Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef float Amplitude
typedef std::map< int, float,
std::less< int > > 

Public Member Functions

std::vector< StripDigiSimLinkmake_link ()
void run (edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &, edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &, const std::vector< std::pair< const PSimHit *, int > > &, StripGeomDetUnit *, GlobalVector, float, edm::ESHandle< SiStripGain > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripThreshold > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripNoises > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripPedestals > &, edm::ESHandle< SiStripBadStrip > &)
void setParticleDataTable (const ParticleDataTable *pardt)
 SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm (const edm::ParameterSet &conf, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &)
 ~SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ()

Private Member Functions

void push_link (const DigitalVecType &, const HitToDigisMapType &, const HitCounterToDigisMapType &, const std::vector< double > &, unsigned int)
void push_link_raw (const DigitalRawVecType &, const HitToDigisMapType &, const HitCounterToDigisMapType &, const std::vector< double > &, unsigned int)

Private Attributes

bool APVSaturationFromHIP
double APVSaturationProb
bool BaselineShift
double cmnRMStec
double cmnRMStib
double cmnRMStid
double cmnRMStob
bool CommonModeNoise
edm::ParameterSet conf_
double cosmicShift
std::vector< double > detAmpl
DigitalVecType digis
size_t firstChannelWithSignal
double inefficiency
size_t lastChannelWithSignal
std::vector< StripDigiSimLinklink_coll
size_t localFirstChannel
size_t localLastChannel
std::vector< double > locAmpl
bool noise
int numStrips
const ParticleDataparticle
const ParticleDataTablepdt
bool peakMode
double pedOffset
DigitalRawVecType rawdigis
bool RealPedestals
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine & rndEngine
bool SingleStripNoise
int strip
double theElectronPerADC
int theFedAlgo
CLHEP::RandFlat * theFlatDistribution
double theThreshold
double theTOFCutForDeconvolution
double theTOFCutForPeak
double tofCut
bool zeroSuppression

Detailed Description

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm converts hits to digis

Definition at line 39 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 46 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 42 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 41 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

typedef std::map< int, float, std::less<int> > SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::hit_map_type

Definition at line 45 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 44 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Definition at line 43 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ( const edm::ParameterSet conf,
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &  eng 

Definition at line 18 of file

References APVSaturationFromHIP, APVSaturationProb, BaselineShift, cmnRMStec, cmnRMStib, cmnRMStid, cmnRMStob, CommonModeNoise, conf_, cosmicShift, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), inefficiency, LogDebug, noise, peakMode, pedOffset, RealPedestals, rndEngine, SingleStripNoise, theElectronPerADC, theFedAlgo, theFlatDistribution, theSiDigitalConverter, theSiHitDigitizer, theSiNoiseAdder, theSiPileUpSignals, theSiZeroSuppress, theThreshold, theTOFCutForDeconvolution, theTOFCutForPeak, tofCut, and zeroSuppression.

  theThreshold              = conf_.getParameter<double>("NoiseSigmaThreshold");
  theFedAlgo                = conf_.getParameter<int>("FedAlgorithm");
  peakMode                  = conf_.getParameter<bool>("APVpeakmode");
  theElectronPerADC         = conf_.getParameter<double>( peakMode ? "electronPerAdcPeak" : "electronPerAdcDec" );
  noise                     = conf_.getParameter<bool>("Noise");
  zeroSuppression           = conf_.getParameter<bool>("ZeroSuppression");
  theTOFCutForPeak          = conf_.getParameter<double>("TOFCutForPeak");
  theTOFCutForDeconvolution = conf_.getParameter<double>("TOFCutForDeconvolution");
  cosmicShift               = conf_.getUntrackedParameter<double>("CosmicDelayShift");
  inefficiency              = conf_.getParameter<double>("Inefficiency");
  RealPedestals             = conf_.getParameter<bool>("RealPedestals"); 
  SingleStripNoise          = conf_.getParameter<bool>("SingleStripNoise");
  CommonModeNoise           = conf_.getParameter<bool>("CommonModeNoise");
  BaselineShift             = conf_.getParameter<bool>("BaselineShift");
  APVSaturationFromHIP      = conf_.getParameter<bool>("APVSaturationFromHIP");
  APVSaturationProb         = conf_.getParameter<double>("APVSaturationProb");
  cmnRMStib                 = conf_.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStib");
  cmnRMStob                 = conf_.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStob");
  cmnRMStid                 = conf_.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStid");
  cmnRMStec                 = conf_.getParameter<double>("cmnRMStec");
  pedOffset                 = (unsigned int)conf_.getParameter<double>("PedestalsOffset");
  if (peakMode) {
    LogDebug("StripDigiInfo")<<"APVs running in peak mode (poor time resolution)";
  } else {
    LogDebug("StripDigiInfo")<<"APVs running in deconvolution mode (good time resolution)";
  theSiHitDigitizer = new SiHitDigitizer(conf_,rndEngine);
  theSiPileUpSignals = new SiPileUpSignals();
  theSiNoiseAdder = new SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder(theThreshold,rndEngine);
  theSiDigitalConverter = new SiTrivialDigitalConverter(theElectronPerADC);
  theSiZeroSuppress = new SiStripFedZeroSuppression(theFedAlgo);
  theFlatDistribution = new CLHEP::RandFlat(rndEngine, 0., 1.);    

SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::~SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm ( )

Member Function Documentation

std::vector<StripDigiSimLink> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::make_link ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 62 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

References link_coll.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizer::produce().

{ return link_coll; }
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::push_link ( const DigitalVecType digis,
const HitToDigisMapType htd,
const HitCounterToDigisMapType hctd,
const std::vector< double > &  afterNoise,
unsigned int  detID 
) [private]

Definition at line 295 of file

References i, link_coll, and crabWrap::threshold.

Referenced by run().

  for ( DigitalVecType::const_iterator i=digis.begin(); i!=digis.end(); i++) {
    // Instead of checking the validity of the links against the digis,
    //  let's loop over digis and push the corresponding link
    HitToDigisMapType::const_iterator mi(htd.find(i->strip()));  
    if (mi == htd.end()) continue;
    HitCounterToDigisMapType::const_iterator cmi(hctd.find(i->strip()));  
    std::map<const PSimHit *, Amplitude> totalAmplitudePerSimHit;
    for (std::vector < std::pair < const PSimHit*, Amplitude > >::const_iterator simul = 
           (*mi).second.begin() ; simul != (*mi).second.end(); simul ++){
      totalAmplitudePerSimHit[(*simul).first] += (*simul).second;
    //--- include the noise as well
    double totalAmplitude1 = afterNoise[(*mi).first];
    //--- digisimlink
    int sim_counter=0; 
    for (std::map<const PSimHit *, Amplitude>::const_iterator iter = totalAmplitudePerSimHit.begin(); 
         iter != totalAmplitudePerSimHit.end(); iter++){
      float threshold = 0.;
      float fraction = (*iter).second/totalAmplitude1;
      if ( fraction >= threshold) {
        // Noise fluctuation could make fraction>1. Unphysical, set it by hand = 1.
        if(fraction > 1.) fraction = 1.;
        for (std::vector < std::pair < const PSimHit*, int > >::const_iterator 
               simcount = (*cmi).second.begin() ; simcount != (*cmi).second.end(); simcount ++){
          if((*iter).first == (*simcount).first) sim_counter = (*simcount).second;
        link_coll.push_back(StripDigiSimLink( (*mi).first, //channel
                                              ((*iter).first)->trackId(), //simhit trackId
                                              sim_counter, //simhit counter
                                              ((*iter).first)->eventId(), //simhit eventId
                                              fraction)); //fraction
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::push_link_raw ( const DigitalRawVecType digis,
const HitToDigisMapType htd,
const HitCounterToDigisMapType hctd,
const std::vector< double > &  afterNoise,
unsigned int  detID 
) [private]

Definition at line 339 of file

References i, link_coll, and crabWrap::threshold.

Referenced by run().

  int nstrip = -1;
  for ( DigitalRawVecType::const_iterator i=digis.begin(); i!=digis.end(); i++) {
    // Instead of checking the validity of the links against the digis,
    //  let's loop over digis and push the corresponding link
    HitToDigisMapType::const_iterator mi(htd.find(nstrip));  
    HitCounterToDigisMapType::const_iterator cmi(hctd.find(nstrip));  
    if (mi == htd.end()) continue;
    std::map<const PSimHit *, Amplitude> totalAmplitudePerSimHit;
    for (std::vector < std::pair < const PSimHit*, Amplitude > >::const_iterator simul = 
           (*mi).second.begin() ; simul != (*mi).second.end(); simul ++){
      totalAmplitudePerSimHit[(*simul).first] += (*simul).second;
    //--- include the noise as well
    double totalAmplitude1 = afterNoise[(*mi).first];
    //--- digisimlink
    int sim_counter_raw=0;
    for (std::map<const PSimHit *, Amplitude>::const_iterator iter = totalAmplitudePerSimHit.begin(); 
         iter != totalAmplitudePerSimHit.end(); iter++){
      float threshold = 0.;
      float fraction = (*iter).second/totalAmplitude1;
      if (fraction >= threshold) {
        //Noise fluctuation could make fraction>1. Unphysical, set it by hand.
        if(fraction >1.) fraction = 1.;
        //add counter information
        for (std::vector < std::pair < const PSimHit*, int > >::const_iterator 
               simcount = (*cmi).second.begin() ; simcount != (*cmi).second.end(); simcount ++){
          if((*iter).first == (*simcount).first) sim_counter_raw = (*simcount).second;
        link_coll.push_back(StripDigiSimLink( (*mi).first, //channel
                                              ((*iter).first)->trackId(), //simhit trackId
                                              sim_counter_raw, //simhit counter
                                              ((*iter).first)->eventId(), //simhit eventId
                                              fraction)); //fraction
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::run ( edm::DetSet< SiStripDigi > &  outdigi,
edm::DetSet< SiStripRawDigi > &  outrawdigi,
const std::vector< std::pair< const PSimHit *, int > > &  input,
StripGeomDetUnit det,
GlobalVector  bfield,
float  langle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripGain > &  gainHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripThreshold > &  thresholdHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripNoises > &  noiseHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripPedestals > &  pedestalHandle,
edm::ESHandle< SiStripBadStrip > &  deadChannelHandle 

Definition at line 73 of file

References SiPileUpSignals::add(), SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder::addBaselineShift(), SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder::addCMNoise(), SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder::addNoise(), SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder::addNoiseVR(), SiGaussianTailNoiseAdder::addPedestals(), APVSaturationFromHIP, APVSaturationProb, BaselineShift, DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), cmnRMStec, cmnRMStib, cmnRMStid, cmnRMStob, CommonModeNoise, SiTrivialDigitalConverter::convert(), SiTrivialDigitalConverter::convertRaw(), cosmicShift, gather_cfg::cout, edm::DetSet< T >::data, detAmpl, digis, SiPileUpSignals::dumpCounterLink(), SiPileUpSignals::dumpLink(), firstChannelWithSignal, SiStripBadStrip::data::firstStrip, GeomDet::geographicalId(), inefficiency, collect_tpl::input, lastChannelWithSignal, localFirstChannel, localLastChannel, locAmpl, mag(), noise, NULL, numStrips, particle, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::particleType, pdt, pedOffset, SiHitDigitizer::processHit(), push_link(), push_link_raw(), SiStripBadStrip::data::range, rawdigis, DetId::rawId(), RealPedestals, SiPileUpSignals::reset(), SingleStripNoise, StripGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), strip, DetId::subdetId(), SiStripFedZeroSuppression::suppress(), GeomDet::surface(), theElectronPerADC, theFlatDistribution, theSiDigitalConverter, theSiHitDigitizer, theSiNoiseAdder, theSiPileUpSignals, theSiZeroSuppress, tofCut, Surface::toGlobal(), and zeroSuppression.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizer::produce().

  unsigned int detID = det->geographicalId().rawId();
  SiStripNoises::Range detNoiseRange = noiseHandle->getRange(detID);
  SiStripApvGain::Range detGainRange = gainHandle->getRange(detID);
  SiStripPedestals::Range detPedestalRange = pedestalHandle->getRange(detID);
  SiStripBadStrip::Range detBadStripRange = deadChannelHandle->getRange(detID);
  numStrips = (det->specificTopology()).nstrips();  
  //stroing the bad stip of the the module. the module is not removed but just signal put to 0
  std::vector<bool> badChannels;
  SiStripBadStrip::data fs;
  for(SiStripBadStrip::ContainerIterator it=detBadStripRange.first;it!=detBadStripRange.second;++it){
    for(int strip = fs.firstStrip; strip <fs.firstStrip+fs.range; ++strip )badChannels[strip] = true;

  // local amplitude of detector channels (from processed PSimHit)
  // total amplitude of detector channels

  firstChannelWithSignal = numStrips;
  lastChannelWithSignal  = 0;

  // First: loop on the SimHits
  std::vector<std::pair<const PSimHit*, int > >::const_iterator simHitIter = input.begin();
  std::vector<std::pair<const PSimHit*, int > >::const_iterator simHitIterEnd = input.end();
  if(theFlatDistribution->fire()>inefficiency) {
    for (;simHitIter != simHitIterEnd; ++simHitIter) {
      // check TOF
      if ( std::fabs( ((*simHitIter).first)->tof() - cosmicShift - det->surface().toGlobal(((*simHitIter).first)->localPosition()).mag()/30.) < tofCut && ((*simHitIter).first)->energyLoss()>0) {
        localFirstChannel = numStrips;
        localLastChannel  = 0;
        // process the hit
        theSiHitDigitizer->processHit(((*simHitIter).first),*det,bfield,langle, locAmpl, localFirstChannel, localLastChannel);
                  //APV Killer to simulate HIP effect
                    int pdg_id = ((*simHitIter).first)->particleType();
                        particle = pdt->particle(pdg_id);
                        if(particle != NULL){
                                float charge = particle->charge();
                                bool isHadron = particle->isHadron();
                            if(charge!=0 && isHadron){
                                                int FirstAPV = localFirstChannel/128;
                                                int LastAPV = localLastChannel/128;
                                                std::cout << "-------------------HIP--------------" << std::endl;
                                                std::cout << "Killing APVs " << FirstAPV << " - " <<LastAPV << " " << detID <<std::endl;
                                                for(int strip = FirstAPV*128; strip < LastAPV*128 +128; ++strip) badChannels[strip] = true; //doing like that I remove the signal information only after the 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        //stip that got the HIP but it remains the signal of the previous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        //one. I'll make a further loop to remove all signal                                                                                                                                                                                                            
                theSiPileUpSignals->add(locAmpl, localFirstChannel, localLastChannel, ((*simHitIter).first), (*simHitIter).second);
                // sum signal on strips
        for (size_t iChannel=localFirstChannel; iChannel<localLastChannel; iChannel++) {
          if(locAmpl[iChannel]>0.) {
                    //if(!badChannels[iChannel]) detAmpl[iChannel]+=locAmpl[iChannel];
        if(firstChannelWithSignal>localFirstChannel) firstChannelWithSignal=localFirstChannel;
        if(lastChannelWithSignal<localLastChannel) lastChannelWithSignal=localLastChannel;
  //removing signal from the dead (and HIP effected) strips
  for(int strip =0; strip < numStrips; ++strip) if(badChannels[strip]) detAmpl[strip] =0;
  const SiPileUpSignals::HitToDigisMapType& theLink(theSiPileUpSignals->dumpLink());  
  const SiPileUpSignals::HitCounterToDigisMapType& theCounterLink(theSiPileUpSignals->dumpCounterLink());  
          int RefStrip = 0; //int(numStrips/2.);
          while(RefStrip<numStrips&&badChannels[RefStrip]){ //if the refstrip is bad, I move up to when I don't find it
                float noiseRMS = noiseHandle->getNoise(RefStrip,detNoiseRange);
                float gainValue = gainHandle->getStripGain(RefStrip, detGainRange);
    theSiZeroSuppress->suppress(theSiDigitalConverter->convert(detAmpl, gainHandle, detID), digis, detID,noiseHandle,thresholdHandle);
    push_link(digis, theLink, theCounterLink, detAmpl,detID); = digis;
      // the constant pedestal offset is needed because
      //   negative adc counts are not allowed in case
      //   Pedestal and CMN subtraction is performed.
      //   The pedestal value read from the conditions
      //   is pedValue and after the pedestal subtraction
      //   the baseline is zero. The Common Mode Noise
      //   is not subtracted from the negative adc counts
      //   channels. Adding pedOffset the baseline is set
      //   to pedOffset after pedestal subtraction and CMN
      //   is subtracted to all the channels since none of
      //   them has negative adc value. The pedOffset is
      //   treated as a constant component in the CMN
      //   estimation and subtracted as CMN.
                //calculating the charge deposited on each APV and subtracting the shift
                   theSiNoiseAdder->addBaselineShift(detAmpl, badChannels);
                //Adding the strip noise
                    std::vector<float> noiseRMSv;
                            for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
                                        if(!badChannels[strip]) noiseRMSv[strip] = (noiseHandle->getNoise(strip,detNoiseRange))* theElectronPerADC;
                } else {
                            int RefStrip = 0; //int(numStrips/2.);
                            while(RefStrip<numStrips&&badChannels[RefStrip]){ //if the refstrip is bad, I move up to when I don't find it
                                        float noiseRMS = noiseHandle->getNoise(RefStrip,detNoiseRange) *theElectronPerADC;
                                        for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
                                        if(!badChannels[strip]) noiseRMSv[strip] = noiseRMS;
                        theSiNoiseAdder->addNoiseVR(detAmpl, noiseRMSv);
                //adding the CMN
                  float cmnRMS = 0.;
                  DetId  detId(detID);
                  uint32_t SubDet = detId.subdetId();
                    cmnRMS = cmnRMStib;
                  }else if(SubDet==4){
                    cmnRMS = cmnRMStid;
                  }else if(SubDet==5){
                    cmnRMS = cmnRMStob;
                  }else if(SubDet==6){
                    cmnRMS = cmnRMStec;
                  cmnRMS *= theElectronPerADC;
          theSiNoiseAdder->addCMNoise(detAmpl, cmnRMS, badChannels);
                //Adding the pedestals
                std::vector<float> vPeds;
                    for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
                           if(!badChannels[strip]) vPeds[strip] = (pedestalHandle->getPed(strip,detPedestalRange)+pedOffset)* theElectronPerADC;
        } else {
                    for(int strip=0; strip< numStrips; ++strip){
                          if(!badChannels[strip]) vPeds[strip] = pedOffset* theElectronPerADC;
                theSiNoiseAdder->addPedestals(detAmpl, vPeds);  
    //  edm::LogWarning("SiStripDigitizer")<<"You are running the digitizer without Noise generation and without applying Zero Suppression. ARE YOU SURE???";
    rawdigis = theSiDigitalConverter->convertRaw(detAmpl, gainHandle, detID);
    push_link_raw(rawdigis, theLink, theCounterLink, detAmpl,detID); = rawdigis;
void SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::setParticleDataTable ( const ParticleDataTable pardt) [inline]

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 85 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 78 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 84 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 77 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 74 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 76 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 75 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 83 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 71 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 96 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

std::vector<double> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::detAmpl [private]

Definition at line 108 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 120 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 100 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 97 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 101 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 122 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by make_link(), push_link(), and push_link_raw().

Definition at line 102 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 103 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

std::vector<double> SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::locAmpl [private]

Definition at line 106 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 80 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 92 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 111 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 110 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and setParticleDataTable().

Definition at line 79 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 98 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 121 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 81 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm::rndEngine [private]

Definition at line 118 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 82 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 93 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run().

Definition at line 72 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 87 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 73 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 90 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 89 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 91 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().

Definition at line 88 of file SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by run(), and SiStripDigitizerAlgorithm().