Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

CocoaDaqReaderRoot Class Reference

#include <CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h>

Inheritance diagram for CocoaDaqReaderRoot:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void BuildMeasurementsFromOptAlign (std::vector< OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo > &measList)
 CocoaDaqReaderRoot (const std::string &m_inFileName)
int GetNEvents () const
virtual bool ReadEvent (int nev)
virtual bool ReadNextEvent ()
 ~CocoaDaqReaderRoot ()

Private Member Functions

OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo GetMeasFromDist (AliDaqDistance *dist)
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo GetMeasFromPosition2D (AliDaqPosition2D *pos2D)
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo GetMeasFromPositionCOPS (AliDaqPositionCOPS *posCOPS)
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo GetMeasFromTilt (AliDaqTilt *tilt)

Private Attributes

int nev
int nextEvent
TFile * theFile
TTree * theTree

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CocoaDaqReaderRoot::CocoaDaqReaderRoot ( const std::string &  m_inFileName)

Definition at line 16 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, ALIUtils::debug, exception, nev, nextEvent, CocoaDaqReader::SetDaqReader(), theEvent, theFile, and theTree.

  if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout << " CocoaDaqReaderRoot opening file: " << m_inFileName << std::endl;
  // Open root file
  theFile = new TFile(m_inFileName.c_str()); 
  if( !theTree ) {
    std::cerr << " CocoaDaqReaderRoot TTree file not found " << m_inFileName << std::endl;
  // Read TTree named "CocoaDaq" in memory.  !! SHOULD BE CALLED Alignment_Cocoa
   theTree = (TTree*)theFile->Get("CocoaDaq");
  //  theTree = (TTree*)theFile->Get("Alignment_Link_Cocoa");
  if( !theTree ) {
    std::cerr << " CocoaDaqReaderRoot TTree in file " << m_inFileName << " should be called 'CocoaDaq' " << std::endl;
  TBranch *branch = theTree->GetBranch("Alignment_Cocoa");

  nev = branch->GetEntries(); // number of entries in Tree
  //if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << "CocoaDaqReaderRoot::CocoaDaqReaderRoot:  number of entries in Tree " << nev << std::endl;
  nextEvent = 0;

  // Event object must be created before setting the branch address
  theEvent = new CocoaDaqRootEvent();

  // link pointer to Tree branch
   theTree->SetBranchAddress("Alignment_Cocoa", &theEvent);  //  !! SHOULD BE CALLED Alignment_Cocoa
  // theTree->SetBranchAddress("Alignment_Link", &theEvent);  //  !! SHOULD BE CALLED Alignment_Cocoa

  CocoaDaqReader::SetDaqReader( this );

CocoaDaqReaderRoot::~CocoaDaqReaderRoot ( )

Definition at line 53 of file

References theFile.


Member Function Documentation

void CocoaDaqReaderRoot::BuildMeasurementsFromOptAlign ( std::vector< OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo > &  measList) [virtual]

Reimplemented from CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 256 of file

References begin, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, ALIUtils::debug, cmsRelvalreport::exit, Model::MeasurementList(), OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::type_, and OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::values_.

Referenced by ReadEvent().

  if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout << "@@@ CocoaDaqReaderRoot::BuildMeasurementsFromOptAlign " << std::endl;

 //set date and time of current measurement
  //  if( wordlist[0] == "DATE:" ) {
  //   Measurement::setCurrentDate( wordlist ); 
  // } 

  //---------- loop measurements read from ROOT and check for corresponding measurement in Model
  //  ALIint nMeasModel = Model::MeasurementList().size();
  ALIint nMeasRoot = measList.size();
  if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
    std::cout << " Building " << nMeasRoot << " measurements from ROOT file " << std::endl;

  //--- Loop to Measurements in Model and check for corresponding measurement in ROOT
  std::vector< Measurement* >::const_iterator vmcite;
  for( vmcite = Model::MeasurementList().begin();  vmcite != Model::MeasurementList().end(); vmcite++ ) {
    ALIint fcolon = (*vmcite)->name().find(':');
    ALIstring oname = (*vmcite)->name();
    oname = oname.substr(fcolon+1,oname.length());
    //---------- loop measurements read from ROOT 
    ALIint ii;
    for(ii = 0; ii < nMeasRoot; ii++) {
      OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo measInfo = measList[ii];
      std::cout << " measurement name ROOT " << measInfo.name_ << " Model= " << (*vmcite)->name() << " short " << oname << std::endl;
      if( oname == measInfo.name_ ) {
        //-------- Measurement found, fill data
        //---- Check that type is the same
        if( (*vmcite)->type() != measInfo.type_ ) {
          std::cerr << "!!! Measurement from ROOT file: type in file is " 
                    <<measInfo.type_ << " and should be " << (*vmcite)->type() << std::endl;
        std::cout << " NOBJECTS IN MEAS " << (*vmcite)->OptOList().size() << " NMEAS " << Model::MeasurementList().size() << std::endl;
        std::vector<OpticalAlignParam> measValues = measInfo.values_;
        for( size_t jj= 0; jj < measValues.size(); jj++ ){
          (*vmcite)->fillData( jj, &(measValues[jj]) );

        std::cout << " NOBJECTS IN MEAS after " << (*vmcite)->OptOList().size() << " NMEAS " << Model::MeasurementList().size()  << std::endl;

    if (ii==nMeasRoot) {
      std::cerr << "!!! Reading measurement from file: measurement not found! Type in list is "  <<  oname  << std::endl;

OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo CocoaDaqReaderRoot::GetMeasFromDist ( AliDaqDistance dist) [private]

Definition at line 230 of file

References OpticalAlignParam::error_, AliDaqDistance::GetDistance(), AliDaqDistance::GetDistanceError(), AliDaqDistance::GetID(), OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::isSimulatedValue_, OpticalAlignParam::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::type_, OpticalAlignParam::value_, and OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::values_.

Referenced by ReadEvent().

  OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo meas;
  meas.type_ = "DISTANCEMETER";
  meas.name_ = dist->GetID();
  //-   std::vector<std::string> measObjectNames_;
  std::vector<bool> isSimu;
  for( size_t jj = 0; jj < 2; jj++ ){
  meas.isSimulatedValue_ = isSimu; 
  std::vector<OpticalAlignParam> paramList;
  OpticalAlignParam oaParam;
  oaParam.name_ = "D:";
  oaParam.value_ = dist->GetDistance()/100.;
  oaParam.error_ = dist->GetDistanceError()/100.;

  meas.values_ = paramList;

  return meas;
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo CocoaDaqReaderRoot::GetMeasFromPosition2D ( AliDaqPosition2D pos2D) [private]

Definition at line 126 of file

References OpticalAlignParam::error_, AliDaqPosition2D::GetID(), AliDaqPosition2D::GetX(), AliDaqPosition2D::GetXerror(), AliDaqPosition2D::GetY(), AliDaqPosition2D::GetYerror(), OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::isSimulatedValue_, OpticalAlignParam::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::type_, OpticalAlignParam::value_, and OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::values_.

Referenced by ReadEvent().

  OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo meas;
  meas.type_ = "SENSOR2D";
  meas.name_ = pos2D->GetID();
  //-   std::vector<std::string> measObjectNames_;
  std::vector<bool> isSimu;
  for( size_t jj = 0; jj < 2; jj++ ){
  meas.isSimulatedValue_ = isSimu; 
  std::vector<OpticalAlignParam> paramList;
  OpticalAlignParam oaParam1;
  oaParam1.name_ = "H:";
  oaParam1.value_ = pos2D->GetX()/100.;
  oaParam1.error_ = pos2D->GetXerror()/100.;
  OpticalAlignParam oaParam2;
  oaParam2.name_ = "V:";
  oaParam2.value_ = pos2D->GetY()/100.;
  oaParam2.error_ = pos2D->GetYerror()/100.;
  meas.values_ = paramList;

  return meas;
OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo CocoaDaqReaderRoot::GetMeasFromPositionCOPS ( AliDaqPositionCOPS posCOPS) [private]

Definition at line 158 of file

References OpticalAlignParam::error_, AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetDown(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetDownError(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetID(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetLeft(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetLeftError(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetRight(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetRightError(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetUp(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetUpError(), OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::isSimulatedValue_, OpticalAlignParam::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::type_, OpticalAlignParam::value_, and OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::values_.

Referenced by ReadEvent().

  OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo meas;
  meas.type_ = "COPS";
  meas.name_ = posCOPS->GetID();
  //-   std::vector<std::string> measObjectNames_;
  std::vector<bool> isSimu;
  for( size_t jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++ ){
  meas.isSimulatedValue_ = isSimu; 

  std::vector<OpticalAlignParam> paramList;
  OpticalAlignParam oaParam1;
  oaParam1.name_ = "U:";
  oaParam1.value_ = posCOPS->GetUp()/100.;
  oaParam1.error_ = posCOPS->GetUpError()/100.;

  OpticalAlignParam oaParam2;
  oaParam2.name_ = "U:";
  oaParam2.value_ = posCOPS->GetDown()/100.;
  oaParam2.error_ = posCOPS->GetDownError()/100.;

  OpticalAlignParam oaParam3;
  oaParam3.name_ = "U:";
  oaParam3.value_ = posCOPS->GetRight()/100.;
  oaParam3.error_ = posCOPS->GetRightError()/100.;

  OpticalAlignParam oaParam4;
  oaParam4.name_ = "U:";
  oaParam4.value_ = posCOPS->GetLeft()/100.;
  oaParam4.error_ = posCOPS->GetLeftError()/100.;
  meas.values_ = paramList;

  return meas;

OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo CocoaDaqReaderRoot::GetMeasFromTilt ( AliDaqTilt tilt) [private]

Definition at line 203 of file

References OpticalAlignParam::error_, AliDaqTilt::GetID(), AliDaqTilt::GetTilt(), AliDaqTilt::GetTiltError(), OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::isSimulatedValue_, OpticalAlignParam::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::name_, OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::type_, OpticalAlignParam::value_, and OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo::values_.

Referenced by ReadEvent().

  OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo meas;
  meas.type_ = "TILTMETER";
  meas.name_ = tilt->GetID();
  //-   std::vector<std::string> measObjectNames_;
  std::vector<bool> isSimu;
  for( size_t jj = 0; jj < 2; jj++ ){
  meas.isSimulatedValue_ = isSimu; 
  std::vector<OpticalAlignParam> paramList;
  OpticalAlignParam oaParam;
  oaParam.name_ = "T:";
  oaParam.value_ = tilt->GetTilt();
  oaParam.error_ = tilt->GetTiltError();
  meas.values_ = paramList;

  return meas;

int CocoaDaqReaderRoot::GetNEvents ( ) const [inline]

Reimplemented from CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 22 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

References nev.

{ return nev; }
bool CocoaDaqReaderRoot::ReadEvent ( int  nev) [virtual]

Reimplemented from CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 66 of file

References BuildMeasurementsFromOptAlign(), gather_cfg::cout, ALIUtils::debug, AliDaqPositionCOPS::DumpIt(), AliDaqDistance::DumpIt(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::DumpIt(), AliDaqTilt::DumpIt(), AliDaqPosition2D::DumpIt(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetArray_Dist(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetArray_Position2D(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetArray_PositionCOPS(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetArray_Tilt(), AliDaqTilt::GetID(), AliDaqDistance::GetID(), AliDaqPosition2D::GetID(), AliDaqPositionCOPS::GetID(), GetMeasFromDist(), GetMeasFromPosition2D(), GetMeasFromPositionCOPS(), GetMeasFromTilt(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetNumDist(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetNumPos2D(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetNumPosCOPS(), CocoaDaqRootEvent::GetNumTilt(), n, nextEvent, theEvent, and theTree.

Referenced by ReadNextEvent().

  std::vector<OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo> measList;

  int nb  = 0;   // dummy, number of bytes
  // Loop over all events
  nb = theTree->GetEntry(nev);  // read in entire event
  if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout << "CocoaDaqReaderRoot reading event " << nev << " " << nb << std::endl;
  if( nb == 0 ) return 0; //end of file reached??

  // Every n events, dump one to screen
  int n = 1;
  if(nev%n == 0 &&  ALIUtils::debug >= 3 ) theEvent->DumpIt();
  //if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout<<" CocoaDaqReaderRoot::ReadEvent "<< nev <<std::endl;

   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout<<" CocoaDaqReaderRoot::ReadEvent npos2D "<< theEvent->GetNumPos2D() << " nCOPS " << theEvent->GetNumPosCOPS() << std::endl;
  for(int ii=0; ii<theEvent->GetNumPos2D(); ii++) {
    AliDaqPosition2D* pos2D = (AliDaqPosition2D*) theEvent->GetArray_Position2D()->At(ii);
    if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout<<"2D sensor "<<ii<<" has ID = "<<pos2D->GetID()<< std::endl;
     measList.push_back( GetMeasFromPosition2D( pos2D ) );
  for(int ii=0; ii<theEvent->GetNumPosCOPS(); ii++) {
    AliDaqPositionCOPS* posCOPS = (AliDaqPositionCOPS*) theEvent->GetArray_PositionCOPS()->At(ii);
    measList.push_back( GetMeasFromPositionCOPS( posCOPS ) );
    if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
      std::cout<<"COPS sensor "<<ii<<" has ID = "<<posCOPS->GetID()<< std::endl;
  for(int ii=0; ii<theEvent->GetNumTilt(); ii++) {
    AliDaqTilt* tilt = (AliDaqTilt*) theEvent->GetArray_Tilt()->At(ii);
    measList.push_back( GetMeasFromTilt( tilt ) );
     if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
       std::cout<<"TILT sensor "<<ii<<" has ID = "<<tilt->GetID()<< std::endl;
  for(int ii=0; ii<theEvent->GetNumDist(); ii++) {
    AliDaqDistance* dist = (AliDaqDistance*) theEvent->GetArray_Dist()->At(ii);
    measList.push_back( GetMeasFromDist( dist ) );
    if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
      std::cout<<"DIST sensor "<<ii<<" has ID = "<<dist->GetID()<< std::endl;
  nextEvent = nev + 1;
  BuildMeasurementsFromOptAlign( measList );
  return 1;
bool CocoaDaqReaderRoot::ReadNextEvent ( ) [virtual]

Implements CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 59 of file

References nextEvent, and ReadEvent().

  return ReadEvent( nextEvent );

Member Data Documentation

int CocoaDaqReaderRoot::nev [private]

Reimplemented from CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 33 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Referenced by CocoaDaqReaderRoot(), and GetNEvents().

Reimplemented from CocoaDaqReader.

Definition at line 34 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Referenced by CocoaDaqReaderRoot(), ReadEvent(), and ReadNextEvent().

Definition at line 30 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Referenced by CocoaDaqReaderRoot(), and ReadEvent().

TFile* CocoaDaqReaderRoot::theFile [private]

Definition at line 31 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Referenced by CocoaDaqReaderRoot(), and ~CocoaDaqReaderRoot().

TTree* CocoaDaqReaderRoot::theTree [private]

Definition at line 32 of file CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h.

Referenced by CocoaDaqReaderRoot(), and ReadEvent().