == 0) EEBlocks = 2 * EERegionNum () ;
  if (m_EEZone == 1 || m_EEZone == -1) EEBlocks = EERegionNum () ;

  for (int i = 0; i < EEBlocks ; ++i)
  if (algorithm == "IMA")
        m_IMACalibBlocks.push_back (
            new IMACalibBlock (m_etaWidth)
          ) ; 
      else if (algorithm == "L3")
        m_IMACalibBlocks.push_back (
            new L3CalibBlock (m_etaWidth, eventWeight)
          ) ; 
          edm::LogError ("building") << algorithm 
                          << " is not a valid calibration algorithm" ;
          exit (1) ;    
  edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<" [InvRingCalib][ctor] end of creator";
InvRingCalib::~InvRingCalib ( )



Definition at line 119 of file


Member Function Documentation

void InvRingCalib::beginOfJob ( ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from edm::EDLooperBase.

Definition at line 130 of file

References isfirstcall_.


edm::EDLooper::Status InvRingCalib::duringLoop ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]


Implements edm::EDLooper.

Definition at line 165 of file

References DetId::det(), EBRegionDef(), DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, EERegionDef(), EERingDef(), VFillMap::fillMap(), first, geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloMiscalibMapEcal::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::getMap(), EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(), CaloGeometry::getValidDetIds(), EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), isfirstcall_, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), edm::EDLooperBase::kContinue, m_barrelAlCa, m_barrelCells, m_barrelMap, m_EBcoeffFile, m_EEcoeffFile, m_ElectronLabel, m_endcapAlCa, m_endcapCells, m_endcapMap, m_IMACalibBlocks, m_MapFiller, m_mapFillerType, m_maxEnergyPerCrystal, m_minEnergyPerCrystal, m_recoWindowSidex, m_recoWindowSidey, m_RinginRegion, m_RingNumOfHits, m_xtalRegionId, m_xtalRing, siStripFEDMonitor_P5_cff::Max, dbtoconf::out, MiscalibReaderFromXML::parseXMLMiscalibFile(), CaloMiscalibMapEcal::prefillMap(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), DetId::rawId(), and EEDetId::zside().


   if (isfirstcall_){
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvRingCalib][beginOfJob]" ;
    //gets the geometry from the event setup
    edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle;
    const CaloGeometry& geometry = *geoHandle;
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Event Setup read";
    //fills a vector with all the cells
    m_barrelCells = geometry.getValidDetIds(DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel);
    m_endcapCells = geometry.getValidDetIds(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap);
    //Defines the EB regions
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Defining Barrel Regions";
    //Defines what is a ring in the EE
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Defining endcap Rings";
    //Defines the regions in the EE
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Defining endcap Regions";
    if (m_mapFillerType == "Cluster") m_MapFiller= new ClusterFillMap (
                                                                       m_recoWindowSidex ,m_recoWindowSidey ,
                                                                       m_xtalRegionId ,m_minEnergyPerCrystal ,
                                                                       m_maxEnergyPerCrystal , m_RinginRegion ,
                                                                       & m_barrelMap ,
                                                                       & m_endcapMap ); 
    if (m_mapFillerType == "Matrix") m_MapFiller = new MatrixFillMap (
                                                                      m_recoWindowSidex ,m_recoWindowSidey ,
                                                                      m_xtalRegionId , m_minEnergyPerCrystal ,
                                                                      m_maxEnergyPerCrystal , m_RinginRegion ,
                                                                      & m_barrelMap ,
                                                                      & m_endcapMap); 
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Initializing the coeffs";
    //Sets the initial coefficients to 1.
    //Graphs to check ring, regions and so on, not needed in the final version
    TH2F EBRegion ("EBRegion","EBRegion",171,-85,86,360,1,361);
    TH2F EBRing ("EBRing","EBRing",171,-85,86,360,1,361);
    for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it= m_barrelCells.begin();
         it!= m_barrelCells.end(); 
         ++it )
        EBDetId eb (*it);

    TH2F EEPRegion ("EEPRegion", "EEPRegion",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    TH2F EEPRing ("EEPRing", "EEPRing",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    TH2F EEPRingReg ("EEPRingReg", "EEPRingReg",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    TH2F EEMRegion ("EEMRegion", "EEMRegion",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    TH2F EEMRing ("EEMRing", "EEMRing",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    TH2F EEMRingReg ("EEMRingReg", "EEMRingReg",100,1,101,100,1,101);
    //  TH1F eta ("eta","eta",250,-85,165);
    for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = m_endcapCells.begin();
         it!= m_endcapCells.end();
        EEDetId ee (*it);
        if (ee.zside()>0)
        if (ee.zside()<0)

    //  for (std::map<int,float>::iterator it=m_eta.begin();
    //        it!=m_eta.end();++it)
    //             eta.Fill(it->first,it->second);
    TFile out ("EBZone.root", "recreate");
    //  eta.Write();
    edm::LogInfo ("IML") <<"[InvRingCalib] Start to acquire the coeffs";
    CaloMiscalibMapEcal EBmap;
    EBmap.prefillMap ();
    MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalBarrel barrelreader (EBmap);
    if (!m_EBcoeffFile.empty()) barrelreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (m_EBcoeffFile);
    EcalIntercalibConstants costants (EBmap.get());
    m_barrelMap = costants.getMap();
    CaloMiscalibMapEcal EEmap ;   
    EEmap.prefillMap ();
    MiscalibReaderFromXMLEcalEndcap endcapreader (EEmap);
    if (!m_EEcoeffFile.empty()) endcapreader.parseXMLMiscalibFile (m_EEcoeffFile) ;
    EcalIntercalibConstants EEcostants (EEmap.get());
    m_endcapMap = EEcostants.getMap();

  } // if isfirstcall

  //gets the barrel recHits
  double pSubtract = 0.;
  double pTk = 0.;
  const EcalRecHitCollection* barrelHitsCollection = 0;
  edm::Handle<EBRecHitCollection> barrelRecHitsHandle ;
  iEvent.getByLabel (m_barrelAlCa, barrelRecHitsHandle) ;
  barrelHitsCollection = barrelRecHitsHandle.product () ;

 if (!barrelRecHitsHandle.isValid ()) {
     edm::LogError ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper] barrel rec hits not found" ;
     return  kContinue ;
  //gets the endcap recHits
  const EcalRecHitCollection* endcapHitsCollection = 0;
  edm::Handle<EERecHitCollection> endcapRecHitsHandle ;
  iEvent.getByLabel (m_endcapAlCa, endcapRecHitsHandle) ;
  endcapHitsCollection = endcapRecHitsHandle.product () ;

 if (!endcapRecHitsHandle.isValid ()) {  
     edm::LogError ("IML") << "[EcalEleCalibLooper] endcap rec hits not found" ; 
     return kContinue;

  //gets the electrons
  edm::Handle<reco::GsfElectronCollection> pElectrons;

 if (!pElectrons.isValid ()) {
     edm::LogError ("IML")<< "[EcalEleCalibLooper] electrons not found" ;
     return kContinue;

  //loops over the electrons in the event
  for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator eleIt = pElectrons->begin();
       eleIt != pElectrons->end();
       ++eleIt )
      pSubtract =0;
      std::map<int , double> xtlMap;
      DetId Max=0; 
      if (fabs(eleIt->eta()<1.49))
             Max = EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(eleIt->superCluster()->hitsAndFractions(),barrelHitsCollection).first;
             Max = EcalClusterTools::getMaximum(eleIt->superCluster()->hitsAndFractions(),endcapHitsCollection).first;
      if (Max.det()==0) continue;
       m_MapFiller->fillMap(eleIt->superCluster ()->hitsAndFractions (),Max, 
                           barrelHitsCollection,endcapHitsCollection, xtlMap,pSubtract);
      if (m_xtalRegionId[Max.rawId()]==-1) continue;
      pSubtract += eleIt->superCluster()->preshowerEnergy() ;
      //fills the calibBlock[Max.rawId()])->Fill (
          xtlMap.begin(), xtlMap.end(),pTk,pSubtract
        ) ;
  return  kContinue;
} //end of duringLoop
int InvRingCalib::EBRegId ( const int  ieta) [private]

Gives back in which region you are:

gives the region Id given ieta

Definition at line 609 of file

References m_etaEnd, and m_Reg.

Referenced by EBRegionDef().

 if (ieta<m_etaStart || ieta>=m_etaEnd) return -1;
 else return (m_Reg[ieta]);
void InvRingCalib::EBRegionDef ( ) [private]

Defines the regions in the barrel.

Definition at line 620 of file

References EBRegId(), m_barrelCells, m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, m_RinginRegion, m_xtalRegionId, m_xtalRing, and RegPrepare().

Referenced by duringLoop().

  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it=m_barrelCells.begin();
    EBDetId eb (it->rawId());
    m_xtalRing[eb.rawId()] = eb.ieta() ;
    m_xtalRegionId[eb.rawId()] = EBRegId (eb.ieta()); 
    if (m_xtalRegionId[eb.rawId()]==-1) continue;
    m_RinginRegion[eb.rawId()] = (eb.ieta() - m_etaStart)% m_etaWidth; 
int InvRingCalib::EBRegionNum ( ) const [private]

Number of regions in EB.

number of Ring in EB

Definition at line 586 of file

References m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, and m_etaWidth.

Referenced by EERegionDef(), and InvRingCalib().

  if ((m_etaEnd*m_etaStart)>0)
   return ((m_etaEnd - m_etaStart )/m_etaWidth); 
  if ((m_etaEnd*m_etaStart)<0)
   return ((m_etaEnd - m_etaStart-1 )/m_etaWidth); 
  return 0;
int InvRingCalib::EERegId ( int  id) [private]

gives back in which region of the endcap you are.

Gives the Id of the region given the id of the xtal.

Definition at line 518 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::id, m_EEZone, m_endRing, m_etaWidth, m_RinginRegion, m_startRing, m_xtalRing, relativeConstraints::ring, and EEDetId::zside().

Referenced by EERegionDef().

   int reg;
   int ring;
   EEDetId ee (id);
  //sets the reg to -1 if the ring doesn't exist or is outside the region of interest 
   if (m_xtalRing[id] == -1) return -1;
  //avoid the calibration in the wrong zside
   if (m_EEZone == 1 ){
   if (ee.zside()<0) return -1;
   ring = m_xtalRing[id]-86;
   if(ring >=m_endRing) return -1;
   if (ring<m_startRing) return -1;
   reg = (ring -m_startRing) / m_etaWidth;
   m_RinginRegion[id]=(ring -m_startRing) % m_etaWidth;
   return reg;
   if (m_EEZone == -1){
   if (ee.zside()>0) return -1;
   ring = m_xtalRing[id] -125;
   if(ring >=m_endRing) return -1;
   if (ring<m_startRing) return -1;
   reg = (ring -m_startRing) / m_etaWidth;
   m_RinginRegion[id]=(ring -m_startRing) % m_etaWidth;
   return reg;
   if (ee.zside()>0) ring=m_xtalRing[id]-86;
     else ring = m_xtalRing[id]-125;
   if(ring >=m_endRing) return -1;
   if (ring<m_startRing) return -1;
   reg = (ring -m_startRing) / m_etaWidth;
   m_RinginRegion[id]=(ring -m_startRing) % m_etaWidth;
   return reg;
void InvRingCalib::EERegionDef ( ) [private]

Defines the regions in the endcap.

Loops over all the endcap xtals and sets for each xtal the value of the region the xtal is in, and the ringNumber inside the region

Definition at line 555 of file

References EBRegionNum(), EERegId(), EERegionNum(), m_endcapCells, m_xtalRegionId, and EEDetId::zside().

Referenced by duringLoop().

int reg;
for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt=m_endcapCells.begin();
      EEDetId ee(*endcapIt);
      reg = EERegId(endcapIt->rawId());
      //If the ring is not of interest saves only the region Id(-1)
      //sums the number of region in EB or EB+EE to have different regionsId in different regions 
      else {
      if (ee.zside()>0)reg += EBRegionNum();
      else reg += EBRegionNum()+EERegionNum();
int InvRingCalib::EERegionNum ( ) const [inline, private]

The number of regions in EE.

Number of Regions in EE.

Definition at line 579 of file

References m_endRing, m_etaWidth, and m_startRing.

Referenced by EERegionDef(), and InvRingCalib().

  return ((m_endRing - m_startRing)/m_etaWidth);
void InvRingCalib::EERingDef ( const edm::EventSetup iSetup) [private]

Defines the rins in the endcap.

EE ring definition.

Definition at line 455 of file

References DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap, geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), CaloCellGeometry::getPosition(), CaloGeometry::getSubdetectorGeometry(), m_cellPhi, m_cellPos, m_endcapCells, m_xtalRing, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), DetId::rawId(), relativeConstraints::ring, EEDetId::validDetId(), EEDetId::XYMODE, and EEDetId::zside().

Referenced by duringLoop().

 //Gets the Handle for the geometry from the eventSetup
 edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> geoHandle;
 //Gets the geometry of the endcap
 const CaloGeometry& geometry = *geoHandle;
 const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *endcapGeometry = geometry.getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap);
// const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *barrelGeometry = geometry.getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel);
 //for every xtal gets the position Vector and the phi position
// for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator barrelIt = m_barrelCells.begin();
//    barrelIt!=m_barrelCells.end();
//    ++barrelIt) {
//     const CaloCellGeometry *cellGeometry = barrelGeometry->getGeometry(*barrelIt);
//     GlobalPoint point;
//     EBDetId eb (*barrelIt);
//     point=cellGeometry->getPosition();
//     m_eta[eb.ieta()]=point.eta() ;    //cellGeometry->getPosition().eta();
//    }
 for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt = m_endcapCells.begin();
    ++endcapIt) {
     const CaloCellGeometry *cellGeometry = endcapGeometry->getGeometry(*endcapIt);
     m_cellPos[endcapIt->rawId()] = cellGeometry->getPosition();
     m_cellPhi[endcapIt->rawId()] = cellGeometry->getPosition().phi();
 //takes the first 39 xtals at a fixed y varying the x coordinate and saves their eta coordinate 
 float eta_ring[39];
 for (int ring=0; ring<39; ring++) 
        if (EEDetId::validDetId(ring,50,1)){  
          EEDetId det = EEDetId (ring,50,1,EEDetId::XYMODE);
 //defines the bonduary of the rings as the average eta of a xtal
 double etaBonduary[40];
 for (int ring=1; ring<39; ++ring)
 //assign to each xtal a ring number
 int CRing;
 for (int ring=0; ring<39; ring++) 
   for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt=m_endcapCells.begin();
     if (fabs(m_cellPos[endcapIt->rawId()].eta())>etaBonduary[ring] &&
              EEDetId ee(*endcapIt);
              if (ee.zside()>0) CRing=ring + 86; 
              else CRing = ring + 125;
//              m_eta[CRing]=m_cellPos[endcapIt->rawId()].eta();
void InvRingCalib::endOfJob ( ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDLooperBase.

Definition at line 426 of file

References EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, m_barrelCells, m_barrelMap, m_endcapCells, m_endcapMap, and calibXMLwriter::writeLine().


 edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfJob] saving calib coeffs" ;
 calibXMLwriter barrelWriter(EcalBarrel);
 calibXMLwriter endcapWriter(EcalEndcap);
 for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator barrelIt =m_barrelCells.begin(); 
       ++barrelIt) {
            EBDetId eb (*barrelIt);
 for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator endcapIt = m_endcapCells.begin();
     ++endcapIt) {
          EEDetId ee (*endcapIt);
edm::EDLooper::Status InvRingCalib::endOfLoop ( const edm::EventSetup ,
unsigned int  iCounter 
) [virtual]

Called after the system has finished one loop over the events. Thar argument is a count of how many loops have been processed before this loo. For the first time through the events the argument will be 0.

Implements edm::EDLooperBase.

Definition at line 342 of file

References lut2db_cfg::filename, edm::EDLooperBase::kContinue, edm::EDLooperBase::kStop, m_barrelCells, m_barrelMap, m_endcapCells, m_endcapMap, m_IMACalibBlocks, m_loops, m_maxCoeff, m_minCoeff, m_RinginRegion, m_RingNumOfHits, m_usingBlockSolver, m_xtalRegionId, m_xtalRing, and dbtoconf::out.

   std::map<int,double> InterRings;
  edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][endOfLoop] Start to invert the matrixes" ;
  //call the autoexplaining "solve" method for every calibBlock
  for (std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *>::iterator calibBlock=m_IMACalibBlocks.begin();

  edm::LogInfo("IML") << "[InvRingLooper][endOfLoop] Starting to write the coeffs";
  TH1F *coeffDistr = new TH1F("coeffdistr","coeffdistr",100 ,0.7,1.4);
  TH1F *coeffMap = new TH1F("coeffRingMap","coeffRingMap",250,-85,165);
  TH1F *ringDistr = new TH1F("ringDistr","ringDistr",250,-85,165);
  TH1F *RingFill = new TH1F("RingFill","RingFill",250,-85,165);
  for(std::map<int,int>::const_iterator it=m_xtalRing.begin();

  int ID;
  std::map<int,int> flag;
  for(std::map<int,int>::const_iterator it=m_xtalRing.begin();
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it=m_barrelCells.begin();
      ID= it->rawId();
      if (m_xtalRegionId[ID]==-1) continue;
      if (flag[m_xtalRing[ID]]) continue;
      flag[m_xtalRing[ID]] =1;
      InterRings[m_xtalRing[ID]] =[ID])->at(m_RinginRegion[ID]);
      coeffMap->Fill (m_xtalRing[ID]+0.1,InterRings[m_xtalRing[ID]]);

  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it=m_endcapCells.begin();
      ID= it->rawId();
      if (m_xtalRegionId[ID]==-1) continue;
      if (flag[m_xtalRing[ID]]) continue;
      flag[m_xtalRing[ID]]= 1;
      InterRings[m_xtalRing[ID]] =[ID])->at(m_RinginRegion[ID]);
      coeffMap->Fill (m_xtalRing[ID],InterRings[m_xtalRing[ID]]);
  char filename[80];
  TFile out(filename,"recreate");    
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it=m_barrelCells.begin();
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it=m_endcapCells.begin();
  if (iCounter < m_loops-1 ) return kContinue ;
  else return kStop; 
void InvRingCalib::RegPrepare ( ) [private]

Prepares the EB regions;.

Divides the barrel in region, necessary to take into account the missing 0 xtal

Definition at line 598 of file

References i, gen::k, m_etaEnd, m_etaStart, m_etaWidth, and m_Reg.

Referenced by EBRegionDef().

 int k=0;
 for (int i = m_etaStart;i<m_etaEnd;++i)
  if (i==0) continue;
void InvRingCalib::startingNewLoop ( unsigned int  ciclo) [virtual]


Implements edm::EDLooperBase.

Definition at line 142 of file

References m_IMACalibBlocks, m_RingNumOfHits, m_xtalRing, and relativeConstraints::ring.

    edm::LogInfo ("IML") << "[InvMatrixCalibLooper][Start] entering loop " << ciclo;
    for (std::vector<VEcalCalibBlock *>::iterator calibBlock = m_IMACalibBlocks.begin () ;
         calibBlock != m_IMACalibBlocks.end () ;
        //LP empties the energies vector, to fill DuringLoop.
        (*calibBlock)->reset () ;
   for (std::map<int,int>::const_iterator ring=m_xtalRing.begin();
   return ;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 129 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by beginOfJob(), and duringLoop().

EcalBarrel Input Collection name.

Definition at line 68 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::vector<DetId> InvRingCalib::m_barrelCells [private]

geometry things used all over the file

Definition at line 119 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EBRegionDef(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

association map between coeff and ring coeffs for the single xtals

Definition at line 104 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_cellPhi [private]

Definition at line 101 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EERingDef().

std::map<int,GlobalPoint> InvRingCalib::m_cellPos [private]

position of the cell, borders, coords etc...

Definition at line 100 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EERingDef().

std::string InvRingCalib::m_EBcoeffFile [private]

coeffs filenames

Definition at line 122 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::string InvRingCalib::m_EEcoeffFile [private]

Definition at line 123 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

int InvRingCalib::m_EEZone [private]

endcap zone to be calibrated

Definition at line 125 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EERegId(), and InvRingCalib().

To take the electrons.

Definition at line 72 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

EcalEndcap Input Collection name.

Definition at line 70 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::vector<DetId> InvRingCalib::m_endcapCells [private]

Definition at line 120 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EERegionDef(), EERingDef(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

Definition at line 105 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), endOfJob(), and endOfLoop().

int InvRingCalib::m_endRing [private]

Definition at line 110 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EERegId(), EERegionNum(), and InvRingCalib().

int InvRingCalib::m_etaEnd [private]

eta end of the zone of interest

Definition at line 83 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EBRegId(), EBRegionNum(), InvRingCalib(), and RegPrepare().

int InvRingCalib::m_etaStart [private]

eta start of the zone of interest

Definition at line 81 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EBRegionDef(), EBRegionNum(), InvRingCalib(), and RegPrepare().

int InvRingCalib::m_etaWidth [private]

eta size of the regions

Definition at line 85 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EBRegionDef(), EBRegionNum(), EERegId(), EERegionNum(), InvRingCalib(), and RegPrepare().

single blocks calibrators

Definition at line 92 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), endOfLoop(), InvRingCalib(), and startingNewLoop().

unsigned int InvRingCalib::m_loops [private]

LP sets the number of loops to do.

Definition at line 107 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop(), and InvRingCalib().

The class that fills the map!

Definition at line 64 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::string InvRingCalib::m_mapFillerType [private]

Definition at line 128 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), and InvRingCalib().

double InvRingCalib::m_maxCoeff [private]

maximum coefficient accepted (RAW)

Definition at line 96 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

maximum energy per crystal cut

Definition at line 79 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

maximum number of events per Ring

Definition at line 88 of file InvRingCalib.h.

double InvRingCalib::m_minCoeff [private]

minimum coefficient accepted (RAW)

Definition at line 94 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

minimum energy per crystal cut

Definition at line 77 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

reconstruction window size

Definition at line 74 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

Definition at line 75 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_Reg [private]

EB regions vs. eta index.

Definition at line 127 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EBRegId(), and RegPrepare().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_RinginRegion [private]

association map between raw detIds and the number of the ring inside the region

Definition at line 116 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EBRegionDef(), EERegId(), and endOfLoop().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_RingNumOfHits [private]

number of events already read per Ring

Definition at line 90 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), endOfLoop(), and startingNewLoop().

LP define the EE region to calibrate.

Definition at line 109 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by EERegId(), EERegionNum(), and InvRingCalib().

to exclude the blocksolver

Definition at line 98 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by endOfLoop().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_xtalRegionId [private]

association map between raw detIds and Region

Definition at line 114 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EBRegionDef(), EERegionDef(), and endOfLoop().

std::map<int,int> InvRingCalib::m_xtalRing [private]

association map between Raw detIds and Rings

Definition at line 112 of file InvRingCalib.h.

Referenced by duringLoop(), EBRegionDef(), EERegId(), EERingDef(), endOfLoop(), and startingNewLoop().