Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes

EEBeamCaloClient Class Reference

#include <EEBeamCaloClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for EEBeamCaloClient:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void analyze (void)
void beginJob (void)
void beginRun (void)
void cleanup (void)
 EEBeamCaloClient (const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
void endJob (void)
void endRun (void)
int getEvtPerJob ()
 Get Functions.
int getEvtPerRun ()
 Returns the number of processed events in this Run.
void setup (void)
virtual ~EEBeamCaloClient ()

Private Attributes

float aveEne1_
float aveEne3x3_
std::vector< int > checkedSteps_
bool cloneME_
bool debug_
float E1Th_
float E3x3Th_
bool enableCleanup_
TH1F * hBAllNeededCry_
TH2F * hBBeamCentered_
TH1F * hBcryDone_
TH2F * hBCryOnBeam_
TH1F * hbDesync_
TH1F * hbE1MaxCry_
TProfile * hBE1vsCry_
TH1F * hBE3x3_
TH1F * hBE3x3Moving_
TProfile * hBE3x3vsCry_
TH1F * hBEne1_
TH1F * hBEntriesvsCry_
TH1F * hBGains_ [cryInArray_]
TH2F * hBMaxEneCry_
TH1F * hBNumReadCry_
TProfile * hBpulse_ [cryInArray_]
TH1F * hBReadCryErrors_
TH1F * hbTBmoving_
int ievt_
int jevt_
int minEvtNum_
TProfile * pBCriInBeamEvents_
std::string prefixME_
float prescaling_
float ReadCryErrThr_
float RMSEne3x3_
std::vector< int > superModules_
bool verbose_

Static Private Attributes

static const int cryInArray_ = 9

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EEBeamCaloClient::EEBeamCaloClient ( const edm::ParameterSet ps)


Definition at line 33 of file

References aveEne1_, aveEne3x3_, checkedSteps_, cloneME_, cryInArray_, debug_, E1Th_, E3x3Th_, enableCleanup_, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hBAllNeededCry_, hBBeamCentered_, hBcryDone_, hBCryOnBeam_, hbDesync_, hbE1MaxCry_, hBE1vsCry_, hBE3x3_, hBE3x3Moving_, hBE3x3vsCry_, hBEne1_, hBEntriesvsCry_, hBGains_, hBMaxEneCry_, hBNumReadCry_, hBpulse_, hBReadCryErrors_, hbTBmoving_, i, meEEBCaloRedGreen_, meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_, meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_, minEvtNum_, pBCriInBeamEvents_, prefixME_, prescaling_, ReadCryErrThr_, RMSEne3x3_, superModules_, and verbose_.


  // cloneME switch
  cloneME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);

  // verbose switch
  verbose_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", true);

  // debug switch
  debug_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug", false);

  // prefixME path
  prefixME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("prefixME", "");

  // enableCleanup_ switch
  enableCleanup_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup", false);

  // vector of selected Super Modules (Defaults to all 18).
  for ( unsigned int i = 1; i <= 18; i++ ) superModules_.push_back(i);
  superModules_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector<int> >("superModules", superModules_);

  // there should be not more than a eta row in an autoscan
  minEvtNum_ = 1800;//
  //FIX ME, this should be configurable and change with the beam energy
  aveEne1_    = 1850;  E1Th_   = 900;
  aveEne3x3_  = 2600;  E3x3Th_ = 2600;
  RMSEne3x3_  = 800;

  ReadCryErrThr_ = 0.01;// 1%
  //FIX ME, this should follow the prescaling in the monitoring
  prescaling_ = 20;

  for(int u=0;u<cryInArray_;u++) {
    hBGains_[u] = 0;
    hBpulse_[u] = 0;
    //hBGainsMoving_[u] = 0;
  hBEne1_ = 0;
  //hBEne1Moving_ = 0;
  hBAllNeededCry_ = 0;
  hBNumReadCry_ = 0;
  hBE3x3_ = 0;
  hBE3x3Moving_ = 0;
  hBCryOnBeam_ = 0;
  hBMaxEneCry_ = 0;
  hBReadCryErrors_ = 0;
  hBE1vsCry_ = 0;
  hBE3x3vsCry_ = 0;
  hBEntriesvsCry_ = 0;
  hBcryDone_ = 0;
  hBBeamCentered_ = 0;
  hbTBmoving_ = 0;
  hbE1MaxCry_ = 0;
  hbDesync_ = 0;
  pBCriInBeamEvents_ = 0;

  meEEBCaloRedGreen_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_ = 0;
  meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_ = 0;
EEBeamCaloClient::~EEBeamCaloClient ( ) [virtual]


Definition at line 97 of file



Member Function Documentation

void EEBeamCaloClient::analyze ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 333 of file

References abs, aveEne1_, aveEne3x3_, cloneME_, gather_cfg::cout, cryInArray_, debug_, dqmStore_, E1Th_, E3x3Th_, Entries, newFWLiteAna::found, DQMStore::get(), MonitorElement::getBinContent(), hBAllNeededCry_, hBBeamCentered_, hBcryDone_, hBCryOnBeam_, hbDesync_, hbE1MaxCry_, hBE1vsCry_, hBE3x3_, hBE3x3vsCry_, hBEne1_, hBEntriesvsCry_, hBGains_, hBMaxEneCry_, hBNumReadCry_, hBpulse_, hBReadCryErrors_, hbTBmoving_, trackerHits::histo, ievt_, jevt_, meEEBCaloRedGreen_, meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_, meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_, minEvtNum_, pBCriInBeamEvents_, prefixME_, prescaling_, ReadCryErrThr_, RMSEne3x3_, and MonitorElement::setBinContent().


  if ( ievt_ % 10 == 0 ) {
    if ( debug_ ) std::cout << "EEBeamCaloClient: ievt/jevt = " << ievt_ << "/" << jevt_ << std::endl;

  char histo[200];

  MonitorElement* me = 0;

  // MonitorElement* meCD;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT crystals done").c_str());
  //meCD = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBcryDone_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBcryDone_ );

  //MonitorElement* meCryInBeam;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT crystal on beam").c_str());
  //meCryInBeam = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBCryOnBeam_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hBCryOnBeam_);

  //MonitorElement* allNeededCry;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT all needed crystals readout").c_str());
  //allNeededCry= dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBAllNeededCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBAllNeededCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT readout crystals number").c_str());
  //allNeededCry= dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBNumReadCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBNumReadCry_);

  //MonitorElement* RecEne3x3;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT rec Ene sum 3x3").c_str());
  //RecEne3x3= dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBE3x3_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBE3x3_);

  //MonitorElement* ErrRedCry;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT readout crystals errors").c_str());
  //ErrRedCry = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBReadCryErrors_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBReadCryErrors_);

  //  MonitorElement* RecEne1;
  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT rec energy cry 5").c_str());
  //RecEne1= dqmStore_->get(histo);
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBEne1_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBEne1_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT crystal with maximum rec energy").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBMaxEneCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hBMaxEneCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT average rec energy in the 3x3 array").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBE3x3vsCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TProfile*>( me, cloneME_, hBE3x3vsCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT average rec energy in the single crystal").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBE1vsCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TProfile*>( me, cloneME_, hBE1vsCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT number of entries").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBEntriesvsCry_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBEntriesvsCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT energy deposition in the 3x3").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hBBeamCentered_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>( me, cloneME_, hBBeamCentered_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT table is moving").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hbTBmoving_ = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hbTBmoving_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT crystal in beam vs event").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  pBCriInBeamEvents_ =  UtilsClient::getHisto<TProfile*>( me, cloneME_, pBCriInBeamEvents_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT E1 in the max cry").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hbE1MaxCry_ =  UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hbE1MaxCry_);

  sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT Desynchronization vs step").c_str());
  me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
  hbDesync_ =  UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hbDesync_);

  for(int ind = 0; ind < cryInArray_; ind ++) {
    sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT pulse profile in G12 cry %01d").c_str(), ind+1);
    me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
    hBpulse_[ind] = UtilsClient::getHisto<TProfile*>( me, cloneME_, hBpulse_[ind]);

    sprintf(histo, (prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloTask/EEBCT found gains cry %01d").c_str(), ind+1);
    me = dqmStore_->get(histo);
    hBGains_[ind] = UtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>( me, cloneME_, hBGains_[ind]);

  int DoneCry = 0;//if it stays 1 the run is not an autoscan
  if (hBcryDone_) {
    for(int cry=1 ; cry<1701 ; cry ++) {
      int step = (int) hBcryDone_->GetBinContent(cry);
      if( step>0 ) {//this crystal has been scanned or is being scanned
        float E3x3RMS = -1, E3x3 =-1, E1=-1;
        if(hBE3x3vsCry_) {
          //E3x3RMS = hBE3x3vsCry_->GetBinError(step);
          //E3x3 = hBE3x3vsCry_->GetBinContent(step);
          E3x3RMS = hBE3x3vsCry_->GetBinError(cry);
          E3x3 = hBE3x3vsCry_->GetBinContent(cry);
        //if( hBE1vsCry_) {E1=hBE1vsCry_->GetBinContent(step);}
        if( hBE1vsCry_) {E1=hBE1vsCry_->GetBinContent(cry);}
        bool RMS3x3  =  (  E3x3RMS < RMSEne3x3_ && E3x3RMS >= 0 );
        bool Mean3x3 =  ( std::abs( E3x3 - aveEne3x3_ ) < E3x3Th_);
        bool Mean1   =  ( std::abs( E1 - aveEne1_ ) < E1Th_ );
        int ieta = ( cry - 1)/20 + 1 ;//+1 for the bin
        int iphi = ( cry - 1)%20 + 1 ;//+1 for the bin
        //fill the RedGreen histo
        if(ieta >0 && iphi >0 ) {
          if(RMS3x3 && Mean3x3 && Mean1) {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,1.);}
          else {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,0.);}

        float Entries = -1;
        //if ( hBEntriesvsCry_ ) {Entries = hBEntriesvsCry_->GetBinContent(step);}
        if ( hBEntriesvsCry_ ) {Entries = hBEntriesvsCry_->GetBinContent(cry);}
        bool Nent = ( Entries * prescaling_  > minEvtNum_ );
        bool readCryOk = true;
        if( hBReadCryErrors_ ) {
          int step_bin = hBReadCryErrors_->GetXaxis()->FindFixBin(step);
          if ( step_bin > 0 && step_bin < hBReadCryErrors_->GetNbinsX() ) {
            if ( hBReadCryErrors_->GetBinContent(step_bin) <= Entries*ReadCryErrThr_ ) {readCryOk = true;}
            else {readCryOk = false;}

        if(Nent && readCryOk ) { meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->setBinContent(step,1,1.);}
        else{ meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->setBinContent(step,1,0.);}

        if (readCryOk &&  meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->getBinContent(1,1) != 0.) { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1, 1.);}
        else if ( !readCryOk ) { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1, 0.);}
      }// end of if (step>0)
    }//end of loop over cry
  }//end of if(hBcryDone_)

  if(DoneCry == 1) {//this is probably not an auotscan or it is the first crystal
    float nEvt = 0;
    if(hBE3x3_) {nEvt = hBE3x3_->GetEntries();}
    if(nEvt > 1*prescaling_ && hBE3x3_ && hBEne1_ && hBCryOnBeam_ && meEEBCaloRedGreen_) {//check for mean and RMS
      bool RMS3x3  =  ( hBE3x3_->GetRMS() < RMSEne3x3_ );
      bool Mean3x3 =  ( std::abs( hBE3x3_->GetMean() - aveEne3x3_ ) < E3x3Th_ );
      bool Mean1   =  ( std::abs( hBEne1_->GetMean() - aveEne1_ ) < E1Th_ );
      //fill the RedGreen histo
      int ieta=0,iphi=0;
      float found =0; //there should be just one bin filled but...
      for (int b_eta =1; b_eta<86; b_eta++) {
        for (int b_phi =1; b_phi<21; b_phi++) {
          float bc = hBCryOnBeam_->GetBinContent(b_eta,b_phi);//FIX ME check if this is the correct binning
          if(bc > found) { found =bc; ieta = b_eta; iphi= b_phi;}
      if(ieta >0 && iphi >0 ) {
        if(RMS3x3 && Mean3x3 && Mean1) {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,1.);}
        else {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,0.);}
    if(hBReadCryErrors_) {
      float nErr = hBReadCryErrors_->GetBinContent(1);// for a non autoscan just the first bin should be filled
      if( nErr > nEvt*ReadCryErrThr_ ) { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1,0.);}
      else { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1,1.);}

  //   // was done using me instead of histos
  //   if(DoneCry == 0) {//this is probably not an auotscan
  //     float nEvt = RecEne3x3->getEntries();
  //     if(nEvt > 1000*prescaling_) {//check for mean and RMS
  //       bool RMS3x3  =  ( RecEne3x3->getRMS() < RMSEne3x3_ );
  //       bool Mean3x3 =  ( (RecEne3x3->getMean() - aveEne3x3_) < E3x3Th_);
  //       bool Mean1   =  ( (RecEne1->getMean() < aveEne1_) < E1Th_ );
  //       //fill the RedGreen histo
  //       int ieta=0,iphi=0;
  //       float found =0; //there should be just one bin filled but...
  //       for (int b_eta =1; b_eta<86; b_eta++) {
  //         for (int b_phi =1; b_phi<21; b_phi++) {
  //           float bc = meCryInBeam->getBinContent(b_eta,b_phi);//FIX ME check if this is the correct binning
  //           if(bc > found) { found =bc; ieta = b_eta; iphi= b_phi;}
  //         }
  //       }
  //       if(ieta >0 && iphi >0 ) {
  //         if(RMS3x3 && Mean3x3 && Mean1) {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,1.);}
  //         else {meEEBCaloRedGreen_->setBinContent(ieta,iphi,0.);}
  //       }
  //     }
  //     float nErr = ErrRedCry->getBinContent(1);// for a non autoscan just the first bin should be filled
  //     if( nErr > nEvt*ReadCryErrThr_ ) { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1,0.);}
  //     else { meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->setBinContent(1,1,1.);}
  //   }

void EEBeamCaloClient::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 101 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, dqmStore_, ievt_, jevt_, and cmsCodeRules::cppFunctionSkipper::operator.


  dqmStore_ = edm::Service<DQMStore>().operator->();

  if ( debug_ ) std::cout << "EEBeamCaloClient: beginJob" << std::endl;

  ievt_ = 0;
  jevt_ = 0;

void EEBeamCaloClient::beginRun ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 112 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, jevt_, and setup().


  if ( debug_ ) std::cout << "EEBeamCaloClient: beginRun" << std::endl;

  jevt_ = 0;


void EEBeamCaloClient::cleanup ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 173 of file

References cloneME_, cryInArray_, dqmStore_, enableCleanup_, MonitorElement::getName(), hBAllNeededCry_, hBBeamCentered_, hBcryDone_, hBCryOnBeam_, hbDesync_, hbE1MaxCry_, hBE1vsCry_, hBE3x3_, hBE3x3Moving_, hBE3x3vsCry_, hBEne1_, hBEntriesvsCry_, hBGains_, hBMaxEneCry_, hBNumReadCry_, hBpulse_, hBReadCryErrors_, hbTBmoving_, meEEBCaloRedGreen_, meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_, meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_, pBCriInBeamEvents_, prefixME_, DQMStore::removeElement(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by endJob(), and endRun().

  if ( ! enableCleanup_ ) return;
  if ( cloneME_ ) {
    for(int u=0;u<cryInArray_;u++) {
      if(hBGains_[u]) delete hBGains_[u];
      if(hBpulse_[u]) delete hBpulse_[u];
      //if(hBGainsMoving_[u])delete hBGainsMoving_[u];
    if(hBEne1_) delete hBEne1_;
    //    if(hBEne1Moving_) delete hBEne1Moving_;
    if(hBAllNeededCry_) delete hBAllNeededCry_;
    if(hBNumReadCry_) delete hBNumReadCry_;
    if(hBE3x3_) delete hBE3x3_;
    if(hBE3x3Moving_) delete hBE3x3Moving_;
    if(hBCryOnBeam_) delete hBCryOnBeam_;
    if(hBMaxEneCry_) delete hBMaxEneCry_;
    if(hBReadCryErrors_) delete hBReadCryErrors_;
    if(hBE1vsCry_) delete hBE1vsCry_;
    if(hBE3x3vsCry_) delete hBE3x3vsCry_;
    if(hBEntriesvsCry_) delete hBEntriesvsCry_;
    if(hBcryDone_) delete hBcryDone_;
    if(hBBeamCentered_) delete hBBeamCentered_;
    if(hbTBmoving_) delete hbTBmoving_;
    if(hbE1MaxCry_) delete hbE1MaxCry_;
    if(hbDesync_) delete hbDesync_;
    if(pBCriInBeamEvents_) delete pBCriInBeamEvents_;

  for(int u=0;u<cryInArray_;u++) {
    hBGains_[u] = 0;
    hBpulse_[u] = 0;
    //hBGainsMoving_[u] = 0;
  hBEne1_ = 0;
  //hBEne1Moving_ = 0;
  hBAllNeededCry_ = 0;
  hBNumReadCry_ = 0;
  hBE3x3_ = 0;
  hBE3x3Moving_ = 0;
  hBCryOnBeam_ = 0;
  hBMaxEneCry_ = 0;
  hBReadCryErrors_ = 0;
  hBE1vsCry_ = 0;
  hBE3x3vsCry_ = 0;
  hBEntriesvsCry_ = 0;
  hBcryDone_ = 0;
  hBBeamCentered_ = 0;
  hbTBmoving_ = 0;
  hbE1MaxCry_ = 0;
  hbDesync_ = 0;
  pBCriInBeamEvents_ =0;

  dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloClient" );

  if ( meEEBCaloRedGreen_) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloRedGreen_->getName() );
  meEEBCaloRedGreen_ = 0;
  if ( meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->getName() );
  meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_ = 0;
  if( meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement (  meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->getName() );
  meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_ = 0;
void EEBeamCaloClient::endJob ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 122 of file

References cleanup(), gather_cfg::cout, debug_, and ievt_.


  if ( debug_ ) std::cout << "EEBeamCaloClient: endJob, ievt = " << ievt_ << std::endl;


void EEBeamCaloClient::endRun ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 130 of file

References cleanup(), gather_cfg::cout, debug_, and jevt_.


  if ( debug_ ) std::cout << "EEBeamCaloClient: endRun, jevt = " << jevt_ << std::endl;


int EEBeamCaloClient::getEvtPerJob ( void  ) [inline, virtual]

Get Functions.

Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 70 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

References ievt_.

{ return ievt_; }
int EEBeamCaloClient::getEvtPerRun ( void  ) [inline, virtual]

Returns the number of processed events in this Run.

Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 71 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

References jevt_.

{ return jevt_; }
void EEBeamCaloClient::setup ( void  ) [virtual]


Implements EEClient.

Definition at line 138 of file

References newFWLiteAna::bin, DQMStore::book2D(), dqmStore_, MonitorElement::getName(), trackerHits::histo, meEEBCaloRedGreen_, meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_, meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_, prefixME_, DQMStore::removeElement(), MonitorElement::Reset(), MonitorElement::setAxisTitle(), MonitorElement::setBinContent(), and DQMStore::setCurrentFolder().

Referenced by beginRun().


  char histo[200];

  dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder( prefixME_ + "/EEBeamCaloClient" );

  if ( meEEBCaloRedGreen_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloRedGreen_->getName() );
  sprintf(histo, "EEBCT quality");
  meEEBCaloRedGreen_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 85, 0., 85., 20, 0., 20.);


  for ( int ie = 1; ie <= 85; ie++ ) {
    for ( int ip = 1; ip <= 20; ip++ ) {

      meEEBCaloRedGreen_ ->setBinContent( ie, ip, 2. );


  if ( meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_ ) dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_->getName() );
  sprintf(histo, "EEBCT quality read crystal errors");
  meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 1, 0., 1., 1, 0., 1.);
  meEEBCaloRedGreenReadCry_ ->setBinContent( 1, 1, 2. );

  if( meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_ )  dqmStore_->removeElement( meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->getName() );
  sprintf(histo, "EEBCT quality entries or read crystals errors");
  meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_ = dqmStore_->book2D(histo, histo, 86, 1., 87., 1, 0., 1.);
  meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->setAxisTitle("step in the scan");
  for( int bin=1; bin <87; bin++) { meEEBCaloRedGreenSteps_->setBinContent( bin, 1, 2. );}


Member Data Documentation

float EEBeamCaloClient::aveEne1_ [private]

Definition at line 146 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 148 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

std::vector<int> EEBeamCaloClient::checkedSteps_ [private]

Definition at line 94 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 80 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

const int EEBeamCaloClient::cryInArray_ = 9 [static, private]

Definition at line 75 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

bool EEBeamCaloClient::debug_ [private]

Definition at line 83 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), beginRun(), EEBeamCaloClient(), endJob(), and endRun().

Definition at line 91 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), cleanup(), and setup().

float EEBeamCaloClient::E1Th_ [private]

Definition at line 147 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

float EEBeamCaloClient::E3x3Th_ [private]

Definition at line 149 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 87 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 106 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 128 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 126 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 114 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

TH1F* EEBeamCaloClient::hbDesync_ [private]

Definition at line 134 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 132 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

TProfile* EEBeamCaloClient::hBE1vsCry_ [private]

Definition at line 120 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

TH1F* EEBeamCaloClient::hBE3x3_ [private]

Definition at line 110 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 112 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

TProfile* EEBeamCaloClient::hBE3x3vsCry_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

TH1F* EEBeamCaloClient::hBEne1_ [private]

Definition at line 101 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 124 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 98 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 116 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 108 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 99 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 118 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 130 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

int EEBeamCaloClient::ievt_ [private]

Definition at line 77 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), endJob(), and getEvtPerJob().

int EEBeamCaloClient::jevt_ [private]

Definition at line 78 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), beginRun(), endRun(), and getEvtPerRun().

Definition at line 138 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloClient(), and setup().

Definition at line 139 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloClient(), and setup().

Definition at line 140 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloClient(), and setup().

Definition at line 144 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 136 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

std::string EEBeamCaloClient::prefixME_ [private]

Definition at line 85 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), cleanup(), EEBeamCaloClient(), and setup().

Definition at line 95 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 151 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 150 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EEBeamCaloClient().

std::vector<int> EEBeamCaloClient::superModules_ [private]

Definition at line 89 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by EEBeamCaloClient().

Definition at line 82 of file EEBeamCaloClient.h.

Referenced by EEBeamCaloClient().