![]() |
![]() |
Definition at line 50 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
HcalCorrPFCalculation::HcalCorrPFCalculation | ( | edm::ParameterSet const & | conf | ) |
Definition at line 112 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::parameters.
{ // outputFile_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile", "myfile.root"); Respcorr_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("RespcorrAdd", false); PFcorr_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PFcorrAdd", false); Conecorr_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ConeCorrAdd", true); radius_ = conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("ConeRadiusCm", 40.); energyECALmip = conf.getParameter<double>("energyECALmip"); edm::ParameterSet parameters = conf.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("TrackAssociatorParameters"); parameters_.loadParameters( parameters ); trackAssociator_.useDefaultPropagator(); taECALCone_=conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("TrackAssociatorECALCone",0.5); taHCALCone_=conf.getUntrackedParameter<double>("TrackAssociatorHCALCone",0.6); }
HcalCorrPFCalculation::~HcalCorrPFCalculation | ( | ) |
Definition at line 183 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
{ }
void HcalCorrPFCalculation::analyze | ( | edm::Event const & | ev, |
edm::EventSetup const & | c | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 188 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
References abs, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), gather_cfg::cout, MaxHit_struct::depthhit, MaxHit_struct::dr, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::Event::getByType(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getClosestCell(), getDistInPlaneSimple(), DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, MaxHit_struct::hitenergy, HcalDetId::ieta(), MaxHit_struct::ietahitm, info, HcalDetId::iphi(), MaxHit_struct::iphihitm, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), npart, L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), pos, edm::ESHandle< T >::product(), edm::Handle< T >::product(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::pt, mathSSE::sqrt(), TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtEcal, and TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtHcal.
{ AddRecalib=kFALSE; try{ edm::ESHandle <HcalRespCorrs> recalibCorrs; c.get<HcalRespCorrsRcd>().get("recalibrate",recalibCorrs); respRecalib = recalibCorrs.product(); edm::ESHandle <HcalPFCorrs> pfCorrs; c.get<HcalPFCorrsRcd>().get("recalibrate",pfCorrs); pfRecalib = pfCorrs.product(); AddRecalib = kTRUE;; // LogMessage("CalibConstants")<<" OK "; }catch(const cms::Exception & e) { LogWarning("CalibConstants")<<" Not Found!! "; } edm::ESHandle<CaloGeometry> pG; c.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(pG); geo = pG.product(); parameters_.useEcal = true; parameters_.useHcal = true; parameters_.useCalo = false; parameters_.useMuon = false; parameters_.dREcal = taECALCone_; parameters_.dRHcal = taHCALCone_; // double eta_bin[42]={0.,.087,.174,.261,.348,.435,.522,.609,.696,.783, //.870,.957,1.044,1.131,1.218,1.305,1.392,1.479,1.566,1.653,1.740,1.830,1.930,2.043,2.172, //2.322,2.500,2.650,2.853,3.000,3.139,3.314,3.489,3.664,3.839,4.013,4.191,4.363,4.538,4.716,4.889,5.191}; // MC info double phi_MC = -999999.; // phi of initial particle from HepMC double eta_MC = -999999.; // eta of initial particle from HepMC double mom_MC = 50.; // P of initial particle from HepMC bool MC = false; // MC information edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> evtMC; // ev.getByLabel("VtxSmeared",evtMC); ev.getByLabel("generator",evtMC); if (!evtMC.isValid()) { std::cout << "no HepMCProduct found" << std::endl; } else { MC=true; // std::cout << "*** source HepMCProduct found"<< std::endl; } // MC particle with highest pt is taken as a direction reference double maxPt = -99999.; int npart = 0; GlobalPoint pos (0,0,0); HepMC::GenEvent * myGenEvent = new HepMC::GenEvent(*(evtMC->GetEvent())); for ( HepMC::GenEvent::particle_iterator p = myGenEvent->particles_begin(); p != myGenEvent->particles_end(); ++p ) { double phip = (*p)->momentum().phi(); double etap = (*p)->momentum().eta(); double pt = (*p)->momentum().perp(); mom_MC = (*p)->momentum().rho(); if(pt > maxPt) { npart++; maxPt = pt; phi_MC = phip; eta_MC = etap; } GlobalVector mom ((*p)->momentum().x(),(*p)->momentum().y(),(*p)->momentum().z()); int charge = -1; if(abs((*p)->pdg_id())==211) charge = (*p)->pdg_id()/abs((*p)->pdg_id()); // pions only !!! else continue; const FreeTrajectoryState *freetrajectorystate_ = new FreeTrajectoryState(pos, mom ,charge , &(*theMagField)); TrackDetMatchInfo info = trackAssociator_.associate(ev, c, *freetrajectorystate_ , parameters_); // TrackDetMatchInfo info = trackAssociator_.associate(iEvent, iSetup,trackAssociator_.getFreeTrajectoryState(iSetup, *trit), parameters_); float etahcal=info.trkGlobPosAtHcal.eta(); float phihcal=info.trkGlobPosAtHcal.phi(); float etaecal=info.trkGlobPosAtEcal.eta(); // float phiecal=info.trkGlobPosAtEcal.phi(); xTrkEcal=info.trkGlobPosAtEcal.x(); yTrkEcal=info.trkGlobPosAtEcal.y(); zTrkEcal=info.trkGlobPosAtEcal.z(); xTrkHcal=info.trkGlobPosAtHcal.x(); yTrkHcal=info.trkGlobPosAtHcal.y(); zTrkHcal=info.trkGlobPosAtHcal.z(); GlobalPoint gPointHcal(xTrkHcal,yTrkHcal,zTrkHcal); GlobalPoint gPointEcal(xTrkEcal,yTrkEcal,zTrkEcal); if (etahcal>2.6) doHF = kTRUE; edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbhe; ev.getByType(hbhe); const HBHERecHitCollection Hithbhe = *(hbhe.product()); edm::Handle<HFRecHitCollection> hfcoll; ev.getByType(hfcoll); const HFRecHitCollection Hithf = *(hfcoll.product()); edm::Handle<HORecHitCollection> hocoll; ev.getByType(hocoll); const HORecHitCollection Hitho = *(hocoll.product()); edm::Handle<EERecHitCollection> ecalEE; ev.getByLabel("ecalRecHit","EcalRecHitsEE",ecalEE); const EERecHitCollection HitecalEE = *(ecalEE.product()); edm::Handle<EBRecHitCollection> ecalEB; ev.getByLabel("ecalRecHit","EcalRecHitsEB",ecalEB); const EBRecHitCollection HitecalEB = *(ecalEB.product()); // energy in ECAL eEcalCone = 0.; // int numrechitsEcal = 0; //Hcal: eHcalCone = 0.; eHcalConeNoise = 0.; UsedCells = 0; UsedCellsNoise = 0; Int_t iphitrue = -10; Int_t ietatrue = 100; if (etahcal<1.392) { const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* gHB = geo->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Hcal,HcalBarrel); // const GlobalPoint tempPoint(newx, newy, newz); //const DetId tempId = gHB->getClosestCell(tempPoint); const HcalDetId tempId = gHB->getClosestCell(gPointHcal); ietatrue = tempId.ieta(); iphitrue = tempId.iphi(); } if (etahcal>1.392 && etahcal<3.0) { const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* gHE = geo->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Hcal,HcalEndcap); const HcalDetId tempId = gHE->getClosestCell(gPointHcal); ietatrue = tempId.ieta(); iphitrue = tempId.iphi(); } if (etahcal>3.0 && etahcal<5.0) { const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* gHF = geo->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Hcal,HcalForward); const HcalDetId tempId = gHF->getClosestCell(gPointHcal); ietatrue = tempId.ieta(); iphitrue = tempId.iphi(); } //Calculate Ecal energy: for (EBRecHitCollection::const_iterator ehit=HitecalEB.begin(); ehit!=HitecalEB.end(); ehit++) { GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(ehit->detid()); float dr = getDistInPlaneSimple(gPointEcal,pos); if (dr < 10.) eEcalCone += ehit->energy(); } for (EERecHitCollection::const_iterator ehit=HitecalEE.begin(); ehit!=HitecalEE.end(); ehit++) { GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(ehit->detid()); float dr = getDistInPlaneSimple(gPointEcal,pos); if (dr < 10.) eEcalCone += ehit->energy(); } if(abs(etaecal)<1.5) enEcalB -> Fill(eEcalCone); if(abs(etaecal)>1.5 && abs(etaecal)<3.1) enEcalE -> Fill(eEcalCone); MaxHit_struct MaxHit; MaxHit.hitenergy=-100.; Float_t recal = 1.0; for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hhit=Hithbhe.begin(); hhit!=Hithbhe.end(); hhit++) { recal = RecalibFactor(hhit->detid()); //cout<<"recal: "<<recal<<endl; GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(hhit->detid()); float phihit = pos.phi(); float etahit = pos.eta(); int iphihit = (hhit->id()).iphi(); int ietahit = (hhit->id()).ieta(); int depthhit = (hhit->id()).depth(); float enehit = hhit->energy()* recal; //Set noise RecHit opposite to track hits int iphihitNoise = iphihit >36 ? iphihit-36 : iphihit+36; int ietahitNoise = ietahit; int depthhitNoise = depthhit; double dphi = fabs(phihcal - phihit); if(dphi > 4.*atan(1.)) dphi = 8.*atan(1.) - dphi; double deta = fabs(etahcal - etahit); double dr = sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta); //dr = getDistInPlaneSimple(gPointHcal,pos); if(dr<0.5) { for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hhit2=Hithbhe.begin(); hhit2!=Hithbhe.end(); hhit2++) { int iphihit2 = (hhit2->id()).iphi(); int ietahit2 = (hhit2->id()).ieta(); int depthhit2 = (hhit2->id()).depth(); float enehit2 = hhit2->energy() * recal; if (iphihit==iphihit2 && ietahit==ietahit2 && depthhit!=depthhit2) enehit = enehit+enehit2; } //Find a Hit with Maximum Energy if(enehit > MaxHit.hitenergy) { MaxHit.hitenergy = enehit; MaxHit.ietahitm = (hhit->id()).ieta(); MaxHit.iphihitm = (hhit->id()).iphi(); MaxHit.dr = dr; //MaxHit.depthhit = (hhit->id()).depth(); MaxHit.depthhit = 1; } } if(dr<radius_ && enehit>0.01) { eHcalCone += enehit; UsedCells++; // cout<<"track: ieta "<<ietahit<<" iphi: "<<iphihit<<" depth: "<<depthhit<<" energydepos: "<<enehit<<endl; for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator hhit2=Hithbhe.begin(); hhit2!=Hithbhe.end(); hhit2++) { recal = RecalibFactor(hhit2->detid()); int iphihit2 = (hhit2->id()).iphi(); int ietahit2 = (hhit2->id()).ieta(); int depthhit2 = (hhit2->id()).depth(); float enehit2 = hhit2->energy()* recal; if (iphihitNoise == iphihit2 && ietahitNoise == ietahit2 && depthhitNoise == depthhit2 && enehit2>0.01) { eHcalConeNoise += hhit2->energy()*recal; UsedCellsNoise++; //cout<<"Noise: ieta "<<ietahit2<<" iphi: "<<iphihit2<<" depth: "<<depthhit2<<" energydepos: "<<enehit2<<endl; } } } } //end of all HBHE hits cycle if(doHF){ for (HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator hhit=Hithf.begin(); hhit!=Hithf.end(); hhit++) { recal = RecalibFactor(hhit->detid()); GlobalPoint pos = geo->getPosition(hhit->detid()); float phihit = pos.phi(); float etahit = pos.eta(); int iphihit = (hhit->id()).iphi(); int ietahit = (hhit->id()).ieta(); int depthhit = (hhit->id()).depth(); float enehit = hhit->energy()* recal; //Set noise RecHit opposite to track hits int iphihitNoise = iphihit >36 ? iphihit-36 : iphihit+36; int ietahitNoise = ietahit; int depthhitNoise = depthhit; double dphi = fabs(phihcal - phihit); if(dphi > 4.*atan(1.)) dphi = 8.*atan(1.) - dphi; double deta = fabs(etahcal - etahit); double dr = sqrt(dphi*dphi + deta*deta); dr = getDistInPlaneSimple(gPointHcal,pos); if(dr<60.) { //Find a Hit with Maximum Energy if(enehit > MaxHit.hitenergy) { MaxHit.hitenergy = enehit; MaxHit.ietahitm = (hhit->id()).ieta(); MaxHit.iphihitm = (hhit->id()).iphi(); MaxHit.dr = dr; MaxHit.depthhit = 1; } } if(dr<radius_ && enehit>0.01) { eHcalCone += enehit; UsedCells++; for (HFRecHitCollection::const_iterator hhit2=Hithf.begin(); hhit2!=Hithf.end(); hhit2++) { recal = RecalibFactor(hhit2->detid()); int iphihit2 = (hhit2->id()).iphi(); int ietahit2 = (hhit2->id()).ieta(); int depthhit2 = (hhit2->id()).depth(); float enehit2 = hhit2->energy()* recal; if (iphihitNoise == iphihit2 && ietahitNoise == ietahit2 && depthhitNoise == depthhit2 && enehit2>0.01) { eHcalConeNoise += hhit2->energy()*recal; UsedCellsNoise++; } } } } //end of all HF hits cycle } //end of doHF int dieta_M_P = 100; int diphi_M_P = 100; if(MaxHit.ietahitm*ietatrue>0) {dieta_M_P = abs (MaxHit.ietahitm-ietatrue);} if(MaxHit.ietahitm*ietatrue<0) {dieta_M_P = abs(MaxHit.ietahitm-ietatrue)-1;} diphi_M_P = abs(MaxHit.iphihitm-iphitrue); diphi_M_P = diphi_M_P>36 ? 72-diphi_M_P : diphi_M_P; float iDr = sqrt(diphi_M_P*diphi_M_P+dieta_M_P*dieta_M_P); Bool_t passCuts = kFALSE; //passCuts=kTRUE; if(eEcalCone < energyECALmip && iDr<2.) passCuts = kTRUE; if(passCuts) { enHcal -> Fill(ietatrue, eHcalCone); nCells -> Fill(ietatrue, UsedCells); enHcalNoise -> Fill(ietatrue, eHcalConeNoise); nCellsNoise -> Fill(ietatrue, UsedCellsNoise); iEta = ietatrue; iPhi = iphitrue; pfTree->Fill(); } } }
void HcalCorrPFCalculation::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 569 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
{ // TProfile *nCells, *nCellsNoise, *en, *enNoise; //TFile *rootFile; //rootFile = new TFile(outputFile_.c_str(),"RECREATE"); nCells = fs->make<TProfile>("nCells", "nCells", 83, -41.5, 41.5); nCellsNoise = fs->make<TProfile>("nCellsNoise", "nCellsNoise", 83, -41.5, 41.5); enHcal = fs->make<TProfile>("enHcal", "enHcal", 83, -41.5, 41.5); enHcalNoise = fs->make<TProfile>("enHcalNoise", "enHcalNoise", 83, -41.5, 41.5); enEcalB = fs->make<TH1F>("enEcalB", "enEcalB", 500, -5,50); enEcalE = fs->make<TH1F>("enEcalE", "enEcalE", 500, -5,50); pfTree = new TTree("pfTree", "Tree for pf info"); pfTree->Branch("eEcalCone", &eEcalCone, "eEcalCone/F"); pfTree->Branch("eHcalCone", &eHcalCone, "eHcalCone/F"); pfTree->Branch("eHcalConeNoise", &eHcalConeNoise, "eHcalConeNoise/F"); pfTree->Branch("UsedCellsNoise", &UsedCellsNoise, "UsedCellsNoise/I"); pfTree->Branch("UsedCells", &UsedCells, "UsedCells/I"); // pfTree->Branch("etaTrack", &etaTrack, "etaTrack/F"); //pfTree->Branch("phiTrack", &phiTrack, "phiTrack/F"); pfTree->Branch("iEta", &iEta, "iEta/I"); pfTree->Branch("iPhi", &iPhi, "iPhi/I"); }
void HcalCorrPFCalculation::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 604 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
{ /* nCells -> Write(); nCellsNoise -> Write(); enHcal -> Write(); enHcalNoise -> Write(); enEcalB -> Write(); enEcalE -> Write(); rootFile->Close(); */ }
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::getDistInPlaneSimple | ( | const GlobalPoint | caloPoint, |
const GlobalPoint | rechitPoint | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 131 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
References Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::dot(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().
{ // Simplified version of getDistInPlane // Assume track direction is origin -> point of hcal intersection const GlobalVector caloIntersectVector(caloPoint.x(), caloPoint.y(), caloPoint.z()); const GlobalVector caloIntersectUnitVector = caloIntersectVector.unit(); const GlobalVector rechitVector(rechitPoint.x(), rechitPoint.y(), rechitPoint.z()); const GlobalVector rechitUnitVector = rechitVector.unit(); double dotprod = caloIntersectUnitVector.dot(rechitUnitVector); double rechitdist = caloIntersectVector.mag()/dotprod; const GlobalVector effectiveRechitVector = rechitdist*rechitUnitVector; const GlobalPoint effectiveRechitPoint(effectiveRechitVector.x(), effectiveRechitVector.y(), effectiveRechitVector.z()); GlobalVector distance_vector = effectiveRechitPoint-caloPoint; if (dotprod > 0.) { return distance_vector.mag(); } else { return 999999.; } }
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::RecalibFactor | ( | HcalDetId | id | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 171 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
{ Float_t resprecal = 1.; Float_t pfrecal = 1.; if(AddRecalib) { if(Respcorr_) resprecal = respRecalib -> getValues(id)->getValue(); if(PFcorr_) pfrecal = pfRecalib -> getValues(id)->getValue(); } Float_t factor = resprecal*pfrecal; return factor; }
Bool_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::AddRecalib [private] |
Definition at line 70 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
bool HcalCorrPFCalculation::Conecorr_ [private] |
Definition at line 64 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Bool_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::doHF [private] |
Definition at line 69 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::eEcalCone [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::eHcalCone [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::eHcalConeNoise [private] |
Definition at line 101 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TH1F* HcalCorrPFCalculation::enEcalB [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TH1F * HcalCorrPFCalculation::enEcalE [private] |
Definition at line 82 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::energyECALmip [private] |
Definition at line 67 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TProfile * HcalCorrPFCalculation::enHcal [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TProfile * HcalCorrPFCalculation::enHcalNoise [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
edm::Service<TFileService> HcalCorrPFCalculation::fs [private] |
Definition at line 79 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
const CaloGeometry* HcalCorrPFCalculation::geo [private] |
Definition at line 91 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Int_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::iEta [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Int_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::iPhi [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TProfile* HcalCorrPFCalculation::nCells [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TProfile * HcalCorrPFCalculation::nCellsNoise [private] |
Definition at line 81 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
int HcalCorrPFCalculation::nevtot [private] |
Definition at line 71 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Definition at line 87 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
bool HcalCorrPFCalculation::PFcorr_ [private] |
Definition at line 63 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
const HcalPFCorrs* HcalCorrPFCalculation::pfRecalib [private] |
Definition at line 74 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TTree* HcalCorrPFCalculation::pfTree [private] |
Definition at line 83 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::radius_ [private] |
Definition at line 65 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
bool HcalCorrPFCalculation::Respcorr_ [private] |
Definition at line 62 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
const HcalRespCorrs* HcalCorrPFCalculation::respRecalib [private] |
Definition at line 73 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
TFile* HcalCorrPFCalculation::rootFile [private] |
Definition at line 84 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Definition at line 76 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::taECALCone_ [private] |
Definition at line 88 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
double HcalCorrPFCalculation::taHCALCone_ [private] |
Definition at line 89 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
MagneticField* HcalCorrPFCalculation::theMagField [private] |
Definition at line 77 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Definition at line 86 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
int HcalCorrPFCalculation::UsedCells [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
int HcalCorrPFCalculation::UsedCellsNoise [private] |
Definition at line 104 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::xTrkEcal [private] |
Definition at line 93 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::xTrkHcal [private] |
Definition at line 97 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::yTrkEcal [private] |
Definition at line 94 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::yTrkHcal [private] |
Definition at line 98 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::zTrkEcal [private] |
Definition at line 95 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.
Float_t HcalCorrPFCalculation::zTrkHcal [private] |
Definition at line 99 of file HcalCorrPFCalculation.cc.