Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

HFShowerFibreBundle Class Reference

#include <HFShowerFibreBundle.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double getHits (G4Step *aStep, bool type)
double getRadius ()
 HFShowerFibreBundle (std::string &name, const DDCompactView &cpv, edm::ParameterSet const &p)
virtual ~HFShowerFibreBundle ()

Private Member Functions

std::vector< double > getDDDArray (const std::string &, const DDsvalues_type &)

Private Attributes

double facCone
double facTube
int indexF
int indexR
std::vector< int > pmtFib1
std::vector< int > pmtFib2
std::vector< int > pmtR1
std::vector< int > pmtR2
std::vector< double > rTable

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HFShowerFibreBundle::HFShowerFibreBundle ( std::string &  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p 

Definition at line 22 of file

References DDFilteredView::addFilter(), cherenkov1, cherenkov2, DDSpecificsFilter::equals, Exception, facCone, facTube, DDFilteredView::firstChild(), getDDDArray(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), getHLTprescales::index, DDFilteredView::mergedSpecifics(), AlCaRecoCosmics_cfg::name, pmtFib1, pmtFib2, pmtR1, pmtR2, rTable, DDSpecificsFilter::setCriteria(), and relativeConstraints::value.


  edm::ParameterSet m_HF1 = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HFShowerStraightBundle");
  facTube                 = m_HF1.getParameter<double>("FactorBundle");
  cherenkov1              = new HFCherenkov(m_HF1);
  edm::ParameterSet m_HF2 = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HFShowerConicalBundle");
  facCone                 = m_HF2.getParameter<double>("FactorBundle");
  cherenkov2              = new HFCherenkov(m_HF2);
  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle intialized with factors: "
                           << facTube << " for the straight portion and "
                           << facCone << " for the curved portion";
  G4String attribute = "ReadOutName";
  G4String value     = name;
  DDSpecificsFilter filter0;
  DDValue           ddv0(attribute,value,0);
  DDFilteredView fv0(cpv);
  if (fv0.firstChild()) {
    DDsvalues_type sv0(fv0.mergedSpecifics());

    //Special Geometry parameters
    rTable   = getDDDArray("rTable",sv0);
    edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: " << rTable.size() 
                             << " rTable (cm)";
    for (unsigned int ig=0; ig<rTable.size(); ig++)
      edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: rTable[" << ig 
                               << "] = " << rTable[ig]/cm << " cm";
  } else {
    edm::LogError("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: cannot get filtered "
                              << " view for " << attribute << " matching "
                              << value;
    throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerFibreBundle")
      << "cannot match " << attribute << " to " << name <<"\n";

  attribute = "Volume";
  value     = "HFPMT";
  DDSpecificsFilter filter1;
  DDValue           ddv1(attribute,value,0);
  DDFilteredView fv1(cpv);
  if (fv1.firstChild()) {
    DDsvalues_type sv1(fv1.mergedSpecifics());
    std::vector<double> neta;
    neta = getDDDArray("indexPMTR",sv1);
    for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<neta.size(); ii++) {
      int index = static_cast<int>(neta[ii]);
      int ir=-1, ifib=-1;
      if (index >= 0) {
        ir   = index/10; ifib = index%10;
    neta = getDDDArray("indexPMTL",sv1);
    for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<neta.size(); ii++) {
      int index = static_cast<int>(neta[ii]);
      int ir=-1, ifib=-1;
      if (index >= 0) {
        ir   = index/10; ifib = index%10;
    edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: gets the Index matches "
                             << "for " << neta.size() << " PMTs";
    for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<neta.size(); ii++) 
      edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: rIndexR[" << ii 
                               << "] = " << pmtR1[ii] << " fibreR[" << ii 
                               << "] = " << pmtFib1[ii] << " rIndexL[" << ii 
                               << "] = " << pmtR2[ii] << " fibreL[" << ii 
                               << "] = " << pmtFib2[ii];
  } else {
    edm::LogWarning("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: cannot get filtered "
                                << " view for " << attribute << " matching "
                                << value;
HFShowerFibreBundle::~HFShowerFibreBundle ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 107 of file

References cherenkov1, and cherenkov2.

  delete cherenkov1;
  delete cherenkov2;

Member Function Documentation

std::vector< double > HFShowerFibreBundle::getDDDArray ( const std::string &  str,
const DDsvalues_type sv 
) [private]

Definition at line 182 of file

References DDfetch(), DDValue::doubles(), Exception, LogDebug, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by HFShowerFibreBundle().


#ifdef DebugLog
  LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle:getDDDArray called for " << str;
  DDValue value(str);
  if (DDfetch(&sv,value)) {
#ifdef DebugLog
    LogDebug("HFShower") << value;
    const std::vector<double> & fvec = value.doubles();
    int nval = fvec.size();
    if (nval < 2) {
      edm::LogError("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: # of " << str 
                                << " bins " << nval << " < 2 ==> illegal";
      throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerFibreBundle")
        << "nval < 2 for array " << str << "\n";

    return fvec;
  } else {
    edm::LogError("HFShower") <<"HFShowerFibreBundle: cannot get array " <<str;
    throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerFibreBundle") 
      << "cannot get array " << str << "\n";
double HFShowerFibreBundle::getHits ( G4Step *  aStep,
bool  type 

Definition at line 112 of file

References beta, cherenkov1, cherenkov2, HFCherenkov::computeNPEinPMT(), facCone, facTube, indexF, indexR, LogDebug, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::photons, pmtFib1, pmtFib2, pmtR1, and pmtR2.

Referenced by HCalSD::getHitFibreBundle().


  indexR = indexF = -1;

  G4StepPoint * preStepPoint  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
  const G4VTouchable* touch   = preStepPoint->GetTouchable();
  int                 boxNo   = touch->GetReplicaNumber(1);
  int                 pmtNo   = touch->GetReplicaNumber(0);
  if (boxNo <= 1) {
    indexR = pmtR1[pmtNo-1];
    indexF = pmtFib1[pmtNo-1];
  } else {
    indexR = pmtR2[pmtNo-1];
    indexF = pmtFib2[pmtNo-1];

#ifdef DebugLog
  double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
  LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: Box " << boxNo << " PMT "
                       << pmtNo << " Mapped Indices " << indexR << ", "
                       << indexF << " Edeposit " << edep/MeV << " MeV";

  double photons = 0;
  if (indexR >= 0 && indexF > 0) {
    G4Track *aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
    G4ParticleDefinition *particleDef = aTrack->GetDefinition();
    double stepl = aStep->GetStepLength();
    double beta  = preStepPoint->GetBeta();
    G4ThreeVector pDir = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle()->GetMomentumDirection();
    G4ThreeVector localMom = preStepPoint->GetTouchable()->GetHistory()->
    if (type) {
      photons = facCone*cherenkov2->computeNPEinPMT(particleDef, beta,
                                                    localMom.x(), localMom.y(),
                                                    localMom.z(), stepl);
    } else {
      photons = facTube*cherenkov1->computeNPEinPMT(particleDef, beta,
                                                    localMom.x(), localMom.y(),
                                                    localMom.z(), stepl);
#ifdef DebugLog
  LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle::getHits: for particle " 
                       << particleDef->GetParticleName() << " Step " << stepl
                       << " Beta " << beta << " Direction " << pDir
                       << " Local " << localMom << " p.e. " << photons;

  return photons;
double HFShowerFibreBundle::getRadius ( )

Definition at line 164 of file

References indexF, indexR, LogDebug, csvReporter::r, and rTable.

Referenced by HCalSD::getHitFibreBundle().

  double r = 0.;
  if (indexR >= 0 && indexR+1 < (int)(rTable.size()))
    r = 0.5*(rTable[indexR]+rTable[indexR+1]);
#ifdef DebugLog
    LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle::getRadius: R " << indexR
                         << " F " << indexF;
  if (indexF == 2)  r =-r;
#ifdef DebugLog
  LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerFibreBundle: Radius (" << indexR << "/" 
                       << indexF << ") " << r;
  return r;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 35 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), HFShowerFibreBundle(), and ~HFShowerFibreBundle().

Definition at line 35 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), HFShowerFibreBundle(), and ~HFShowerFibreBundle().

double HFShowerFibreBundle::facCone [private]

Definition at line 36 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

double HFShowerFibreBundle::facTube [private]

Definition at line 36 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

Definition at line 37 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and getRadius().

Definition at line 37 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and getRadius().

std::vector<int> HFShowerFibreBundle::pmtFib1 [private]

Definition at line 39 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

std::vector<int> HFShowerFibreBundle::pmtFib2 [private]

Definition at line 40 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

std::vector<int> HFShowerFibreBundle::pmtR1 [private]

Definition at line 39 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

std::vector<int> HFShowerFibreBundle::pmtR2 [private]

Definition at line 40 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().

std::vector<double> HFShowerFibreBundle::rTable [private]

Definition at line 38 of file HFShowerFibreBundle.h.

Referenced by getRadius(), and HFShowerFibreBundle().