Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

L1GlobalTrigger Class Reference

#include <L1GlobalTrigger.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1GlobalTrigger:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const L1GlobalTriggerFDLgtFDL () const
const L1GlobalTriggerGTLgtGTL () const
const L1GlobalTriggerPSBgtPSB () const
 L1GlobalTrigger (const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
 ~L1GlobalTrigger ()

Private Attributes

boost::uint16_t m_activeBoardsGtDaq
 active boards in L1 GT DAQ record and in L1 GT EVM record
boost::uint16_t m_activeBoardsGtEvm
unsigned int m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq
unsigned int m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm
unsigned int m_bstLengthBytes
 length of BST record (in bytes) from event setup
edm::InputTag m_caloGctInputTag
 input tag for calorimeter collections from GCT
edm::InputTag m_castorInputTag
 input tag for CASTOR record
int m_emulateBxInEvent
int m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits
int m_ifMuEtaNumberBits
bool m_isDebugEnabled
const L1GtBoardMapsm_l1GtBM
 board maps - cache only the record
unsigned long long m_l1GtBMCacheID
const L1GtParametersm_l1GtPar
unsigned long long m_l1GtParCacheID
const L1GtPrescaleFactorsm_l1GtPfAlgo
 prescale factors
unsigned long long m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID
const L1GtPrescaleFactorsm_l1GtPfTech
unsigned long long m_l1GtPfTechCacheID
const L1GtStableParametersm_l1GtStablePar
 cached stuff
unsigned long long m_l1GtStableParCacheID
const L1GtTriggerMaskm_l1GtTmAlgo
 trigger masks & veto masks
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID
const L1GtTriggerMaskm_l1GtTmTech
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmTechCacheID
const L1GtTriggerMaskm_l1GtTmVetoAlgo
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID
const L1GtTriggerMaskm_l1GtTmVetoTech
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID
edm::InputTag m_muGmtInputTag
 input tag for muon collection from GMT
int m_nrL1CenJet
int m_nrL1ForJet
int m_nrL1IsoEG
int m_nrL1JetCounts
int m_nrL1Mu
int m_nrL1NoIsoEG
int m_nrL1TauJet
unsigned int m_numberDaqPartitions
 number of DAQ partitions
unsigned int m_numberPhysTriggers
 number of physics triggers
unsigned int m_numberTechnicalTriggers
 number of technical triggers
const std::vector< std::vector
< int > > * 
const std::vector< std::vector
< int > > * 
bool m_produceL1GtDaqRecord
 logical flag to produce the L1 GT DAQ readout record
bool m_produceL1GtEvmRecord
 logical flag to produce the L1 GT EVM readout record
bool m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord
 logical flag to produce the L1 GT object map record
int m_psBstLengthBytes
 length of BST record (in bytes) from parameter set
bool m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords
 logical flag to read the technical trigger records
std::vector< int > m_recordLength
std::vector< edm::InputTagm_technicalTriggersInputTags
 input tag for technical triggers
int m_totalBxInEvent
 total number of Bx's in the event coming from EventSetup
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskTechTrig
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig
int m_verbosity
 verbosity level
bool m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord
 logical flag to write the PSB content in the L1 GT DAQ record

Detailed Description

Description: L1 Global Trigger producer.

Implementation: <TODO: enter implementation details>

: Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna

$Date$ $Revision$

The CMSSW implementation of the L1 Global Trigger emulator uses concepts and code from the ORCA L1 Global Trigger simulation, authors: N. Neumeister, M. Fierro, M. Eder - HEPHY Vienna.

Description: see header file.

Implementation: <TODO: enter implementation details>

: Vasile Mihai Ghete - HEPHY Vienna

$Date$ $Revision$

Definition at line 57 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1GlobalTrigger::L1GlobalTrigger ( const edm::ParameterSet parSet) [explicit]

Definition at line 91 of file

References LogTrace, m_activeBoardsGtDaq, m_activeBoardsGtEvm, m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq, m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm, m_bstLengthBytes, m_caloGctInputTag, m_castorInputTag, m_emulateBxInEvent, m_gtFDL, m_gtGTL, m_gtPSB, m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits, m_ifMuEtaNumberBits, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1GtBMCacheID, m_l1GtParCacheID, m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtPfTechCacheID, m_l1GtStableParCacheID, m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtTmTechCacheID, m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID, m_muGmtInputTag, m_nrL1CenJet, m_nrL1ForJet, m_nrL1IsoEG, m_nrL1JetCounts, m_nrL1Mu, m_nrL1NoIsoEG, m_nrL1TauJet, m_numberDaqPartitions, m_numberPhysTriggers, m_numberTechnicalTriggers, m_produceL1GtDaqRecord, m_produceL1GtEvmRecord, m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord, m_psBstLengthBytes, m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords, m_recordLength, m_technicalTriggersInputTags, m_totalBxInEvent, m_verbosity, m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord, max(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::setVerbosity(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::setVerbosity(), and L1GlobalTriggerFDL::setVerbosity().

            m_muGmtInputTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("GmtInputTag")),
            m_caloGctInputTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("GctInputTag")),
            m_castorInputTag(parSet.getParameter<edm::InputTag> ("CastorInputTag")),
            m_technicalTriggersInputTags(parSet.getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag> > (
            m_produceL1GtDaqRecord(parSet.getParameter<bool> ("ProduceL1GtDaqRecord")),
            m_produceL1GtEvmRecord(parSet.getParameter<bool> ("ProduceL1GtEvmRecord")),
            m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord(parSet.getParameter<bool> ("ProduceL1GtObjectMapRecord")),
            m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord(parSet.getParameter<bool> ("WritePsbL1GtDaqRecord")),
            m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords(parSet.getParameter<bool> ("ReadTechnicalTriggerRecords")),
            m_emulateBxInEvent(parSet.getParameter<int> ("EmulateBxInEvent")),
            m_recordLength(parSet.getParameter<std::vector<int> > ("RecordLength")),
            m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq(parSet.getParameter<unsigned int> ("AlternativeNrBxBoardDaq")),
            m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm(parSet.getParameter<unsigned int> ("AlternativeNrBxBoardEvm")),
            m_psBstLengthBytes(parSet.getParameter<int> ("BstLengthBytes")),
            m_verbosity(parSet.getUntrackedParameter<int>("Verbosity", 0)),


    if (m_verbosity && m_isDebugEnabled) {

                << "\nInput tag for muon collection from GMT:         " << m_muGmtInputTag
                << "\nInput tag for calorimeter collections from GCT: " << m_caloGctInputTag
                << "\nInput tag for CASTOR record:                    " << m_castorInputTag
                << "\nInput tag for technical triggers:               "
                << std::endl;

        // loop over all producers of technical trigger records
        for (std::vector<edm::InputTag>::const_iterator it = m_technicalTriggersInputTags.begin(); it
                != m_technicalTriggersInputTags.end(); it++) {
            LogTrace("L1GlobalTrigger") << "\n  " << ( *it ) << std::endl;

                << "\nProduce the L1 GT DAQ readout record:           " << m_produceL1GtDaqRecord
                << "\nProduce the L1 GT EVM readout record:           " << m_produceL1GtEvmRecord
                << "\nProduce the L1 GT Object Map record:            " << m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord
                << " \n"
                << "\nWrite Psb content to L1 GT DAQ Record:          " << m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord
                << " \n"
                << "\nRead technical trigger records:                 " << m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords
                << " \n"
                << "\nNumber of BxInEvent to be emulated:             " << m_emulateBxInEvent
                << "\nNumber of BXs corresponding to alternative 0:   " <<
                << "\nNumber of BXs corresponding to alternative 1:   " <<
                << " \n"
                << "\nAlternative for number of BX in GT DAQ record:   0x" << std::hex
                << m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq
                << "\nAlternative for number of BX in GT EVM record:   0x" << std::hex
                << m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm << std::dec
                << " \n"
                << "\nLength of BST message [bytes]:                  " << m_psBstLengthBytes
                << "\n"
                << std::endl;

    if ( ( m_emulateBxInEvent > 0 ) && ( ( m_emulateBxInEvent % 2 ) == 0 )) {
        m_emulateBxInEvent = m_emulateBxInEvent - 1;

        if (m_verbosity) {
                    << "\nWARNING: Number of bunch crossing to be emulated rounded to: "
                    << m_emulateBxInEvent << "\n         The number must be an odd number!\n"
                    << std::endl;

    int requiredRecordLength = std::max(,;
    if ((m_emulateBxInEvent >= 0) && (m_emulateBxInEvent < requiredRecordLength) ) {

        m_emulateBxInEvent = requiredRecordLength;

        if (m_verbosity) {
                    << "\nWARNING: Number of bunch crossing required to be emulated ( "
                    << m_emulateBxInEvent << " BX) smaller as required in RecordLength:"
                    << "\n  Number of BXs corresponding to alternative 0:   " <<
                    << "\n  Number of BXs corresponding to alternative 1:   " <<
                    << "\nEmulating " << requiredRecordLength << " BX!"
                    << "\n"
                    << std::endl;


    // register products
    if (m_produceL1GtDaqRecord) {

    if (m_produceL1GtEvmRecord) {

    if (m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord) {

    // create new PSBs
    m_gtPSB = new L1GlobalTriggerPSB();

    // create new GTL
    m_gtGTL = new L1GlobalTriggerGTL();

    // create new FDL
    m_gtFDL = new L1GlobalTriggerFDL();

    // initialize cached IDs

    m_l1GtStableParCacheID = 0ULL;

    m_numberPhysTriggers = 0;
    m_numberTechnicalTriggers = 0;
    m_numberDaqPartitions = 0;

    m_nrL1Mu = 0;

    m_nrL1NoIsoEG = 0;
    m_nrL1IsoEG = 0;

    m_nrL1CenJet = 0;
    m_nrL1ForJet = 0;
    m_nrL1TauJet = 0;

    m_nrL1JetCounts = 0;

    m_ifMuEtaNumberBits = 0;
    m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits = 0;

    m_l1GtParCacheID = 0ULL;

    m_totalBxInEvent = 0;

    m_activeBoardsGtDaq = 0;
    m_activeBoardsGtEvm = 0;
    m_bstLengthBytes = 0;

    m_l1GtBMCacheID = 0ULL;

    m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID = 0ULL;
    m_l1GtPfTechCacheID = 0ULL;

    m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID = 0ULL;
    m_l1GtTmTechCacheID = 0ULL;

    m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID = 0ULL;
    m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID = 0ULL;

L1GlobalTrigger::~L1GlobalTrigger ( )

Definition at line 254 of file

References m_gtFDL, m_gtGTL, and m_gtPSB.


    delete m_gtPSB;
    delete m_gtGTL;
    delete m_gtFDL;

Member Function Documentation

const L1GlobalTriggerFDL* L1GlobalTrigger::gtFDL ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

References m_gtFDL.

        return m_gtFDL;
const L1GlobalTriggerGTL* L1GlobalTrigger::gtGTL ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 74 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

References m_gtGTL.

        return m_gtGTL;
const L1GlobalTriggerPSB* L1GlobalTrigger::gtPSB ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 68 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

References m_gtPSB.

        return m_gtPSB;
void L1GlobalTrigger::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup 
) [virtual]

length of BST message (in bytes) for L1 GT EVM record

receive technical trigger

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 265 of file

References BptxQ, edm::EventBase::bunchCrossing(), CastorQ, CenJetQ, ESumsQ, edm::EventID::event(), FDL, L1GlobalTriggerFDL::fillDaqFdlBlock(), L1GlobalTriggerFDL::fillEvmFdlBlock(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::fillPsbBlock(), ForJetQ, edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), GMT, L1GtBoardMaps::gtBoardMaps(), L1GtParameters::gtBstLengthBytes(), L1GtParameters::gtDaqActiveBoards(), L1GtParameters::gtEvmActiveBoards(), GtExternalQ, GTFE, L1GtStableParameters::gtIfCaloEtaNumberBits(), L1GtStableParameters::gtIfMuEtaNumberBits(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1CenJet(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1ForJet(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1IsoEG(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1JetCounts(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1Mu(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1NoIsoEG(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberL1TauJet(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberPhysTriggers(), L1GtStableParameters::gtNumberTechnicalTriggers(), L1GtPrescaleFactors::gtPrescaleFactors(), L1GtParameters::gtTotalBxInEvent(), L1GtTriggerMask::gtTriggerMask(), HfQ, edm::EventBase::id(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::init(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::init(), IsoEGQ, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), JetCountsQ, LogDebug, LogTrace, edm::EventBase::luminosityBlock(), m_activeBoardsGtDaq, m_activeBoardsGtEvm, m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq, m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm, m_bstLengthBytes, m_caloGctInputTag, m_emulateBxInEvent, m_gtFDL, m_gtGTL, m_gtPSB, m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits, m_ifMuEtaNumberBits, m_isDebugEnabled, m_l1GtBM, m_l1GtBMCacheID, m_l1GtPar, m_l1GtParCacheID, m_l1GtPfAlgo, m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtPfTech, m_l1GtPfTechCacheID, m_l1GtStablePar, m_l1GtStableParCacheID, m_l1GtTmAlgo, m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtTmTech, m_l1GtTmTechCacheID, m_l1GtTmVetoAlgo, m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID, m_l1GtTmVetoTech, m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID, m_muGmtInputTag, m_nrL1CenJet, m_nrL1ForJet, m_nrL1IsoEG, m_nrL1JetCounts, m_nrL1Mu, m_nrL1NoIsoEG, m_nrL1TauJet, m_numberDaqPartitions, m_numberPhysTriggers, m_numberTechnicalTriggers, m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig, m_prescaleFactorsTechTrig, m_produceL1GtDaqRecord, m_produceL1GtEvmRecord, m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord, m_psBstLengthBytes, m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords, m_recordLength, m_technicalTriggersInputTags, m_totalBxInEvent, m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig, m_triggerMaskTechTrig, m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig, m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig, m_verbosity, m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord, NoIsoEGQ, edm::EventBase::orbitNumber(), edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), PSB, edm::Event::put(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::receiveGctObjectData(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::receiveGmtObjectData(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::receiveTechnicalTriggers(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::reset(), L1GlobalTriggerFDL::reset(), L1GlobalTriggerPSB::reset(), L1GlobalTriggerFDL::run(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::run(), L1GtfeWord::setActiveBoards(), L1GtfeWord::setAltNrBxBoard(), L1GtfeWord::setBoardId(), L1TcsWord::setBoardId(), L1GtfeExtWord::setBstSource(), L1TcsWord::setBxNr(), L1GtfeWord::setBxNr(), L1TcsWord::setEventNr(), L1GtfeExtWord::setGpsTime(), L1TcsWord::setLuminositySegmentNr(), L1TcsWord::setOrbitNr(), L1GtfeWord::setRecordLength(), L1GtfeWord::setRecordLength1(), L1GtfeWord::setTotalTriggerNr(), L1TcsWord::setTriggerType(), TauJetQ, TCS, TechTr, TIM, edm::EventBase::time(), and edm::Timestamp::value().


    // process event iEvent

        // get / update the stable parameters from the EventSetup
    // local cache & check on cacheIdentifier

    unsigned long long l1GtStableParCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtStableParCacheID != l1GtStableParCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtStableParameters > l1GtStablePar;
        evSetup.get< L1GtStableParametersRcd >().get( l1GtStablePar );
        m_l1GtStablePar = l1GtStablePar.product();

        // number of physics triggers
        m_numberPhysTriggers = m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberPhysTriggers();

        // number of technical triggers
        m_numberTechnicalTriggers = m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberTechnicalTriggers();

        // number of DAQ partitions
        m_numberDaqPartitions = 8; // FIXME add it to stable parameters

        // number of objects of each type
        m_nrL1Mu = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1Mu());

        m_nrL1NoIsoEG = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1NoIsoEG());
        m_nrL1IsoEG = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1IsoEG());

        m_nrL1CenJet = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1CenJet());
        m_nrL1ForJet = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1ForJet());
        m_nrL1TauJet = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1TauJet());

        m_nrL1JetCounts = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtNumberL1JetCounts());

        // ... the rest of the objects are global

        m_ifMuEtaNumberBits = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtIfMuEtaNumberBits());
        m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits = static_cast<int> (m_l1GtStablePar->gtIfCaloEtaNumberBits());

        // (re)initialize L1GlobalTriggerGTL
        m_gtGTL->init(m_nrL1Mu, m_numberPhysTriggers);

        // (re)initialize L1GlobalTriggerPSB
        m_gtPSB->init(m_nrL1NoIsoEG, m_nrL1IsoEG,
                m_nrL1CenJet, m_nrL1ForJet, m_nrL1TauJet,

        m_l1GtStableParCacheID = l1GtStableParCacheID;


    // get / update the parameters from the EventSetup
    // local cache & check on cacheIdentifier

    unsigned long long l1GtParCacheID = evSetup.get<L1GtParametersRcd>().cacheIdentifier();

    if (m_l1GtParCacheID != l1GtParCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtParameters > l1GtPar;
        evSetup.get< L1GtParametersRcd >().get( l1GtPar );
        m_l1GtPar = l1GtPar.product();

        //    total number of Bx's in the event coming from EventSetup
        m_totalBxInEvent = m_l1GtPar->gtTotalBxInEvent();

        //    active boards in L1 GT DAQ record and in L1 GT EVM record
        m_activeBoardsGtDaq = m_l1GtPar->gtDaqActiveBoards();
        m_activeBoardsGtEvm = m_l1GtPar->gtEvmActiveBoards();

        m_bstLengthBytes = m_l1GtPar->gtBstLengthBytes();

        m_l1GtParCacheID = l1GtParCacheID;


    // negative value: emulate TotalBxInEvent as given in EventSetup
    if (m_emulateBxInEvent < 0) {
        m_emulateBxInEvent = m_totalBxInEvent;

    int minBxInEvent = (m_emulateBxInEvent + 1)/2 - m_emulateBxInEvent;
    int maxBxInEvent = (m_emulateBxInEvent + 1)/2 - 1;

    int recordLength0 =;
    int recordLength1 =;

    if ((recordLength0 < 0) || (recordLength1 < 0) ) {

        // take them from event setup
        // FIXME implement later - temporary solution

        recordLength0 = m_emulateBxInEvent;
        recordLength1 = m_emulateBxInEvent;


    if (m_verbosity) {

                << "\nTotal number of BX to emulate in the GT readout record: "
                << m_emulateBxInEvent << " = " << "[" << minBxInEvent << ", " << maxBxInEvent
                << "] BX\n"
                << "\nNumber of BX for alternative 0:  " << recordLength0
                << "\nNumber of BX for alternative 1:  " << recordLength1
                << "\nActive boards in L1 GT DAQ record (hex format) = " << std::hex
                << std::setw(sizeof(m_activeBoardsGtDaq) * 2) << std::setfill('0')
                << m_activeBoardsGtDaq << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')
                << "\nActive boards in L1 GT EVM record (hex format) = " << std::hex
                << std::setw(sizeof(m_activeBoardsGtEvm) * 2) << std::setfill('0')
                << m_activeBoardsGtEvm << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << "\n"
                << std::endl;

    // get / update the board maps from the EventSetup
    // local cache & check on cacheIdentifier

    typedef std::vector<L1GtBoard>::const_iterator CItBoardMaps;

    unsigned long long l1GtBMCacheID = evSetup.get<L1GtBoardMapsRcd>().cacheIdentifier();

    if (m_l1GtBMCacheID != l1GtBMCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtBoardMaps > l1GtBM;
        evSetup.get< L1GtBoardMapsRcd >().get( l1GtBM );
        m_l1GtBM = l1GtBM.product();

        m_l1GtBMCacheID = l1GtBMCacheID;


    // TODO need changes in CondFormats to cache the maps
    const std::vector<L1GtBoard>& boardMaps = m_l1GtBM->gtBoardMaps();

    // get / update the prescale factors from the EventSetup
    // local cache & check on cacheIdentifier

    unsigned long long l1GtPfAlgoCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID != l1GtPfAlgoCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtPrescaleFactors > l1GtPfAlgo;
        evSetup.get< L1GtPrescaleFactorsAlgoTrigRcd >().get( l1GtPfAlgo );
        m_l1GtPfAlgo = l1GtPfAlgo.product();

        m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig = &(m_l1GtPfAlgo->gtPrescaleFactors());

        m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID = l1GtPfAlgoCacheID;


    unsigned long long l1GtPfTechCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtPfTechCacheID != l1GtPfTechCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtPrescaleFactors > l1GtPfTech;
        evSetup.get< L1GtPrescaleFactorsTechTrigRcd >().get( l1GtPfTech );
        m_l1GtPfTech = l1GtPfTech.product();

        m_prescaleFactorsTechTrig = &(m_l1GtPfTech->gtPrescaleFactors());

        m_l1GtPfTechCacheID = l1GtPfTechCacheID;


    // get / update the trigger mask from the EventSetup
    // local cache & check on cacheIdentifier

    unsigned long long l1GtTmAlgoCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID != l1GtTmAlgoCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtTriggerMask > l1GtTmAlgo;
        evSetup.get< L1GtTriggerMaskAlgoTrigRcd >().get( l1GtTmAlgo );
        m_l1GtTmAlgo = l1GtTmAlgo.product();

        m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig = m_l1GtTmAlgo->gtTriggerMask();

        m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID = l1GtTmAlgoCacheID;


    unsigned long long l1GtTmTechCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtTmTechCacheID != l1GtTmTechCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtTriggerMask > l1GtTmTech;
        evSetup.get< L1GtTriggerMaskTechTrigRcd >().get( l1GtTmTech );
        m_l1GtTmTech = l1GtTmTech.product();

        m_triggerMaskTechTrig = m_l1GtTmTech->gtTriggerMask();

        m_l1GtTmTechCacheID = l1GtTmTechCacheID;


    unsigned long long l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID != l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtTriggerMask > l1GtTmVetoAlgo;
        evSetup.get< L1GtTriggerMaskVetoAlgoTrigRcd >().get( l1GtTmVetoAlgo );
        m_l1GtTmVetoAlgo = l1GtTmVetoAlgo.product();

        m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig = m_l1GtTmVetoAlgo->gtTriggerMask();

        m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID = l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID;


    unsigned long long l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID =

    if (m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID != l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID) {

        edm::ESHandle< L1GtTriggerMask > l1GtTmVetoTech;
        evSetup.get< L1GtTriggerMaskVetoTechTrigRcd >().get( l1GtTmVetoTech );
        m_l1GtTmVetoTech = l1GtTmVetoTech.product();

        m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig = m_l1GtTmVetoTech->gtTriggerMask();

        m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID = l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID;


    // loop over blocks in the GT DAQ record receiving data, count them if they are active
    // all board type are defined in CondFormats/L1TObjects/L1GtFwd
    // enum L1GtBoardType { GTFE, FDL, PSB, GMT, TCS, TIM };
    // &
    // set the active flag for each object type received from GMT and GCT
    // all objects in the GT system are defined in enum L1GtObject from
    // DataFormats/L1Trigger/L1GlobalTriggerReadoutSetupFwd

    int daqNrGtfeBoards = 0;

    int daqNrFdlBoards = 0;
    int daqNrPsbBoards = 0;
    int daqNrGmtBoards = 0;
    int daqNrTcsBoards = 0;
    int daqNrTimBoards = 0;

    bool receiveMu = false;
    bool receiveNoIsoEG = false;
    bool receiveIsoEG = false;
    bool receiveCenJet = false;
    bool receiveForJet = false;
    bool receiveTauJet = false;
    bool receiveETM = false;
    bool receiveETT = false;
    bool receiveHTT = false;
    bool receiveHTM = false;
    bool receiveJetCounts = false;
    bool receiveHfBitCounts = false;
    bool receiveHfRingEtSums = false;

    bool receiveCastor = false;
    bool receiveBptx = false;
    bool receiveExternal = false;

    bool receiveTechTr = false;

    for (CItBoardMaps
            itBoard = boardMaps.begin();
            itBoard != boardMaps.end(); ++itBoard) {

        int iPosition = itBoard->gtPositionDaqRecord();
        if (iPosition > 0) {

            int iActiveBit = itBoard->gtBitDaqActiveBoards();
            bool activeBoard = false;

            if (iActiveBit >= 0) {
                activeBoard = m_activeBoardsGtDaq & (1 << iActiveBit);

            // use board if: in the record, but not in ActiveBoardsMap (iActiveBit < 0)
            //               in the record and ActiveBoardsMap, and active
            if ((iActiveBit < 0) || activeBoard) {

                switch (itBoard->gtBoardType()) {

                    case GTFE: {

                    case FDL: {

                    case PSB: {

                            // get the objects coming to this PSB
                            std::vector<L1GtPsbQuad> quadInPsb = itBoard->gtQuadInPsb();
                            for (std::vector<L1GtPsbQuad>::const_iterator
                                    itQuad = quadInPsb.begin();
                                    itQuad != quadInPsb.end(); ++itQuad) {

                                switch (*itQuad) {

                                    case TechTr: {
                                            receiveTechTr = true;

                                    case NoIsoEGQ: {
                                            receiveNoIsoEG = true;

                                    case IsoEGQ: {
                                            receiveIsoEG = true;

                                    case CenJetQ: {
                                            receiveCenJet = true;

                                    case ForJetQ: {
                                            receiveForJet = true;

                                    case TauJetQ: {
                                            receiveTauJet = true;

                                    case ESumsQ: {
                                            receiveETM = true;
                                            receiveETT = true;
                                            receiveHTT = true;
                                            receiveHTM = true;

                                    case JetCountsQ: {
                                            receiveJetCounts = true;

                                    case CastorQ: {
                                            receiveCastor = true;

                                    case BptxQ: {
                                            receiveBptx = true;

                                    case GtExternalQ: {
                                            receiveExternal = true;

                                    case HfQ: {
                                            receiveHfBitCounts = true;
                                            receiveHfRingEtSums = true;

                                        // FIXME add MIP/Iso bits
                                    default: {
                                            // do nothing




                    case GMT: {
                            receiveMu = true;

                    case TCS: {

                    case TIM: {

                    default: {
                            // do nothing, all blocks are given in GtBoardType enum



    // produce the L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord now, after we found how many
    // BxInEvent the record has and how many boards are active
    std::auto_ptr<L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord> gtDaqReadoutRecord(
        new L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord(
            m_emulateBxInEvent, daqNrFdlBoards, daqNrPsbBoards) );

    // * produce the L1GlobalTriggerEvmReadoutRecord
    std::auto_ptr<L1GlobalTriggerEvmReadoutRecord> gtEvmReadoutRecord(
        new L1GlobalTriggerEvmReadoutRecord(m_emulateBxInEvent, daqNrFdlBoards) );
    // daqNrFdlBoards OK, just reserve memory at this point

    // * produce the L1GlobalTriggerObjectMapRecord
    std::auto_ptr<L1GlobalTriggerObjectMapRecord> gtObjectMapRecord(
        new L1GlobalTriggerObjectMapRecord() );

    // fill the boards not depending on the BxInEvent in the L1 GT DAQ record
    // GMT, PSB and FDL depend on BxInEvent

    // fill in emulator the same bunch crossing (12 bits - hardwired number of bits...)
    // and the same local bunch crossing for all boards
    int bxCross = iEvent.bunchCrossing();
    boost::uint16_t bxCrossHw = 0;
    if ((bxCross & 0xFFF) == bxCross) {
        bxCrossHw = static_cast<boost::uint16_t> (bxCross);
    else {
        bxCrossHw = 0; // Bx number too large, set to 0!
        if (m_verbosity) {

                << "\nBunch cross number [hex] = " << std::hex << bxCross
                << "\n  larger than 12 bits. Set to 0! \n" << std::dec
                << std::endl;

    if (m_produceL1GtDaqRecord) {

        for (CItBoardMaps
                itBoard = boardMaps.begin();
                itBoard != boardMaps.end(); ++itBoard) {

            int iPosition = itBoard->gtPositionDaqRecord();
            if (iPosition > 0) {

                int iActiveBit = itBoard->gtBitDaqActiveBoards();
                bool activeBoard = false;

                if (iActiveBit >= 0) {
                    activeBoard = m_activeBoardsGtDaq & (1 << iActiveBit);

                // use board if: in the record, but not in ActiveBoardsMap (iActiveBit < 0)
                //               in the record and ActiveBoardsMap, and active
                if ((iActiveBit < 0) || activeBoard) {

                    switch (itBoard->gtBoardType()) {

                        case GTFE: {
                                L1GtfeWord gtfeWordValue;

                                gtfeWordValue.setBoardId( itBoard->gtBoardId() );

                                // cast int to boost::uint16_t
                                // there are normally 3 or 5 BxInEvent


                                // bunch crossing

                                // set the list of active boards

                                // set alternative for number of BX per board
                                    static_cast<boost::uint16_t> (m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq));

                                // set the TOTAL_TRIGNR as read from iEvent
                                // TODO check again - PTC stuff


                                // ** fill L1GtfeWord in GT DAQ record


                        case TCS: {
                                // nothing

                        case TIM: {
                                // nothing

                        default: {
                                // do nothing, all blocks are given in GtBoardType enum




    // fill the boards not depending on the BxInEvent in the L1 GT EVM record

    int evmNrFdlBoards = 0;

    if (m_produceL1GtEvmRecord) {

        // get the length of the BST message from parameter set or from event setup

        int bstLengthBytes = 0;

        if (m_psBstLengthBytes < 0) {
            // length from event setup
            bstLengthBytes = static_cast<int> (m_bstLengthBytes);

        } else {
            // length from parameter set
            bstLengthBytes = m_psBstLengthBytes;

        if (m_verbosity) {

                << "\n Length of BST message (in bytes): "
                << bstLengthBytes << "\n"
                << std::endl;

        for (CItBoardMaps
                itBoard = boardMaps.begin();
                itBoard != boardMaps.end(); ++itBoard) {

            int iPosition = itBoard->gtPositionEvmRecord();
            if (iPosition > 0) {

                int iActiveBit = itBoard->gtBitEvmActiveBoards();
                bool activeBoard = false;

                if (iActiveBit >= 0) {
                    activeBoard = m_activeBoardsGtEvm & (1 << iActiveBit);

                // use board if: in the record, but not in ActiveBoardsMap (iActiveBit < 0)
                //               in the record and ActiveBoardsMap, and active
                if ((iActiveBit < 0) || activeBoard) {

                    switch (itBoard->gtBoardType()) {

                        case GTFE: {
                                L1GtfeExtWord gtfeWordValue(bstLengthBytes);

                                gtfeWordValue.setBoardId(itBoard->gtBoardId() );

                                // cast int to boost::uint16_t
                                // there are normally 3 or 5 BxInEvent


                                // bunch crossing

                                // set the list of active boards

                                // set alternative for number of BX per board
                                    static_cast<boost::uint16_t> (m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm));

                                // set the TOTAL_TRIGNR as read from iEvent
                                // TODO check again - PTC stuff


                                // set the GPS time to the value read from Timestamp
                                edm::TimeValue_t evTime = iEvent.time().value();


                                //<< "\nEvent timestamp value [hex] = " << std::hex << evTime
                                //<< "\nBST retrieved value [hex]   = " << gtfeWordValue.gpsTime()
                                //<< std::dec << std::endl;

                                // source of BST message: DDDD simulated data
                                boost::uint16_t bstSourceVal = 0xDDDD;

                                // ** fill L1GtfeWord in GT EVM record


                        case FDL: {

                        case TCS: {

                                L1TcsWord tcsWordValue;

                                tcsWordValue.setBoardId( itBoard->gtBoardId() );

                                // bunch crossing

                                boost::uint16_t trigType = 0x5; // 0101 simulated event

                                // luminosity segment number

                                // set the Event_Nr as read from iEvent

                                // orbit number
                                        static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(iEvent.orbitNumber()) );

                                // ** fill L1TcsWord in the EVM record



                        case TIM: {
                                // nothing

                        default: {
                                // do nothing, all blocks are given in GtBoardType enum




    // get the prescale factor set used in the actual luminosity segment
    int pfAlgoSetIndex = 0; // FIXME
    const std::vector<int>& prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig =

    int pfTechSetIndex = 0; // FIXME
    const std::vector<int>& prescaleFactorsTechTrig =


    // loop over BxInEvent
    for (int iBxInEvent = minBxInEvent; iBxInEvent <= maxBxInEvent;
            ++iBxInEvent) {

        // * receive GCT object data via PSBs
        //<< "\nL1GlobalTrigger : receiving PSB data for bx = " << iBxInEvent << "\n"
        //<< std::endl;

            m_caloGctInputTag, iBxInEvent,
            receiveNoIsoEG, m_nrL1NoIsoEG,
            receiveIsoEG, m_nrL1IsoEG,
            receiveCenJet, m_nrL1CenJet,
            receiveForJet, m_nrL1ForJet,
            receiveTauJet, m_nrL1TauJet,
            receiveETM, receiveETT, receiveHTT, receiveHTM,

        if (m_readTechnicalTriggerRecords) {
                    m_technicalTriggersInputTags, iBxInEvent, receiveTechTr,

        if (m_produceL1GtDaqRecord && m_writePsbL1GtDaqRecord) {
                    iEvent, m_activeBoardsGtDaq, recordLength0, recordLength1,
                    m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq, boardMaps, iBxInEvent, gtDaqReadoutRecord);

        // * receive GMT object data via GTL
        //<< "\nL1GlobalTrigger : receiving GMT data for bx = " << iBxInEvent << "\n"
        //<< std::endl;

        m_gtGTL->receiveGmtObjectData(iEvent, m_muGmtInputTag, iBxInEvent,
                receiveMu, m_nrL1Mu);

        // * run GTL
        //<< "\nL1GlobalTrigger : running GTL for bx = " << iBxInEvent << "\n"
        //<< std::endl;

        m_gtGTL->run(iEvent, evSetup, m_gtPSB,
            m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord, iBxInEvent, gtObjectMapRecord,

        //<< "\n AlgorithmOR\n" << m_gtGTL->getAlgorithmOR() << "\n"
        //<< std::endl;

        // * run FDL
        //<< "\nL1GlobalTrigger : running FDL for bx = " << iBxInEvent << "\n"
        //<< std::endl;

                prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig, prescaleFactorsTechTrig,
                m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig, m_triggerMaskTechTrig,
                m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig, m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig,
                boardMaps, m_emulateBxInEvent, iBxInEvent,
                m_numberPhysTriggers, m_numberTechnicalTriggers,
                m_gtGTL, m_gtPSB,

        if (m_produceL1GtDaqRecord && ( daqNrFdlBoards > 0 )) {
                    m_activeBoardsGtDaq, recordLength0, recordLength1, m_alternativeNrBxBoardDaq,
                    boardMaps, gtDaqReadoutRecord);

        if (m_produceL1GtEvmRecord && ( evmNrFdlBoards > 0 )) {
                    m_activeBoardsGtEvm, recordLength0, recordLength1, m_alternativeNrBxBoardEvm,
                    boardMaps, gtEvmReadoutRecord);

        // reset

        //LogDebug("L1GlobalTrigger") << "\n Reset PSB, GTL, FDL\n" << std::endl;


    if ( receiveMu ) {

        //<< "\n**** "
        //<< "\n  Persistent reference for L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with input tag: "
        //<< m_muGmtInputTag
        //<< "\n**** \n"
        //<< std::endl;

        // get L1MuGMTReadoutCollection reference and set it in GT record

        edm::Handle<L1MuGMTReadoutCollection> gmtRcHandle;
        iEvent.getByLabel(m_muGmtInputTag, gmtRcHandle);

        if (!gmtRcHandle.isValid()) {
            if (m_verbosity) {
                        << "\nWarning: L1MuGMTReadoutCollection with input tag " << m_muGmtInputTag
                        << "\nrequested in configuration, but not found in the event.\n"
                        << std::endl;
        } else {




    if ( m_verbosity && m_isDebugEnabled ) {

        std::ostringstream myCoutStream;
        << "\n The following L1 GT DAQ readout record was produced:\n"
        << myCoutStream.str() << "\n"
        << std::endl;


        << "\n The following L1 GT EVM readout record was produced:\n"
        << myCoutStream.str() << "\n"
        << std::endl;


        const std::vector<L1GlobalTriggerObjectMap> objMapVec =

        for (std::vector<L1GlobalTriggerObjectMap>::const_iterator
                it = objMapVec.begin(); it != objMapVec.end(); ++it) {



        << "Test gtObjectMapRecord in L1GlobalTrigger \n\n" << myCoutStream.str() << "\n\n"
        << std::endl;



    // **
    // register products
    if (m_produceL1GtDaqRecord) {
        iEvent.put( gtDaqReadoutRecord );

    if (m_produceL1GtEvmRecord) {
        iEvent.put( gtEvmReadoutRecord );

    if (m_produceL1GtObjectMapRecord) {
        iEvent.put( gtObjectMapRecord );


Member Data Documentation

boost::uint16_t L1GlobalTrigger::m_activeBoardsGtDaq [private]

active boards in L1 GT DAQ record and in L1 GT EVM record

Definition at line 129 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

boost::uint16_t L1GlobalTrigger::m_activeBoardsGtEvm [private]

Definition at line 130 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

alternative for number of BX per active board in GT DAQ record: 0 or 1 the position is identical with the active board bit

Definition at line 216 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

alternative for number of BX per active board in GT EVM record: 0 or 1 the position is identical with the active board bit

Definition at line 220 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

unsigned int L1GlobalTrigger::m_bstLengthBytes [private]

length of BST record (in bytes) from event setup

Definition at line 133 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

input tag for calorimeter collections from GCT

Definition at line 180 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

input tag for CASTOR record

Definition at line 183 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger().

number of "bunch crossing in the event" (BxInEvent) to be emulated symmetric around L1Accept (BxInEvent = 0): 1 (BxInEvent = 0); 3 (F 0 1) (standard record); 5 (E F 0 1 2) (debug record) even numbers (except 0) "rounded" to the nearest lower odd number

Definition at line 207 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 174 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by gtFDL(), L1GlobalTrigger(), produce(), and ~L1GlobalTrigger().

Definition at line 173 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by gtGTL(), L1GlobalTrigger(), produce(), and ~L1GlobalTrigger().

Definition at line 172 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by gtPSB(), L1GlobalTrigger(), produce(), and ~L1GlobalTrigger().

Definition at line 118 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 117 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 229 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

board maps - cache only the record

Definition at line 136 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtBMCacheID [private]

Definition at line 137 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().


Definition at line 122 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtParCacheID [private]

Definition at line 123 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

prescale factors

Definition at line 141 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtPfAlgoCacheID [private]

Definition at line 142 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 144 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtPfTechCacheID [private]

Definition at line 145 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

cached stuff

stable parameters

Definition at line 90 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtStableParCacheID [private]

Definition at line 91 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

trigger masks & veto masks

Definition at line 151 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID [private]

Definition at line 152 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 154 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtTmTechCacheID [private]

Definition at line 155 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 157 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtTmVetoAlgoCacheID [private]

Definition at line 158 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 160 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

unsigned long long L1GlobalTrigger::m_l1GtTmVetoTechCacheID [private]

Definition at line 161 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

input tag for muon collection from GMT

Definition at line 177 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 109 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 110 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 107 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 113 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

number of objects of each type { Mu, NoIsoEG, IsoEG, CenJet, ForJet, TauJet, ETM, ETT, HTT, JetCounts };

Definition at line 104 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 106 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

Definition at line 111 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

number of DAQ partitions

Definition at line 100 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

unsigned int L1GlobalTrigger::m_numberPhysTriggers [private]

number of physics triggers

Definition at line 94 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

number of technical triggers

Definition at line 97 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

const std::vector<std::vector<int> >* L1GlobalTrigger::m_prescaleFactorsAlgoTrig [private]

Definition at line 147 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

const std::vector<std::vector<int> >* L1GlobalTrigger::m_prescaleFactorsTechTrig [private]

Definition at line 148 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

logical flag to produce the L1 GT DAQ readout record

Definition at line 189 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

logical flag to produce the L1 GT EVM readout record

Definition at line 192 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

logical flag to produce the L1 GT object map record

Definition at line 195 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

length of BST record (in bytes) from parameter set

Definition at line 223 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

logical flag to read the technical trigger records

Definition at line 201 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

std::vector<int> L1GlobalTrigger::m_recordLength [private]

number of BXs in the event corresponding to alternative 0 and 1 in altNrBxBoard() EmulateBxInEvent >= max(RecordLength[0], RecordLength[1]) negative values: take the numbers from event setup, from L1GtParameters

Definition at line 212 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

input tag for technical triggers

Definition at line 186 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

total number of Bx's in the event coming from EventSetup

Definition at line 126 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

std::vector<unsigned int> L1GlobalTrigger::m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig [private]

Definition at line 163 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

std::vector<unsigned int> L1GlobalTrigger::m_triggerMaskTechTrig [private]

Definition at line 164 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

std::vector<unsigned int> L1GlobalTrigger::m_triggerMaskVetoAlgoTrig [private]

Definition at line 166 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

std::vector<unsigned int> L1GlobalTrigger::m_triggerMaskVetoTechTrig [private]

Definition at line 167 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by produce().

verbosity level

Definition at line 228 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().

logical flag to write the PSB content in the L1 GT DAQ record

Definition at line 198 of file L1GlobalTrigger.h.

Referenced by L1GlobalTrigger(), and produce().