![]() |
![]() |
#include <DTNoiseComputation.h>
Public Member Functions | |
void | analyze (const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) |
void | beginJob () |
BeginJob. | |
void | beginRun (const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &setup) |
DTNoiseComputation (const edm::ParameterSet &ps) | |
Constructor. | |
void | endJob () |
Endjob. | |
virtual | ~DTNoiseComputation () |
Destructor. | |
Private Member Functions | |
std::string | getChamberName (const DTLayerId &lId) const |
Get the name of the chamber. | |
std::string | getLayerName (const DTLayerId &lId) const |
Get the name of the layer. | |
int | getMaxNumBins (const DTChamberId &chId) const |
std::string | getSuperLayerName (const DTSuperLayerId &slId) const |
Get the name of the superLayer. | |
double | getYMaximum (const DTSuperLayerId &slId) const |
Private Attributes | |
std::map< DTChamberId, TH1F * > | AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber |
std::map< DTSuperLayerId, TH1F * > | AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer |
std::map< DTChamberId, TH1F * > | AvNoisePerChamber |
std::map< DTSuperLayerId, TH1F * > | AvNoisePerSuperLayer |
int | counter |
bool | debug |
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometry > | dtGeom |
bool | fastAnalysis |
int | MaxEvents |
std::map< std::pair< int, int > , TH1F * > | noisyC |
std::map< std::pair< int, int > , TH1F * > | someHowNoisyC |
std::map< DTWireId, double > | theAverageNoise |
std::map< DTLayerId, std::vector< TH2F * > > | theEvtMap |
TFile * | theFile |
std::map< DTWireId, TH1F * > | theHistoEvtDistancePerWire |
TFile * | theNewFile |
std::map< DTWireId, double > | theTimeConstant |
std::map< DTLayerId, bool > | toComputeNoiseAverage |
std::map< DTWireId, bool > | toDel |
Definition at line 37 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
DTNoiseComputation::DTNoiseComputation | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | ps | ) |
Definition at line 45 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, debug, edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and interactiveExample::theFile.
{ cout << "[DTNoiseComputation]: Constructor" <<endl; // Get the debug parameter for verbose output debug = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug"); // The analysis type fastAnalysis = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("fastAnalysis", true); // The root file which contain the histos string rootFileName = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFileName"); theFile = new TFile(rootFileName.c_str(), "READ"); // The new root file which contain the histos string newRootFileName = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("newRootFileName"); theNewFile = new TFile(newRootFileName.c_str(), "RECREATE"); // The maximum number of events to analyze MaxEvents = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("MaxEvents"); }
DTNoiseComputation::~DTNoiseComputation | ( | ) | [virtual] |
Definition at line 394 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References interactiveExample::theFile.
{ theFile->Close(); theNewFile->Close(); }
void DTNoiseComputation::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | event, |
const edm::EventSetup & | setup | ||
) | [inline, virtual] |
void DTNoiseComputation::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [inline, virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 48 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
void DTNoiseComputation::beginRun | ( | const edm::Run & | , |
const edm::EventSetup & | setup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 68 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References newFWLiteAna::bin, DTSuperLayerId::chamberId(), prof2calltree::count, gather_cfg::cout, debug, edm::EventSetup::get(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), DTLayerId::superlayerId(), interactiveExample::theFile, and DTChamberId::wheel().
{ // Get the DT Geometry setup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeom); static int count = 0; if(count == 0){ string CheckHistoName; TH1F *hOccHisto; TH1F *hAverageNoiseHisto; TH1F *hAverageNoiseIntegratedHisto; TH1F *hAverageNoiseHistoPerCh; TH1F *hAverageNoiseIntegratedHistoPerCh; TH2F *hEvtHisto; string HistoName; string Histo2Name; string AverageNoiseName; string AverageNoiseIntegratedName; string AverageNoiseNamePerCh; string AverageNoiseIntegratedNamePerCh; TH1F *hnoisyC; TH1F *hsomeHowNoisyC; // Loop over all the chambers vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_it = dtGeom->chambers().begin(); vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator ch_end = dtGeom->chambers().end(); // Loop over the SLs for (; ch_it != ch_end; ++ch_it) { DTChamberId ch = (*ch_it)->id(); vector<const DTSuperLayer*>::const_iterator sl_it = (*ch_it)->superLayers().begin(); vector<const DTSuperLayer*>::const_iterator sl_end = (*ch_it)->superLayers().end(); // Loop over the SLs for(; sl_it != sl_end; ++sl_it) { // DTSuperLayerId sl = (*sl_it)->id(); vector<const DTLayer*>::const_iterator l_it = (*sl_it)->layers().begin(); vector<const DTLayer*>::const_iterator l_end = (*sl_it)->layers().end(); // Loop over the Ls for(; l_it != l_end; ++l_it) { DTLayerId dtLId = (*l_it)->id(); //check if the layer has digi theFile->cd(); CheckHistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(dtLId); TH1F *hCheckHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(CheckHistoName.c_str()); if(hCheckHisto){ delete hCheckHisto; stringstream wheel; wheel << ch.wheel(); stringstream station; station << ch.station(); if(someHowNoisyC.find(make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())) == someHowNoisyC.end()) { TString histoName_someHowNoisy = "somehowNoisyCell_W"+wheel.str()+"_St"+station.str(); hsomeHowNoisyC = new TH1F(histoName_someHowNoisy,histoName_someHowNoisy,getMaxNumBins(ch),1,getMaxNumBins(ch)+1); someHowNoisyC[make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())]=hsomeHowNoisyC; } if(noisyC.find(make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())) == noisyC.end()) { TString histoName_noisy = "noisyCell_W"+wheel.str()+"_St"+station.str(); hnoisyC = new TH1F(histoName_noisy,histoName_noisy,getMaxNumBins(ch),1,getMaxNumBins(ch)+1); noisyC[make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())]=hnoisyC; } //to fill a map with the average noise per wire and fill new noise histo if(AvNoisePerSuperLayer.find(dtLId.superlayerId()) == AvNoisePerSuperLayer.end()) { AverageNoiseName = "AverageNoise_" + getSuperLayerName(dtLId.superlayerId()); hAverageNoiseHisto = new TH1F(AverageNoiseName.c_str(), AverageNoiseName.c_str(), 200, 0, 10000); AverageNoiseIntegratedName = "AverageNoiseIntegrated_" + getSuperLayerName(dtLId.superlayerId()); hAverageNoiseIntegratedHisto = new TH1F(AverageNoiseIntegratedName.c_str(), AverageNoiseIntegratedName.c_str(), 200, 0, 10000); AvNoisePerSuperLayer[dtLId.superlayerId()] = hAverageNoiseHisto; AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer[dtLId.superlayerId()] = hAverageNoiseIntegratedHisto; if(debug){ cout << " New Average Noise Histo per SuperLayer : " << hAverageNoiseHisto->GetName() << endl; cout << " New Average Noise Integrated Histo per SuperLayer : " << hAverageNoiseHisto->GetName() << endl; } } if(AvNoisePerChamber.find(dtLId.superlayerId().chamberId()) == AvNoisePerChamber.end()) { AverageNoiseNamePerCh = "AverageNoise_" + getChamberName(dtLId); hAverageNoiseHistoPerCh = new TH1F(AverageNoiseNamePerCh.c_str(), AverageNoiseNamePerCh.c_str(), 200, 0, 10000); AverageNoiseIntegratedNamePerCh = "AverageNoiseIntegrated_" + getChamberName(dtLId); hAverageNoiseIntegratedHistoPerCh = new TH1F(AverageNoiseIntegratedNamePerCh.c_str(), AverageNoiseIntegratedNamePerCh.c_str(), 200, 0, 10000); AvNoisePerChamber[dtLId.superlayerId().chamberId()] = hAverageNoiseHistoPerCh; AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber[dtLId.superlayerId().chamberId()] = hAverageNoiseIntegratedHistoPerCh; if(debug) cout << " New Average Noise Histo per chamber : " << hAverageNoiseHistoPerCh->GetName() << endl; } HistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(dtLId); theFile->cd(); hOccHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(HistoName.c_str()); int numBin = hOccHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); for (int bin=1; bin<=numBin; bin++) { DTWireId wireID(dtLId, bin); theAverageNoise[wireID]= hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin); if(theAverageNoise[wireID] != 0) { AvNoisePerSuperLayer[dtLId.superlayerId()]->Fill(theAverageNoise[wireID]); AvNoisePerChamber[dtLId.superlayerId().chamberId()]->Fill(theAverageNoise[wireID]); } } //to compute the average noise per layer (excluding the noisy cells) double numCell=0; double AvNoise=0; HistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(dtLId); theFile->cd(); hOccHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(HistoName.c_str()); numBin = hOccHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); for (int bin=1; bin<=numBin; bin++) { DTWireId wireID(dtLId, bin); theAverageNoise[wireID]= hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin); if(hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin)<100){ numCell++; AvNoise += hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin); } if(hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin)>100 && hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin)<500){ someHowNoisyC[make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())]->Fill(bin); cout<<"filling somehow noisy cell"<<endl; } if(hOccHisto->GetBinContent(bin)>500){ noisyC[make_pair(ch.wheel(),ch.station())]->Fill(bin); cout<<"filling noisy cell"<<endl; } } AvNoise = AvNoise/numCell; cout<<"theAverageNoise for layer "<<getLayerName(dtLId)<<" is : "<<AvNoise << endl; // book the digi event plots every 1000 events int updates = MaxEvents/1000; for(int evt=0; evt<updates; evt++){ stringstream toAppend; toAppend << evt; Histo2Name = "DigiPerWirePerEvent_" + getLayerName(dtLId) + "_" + toAppend.str(); theFile->cd(); hEvtHisto = (TH2F *) theFile->Get(Histo2Name.c_str()); if(hEvtHisto){ if(debug) cout << " New Histo with the number of events per evt per wire: " << hEvtHisto->GetName() << endl; theEvtMap[dtLId].push_back(hEvtHisto); } } }// done if the layer has digi }// loop over layers }// loop over superlayers }// loop over chambers count++; } }
void DTNoiseComputation::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 219 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References newFWLiteAna::bin, alignmentValidation::c1, gather_cfg::cout, trackerHits::histo, i, DTLayerId::layer(), fitWZ::par0, and interactiveExample::theFile.
{ cout << "[DTNoiseComputation] endjob called!" <<endl; TH1F *hEvtDistance=0; TF1 *ExpoFit = new TF1("ExpoFit","expo", 0.5, 1000.5); ExpoFit->SetMarkerColor();//just silence gcc complaining about unused vars TF1 *funct=0; TProfile *theNoiseHisto = new TProfile("theNoiseHisto","Time Constant versus Average Noise",100000,0,100000); //compute the time constant for(map<DTLayerId, vector<TH2F*> >::const_iterator lHisto = theEvtMap.begin(); lHisto != theEvtMap.end(); lHisto++) { for(int bin=1; bin<(*lHisto).second[0]->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); bin++){ int distanceEvt = 1; DTWireId wire((*lHisto).first, bin); for(int i=0; i<int((*lHisto).second.size()); i++){ for(int evt=1; evt<=(*lHisto).second[i]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); evt++){ if((*lHisto).second[i]->GetBinContent(evt,bin) == 0) distanceEvt++; else { if(toDel.find(wire) == toDel.end()) { toDel[wire] = false; stringstream toAppend; toAppend << bin; string Histo = "EvtDistancePerWire_" + getLayerName((*lHisto).first) + "_" + toAppend.str(); hEvtDistance = new TH1F(Histo.c_str(),Histo.c_str(), 50000,0.5,50000.5); } hEvtDistance->Fill(distanceEvt); distanceEvt=1; } } } if(toDel.find(wire) != toDel.end()){ theHistoEvtDistancePerWire[wire] = hEvtDistance; theNewFile->cd(); theHistoEvtDistancePerWire[wire]->Fit("ExpoFit","R"); funct = theHistoEvtDistancePerWire[wire]->GetFunction("ExpoFit"); double par0 = funct->GetParameter(0); double par1 = funct->GetParameter(1); cout<<"par0: "<<par0<<" par1: "<<par1<<endl; double chi2rid = funct->GetChisquare()/funct->GetNDF(); if(chi2rid>10) theTimeConstant[wire]=1; else theTimeConstant[wire]=par1; toDel[wire] = true; theHistoEvtDistancePerWire[wire]->Write(); delete hEvtDistance; } } } if(!fastAnalysis){ //fill the histo with the time constant as a function of the average noise for(map<DTWireId, double>::const_iterator AvNoise = theAverageNoise.begin(); AvNoise != theAverageNoise.end(); AvNoise++) { DTWireId wire = (*AvNoise).first; theNoiseHisto->Fill((*AvNoise).second, theTimeConstant[wire]); cout<<"Layer: "<<getLayerName(wire.layerId())<<" wire: "<<wire.wire()<<endl; cout<<"The Average noise: "<<(*AvNoise).second<<endl; cout<<"The time constant: "<<theTimeConstant[wire]<<endl; } theNewFile->cd(); theNoiseHisto->Write(); } // histos with the integrated noise per layer int numBin; double integratedNoise, bin, halfBin, maxBin; for(map<DTSuperLayerId, TH1F*>::const_iterator AvNoiseHisto = AvNoisePerSuperLayer.begin(); AvNoiseHisto != AvNoisePerSuperLayer.end(); AvNoiseHisto++) { integratedNoise=0; numBin = (*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); maxBin = (*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); bin= double(maxBin/numBin); halfBin=double(bin/2); theNewFile->cd(); (*AvNoiseHisto).second->Write(); for(int i=1; i<numBin; i++){ integratedNoise+=(*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetBinContent(i); AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer[(*AvNoiseHisto).first]->Fill(halfBin,integratedNoise); halfBin+=bin; } theNewFile->cd(); AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer[(*AvNoiseHisto).first]->Write(); } // histos with the integrated noise per chamber for(map<DTChamberId, TH1F*>::const_iterator AvNoiseHisto = AvNoisePerChamber.begin(); AvNoiseHisto != AvNoisePerChamber.end(); AvNoiseHisto++) { integratedNoise=0; numBin = (*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); maxBin = (*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); bin= maxBin/numBin; halfBin=bin/2; theNewFile->cd(); (*AvNoiseHisto).second->Write(); for(int i=1; i<numBin; i++){ integratedNoise+=(*AvNoiseHisto).second->GetBinContent(i); AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber[(*AvNoiseHisto).first]->Fill(halfBin,integratedNoise); halfBin+=bin; } theNewFile->cd(); AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber[(*AvNoiseHisto).first]->Write(); } //overimpose the average noise histo bool histo=false; vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator chamber_it = dtGeom->chambers().begin(); vector<DTChamber*>::const_iterator chamber_end = dtGeom->chambers().end(); // Loop over the chambers for (; chamber_it != chamber_end; ++chamber_it) { DTChamberId ch = (*chamber_it)->id(); vector<const DTSuperLayer*>::const_iterator sl_it = (*chamber_it)->superLayers().begin(); vector<const DTSuperLayer*>::const_iterator sl_end = (*chamber_it)->superLayers().end(); // Loop over the SLs for(; sl_it != sl_end; ++sl_it) { DTSuperLayerId sl = (*sl_it)->id(); vector<const DTLayer*>::const_iterator l_it = (*sl_it)->layers().begin(); vector<const DTLayer*>::const_iterator l_end = (*sl_it)->layers().end(); string canvasName = "c" + getSuperLayerName(sl); TCanvas c1(canvasName.c_str(),canvasName.c_str(),600,780); TLegend *leg=new TLegend(0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8); for(; l_it != l_end; ++l_it) { DTLayerId layerId = (*l_it)->id(); string HistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(layerId); theFile->cd(); TH1F *hOccHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(HistoName.c_str()); if(hOccHisto){ string TitleHisto = "AverageNoise_" + getSuperLayerName(sl); cout<<"TitleHisto : "<<TitleHisto<<endl; hOccHisto->SetTitle(TitleHisto.c_str()); stringstream layer; layer << layerId.layer(); string legendHisto = "layer " + layer.str(); leg->AddEntry(hOccHisto,legendHisto.c_str(),"L"); hOccHisto->SetMaximum(getYMaximum(sl)); histo=true; if(layerId.layer() == 1) hOccHisto->Draw(); else hOccHisto->Draw("same"); hOccHisto->SetLineColor(layerId.layer()); } } if(histo){ leg->Draw("same"); theNewFile->cd(); c1.Write(); } } histo=false; } //write on file the noisy plots for(map<pair<int,int>, TH1F*>::const_iterator nCell = noisyC.begin(); nCell != noisyC.end(); nCell++) { theNewFile->cd(); (*nCell).second->Write(); } for(map<pair<int,int>, TH1F*>::const_iterator somehownCell = someHowNoisyC.begin(); somehownCell != someHowNoisyC.end(); somehownCell++) { theNewFile->cd(); (*somehownCell).second->Write(); } }
string DTNoiseComputation::getChamberName | ( | const DTLayerId & | lId | ) | const [private] |
Get the name of the chamber.
Definition at line 443 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References DTSuperLayerId::chamberId(), DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), DTLayerId::superlayerId(), and DTChamberId::wheel().
{ const DTSuperLayerId dtSLId = lId.superlayerId(); const DTChamberId dtChId = dtSLId.chamberId(); stringstream wheel; wheel << dtChId.wheel(); stringstream station; station << dtChId.station(); stringstream sector; sector << dtChId.sector(); string ChamberName = "W" + wheel.str() + "_St" + station.str() + "_Sec" + sector.str(); return ChamberName; }
string DTNoiseComputation::getLayerName | ( | const DTLayerId & | lId | ) | const [private] |
Get the name of the layer.
Definition at line 402 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References DTSuperLayerId::chamberId(), DTLayerId::layer(), DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), DTSuperLayerId::superlayer(), DTLayerId::superlayerId(), and DTChamberId::wheel().
{ const DTSuperLayerId dtSLId = lId.superlayerId(); const DTChamberId dtChId = dtSLId.chamberId(); stringstream Layer; Layer << lId.layer(); stringstream superLayer; superLayer << dtSLId.superlayer(); stringstream wheel; wheel << dtChId.wheel(); stringstream station; station << dtChId.station(); stringstream sector; sector << dtChId.sector(); string LayerName = "W" + wheel.str() + "_St" + station.str() + "_Sec" + sector.str() + "_SL" + superLayer.str() + "_L" + Layer.str(); return LayerName; }
int DTNoiseComputation::getMaxNumBins | ( | const DTChamberId & | chId | ) | const [private] |
Definition at line 461 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References DTLayerId, dttmaxenums::L, DTChamberId::station(), and interactiveExample::theFile.
{ int maximum=0; for(int SL=1; SL<=3; SL++){ if(!(chId.station()==4 && SL==2)){ for (int L=1; L<=4; L++){ DTLayerId layerId = DTLayerId(chId, SL, L); string HistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(layerId); theFile->cd(); TH1F *hOccHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(HistoName.c_str()); if(hOccHisto){ if (hOccHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()>maximum) maximum = hOccHisto->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); } } } } return maximum; }
string DTNoiseComputation::getSuperLayerName | ( | const DTSuperLayerId & | slId | ) | const [private] |
Get the name of the superLayer.
Definition at line 424 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References DTSuperLayerId::chamberId(), DTChamberId::sector(), relativeConstraints::station, DTChamberId::station(), DTSuperLayerId::superlayer(), and DTChamberId::wheel().
{ const DTChamberId dtChId = dtSLId.chamberId(); stringstream superLayer; superLayer << dtSLId.superlayer(); stringstream wheel; wheel << dtChId.wheel(); stringstream station; station << dtChId.station(); stringstream sector; sector << dtChId.sector(); string SuperLayerName = "W" + wheel.str() + "_St" + station.str() + "_Sec" + sector.str() + "_SL" + superLayer.str(); return SuperLayerName; }
double DTNoiseComputation::getYMaximum | ( | const DTSuperLayerId & | slId | ) | const [private] |
Definition at line 483 of file DTNoiseComputation.cc.
References DTLayerId, dttmaxenums::L, funct::pow(), and interactiveExample::theFile.
{ double maximum=0; double dummy = pow(10.,10.); for (int L=1; L<=4; L++){ DTLayerId layerId = DTLayerId(slId, L); string HistoName = "DigiOccupancy_" + getLayerName(layerId); theFile->cd(); TH1F *hOccHisto = (TH1F *) theFile->Get(HistoName.c_str()); if(hOccHisto){ if (hOccHisto->GetMaximum(dummy)>maximum) maximum = hOccHisto->GetMaximum(dummy); } } return maximum; }
std::map<DTChamberId, TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTSuperLayerId, TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTChamberId, TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::AvNoisePerChamber [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTSuperLayerId, TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::AvNoisePerSuperLayer [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
int DTNoiseComputation::counter [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
bool DTNoiseComputation::debug [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> DTNoiseComputation::dtGeom [private] |
Definition at line 68 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
bool DTNoiseComputation::fastAnalysis [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
int DTNoiseComputation::MaxEvents [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map< std::pair<int,int> , TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::noisyC [private] |
Definition at line 122 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map< std::pair<int,int> , TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::someHowNoisyC [private] |
Definition at line 125 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTWireId , double> DTNoiseComputation::theAverageNoise [private] |
Definition at line 80 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTLayerId, std::vector<TH2F*> > DTNoiseComputation::theEvtMap [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
TFile* DTNoiseComputation::theFile [private] |
Definition at line 71 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTWireId, TH1F*> DTNoiseComputation::theHistoEvtDistancePerWire [private] |
Definition at line 86 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
TFile* DTNoiseComputation::theNewFile [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTWireId , double> DTNoiseComputation::theTimeConstant [private] |
Definition at line 92 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTLayerId , bool> DTNoiseComputation::toComputeNoiseAverage [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.
std::map<DTWireId , bool> DTNoiseComputation::toDel [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file DTNoiseComputation.h.