Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

EMShower Class Reference

#include <EMShower.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void compute ()
 Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.
 EMShower (const RandomEngine *engine, GammaFunctionGenerator *gamma, EMECALShowerParametrization *const myParam, std::vector< const RawParticle * > *const myPart, EcalHitMaker *const myGrid=NULL, PreshowerHitMaker *const myPreshower=NULL)
double getMaximumOfShower () const
 get the depth of the centre of gravity of the shower(s)
void prepareSteps ()
 Computes the steps before the real compute.
void setGrid (EcalHitMaker *const myGrid)
 set the grid address
void setHcal (HcalHitMaker *const myHcal)
 set the HCAL address
void setPreshower (PreshowerHitMaker *const myPresh)
 set the preshower address
virtual ~EMShower ()

Private Types

typedef std::pair< XYZPoint,
double > 
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, double > 
typedef Steps::const_iterator step_iterator
typedef std::vector< StepSteps
typedef math::XYZVector XYZPoint

Private Member Functions

double deposit (double t, double a, double b, double dt)
double deposit (double a, double b, double t)
double gam (double x, double a) const
void setIntervals (unsigned icomp, RadialInterval &rad)

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > a
std::vector< double > aSpot
std::vector< double > b
std::vector< double > bSpot
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
std::vector< double > E
std::vector< double > Etot
double globalMaximum
bool hasPreshower
double innerDepth
std::vector< double > maximumOfShower
std::vector< double > meanDepth
Genfun::IncompleteGamma myIncompleteGamma
unsigned int nPart
unsigned nSteps
double outerDepth
std::vector< double > photos
const RandomEnginerandom
Steps steps
bool stepsCalculated
std::vector< double > T
const ECALPropertiestheECAL
const HCALPropertiestheHCAL
const PreshowerLayer1PropertiestheLayer1
const PreshowerLayer2PropertiestheLayer2
std::vector< double > theNumberOfSpots
EMECALShowerParametrization *const theParam
std::vector< const RawParticle * >
std::vector< double > Ti
double totalEnergy
std::vector< double > TSpot

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file EMShower.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<XYZPoint,double> EMShower::Spot [private]

Definition at line 31 of file EMShower.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, double> EMShower::Step [private]

Definition at line 32 of file EMShower.h.

typedef Steps::const_iterator EMShower::step_iterator [private]

Definition at line 34 of file EMShower.h.

typedef std::vector<Step> EMShower::Steps [private]

Definition at line 33 of file EMShower.h.

Definition at line 29 of file EMShower.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EMShower::EMShower ( const RandomEngine engine,
GammaFunctionGenerator gamma,
EMECALShowerParametrization *const  myParam,
std::vector< const RawParticle * > *const  myPart,
EcalHitMaker *const  myGrid = NULL,
PreshowerHitMaker *const  myPreshower = NULL 

Definition at line 17 of file

References a, aSpot, b, bSpot, EMECALShowerParametrization::correlationAlphaT(), ECALProperties::criticalEnergy(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, E, EMECALShowerParametrization::ecalProperties(), Etot, funct::exp(), RandomEngine::gaussShoot(), globalMaximum, hasPreshower, EMECALShowerParametrization::hcalProperties(), i, EMECALShowerParametrization::layer1Properties(), EMECALShowerParametrization::layer2Properties(), ECALProperties::lightCollectionEfficiency(), funct::log(), maximumOfShower, EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlpha(), EMECALShowerParametrization::meanAlphaSpot(), meanDepth, EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnAlpha(), EMECALShowerParametrization::meanLnT(), EMECALShowerParametrization::meanT(), EMECALShowerParametrization::meanTSpot(), nPart, EMECALShowerParametrization::nSpots(), NULL, photos, ECALProperties::photoStatistics(), random, EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnAlpha(), EMECALShowerParametrization::sigmaLnT(), mathSSE::sqrt(), stepsCalculated, T, theECAL, theHCAL, theLayer1, theLayer2, theNumberOfSpots, theParam, thePart, Ti, totalEnergy, and TSpot.

  : theParam(myParam), 

  // Get the Famos Histos pointer
  //  myHistos = Histos::instance();
  //  myGammaGenerator = GammaFunctionGenerator::instance();
  hasPreshower = myPresh!=NULL;
  theECAL = myParam->ecalProperties();
  theHCAL = myParam->hcalProperties();
  theLayer1 = myParam->layer1Properties();
  theLayer2 = myParam->layer2Properties();

  double fotos = theECAL->photoStatistics() 
               * theECAL->lightCollectionEfficiency();

  nPart = thePart->size();
  totalEnergy = 0.;
  globalMaximum = 0.;
  double meanDepth=0.;
  // Initialize the shower parameters for each particle
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nPart; ++i ) {
    //    std::cout << " AAA " << *(*thePart)[i] << std::endl;
    // The particle and the shower energy
    double lny = std::log ( E[i] / theECAL->criticalEnergy() );

    // Average and Sigma for T and alpha
    double theMeanT        = myParam->meanT(lny);
    double theMeanAlpha    = myParam->meanAlpha(lny);
    double theMeanLnT      = myParam->meanLnT(lny);
    double theMeanLnAlpha  = myParam->meanLnAlpha(lny);
    double theSigmaLnT     = myParam->sigmaLnT(lny);
    double theSigmaLnAlpha = myParam->sigmaLnAlpha(lny);

    // The correlation matrix
    double theCorrelation = myParam->correlationAlphaT(lny);
    double rhop = std::sqrt( (1.+theCorrelation)/2. );
    double rhom = std::sqrt( (1.-theCorrelation)/2. );

    // The number of spots in ECAL / HCAL
    //    theNumberOfSpots.push_back(myParam->nSpots(E[i])*spotFraction);
    //theNumberOfSpots = random->poissonShoot(myParam->nSpots(myPart->e()));

    // Photo-statistics
    photos.push_back(E[i] * fotos);
    // The longitudinal shower development parameters
    // Fluctuations of alpha, T and beta
    double z1=0.;
    double z2=0.;
    double aa=0.;

    // Protect against too large fluctuations (a < 1) for small energies
    while ( aa <= 1. ) {
      z1 = random->gaussShoot(0.,1.);
      z2 = random->gaussShoot(0.,1.);
      aa = std::exp(theMeanLnAlpha + theSigmaLnAlpha * (z1*rhop-z2*rhom));

    T.push_back(std::exp(theMeanLnT + theSigmaLnT * (z1*rhop+z2*rhom)));
    globalMaximum += maximumOfShower[i]*E[i];
    meanDepth += a[i]/b[i]*E[i];
    //    std::cout << " Adding max " << maximumOfShower[i] << " " << E[i] << " " <<maximumOfShower[i]*E[i] << std::endl; 
    //    std::cout << std::setw(8) << std::setprecision(5) << " a /b " << a[i] << " " << b[i] << std::endl;
                 a[i]/b[i] * (std::exp(theMeanLnAlpha)-1.) / std::exp(theMeanLnAlpha));
    // The parameters for the number of energy spots
    //    myHistos->fill("h7000",a[i]);
    //    myHistos->fill("h7002",E[i],a[i]);
//  std::cout << " PS1 : " << myGrid->ps1TotalX0()
//         << " PS2 : " << myGrid->ps2TotalX0()
//         << " ECAL : " << myGrid->ecalTotalX0()
//         << " HCAL : " << myGrid->hcalTotalX0() 
//         << " Offset : " << myGrid->x0DepthOffset()
//         << std::endl;

 // std::cout << " Total Energy " << totalEnergy << " Global max " << globalMaximum << std::endl;
virtual EMShower::~EMShower ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 45 of file EMShower.h.


Member Function Documentation

void EMShower::compute ( )

Compute the shower longitudinal and lateral development.

Definition at line 244 of file

References a, EcalHitMaker::addHit(), HcalHitMaker::addHit(), PreshowerHitMaker::addHit(), EcalHitMaker::addHitDepth(), RadialInterval::addInterval(), aSpot, b, bSpot, RadialInterval::compute(), deposit(), depositedEnergy, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::detector, dt, E, patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff::ecal, Etot, RandomEngine::flatShoot(), gam(), RandomEngine::gaussShoot(), RadialInterval::getNumberOfSpots(), EcalHitMaker::getPads(), RadialInterval::getSpotEnergy(), RadialInterval::getUmax(), RadialInterval::getUmin(), EcalHitMaker::getX0back(), hasPreshower, patCandidatesForDimuonsSequences_cff::hcal, HCALProperties::hOverPi(), i, ECALProperties::lightCollectionUniformity(), M_PI, meanDepth, PreshowerLayer2Properties::mipsPerGeV(), PreshowerLayer1Properties::mipsPerGeV(), myGammaGenerator, RadialInterval::nIntervals(), nPart, nSteps, NULL, EMECALShowerParametrization::p(), phi, photos, RandomEngine::poissonShoot(), prepareSteps(), random, EMECALShowerParametrization::rC(), EMECALShowerParametrization::rT(), HcalHitMaker::setDepth(), setIntervals(), GammaFunctionGenerator::setParameters(), HcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), EcalHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), PreshowerHitMaker::setSpotEnergy(), GammaFunctionGenerator::shoot(), HCALProperties::spotFraction(), mathSSE::sqrt(), ntuplemaker::status, steps, stepsCalculated, matplotRender::t, theECAL, theGrid, theHCAL, theHcalHitMaker, theLayer1, theLayer2, theNumberOfSpots, theParam, thePreshower, and Ti.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::EMShowerSimulation().


  double t = 0.;
  double dt = 0.;
  if(!stepsCalculated) prepareSteps();

  // Prepare the grids in EcalHitMaker
  // theGrid->setInnerAndOuterDepth(innerDepth,outerDepth);
  float pstot=0.;
  float ps2tot=0.;
  float ps1tot=0.;
  bool status=false; 
  //  double E1 = 0.;  // Energy layer 1
  //  double E2 = 0.;  // Energy layer 2
  //  double n1 = 0.;  // #mips layer 1
  //  double n2 = 0.;  // #mips layer 2
  //  double E9 = 0.;  // Energy ECAL
  // Loop over all segments for the longitudinal development
  for (unsigned iStep=0; iStep<nSteps; ++iStep ) {
    // The length of the shower in this segment
    dt = steps[iStep].second;

    //    std::cout << " Detector " << steps[iStep].first << " t " << t << " " << dt << std::endl;

    // The elapsed length
    t += dt;
    // In what detector are we ?
    unsigned detector=steps[iStep].first;
    bool presh1 = detector==0;
    bool presh2 = detector==1;
    bool ecal = detector==2;
    bool hcal = detector==3;
    bool vfcal = detector==4;
    bool gap = detector==5;

    // Temporary. Will be removed 
    if ( theHCAL==NULL) hcal=false;

    // Keep only ECAL for now
    if ( vfcal ) continue;

    // Nothing to do in the gap
    if( gap ) continue;

    //    cout << " t = " << t << endl;
    // Build the grid of crystals at this ECAL depth
    // Actually, it might be useful to check if this grid is empty or not. 
    // If it is empty (because no crystal at this depth), it is of no use 
    // (and time consuming) to generate the spots

   // middle of the step
    double tt = t-0.5*dt; 

    double realTotalEnergy=0.;
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nPart; ++i ) {
      realTotalEnergy += depositedEnergy[iStep][i]*E[i];

//    std::cout << " Step " << tt << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "ecal " << ecal << " hcal "  << hcal <<std::endl;

    // If the amount of energy is greater than 1 MeV, make a new grid
    // otherwise put in the previous one.    
    bool usePreviousGrid=(realTotalEnergy<0.001);   

    // If the amount of energy is greater than 1 MeV, make a new grid
    // otherwise put in the previous one.    

    // If less than 1 kEV. Just skip
    if(iStep>2&&realTotalEnergy<0.000001) continue;

    if (ecal && !usePreviousGrid) 
    if (hcal) 
    if((ecal ||hcal) && !status) continue;
    bool detailedShowerTail=false;
    // check if a detailed treatment of the rear leakage should be applied
    if(ecal && !usePreviousGrid) 
        detailedShowerTail=(t-dt > theGrid->getX0back());
    // The particles of the shower are processed in parallel
    for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nPart; ++i ) {

      //      double Edepo=deposit(t,a[i],b[i],dt);

     //  integration of the shower profile between t-dt and t
      double dE = (!hcal)? depositedEnergy[iStep][i]:1.-deposit(a[i],b[i],t-dt);

       // no need to do the full machinery if there is ~nothing to distribute)
      if(dE*E[i]<0.000001) continue;

      // The number of energy spots (or mips)
      double nS = 0;
      // ECAL case : Account for photostatistics and long'al non-uniformity
      if (ecal) {

        dE = random->poissonShoot(dE*photos[i])/photos[i];
        double z0 = random->gaussShoot(0.,1.);
        dE *= 1. + z0*theECAL->lightCollectionUniformity();

        // Expected spot number
        nS = ( theNumberOfSpots[i] * gam(bSpot[i]*tt,aSpot[i]) 
                                   * bSpot[i] * dt 
                                   / tgamma(aSpot[i]) );
      // Preshower : Expected number of mips + fluctuation
      else if ( hcal ) {

        nS = ( theNumberOfSpots[i] * gam(bSpot[i]*tt,aSpot[i]) 
               * bSpot[i] * dt 
               / tgamma(aSpot[i]))* theHCAL->spotFraction();
        double nSo = nS ;
        nS = random->poissonShoot(nS);
        // 'Quick and dirty' fix (but this line should be better removed):
        if( nSo > 0. && nS/nSo < 10.) dE *= nS/nSo;

//      if(true)
//        {
//          std::cout << " theHCAL->spotFraction = " <<theHCAL->spotFraction() <<std::endl;
//          std::cout << " nSpot Ecal : " << nSo/theHCAL->spotFraction() << " Final " << nS << std::endl;
//        }
      else if ( presh1 ) {
        nS = random->poissonShoot(dE*E[i]*theLayer1->mipsPerGeV());
        //      std::cout << " dE *E[i] (1)" << dE*E[i] << " " << dE*E[i]*theLayer1->mipsPerGeV() << "  "<< nS << std::endl;
        dE = nS/(E[i]*theLayer1->mipsPerGeV());

        //        E1 += dE*E[i]; 
        //      n1 += nS; 
        //      if (presh2) { E2 += SpotEnergy; ++n2; }
      } else if ( presh2 ) {
        nS = random->poissonShoot(dE*E[i]*theLayer2->mipsPerGeV());
        //      std::cout << " dE *E[i] (2) " << dE*E[i] << " " << dE*E[i]*theLayer2->mipsPerGeV() << "  "<< nS << std::endl;
        dE = nS/(E[i]*theLayer2->mipsPerGeV());

        //        E2 += dE*E[i]; 
        //      n2 += nS; 

      //    myHistos->fill("h100",t,dE);
      // The lateral development parameters  
      // Energy of the spots
      double eSpot = (nS>0.) ? dE/nS : 0.;
      double SpotEnergy=eSpot*E[i];

      if(hasPreshower&&(presh1||presh2)) thePreshower->setSpotEnergy(0.00009);
      // Poissonian fluctuations for the number of spots
      //    int nSpot = random->poissonShoot(nS);
      int nSpot = (int)(nS+0.5);
      // Fig. 11 (right) *** Does not match.
      //    myHistos->fill("h101",t,(double)nSpot/theNumberOfSpots);
      //double taui = t/T;
      double taui = tt/Ti[i];
      double proba = theParam->p(taui,E[i]);
      double theRC = theParam->rC(taui,E[i]);
      double theRT = theParam->rT(taui,E[i]);
      // Fig. 10
      //    myHistos->fill("h300",taui,theRC);
      //    myHistos->fill("h301",taui,theRT);
      //    myHistos->fill("h302",taui,proba);
         double dSpotsCore = 
      if(dSpotsCore<0) dSpotsCore=0;
      unsigned nSpots_core = (unsigned)(dSpotsCore+0.5);
      unsigned nSpots_tail = ((unsigned)nSpot>nSpots_core) ? nSpot-nSpots_core : 0;
      for(unsigned icomp=0;icomp<2;++icomp)
          double theR=(icomp==0) ? theRC : theRT ;    
          unsigned ncompspots=(icomp==0) ? nSpots_core : nSpots_tail;
          RadialInterval radInterval(theR,ncompspots,SpotEnergy,random);
              radInterval.addInterval(100.,1.);// 100% of the spots
           // irad = 0 : central circle; irad=1 : outside

           unsigned nrad=radInterval.nIntervals();
           for(unsigned irad=0;irad<nrad;++irad)
               double spote=radInterval.getSpotEnergy(irad);
               if(ecal) theGrid->setSpotEnergy(spote);
               if(hcal) theHcalHitMaker->setSpotEnergy(spote);
               unsigned nradspots=radInterval.getNumberOfSpots(irad);
               double umin=radInterval.getUmin(irad);
               double umax=radInterval.getUmax(irad);
               // Go for the lateral development
               for ( unsigned  ispot=0; ispot<nradspots; ++ispot ) 
                   double z3=random->flatShoot(umin,umax);
                   double ri=theR * std::sqrt(z3/(1.-z3)) ;

                   //Fig. 12
                     if ( 2. < t && t < 3. ) 
                     if ( 6. < t && t < 7. ) 
                     if ( 19. < t && t < 20. ) 
                   // Fig. 13 (top)
                   //      myHistos->fill("h400",ri,1./1000.*eSpot/0.2);
                   // Generate phi
                   double phi = 2.*M_PI*random->flatShoot();
                   // Add the hit in the crystal
                   //   if( ecal ) theGrid->addHit(ri*theECAL->moliereRadius(),phi);
                   // Now the *moliereRadius is done in EcalHitMaker
                   if ( ecal )
                           //                      std::cout << "About to call addHitDepth " << std::endl;
                           double depth;
                           //                      std::cout << " Done " << std::endl;
                   else if (hasPreshower&&presh1) thePreshower->addHit(ri,phi,1);
                   else if (hasPreshower&&presh2) thePreshower->addHit(ri,phi,2);
                   else if (hcal) 
                       //                      std::cout << " About to add a spot in the HCAL" << status << std::endl;
                       //                      std::cout << " Added a spot in the HCAL" << status << std::endl;
                   //   if (ecal) E9 += SpotEnergy;
                   //   if (presh1) { E1 += SpotEnergy; ++n1; }
                   //   if (presh2) { E2 += SpotEnergy; ++n2; }

                   Etot[i] += spote;
      //      std::cout << " Done with the step " << std::endl;
      // The shower!
    //    std::cout << " nPart " << nPart << std::endl;
  //  std::cout << " Finshed the step loop " << std::endl;
  //  myHistos->fill("h500",E1+0.7*E2,E9);
  //  myHistos->fill("h501",n1+0.7*n2,E9);
  //  myHistos->fill("h400",n1);
  //  myHistos->fill("h401",n2);
  //  myHistos->fill("h402",E9+E1+0.7*E2);
  //  if(!standalone)theGrid->printGrid();
  double Etotal=0.;
  for(unsigned i=0;i<nPart;++i)
      //      myHistos->fill("h10",Etot[i]);
  //  myHistos->fill("h20",Etotal);
  //  if(thePreshower)
  //    std::cout << " PS " << thePreshower->layer1Calibrated() << " " << thePreshower->layer2Calibrated() << " " << thePreshower->totalCalibrated() << " " << ps1tot << " " <<ps2tot << " " << pstot << std::endl;
double EMShower::deposit ( double  t,
double  a,
double  b,
double  dt 
) [private]

Definition at line 607 of file

References dt, myIncompleteGamma, query::result, and matplotRender::t.

Referenced by compute(), and prepareSteps().

  double b1=b*(t-dt);
  double b2=b*t;
  double result = 0.;  
  double rb1=(b1!=0.) ? myIncompleteGamma(b1) : 0.;
  double rb2=(b2!=0.) ?  myIncompleteGamma(b2) : 0.;
  result = (rb2-rb1);
  return result;
double EMShower::deposit ( double  a,
double  b,
double  t 
) [private]

Definition at line 648 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, myIncompleteGamma, query::result, and matplotRender::t.

  //  std::cout << " Deposit " << std::endl;
  double b2=b*t;
  double result = 0.;
  if(fabs(b2) < 1.e-9 ) b2 = 1.e-9;
  //  std::cout << " deposit t = " << t  << " "  << result <<std::endl;
  return result;

double EMShower::gam ( double  x,
double  a 
) const [private]

Definition at line 571 of file

References funct::exp(), and funct::pow().

Referenced by compute().

  // A stupid gamma function
  return std::pow(x,a-1.)*std::exp(-x);
double EMShower::getMaximumOfShower ( ) const [inline]

get the depth of the centre of gravity of the shower(s)

get the depth of the maximum of the shower

Definition at line 57 of file EMShower.h.

References globalMaximum.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::EMShowerSimulation().

{return globalMaximum;}
void EMShower::prepareSteps ( )

Computes the steps before the real compute.

Definition at line 123 of file

References a, b, deposit(), depositedEnergy, dt, E, EcalHitMaker::ecalTotalX0(), EcalHitMaker::hcalTotalX0(), i, innerDepth, meanDepth, nPart, nSteps, evf::evtn::offset(), outerDepth, EcalHitMaker::ps1TotalX0(), EcalHitMaker::ps2eeTotalX0(), EcalHitMaker::ps2TotalX0(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::step, steps, stepsCalculated, matplotRender::t, theGrid, EcalHitMaker::totalX0(), and EcalHitMaker::x0DepthOffset().

Referenced by compute().

  //  TimeMe theT("EMShower::compute");
  // Determine the longitudinal intervals
  //  std::cout << " EMShower compute" << std::endl;
  double dt;
  double radlen;
  int stps;
  int first_Ecal_step=0;
  int last_Ecal_step=0;

  // The maximum is in principe 8 (with 5X0 steps in the ECAL)
//  std::cout << " PS1 : " << theGrid->ps1TotalX0()
//          << " PS2 : " << theGrid->ps2TotalX0()
//          << " ECAL : " << theGrid->ecalTotalX0()
//          << " HCAL : " << theGrid->hcalTotalX0() 
//          << " Offset : " << theGrid->x0DepthOffset()
//          << std::endl;
  radlen = -theGrid->x0DepthOffset();
  // Preshower Layer 1
  radlen += theGrid->ps1TotalX0();
  if ( radlen > 0. ) {
    radlen = 0.;
  // Preshower Layer 2
  radlen += theGrid->ps2TotalX0();
  if ( radlen > 0. ) {
    radlen = 0.;
  // add a step between preshower and ee
  radlen += theGrid->ps2eeTotalX0();
  if ( radlen > 0.) {
    radlen = 0.;  
  // ECAL
  radlen += theGrid->ecalTotalX0();
  if ( radlen > 0. ) {
    //    stps=(int)((radlen+.5)/1.);
    if ( stps == 0 ) stps = 1;
    dt = radlen/(double)stps;
    Step step(2,dt);
    for ( int ist=0; ist<stps; ++ist )
    radlen = 0.;

  // I should had a gap here ! 
 // HCAL 
 radlen += theGrid->hcalTotalX0();
 if ( radlen > 0. ) {
   double dtFrontHcal=theGrid->totalX0()-theGrid->hcalTotalX0();
   // One single step for the full HCAL
       Step step(3,dt);

 if(nSteps==0) return;
 double ESliceTot=0.;
 double MeanDepth=0.;
 double t=0.;

 int offset=0;
 for(unsigned iStep=0;iStep<nSteps;++iStep)
     double realTotalEnergy=0;
     for ( unsigned int i=0; i<nPart; ++i ) {
       ESliceTot +=depositedEnergy[iStep][i];
       MeanDepth += deposit(t,a[i]+1.,b[i],dt)/b[i]*a[i];

     if( ESliceTot > 0. )  // can happen for the shower tails; this depth will be skipped anyway



void EMShower::setGrid ( EcalHitMaker *const  myGrid) [inline]

set the grid address

Definition at line 60 of file EMShower.h.

References theGrid.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::EMShowerSimulation().

{ theGrid=myGrid;}
void EMShower::setHcal ( HcalHitMaker *const  myHcal)

set the HCAL address

Definition at line 642 of file

References theHcalHitMaker.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::EMShowerSimulation().

  theHcalHitMaker = myHcal;
void EMShower::setIntervals ( unsigned  icomp,
RadialInterval rad 
) [private]

Definition at line 619 of file

References RadialInterval::addInterval(), EMECALShowerParametrization::getCoreIntervals(), EMECALShowerParametrization::getTailIntervals(), and theParam.

Referenced by compute().

  //  std::cout << " Got the pointer " << std::endl;
  const std::vector<double>& myValues((icomp)?theParam->getTailIntervals():theParam->getCoreIntervals());
  //  std::cout << " Got the vector " << myValues.size () << std::endl;
  unsigned nvals=myValues.size()/2;
  for(unsigned iv=0;iv<nvals;++iv)
      //      std::cout << myValues[2*iv] << " " <<  myValues[2*iv+1] <<std::endl;
void EMShower::setPreshower ( PreshowerHitMaker *const  myPresh)

set the preshower address

Definition at line 632 of file

References hasPreshower, NULL, and thePreshower.

Referenced by CalorimetryManager::EMShowerSimulation().

      thePreshower = myPresh;

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<double> EMShower::a [private]

Definition at line 101 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::aSpot [private]

Definition at line 105 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

std::vector<double> EMShower::b [private]

Definition at line 102 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::bSpot [private]

Definition at line 106 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > EMShower::depositedEnergy [private]

Definition at line 112 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::E [private]

Definition at line 98 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::Etot [private]

Definition at line 97 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

double EMShower::globalMaximum [private]

Definition at line 116 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower(), and getMaximumOfShower().

bool EMShower::hasPreshower [private]

Definition at line 135 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and setPreshower().

double EMShower::innerDepth [private]

Definition at line 114 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::maximumOfShower [private]

Definition at line 111 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower().

std::vector<double> EMShower::meanDepth [private]

Definition at line 113 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

Definition at line 145 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute().

Genfun::IncompleteGamma EMShower::myIncompleteGamma [private]

Definition at line 139 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by deposit().

unsigned int EMShower::nPart [private]

Definition at line 93 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

unsigned EMShower::nSteps [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and prepareSteps().

double EMShower::outerDepth [private]

Definition at line 114 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::photos [private]

Definition at line 99 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

const RandomEngine* EMShower::random [private]

Definition at line 142 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

Definition at line 121 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and prepareSteps().

bool EMShower::stepsCalculated [private]

Definition at line 123 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and prepareSteps().

std::vector<double> EMShower::T [private]

Definition at line 100 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower().

Definition at line 86 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

Definition at line 126 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), prepareSteps(), and setGrid().

Definition at line 87 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

Definition at line 132 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and setHcal().

Definition at line 88 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

Definition at line 89 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

std::vector<double> EMShower::theNumberOfSpots [private]

Definition at line 96 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

Definition at line 83 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), EMShower(), and setIntervals().

std::vector<const RawParticle*>* const EMShower::thePart [private]

Definition at line 92 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower().

Definition at line 129 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and setPreshower().

std::vector<double> EMShower::Ti [private]

Definition at line 103 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by compute(), and EMShower().

double EMShower::totalEnergy [private]

Definition at line 118 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower().

std::vector<double> EMShower::TSpot [private]

Definition at line 104 of file EMShower.h.

Referenced by EMShower().