Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker Class Reference

#include <TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h>

Inheritance diagram for TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

TtSemiLepKinFitter::Constraint constraint (unsigned)
< TtSemiLepKinFitter::Constraint
constraints (std::vector< unsigned > &)
TtSemiLepKinFitter::Param param (unsigned)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
 TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
 ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker ()

Private Attributes

bool addLRJetComb_
bool addLRSignalSel_
std::vector< unsigned > constraints_
bool doKinFit_
edm::InputTag electronSrc_
int jetCorrScheme_
int jetParam_
edm::InputTag jetSrc_
int lepParam_
std::string leptonFlavour_
std::string lrJetCombFile_
std::vector< int > lrJetCombObs_
std::string lrSignalSelFile_
std::vector< int > lrSignalSelObs_
int matchingAlgo_
bool matchToGenEvt_
double maxDeltaS_
double maxDist_
double maxF_
int maxNrIter_
int metParam_
edm::InputTag metSrc_
edm::InputTag muonSrc_
unsigned int nrCombJets_
bool useDeltaR_
bool useMaxDist_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]


Definition at line 23 of file

References addLRJetComb_, addLRSignalSel_, constraints(), constraints_, doKinFit_, electronSrc_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), jetCorrScheme_, jetParam_, jetSrc_, lepParam_, leptonFlavour_, lrJetCombFile_, lrJetCombObs_, lrSignalSelFile_, lrSignalSelObs_, matchingAlgo_, matchToGenEvt_, maxDeltaS_, maxDist_, maxF_, maxNrIter_, metParam_, metSrc_, muonSrc_, myKinFitter, myLRJetCombCalc, myLRJetCombObservables, myLRSignalSelCalc, myLRSignalSelObservables, mySimpleBestJetComb, nrCombJets_, param(), useDeltaR_, and useMaxDist_.

  // configurables
  electronSrc_     = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>    ("electronSource");
  muonSrc_         = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>    ("muonSource");
  metSrc_          = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>    ("metSource");
  jetSrc_          = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>    ("jetSource");
  leptonFlavour_   = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>      ("leptonFlavour");
  jetCorrScheme_   = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("jetCorrectionScheme");
  nrCombJets_      = iConfig.getParameter<unsigned int>     ("nrCombJets");
  doKinFit_        = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("doKinFit");
  addLRSignalSel_  = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("addLRSignalSel");
  lrSignalSelObs_  = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("lrSignalSelObs");
  lrSignalSelFile_ = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>      ("lrSignalSelFile");
  addLRJetComb_    = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("addLRJetComb");
  lrJetCombObs_    = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<int> >("lrJetCombObs");
  lrJetCombFile_   = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>      ("lrJetCombFile");
  maxNrIter_       = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("maxNrIter");
  maxDeltaS_       = iConfig.getParameter<double>           ("maxDeltaS");
  maxF_            = iConfig.getParameter<double>           ("maxF");
  jetParam_        = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("jetParametrisation");
  lepParam_        = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("lepParametrisation");
  metParam_        = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("metParametrisation");
  constraints_     = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<unsigned> >("constraints");
  matchToGenEvt_   = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("matchToGenEvt");
  matchingAlgo_    = iConfig.getParameter<int>              ("matchingAlgorithm");
  useMaxDist_      = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("useMaximalDistance");
  useDeltaR_       = iConfig.getParameter<bool>             ("useDeltaR");
  maxDist_         = iConfig.getParameter<double>           ("maximalDistance");

  // define kinfitter
    myKinFitter = new TtSemiLepKinFitter(param(jetParam_), param(lepParam_), param(metParam_), maxNrIter_, maxDeltaS_, maxF_, constraints(constraints_));

  // define jet combinations related calculators
  mySimpleBestJetComb                    = new TtSemiSimpleBestJetComb();
  myLRSignalSelObservables               = new TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables();
  myLRJetCombObservables                 = new TtSemiLRJetCombObservables();
  myLRJetCombObservables -> jetSource(jetSrc_);
  if (addLRJetComb_)   myLRJetCombCalc   = new TtSemiLRJetCombCalc(edm::FileInPath(lrJetCombFile_).fullPath(), lrJetCombObs_);

  // instantiate signal selection calculator
  if (addLRSignalSel_) myLRSignalSelCalc = new TtSemiLRSignalSelCalc(edm::FileInPath(lrSignalSelFile_).fullPath(), lrSignalSelObs_);

  // define what will be produced
  produces<std::vector<TtSemiEvtSolution> >();
TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker ( )

Member Function Documentation

TtSemiLepKinFitter::Constraint TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::constraint ( unsigned  val)
std::vector< TtSemiLepKinFitter::Constraint > TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::constraints ( std::vector< unsigned > &  val)

Definition at line 307 of file

References constraint(), i, and query::result.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

  std::vector<TtSemiLepKinFitter::Constraint> result;
  for(unsigned i=0; i<val.size(); ++i){
  return result;
TtSemiLepKinFitter::Param TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::param ( unsigned  val)

Definition at line 275 of file

References Exception, TopKinFitter::kEMom, TopKinFitter::kEtEtaPhi, TopKinFitter::kEtThetaPhi, and query::result.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

  TtSemiLepKinFitter::Param result;
  case TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEMom       : result=TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEMom;       break;
  case TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEtEtaPhi   : result=TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEtEtaPhi;   break;
  case TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEtThetaPhi : result=TtSemiLepKinFitter::kEtThetaPhi; break;
    throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig") 
      << "Chosen jet parametrization is not supported: " << val << "\n";
  return result;
void TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 83 of file

References TtSemiLepKinFitter::addKinFitInfo(), addLRJetComb_, addLRSignalSel_, doKinFit_, electronSrc_, TtGenEvtProducer_cfi::genEvt, EgammaValidation_cff::genp, edm::Event::getByLabel(), JetPartonMatching::getDistanceForParton(), JetPartonMatching::getMatchForParton(), JetPartonMatching::getSumDistances(), iEvent, jetCorrScheme_, jetParam_, analyzePatCleaning_cfg::jets, jetSrc_, lepParam_, leptonFlavour_, matchingAlgo_, matchToGenEvt_, maxDist_, metParam_, metSrc_, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::muons, muonSrc_, myKinFitter, nrCombJets_, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, edm::Event::put(), lumiQueryAPI::q, asciidump::s, TtSemiEvtSolution::setElectron(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setGenEvt(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setHadb(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setHadp(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setHadq(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setJetCorrectionScheme(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setJetParametrisation(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setLepb(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setLeptonParametrisation(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setMuon(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setNeutrino(), TtSemiEvtSolution::setNeutrinoParametrisation(), useDeltaR_, and useMaxDist_.


  //  TopObject Selection

  // select lepton (the TtLepton vectors are, for the moment, sorted on pT)
  bool leptonFound = false;
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Muon> > muons;
  if(leptonFlavour_ == "muon"){
    iEvent.getByLabel(muonSrc_, muons);
    if (muons->size() > 0) leptonFound = true;
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Electron> > electrons;
  if(leptonFlavour_ == "electron"){
    iEvent.getByLabel(electronSrc_, electrons);
    if (electrons->size() > 0) leptonFound = true;

  // select MET (TopMET vector is sorted on ET)
  bool metFound = false;
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> > mets;
  iEvent.getByLabel(metSrc_, mets);
  if (mets->size() > 0) metFound = true;

  // select Jets
  bool jetsFound = false;
  edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Jet> > jets;
  iEvent.getByLabel(jetSrc_, jets);
  if (jets->size() >= 4) jetsFound = true;

  // Build Event solutions according to the ambiguity in the jet combination
  std::vector<TtSemiEvtSolution> * evtsols = new std::vector<TtSemiEvtSolution>();
  if(leptonFound && metFound && jetsFound){
    // protect against reading beyond array boundaries
    unsigned int nrCombJets = nrCombJets_; // do not overwrite nrCombJets_
    if (jets->size() < nrCombJets) nrCombJets = jets->size();
    // loop over all jets
    for (unsigned int p=0; p<nrCombJets; p++) {
      for (unsigned int q=0; q<nrCombJets; q++) {
        for (unsigned int bh=0; bh<nrCombJets; bh++) {
          if (q>p && !(bh==p || bh==q)) {
            for (unsigned int bl=0; bl<nrCombJets; bl++) {
              if (!(bl==p || bl==q || bl==bh)) {
                TtSemiEvtSolution asol;
                if(leptonFlavour_ == "muon")     asol.setMuon(muons, 0);
                if(leptonFlavour_ == "electron") asol.setElectron(electrons, 0);
                asol.setNeutrino(mets, 0);
                asol.setHadp(jets, p);
                asol.setHadq(jets, q);
                asol.setHadb(jets, bh);
                asol.setLepb(jets, bl);
                if (doKinFit_) {
                  asol = myKinFitter->addKinFitInfo(&asol);
                  // just to keep a record in the event (drop? -> present in provenance anyway...)
                  edm::Handle<TtGenEvent> genEvt;
                  iEvent.getByLabel ("genEvt",genEvt); 
                  if (genEvt->numberOfBQuarks() == 2 &&  // FIXME: in rare cases W->bc decay, resulting in a wrong filled genEvt leading to a segmentation fault 
                      genEvt->numberOfLeptons() == 1) {  // FIXME: temporary solution to avoid crash in JetPartonMatching for non semi-leptonic events
                // these lines calculate the observables to be used in the TtSemiSignalSelection LR
                (*myLRSignalSelObservables)(asol, *jets);

                // if asked for, calculate with these observable values the LRvalue and 
                // (depending on the configuration) probability this event is signal
                // FIXME: DO WE NEED TO DO THIS FOR EACH SOLUTION??? (S.L.20/8/07)
                if(addLRSignalSel_) (*myLRSignalSelCalc)(asol);

                // these lines calculate the observables to be used in the TtSemiJetCombination LR
                (*myLRJetCombObservables)(asol, iEvent);
                // if asked for, calculate with these observable values the LRvalue and 
                // (depending on the configuration) probability a jet combination is correct
                if(addLRJetComb_) (*myLRJetCombCalc)(asol);

                //std::cout<<"SignalSelLRval = "<<asol.getLRSignalEvtLRval()<<"  JetCombProb = "<<asol.getLRSignalEvtProb()<<std::endl;
                //std::cout<<"JetCombLRval = "<<asol.getLRJetCombLRval()<<"  JetCombProb = "<<asol.getLRJetCombProb()<<std::endl;

                // fill solution to vector

    // if asked for, match the event solutions to the gen Event
      int bestSolution = -999; 
      int bestSolutionChangeWQ = -999;
      edm::Handle<TtGenEvent> genEvt;
      iEvent.getByLabel ("genEvt",genEvt); 
      if (genEvt->numberOfBQuarks() == 2 &&   // FIXME: in rare cases W->bc decay, resulting in a wrong filled genEvt leading to a segmentation fault
          genEvt->numberOfLeptons() == 1) {   // FIXME: temporary solution to avoid crash in JetPartonMatching for non semi-leptonic events
        std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> quarks;
        const reco::Candidate & genp  = *(genEvt->hadronicDecayQuark());
        const reco::Candidate & genq  = *(genEvt->hadronicDecayQuarkBar());
        const reco::Candidate & genbh = *(genEvt->hadronicDecayB());
        const reco::Candidate & genbl = *(genEvt->leptonicDecayB());
        quarks.push_back( &genp );
        quarks.push_back( &genq );
        quarks.push_back( &genbh );
        quarks.push_back( &genbl );
        std::vector<const reco::Candidate*> recjets;  
        for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) {
          const reco::Candidate & jetp  = (*evtsols)[s].getRecHadp();
          const reco::Candidate & jetq  = (*evtsols)[s].getRecHadq();
          const reco::Candidate & jetbh = (*evtsols)[s].getRecHadb();
          const reco::Candidate & jetbl = (*evtsols)[s].getRecLepb();
          recjets.push_back( &jetp );
          recjets.push_back( &jetq );
          recjets.push_back( &jetbh );
          recjets.push_back( &jetbl );
          JetPartonMatching aMatch(quarks, recjets, matchingAlgo_, useMaxDist_, useDeltaR_, maxDist_);   
          if(aMatch.getMatchForParton(2) == 2 && aMatch.getMatchForParton(3) == 3){
            if(aMatch.getMatchForParton(0) == 0 && aMatch.getMatchForParton(1) == 1) {
              bestSolution = s;
              bestSolutionChangeWQ = 0;
            } else if(aMatch.getMatchForParton(0) == 1 && aMatch.getMatchForParton(1) == 0) {
              bestSolution = s;
              bestSolutionChangeWQ = 1;
      for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) {

    // add TtSemiSimpleBestJetComb to solutions
    int simpleBestJetComb = (*mySimpleBestJetComb)(*evtsols);
    for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) (*evtsols)[s].setSimpleBestJetComb(simpleBestJetComb);

    // choose the best jet combination according to LR value
    if (addLRJetComb_ && evtsols->size()>0) {
      float bestLRVal = -1000000;
      int bestSol = (*evtsols)[0].getLRBestJetComb(); // duplicate the default
      for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) {
        if ((*evtsols)[s].getLRJetCombLRval() > bestLRVal) {
          bestLRVal = (*evtsols)[s].getLRJetCombLRval();
          bestSol = s;
      for(size_t s=0; s<evtsols->size(); s++) {

    //store the vector of solutions to the event     
    std::auto_ptr<std::vector<TtSemiEvtSolution> > pOut(evtsols);

  } else {

    std::cout<<"No calibrated solutions built, because:  ";
    if(jets->size()<4)                                            std::cout<<"nr sel jets < 4"<<std::endl;
    if(leptonFlavour_ == "muon" && muons->size() == 0)            std::cout<<"no good muon candidate"<<std::endl;
    if(leptonFlavour_ == "electron" && electrons->size() == 0)   std::cout<<"no good electron candidate"<<std::endl;
    if(mets->size() == 0)                                         std::cout<<"no MET reconstruction"<<std::endl;
//    TtSemiEvtSolution asol;
//    evtsols->push_back(asol);
    std::auto_ptr<std::vector<TtSemiEvtSolution> > pOut(evtsols);

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<unsigned> TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::constraints_ [private]

Definition at line 59 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 43 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 48 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 57 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 46 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 57 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 47 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 50 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

std::vector<int> TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::lrJetCombObs_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 50 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

std::vector<int> TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::lrSignalSelObs_ [private]

Definition at line 58 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 52 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 51 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 56 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 54 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 56 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 55 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 57 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 45 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 44 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 64 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker(), and ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 63 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker(), and ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 66 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker(), and ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 65 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker(), and ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 62 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker(), and ~TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

unsigned int TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker::nrCombJets_ [private]

Definition at line 49 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 53 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().

Definition at line 53 of file TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker.h.

Referenced by produce(), and TtSemiEvtSolutionMaker().