Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Private Attributes

popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler Class Reference

#include <EcalChannelStatusHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler:
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalChannelStatus >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float checkPedestalRMSGain1 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
float checkPedestalRMSGain12 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
float checkPedestalRMSGain6 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
float checkPedestalValueGain1 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
float checkPedestalValueGain12 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
float checkPedestalValueGain6 (EcalPedestals::Item *item)
void cosmicsAnalysis (std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsOnlineDat > pedestalO_mon, std::map< EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat > wrongGain_mon, std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat > laser_mon, std::map< EcalLogicID, MonOccupancyDat > occupancy_mon)
void daqOut (RunIOV myRun)
 EcalChannelStatusHandler (edm::ParameterSet const &)
void getNewObjects ()
std::string id () const
void laserAnalysis (std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat > dataset_mon)
void laserMasking ()
void nBadLaserModules (std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat > dataset_mon)
void pedAnalysis (std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat > dataset_mon, std::map< EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat > wrongGain_mon)
void pedMasking ()
void pedOnlineMasking ()
void physicsMasking ()
void setElectronicsMap (const EcalElectronicsMapping *)
 ~EcalChannelStatusHandler ()

Public Attributes


Private Attributes

ofstream * daqFile
ofstream * daqFile2
EcalElectronicsMapping ecalElectronicsMap_
bool isEBRef1 [36][2]
bool isEBRef2 [36][2]
bool isEERef1 [18][2]
bool isEERef2 [18][2]
bool isGoodLaserEBSm [36][2]
bool isGoodLaserEESm [18][2]
unsigned int m_firstRun
std::string m_gentag
unsigned int m_lastRun
std::string m_location
std::string m_locationsource
std::string m_name
std::string m_pass
std::string m_runtype
std::string m_sid
std::string m_user
std::map< DetId, float > maskedLaserEB
std::map< DetId, float > maskedLaserEE
std::map< DetId, float > maskedOnlinePedEB
std::map< DetId, float > maskedOnlinePedEE
std::map< DetId, float > maskedPedEB
std::map< DetId, float > maskedPedEE
std::map< DetId, float > maskedPhysicsEB
std::map< DetId, float > maskedPhysicsEE
TProfile2D * newBadEB_
TProfile2D * newBadEEM_
TProfile2D * newBadEEP_
ofstream * ResFileEB
ofstream * ResFileEE
ofstream * ResFileNewEB
ofstream * ResFileNewEE

Detailed Description

Definition at line 71 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::EcalChannelStatusHandler ( edm::ParameterSet const &  ps)

Definition at line 59 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), m_firstRun, m_gentag, m_lastRun, m_location, m_locationsource, m_name, m_pass, m_runtype, m_sid, and m_user.


  std::cout << "EcalChannelStatus Source handler constructor\n" << std::endl;

  m_firstRun       = static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi( ps.getParameter<std::string>("firstRun").c_str()));
  m_lastRun        = static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi( ps.getParameter<std::string>("lastRun").c_str()));
  m_sid            = ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBSID");
  m_user           = ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBUser");
  m_pass           = ps.getParameter<std::string>("OnlineDBPassword");
  m_locationsource = ps.getParameter<std::string>("LocationSource");
  m_location       = ps.getParameter<std::string>("Location");
  m_gentag         = ps.getParameter<std::string>("GenTag");
  m_runtype        = ps.getParameter<std::string>("RunType");  
  m_name           = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("name","EcalChannelStatusHandler");
  std::cout << m_sid << "/" << m_user << "/" << m_pass << "/" << m_location << "/" << m_gentag << std::endl;
popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::~EcalChannelStatusHandler ( )

Definition at line 78 of file

{ }

Member Function Documentation

float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalRMSGain1 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 117 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->rms_x1;
  return result;
float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalRMSGain12 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 105 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->rms_x12;
  return result;
float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalRMSGain6 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 111 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->rms_x6;
  return result;
float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalValueGain1 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 99 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->mean_x1;
  return result;
float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalValueGain12 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 87 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->mean_x12;
  return result;
float popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::checkPedestalValueGain6 ( EcalPedestals::Item item)

Definition at line 93 of file

References query::result.

  float result = item->mean_x6;
  return result;
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::cosmicsAnalysis ( std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsOnlineDat pedestalO_mon,
std::map< EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat wrongGain_mon,
std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat laser_mon,
std::map< EcalLogicID, MonOccupancyDat occupancy_mon 

Definition at line 802 of file

References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), MonPedestalsOnlineDat::getADCMeanG12(), MonPedestalsOnlineDat::getADCRMSG12(), MonLaserBlueDat::getAPDMean(), MonOccupancyDat::getEventsOverHighThreshold(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalLogicID::getName(), MonCrystalConsistencyDat::getProblemsGainZero(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::ic(), EBDetId::ieta(), if(), EBDetId::iphi(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), EEDetId::validDetId(), and EEDetId::zside().


  // to take the list of masked crystals for the diffrent analyses
  std::map<DetId,float>::const_iterator theIter;
  std::map<DetId, float> badPedOnEB,        badPedOnEE;
  std::map<DetId, float> badPedOnRmsEB,     badPedOnRmsEE;
  std::map<DetId, float> badGainEB,         badGainEE;
  std::map<DetId, float> badLaserEB,        badLaserEE;  
  std::map<DetId, float> badOccHighEB,      badOccHighEE;  

  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsOnlineDat>::const_iterator CImonPedO;  
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat>::const_iterator CImonCons;
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonOccupancyDat>::const_iterator CImonOcc;
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat>::const_iterator CImonLaser;
  MonPedestalsOnlineDat    rd_ped0;  
  MonCrystalConsistencyDat rd_wgain;
  MonOccupancyDat          rd_occ;
  MonLaserBlueDat          rd_blue;

  // logic id
  EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
  // to be used after: total number of entries above high threshold 
  float totEntriesAboveHighThrEB=0.; 
  float totEntriesAboveHighThrEE=0.; 
  for (CImonOcc p=occupancy_mon.begin(); p!=occupancy_mon.end(); p++) {
    ecid_xt = p->first;
    rd_occ  = p->second;
    float highOcc=rd_occ.getEventsOverHighThreshold();
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number" && highOcc>-1) totEntriesAboveHighThrEB = totEntriesAboveHighThrEB + highOcc;
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number" && highOcc>-1) totEntriesAboveHighThrEE = totEntriesAboveHighThrEE + highOcc;

  // A) creating the list of all bad channels: searching for problems based on pedestal online except gain zero
  for (CImonPedO p = pedestalO_mon.begin(); p != pedestalO_mon.end(); p++) {
    bool isWrong = false;
    ecid_xt = p->first;
    rd_ped0 = p->second;
    int sm_num=ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num=ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num=ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    EcalPedestals::Item ped_item;
    ped_item.mean_x12 = rd_ped0.getADCMeanG12();
    ped_item.rms_x12  = rd_ped0.getADCRMSG12();
    float lowerCut=999.;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") { lowerCut = 2.0; }
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") { lowerCut = 2.5; }
    if ( checkPedestalRMSGain12(&ped_item)>lowerCut ) isWrong = true;
    if ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)>300 )    isWrong = true;   
    if ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)<100 )    isWrong = true;
    if ( checkPedestalRMSGain12(&ped_item)==0 )       isWrong = true;      

    // is this channel already in the list?
    if (isWrong) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        theIter = badPedOnEB.find(ebdetid);
        if (theIter==badPedOnEB.end()) {
          badPedOnEB.insert   (std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, rd_ped0.getADCMeanG12()));
          badPedOnRmsEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, rd_ped0.getADCRMSG12()));         
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          theIter = badPedOnEE.find(eedetid);
          if (theIter==badPedOnEE.end()) {   
            badPedOnEE.insert   (std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, rd_ped0.getADCMeanG12()));
            badPedOnRmsEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, rd_ped0.getADCRMSG12()));       

  // B) creating the list of all bad channels: searching for channels at gain zero at least in 100 events
  for (CImonCons p = wrongGain_mon.begin(); p != wrongGain_mon.end(); p++) {
    bool isWrong = false;
    ecid_xt    = p->first;
    rd_wgain   = p->second;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    if (rd_wgain.getProblemsGainZero() > 1000) {isWrong = true; }
    if (isWrong) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        theIter = badGainEB.find(ebdetid);
        if (theIter==badGainEB.end()) badGainEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, 999.));
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          theIter = badGainEE.find(eedetid);
          if (theIter==badGainEE.end()) badGainEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, 999.));         

  // C) creating the list of all bad channels: searching for channels with bad occupancy [ too high ]
  for (CImonOcc p=occupancy_mon.begin(); p!=occupancy_mon.end(); p++) {
    // logic id
    ecid_xt = p->first;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 

    // occupancy
    rd_occ = p->second;    

    bool isWrong = false;
    float occAvg = -999.;
    if ( ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number" ) { 
      occAvg = rd_occ.getEventsOverHighThreshold()/totEntriesAboveHighThrEB;
      if (occAvg>0.001) isWrong=true;  
    if ( ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number" ) { 
      occAvg = rd_occ.getEventsOverHighThreshold()/totEntriesAboveHighThrEE;
      if (occAvg>0.001) isWrong=true;  

    if (isWrong) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        theIter = badOccHighEB.find(ebdetid);
        if (theIter==badOccHighEB.end()) badOccHighEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, occAvg));
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          theIter = badOccHighEE.find(eedetid);
          if (theIter==badOccHighEE.end()) badOccHighEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, occAvg));

  // D) creating the list of all bad channels: searching for channels with bad laser amplitude [among those covered by the calibration sequence]
  for (CImonLaser p=laser_mon.begin(); p!=laser_mon.end(); p++) {

    // logic id
    ecid_xt    = p->first;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    // in which Fed/triggerTower/sectorSide I am
    int theFed = -100;
    int theTT  = -100; 
    int theIx  = -100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);          
      EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
      theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
      theTT  = elecId.towerId();   
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {   
        EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
        EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
        theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
        theIx  = eedetid.ix(); 
    // to have numbers from 0 to 17 for the EE feds and 0-36 for EB 
    int thisFed=-100;
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      if (theFed>600 && theFed<610) thisFed = theFed -601;    
      if (theFed>645 && theFed<655) thisFed = theFed -646 + 9;    
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") { thisFed = theFed - 610; }

    // in which light module I am
    int theTTieta =-100;
    int theTTiphi =-100;
    int theLM     =-100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      theTTieta = (theTT-1)/4 +1;              
      theTTiphi = (theTT-1)%4 +1;
      if (theTTieta==1 ||  theTTiphi==3 || theTTiphi==4)  theLM=0;     // L-shaped
      if (theTTieta>1  && (theTTiphi==1 || theTTiphi==2)) theLM=1;     // not L-shaped
    if( (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") && (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) ) {   
      if (theIx<=50) theLM=0;  
      if (theIx>50)  theLM=1;
    // APD mean value
    rd_blue = p->second;
    float myApdMean = rd_blue.getAPDMean();
    bool isWrong = false;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      if ( (myApdMean < 400) && isGoodLaserEBSm[thisFed][theLM] ) isWrong=true;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      if ( myApdMean<100 ) {
        if (  thisFed!=7 && thisFed!=16  && isGoodLaserEESm[thisFed][0] )     isWrong=true;
        if ( (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) && isGoodLaserEESm[thisFed][theLM] ) isWrong=true;
    if (isWrong) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        theIter = badLaserEB.find(ebdetid);
        if (theIter==badLaserEB.end()) badLaserEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, myApdMean));
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          theIter = badLaserEE.find(eedetid);
          if (theIter==badLaserEE.end()) badLaserEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, myApdMean));

  // check if the crystal is in the vector and fill the summary file
  std::map<DetId, float>::const_iterator theIterPedOn;
  std::map<DetId, float>::const_iterator theIterPedOnRms;
  std::map<DetId, float>::const_iterator theIterGain;
  std::map<DetId, float>::const_iterator theIterLaser;
  std::map<DetId, float>::const_iterator theIterOccHigh;

  // EB, first check - loop over pedestal online
  for(theIterPedOn=badPedOnEB.begin(); theIterPedOn!=badPedOnEB.end(); ++theIterPedOn) {
    float thePedOn    = (*theIterPedOn).second;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;

    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEB.find((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterGain     = badGainEB.find    ((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEB.find   ((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEB.find ((*theIterPedOn).first);

    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEB.end()) thePedOnRms = (*theIterPedOnRms).second;
    if (theIterLaser!=badLaserEB.end())       theLaser    = (*theIterLaser).second;
    if (theIterOccHigh!=badOccHighEB.end())   theOccHigh  = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EBDetId ebdetid((*theIterPedOn).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();

    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewLaser=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEB.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPed=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedLaserEB.begin();     theIter!=maskedLaserEB.end(); ++theIter)     { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewLaser=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEB.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEB.end(); ++theIter)   { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPhysics=false; }

    if ( isNewPed || (theLaser!=9999 && isNewLaser) || (theOccHigh!=9999 && isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;
    if (theIterGain!=badGainEB.end()) {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);
    } else {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);

  // EB, second check - loop over laser
  for(theIterLaser=badLaserEB.begin(); theIterLaser!=badLaserEB.end(); ++theIterLaser) {

    // remove already included channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEB.find((*theIterLaser).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEB.end()) continue; 

    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = (*theIterLaser).second;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;
    theIterGain     = badGainEB.find    ((*theIterLaser).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEB.find ((*theIterLaser).first);
    if (theIterOccHigh!=badOccHighEB.end()) theOccHigh = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EBDetId ebdetid((*theIterLaser).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();

    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewLaser=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEB.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPed=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedLaserEB.begin();     theIter!=maskedLaserEB.end();     ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewLaser=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEB.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEB.end();   ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPhysics=false; }

    if ( (isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEB.end() ) || (isNewLaser) || (theOccHigh!=9999 && isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;
    if (theIterGain!=badGainEB.end()) {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);
    } else {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);

  // EB, third check: loop over occupancy
  for(theIterOccHigh = badOccHighEB.begin(); theIterOccHigh != badOccHighEB.end(); ++theIterOccHigh) {

    // remove already included  channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEB.find((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEB.find   ((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEB.end()) continue; 
    if (theIterLaser!=badLaserEB.end())       continue; 

    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    theIterGain   = badGainEB.find  ((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    int thisFed=-100;
    EBDetId ebdetid((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEB.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPed=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEB.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEB.end();   ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPhysics=false; }

    if ( (isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEB.end() ) || (isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;
    if (theIterGain!=badGainEB.end()) {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);
    } else {
      *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"               
                 << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                  
                      << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain     << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

        float thisEtaFill=float(0);
        if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
        if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
        newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);
  // EB, fourth check: loop over consistency
  for(theIterGain = badGainEB.begin(); theIterGain != badGainEB.end(); ++theIterGain) {
    // remove already included  channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEB.find((*theIterGain).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEB.find   ((*theIterGain).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEB.find ((*theIterGain).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEB.end()) continue; 
    if (theIterLaser!=badLaserEB.end())       continue; 
    if (theIterOccHigh!=badOccHighEB.end())   continue;
    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EBDetId ebdetid((*theIterGain).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();

    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEB.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isNewPed=false; }

    if ( isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEB.end() ) isNew=true;
    *ResFileEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"                 
               << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
               << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
               << theOccHigh  << std::endl;
    if (isNew) { 
      *ResFileNewEB << thisFed     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t"            
                    << thePedOn    << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                    << "gainZero"  << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                    << theOccHigh  << std::endl;

      float thisEtaFill=float(0);
      if (ebdetid.ieta()>0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta() - 0.5;
      if (ebdetid.ieta()<0) thisEtaFill = ebdetid.ieta();
      newBadEB_ -> Fill( (ebdetid.iphi()-0.5), thisEtaFill, 2);

  // EE, first check: loop over pedestal online
  for(theIterPedOn = badPedOnEE.begin(); theIterPedOn != badPedOnEE.end(); ++theIterPedOn) {

    float thePedOn    = (*theIterPedOn).second;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;

    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEE.find((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterGain     = badGainEE.find    ((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEE.find   ((*theIterPedOn).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEE.find ((*theIterPedOn).first);

    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEE.end()) thePedOnRms = (*theIterPedOnRms).second;
    if (theIterLaser   !=badLaserEE.end())    theLaser    = (*theIterLaser).second;
    if (theIterOccHigh !=badOccHighEE.end())  theOccHigh  = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EEDetId eedetid((*theIterPedOn).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();

    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewLaser=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEE.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPed=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedLaserEE.begin();     theIter!=maskedLaserEE.end();     ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewLaser=false; }
    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEE.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEE.end();   ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPhysics=false; }
    if ( isNewPed || (theLaser!=9999 && isNewLaser) || (theOccHigh!=9999 && isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;
    if (theIterGain!=badGainEE.end()) {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t" 
                 << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t" 
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                 
                 << thePedOn               << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"             << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh             << std::endl;

      if (isNew) {
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t" 
                      << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t" 
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                    
                      << thePedOn               << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"             << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh             << std::endl;

        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
    } else {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t" 
                 << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t" 
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                 
                 << thePedOn               << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain                << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh             << std::endl;

      if (isNew) {
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t" 
                      << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t" 
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                    
                      << thePedOn               << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain                << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh             << std::endl;
        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
  // EE, second check: loop over laser
  for(theIterLaser = badLaserEE.begin(); theIterLaser != badLaserEE.end(); ++theIterLaser) {

    // remove already included  channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEE.find((*theIterLaser).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEE.end()) continue; 

    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = (*theIterLaser).second;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;
    theIterGain     = badGainEE.find    ((*theIterLaser).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEE.find ((*theIterLaser).first);
    if (theIterOccHigh!=badOccHighEE.end()) theOccHigh = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EEDetId eedetid((*theIterLaser).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewLaser=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEE.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPed=false; }
    for(theIter=maskedLaserEE.begin();     theIter!=maskedLaserEE.end();     ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewLaser=false; }
    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEE.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEE.end();   ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPhysics=false; }

    if ( (isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEE.end() ) || (isNewLaser) || (theOccHigh!=9999 && isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;
    if (theIterGain!=badGainEE.end()) {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                 << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"             
                 << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                      << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                
                      << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
    } else {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                 << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"             
                 << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain      << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                      << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                
                      << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain      << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);

  // third check: loop over occupancy
  for(theIterOccHigh = badOccHighEE.begin(); theIterOccHigh != badOccHighEE.end(); ++theIterOccHigh) {

    // remove already included  channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEE.find((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEE.find   ((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEE.end()) continue; 
    if (theIterLaser!=badLaserEE.end())       continue; 

    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theGain     = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = (*theIterOccHigh).second;
    theIterGain    = badGainEE.find  ((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    int thisFed=-100;
    EEDetId eedetid((*theIterOccHigh).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    bool isNewPhysics=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEE.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPed=false; }

    for(theIter=maskedPhysicsEE.begin();   theIter!=maskedPhysicsEE.end();   ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPhysics=false; }
    if ( (isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEE.end() ) || (isNewPhysics) ) isNew=true;

    if (theIterGain!=badGainEE.end()) {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                 << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"             
                 << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                      << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                
                      << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
    } else {
      *ResFileEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                 << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                 << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"             
                 << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                 << theGain      << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                 << theOccHigh   << std::endl;
      if (isNew) { 
        *ResFileNewEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                      << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                      << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                
                      << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                      << theGain      << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                      << theOccHigh   << std::endl;
        if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
        if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);

  // EE, fourth check: loop over consistency
  for(theIterGain = badGainEE.begin(); theIterGain != badGainEE.end(); ++theIterGain) {
    // remove already included  channels
    theIterPedOnRms = badPedOnRmsEE.find((*theIterGain).first);
    theIterLaser    = badLaserEE.find   ((*theIterGain).first);
    theIterOccHigh  = badOccHighEE.find ((*theIterGain).first);
    if (theIterPedOnRms!=badPedOnRmsEE.end()) continue; 
    if (theIterLaser!=badLaserEE.end())       continue; 
    if (theIterOccHigh!=badOccHighEE.end())   continue;    
    float thePedOn    = 9999.;
    float thePedOnRms = 9999.;
    float theLaser    = 9999.;
    float theOccHigh  = 9999.;
    int thisFed=-100;
    EEDetId eedetid((*theIterGain).first);
    EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
    thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
    // new problems only
    bool isNew=false;
    bool isNewPed=true;
    for(theIter=maskedOnlinePedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedOnlinePedEE.end(); ++theIter) { if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isNewPed=false; }
    if ( isNewPed && theIterGain!=badGainEE.end() ) isNew=true;
    *ResFileEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
               << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
               << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"               
               << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
               << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
               << theOccHigh   << std::endl;
    if (isNew) { 
      *ResFileNewEE << thisFed      << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()     << "\t\t"    
                    << eedetid.iy() << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()  << "\t\t"       
                    << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                  
                    << thePedOn     << "\t\t" << thePedOnRms      << "\t\t" 
                    << "gainZero"   << "\t\t" << theLaser         << "\t\t" 
                    << theOccHigh   << std::endl;

      if (eedetid.zside()>0) newBadEEP_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
      if (eedetid.zside()<0) newBadEEM_ -> Fill( (eedetid.ix()-0.5), (eedetid.iy()-0.5), 4);
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::daqOut ( RunIOV  myRun)

Definition at line 415 of file

References ODFEDAQConfig::getBadTTId(), RunFEConfigDat::getConfigId(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getLogicID(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), EcalLogicID::NULLID, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, ODFEDAQConfig::setId(), ODBadTTInfo::setId(), and EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE.

  std::map<EcalLogicID, RunFEConfigDat> feconfig;
  econn->fetchDataSet(&feconfig, &myRun);
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, RunFEConfigDat>::const_iterator feConfIter;
  EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
  RunFEConfigDat rd_fe;
  int fe_conf_id=0;
  for (feConfIter p=feconfig.begin(); p!=feconfig.end(); p++) {
    ecid_xt = p->first;
    rd_fe   = p->second;
  // reading this configuration
  ODFEDAQConfig myconfig;
  // list of bad channels
  int myTT=myconfig.getBadTTId();
  ODBadTTInfo mybadTT;
  std::vector< ODBadTTDat > badTT_dat;
  econn->fetchConfigDataSet(&badTT_dat, &mybadTT);
  for(size_t iTT=0; iTT<badTT_dat.size(); iTT++){
    int fed_id = badTT_dat[iTT].getFedId();
    int tt_id  = badTT_dat[iTT].getTTId();
    if (tt_id<69) *daqFile << fed_id << " " << tt_id << std::endl;
    // taking the channel list for towers out of daq
    if((fed_id<=609 || fed_id>=646) && tt_id<69) { // endcap    
      // moving from cms fed to db fed convention
      int db_fedId = -999;
      if (fed_id>=604 && fed_id<=609) db_fedId = fed_id - 603 + 9;  
      if (fed_id>=601 && fed_id<=603) db_fedId = fed_id - 600 + 15;  
      if (fed_id>=649 && fed_id<=654) db_fedId = fed_id - 648;
      if (fed_id>=646 && fed_id<=648) db_fedId = fed_id - 645 + 6;          
      // db_fedId = fed_id;    // fixme: do we need 1-18 or 6XX?
      std::vector<EcalLogicID> badCrystals;
      badCrystals=econn->getEcalLogicIDSet("EE_readout_tower",fed_id, fed_id, tt_id, tt_id, EcalLogicID::NULLID,EcalLogicID::NULLID, "EE_crystal_number");    
      for(size_t mycrys=0; mycrys<badCrystals.size(); mycrys++){
        EcalLogicID ecid_xt = badCrystals[mycrys];
        int zSide = 999;
        int log_id = ecid_xt.getLogicID();
        int yt2    = log_id%1000;                                     //  EE_crystal_number:   2010100060 -> z=-1, x=100, y=60
        int xt2    = (log_id%1000000)/1000;                           //  EE_crystal_number:   2012020085 -> z=+1, x=20,  y=85
        int zt2    = (log_id/1000000)%10;
        if (zt2==0) zSide = -1;
        if (zt2==2) zSide = 1;
        *daqFile2 << xt2 << " " << yt2 << " " << zSide << std::endl;
    if(fed_id>=610 && fed_id<=645 && tt_id<69) { // barrel
      // moving from cms fed to db fed convention           
      int db_fedId = -999;
      if (fed_id>=610 && fed_id<=627) db_fedId = fed_id - 609 + 18;
      if (fed_id>=628 && fed_id<=645) db_fedId = fed_id - 627;
      std::vector<EcalLogicID> badCrystals;   
      badCrystals=econn->getEcalLogicIDSet("EB_trigger_tower",db_fedId, db_fedId, tt_id, tt_id, EcalLogicID::NULLID, EcalLogicID::NULLID, "EB_crystal_number");
      for(size_t mycrys=0; mycrys<badCrystals.size(); mycrys++){
        EcalLogicID ecid_xt = badCrystals[mycrys];
        int sm_num  = ecid_xt.getID1();
        int log_id  = ecid_xt.getLogicID();
        int xt2_num = log_id%10000;
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt2_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
        *daqFile2 << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << std::endl;
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::getNewObjects ( ) [virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalChannelStatus >.

Definition at line 1586 of file

References trackerHits::c, gather_cfg::cout, Exception, MonRunList::getRuns(), dbtoconf::out, EdgesToViz::outfile, EcalErrorMask::readDB(), RunTag::setGeneralTag(), MonRunTag::setGeneralTag(), LocationDef::setLocation(), RunTag::setLocationDef(), MonVersionDef::setMonitoringVersion(), MonRunList::setMonRunTag(), MonRunTag::setMonVersionDef(), MonRunList::setRunTag(), RunTypeDef::setRunType(), and RunTag::setRunTypeDef().

  std::ostringstream ss; 
  ss << "ECAL ";

  // here we retrieve all the runs of a given type after the last from online DB   
  unsigned int max_since=0;
  max_since=static_cast<unsigned int>(tagInfo().lastInterval.first);
  std::cout << "max_since : "  << max_since << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Retrieving run list from ONLINE DB ... " << std::endl;
  econn = new EcalCondDBInterface( m_sid, m_user, m_pass );
  std::cout << "Connection done" << std::endl;
  if (!econn) { 
    std::cout << " Problem with OMDS: connection parameters " << m_sid << "/" << m_user << "/" << m_pass << std::endl;
    throw cms::Exception("OMDS not available");

  // histos
  newBadEB_  = new TProfile2D("newBadEB_",  "new bad channels, EB",  360, 0., 360., 170, -85.,  85.);
  newBadEEP_ = new TProfile2D("newBad_EEP_","new bad channels, EE+", 100, 0., 100., 100,   0., 100.);
  newBadEEM_ = new TProfile2D("newBad_EEM_","new bad channels, EE-", 100, 0., 100., 100,   0., 100.);
  // these are the online conditions DB classes 
  RunList my_runlist ;
  RunTag  my_runtag;
  LocationDef my_locdef;
  RunTypeDef my_rundef;

  // range of validity
  unsigned int min_run=0;
  if(m_firstRun<max_since) {
    min_run=max_since+1;    // we have to add 1 to the last transferred one
  } else { min_run=m_firstRun; }
  unsigned int max_run=m_lastRun;

  // here we retrieve the Monitoring run records  
  MonVersionDef monverdef;
  MonRunTag mon_tag;
  if (m_runtype=="PEDESTAL") mon_tag.setGeneralTag("CMSSW");        
  if (m_runtype=="LASER")    mon_tag.setGeneralTag("CMSSW");        
  if (m_runtype=="COSMIC" || m_runtype=="BEAM" || m_runtype=="PHYSICS" || m_runtype=="HALO" || m_runtype=="GLOBAL_COSMICS" ) mon_tag.setGeneralTag("CMSSW-online");        
  MonRunList mon_list;
  mon_list = econn->fetchMonRunList(my_runtag, mon_tag, min_run, max_run );

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // preparing the output files
  char outfile[800];
  ResFileEB    = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);
  ResFileEE    = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);
  ResFileNewEB = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);
  ResFileNewEE = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);
  daqFile = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);
  daqFile2 = new ofstream(outfile,std::ios::out);

  *daqFile  << "fed" << "\t\t" << "tower" << std::endl; 

  if (m_runtype=="PEDESTAL") { 
    *ResFileEB << "Fed"         << "\t\t"   << "Ic"     << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"              
               << "MeanG12"     << "\t\t"   << "RmsG12" << "\t\t" 
               << "MeanG6"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG6"  << "\t\t" 
               << "MeanG1"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG1"  << std::endl;

    *ResFileEE << "Fed"         << "\t\t"   << "Ix"     << "\t\t" 
               << "Iy"          << "\t\t"   << "Iz"     << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"
               << "MeanG12"     << "\t\t"   << "RmsG12" << "\t\t" 
               << "MeanG6"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG6"  << "\t\t" 
               << "MeanG1"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG1"  << std::endl;

    *ResFileNewEB << "Fed"         << "\t\t"   << "Ic"     << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"           
                  << "MeanG12"     << "\t\t"   << "RmsG12" << "\t\t" 
                  << "MeanG6"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG6"  << "\t\t" 
                  << "MeanG1"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG1"  << std::endl;

    *ResFileNewEE << "Fed"         << "\t\t"   << "Ix"     << "\t\t" 
                  << "Iy"          << "\t\t"   << "Iz"     << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"
                  << "MeanG12"     << "\t\t"   << "RmsG12" << "\t\t" 
                  << "MeanG6"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG6"  << "\t\t" 
                  << "MeanG1"      << "\t\t"   << "RmsG1"  << std::endl;

  if (m_runtype=="LASER") {   
    *ResFileEB    << "Fed" << "\t\t" << "Ic" << "\t\t" << "hIndex" << "\t\t" << "apd" << std::endl;
    *ResFileEE    << "Fed" << "\t\t" << "Ix" << "\t\t" << "Iy"     << "\t\t" << "Iz"  << "\t\t" << "hIndex" << "\t\t" << "apd"  << std::endl;          
    *ResFileNewEB << "Fed" << "\t\t" << "Ic" << "\t\t" << "hIndex" << "\t\t" << "apd" << std::endl;
    *ResFileNewEE << "Fed" << "\t\t" << "Ix" << "\t\t" << "Iy"     << "\t\t" << "Iz"  << "\t\t" << "hIndex" << "\t\t" << "apd"  << std::endl;          

  if (m_runtype=="COSMIC" || m_runtype=="BEAM" || m_runtype=="PHYSICS" || m_runtype=="HALO" || m_runtype=="GLOBAL_COSMICS" ) {
    *ResFileEB << "Fed"             << "\t\t"   << "Ic"            << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"   
               << "pedOnline"       << "\t\t"   << "pedOnlineRMS " << "\t\t" 
               << "gain0"           << "\t\t"   << "apd"           << "\t\t" 
               << "highThrOcc"      << "\t\t"   << std::endl;

    *ResFileEE << "Fed"             << "\t\t"   << "Ix" 
               << "Iy"              << "\t\t"   << "Iz"            << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"
               << "pedOnline"       << "\t\t"   << "pedOnlineRMS " << "\t\t" 
               << "gain0"           << "\t\t"   << "apd"           << "\t\t" 
               << "highThrOcc"      << "\t\t"   << std::endl;

    *ResFileNewEB << "Fed"             << "\t\t"   << "Ic"            << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"   
                  << "pedOnline"       << "\t\t"   << "pedOnlineRMS " << "\t\t" 
                  << "gain0"           << "\t\t"   << "apd"           << "\t\t" 
                  << "highThrOcc"      << "\t\t"   << std::endl;
    *ResFileNewEE << "Fed"             << "\t\t"   << "Ix" 
                  << "Iy"              << "\t\t"   << "Iz"            << "\t\t" << "hIndex"   << "\t\t"
                  << "pedOnline"       << "\t\t"   << "pedOnlineRMS " << "\t\t" 
                  << "gain0"           << "\t\t"   << "apd"           << "\t\t" 
                  << "highThrOcc"      << "\t\t"   << std::endl;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  // analysis for the wanted runs
  std::vector<MonRunIOV> mon_run_vec = mon_list.getRuns();
  int mon_runs = mon_run_vec.size();
  std::cout << "number of Mon runs is " << mon_runs << std::endl;
  if(mon_runs==0) std::cout << "PROBLEM! 0 runs analyzed by DQM" << std::endl;
  if(mon_runs==0) ss   << "PROBLEM! 0 runs analyzed by DQM" << std::endl;

  // initialize std::maps with masked channels

    // to iterate
  std::map<DetId,float>::const_iterator theIter;
  // using db info written by DQM
    for(int dqmRun=0; dqmRun<mon_runs; dqmRun++){
      unsigned long iDqmRun=(unsigned long) mon_run_vec[dqmRun].getRunIOV().getRunNumber();  
      std::cout << "retrieve the DQM data for run number: " << iDqmRun << ", subrun number: " << mon_run_vec[dqmRun].getSubRunNumber() << std::endl;

      if (mon_run_vec[dqmRun].getSubRunNumber()==mon_runs){      // fixme: check it still works after DMQ soft reset modifications
        // retrieve daq configuration for this run
        RunIOV myRun;

        // retrieve the data for a given run
        RunIOV runiov_prime = mon_run_vec[dqmRun].getRunIOV();

        // here we read the list of masked channel in the DB for this run and create masked channels std::maps
        std::cout << "Fetching masked channels from DB" << std::endl;
        EcalErrorMask::readDB(econn, &runiov_prime);

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // here we do all the different types of analyses

        // PEDESTAL ANALYSIS for local runs: check pedestals only
        if (m_runtype=="PEDESTAL") {   

          // retrieve the pedestals from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat> dataset_mon;    
          econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "running pedestal analysis" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "OMDS record for pedestals, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << dataset_mon.size() << " entries" << std::endl;

          // retrieve the crystal consistency from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat> wrongGain_mon;
          econn->fetchDataSet(&wrongGain_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "OMDS record for consistency, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << wrongGain_mon.size() << " entries" << std::endl;

          // check if enough data and perform analysis
          if (dataset_mon.size()>0) { 
            pedAnalysis( dataset_mon, wrongGain_mon );
          } else {
            std::cout << "Not enought data for pedestal analysis" << std::endl;
            ss   << "Not enought data for pedestal analysis" << std::endl;
        // LASER ANALYSIS for local runs: check APD values only
        if (m_runtype=="LASER") {   
          // retrieve the APD / PNs from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat > dataset_mon;
          econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "running the laser analysis based on DQM data" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "OMDS record for run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << dataset_mon.size() << " records" << std::endl;          
          // check if enough data and select good light modules / perform analysis
          if (dataset_mon.size()>0) { 
            nBadLaserModules( dataset_mon );
            laserAnalysis( dataset_mon );
          } else {
            std::cout << "Not enought data for dqm-based laser analysis" << std::endl;
            ss   << "Not enought data for dqm-based laser analysis" << std::endl;
        // global analysis for global runs
        if (m_runtype=="COSMIC" || m_runtype=="BEAM" || m_runtype=="PHYSICS" || m_runtype=="HALO" || m_runtype=="GLOBAL_COSMICS" ) {   

          // retrieve the pedestal online from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsOnlineDat> pedonline_mon;    
          econn->fetchDataSet(&pedonline_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "running pedestal online analysis" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "OMDS record for pedestals, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << pedonline_mon.size() << std::endl;

          // retrieve the crystal consistency from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat> wrongGain_mon;
          econn->fetchDataSet(&wrongGain_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "OMDS record for consistency, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << wrongGain_mon.size() << " entries" << std::endl;
          // retrieve the occupancy info from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonOccupancyDat> occupancy_mon;
          econn->fetchDataSet(&occupancy_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "OMDS record for occupancy, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << occupancy_mon.size() << std::endl;

          // retrieve the APD / PNs from OMDS for this run 
          std::map<EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat > laser_mon;
          econn->fetchDataSet(&laser_mon, &mon_run_vec[dqmRun]);
          std::cout << "running laser analysis" << std::endl;
          std::cout << "OMDS record for laser, run " << iDqmRun << " is made of " << laser_mon.size() << " records" << std::endl;            

          // check if enough data in all the categories and do the analysis
          if (pedonline_mon.size()<=0) { 
            std::cout << "Not enought data for pedestal online analysis" << std::endl; 
            ss   << "Not enought data for pedestal online analysis" << std::endl; 
          if (occupancy_mon.size()<=0) { 
            std::cout << "Not enought data for occupancy analysis" << std::endl;       
            ss   << "Not enought data for occupancy analysis" << std::endl; 
          if (laser_mon.size()<=0) { 
            std::cout << "Not enought data for laser analysis" << std::endl;
            ss   << "Not enought data for laser analysis" << std::endl;
          if ( pedonline_mon.size()>0 || occupancy_mon.size()>0 || wrongGain_mon.size()>0 || laser_mon.size()>0 ) {
            nBadLaserModules( laser_mon );
            cosmicsAnalysis( pedonline_mon, wrongGain_mon, laser_mon, occupancy_mon );

          // plotting histos with new bad channels
          int iLineEB=0;
          TLine lEB;
          TCanvas c("c","c",1);
          newBadEB_ -> SetMaximum(11);
          newBadEB_ -> Draw("colz");
          while (iLineEB<18) { lEB.DrawLine (iLineEB*20, -85, iLineEB*20, 85);  iLineEB++; }
          TLine lEE;
          int ixSectorsEE[202] = {61, 61, 60, 60, 59, 59, 58, 58, 57, 57, 55, 55, 45, 45, 43, 43, 42, 42, 41, 41, 40, 40, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 45, 55, 55, 57, 57, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 60, 61, 61, 0,100,100, 97, 97, 95, 95, 92, 92, 87, 87, 85, 85, 80, 80, 75, 75, 65, 65, 60, 60, 40, 40, 35, 35, 25, 25, 20, 20, 15, 15, 13, 13,  8,  8,  5,  5,  3,  3,  0,  0,  3,  3,  5,  5,  8,  8, 13, 13, 15, 15, 20, 20, 25, 25, 35, 35, 40, 40, 60, 60, 65, 65, 75, 75, 80, 80, 85, 85, 87, 87, 92, 92, 95, 95, 97, 97,100,100,  0, 61, 65, 65, 70, 70, 80, 80, 90, 90, 92,  0, 61, 65, 65, 90, 90, 97,  0, 57, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 80, 80,  0, 50, 50,  0, 43, 40, 40, 35, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25, 20, 20, 0, 39, 35, 35, 10, 10,  3,  0, 39, 35, 35, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10,  8,  0, 45, 45, 40, 40, 35, 35,  0, 55, 55, 60, 60, 65, 65};
          int iySectorsEE[202] = {50, 55, 55, 57, 57, 58, 58, 59, 59, 60, 60, 61, 61, 60, 60, 59, 59, 58, 58, 57, 57, 55, 55, 45, 45, 43, 43, 42, 42, 41, 41, 40, 40, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 43, 43, 45, 45, 50,  0, 50, 60, 60, 65, 65, 75, 75, 80, 80, 85, 85, 87, 87, 92, 92, 95, 95, 97, 97,100,100, 97, 97, 95, 95, 92, 92, 87, 87, 85, 85, 80, 80, 75, 75, 65, 65, 60, 60, 40, 40, 35, 35, 25, 25, 20, 20, 15, 15, 13, 13, 8,  8,  5,  5,  3,  3,  0,  0,  3,  3,  5,  5,  8,  8, 13, 13, 15, 15, 20, 20, 25, 25, 35, 35, 40, 40, 50,  0, 45, 45, 40, 40, 35, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25,  0, 50, 50, 55, 55, 60, 60,  0, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 85, 85, 87,  0, 61,100,  0, 60, 60, 65, 65, 70, 70, 75, 75, 85, 85, 87, 0, 50, 50, 55, 55, 60, 60,  0, 45, 45, 40, 40, 35, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25,  0, 39, 30, 30, 15, 15,  5,  0, 39, 30, 30, 15, 15,  5};
          newBadEEP_ -> SetMaximum(11);
          newBadEEP_ -> Draw("colz");
          for ( int iLineEEP=0; iLineEEP<201; iLineEEP=iLineEEP+1 ) {
            if ( (ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP]!=0 || iySectorsEE[iLineEEP]!=0) && (ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]!=0 || iySectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]!=0) ) {
              lEE.DrawLine(ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP], iySectorsEE[iLineEEP], ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP+1], iySectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]);

          newBadEEM_  -> SetMaximum(11);
          newBadEEM_ -> Draw("colz");
          for ( int iLineEEP=0; iLineEEP<201; iLineEEP=iLineEEP+1 ) {
            if ( (ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP]!=0 || iySectorsEE[iLineEEP]!=0) && (ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]!=0 || iySectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]!=0) ) {
              lEE.DrawLine(ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP], iySectorsEE[iLineEEP], ixSectorsEE[iLineEEP+1], iySectorsEE[iLineEEP+1]);
        } // cosmics analysis
      } // subruns 
    }   // runs loop
  }     // we have the DQM info 
  delete econn;
  std::cout << "Ecal - > end of getNewObjects -----------\n";   
std::string popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::id ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Implements popcon::PopConSourceHandler< EcalChannelStatus >.

Definition at line 81 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

References m_name.

{ return m_name;}
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::laserAnalysis ( std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat dataset_mon)

Definition at line 684 of file

References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), MonLaserBlueDat::getAPDMean(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalLogicID::getName(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::ic(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), EEDetId::validDetId(), and EEDetId::zside().

  // to take the list of masked crystals

  // to iterate
  std::map<DetId,float>::const_iterator theIter;

  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat>::const_iterator CImon;
  EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
  MonLaserBlueDat rd_blue;
  for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {
    ecid_xt    = p->first;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    // in which Fed/triggerTower/sectorSide I am
    int theFed = -100;
    int theTT  = -100; 
    int theIx  = -100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);          
      EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
      theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
      theTT  = elecId.towerId();   
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {   
        EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
        EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
        theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
        theIx  = eedetid.ix(); 
    // to have numbers from 0 to 17 for the EE feds and 0-36 for EB 
    int thisFed=-100;
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      if (theFed>600 && theFed<610) thisFed = theFed -601;    
      if (theFed>645 && theFed<655) thisFed = theFed -646 + 9;    
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") { thisFed = theFed - 610; }

    // in which light module I am
    int theTTieta =-100;
    int theTTiphi =-100;
    int theLM     =-100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      theTTieta = (theTT-1)/4 +1;                
      theTTiphi = (theTT-1)%4 +1;
      if (theTTieta==1 ||  theTTiphi==3 || theTTiphi==4)  theLM=0;     // L-shaped
      if (theTTieta>1  && (theTTiphi==1 || theTTiphi==2)) theLM=1;     // not L-shaped
    if( (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") && (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) ) {   
      if (theIx<=50) theLM=0;  
      if (theIx>50)  theLM=1;

    // check if APD mean is bad
    uint16_t status_now = 0;
    rd_blue = p->second;
    float myApdMean = rd_blue.getAPDMean();
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      if ( (myApdMean < 400) && isGoodLaserEBSm[thisFed][theLM] ) status_now = 2;      

    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      if ( myApdMean<100 ) {
        if (  thisFed!=7 && thisFed!=16  && isGoodLaserEESm[thisFed][0] )     status_now = 2;   
        if ( (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) && isGoodLaserEESm[thisFed][theLM] ) status_now = 2;   

    // output if problematic
    if (status_now>0) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        *ResFileEB << theFed  << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic() << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" << myApdMean << std::endl;            
        // file with new problems only
        bool isOld=false;
        for(theIter=maskedLaserEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedLaserEB.end(); ++theIter) {
          if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isOld=true;
        if (!isOld) { *ResFileNewEB << thisFed << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic() << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" << myApdMean << std::endl; }
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          *ResFileEE << theFed        << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()        << "\t\t" 
                     << eedetid.iy()  << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()     << "\t\t" 
                     << eedetid.hashedIndex()   << "\t\t" << myApdMean << std::endl;
          // file with new problems only
          bool isOld=false;
          for(theIter=maskedLaserEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedLaserEE.end(); ++theIter) {
            if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isOld=true;
          if (!isOld) {
            *ResFileEE << theFed        << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()        << "\t\t" 
                       << eedetid.iy()  << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside()     << "\t\t" 
                       << eedetid.hashedIndex()   << "\t\t" << myApdMean << std::endl; 
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::laserMasking ( )

Definition at line 341 of file

References EcalErrorMask::fetchDataSet(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalErrorDictionary::getMask(), EcalLogicID::getName(), m, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, and EEDetId::validDetId().


  uint64_t bits03 = 0;
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_MEAN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_RMS_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_MEAN_OVER_PN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_RMS_OVER_PN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_MEAN_TIMING_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("LASER_RMS_TIMING_WARNING");

  std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat> theMask;
  if ( theMask.size()!=0 ) {

    std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat>::const_iterator m;
    for (m=theMask.begin(); m!=theMask.end(); m++) {
      EcalLogicID ecid_xt = m->first;
      int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
      int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
      int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 

      if ( (m->second).getErrorBits() & bits03 ) {

        if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
          EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);              
          maskedLaserEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, 9999.));
        } else {
            EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
            maskedLaserEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, 9999.));
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::nBadLaserModules ( std::map< EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat dataset_mon)

Definition at line 130 of file

References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), MonLaserBlueDat::getAPDMean(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalLogicID::getName(), EEDetId::ix(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), and EEDetId::validDetId().

  // NB: EcalLogicId, sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1() --> for barrel is 1->18 = EB+; 19->36 = EB-  
  // NB: EcalLogicId, sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1() --> for endcap is 1=Z+, -1=Z- ;              

  // good and bad light modules and reference crystals in EB
  // theLM=0 -> L-shaped            ( TTs: 1,2,3,4; 7-8; 11-12 ... )
  // theLM=1 -> not L-shaped        ( TTs: 5-6,9-10 ... ) 
  for (int theSm=0; theSm<36; theSm++){
    for (int theLM=0; theLM<2; theLM++){
      isEBRef1[theSm][theLM]        = false;
      isEBRef2[theSm][theLM]        = false;
      isGoodLaserEBSm[theSm][theLM] = false;
  // good and bad light modules and reference crystals in EE [NB: only in EE-5 and EE+5 we need 2 LM... redundant]
  // theLM=0 -> light module A (ix<=50)
  // theLM=1 -> light module B (ix>50)
  for (int theSector=0; theSector<18; theSector++){
    for (int theLM=0; theLM<2; theLM++){
      isEERef1[theSector][theLM]        = false;
      isEERef2[theSector][theLM]        = false;
      isGoodLaserEESm[theSector][theLM] = false;

  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonLaserBlueDat>::const_iterator CImon;
  EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
  MonLaserBlueDat rd_blue;

  for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {

    ecid_xt = p->first;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2();
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3();

    // in which Fed/triggerTower/sectorSide I am
    int theFed =-100;
    int theTT  =-100; 
    int theIx  =-100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
      EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
      theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
      theTT  = elecId.towerId();   
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
        EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
        EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
        theFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
        theIx  = eedetid.ix(); 

    // to have numbers from 0 to 17 for the EE feds and 0-36 for EB                                             
    //  0 = EE-7;  1 = EE-8;  2 = EE-9;  3 = EE-1;  4 = EE-2;  5 = EE-3;  6 = EE-4;  7 = EE-5;  8 = EE-6;         
    //  9 = EE+7; 10 = EE+8; 11 = EE+9; 12 = EE+1; 13 = EE+2; 14 = EE+3; 15 = EE+4; 16 = EE+5; 17 = EE+6              
    //  0 = EB-1 --> 17 = EB-18; 18 = EB+1 --> 35 = EB+18                                                                               
    int thisFed=-100;
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      if (theFed>600 && theFed<610) thisFed = theFed -601;
      if (theFed>645 && theFed<655) thisFed = theFed -646 + 9;
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") { thisFed = theFed - 610; }

    // in which light module I am
    int theTTieta=-100;
    int theTTiphi=-100;
    int theLM=-100;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      theTTieta = (theTT-1)/4 +1;                 
      theTTiphi = (theTT-1)%4 +1;
      if (theTTieta==1 ||  theTTiphi==3 || theTTiphi==4)  theLM=0;     // L-shaped
      if (theTTieta>1  && (theTTiphi==1 || theTTiphi==2)) theLM=1;     // not L-shaped
    if( (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") && (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) ) {   
      if (theIx<=50) theLM=0;
      if (theIx>50)  theLM=1;

    // taking laser infos
    rd_blue = p->second;
    float myApdMean = rd_blue.getAPDMean();
    // barrel: is there at least one crystal on in this LM?
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
      EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
      if ( !isEBRef1[thisFed][theLM] && !isEBRef2[thisFed][theLM] && myApdMean>100 ) isEBRef1[thisFed][theLM] = true;
      if (  isEBRef1[thisFed][theLM] && !isEBRef2[thisFed][theLM] && myApdMean>100 ) isEBRef2[thisFed][theLM] = true;
    // endcap: is there at least one crystal on in this LM?
    if (ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") {
      EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);

      // just 1 LM per Fed
      if (thisFed!=7 && thisFed!=16) {
        if ( !isEERef1[thisFed][0] && !isEERef2[thisFed][0] && myApdMean>100 ) { isEERef1[thisFed][0] = true; isEERef1[thisFed][1] = true; }
        if (  isEERef1[thisFed][0] && !isEERef2[thisFed][0] && myApdMean>100 ) { isEERef2[thisFed][0] = true; isEERef2[thisFed][1] = true; }
      // 2 LMs per Fed
      if (thisFed==7 || thisFed==16) {
        if ( !isEERef1[thisFed][theLM] && !isEERef2[thisFed][theLM] && myApdMean>100 ) isEERef1[thisFed][theLM] = true;
        if (  isEERef1[thisFed][theLM] && !isEERef2[thisFed][theLM] && myApdMean>100 ) isEERef2[thisFed][theLM] = true;
  // check if the light module is on: at least two crystals must be on
  for (int theSm=0; theSm<36; theSm++){
    for (int theLM=0; theLM<2; theLM++){
      if (isEBRef1[theSm][theLM] && isEBRef2[theSm][theLM]) isGoodLaserEBSm[theSm][theLM] = true; 
      // std::cout << "Barrel: SM " << theSm << ", LM " << theLM << ": good = " << isGoodLaserEBSm[theSm][theLM] << std::endl;
  for (int theSector=0; theSector<18; theSector++){
    for (int theLM=0; theLM<2; theLM++){
      if (isEERef1[theSector][theLM] && isEERef2[theSector][theLM]) isGoodLaserEESm[theSector][theLM] = true; 
      // std::cout << "Endcap: SM " << theSector << ", LM " << theLM << ": good = " << isGoodLaserEESm[theSector][theLM] << std::endl;
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::pedAnalysis ( std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat dataset_mon,
std::map< EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat wrongGain_mon 

Definition at line 510 of file

References EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalLogicID::getName(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG6(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedRMSG6(), MonCrystalConsistencyDat::getProblemsGainZero(), EEDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::hashedIndex(), EBDetId::ic(), EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, EEDetId::validDetId(), and EEDetId::zside().


  // to take the list of masked crystals

  // to iterate
  std::map<DetId,float>::const_iterator theIter;
  // logic id
  EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
  // to check all problems except gain zero
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat>::const_iterator CImon;
  MonPedestalsDat rd_ped;
  for (CImon p = dataset_mon.begin(); p != dataset_mon.end(); p++) {

    uint16_t status_now = 0;
    ecid_xt    = p->first;
    rd_ped     = p->second;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    EcalPedestals::Item ped_item;
    ped_item.mean_x1  = rd_ped.getPedMeanG1() ;
    ped_item.mean_x6  = rd_ped.getPedMeanG6();
    ped_item.mean_x12 = rd_ped.getPedMeanG12();
    ped_item.rms_x1   = rd_ped.getPedRMSG1();
    ped_item.rms_x6   = rd_ped.getPedRMSG6() ;
    ped_item.rms_x12  = rd_ped.getPedRMSG12();

    // check if pedestal RMS is bad at least at 1 gain -> noisy or very noisy channel
    float lowerCut = 999.;
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") { lowerCut = 2.0; }
    if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EE_crystal_number") { lowerCut = 2.5; }
    if ( (checkPedestalRMSGain12(&ped_item)>lowerCut) || (checkPedestalRMSGain6(&ped_item)>lowerCut) || (checkPedestalRMSGain1(&ped_item)>lowerCut) ) status_now = 3;   
    // check if pedestal value is bad at least at 1 gain -> problem in dac settings
    if ( 
        ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)>300 || checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)<100 ) ||  
        ( checkPedestalValueGain6(&ped_item)>300  || checkPedestalValueGain6(&ped_item)<100  ) ||  
        ( checkPedestalValueGain1(&ped_item)>300  || checkPedestalValueGain1(&ped_item)<100  ) 
        )  status_now = 1;   
    // check if pedestal rms is zero at least at 1 gain -> dead at that channel  
    if ( checkPedestalRMSGain12(&ped_item)==0 || checkPedestalRMSGain6(&ped_item)==0 || checkPedestalRMSGain1(&ped_item)==0 ) status_now = 11;
    // check if the channel is fixed at G1
    if ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)<0 && checkPedestalValueGain6(&ped_item)<0 && checkPedestalValueGain1(&ped_item)>0 ) status_now = 9;

    // check if the channel is fixed at G6
    if ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)<0 && checkPedestalValueGain6(&ped_item)>0 && checkPedestalValueGain1(&ped_item)<0 ) status_now = 8;
    // check if the channel is not working at G12
    if ( checkPedestalValueGain12(&ped_item)<0 && checkPedestalValueGain6(&ped_item)>0 && checkPedestalValueGain1(&ped_item)>0 ) status_now = 8;

    // output in case of problems:
    if(status_now>0) {    
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);        
        EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
        int thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();       

        *ResFileEB << thisFed           << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" 
                   << ped_item.mean_x12 << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x12 << "\t\t"
                   << ped_item.mean_x6  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x6  << "\t\t"
                   << ped_item.mean_x1  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x1  << std::endl;

        // file with new problems only
        bool isOld=false;
        for(theIter=maskedPedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedPedEB.end(); ++theIter) {
          if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isOld=true;
        if (!isOld) { 
          *ResFileNewEB << thisFed           << "\t\t" << ebdetid.ic()     << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" 
                        << ped_item.mean_x12 << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x12 << "\t\t"
                        << ped_item.mean_x6  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x6  << "\t\t"
                        << ped_item.mean_x1  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x1  << std::endl;
      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
          int thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();
          *ResFileEE << thisFed           << "\t\t" 
                     << eedetid.ix()      << "\t\t" << eedetid.iy()     << "\t\t" 
                     << eedetid.zside()   << "\t\t" << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                      
                     << ped_item.mean_x12 << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x12 << "\t\t"
                     << ped_item.mean_x6  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x6  << "\t\t"
                     << ped_item.mean_x1  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x1  << std::endl;
          bool isOld=false;
          for(theIter=maskedPedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedPedEE.end(); ++theIter) {
            if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isOld=true;
          if (!isOld) { 
            *ResFileNewEE << thisFed           << "\t\t" 
                          << eedetid.ix()      << "\t\t" << eedetid.iy()     << "\t\t" 
                          << eedetid.zside()   << "\t\t" << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                 
                          << ped_item.mean_x12 << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x12 << "\t\t"
                          << ped_item.mean_x6  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x6  << "\t\t"
                          << ped_item.mean_x1  << "\t\t" << ped_item.rms_x1  << std::endl;

  // to check if a crystal is at gain zero in at least 1000 events (which is not the best! fixme)   
  typedef std::map<EcalLogicID, MonCrystalConsistencyDat>::const_iterator WGmonIter;
  MonCrystalConsistencyDat rd_wgain;
  for (WGmonIter p = wrongGain_mon.begin(); p != wrongGain_mon.end(); p++) {
    ecid_xt    = p->first;
    rd_wgain   = p->second;
    int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
    int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
    int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 
    // output if problematic
    if (rd_wgain.getProblemsGainZero() > 1000) { 
      if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
        EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);
        EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(ebdetid);
        int thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();       
        *ResFileEB << thisFed  << "\t\t"  << ebdetid.ic() << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" << "at gain zero"  << std::endl;                    
        // file with new problems only
        bool isOld=false;
        for(theIter=maskedPedEB.begin(); theIter!=maskedPedEB.end(); ++theIter) {
          if ((*theIter).first==ebdetid) isOld=true;
        if (!isOld) { 
          *ResFileNewEB << thisFed << "\t\t"  << ebdetid.ic() << "\t\t" << ebdetid.hashedIndex() << "\t\t" << "at gain zero"  << std::endl;                

      } else {      
          EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
          EcalElectronicsId elecId = ecalElectronicsMap_.getElectronicsId(eedetid);
          int thisFed = 600+elecId.dccId();     
          *ResFileEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()    << "\t\t" 
                     << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside() << "\t\t"                
                     << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                      
                     << "at gain zero"    << std::endl; 

          bool isOld=false;
          for(theIter=maskedPedEE.begin(); theIter!=maskedPedEE.end(); ++theIter) {
            if ((*theIter).first==eedetid) isOld=true;
          if (!isOld) { 
            *ResFileNewEE << thisFed                << "\t\t" << eedetid.ix()    << "\t\t" 
                          << eedetid.iy()           << "\t\t" << eedetid.zside() << "\t\t"                   
                          << eedetid.hashedIndex()  << "\t\t"                 
                          << "at gain zero"    << std::endl; 

void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::pedMasking ( )

Definition at line 297 of file

References EcalErrorMask::fetchDataSet(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalErrorDictionary::getMask(), EcalLogicID::getName(), m, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, and EEDetId::validDetId().


  uint64_t bits03 = 0;
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_LOW_GAIN_MEAN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_MIDDLE_GAIN_MEAN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_HIGH_GAIN_MEAN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_LOW_GAIN_MEAN_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_MIDDLE_GAIN_MEAN_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_HIGH_GAIN_MEAN_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_LOW_GAIN_RMS_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_MIDDLE_GAIN_RMS_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_HIGH_GAIN_RMS_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_LOW_GAIN_RMS_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_MIDDLE_GAIN_RMS_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_HIGH_GAIN_RMS_ERROR");  

  std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat> theMask;
  if ( theMask.size()!=0 ) {

    std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat>::const_iterator m;
    for (m=theMask.begin(); m!=theMask.end(); m++) {
      EcalLogicID ecid_xt = m->first;
      int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
      int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
      int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 

      if ( (m->second).getErrorBits() & bits03 ) {

        if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
          EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);              
          maskedPedEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, 9999.));
        } else {
            EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
            maskedPedEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, 9999.));
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::pedOnlineMasking ( )

Definition at line 261 of file

References EcalErrorMask::fetchDataSet(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalErrorDictionary::getMask(), EcalLogicID::getName(), m, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, and EEDetId::validDetId().


  uint64_t bits03 = 0;
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_ONLINE_HIGH_GAIN_MEAN_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_ONLINE_HIGH_GAIN_RMS_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_ONLINE_HIGH_GAIN_MEAN_ERROR");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PEDESTAL_ONLINE_HIGH_GAIN_RMS_ERROR");
  std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat> theMask;
  if ( theMask.size()!=0 ) {

    std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat>::const_iterator m;
    for (m=theMask.begin(); m!=theMask.end(); m++) {
      EcalLogicID ecid_xt = m->first;
      int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
      int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
      int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 

      if ( (m->second).getErrorBits() & bits03 ) {

        if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
          EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);              
          maskedOnlinePedEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, 9999.));
        } else {
            EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
            maskedOnlinePedEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, 9999.));
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::physicsMasking ( )

Definition at line 379 of file

References EcalErrorMask::fetchDataSet(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), EcalErrorDictionary::getMask(), EcalLogicID::getName(), m, EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE, and EEDetId::validDetId().


  uint64_t bits03 = 0;
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PHYSICS_BAD_CHANNEL_WARNING");
  bits03 |= EcalErrorDictionary::getMask("PHYSICS_BAD_CHANNEL_ERROR");

  std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat> theMask;
  if ( theMask.size()!=0 ) {

    std::map<EcalLogicID, RunCrystalErrorsDat>::const_iterator m;
    for (m=theMask.begin(); m!=theMask.end(); m++) {
      EcalLogicID ecid_xt = m->first;
      int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
      int xt_num = ecid_xt.getID2(); 
      int yt_num = ecid_xt.getID3(); 

      if ( (m->second).getErrorBits() & bits03 ) {

        if(ecid_xt.getName()=="EB_crystal_number") {
          EBDetId ebdetid(sm_num,xt_num,EBDetId::SMCRYSTALMODE);              
          maskedPhysicsEB.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(ebdetid, 9999.));
        } else {
            EEDetId eedetid(xt_num,yt_num,sm_num);
            maskedPhysicsEE.insert(std::pair<DetId, float>(eedetid, 9999.));
void popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler::setElectronicsMap ( const EcalElectronicsMapping theEcalElectronicsMap)

Definition at line 1915 of file

Referenced by ExTestEcalChannelStatusAnalyzer::endJob().


  ecalElectronicsMap_ = (*theEcalElectronicsMap);

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 137 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 138 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 131 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 82 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 126 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 127 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 128 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 129 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 124 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 125 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 112 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 113 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 115 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 121 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 122 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler(), and id().

Definition at line 120 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 117 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 118 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 119 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Referenced by EcalChannelStatusHandler().

Definition at line 142 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 142 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 140 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 140 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 141 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 141 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 143 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 143 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 145 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 147 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 146 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 133 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 134 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 135 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.

Definition at line 136 of file EcalChannelStatusHandler.h.