Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes

FitHist Class Reference

#include <FitHist.h>

Inheritance diagram for FitHist:
CompHist ManipHist TopInspectFit CalibClosureTest TopInspectRatio TopInspectSum

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  EvalType { kStabilizedGauss, kHistogramMean, kMaximalValue, kQuantile }

Public Member Functions

void fillTargetHistograms ()
void fitAndDrawEps ()
void fitAndDrawPs ()
 FitHist ()
 FitHist (bool verbose)
void writeFitOutput ()
virtual ~FitHist ()

Protected Member Functions

void addBinLabelToFitHist (const TObjArray &, int &, TString &, TString &)
void addParLabelToFitHist (const TH1F &)
bool checkTargetHistList ()
void configBlockFit (ConfigFile &)
void fillTargetHistogram (std::string &)
void fillTargetHistogramBin (TH1F &, TH1F &, int, TString &, HistogramMean &)
void fillTargetHistogramBin (TH1F &, TH1F &, int)
void fillTargetHistogramBin (TH1F &, TH1F &, int, TString &, Quantile &)
void fillTargetHistogramBin (TH1F &, TH1F &, int, TString &, MaximalValue &)
void fillTargetHistogramBin (TH1F &, TH1F &, int, TString &, StabilizedGauss &)
TH1F & findFitHistogram (const TObjArray &, TString &, TString &, int &)
TH1F & findTargetHistogram (const TObjArray &, TString &, TString &, TString &)
bool isInFitTargetList (std::string &)
double normalize (TString &, double)
void setFitHistogramAxes (TH1F &, int)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< int > axesIndex_
int evalType_
double fitFuncLowerBound_
std::string fitFuncName_
std::string fitFuncTitle_
int fitFuncType_
double fitFuncUpperBound_
std::vector< std::string > targetHistList_
std::vector< std::string > xAxesFit_
std::vector< std::string > yAxesFit_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file FitHist.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 12 of file FitHist.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FitHist::FitHist ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file FitHist.h.

FitHist::FitHist ( bool  verbose) [inline]

Definition at line 17 of file FitHist.h.

virtual FitHist::~FitHist ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 19 of file FitHist.h.


Member Function Documentation

void FitHist::addBinLabelToFitHist ( const TObjArray &  hist,
int &  bin,
TString &  name,
TString &  zip 
) [protected]

Definition at line 266 of file

References filterCSVwithJSON::target, and runonSM::text.

  // add pave text to fitted histograms keeping 
  // information of the corresponding bin edges
  TPaveText* text  = new TPaveText(0.25, 0.85, 0.95, 0.95, "NDC");
  text->SetBorderSize(   0 );
  text->SetFillStyle( 4000 );
  text->SetTextAlign(   12 );
  text->SetTextSize ( 0.06 );
  text->SetTextColor(    1 );
  text->SetTextFont (   62 );

  char labelname[100];
  TString buffer(targetHistList_[0]); buffer+="_";
  TH1F&  target = findTargetHistogram(hist, zip, name, buffer);
  double lowerEdge = target.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1);
  double upperEdge = target.GetBinLowEdge(bin+1)+target.GetBinWidth(bin+1);
  sprintf(labelname, "[%3.0f GeV; %3.0f GeV]", lowerEdge, upperEdge );//FIXME: this does not need to be GeV only
  text->AddText( labelname );
void FitHist::addParLabelToFitHist ( const TH1F &  hist) [protected]

Definition at line 291 of file

  if( hist.GetFunction(fitFuncName_.c_str()) ){
    TPaveText* pars  = new TPaveText(0.40, 0.55, 0.95, 0.70, "NDC");
    pars->SetBorderSize(   0 );
    pars->SetFillStyle( 4000 );
    pars->SetTextAlign(   12 );
    pars->SetTextSize ( 0.06 );
    pars->SetTextColor(    1 );
    pars->SetTextFont (   62 );
    char parstring[100]; 
      sprintf(parstring, "#mu=%3.2f ; #sigma=%3.2f",  
              hist.GetFunction(fitFuncName_.c_str())->GetParameter( 1 ), 
              hist.GetFunction(fitFuncName_.c_str())->GetParameter( 2 ) );
    pars->AddText( parstring );
bool FitHist::checkTargetHistList ( ) [protected]

Definition at line 44 of file

  // check list of target histogram labels, return 
  // true if all elements are supported and false 
  // otherwise
  bool statusOk=true;
  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<targetHistList_.size(); ++idx){
    if( statusOk ) statusOk=isInFitTargetList(targetHistList_[idx]);
  return statusOk;
void FitHist::configBlockFit ( ConfigFile cfg) [protected]

Definition at line 9 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, cmsRelvalreport::exit, ConfigFile::read(), and readVector().

  // read all configurables defined in FitHisto-
  // grams from config file. Throw human readable 
  // exception when misspellings occure
    // histogram steering
    readVector(<std::string>( "titleIndex"), axesIndex_);
    readLabels(<std::string>( "xAxesFit" ), xAxesFit_ );
    readLabels(<std::string>( "yAxesFit" ), yAxesFit_ );
    // histogram manipulations
    readVector(<std::string>( "targetLabel" ), targetHistList_);
    fitFuncName_ =<std::string>( "fitFunctionName" );
    fitFuncTitle_=<std::string>( "fitFunctionTitle");
    fitFuncType_ =<int>        ( "fitFunctionType" );
    fitFuncLowerBound_=<double>( "fitLowerBound" );
    fitFuncUpperBound_=<double>( "fitUpperBound" );
    evalType_ =<int>( "evalType" );
    std::cerr << "ERROR during reading of config file" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "      misspelled variables in cfg ?" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "      [--called in configBlockFit]"  << std::endl;
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogram ( std::string &  target) [protected]

Definition at line 523 of file

References estimatePileup::hist.

  // loop array of samples via sampleList_, which 
  // contains all histograms in TObjectArrays for 
  // each sample
  std::vector<TObjArray>::const_iterator hist = sampleList_.begin();
  for(; hist!=sampleList_.end(); ++hist){
    // loop histograms & search for prefix target;
    // check if it's contained in list of valid 
    // targets first
    TString buffer( target );
    if( isInFitTargetList(target) ){
      for(int jdx=0; jdx<(*hist).GetEntriesFast(); ++jdx){
        TH1F& htarget = *((TH1F*)(*hist)[jdx]);
        // prepare compare string
        TString cmp( htarget.GetName() );         // chop off root directory and 
        cmp.Remove(0, cmp.First('/')+1);          // file from histogram name  
        //prepare zip code
        TString zip( htarget.GetName() );         // chop off histogram name keep 
        zip.Remove(zip.First('/'), zip.Length()); // file and directory
        if( cmp.BeginsWith( buffer ) ){ //found target hist
          // now fill the bins of the target hist
          for(int kdx=0; kdx<htarget.GetNbinsX(); ++kdx){
            TH1F& hfit = findFitHistogram(*hist, zip, cmp, kdx);
            fillTargetHistogramBin(htarget, hfit, (kdx+1));
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogramBin ( TH1F &  htarget,
TH1F &  hfit,
int  bin,
TString &  buffer,
HistogramMean func 
) [protected]

Definition at line 175 of file

References FitTarget::Cal, FitTarget::Mean, lumiNorm::norm, FitTarget::Res, FitTarget::Sigma, HistogramMean::spread(), HistogramMean::spreadError(), HistogramMean::value(), and HistogramMean::valueError().

  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Cal) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Mean ) ){
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, func.value( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError( bin, func.valueError( hfit ) );
  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Sigma) ){
    double norm=normalize(buffer, func.value( hfit ));
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, norm*func.spread( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError  ( bin, norm*func.spreadError( hfit ) );
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogramBin ( TH1F &  htarget,
TH1F &  hfit,
int  bin,
TString &  buffer,
StabilizedGauss func 
) [protected]

Definition at line 187 of file

References FitTarget::Cal, FitTarget::Mean, lumiNorm::norm, FitTarget::Res, FitTarget::Sigma, StabilizedGauss::spread(), StabilizedGauss::spreadError(), StabilizedGauss::value(), and StabilizedGauss::valueError().

  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Cal) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Mean ) ){
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, func.value( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError( bin, func.valueError( hfit ) );
  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Sigma) ){
    double norm=normalize(buffer, func.value( hfit ));
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, norm*func.spread( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError  ( bin, norm*func.spreadError( hfit ) );
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogramBin ( TH1F &  htarget,
TH1F &  hfit,
int  bin 
) [protected]

Definition at line 199 of file

  if( !hfit.GetEntries()>0 ) return;

  // fill corresponding bin in target histogram
  TString buffer(htarget.GetName());
  buffer.Remove(0, buffer.First('/')+1);
  buffer.Remove(buffer.First('_')+1, buffer.Length());
  case kStabilizedGauss:
      StabilizedGauss func(fitFuncName_.c_str());
      fillTargetHistogramBin(htarget, hfit, bin, buffer, func);
  case kHistogramMean:
      HistogramMean func;
      fillTargetHistogramBin(htarget, hfit, bin, buffer, func);
  case kMaximalValue:
      MaximalValue func(0.9, 0.05);
      fillTargetHistogramBin(htarget, hfit, bin, buffer, func);
  case kQuantile:
      Quantile func(0.5, 0.05);
      fillTargetHistogramBin(htarget, hfit, bin, buffer, func);
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogramBin ( TH1F &  htarget,
TH1F &  hfit,
int  bin,
TString &  buffer,
Quantile func 
) [protected]

Definition at line 151 of file

References FitTarget::Cal, FitTarget::Mean, lumiNorm::norm, FitTarget::Res, FitTarget::Sigma, Quantile::spread(), Quantile::spreadError(), Quantile::value(), and Quantile::valueError().

  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Cal) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Mean ) ){
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, func.value( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError( bin, func.valueError( hfit ) );
  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Sigma) ){
    double norm=normalize(buffer, func.value( hfit ));
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, norm*func.spread( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError  ( bin, norm*func.spreadError( hfit ) );
void FitHist::fillTargetHistogramBin ( TH1F &  htarget,
TH1F &  hfit,
int  bin,
TString &  buffer,
MaximalValue func 
) [protected]

Definition at line 163 of file

References FitTarget::Cal, FitTarget::Mean, lumiNorm::norm, FitTarget::Res, FitTarget::Sigma, MaximalValue::spread(), MaximalValue::spreadError(), MaximalValue::value(), and MaximalValue::valueError().

  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Cal) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Mean ) ){
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, func.value( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError( bin, func.valueError( hfit ) );
  if( !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res) || !buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Sigma) ){
    double norm=normalize(buffer, func.value( hfit ));
    htarget.SetBinContent( bin, norm*func.spread( hfit ) ); htarget.SetBinError  ( bin, norm*func.spreadError( hfit ) );
void FitHist::fillTargetHistograms ( )

Definition at line 512 of file

Referenced by main().

  // fill all target histograms 
  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<targetHistList_.size(); ++idx){
TH1F & FitHist::findFitHistogram ( const TObjArray &  hist,
TString &  zip,
TString &  name,
int &  bin 
) [protected]

Definition at line 77 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, gather_cfg::cout, and FitTarget::Fit.

  // returns fit histogram of bin 'bin'to 
  // corresponding target histogram

  //prepare reference name
  TString refName( name );
  refName.Remove(0, refName.First('_')+1); //chop of prefix
  // loop array of histograms & search for ref
  for(int idx=0; idx<hist.GetEntriesFast(); ++idx){
    TH1F& cmp = *((TH1F*)(hist)[idx]);
    TString buffer( cmp.GetName() );
    if( buffer.BeginsWith( zip ) ){
      TString cmpName( cmp.GetName() );        // chop off root directory and 
      cmpName.Remove(0, cmpName.First('/')+1); // file from histogram name  
      if( cmpName.BeginsWith(FitTarget::Fit) && cmpName.Contains(refName) ){
        return cmp;
  std::cout << "WARNING: could not find required histogram fit_" 
       << refName << "_x" << std::endl
       << "         return reference to Null" << std::endl;
  return *(TH1F*)0;
TH1F & FitHist::findTargetHistogram ( const TObjArray &  hist,
TString &  zip,
TString &  name,
TString &  target 
) [protected]

Definition at line 111 of file

References gather_cfg::cout.

  // returns target histogram to corresponding 
  // fit histogram

  //prepare reference name
  TString refName( name );
  refName.Remove(0, refName.First('_')+1); //chop of prefix
  refName.Remove(refName.Last('_'), refName.Length()); //chop of postfix

  // loop array of histograms & search for ref
  for(int idx=0; idx<hist.GetEntriesFast(); ++idx){
    TH1F& cmp = *((TH1F*)(hist)[idx]);
    TString buffer( cmp.GetName() );
    if( buffer.BeginsWith( zip ) ){
      // prepare compare string
      TString cmpName( cmp.GetName() );        // chop off root directory and 
      cmpName.Remove(0, cmpName.First('/')+1); // file from histogram name  
      if( cmpName.BeginsWith(target) && cmpName.Contains(refName) ){
        return cmp;
  std::cout << "WARNING: could not find required histogram " 
       << target << refName << std::endl
       << "         return reference to Null" << std::endl;
  return *(TH1F*)0;
void FitHist::fitAndDrawEps ( )

Definition at line 414 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, FitTarget::Fit, StabilizedGauss::fit(), estimatePileup::hist, label, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by main().

  // define canvas
  TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("canv", "fit histograms", 600, 600);
  setCanvasStyle( *canv );
  canv->SetGridx( 1 ); canv->SetLogx ( 0 );
  canv->SetGridy( 1 ); canv->SetLogy ( 0 );

  // loop histograms via the list of histogram
  // names stored in histList_, open a new page 
  // for each histogram; open a new file for each 
  // sample.
  std::vector<TObjArray>::const_iterator hist = sampleList_.begin();
  for(int idx=0; hist!=sampleList_.end(); ++hist, ++idx){
    // loop histograms via the list of histogram 
    // names stored in histList_, open a new page 
    // for each histogram; fit any histogram con-
    // taining the prefix 'fit'
    int label=0;
    for(int jdx=0; jdx<(*hist).GetEntriesFast(); ++jdx){
      TH1F& hfit = *((TH1F*)(*hist)[jdx]); //recieve histogram
      // prepare compare string
      TString cmp( hfit.GetName() );            // chop off root directory and 
      cmp.Remove(0, cmp.First('/')+1);          // file from histogram name  
      //prepare zip code
      TString zip( hfit.GetName() );            // chop off histogram name keep 
      zip.Remove(zip.First('/'), zip.Length()); // file and directory
      if ( cmp.BeginsWith(FitTarget::Fit) ){ //search for prefix 'fit'
        // open output file
        TString output( writeTo_.c_str() );
        output += "/";
        output += histList_[ jdx ];
        output += "_";
          output += outputLabelList_[idx];
          output == idx;
        output += ".eps";
        TPostScript psFile( output, 113 );
        // determine proper bin by choping off everything
        // bit the postfix which should correspond to the 
        // bin of NameScheme
        TString buffer( cmp );
        int bin = buffer.Remove(0, buffer.Last('_')+1).Atoi();
        hfit.SetLineWidth( 5 );
        hfit.SetLineColor( 4 );
        hfit.SetLineStyle( 1 );
        hfit.SetMarkerStyle( 20 );
        hfit.SetMarkerSize( 2.0 );
        hfit.SetMarkerColor(  4 );
        setFitHistogramAxes( hfit, label++ );
        //hfit.Fit( "gaus" );
        //do stable fit
        StabilizedGauss func(fitFuncName_.c_str(), fitFuncType_, fitFuncLowerBound_, fitFuncUpperBound_);;
        // add TPaveLabel to keep info of binning
        // recieved from target hitogram
        addParLabelToFitHist( hfit );   
        addBinLabelToFitHist( *hist, bin, cmp, zip );
        // add legend to fitted histogram
        TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.25,0.70,0.95,0.87);
        setLegendStyle( *leg );
        leg->AddEntry( &hfit, legend(idx).c_str(), "PL" );
        leg->AddEntry( hfit.GetFunction(fitFuncName_.c_str()), fitFuncTitle_.c_str(),  "L" );
        leg->Draw( "same" );
        canv->RedrawAxis( );
        canv->Update( );
        delete leg;
  delete canv;
void FitHist::fitAndDrawPs ( )

Definition at line 314 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, gather_cfg::cout, FitTarget::Fit, StabilizedGauss::fit(), estimatePileup::hist, label, and convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output.

Referenced by main().

  // define canvas
  TCanvas *canv = new TCanvas("canv", "fit histograms", 600, 600);
  setCanvasStyle( *canv );
  canv->SetGridx( 1 ); canv->SetLogx ( 0 );
  canv->SetGridy( 1 ); canv->SetLogy ( 0 );

  // loop histograms via the list of histogram
  // names stored in histList_, open a new page 
  // for each histogram; open a new file for each 
  // sample.
  std::vector<TObjArray>::const_iterator hist = sampleList_.begin();
  for(int idx=0; hist!=sampleList_.end(); ++hist, ++idx){
    // open output file
    TString output( writeTo_.c_str() );
    output += "/inspectFit_";
      output += outputLabelList_[idx];
      output == idx;
    output += ".ps";
    TPostScript psFile( output, 111 ); //112 for portrat
    // loop histograms via the list of histogram 
    // names stored in histList_, open a new page 
    // for each histogram; fit any histogram con-
    // taining the prefix 'fit'
    int label=0;
    for(int jdx=0; jdx<(*hist).GetEntriesFast(); ++jdx){
      TH1F& hfit = *((TH1F*)(*hist)[jdx]); //recieve histogram
      // prepare compare string
      TString cmp( hfit.GetName() );            // chop off root directory and 
      cmp.Remove(0, cmp.First('/')+1);          // file from histogram name  
      //prepare zip code
      TString zip( hfit.GetName() );            // chop off histogram name keep 
      zip.Remove(zip.First('/'), zip.Length()); // file and directory
      if ( cmp.BeginsWith(FitTarget::Fit) ){ //search for prefix 'fit'
          std::cout << std::endl << "about to fit histogram: " 
               << hfit.GetName() << " as " << cmp << std::endl; 
        // determine proper bin by choping off everything
        // but the postfix which should correspond to the 
        // bin of NameScheme
        TString buffer( cmp );
        int bin = buffer.Remove(0, buffer.Last('_')+1).Atoi();

        hfit.SetLineWidth( 5 );
        hfit.SetLineColor( 4 );
        hfit.SetLineStyle( 1 );
        hfit.SetMarkerStyle( 20 );
        hfit.SetMarkerSize( 2.0 );
        hfit.SetMarkerColor(  4 );
        setFitHistogramAxes( hfit, label++ );
        //hfit.Fit( "gaus" );

        //do stable fit
        StabilizedGauss func(fitFuncName_.c_str(), fitFuncType_, fitFuncLowerBound_, fitFuncUpperBound_);;

        // add TPaveLabel to keep info of binning
        // recieved from target hitogram
        addParLabelToFitHist( hfit );   
        addBinLabelToFitHist(*hist, bin, cmp, zip);

        // add legend to fitted histogram
        TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.25,0.70,0.95,0.87);
        setLegendStyle( *leg );
        leg->AddEntry( &hfit, legend(idx).c_str(), "PL" );
        leg->AddEntry( hfit.GetFunction(fitFuncName_.c_str()), fitFuncTitle_.c_str(),  "L" );
        leg->Draw( "same" );
        canv->RedrawAxis( );
        canv->Update( );
        if(jdx<((*hist).GetEntriesFast()-1)) delete leg;
  delete canv;
bool FitHist::isInFitTargetList ( std::string &  label) [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file

References FitTarget::Cal, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, FitTarget::Mean, FitTarget::Res, FitTarget::Sigma, and filterCSVwithJSON::target.

  // check if given target prefix is suported
  TString target(label);
  if( !(target.CompareTo(FitTarget::Cal   ) ||
        target.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res   ) ||
        target.CompareTo(FitTarget::Sigma ) ||
        target.CompareTo(FitTarget::Mean  ) )){
    std::cerr << "ERROR while filling target histogram" << std::endl;
    std::cerr << "      can't find prefix: "  << target << std::endl;
    return false;
  return true;
double FitHist::normalize ( TString &  buffer,
double  val 
) [protected]

Definition at line 145 of file

References FitTarget::Res.

  return ( (!buffer.CompareTo(FitTarget::Res ) && val>0.) ) ? 1./val : 1.; 
void FitHist::setFitHistogramAxes ( TH1F &  hist,
int  idx 
) [protected]

Definition at line 242 of file

  // get proper axes label for fit histograms; get
  // the proper histogram idx from int the vector
  // axesIndex_, as the same label will be used
  // many times for each fit bin thi saves from 
  // repeatedly passing the same labels.
    int jdx = axesIndex_[idx];
    if( jdx<(int)xAxesFit_.size() && jdx<(int)yAxesFit_.size() ){
      setAxesStyle( hist, xAxesFit_[jdx].c_str(), yAxesFit_[jdx].c_str() );
    else if( jdx<(int)xAxesFit_.size() ){
      setAxesStyle( hist, xAxesFit_[jdx].c_str(), "events"  );
    setAxesStyle( hist, hist.GetName(), "events" );     
void FitHist::writeFitOutput ( )

Definition at line 562 of file

References dbtoweb::file, estimatePileup::hist, estimatePileup::histFile, AlCaRecoCosmics_cfg::name, and dbtoconf::out.

Referenced by main().

  // write filled target histogram to output file
  // if specified
  if( isOutputRequested() ){
    // open hist file for book keeping of hist names
    TString name( output_ );
    name.Remove(name.Last('.'), name.Length()); 
    name+=".hist"; //replace .root by .hist
    ofstream histFile(name, std::ios::out);

    // open root output file and create directory
    // if necessary
    TFile file( output_.c_str(), "update" );
    if( !file.GetDirectory(rootOutDir_.c_str()) ) 
      // create new directory if it does not yet exist
      file.mkdir( rootOutDir_.c_str(), rootOutDir_.c_str() );
      // clean-up directory if it was existing already 
    // loop over requested target histogram labels if desired
    for(unsigned int jdx=0; jdx<targetHistList_.size(); ++jdx){
      TString buffer( targetHistList_[jdx] ); 
      // loop and write out histograms
      std::vector<TObjArray>::const_iterator hist = sampleList_.begin();
      for( ;hist!=sampleList_.end(); ++hist){
        for(int idx=0; idx<(int)histList_.size(); ++idx){  
          TString cmp( ((TH1F*)(*hist)[idx])->GetName() );
          if( cmp.BeginsWith( buffer ) ){ //found target hist
            histFile << ((TH1F*)(*hist)[idx])->GetName() << "\n";
        } // end of histList_ loop
    } // end of targetHistList_ loop

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<int> FitHist::axesIndex_ [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file FitHist.h.

int FitHist::evalType_ [protected]

Definition at line 64 of file FitHist.h.

double FitHist::fitFuncLowerBound_ [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file FitHist.h.

std::string FitHist::fitFuncName_ [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file FitHist.h.

std::string FitHist::fitFuncTitle_ [protected]

Definition at line 67 of file FitHist.h.

int FitHist::fitFuncType_ [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file FitHist.h.

double FitHist::fitFuncUpperBound_ [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file FitHist.h.

std::vector<std::string> FitHist::targetHistList_ [protected]

Definition at line 55 of file FitHist.h.

std::vector<std::string> FitHist::xAxesFit_ [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file FitHist.h.

std::vector<std::string> FitHist::yAxesFit_ [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file FitHist.h.